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environ vocabulary COLLSP, PRE_TOPC, INCSP_1, RELAT_1, ANPROJ_2, ANALOAF, VECTSP_1, AFF_2, INCPROJ; notation TARSKI, XBOOLE_0, ZFMISC_1, SUBSET_1, RELSET_1, STRUCT_0, PRE_TOPC, INCSP_1, COLLSP, ANPROJ_2; constructors INCSP_1, ANPROJ_2, DOMAIN_1, XBOOLE_0; clusters ANPROJ_2, RELSET_1, STRUCT_0, SUBSET_1, ZFMISC_1, XBOOLE_0; requirements SUBSET, BOOLE; theorems COLLSP, ANPROJ_2, TARSKI, RELAT_1, INCSP_1; schemes RELSET_1; begin reserve CPS for proper CollSp, B for Element of bool the carrier of CPS, p for Point of CPS, x, y, z, Y for set; definition let CPS; redefine mode LINE of CPS -> Element of bool the carrier of CPS; coherence proof let x be LINE of CPS; x c= the carrier of CPS proof consider a,b being Point of CPS such that A1: a <> b & x = Line(a,b) by COLLSP:def 7; now let z; assume z in x; then z in {p: a,b,p is_collinear} by A1,COLLSP:def 5; then ex p being Point of CPS st z = p & a, b, p is_collinear; hence z in the carrier of CPS; end; hence thesis by TARSKI:def 3; end; hence x is Element of bool the carrier of CPS; end; end; definition let CPS; func ProjectiveLines(CPS) -> set equals :Def1: {B : B is LINE of CPS}; coherence; end; definition let CPS; cluster ProjectiveLines(CPS) -> non empty; coherence proof A1: ProjectiveLines(CPS) = {B : B is LINE of CPS} by Def1; consider x being LINE of CPS; x in ProjectiveLines(CPS) by A1; hence thesis; end; end; canceled; theorem Th2: x is LINE of CPS iff x is Element of ProjectiveLines(CPS) proof hereby assume x is LINE of CPS; then x in {B : B is LINE of CPS}; hence x is Element of ProjectiveLines(CPS) by Def1; end; assume x is Element of ProjectiveLines(CPS); then x in ProjectiveLines(CPS); then x in {B : B is LINE of CPS} by Def1; then ex B st x=B & B is LINE of CPS; hence x is LINE of CPS; end; definition let CPS; func Proj_Inc(CPS) -> Relation of the carrier of CPS, ProjectiveLines(CPS) means :Def2: for x,y holds [x,y] in it iff x in the carrier of CPS & y in ProjectiveLines(CPS) & ex Y st y=Y & x in Y; existence proof defpred P[set,set] means ex Y st $2=Y & $1 in Y; ex IT being Relation of the carrier of CPS, ProjectiveLines(CPS) st for x,y holds [x,y] in IT iff x in the carrier of CPS & y in ProjectiveLines(CPS) & P[x,y] from Rel_On_Set_Ex; hence thesis; end; uniqueness proof let R1,R2 be Relation of the carrier of CPS,ProjectiveLines(CPS) such that A1: for x,y holds [x,y] in R1 iff x in the carrier of CPS & y in ProjectiveLines(CPS) & ex Y st y=Y & x in Y and A2: for x,y holds [x,y] in R2 iff x in the carrier of CPS & y in ProjectiveLines(CPS) & ex Y st y=Y & x in Y; now let x,y be set; A3:now assume [x,y] in R1; then x in the carrier of CPS & y in ProjectiveLines(CPS) & ex Y st y=Y & x in Y by A1; hence [x,y] in R2 by A2; end; now assume [x,y] in R2; then x in the carrier of CPS & y in ProjectiveLines(CPS) & ex Y st y=Y & x in Y by A2; hence [x,y] in R1 by A1; end; hence [x,y] in R1 iff [x,y] in R2 by A3; end; hence R1 = R2 by RELAT_1:def 2; end; end; definition let CPS; func IncProjSp_of(CPS) -> IncProjStr equals :Def3: IncProjStr (# the carrier of CPS, ProjectiveLines(CPS), Proj_Inc(CPS) #); coherence; end; definition let CPS; cluster IncProjSp_of(CPS) -> strict; coherence proof IncProjSp_of(CPS) = IncProjStr (# the carrier of CPS, ProjectiveLines(CPS), Proj_Inc(CPS) #) by Def3; hence thesis; end; end; canceled; theorem Th4: the Points of IncProjSp_of(CPS) = the carrier of CPS & the Lines of IncProjSp_of(CPS) = ProjectiveLines(CPS) & the Inc of IncProjSp_of(CPS) = Proj_Inc(CPS) proof IncProjSp_of(CPS) = IncProjStr (# the carrier of CPS, ProjectiveLines(CPS), Proj_Inc(CPS) #) by Def3; hence thesis; end; theorem x is Point of CPS iff x is POINT of IncProjSp_of(CPS) by Th4; theorem Th6: x is LINE of CPS iff x is LINE of IncProjSp_of(CPS) proof hereby assume x is LINE of CPS; then x is Element of ProjectiveLines(CPS) by Th2; hence x is LINE of IncProjSp_of(CPS) by Th4; end; assume x is LINE of IncProjSp_of(CPS); then x is Element of ProjectiveLines(CPS) by Th4; hence x is LINE of CPS by Th2; end; reserve a,b,c,p,q,s for POINT of IncProjSp_of(CPS), P,Q,S for LINE of IncProjSp_of(CPS), a',b',c',p',q',r' for Point of CPS, P' for LINE of CPS; canceled; theorem Th8: s on S iff [s,S] in Proj_Inc(CPS) proof the Inc of IncProjSp_of(CPS) = Proj_Inc(CPS) by Th4; hence thesis by INCSP_1:def 1; end; theorem Th9: p = p' & P = P' implies (p on P iff p' in P') proof assume A1: p = p' & P = P'; hereby assume p on P; then [p',P'] in Proj_Inc(CPS) by A1,Th8; then ex Y st P'= Y & p' in Y by Def2; hence p' in P'; end; assume A2: p' in P'; reconsider P''= P' as LINE of IncProjSp_of(CPS) by Th6; reconsider P'''= P'' as Element of ProjectiveLines(CPS) by Th4; [p',P'''] in Proj_Inc(CPS) by A2,Def2; hence p on P by A1,Th8; end; theorem Th10: ex a', b', c' st a'<>b' & b'<>c' & c'<>a' proof consider a'', b'', c'' being Point of CPS such that A1: not a'',b'',c'' is_collinear by COLLSP:def 6; a''<>b'' & b''<>c'' & c''<>a'' by A1,COLLSP:7; hence thesis; end; theorem Th11: ex b' st a'<>b' proof consider p',q',r' such that A1: p'<>q' & q'<>r' & r'<>p' by Th10; a'<>p' or a'<>q' by A1; hence thesis; end; theorem Th12: p on P & q on P & p on Q & q on Q implies p = q or P = Q proof assume that A1: p on P & q on P & p on Q & q on Q and A2: p<>q; reconsider p'= p, q'= q as Point of CPS by Th4; reconsider P'= P, Q'= Q as LINE of CPS by Th6; p' in P' & q' in P' & p' in Q' & q' in Q' by A1,Th9; hence thesis by A2,COLLSP:29; end; theorem Th13: ex P st p on P & q on P proof reconsider p'= p,q'= q as Point of CPS by Th4; A1: now assume p'<>q'; then consider P' being LINE of CPS such that A2: p' in P' & q' in P' by COLLSP:24; reconsider P = P' as LINE of IncProjSp_of(CPS) by Th6; p on P & q on P by A2,Th9; hence thesis; end; now assume A3: p'=q'; consider r' such that A4: p'<>r' by Th11; consider P' being LINE of CPS such that A5: p' in P' & r' in P' by A4,COLLSP:24; reconsider P = P' as LINE of IncProjSp_of(CPS) by Th6; p on P & q on P by A3,A5,Th9; hence thesis; end; hence thesis by A1; end; theorem Th14: a = a' & b = b' & c = c' implies (a',b',c' is_collinear iff ex P st a on P & b on P & c on P) proof assume A1: a = a' & b = b' & c = c'; hereby assume A2: a',b',c' is_collinear; A3:now assume A4: a'<>b'; set X = Line(a',b'); A5: a' in X & b' in X & c' in X by A2,COLLSP:16,17; reconsider P'= X as LINE of CPS by A4,COLLSP:def 7; reconsider P = P' as LINE of IncProjSp_of(CPS) by Th6; a on P & b on P & c on P by A1,A5,Th9; hence ex P st a on P & b on P & c on P; end; now assume A6: a'=b'; ex P st b on P & c on P by Th13; hence ex P st a on P & b on P & c on P by A1,A6; end; hence ex P st a on P & b on P & c on P by A3; end; given P such that A7: a on P & b on P & c on P; reconsider P'=P as LINE of CPS by Th6; a' in P' & b' in P' & c' in P' by A1,A7,Th9; hence a',b',c' is_collinear by COLLSP:25; end; theorem Th15: ex p, P st not p on P proof consider p',q',r' such that A1: not p',q',r' is_collinear by COLLSP:def 6; set X = Line(p',q'); p' <> q' by A1,COLLSP:7; then reconsider P'= X as LINE of CPS by COLLSP:def 7; reconsider P = P' as LINE of IncProjSp_of(CPS) by Th6; reconsider r = r' as POINT of IncProjSp_of(CPS) by Th4; not r on P proof assume not thesis; then r' in X by Th9; hence contradiction by A1,COLLSP:17; end; hence thesis; end; reserve CPS for CollProjectiveSpace; reserve a,b,c,d,p,q for POINT of IncProjSp_of(CPS), P,Q,S,M,N for LINE of IncProjSp_of(CPS), a',b',c',d',p',q' for Point of CPS; theorem Th16: ex a, b, c st a<>b & b<>c & c <>a & a on P & b on P & c on P proof reconsider P'= P as LINE of CPS by Th6; consider a'', b'' being Point of CPS such that A1: a''<>b'' & P' = Line(a'',b'') by COLLSP:def 7; consider c' such that A2: a''<>c' & b''<>c' and A3: a'', b'', c' is_collinear by ANPROJ_2:def 10; reconsider a=a'', b=b'', c =c' as POINT of IncProjSp_of(CPS) by Th4; take a,b,c; thus a<>b & b<>c & c <>a by A1,A2; a'' in P' & b'' in P' by A1,COLLSP:16; then A4: a on P & b on P by Th9; ex Q st a on Q & b on Q & c on Q by A3,Th14; hence a on P & b on P & c on P by A1,A4,Th12; end; theorem Th17: a on M & b on M & c on N & d on N & p on M & p on N & a on P & c on P & b on Q & d on Q & not p on P & not p on Q & M<>N implies ex q st q on P & q on Q proof assume that A1: a on M & b on M and A2: c on N & d on N and A3: p on M & p on N and A4: a on P & c on P and A5: b on Q & d on Q and A6: not p on P & not p on Q and A7: M<>N; reconsider a'=a,b'=b,c'=c,d'=d,p'=p as Point of CPS by Th4; b',p',a' is_collinear & p',d',c' is_collinear by A1,A2,A3,Th14; then consider q' such that A8: b',d',q' is_collinear & a',c',q' is_collinear by ANPROJ_2:def 9; reconsider q = q' as POINT of IncProjSp_of(CPS) by Th4; A9: a<>c by A1,A2,A3,A4,A6,A7,Th12; A10: b<>d by A1,A2,A3,A5,A6,A7,Th12; A11: ex P1 being LINE of IncProjSp_of(CPS) st a on P1 & c on P1 & q on P1 by A8,Th14; ex P2 being LINE of IncProjSp_of(CPS) st b on P2 & d on P2 & q on P2 by A8,Th14; then q on P & q on Q by A4,A5,A9,A10,A11,Th12; hence thesis; end; theorem Th18: (for a',b',c',d' ex p' st a', b', p' is_collinear & c', d', p' is_collinear) implies for M, N ex q st q on M & q on N proof assume A1: for a',b',c',d' ex p' st a', b', p' is_collinear & c', d', p' is_collinear; let M, N; reconsider M'= M, N'= N as LINE of CPS by Th6; consider a', b' such that A2: a'<>b' & M'= Line(a',b') by COLLSP:def 7; consider c', d' such that A3: c'<>d' & N'= Line(c',d') by COLLSP:def 7; consider p' such that A4: a', b', p' is_collinear & c', d', p' is_collinear by A1; A5: p' in M' & p' in N' by A2,A3,A4,COLLSP:17; reconsider q = p' as POINT of IncProjSp_of(CPS) by Th4; q on M & q on N by A5,Th9; hence thesis; end; theorem Th19: (ex p, p1, r, r1 being Point of CPS st not ex s being Point of CPS st (p, p1, s is_collinear & r, r1, s is_collinear)) implies (ex M, N st not ex q st q on M & q on N) proof given p, p1, r, r1 being Point of CPS such that A1: not ex s being Point of CPS st (p,p1,s is_collinear & r,r1,s is_collinear); set M''= Line(p,p1), N''= Line(r,r1); p<>p1 & r<>r1 proof assume A2: not thesis; A3: now assume p = p1; then p,p1,r1 is_collinear & r,r1,r1 is_collinear by COLLSP:7; hence contradiction by A1; end; now assume r = r1; then p,p1,p1 is_collinear & r,r1,p1 is_collinear by COLLSP:7; hence contradiction by A1; end; hence contradiction by A2,A3; end; then reconsider M'= M'', N'= N'' as LINE of CPS by COLLSP:def 7; reconsider M = M', N = N' as LINE of IncProjSp_of(CPS) by Th6; take M, N; thus not ex q st q on M & q on N proof assume not thesis; then consider q such that A4: q on M & q on N; reconsider q'=q as Point of CPS by Th4; q' in M'' & q' in N'' by A4,Th9; then p,p1,q' is_collinear & r,r1,q' is_collinear by COLLSP:17; hence contradiction by A1; end; end; theorem Th20: (for p, p1, q, q1, r2 being Point of CPS ex r, r1 being Point of CPS st p,q,r is_collinear & p1,q1,r1 is_collinear & r2,r,r1 is_collinear) implies (for a, M, N ex b, c, S st a on S & b on S & c on S & b on M & c on N) proof assume A1: for p, p1, q, q1, r2 being Point of CPS ex r, r1 being Point of CPS st p,q,r is_collinear & p1,q1,r1 is_collinear & r2,r,r1 is_collinear; let a, M, N; reconsider a'= a as Point of CPS by Th4; reconsider M'= M, N'= N as LINE of CPS by Th6; consider p, q being Point of CPS such that A2: p<>q & M'= Line(p,q) by COLLSP:def 7; consider p1, q1 being Point of CPS such that A3: p1<>q1 & N' = Line(p1,q1) by COLLSP:def 7; consider b', c' such that A4: p,q,b' is_collinear & p1,q1,c' is_collinear and A5: a',b',c' is_collinear by A1; reconsider b = b', c = c' as POINT of IncProjSp_of(CPS) by Th4; b' in M' & c' in N' by A2,A3,A4,COLLSP:17; then A6: b on M & c on N by Th9; ex S st a on S & b on S & c on S by A5,Th14; hence thesis by A6; end; definition let x, y, z be set; canceled; pred x,y,z are_mutually_different means :Def5: x <> y & y <> z & z <> x; let u be set; pred x, y, z, u are_mutually_different means :Def6: x <> y & y <> z & z <> x & u <> x & u <> y & u <> z; end; definition let CS be IncProjStr, a,b be POINT of CS, M be LINE of CS; pred a,b on M means :Def7: a on M & b on M; let c be POINT of CS; pred a,b,c on M means :Def8: a on M & b on M & c on M; end; theorem Th21: (for p1, r2, q, r1, q1, p, r being Point of CPS holds (p1,r2,q is_collinear & r1,q1,q is_collinear & p1,r1,p is_collinear & r2,q1,p is_collinear & p1,q1,r is_collinear & r2,r1,r is_collinear & p,q,r is_collinear implies (p1,r2,q1 is_collinear or p1,r2,r1 is_collinear or p1,r1,q1 is_collinear or r2,r1,q1 is_collinear))) implies (for p, q, r, s, a, b, c being POINT of IncProjSp_of(CPS) for L, Q, R, S, A, B, C being LINE of IncProjSp_of(CPS) st not q on L & not r on L & not p on Q & not s on Q & not p on R & not r on R & not q on S & not s on S & a,p,s on L & a,q,r on Q & b,q,s on R & b,p,r on S & c,p,q on A & c,r,s on B & a,b on C holds not c on C) proof assume A1: for p1, r2, q, r1, q1, p, r being Element of CPS holds (p1,r2,q is_collinear & r1,q1,q is_collinear & p1,r1,p is_collinear & r2,q1,p is_collinear & p1,q1,r is_collinear & r2,r1,r is_collinear & p,q,r is_collinear implies (p1,r2,q1 is_collinear or p1,r2,r1 is_collinear or p1,r1,q1 is_collinear or r2,r1,q1 is_collinear)); let p, q, r, s, a, b, c be POINT of IncProjSp_of(CPS); let L, Q, R, S, A, B, C be LINE of IncProjSp_of(CPS) such that A2: not q on L & not r on L & not p on Q & not s on Q & not p on R & not r on R & not q on S & not s on S and A3: a,p,s on L & a,q,r on Q & b,q,s on R & b,p,r on S & c,p,q on A & c,r,s on B & a,b on C; assume A4: not thesis; reconsider p'=p, q'=q, r'=r, s'=s, a'=a, b'=b, c'=c as Point of CPS by Th4; a on C & b on C by A3,Def7; then A5: a',b',c' is_collinear by A4,Th14; A6: a on L & p on L & s on L & a on Q & q on Q & r on Q & b on R & q on R & s on R & b on S & p on S & r on S & c on A & p on A & q on A & c on B & r on B & s on B by A3,Def8; then A7: p',r',b' is_collinear & s',q',b' is_collinear & p',s',a' is_collinear & r',q',a' is_collinear & p',q',c' is_collinear & r',s',c' is_collinear by Th14; A8: now assume p',r',q' is_collinear; then A9: ex K being LINE of IncProjSp_of(CPS) st p on K & r on K & q on K by Th14; hence q on S by A2,A6,Th12; thus contradiction by A2,A6,A9,Th12; end; A10: now assume p',r',s' is_collinear; then A11: ex K being LINE of IncProjSp_of(CPS) st p on K & r on K & s on K by Th14; hence s on S by A2,A6,Th12; thus contradiction by A2,A6,A11,Th12; end; A12: now assume p',s',q' is_collinear; then A13: ex K being LINE of IncProjSp_of(CPS) st p on K & s on K & q on K by Th14; hence p on R by A2,A6,Th12; thus contradiction by A2,A6,A13,Th12; end; now assume r',s',q' is_collinear; then A14: ex K being LINE of IncProjSp_of(CPS) st r on K & s on K & q on K by Th14; hence r on R by A2,A6,Th12; thus contradiction by A2,A6,A14,Th12; end; hence contradiction by A1,A5,A7,A8,A10,A12; end; theorem Th22: (for o,p1,p2,p3,q1,q2,q3,r1,r2,r3 being Point of CPS st o<>q1 & p1<>q1 & o<>q2 & p2<>q2 & o<>q3 & p3<>q3 & not o,p1,p2 is_collinear & not o,p1,p3 is_collinear & not o,p2,p3 is_collinear & p1,p2,r3 is_collinear & q1,q2,r3 is_collinear & p2,p3,r1 is_collinear & q2,q3,r1 is_collinear & p1,p3,r2 is_collinear & q1,q3,r2 is_collinear & o,p1,q1 is_collinear & o,p2,q2 is_collinear & o,p3,q3 is_collinear holds r1,r2,r3 is_collinear) implies (for o,b1,a1,b2,a2,b3,a3,r,s,t being POINT of IncProjSp_of(CPS) for C1,C2,C3,A1,A2,A3,B1,B2,B3 being LINE of IncProjSp_of(CPS) st o,b1,a1 on C1 & o,a2,b2 on C2 & o,a3,b3 on C3 & a3,a2,t on A1 & a3,r,a1 on A2 & a2,s,a1 on A3 & t,b2,b3 on B1 & b1,r,b3 on B2 & b1,s,b2 on B3 & C1,C2,C3 are_mutually_different & o<>a1 & o<>a2 & o<>a3 & o<>b1 & o<>b2 & o<>b3 & a1<>b1 & a2<>b2 & a3<>b3 holds ex O being LINE of IncProjSp_of(CPS) st r,s,t on O) proof assume A1: for o,p1,p2,p3,q1,q2,q3,r1,r2,r3 being Element of CPS st o<>q1 & p1<>q1 & o<>q2 & p2<>q2 & o<>q3 & p3<>q3 & not o,p1,p2 is_collinear & not o,p1,p3 is_collinear & not o,p2,p3 is_collinear & p1,p2,r3 is_collinear & q1,q2,r3 is_collinear & p2,p3,r1 is_collinear & q2,q3,r1 is_collinear & p1,p3,r2 is_collinear & q1,q3,r2 is_collinear & o,p1,q1 is_collinear & o,p2,q2 is_collinear & o,p3,q3 is_collinear holds r1,r2,r3 is_collinear; let o,b1,a1,b2,a2,b3,a3,r,s,t be POINT of IncProjSp_of(CPS); let C1,C2,C3,A1,A2,A3,B1,B2,B3 be LINE of IncProjSp_of(CPS) such that A2: o,b1,a1 on C1 & o,a2,b2 on C2 & o,a3,b3 on C3 & a3,a2,t on A1 & a3,r,a1 on A2 & a2,s,a1 on A3 & t,b2,b3 on B1 & b1,r,b3 on B2 & b1,s,b2 on B3 and A3: C1,C2,C3 are_mutually_different and A4: o<>a1 & o<>a2 & o<>a3 & o<>b1 & o<>b2 & o<>b3 & a1<>b1 & a2<>b2 & a3<>b3; reconsider o'=o,b1'=b1,a1'=a1,b2'=b2,a2'=a2,b3'=b3,a3'=a3,r'=r,s'=s,t'=t as Element of CPS by Th4; A5: o on C1 & b1 on C1 & a1 on C1 & o on C2 & b2 on C2 & a2 on C2 & o on C3 & b3 on C3 & a3 on C3 & a3 on A1 & a2 on A1 & t on A1 & a3 on A2 & a1 on A2 & r on A2 & a2 on A3 & a1 on A3 & s on A3 & b3 on B1 & b2 on B1 & t on B1 & b3 on B2 & b1 on B2 & r on B2 & b2 on B3 & b1 on B3 & s on B3 by A2,Def8; then A6: b1',b2',s' is_collinear & a1',a2',s' is_collinear & b1',b3',r' is_collinear & a1',a3',r' is_collinear & b2',b3',t' is_collinear & a2',a3',t' is_collinear by Th14; A7: o',b1',a1' is_collinear & o',b2',a2' is_collinear & o',b3',a3' is_collinear by A5,Th14; not o',b1',b2' is_collinear & not o',b1',b3' is_collinear & not o',b2',b3' is_collinear proof assume A8: not thesis; A9: now assume o',b1',b2' is_collinear; then consider K being LINE of IncProjSp_of(CPS) such that A10: o on K & b1 on K & b2 on K by Th14; K = C1 & K = C2 by A4,A5,A10,Th12; hence contradiction by A3,Def5; end; A11: now assume o',b1',b3' is_collinear; then consider K being LINE of IncProjSp_of(CPS) such that A12: o on K & b1 on K & b3 on K by Th14; K = C1 & K = C3 by A4,A5,A12,Th12; hence contradiction by A3,Def5; end; now assume o',b2',b3' is_collinear; then consider K being LINE of IncProjSp_of(CPS) such that A13: o on K & b2 on K & b3 on K by Th14; K = C2 & K = C3 by A4,A5,A13,Th12; hence contradiction by A3,Def5; end; hence contradiction by A8,A9,A11; end; then t',r',s' is_collinear by A1,A4,A6,A7; then consider O being LINE of IncProjSp_of(CPS) such that A14: t on O & r on O & s on O by Th14; r,s,t on O by A14,Def8; hence thesis; end; theorem Th23: (for o,p1,p2,p3,q1,q2,q3,r1,r2,r3 being Point of CPS st o<>p2 & o<>p3 & p2<>p3 & p1<>p2 & p1<>p3 & o<>q2 & o<>q3 & q2<>q3 & q1<>q2 & q1<>q3 & not o,p1,q1 is_collinear & o,p1,p2 is_collinear & o,p1,p3 is_collinear & o,q1,q2 is_collinear & o,q1,q3 is_collinear & p1,q2,r3 is_collinear & q1,p2,r3 is_collinear & p1,q3,r2 is_collinear & p3,q1,r2 is_collinear & p2,q3,r1 is_collinear & p3,q2,r1 is_collinear holds r1,r2,r3 is_collinear) implies (for o,a1,a2,a3,b1,b2,b3,c1,c2,c3 being POINT of IncProjSp_of(CPS) for A1,A2,A3,B1,B2,B3,C1,C2,C3 being LINE of IncProjSp_of(CPS) st o,a1,a2,a3 are_mutually_different & o,b1,b2,b3 are_mutually_different & A3<>B3 & o on A3 & o on B3 & a2,b3,c1 on A1 & a3,b1,c2 on B1 & a1,b2,c3 on C1 & a1,b3,c2 on A2 & a3,b2,c1 on B2 & a2,b1,c3 on C2 & b1,b2,b3 on A3 & a1,a2,a3 on B3 & c1,c2 on C3 holds c3 on C3) proof assume A1: for o,p1,p2,p3,q1,q2,q3,r1,r2,r3 being Point of CPS st o<>p2 & o<>p3 & p2<>p3 & p1<>p2 & p1<>p3 & o<>q2 & o<>q3 & q2<>q3 & q1<>q2 & q1<>q3 & not o,p1,q1 is_collinear & o,p1,p2 is_collinear & o,p1,p3 is_collinear & o,q1,q2 is_collinear & o,q1,q3 is_collinear & p1,q2,r3 is_collinear & q1,p2,r3 is_collinear & p1,q3,r2 is_collinear & p3,q1,r2 is_collinear & p2,q3,r1 is_collinear & p3,q2,r1 is_collinear holds r1,r2,r3 is_collinear; let o,a1,a2,a3,b1,b2,b3,c1,c2,c3 be POINT of IncProjSp_of(CPS); let A1,A2,A3,B1,B2,B3,C1,C2,C3 be LINE of IncProjSp_of(CPS) such that A2: o,a1,a2,a3 are_mutually_different & o,b1,b2,b3 are_mutually_different and A3: A3<>B3 and A4: o on A3 & o on B3 and A5: a2,b3,c1 on A1 & a3,b1,c2 on B1 & a1,b2,c3 on C1 & a1,b3,c2 on A2 & a3,b2,c1 on B2 & a2,b1,c3 on C2 & b1,b2,b3 on A3 & a1,a2,a3 on B3 & c1,c2 on C3; A6: o<>b3 & o<>a3 & a1<>a2 & b1<>b2 by A2,Def6; A7: a2 on A1 & b3 on A1 & c1 on A1 & a3 on B1 & b1 on B1 & c2 on B1 & a1 on C1 & b2 on C1 & c3 on C1 & a1 on A2 & b3 on A2 & c2 on A2 & a3 on B2 & b2 on B2 & c1 on B2 & a2 on C2 & b1 on C2 & c3 on C2 & b1 on A3 & b2 on A3 & b3 on A3 & a1 on B3 & a2 on B3 & a3 on B3 & c1 on C3 & c2 on C3 by A5,Def7,Def8; reconsider o'= o, a1'= a1, a2'= a2, a3'= a3, b1'= b1, b2'= b2, b3'= b3, c1'= c1, c2'= c2, c3'= c3 as Point of CPS by Th4; A8: c1<>c2 proof assume A9: not thesis; A10: not a3 on A3 by A3,A4,A6,A7,Th12; not b3 on B3 by A3,A4,A6,A7,Th12; then A11: A1<>A2 by A6,A7,Th12; A12: B1<>B2 by A6,A7,A10,Th12; A13: c1 = b3 by A7,A9,A11,Th12; c1 = a3 by A7,A9,A12,Th12; hence contradiction by A3,A4,A6,A7,A13,Th12; end; A14: o'<>a2' & o'<>a3' & a2'<>a3' & a1'<>a2' & a1'<>a3' & o'<>b2' & o'<>b3' & b2'<>b3' & b1'<>b2' & b1'<>b3' by A2,Def6; A15: not o',a1',b1' is_collinear proof assume not thesis; then consider K being LINE of IncProjSp_of(CPS) such that A16: o on K & a1 on K & b1 on K by Th14; o<>a1 & o<>b1 by A2,Def6; then K = A3 & K = B3 by A4,A7,A16,Th12; hence contradiction by A3; end; o',a1',a2' is_collinear & o',a1',a3' is_collinear & o',b1',b2' is_collinear & o',b1',b3' is_collinear & a1',b2',c3' is_collinear & b1',a2',c3' is_collinear & a1',b3',c2' is_collinear & a3',b1',c2' is_collinear & a2',b3',c1' is_collinear & a3',b2',c1' is_collinear by A4,A7,Th14; then c1',c2',c3' is_collinear by A1,A14,A15; then ex K being LINE of IncProjSp_of(CPS) st c1 on K & c2 on K & c3 on K by Th14; hence thesis by A7,A8,Th12; end; definition let IT be IncProjStr; attr IT is partial means :Def9: for p, q being POINT of IT, P, Q being LINE of IT st p on P & q on P & p on Q & q on Q holds p = q or P = Q; attr IT is linear means :Def10: for p,q being POINT of IT ex P being LINE of IT st p on P & q on P; attr IT is up-2-dimensional means :Def11: ex p being POINT of IT, P being LINE of IT st not p on P; attr IT is up-3-rank means :Def12: for P being LINE of IT ex a, b, c being POINT of IT st a <> b & b <> c & c <> a & a on P & b on P & c on P; attr IT is Vebleian means :Def13: for a, b, c, d, p, q being POINT of IT for M, N, P, Q being LINE of IT st a on M & b on M & c on N & d on N & p on M & p on N & a on P & c on P & b on Q & d on Q & not p on P & not p on Q & M<>N holds ex q being POINT of IT st q on P & q on Q; end; definition let CPS be CollProjectiveSpace; cluster IncProjSp_of(CPS) -> partial linear up-2-dimensional up-3-rank Vebleian; coherence proof set PS = IncProjSp_of(CPS); A1: for p, q being POINT of PS for P, Q being LINE of PS st p on P & q on P & p on Q & q on Q holds p = q or P = Q by Th12; A2: for p, q being POINT of PS ex P being LINE of PS st p on P & q on P by Th13; A3: ex p being POINT of PS, P being LINE of PS st not p on P by Th15; A4: for P being LINE of PS ex a,b,c being POINT of PS st a <> b & b <> c & c <> a & a on P & b on P & c on P by Th16; for a, b, c, d, p, q being POINT of PS for M, N, P, Q being LINE of PS st a on M & b on M & c on N & d on N & p on M & p on N & a on P & c on P & b on Q & d on Q & not p on P & not p on Q & M<>N holds ex q being POINT of PS st q on P & q on Q by Th17; hence thesis by A1,A2,A3,A4,Def9,Def10,Def11,Def12,Def13; end; end; definition cluster strict partial linear up-2-dimensional up-3-rank Vebleian IncProjStr; existence proof consider CPS; IncProjSp_of(CPS) is strict partial linear up-2-dimensional up-3-rank Vebleian; hence thesis; end; end; definition mode IncProjSp is partial linear up-2-dimensional up-3-rank Vebleian IncProjStr; end; definition let CPS be CollProjectiveSpace; cluster IncProjSp_of(CPS) -> partial linear up-2-dimensional up-3-rank Vebleian; coherence; end; definition let IT be IncProjSp; attr IT is 2-dimensional means :Def14: for M,N being LINE of IT ex q being POINT of IT st q on M & q on N; antonym IT is up-3-dimensional; end; definition let IT be IncProjSp; canceled; attr IT is at_most-3-dimensional means :Def16: for a being POINT of IT, M, N being LINE of IT ex b,c being POINT of IT, S being LINE of IT st a on S & b on S & c on S & b on M & c on N; end; definition let IT be IncProjSp; attr IT is 3-dimensional means IT is at_most-3-dimensional up-3-dimensional; end; definition let IT be IncProjSp; attr IT is Fanoian means :Def18: for p,q,r,s,a,b,c being POINT of IT for L,Q,R,S,A,B,C being LINE of IT st not q on L & not r on L & not p on Q & not s on Q & not p on R & not r on R & not q on S & not s on S & a,p,s on L & a,q,r on Q & b,q,s on R & b,p,r on S & c,p,q on A & c,r,s on B & a,b on C holds not c on C; end; definition let IT be IncProjSp; attr IT is Desarguesian means :Def19: for o,b1,a1,b2,a2,b3,a3,r,s,t being POINT of IT for C1,C2,C3,A1,A2,A3,B1,B2,B3 being LINE of IT st o,b1,a1 on C1 & o,a2,b2 on C2 & o,a3,b3 on C3 & a3,a2,t on A1 & a3,r,a1 on A2 & a2,s,a1 on A3 & t,b2,b3 on B1 & b1,r,b3 on B2 & b1,s,b2 on B3 & C1,C2,C3 are_mutually_different & o<>a1 & o<>a2 & o<>a3 & o<>b1 & o<>b2 & o<>b3 & a1<>b1 & a2<>b2 & a3<>b3 holds ex O being LINE of IT st r,s,t on O; end; definition let IT be IncProjSp; attr IT is Pappian means :Def20: for o,a1,a2,a3,b1,b2,b3,c1,c2,c3 being POINT of IT for A1,A2,A3,B1,B2,B3,C1,C2,C3 being LINE of IT st o,a1,a2,a3 are_mutually_different & o,b1,b2,b3 are_mutually_different & A3<>B3 & o on A3 & o on B3 & a2,b3,c1 on A1 & a3,b1,c2 on B1 & a1,b2,c3 on C1 & a1,b3,c2 on A2 & a3,b2,c1 on B2 & a2,b1,c3 on C2 & b1,b2,b3 on A3 & a1,a2,a3 on B3 & c1,c2 on C3 holds c3 on C3; end; definition cluster Desarguesian Fanoian at_most-3-dimensional up-3-dimensional IncProjSp; existence proof consider CPS being Fanoian Desarguesian at_most-3-dimensional up-3-dimensional CollProjectiveSpace; reconsider CPS' = CPS as CollProjectiveSpace; take X = IncProjSp_of(CPS'); for p1,r2,q,r1,q1,p,r being Point of CPS' holds (p1,r2,q is_collinear & r1,q1,q is_collinear & p1,r1,p is_collinear & r2,q1,p is_collinear & p1,q1,r is_collinear & r2,r1,r is_collinear & p,q,r is_collinear implies (p1,r2,q1 is_collinear or p1,r2,r1 is_collinear or p1,r1,q1 is_collinear or r2,r1,q1 is_collinear)) by ANPROJ_2:def 11; then A1: for p,q,r,s,a,b,c being POINT of X for L,Q,R,S,A,B,C being LINE of X st not q on L & not r on L & not p on Q & not s on Q & not p on R & not r on R & not q on S & not s on S & a,p,s on L & a,q,r on Q & b,q,s on R & b,p,r on S & c,p,q on A & c,r,s on B & a,b on C holds not c on C by Th21; for o,p1,p2,p3,q1,q2,q3,r1,r2,r3 being Point of CPS' st o<>q1 & p1<>q1 & o<>q2 & p2<>q2 & o<>q3 & p3<>q3 & not o,p1,p2 is_collinear & not o,p1,p3 is_collinear & not o,p2,p3 is_collinear & p1,p2,r3 is_collinear & q1,q2,r3 is_collinear & p2,p3,r1 is_collinear & q2,q3,r1 is_collinear & p1,p3,r2 is_collinear & q1,q3,r2 is_collinear & o,p1,q1 is_collinear & o,p2,q2 is_collinear & o,p3,q3 is_collinear holds r1,r2,r3 is_collinear by ANPROJ_2:def 12; then A2: for o,b1,a1,b2,a2,b3,a3,r,s,t being POINT of X for C1,C2,C3,A1,A2,A3,B1,B2,B3 being LINE of X st o,b1,a1 on C1 & o,a2,b2 on C2 & o,a3,b3 on C3 & a3,a2,t on A1 & a3,r,a1 on A2 & a2,s,a1 on A3 & t,b2,b3 on B1 & b1,r,b3 on B2 & b1,s,b2 on B3 & C1,C2,C3 are_mutually_different & o<>a1 & o<>a2 & o<>a3 & o<>b1 & o<>b2 & o<>b3 & a1<>b1 & a2<>b2 & a3<>b3 holds ex O being LINE of X st r,s,t on O by Th22; ex p,p1,r,r1 being Point of CPS' st not ex s being Point of CPS' st (p,p1,s is_collinear & r,r1,s is_collinear) by ANPROJ_2:def 14; then A3: ex M,N being LINE of X st not ex q being POINT of X st q on M & q on N by Th19; for p,p1,q,q1,r2 being Point of CPS' ex r,r1 being Point of CPS' st p,q,r is_collinear & p1,q1,r1 is_collinear & r2,r,r1 is_collinear by ANPROJ_2:def 15; then for a being POINT of X, M,N being LINE of X ex b,c being POINT of X, S being LINE of X st a on S & b on S & c on S & b on M & c on N by Th20; hence thesis by A1,A2,A3,Def14,Def16,Def18,Def19; end; end; definition cluster Pappian Fanoian at_most-3-dimensional up-3-dimensional IncProjSp; existence proof consider CPS being Fanoian Pappian at_most-3-dimensional up-3-dimensional CollProjectiveSpace; reconsider CPS' = CPS as CollProjectiveSpace; take X = IncProjSp_of(CPS'); for p1,r2,q,r1,q1,p,r being Point of CPS' holds (p1,r2,q is_collinear & r1,q1,q is_collinear & p1,r1,p is_collinear & r2,q1,p is_collinear & p1,q1,r is_collinear & r2,r1,r is_collinear & p,q,r is_collinear implies (p1,r2,q1 is_collinear or p1,r2,r1 is_collinear or p1,r1,q1 is_collinear or r2,r1,q1 is_collinear)) by ANPROJ_2:def 11; then A1: for p,q,r,s,a,b,c being POINT of X for L,Q,R,S,A,B,C being LINE of X st not q on L & not r on L & not p on Q & not s on Q & not p on R & not r on R & not q on S & not s on S & a,p,s on L & a,q,r on Q & b,q,s on R & b,p,r on S & c,p,q on A & c,r,s on B & a,b on C holds not c on C by Th21; for o,p1,p2,p3,q1,q2,q3,r1,r2,r3 being Point of CPS' st o<>p2 & o<>p3 & p2<>p3 & p1<>p2 & p1<>p3 & o<>q2 & o<>q3 & q2<>q3 & q1<>q2 & q1<>q3 & not o,p1,q1 is_collinear & o,p1,p2 is_collinear & o,p1,p3 is_collinear & o,q1,q2 is_collinear & o,q1,q3 is_collinear & p1,q2,r3 is_collinear & q1,p2,r3 is_collinear & p1,q3,r2 is_collinear & p3,q1,r2 is_collinear & p2,q3,r1 is_collinear & p3,q2,r1 is_collinear holds r1,r2,r3 is_collinear by ANPROJ_2:def 13; then A2: for o,a1,a2,a3,b1,b2,b3,c1,c2,c3 being POINT of X for A1,A2,A3,B1,B2,B3,C1,C2,C3 being LINE of X st o,a1,a2,a3 are_mutually_different & o,b1,b2,b3 are_mutually_different & A3<>B3 & o on A3 & o on B3 & a2,b3,c1 on A1 & a3,b1,c2 on B1 & a1,b2,c3 on C1 & a1,b3,c2 on A2 & a3,b2,c1 on B2 & a2,b1,c3 on C2 & b1,b2,b3 on A3 & a1,a2,a3 on B3 & c1,c2 on C3 holds c3 on C3 by Th23; ex p,p1,r,r1 being Point of CPS' st not ex s being Point of CPS' st (p,p1,s is_collinear & r,r1,s is_collinear) by ANPROJ_2:def 14; then A3: ex M,N being LINE of X st not ex q being POINT of X st q on M & q on N by Th19; for p,p1,q,q1,r2 being Point of CPS' ex r,r1 being Point of CPS' st p,q,r is_collinear & p1,q1,r1 is_collinear & r2,r,r1 is_collinear by ANPROJ_2:def 15; then for a being POINT of X, M,N being LINE of X ex b,c being POINT of X, S being LINE of X st a on S & b on S & c on S & b on M & c on N by Th20; hence thesis by A1,A2,A3,Def14,Def16,Def18,Def20; end; end; definition cluster Desarguesian Fanoian 2-dimensional IncProjSp; existence proof consider CPS being Fanoian Desarguesian CollProjectivePlane; reconsider CPS' = CPS as CollProjectiveSpace; take X = IncProjSp_of(CPS'); for p1,r2,q,r1,q1,p,r being Point of CPS' holds (p1,r2,q is_collinear & r1,q1,q is_collinear & p1,r1,p is_collinear & r2,q1,p is_collinear & p1,q1,r is_collinear & r2,r1,r is_collinear & p,q,r is_collinear implies (p1,r2,q1 is_collinear or p1,r2,r1 is_collinear or p1,r1,q1 is_collinear or r2,r1,q1 is_collinear)) by ANPROJ_2:def 11; then A1: for p,q,r,s,a,b,c being POINT of X for L,Q,R,S,A,B,C being LINE of X st not q on L & not r on L & not p on Q & not s on Q & not p on R & not r on R & not q on S & not s on S & a,p,s on L & a,q,r on Q & b,q,s on R & b,p,r on S & c,p,q on A & c,r,s on B & a,b on C holds not c on C by Th21; for o,p1,p2,p3,q1,q2,q3,r1,r2,r3 being Point of CPS' st o<>q1 & p1<>q1 & o<>q2 & p2<>q2 & o<>q3 & p3<>q3 & not o,p1,p2 is_collinear & not o,p1,p3 is_collinear & not o,p2,p3 is_collinear & p1,p2,r3 is_collinear & q1,q2,r3 is_collinear & p2,p3,r1 is_collinear & q2,q3,r1 is_collinear & p1,p3,r2 is_collinear & q1,q3,r2 is_collinear & o,p1,q1 is_collinear & o,p2,q2 is_collinear & o,p3,q3 is_collinear holds r1,r2,r3 is_collinear by ANPROJ_2:def 12; then A2: for o,b1,a1,b2,a2,b3,a3,r,s,t being POINT of X for C1,C2,C3,A1,A2,A3,B1,B2,B3 being LINE of X st o,b1,a1 on C1 & o,a2,b2 on C2 & o,a3,b3 on C3 & a3,a2,t on A1 & a3,r,a1 on A2 & a2,s,a1 on A3 & t,b2,b3 on B1 & b1,r,b3 on B2 & b1,s,b2 on B3 & C1,C2,C3 are_mutually_different & o<>a1 & o<>a2 & o<>a3 & o<>b1 & o<>b2 & o<>b3 & a1<>b1 & a2<>b2 & a3<>b3 holds ex O being LINE of X st r,s,t on O by Th22; for a,b,c,d being Point of CPS' ex p being Point of CPS' st a,b,p is_collinear & c,d,p is_collinear by ANPROJ_2:def 14; then for M,N being LINE of X ex q being POINT of X st q on M & q on N by Th18; hence thesis by A1,A2,Def14,Def18,Def19; end; end; definition cluster Pappian Fanoian 2-dimensional IncProjSp; existence proof consider CPS being Fanoian Pappian CollProjectivePlane; reconsider CPS' = CPS as CollProjectiveSpace; take X = IncProjSp_of(CPS'); for p1,r2,q,r1,q1,p,r being Point of CPS' holds (p1,r2,q is_collinear & r1,q1,q is_collinear & p1,r1,p is_collinear & r2,q1,p is_collinear & p1,q1,r is_collinear & r2,r1,r is_collinear & p,q,r is_collinear implies (p1,r2,q1 is_collinear or p1,r2,r1 is_collinear or p1,r1,q1 is_collinear or r2,r1,q1 is_collinear)) by ANPROJ_2:def 11; then A1: for p,q,r,s,a,b,c being POINT of X for L,Q,R,S,A,B,C being LINE of X st not q on L & not r on L & not p on Q & not s on Q & not p on R & not r on R & not q on S & not s on S & a,p,s on L & a,q,r on Q & b,q,s on R & b,p,r on S & c,p,q on A & c,r,s on B & a,b on C holds not c on C by Th21; for o,p1,p2,p3,q1,q2,q3,r1,r2,r3 being Point of CPS' st o<>p2 & o<>p3 & p2<>p3 & p1<>p2 & p1<>p3 & o<>q2 & o<>q3 & q2<>q3 & q1<>q2 & q1<>q3 & not o,p1,q1 is_collinear & o,p1,p2 is_collinear & o,p1,p3 is_collinear & o,q1,q2 is_collinear & o,q1,q3 is_collinear & p1,q2,r3 is_collinear & q1,p2,r3 is_collinear & p1,q3,r2 is_collinear & p3,q1,r2 is_collinear & p2,q3,r1 is_collinear & p3,q2,r1 is_collinear holds r1,r2,r3 is_collinear by ANPROJ_2:def 13; then A2: for o,a1,a2,a3,b1,b2,b3,c1,c2,c3 being POINT of X for A1,A2,A3,B1,B2,B3,C1,C2,C3 being LINE of X st o,a1,a2,a3 are_mutually_different & o,b1,b2,b3 are_mutually_different & A3<>B3 & o on A3 & o on B3 & a2,b3,c1 on A1 & a3,b1,c2 on B1 & a1,b2,c3 on C1 & a1,b3,c2 on A2 & a3,b2,c1 on B2 & a2,b1,c3 on C2 & b1,b2,b3 on A3 & a1,a2,a3 on B3 & c1,c2 on C3 holds c3 on C3 by Th23; for a,b,c,d being Point of CPS' ex p being Point of CPS' st a,b,p is_collinear & c,d,p is_collinear by ANPROJ_2:def 14; then for M,N being LINE of X ex q being POINT of X st q on M & q on N by Th18; hence thesis by A1,A2,Def14,Def18,Def20; end; end;