Mizar Pricelist

Robert S. Boyer (boyer@CLI.COM)
Fri, 19 Nov 93 13:38:33 CST

I have been reading up a bit on the Mizar project and find quite
amazing the amount of math that they have proof-checked. There are
now 13 issues of a journal entirely devoted to proof-checking
mathematics, from a set theory foundation. Since I had not heard of
the Mizar project until this spring, I thought it might be a public
service to broadcast the Mizar document price list. The prices seem
very modest. (Currently, it's about about 35 Belgian Francs to the U.
S. dollar, so you can order everything below for about $200 U. S., if
my arithmetic is right.) The Mizar system is distributed without
charge -- see below for a repeat of Piotr Rudnicki's earlier message.



Mizar Users Group

Organized by Philippe le Hodey Foundation (Brussels)


(postage and handling included)


PC Mizar and Main Mizar Library

* a periodical FORMALIZED MATHEMATICS: A Computer Assisted Approach
ISSN 0777-4028 (ed. R. Matuszewski)

[] Please send me one issue, Vol. ...., No. ....,
Price 360, - BEF * .... copy(ies) = ...... BEF
[] Please send me Volume 1 in 5 issues,
Price 1800,- BEF * .... copy(ies) = ...... BEF
[] Please send me Volume 2 in 5 issues,
Price 1800,- BEF * .... copy(ies) = ...... BEF
[] Please send me Volume 3 in 2 issues,
Price 720,- BEF * .... copy(ies) = ...... BEF
[] Please enter my 1993 subscription, Volume 4 in 2 issues,
Price 720,- BEF * .. copy(ies) = ... BEF

* An Introduction to PC Mizar (E. Bonarska)

[] Please send me .... copy(ies) * Price 360,- BEF = ...... BEF

* An Outline of PC Mizar (M. Muzalewski)
[] Please send me .... copy(ies) * Price 360,- BEF = ...... BEF

BEF - Belgian Francs

Mizar MSE

* An Introduction to Elementary Logic of Quantifiers
-- a computer aided course (M. Mostowski)

[] Please send me .... copy(ies) * Price 360,- BEF = ....... BEF

* Elements of Logic (G. Malinowski)

[] Please send me .... copy(ies) * Price 360,- BEF = ...... BEF

* Elements de logique (G. Malinowski)

[] Please send me .... copy(ies) * Price 360,- BEF = ..... BEF

* An Introduction to Mizar MSE (B. MacKellar)

[] Please send me .... copy(ies) * Price 180,- BEF = ..... BEF

BEF - Belgian Francs


Total value = ......... BEF

(Here is the back side of the one page form.)

[] I enclose a postal cheque / bank draft / money order payable to:

Fondation Philippe le Hodey
Mizar Users Group
Av. F. Roosevelt 134 (Bte 7)
1050 Brussels, BELGIUM

fax: +32 (2) 640.89.68 email: ROMAT@PLEARN (earn, bitnet)

[] I have remitted the sum ............. BEF to account

Banque Indosuez Belgique, Brussels

615 - 0519301 - 46

(Please send copy of this order by fax, e-mail, or surface mail to the
address below)


Ordered By:




fax: email:




The distribution of the PC Mizar system, Main Mizar Library and Mizar
MSE is supported by Philippe le Hodey Foundation and is free of
charge. We render user service only to the persons that have signed
the Mizar User Declaration (file decl.txt). In order to obtain a copy
of the PC Mizar System, Main Mizar Library and Mizar MSE you should
send at least seven 5.25" (1.2MB) or five 3.5"(1.44 MB) diskettes in a
reusuable mailer addressed to:

Roman Matuszewski
Mizar Users Group
Lasek Brzozowy 15 m.9
02-792 Warsaw, POLAND


Repeat of a note from Piotr (Peter) Rudnicki, piotr@cs.ualberta.ca.

Mizar is available through anonymous ftp from

Name: menaik.cs.ualberta.ca

in directory


There is a Readme there.