mbox by subject
Starting: Sat 07 Aug 1993 - 21:56:08 CST
Ending: Wed 14 Dec 1994 - 12:46:34 CST
Messages: 223
- "Types Considered Harmful" comment
- A question to the qed-owner.
- AC and Description
- Accept Anarchy
- Accept Diversity
- Automath restaurant
- Bit strings and semantics
- Bookkeeping
- BOUNCE qed@mcs.anl.gov: Admin request
- Boute reference
- Cohn paper on hardware verification
- conference announcement
- Definite description and choice
- Definite description and Choice in HOL
- Delivery Report (failure) for R.B.Jones@win0109.wins.icl.co.uk
- disparaging remarks
- Errors in Mathematics
- Errors in published proofs
- Errors in the Literature
- Examples
- False Theorems
- False theorems in print?
- Feferman's FSO, etc.
- Floating-point
- Formalising variable bindings/Show Me
- formalizing mathematics
- formalizing those examples
- Formalizing variable binding
- Formally verified arithmetic
- Freiling
- FWD: NYTimes article on Pentium bug
- FWD: The President of Intel responds
- Hardware verification
- Hardware Verification and New Mathematics
- Has it all been said?
- history
- Intermediate Value Theorem
- Intuition
- Intuition about Freiling's axiom
- Looking for Calvin Jongsma
- Machine verification of our proofs
- Many customers of QED ?
- Mark Aagaard's work on verifying pipelines
- Mizar
- Mizar on ftp
- Mizar Pricelist
- More Motivations
- More replies to JMC
- Naive Observations [Was: Why should a mathematician be interested in QED? ]
- New ARPA RFP in Computer Aided Education
- new version of manifesto
- Open Math Workshop
- platonism
- PRA as a foundation
- Prolog as a metatheory
- Q: Tranformation Programs FOL -> Normalform
- qed applied to four color theorem
- QED audience
- QED deafness
- QED-like Efforts
- Qu-Prolog ..
- Qu-Prolog 3.2 and Ergo 4.0
- Remarks on David's Mail of Oct. 25
- Report on QED Workshop
- Returned mail: Cannot send message for 4 days
- Rigor in contemporary mathematics
- Rusty Lusks question
- salesmanship
- Semantics
- set theory
- set theory vs type theory
- Shuffling syntax
- spelling out the Manifesto
- The Fermat-Wiles Theorem
- The New Manifesto
- The Pentium chip wasn't verified
- The value of Platonism
- The workshop ended a week ago
- Thin-skinned Platonists
- Thoughts on QED
- Title of Articles in the Journal Formalized Mathematics
- translation into a standard language
- Truth
- types
- Types and sets
- Types and sorts
- Types Considered Harmful
- Types, sorts and variable types
- Who are the customers for QED.
- Who are the intended customers of QED?
- Wiles' proof of the Fermat Theorem
Last message date: Wed 14 Dec 1994 - 12:46:34 CST
Archived on: Tue Apr 02 1996 - 15:55:51 CST
This archive was generated by hypermail 1.02.