The Mizar article:

Boolean Posets, Posets under Inclusion and Products of Relational Structures

Adam Grabowski, and
Robert Milewski

Received September 20, 1996

Copyright (c) 1996 Association of Mizar Users

MML identifier: YELLOW_1
[ MML identifier index ]


 requirements SUBSET, BOOLE;
 definitions LATTICE3, XBOOLE_0, TOPS_2, TARSKI, RELAT_1, PRALG_1;
 schemes RELSET_1, FUNCT_2;

begin :: Boolean Posets and Posets under Inclusion

 reserve X for set;

definition let L be Lattice;
 cluster LattPOSet L -> with_suprema with_infima;
 coherence by LATTICE3:11;

definition let L be upper-bounded Lattice;
 cluster LattPOSet L -> upper-bounded;
      ex x being Element of LattPOSet L st
     x is_>=_than the carrier of LattPOSet L
     A1: the carrier of LattPOSet L = the carrier of RelStr(#the carrier of L,
          LattRel L#) by LATTICE3:def 2
       .= the carrier of L;
     consider z be Element of L such that
      A2: for v being Element of L holds z"\/"v = z & v"\/"z = z
                                                          by LATTICES:def 14;
     reconsider z' = z as Element of LattPOSet L by A1;
     A3: z' is_<=_than {} by YELLOW_0:6;
     A4: z = Top L by A2,LATTICES:def 17;
       now let b' be Element of LattPOSet L;
      reconsider b = b' as Element of L by A1;
      assume b' is_<=_than {};
      A5: b% = b & z% = z by LATTICE3:def 3;
        b [= z by A4,LATTICES:45;
      hence z' >= b' by A5,LATTICE3:7;
     then A6: z' = "/\"({},LattPOSet L) by A3,YELLOW_0:31;
     take x = Top (LattPOSet L);
       now let a be Element of LattPOSet L;
      assume a in the carrier of LattPOSet L;
      reconsider a' = a as Element of L by A1;
      reconsider x' = x as Element of L by A1;
      A7: a'% = a' & x'% = x' by LATTICE3:def 3;
        Top (LattPOSet L) = Top L by A4,A6,YELLOW_0:def 12;
      then a' [= x' by LATTICES:45;
      hence a <= x by A7,LATTICE3:7;
     hence x is_>=_than the carrier of LattPOSet L by LATTICE3:def 9;
    hence LattPOSet L is upper-bounded by YELLOW_0:def 5;

 let L be lower-bounded Lattice;
 cluster LattPOSet L -> lower-bounded;
    ex x being Element of LattPOSet L st
   x is_<=_than the carrier of LattPOSet L
   A1: the carrier of LattPOSet L = the carrier of RelStr(#the carrier of L,
        LattRel L#) by LATTICE3:def 2
     .= the carrier of L;
   consider z be Element of L such that
    A2: for v being Element of L holds z"/\"v = z & v"/\"z = z
                                                        by LATTICES:def 13;
   reconsider z' = z as Element of LattPOSet L by A1;
   A3: z' is_>=_than {} by YELLOW_0:6;
   A4: z = Bottom L by A2,LATTICES:def 16;
     now let b' be Element of LattPOSet L;
    reconsider b = b' as Element of L by A1;
    assume b' is_>=_than {};
    A5: b% = b & z% = z by LATTICE3:def 3;
      z [= b by A4,LATTICES:41;
    hence z' <= b' by A5,LATTICE3:7;
   then A6: z' = "\/"({},LattPOSet L) by A3,YELLOW_0:30;
   take x = Bottom (LattPOSet L);
     now let a be Element of LattPOSet L;
    assume a in the carrier of LattPOSet L;
    reconsider a' = a as Element of L by A1;
    reconsider x' = x as Element of L by A1;
    A7: a'% = a' & x'% = x' by LATTICE3:def 3;
      Bottom (LattPOSet L) = Bottom L by A4,A6,YELLOW_0:def 11;
    then x' [= a' by LATTICES:41;
    hence x <= a by A7,LATTICE3:7;
   hence x is_<=_than the carrier of LattPOSet L by LATTICE3:def 8;
  hence LattPOSet L is lower-bounded by YELLOW_0:def 4;

definition let L be complete Lattice;
 cluster LattPOSet L -> complete;
    for X be set ex a be Element of LattPOSet L st X is_<=_than a &
   for b being Element of LattPOSet L st X is_<=_than b holds a <= b
   A1: the carrier of LattPOSet L = the carrier of RelStr(#the carrier of L,
        LattRel L#) by LATTICE3:def 2
     .= the carrier of L;
   let X be set;
   take a = "\/"(X,LattPOSet L);
   A2: a = "\/"(X,L) by YELLOW_0:29;
     X is_less_than "\/"(X,L) by LATTICE3:def 21;
   then X is_<=_than "\/"(X,L)% by LATTICE3:30;
   hence X is_<=_than a by A2,LATTICE3:def 3;
   let b be Element of LattPOSet L;
   reconsider b' = b as Element of L by A1;
   A3: "\/"(X,L)% = a & b'% = b by A2,LATTICE3:def 3;
   assume X is_<=_than b;
   then X is_<=_than b'% by LATTICE3:def 3;
   then X is_less_than b' by LATTICE3:30;
   then "\/"(X,L) [= b' by LATTICE3:def 21;
   hence a <= b by A3,LATTICE3:7;
  hence thesis by LATTICE3:def 12;

definition let X be set;
 redefine func RelIncl X -> Order of X;
    now let x be set;
   assume A1: x in RelIncl X;
   then consider y,z be set such that
    A2: x = [y,z] by RELAT_1:def 1;
     y in field RelIncl X & z in field RelIncl X by A1,A2,RELAT_1:30;
   then y in X & z in X by WELLORD2:def 1;
   hence x in [:X,X:] by A2,ZFMISC_1:106;
  then RelIncl X c= [:X,X:] by TARSKI:def 3;
  then reconsider R = RelIncl X as Relation of X by RELSET_1:def 1;
  A3: field R = X by WELLORD2:def 1;
 R is reflexive by WELLORD2:2;
A4: R is_reflexive_in X by A3,RELAT_2:def 9;
A5: R is antisymmetric by WELLORD2:5;
A6: R is transitive by WELLORD2:3;
   dom R = X by A4,ORDERS_1:98;
  hence thesis by A5,A6,PARTFUN1:def 4,WELLORD2:2;

 let X be set;
 func InclPoset X -> strict RelStr equals :Def1:
   RelStr(#X, RelIncl X#);

 let X be set;
 cluster InclPoset X -> reflexive antisymmetric transitive;
  proof InclPoset X = RelStr(#X, RelIncl X#) by Def1;
   hence thesis;

 let X be non empty set;
 cluster InclPoset X -> non empty;
  proof InclPoset X = RelStr(#X, RelIncl X#) by Def1;
   hence thesis;

theorem Th1:
 the carrier of InclPoset X = X &
  the InternalRel of InclPoset X = RelIncl X
    InclPoset X = RelStr (#X, RelIncl X#) by Def1;
  hence thesis;

definition let X be set;
 func BoolePoset X -> strict RelStr equals :Def2:
   LattPOSet BooleLatt X;

definition let X be set;
 cluster BoolePoset X -> non empty reflexive antisymmetric transitive;
  proof BoolePoset X = LattPOSet BooleLatt X by Def2;
   hence thesis;

definition let X be set;
 cluster BoolePoset X -> complete;
  proof BoolePoset X = LattPOSet BooleLatt X by Def2;
   hence thesis;

theorem Th2:
 for x,y be Element of BoolePoset X holds
  x <= y iff x c= y
  let x,y be Element of BoolePoset X;
  set B = BoolePoset X, L = BooleLatt X;
   the carrier of LattPOSet L = the carrier of L
     LattPOSet BooleLatt X = RelStr (#the carrier of L, LattRel L#)
     by LATTICE3:def 2;
   hence thesis;
  then reconsider x' = x, y' = y as Element of BooleLatt X by
A1:  the InternalRel of B = the InternalRel of LattPOSet L by Def2;
  A2: x'% = x & y'% = y by LATTICE3:def 3;
  thus x <= y implies x c= y
   assume x <= y;
   then [x,y] in the InternalRel of B by ORDERS_1:def 9;
   then x'% <= y'% by A1,A2,ORDERS_1:def 9;
   then x' [= y' by LATTICE3:7;
   hence x c= y by LATTICE3:2;
  thus x c= y implies x <= y
   assume x c= y;
   then x' [= y' by LATTICE3:2;
   then x'% <= y'% by LATTICE3:7;
   hence x <= y by A2,Def2;

theorem Th3:
 for X be non empty set, x,y be Element of InclPoset X holds
  x <= y iff x c= y
  let X be non empty set;
  let x,y be Element of InclPoset X;
    x in the carrier of InclPoset X & y in the carrier of InclPoset X;
then A1:  x in X & y in X by Th1;
  thus x <= y implies x c= y
   assume x <= y;
   then [x,y] in the InternalRel of InclPoset X by ORDERS_1:def 9;
   then [x,y] in RelIncl X by Th1;
   hence x c= y by A1,WELLORD2:def 1;
  thus x c= y implies x <= y
   assume x c= y;
   then [x,y] in RelIncl X by A1,WELLORD2:def 1;
   then [x,y] in the InternalRel of InclPoset X by Th1;
   hence x <= y by ORDERS_1:def 9;

theorem Th4:
 BoolePoset X = InclPoset bool X
  set B = BoolePoset X;
  A1: the carrier of B = the carrier of LattPOSet BooleLatt X by Def2
      .= the carrier of RelStr(#the carrier of BooleLatt X,
          LattRel BooleLatt X#) by LATTICE3:def 2
     .= bool X by LATTICE3:def 1;
  then reconsider In = the InternalRel of B as Relation of bool X;
    for x be set st x in bool X
   ex y be set st [x,y] in In
   let x be set;
   assume x in bool X;
   then reconsider x' = x as Element of B by A1;
   take y = x';
     x' <= y;
   hence [x,y] in In by ORDERS_1:def 9;
  then A2: dom In = bool X by RELSET_1:22;
    for y be set st y in bool X
   ex x be set st [x,y] in In
   let y be set;
   assume y in bool X;
   then reconsider y' = y as Element of B by A1;
   take x = y';
     x <= y';
   hence [x,y] in In by ORDERS_1:def 9;
  then rng In = bool X by RELSET_1:23;
  then A3: field the InternalRel of B = bool X \/ bool X by A2,RELAT_1:def 6;
    now let Y,Z be set;
   assume Y in bool X & Z in bool X;
   then reconsider Y' = Y , Z' = Z as Element of B by A1;
   thus [Y,Z] in the InternalRel of B implies Y c= Z
    assume [Y,Z] in the InternalRel of B;
    then Y' <= Z' by ORDERS_1:def 9;
    hence Y c= Z by Th2;
   thus Y c= Z implies [Y,Z] in the InternalRel of B
    assume Y c= Z;
    then Y' <= Z' by Th2;
    hence [Y,Z] in the InternalRel of B by ORDERS_1:def 9;
then A4:the InternalRel of B = RelIncl bool X by A3,WELLORD2:def 1;
    the carrier of B = the carrier of InclPoset bool X by A1,Th1;
  hence thesis by A4,Th1;

   for Y be Subset of bool X holds
  InclPoset Y is full SubRelStr of BoolePoset X
  set L = BoolePoset X;
  let Y be Subset of bool X;
  A1: the carrier of L = the carrier of LattPOSet BooleLatt X by Def2
      .= the carrier of RelStr(#the carrier of BooleLatt X,
          LattRel BooleLatt X#) by LATTICE3:def 2
     .= bool X by LATTICE3:def 1;
  then reconsider Y' = Y as Subset of L;
  reconsider In = the InternalRel of L as Relation of bool X by A1;
    for x be set st x in bool X ex y be set st [x,y] in In
   let x be set;
   assume x in bool X;
   then reconsider x' = x as Element of L by A1;
   take y = x';
     x' <= y;
   hence [x,y] in In by ORDERS_1:def 9;
  then A2: dom In = bool X by RELSET_1:22;
    for y be set st y in bool X
   ex x be set st [x,y] in In
   let y be set;
   assume y in bool X;
   then reconsider y' = y as Element of L by A1;
   take x = y';
     x <= y';
   hence [x,y] in In by ORDERS_1:def 9;
  then rng In = bool X by RELSET_1:23;
  then A3: field the InternalRel of L = bool X \/ bool X by A2,RELAT_1:def 6;
    now let Y,Z be set;
   assume Y in bool X & Z in bool X;
   then reconsider Y' = Y , Z' = Z as Element of L by A1;
   thus [Y,Z] in the InternalRel of L implies Y c= Z
    assume [Y,Z] in the InternalRel of L;
    then Y' <= Z' by ORDERS_1:def 9;
    hence Y c= Z by Th2;
   thus Y c= Z implies [Y,Z] in the InternalRel of L
    assume Y c= Z;
    then Y' <= Z' by Th2;
    hence [Y,Z] in the InternalRel of L by ORDERS_1:def 9;
then A4: the InternalRel of L = RelIncl bool X by A3,WELLORD2:def 1;
    RelStr(#Y',(the InternalRel of L) |_2 Y'#) is full SubRelStr of L
    by YELLOW_0:57;
  then RelStr(#Y',RelIncl Y'#) is full SubRelStr of L by A4,WELLORD2:8;
  hence InclPoset Y is full SubRelStr of L by Def1;

   for X be non empty set holds
  InclPoset X is with_suprema implies
   for x,y be Element of InclPoset X holds x \/ y c= x "\/" y
  let X be non empty set;
  assume A1: InclPoset X is with_suprema;
  let x,y be Element of InclPoset X;
    x <= x "\/" y & y <= x "\/" y by A1,YELLOW_0:22;
  then x c= x "\/" y & y c= x "\/" y by Th3;
  hence x \/ y c= x "\/" y by XBOOLE_1:8;

   for X be non empty set holds
  InclPoset X is with_infima implies
  for x,y be Element of InclPoset X holds x "/\" y c= x /\ y
  let X be non empty set;
  assume A1: InclPoset X is with_infima;
  let x,y be Element of InclPoset X;
    x "/\" y <= x & x "/\" y <= y by A1,YELLOW_0:23;
  then x "/\" y c= x & x "/\" y c= y by Th3;
  hence x "/\" y c= x /\ y by XBOOLE_1:19;

theorem Th8:
 for X be non empty set holds
 for x,y be Element of InclPoset X st x \/ y in X holds
  x "\/" y = x \/ y
  let X be non empty set;
  let x,y be Element of InclPoset X;
  assume x \/ y in X;
  then x \/ y in the carrier of InclPoset X by Th1;
  then reconsider z = x \/ y as Element of InclPoset X;
    x c= z & y c= z by XBOOLE_1:7;
  then A1: x <= z & y <= z by Th3;
    now let c be Element of InclPoset X;
   assume x <= c & y <= c;
   then x c= c & y c= c by Th3;
   then z c= c by XBOOLE_1:8;
   hence z <= c by Th3;
  hence thesis by A1,LATTICE3:def 13;

theorem Th9:
 for X be non empty set
 for x,y be Element of InclPoset X st x /\ y in X holds
  x "/\" y = x /\ y
  let X be non empty set;
  let x,y be Element of InclPoset X;
  assume x /\ y in X;
  then x /\ y in the carrier of InclPoset X by Th1;
  then reconsider z = x /\ y as Element of InclPoset X;
    z c= x & z c= y by XBOOLE_1:17;
  then A1: z <= x & z <= y by Th3;
    now let c be Element of InclPoset X;
   assume c <= x & c <= y;
   then c c= x & c c= y by Th3;
   then c c= z by XBOOLE_1:19;
   hence c <= z by Th3;
  hence thesis by A1,LATTICE3:def 14;

   for L be RelStr st for x,y be Element of L holds x <= y iff x c= y holds
  the InternalRel of L = RelIncl the carrier of L
  let L be RelStr;
  assume A1: for x,y be Element of L holds x <= y iff x c= y;
    for x be set st x in the carrier of L
   ex y be set st [x,y] in the InternalRel of L
   let x be set;
   assume x in the carrier of L;
   then reconsider x' = x as Element of L;
   take y = x';
     x' <= y by A1;
   hence [x,y] in the InternalRel of L by ORDERS_1:def 9;
  then A2: dom the InternalRel of L = the carrier of L by RELSET_1:22;
    for y be set st y in the carrier of L
   ex x be set st [x,y] in the InternalRel of L
   let y be set;
   assume y in the carrier of L;
   then reconsider y' = y as Element of L;
   take x = y';
     x <= y' by A1;
   hence [x,y] in the InternalRel of L by ORDERS_1:def 9;
  then rng the InternalRel of L = the carrier of L by RELSET_1:23;
  then A3: field the InternalRel of L = (the carrier of L) \/ the carrier of L
                                                          by A2,RELAT_1:def 6;
    now let Y,Z be set;
   assume Y in the carrier of L & Z in the carrier of L;
   then reconsider Y' = Y , Z' = Z as Element of L;
   thus [Y,Z] in the InternalRel of L implies Y c= Z
    assume [Y,Z] in the InternalRel of L;
    then Y' <= Z' by ORDERS_1:def 9;
    hence Y c= Z by A1;
   thus Y c= Z implies [Y,Z] in the InternalRel of L
    assume Y c= Z;
    then Y' <= Z' by A1;
    hence [Y,Z] in the InternalRel of L by ORDERS_1:def 9;
  hence the InternalRel of L = RelIncl the carrier of L by A3,WELLORD2:def 1;

  for X be non empty set st
 (for x,y be set st (x in X & y in X) holds x \/ y in X)
   holds InclPoset X is with_suprema
  let X be non empty set;
  set L = InclPoset X;
  assume A1: for x,y be set st (x in X & y in X) holds x \/ y in X;
    now let a,b be Element of L;
     a in the carrier of L & b in the carrier of L;
   then a in X & b in X by Th1;
   then A2: a \/ b in X by A1;
     ex c be Element of L st {a,b} is_<=_than c &
    for d be Element of L st {a,b} is_<=_than d holds c <= d
    take c = a "\/" b;
      a \/ b = c by A2,Th8;
    then a c= c & b c= c by XBOOLE_1:7;
    then a <= c & b <= c by Th3;
    hence {a,b} is_<=_than c by YELLOW_0:8;
    let d be Element of L;
    assume A3: {a,b} is_<=_than d;
      a in {a,b} by TARSKI:def 2;
    then A4: a <= d by A3,LATTICE3:def 9;
      b in {a,b} by TARSKI:def 2;
    then b <= d by A3,LATTICE3:def 9;
    then a c= d & b c= d by A4,Th3;
    then a \/ b c= d by XBOOLE_1:8;
    then c c= d by A2,Th8;
    hence c <= d by Th3;
   hence ex_sup_of {a,b}, L by YELLOW_0:15;
  hence L is with_suprema by YELLOW_0:20;

   for X be non empty set st
  for x,y be set st (x in X & y in X) holds x /\ y in X holds
   InclPoset X is with_infima
  let X be non empty set;
  set L = InclPoset X;
  assume A1: for x,y be set st (x in X & y in X) holds x /\ y in X;
    now let a,b be Element of L;
     a in the carrier of L & b in the carrier of L;
   then a in X & b in X by Th1;
   then A2: a /\ b in X by A1;
     ex c be Element of L st {a,b} is_>=_than c &
    for d be Element of L st {a,b} is_>=_than d holds c >= d
    take c = a "/\" b;
      a /\ b = c by A2,Th9;
    then c c= a & c c= b by XBOOLE_1:17;
    then c <= a & c <= b by Th3;
    hence {a,b} is_>=_than c by YELLOW_0:8;
    let d be Element of L;
    assume A3: {a,b} is_>=_than d;
      a in {a,b} by TARSKI:def 2;
    then A4: d <= a by A3,LATTICE3:def 8;
      b in {a,b} by TARSKI:def 2;
    then d <= b by A3,LATTICE3:def 8;
    then d c= a & d c= b by A4,Th3;
    then d c= a /\ b by XBOOLE_1:19;
    then d c= c by A2,Th9;
    hence c >= d by Th3;
   hence ex_inf_of {a,b},L by YELLOW_0:16;
  hence L is with_infima by YELLOW_0:21;

theorem Th13:
for X be non empty set holds
  {} in X implies Bottom InclPoset X = {}
  let X be non empty set;
  assume {} in X;
  then {} in the carrier of InclPoset X by Th1;
  then reconsider a = {} as Element of InclPoset X;
A1: {} is_<=_than a by YELLOW_0:6;
    now let b be Element of InclPoset X;
   assume b in X;
     {} c= b by XBOOLE_1:2;
   hence a <= b by Th3;
  then a is_<=_than X by LATTICE3:def 8;
  then a is_<=_than the carrier of InclPoset X by Th1;
  then InclPoset X is lower-bounded by YELLOW_0:def 4;
  then ex_sup_of {},InclPoset X by YELLOW_0:42;
  then "\/"({},InclPoset X) <= a by A1,YELLOW_0:def 9;
then A2: "\/"({},InclPoset X) c= a by Th3;
  thus Bottom InclPoset X = "\/"({},InclPoset X) by YELLOW_0:def 11
     .= {} by A2,XBOOLE_1:3;

theorem Th14:
 for X be non empty set holds
  union X in X implies Top InclPoset X = union X
  let X be non empty set;
  assume union X in X;
  then union X in the carrier of InclPoset X by Th1;
  then reconsider a = union X as Element of InclPoset X;
    "/\"({},InclPoset X) in the carrier of InclPoset X;
  then "/\"({},InclPoset X) in X by Th1;
  then A1: "/\"({},InclPoset X) c= a by ZFMISC_1:92;
  A2: {} is_>=_than a by YELLOW_0:6;
    now let b be Element of InclPoset X;
   assume b in X;
   then b c= union X by ZFMISC_1:92;
   hence b <= a by Th3;
  then a is_>=_than X by LATTICE3:def 9;
  then a is_>=_than the carrier of InclPoset X by Th1;
  then InclPoset X is upper-bounded by YELLOW_0:def 5;
  then ex_inf_of {},InclPoset X by YELLOW_0:43;
  then a <= "/\"({},InclPoset X) by A2,YELLOW_0:def 10;
  then A3: a c= "/\"({},InclPoset X) by Th3;
  thus Top InclPoset X = "/\"({},InclPoset X) by YELLOW_0:def 12
     .= union X by A1,A3,XBOOLE_0:def 10;

   for X being non empty set holds
  InclPoset X is upper-bounded implies union X in X
  let X be non empty set;
  assume InclPoset X is upper-bounded;
  then consider x be Element of InclPoset X such that
   A1: x is_>=_than the carrier of InclPoset X by YELLOW_0:def 5;
    x in the carrier of InclPoset X;
then A2:x in X by Th1;
    now let y be set;
   assume y in union X;
   then consider Y be set such that
    A3: y in Y & Y in X by TARSKI:def 4;
     Y in the carrier of InclPoset X by A3,Th1;
   then reconsider Y as Element of InclPoset X;
     Y <= x by A1,LATTICE3:def 9;
   then Y c= x by Th3;
   hence y in x by A3;
then A4: union X c= x by TARSKI:def 3;
    x c= union X by A2,ZFMISC_1:92;
  hence union X in X by A2,A4,XBOOLE_0:def 10;

   for X be non empty set holds
  InclPoset X is lower-bounded implies meet X in X
  let X be non empty set;
  assume InclPoset X is lower-bounded;
  then consider x be Element of InclPoset X such that
A1: x is_<=_than the carrier of InclPoset X by YELLOW_0:def 4;
    x in the carrier of InclPoset X;
then A2:  x in X by Th1;
  then A3: meet X c= x by SETFAM_1:4;
    now let y be set;
   assume A4: y in x;
     now let Y be set;
    assume Y in X;
    then Y in the carrier of InclPoset X by Th1;
    then reconsider Y' = Y as Element of InclPoset X;
      x <= Y' by A1,LATTICE3:def 8;
    then x c= Y by Th3;
    hence y in Y by A4;
   hence y in meet X by SETFAM_1:def 1;
  then x c= meet X by TARSKI:def 3;
  hence meet X in X by A2,A3,XBOOLE_0:def 10;

  the carrier of BoolePoset X = bool X
  thus the carrier of BoolePoset X =
    the carrier of LattPOSet BooleLatt X by Def2
    .= the carrier of RelStr (#the carrier of BooleLatt X,
       LattRel BooleLatt X#) by LATTICE3:def 2
    .= bool X by LATTICE3:def 1;

  for x,y be Element of BoolePoset X holds x /\ y in bool X & x \/ y in bool X
   let x,y be Element of BoolePoset X;
     x in the carrier of BoolePoset X & y in the carrier of BoolePoset X;
then A1: x in bool X & y in bool X by Lm1;
    then x /\ y c= X by XBOOLE_1:108;
   hence x /\ y in bool X;
      x \/ y c= X by A1,XBOOLE_1:8;
   hence x \/ y in bool X;

   for x,y be Element of BoolePoset X holds
  x "\/" y = x \/ y & x "/\" y = x /\ y
  let x,y be Element of BoolePoset X;
  reconsider x, y as Element of InclPoset bool X by Th4;
    x /\ y in bool X by Lm2;
then A1:  x "/\" y = x /\ y by Th9;
    x \/ y in bool X by Lm2;
  then x "\/" y = x \/ y by Th8;
  hence thesis by A1,Th4;

   Bottom BoolePoset X = {}
  thus Bottom BoolePoset X = "\/"({},BoolePoset X) by YELLOW_0:def 11
     .= "\/"({},LattPOSet BooleLatt X) by Def2
     .= "\/"({},BooleLatt X) by YELLOW_0:29
     .= Bottom BooleLatt X by LATTICE3:50
     .= {} by LATTICE3:3;

   Top BoolePoset X = X
A1:  BoolePoset X = InclPoset bool X by Th4;
    X in bool X by ZFMISC_1:def 1;
  then union bool X in bool X by ZFMISC_1:99;
  then Top InclPoset bool X = union bool X by Th14;
  hence thesis by A1,ZFMISC_1:99;

   for Y being non empty Subset of BoolePoset X holds
  inf Y = meet Y
  set L = BoolePoset X;
  let Y be non empty Subset of L;
  A1: the carrier of L = the carrier of LattPOSet BooleLatt X by Def2
      .= the carrier of RelStr(#the carrier of BooleLatt X,
           LattRel BooleLatt X#) by LATTICE3:def 2
     .= bool X by LATTICE3:def 1;
  consider y being Element of Y;
    y c= X by A1;
  then meet Y c= X by SETFAM_1:8;
  then reconsider Me = meet Y as Element of L by A1;
    now let b be Element of L;
   assume b in Y;
   then Me c= b by SETFAM_1:4;
   hence Me <= b by Th2;
  then A2: Me is_<=_than Y by LATTICE3:def 8;
    now let b be Element of L;
   assume A3: b is_<=_than Y;
     now let Z be set;
    assume A4: Z in Y;
    then reconsider Z' = Z as Element of L;
      b <= Z' by A3,A4,LATTICE3:def 8;
    hence b c= Z by Th2;
   then b c= Me by SETFAM_1:6;
   hence Me >= b by Th2;
  hence inf Y = meet Y by A2,YELLOW_0:33;

   for Y being Subset of BoolePoset X holds
  sup Y = union Y
  set L = BoolePoset X;
  let Y be Subset of L;
  A1: the carrier of L = the carrier of LattPOSet BooleLatt X by Def2
      .= the carrier of RelStr(#the carrier of BooleLatt X,
          LattRel BooleLatt X#) by LATTICE3:def 2
     .= bool X by LATTICE3:def 1;
  then union Y c= union bool X by ZFMISC_1:95;
  then union Y c= X by ZFMISC_1:99;
  then reconsider Un = union Y as Element of L by A1;
    now let b be Element of L;
   assume b in Y;
   then b c= Un by ZFMISC_1:92;
   hence b <= Un by Th2;
  then A2: Un is_>=_than Y by LATTICE3:def 9;
    now let b be Element of L;
   assume A3: b is_>=_than Y;
     now let Z be set;
    assume A4: Z in Y;
    then reconsider Z' = Z as Element of L;
      Z' <= b by A3,A4,LATTICE3:def 9;
    hence Z c= b by Th2;
   then Un c= b by ZFMISC_1:94;
   hence Un <= b by Th2;
  hence sup Y = union Y by A2,YELLOW_0:30;

   for T being non empty TopSpace, X being Subset of InclPoset the topology of
  holds sup X = union X
  let T be non empty TopSpace;
  set L = InclPoset the topology of T;
    reconsider t = the topology of T as non empty set;
    let X be Subset of L;
      X c= the carrier of L;
then A1:  X c= the topology of T by Th1;
    then reconsider X as Subset of bool the carrier of T by XBOOLE_1:1;
    reconsider X as Subset-Family of T by SETFAM_1:def 7;
A2: the carrier of L = the carrier of RelStr(#t, RelIncl t#) by Def1
       .= t;
      union X in t by A1,PRE_TOPC:def 1;
    then reconsider Un = union X as Element of L by A2;
      now let b be Element of L;
     assume b in X;
     then b c= Un by ZFMISC_1:92;
     hence b <= Un by Th3;
then A3: Un is_>=_than X by LATTICE3:def 9;
      now let b be Element of L;
A4:    b is_>=_than X;
       now let Z be set;
A5:    Z in X;
      then reconsider Z' = Z as Element of L;
        Z' <= b by A4,A5,LATTICE3:def 9;
      hence Z c= b by Th3;
     then Un c= b by ZFMISC_1:94;
     hence Un <= b by Th3;
    hence thesis by A3,YELLOW_0:30;

   for T be non empty TopSpace holds Bottom InclPoset the topology of T = {}
   let T be non empty TopSpace;
     {} in the topology of T by PRE_TOPC:5;
   hence thesis by Th13;

for T be non empty TopSpace holds InclPoset the topology of T is lower-bounded
   let T be non empty TopSpace;
   set L = InclPoset the topology of T;
     {} in the topology of T by PRE_TOPC:5;
   then {} in the carrier of L by Th1;
   then reconsider x = {} as Element of L;
     now take x;
   thus x is_<=_than the carrier of L
     let b be Element of L;
     assume b in the carrier of L;
       x c= b by XBOOLE_1:2;
     hence thesis by Th3;
   hence thesis by YELLOW_0:def 4;

    for T be non empty TopSpace
   holds Top InclPoset the topology of T = the carrier of T
   let T be non empty TopSpace;
   set L = InclPoset the topology of T, C = the carrier of T;
     the carrier of T = "/\"({},L)
     C in the topology of T by PRE_TOPC:def 1;
   then C in the carrier of L by Th1;
   then reconsider C as Element of L;
A1: C is_<=_than {} by YELLOW_0:6;
     for b being Element of L st b is_<=_than {} holds C >= b
    let b be Element of L;
    assume b is_<=_than {};
      b in the carrier of L;
    then b in the topology of T by Th1;
    hence thesis by Th3;
   hence thesis by A1,YELLOW_0:31;
  hence thesis by YELLOW_0:def 12;

for T being non empty TopSpace holds InclPoset the topology of T is complete
  let T be non empty TopSpace;
  set A = the topology of T;
  reconsider IA = InclPoset A as lower-bounded Poset by Lm3;
    for X be Subset of IA holds ex_sup_of X, InclPoset A
   let X be Subset of IA;
   set N = union X;
     X c= the carrier of IA;
   then X c= the topology of T by Th1;
   then reconsider X' = X as Subset of bool the carrier of T by XBOOLE_1:1;
   reconsider X' as Subset-Family of T by SETFAM_1:def 7;
     X' c= the carrier of InclPoset A;
   then X' c= the topology of T by Th1;
   then N in the topology of T by PRE_TOPC:def 1;
   then N in the carrier of InclPoset A by Th1;
   then reconsider N as Element of InclPoset A;
A1: X is_<=_than N
    let b be Element of InclPoset A;
    assume b in X;
    then b c= N by ZFMISC_1:92;
    hence N >= b by Th3;
     for b being Element of InclPoset A st X is_<=_than b holds N <= b
    let b be Element of InclPoset A;
    assume A2: X is_<=_than b;
      now let Z1 be set; assume A3: Z1 in X;
     then reconsider Z1' = Z1 as Element of InclPoset A;
       Z1' <= b by A2,A3,LATTICE3:def 9;
     hence Z1 c= b by Th3;
    then union X c= b by ZFMISC_1:94;
    hence thesis by Th3;
   hence thesis by A1,YELLOW_0:15;
  hence thesis by YELLOW_0:53;

for T being non empty TopSpace holds InclPoset the topology of T is non trivial
 let T be non empty TopSpace;
 set L = InclPoset the topology of T;
   {} in the topology of T & the carrier of T in
 the topology of T by PRE_TOPC:5,def 1;
 then {} in the carrier of L & the carrier of T in the carrier of L
   by Th1;
 then reconsider E = {}, S = the carrier of T as Element of L
   E <> S;
 hence thesis by REALSET1:def 20;

definition let T be non empty TopSpace;
  cluster InclPoset the topology of T -> complete non trivial;
  coherence by Lm4,Lm5;

   for T being TopSpace, F being Subset-Family of T holds
  F is open iff F is Subset of InclPoset the topology of T
    let T be TopSpace;
    let F be Subset-Family of T;
    hereby assume A1: F is open;
      F c= the topology of T
      let a be set; assume A2: a in F;
      then reconsider a' = a as Subset of T;
        a' is open by A1,A2,TOPS_2:def 1;
      hence thesis by PRE_TOPC:def 5;
     then F c= the carrier of InclPoset the topology of T by Th1;
     hence F is Subset of InclPoset the topology of T;
    assume F is Subset of InclPoset the topology of T;
    then F c= the carrier of InclPoset the topology of T;
then A3:  F c= the topology of T by Th1;
    let P be Subset of T;
    assume P in F;
    hence thesis by A3,PRE_TOPC:def 5;

begin  :: Products of Relational Structures

reserve x,y,z for set;

definition let R be Relation;
 attr R is RelStr-yielding means
:Def3: for v being set st v in rng R holds v is RelStr;

 cluster RelStr-yielding -> 1-sorted-yielding Function;
  proof let F be Function such that
A1:  F is RelStr-yielding;
   let x be set;
   assume x in dom F;
   then F.x in rng F by FUNCT_1:def 5;
   hence F.x is 1-sorted by A1,Def3;

definition let I be set;
 cluster RelStr-yielding ManySortedSet of I;
  proof consider R being RelStr;
   take I --> R;
   let v be set;
A1:  rng(I-->R) c= {R} by FUNCOP_1:19;
   assume v in rng(I-->R);
   hence thesis by A1,TARSKI:def 1;

 let J be non empty set,
     A be RelStr-yielding ManySortedSet of J,
     j be Element of J;
 redefine func A.j -> RelStr;
  proof dom A = J by PBOOLE:def 3;
    then A.j in rng A by FUNCT_1:def 5;
   hence thesis by Def3;

definition let I be set;
 let J be RelStr-yielding ManySortedSet of I;
 func product J -> strict RelStr means
:Def4: the carrier of it = product Carrier J &
  for x,y being Element of it st x in product Carrier J
   holds x <= y iff ex f,g being Function st f = x & g = y &
    for i be set st i in I
     ex R being RelStr, xi,yi being Element of R
       st R = J.i & xi = f.i & yi = g.i & xi <= yi;
    defpred P[set, set] means
    ex f,g being Function st f = $1 & g = $2 &
    for i be set st i in I
     ex R being RelStr, xi,yi being Element of R st
        R = J.i & xi = f.i & yi = g.i & xi <= yi;
    consider R being Relation of product Carrier J such that
A1:   for x,y being set holds [x,y] in R iff
       x in product Carrier J & y in product Carrier J & P[x, y]
        from Rel_On_Set_Ex;
   take RS = RelStr(#product Carrier J,R#);
     the carrier of RS = product Carrier J;
   let x,y be Element of RS such that
A2: x in product Carrier J;
   hereby assume x <= y;
     then [x,y] in the InternalRel of RS by ORDERS_1:def 9;
    hence ex f,g being Function st f = x & g = y &
    for i be set st i in I
     ex R being RelStr, xi,yi being Element of R st
      R = J.i & xi = f.i & yi = g.i & xi <= yi by A1;
    ex f,g being Function st f = x & g = y &
    for i be set st i in I
     ex R being RelStr, xi,yi being Element of R st
       R = J.i & xi = f.i & yi = g.i & xi <= yi;
    then [x,y] in the InternalRel of RS by A1,A2;
   hence x <= y by ORDERS_1:def 9;
  proof let S1,S2 be strict RelStr such that
A3: the carrier of S1 = product Carrier J and
A4:  for x,y being Element of S1 st x in product Carrier J holds
   x <= y iff ex f,g being Function st f = x & g = y &
    for i be set st i in I
     ex R being RelStr, xi,yi being Element of R st
      R = J.i & xi = f.i & yi = g.i & xi <= yi and
A5: the carrier of S2 = product Carrier J and
A6:  for x,y being Element of S2 st x in product Carrier J holds
   x <= y iff ex f,g being Function st f = x & g = y &
    for i be set st i in I
     ex R being RelStr, xi,yi being Element of R st
        R = J.i & xi = f.i & yi = g.i & xi <= yi;
     the InternalRel of S1 = the InternalRel of S2
     proof let a,b be set;
      hereby assume
A7:      [a,b] in the InternalRel of S1;
        then reconsider x=a, y=b as Element of S1 by ZFMISC_1:
A8:      a in the carrier of S1 by A7,ZFMISC_1:106;
        reconsider x'=x, y'=y as Element of S2 by A3,A5;
          x <= y by A7,ORDERS_1:def 9;
        then ex f,g being Function st f = x & g = y &
         for i be set st i in I
          ex R being RelStr, xi,yi being Element of R st
            R = J.i & xi = f.i & yi = g.i & xi <= yi by A3,A4,A8;
        then x' <= y' by A3,A6,A8;
       hence [a,b] in the InternalRel of S2 by ORDERS_1:def 9;
A9:     [a,b] in the InternalRel of S2;
        then reconsider x=a, y=b as Element of S2 by ZFMISC_1:
A10:      a in the carrier of S2 by A9,ZFMISC_1:106;
        reconsider x'=x, y'=y as Element of S1 by A3,A5;
          x <= y by A9,ORDERS_1:def 9;
        then ex f,g being Function st f = x & g = y &
         for i be set st i in I
          ex R being RelStr, xi,yi being Element of R st
            R = J.i & xi = f.i & yi = g.i & xi <= yi by A5,A6,A10;
        then x' <= y' by A4,A5,A10;
      hence [a,b] in the InternalRel of S1 by ORDERS_1:def 9;
   hence S1 = S2 by A3,A5;

 let X be set;
 let L be RelStr;
 cluster X --> L -> RelStr-yielding;
   let v be set;
A1:  rng(X-->L) c= {L} by FUNCOP_1:19;
   assume v in rng(X-->L);
   hence thesis by A1,TARSKI:def 1;

 let I be set;
 let T be RelStr;
 func T|^I -> strict RelStr equals :Def5:
   product (I --> T);

theorem Th26:
  for J be RelStr-yielding ManySortedSet of {} holds
   product J = RelStr (#{{}}, id {{}}#)
  let J be RelStr-yielding ManySortedSet of {};
  set IT = product J;
A1:the carrier of IT = product Carrier J by Def4
      .= {{}} by CARD_3:19,PBOOLE:134;
A2:product Carrier J = {{}} by CARD_3:19,PBOOLE:134;
    the InternalRel of product J = id {{}}
   let a,b be set;
   hereby assume [a,b] in the InternalRel of IT;
    then a in the carrier of IT & b in the carrier of IT by ZFMISC_1:106;
   then a = {} & b = {} by A1,TARSKI:def 1;
   then a = b & a in {{}} by TARSKI:def 1;
    hence [a,b] in id {{}} by RELAT_1:def 10;
   assume [a,b] in id {{}};
then A3:  a in {{}} & a = b by RELAT_1:def 10;
then A4:  a = {} by TARSKI:def 1;
    reconsider x = {}, y = {} as Element of IT
      by A1,TARSKI:def 1;
      x = {} --> {{}} & y = {} --> {{}} by FUNCT_4:3;
    then reconsider f = x, g = y as Function;
      for i be set st i in {}
     ex R being RelStr, xi,yi being Element of R
      st R = J.i & xi = f.i & yi = g.i & xi <= yi;
   then x <= y by A1,A2,Def4;
   hence thesis by A3,A4,ORDERS_1:def 9;
  hence thesis by A1;

theorem Th27:
 for Y be RelStr holds
  Y|^{} = RelStr (#{{}}, id {{}}#)
  let Y be RelStr;
    Y|^{} = product ({} --> Y) by Def5;
  hence thesis by Th26;

theorem Th28:
 for X be set, Y be RelStr holds
  Funcs (X, the carrier of Y) = the carrier of Y|^X
   let X be set;
   let Y be RelStr;
   set YY = the carrier of Y, f = Carrier (X --> Y);
     for x be set st x in X holds f.x = YY
     let x be set; assume A1: x in X;
     then consider R being 1-sorted such that
A2:    R = (X --> Y).x & f.x = the carrier of R by PRALG_1:def 13;
     thus thesis by A1,A2,FUNCOP_1:13;
then A3:  dom f = X & for x be set st x in X holds f.x = YY by PBOOLE:def 3;
     Funcs(X,YY) = product f
    thus Funcs(X,YY) c= product f
     proof let x be set; assume x in Funcs(X,YY);
      then consider g be Function such that
A4:     x = g & dom g = X & rng g c= YY by FUNCT_2:def 2;
         now let y be set; assume y in dom f;
         then f.y = YY & YY = YY & g.y in rng g by A3,A4,FUNCT_1:def 5;
        hence g.y in f.y by A4;
      hence thesis by A3,A4,CARD_3:def 5;
   let x; assume x in product f;
   then consider g be Function such that
A5:  x = g & dom g = dom f & for x st x in dom f holds g.x in f.x
      by CARD_3:def 5;
      rng g c= YY
    proof let y; assume y in rng g;
     then consider z such that
A6:    z in dom g & y = g.z by FUNCT_1:def 5;
        y in f.z & f.z = YY & YY = YY by A3,A5,A6;
     hence thesis;
   hence thesis by A3,A5,FUNCT_2:def 2;
  then Funcs(X,YY) = the carrier of product (X --> Y) by Def4;
  hence thesis by Def5;

definition let X be set;
 let Y be non empty RelStr;
 cluster Y|^X -> non empty;
  consider f be Function of X, the carrier of Y;
    f in Funcs (X, the carrier of Y) by FUNCT_2:11;
  then f in the carrier of Y|^X by Th28;
  hence thesis by STRUCT_0:def 1;

 for X be set, Y be non empty RelStr
  for x be Element of Y|^X
   holds x in the carrier of product (X --> Y) &
         x is Function of X, the carrier of Y
 let X be set, Y be non empty RelStr,
    x be Element of Y|^X;
A1:  x in the carrier of Y|^X;
    then x in Funcs (X, the carrier of Y) by Th28;
 hence thesis by A1,Def5,FUNCT_2:121;

definition let X be set;
 let Y be reflexive non empty RelStr;
 cluster Y|^X -> reflexive;
  per cases;
  suppose X is empty;
   hence thesis by Th27;
  suppose X is non empty;
  then reconsider X as non empty set;
    for x being Element of Y|^X holds x <= x
   let x be Element of Y|^X;
     x in the carrier of Y|^X;
then A1: x in the carrier of product (X --> Y) by Def5;
   reconsider x' = x as Element of product (X --> Y)
     by Def5;
A2: x' in product Carrier (X --> Y) by A1,Def4;
   reconsider x1 = x as Function of X, the carrier of Y by Lm6;
     ex f,g being Function st f = x' & g = x' &
    for i be set st i in X
     ex R being RelStr, xi,yi being Element of R
       st R = (X --> Y).i & xi = f.i & yi = g.i & xi <= yi
    take x1, x1;
    thus x1 = x' & x1 = x';
    let i be set; assume i in X;
    then reconsider i as Element of X;
    take R = (X --> Y).i;
   R = Y by FUNCOP_1:13;
    then reconsider xi = x1.i, yi = x1.i as Element of R;
    take xi, yi;
    reconsider xi1 = xi, yi1 = xi as Element of Y;
      xi1 <= yi1;
    hence thesis by FUNCOP_1:13;
   then x' <= x' by A2,Def4;
   then [x',x'] in the InternalRel of product (X --> Y) by ORDERS_1:def 9;
   then [x,x] in the InternalRel of Y|^X by Def5;
   hence thesis by ORDERS_1:def 9;
  hence thesis by YELLOW_0:def 1;

definition let Y be non empty RelStr;
 cluster Y|^{} -> trivial;
 coherence by Th27;

 let Y be non empty reflexive RelStr;
 cluster Y|^{} -> with_infima with_suprema antisymmetric;

definition let X be set;
 let Y be transitive non empty RelStr;
 cluster Y|^X -> transitive;
  set IT = Y|^X;
    now let x,y,z be Element of IT;
A1:x in the carrier of IT & y in the carrier of IT & z in the carrier of IT;
  reconsider x1 = x, y1 = y, z1 = z as
    Element of product (X --> Y) by Def5;
     x1 in the carrier of product (X --> Y) &
    y1 in the carrier of product (X --> Y) by A1,Def5;
then A2:  x1 in product Carrier (X --> Y) & y1 in product Carrier (X --> Y)
    by Def4;
   assume x <= y & y <= z;
   then [x,y] in the InternalRel of IT & [y,z] in the InternalRel of IT
     by ORDERS_1:def 9;
   then [x1,y1] in the InternalRel of product (X --> Y) &
     [y1,z1] in the InternalRel of product (X --> Y) by Def5;
then A3: x1 <= y1 & y1 <= z1 by ORDERS_1:def 9;
   then consider f,g being Function such that A4: f = x1 & g = y1 &
    for i be set st i in X
     ex R being RelStr, xi,yi being Element of R
       st R = (X --> Y).i & xi = f.i & yi = g.i & xi <= yi by A2,Def4;
   consider f1,g1 being Function such that A5: f1 = y1 & g1 = z1 &
    for i be set st i in X
     ex R being RelStr, xi,yi being Element of R
       st R = (X --> Y).i & xi = f1.i & yi = g1.i & xi <= yi by A2,A3,Def4;
     ex f2,g2 being Function st f2 = x1 & g2 = z1 &
    for i be set st i in X
     ex R being RelStr, xi,yi being Element of R
       st R = (X --> Y).i & xi = f2.i & yi = g2.i & xi <= yi
 reconsider f2 = x, g2 = z as Function of X, the carrier of Y by Lm6;
 take f2, g2;
 thus f2 = x1 & g2 = z1;
 let i be set; assume A6: i in X;
 then reconsider X as non empty set;
 reconsider i as Element of X by A6;
 reconsider R = (X --> Y).i as RelStr;
A7:  R = Y by FUNCOP_1:13;
 then f2.i in the carrier of R & g2.i in the carrier of R by FUNCT_2:7;
 then reconsider xi = f2.i, yi = g2.i as Element of R;
 take R, xi, yi;
 consider R1 being RelStr, xi1,yi1 being Element of R1 such that
A8:   R1 = (X --> Y).i & xi1 = f.i & yi1 = g.i & xi1 <= yi1 by A4;
 consider R2 being RelStr, xi2,yi2 being Element of R2 such that
A9:   R2 = (X --> Y).i & xi2 = f1.i & yi2 = g1.i & xi2 <= yi2 by A5;
 thus thesis by A4,A5,A7,A8,A9,YELLOW_0:def 2;
   then x1 <= z1 by A2,Def4;
   then [x1, z1] in the InternalRel of product (X --> Y) by ORDERS_1:def 9;
   then [x, z] in the InternalRel of IT by Def5;
   hence x <= z by ORDERS_1:def 9;
  hence thesis by YELLOW_0:def 2;

definition let X be set;
 let Y be antisymmetric non empty RelStr;
 cluster Y|^X -> antisymmetric;
  set IT = Y|^X;
    now let x,y be Element of IT;
A1:x in the carrier of IT & y in the carrier of IT;
  reconsider x1 = x, y1 = y as
    Element of product (X --> Y) by Def5;
     x1 in the carrier of product (X --> Y) &
    y1 in the carrier of product (X --> Y) by A1,Def5;
then A2:  x1 in product Carrier (X --> Y) & y1 in product Carrier (X --> Y)
    by Def4;
   assume x <= y & y <= x;
   then [x,y] in the InternalRel of IT & [y,x] in the InternalRel of IT
     by ORDERS_1:def 9;
   then [x1,y1] in the InternalRel of product (X --> Y) &
     [y1,x1] in the InternalRel of product (X --> Y) by Def5;
then A3: x1 <= y1 & y1 <= x1 by ORDERS_1:def 9;
   then consider f,g being Function such that A4: f = x1 & g = y1 &
    for i be set st i in X
     ex R being RelStr, xi,yi being Element of R
       st R = (X --> Y).i & xi = f.i & yi = g.i & xi <= yi by A2,Def4;
   consider f1,g1 being Function such that A5: f1 = y1 & g1 = x1 &
    for i be set st i in X
     ex R being RelStr, xi,yi being Element of R
       st R = (X --> Y).i & xi = f1.i & yi = g1.i & xi <= yi by A2,A3,Def4;
   reconsider x1' = x, y1' = y as Function of X, the carrier of Y by Lm6;
A6: dom x1' = X & dom y1' = X by FUNCT_2:def 1;
     let i be set; assume A7: i in X;
     then consider R1 being RelStr, xi1,yi1 being Element of R1 such that
A8:     R1 = (X --> Y).i & xi1 = f.i & yi1 = g.i & xi1 <= yi1 by A4;
     consider R2 being RelStr, xi2,yi2 being Element of R2 such that
A9:     R2 = (X --> Y).i & xi2 = f1.i & yi2 = g1.i & xi2 <= yi2 by A5,A7;
    Y = R1 & Y = R2 by A7,A8,A9,FUNCOP_1:13;
     hence x1'.i = y1'.i by A4,A5,A8,A9,ORDERS_1:25;
   hence x = y by A6,FUNCT_1:9;
  hence thesis by YELLOW_0:def 3;

definition let X be non empty set;
 let Y be non empty with_infima antisymmetric RelStr;
 cluster Y|^X -> with_infima;
    set IT = Y|^X;
    let x, y be Element of IT;
    reconsider x' = x as Function of X, the carrier of Y by Lm6;
    reconsider y' = y as Function of X, the carrier of Y by Lm6;
    defpred P[set, set] means ex xa, ya be Element of Y
      st xa = x'.$1 & ya = y'.$1 & $2 = xa "/\" ya;
A1:  for x be set st x in X ex y be set st y in the carrier of Y & P[x,y]
     let a be set; assume a in X;
     then x'.a in the carrier of Y & y'.a in the carrier of Y by FUNCT_2:7;
     then reconsider xa = x'.a, ya = y'.a as Element of Y;
     take y = xa "/\" ya;
     thus y in the carrier of Y;
     take xa, ya;
     thus thesis;
    consider f be Function of X, the carrier of Y such that
A2:    for a be set st a in X holds P[a,f.a] from FuncEx1(A1);
      f in Funcs (X, the carrier of Y) by FUNCT_2:11;
    then f in the carrier of IT by Th28;
    then reconsider z = f as Element of IT;
    take z;
A3:  z <= x
     reconsider x1 = x, z1 = z as Element of
       product (X --> Y) by Lm6;
       z1 in the carrier of IT;
     then z1 in the carrier of product (X --> Y) by Def5;
then A4:   z1 in product Carrier (X --> Y) by Def4;
      ex f,g being Function st f = z1 & g = x1 &
      for i be set st i in X
       ex R being RelStr, xi,yi being Element of R
        st R = (X --> Y).i & xi = f.i & yi = g.i & xi <= yi
      take f, x';
      thus f = z1 & x' = x1;
      let i be set; assume i in X;
      then reconsider i as Element of X;
      reconsider R = (X --> Y).i as RelStr;
A5:    R = Y by FUNCOP_1:13;
      then reconsider xi = f.i, yi = x'.i as Element of R;
      take R, xi, yi;
      consider xa, ya be Element of Y such that
A6:     xa = x'.i & ya = y'.i & f.i = xa "/\" ya by A2;
      thus thesis by A5,A6,YELLOW_0:23;
     then z1 <= x1 by A4,Def4;
     then [z1,x1] in the InternalRel of product (X --> Y) by ORDERS_1:def 9;
     then [z1,x1] in the InternalRel of IT by Def5;
     hence thesis by ORDERS_1:def 9;
A7:  z <= y
     reconsider y1 = y, z1 = z as Element of
       product (X --> Y) by Lm6;
       z1 in the carrier of IT;
     then z1 in the carrier of product (X --> Y) by Def5;
then A8:   z1 in product Carrier (X --> Y) by Def4;
      ex f,g being Function st f = z1 & g = y1 &
      for i be set st i in X
       ex R being RelStr, xi,yi being Element of R
        st R = (X --> Y).i & xi = f.i & yi = g.i & xi <= yi
      take f, y';
      thus f = z1 & y' = y1;
      let i be set; assume i in X;
      then reconsider i as Element of X;
      reconsider R = (X --> Y).i as RelStr;
A9:    R = Y by FUNCOP_1:13;
      then reconsider xi = f.i, yi = y'.i as Element of R;
      take R, xi, yi;
      consider xa, ya be Element of Y such that
A10:     xa = x'.i & ya = y'.i & f.i = xa "/\" ya by A2;
      thus thesis by A9,A10,YELLOW_0:23;
     then z1 <= y1 by A8,Def4;
     then [z1,y1] in the InternalRel of product (X --> Y) by ORDERS_1:def 9;
     then [z1,y1] in the InternalRel of IT by Def5;
     hence thesis by ORDERS_1:def 9;
      for z' being Element of IT st z' <= x & z' <= y holds z' <= z
     let z' be Element of IT; assume A11: z' <= x & z' <= y;
       z' <= z
    reconsider z2 = z', z3 = z, z4 = y, z5 = x as Element of the carrier
        of product (X --> Y) by Lm6;
    reconsider J = z2, K = z3 as Function of X, the carrier of Y by Lm6;
      z' in the carrier of product (X --> Y) by Lm6;
then A12:  z2 in product Carrier (X --> Y) by Def4;
      [z',x] in the InternalRel of IT by A11,ORDERS_1:def 9;
then A13: [z2,z5] in the InternalRel of product (X --> Y) by Def5;
      [z',y] in the InternalRel of IT by A11,ORDERS_1:def 9;
    then [z2,z4] in the InternalRel of product (X --> Y) by Def5;
then A14:  z2 <= z5 & z2 <= z4 by A13,ORDERS_1:def 9;
    then consider f1,g1 being Function such that
A15:     f1 = z2 & g1 = z5 &
    for i be set st i in X
     ex R being RelStr, xi,yi being Element of R
       st R = (X --> Y).i & xi = f1.i & yi = g1.i & xi <= yi by A12,Def4;
    consider f2,g2 being Function such that
A16:     f2 = z2 & g2 = z4 &
    for i be set st i in X
     ex R being RelStr, xi,yi being Element of R
       st R = (X --> Y).i & xi = f2.i & yi = g2.i & xi <= yi by A12,A14,Def4;
      ex f,g being Function st f = z2 & g = z3 &
      for i be set st i in X
       ex R being RelStr, xi,yi being Element of R
        st R = (X --> Y).i & xi = f.i & yi = g.i & xi <= yi
      take J, K;
      thus J = z2 & K = z3;
      let i be set; assume i in X;
      then reconsider i as Element of X;
      reconsider R = (X --> Y).i as RelStr;
A17:    R = Y by FUNCOP_1:13;
      then reconsider xi = J.i, yi = K.i as Element of R;
      take R, xi, yi;
      consider xa, ya be Element of Y such that
A18:        xa = x'.i & ya = y'.i & f.i = xa "/\" ya by A2;
     consider R1 being RelStr, xi1,yi1 being Element of R1 such that
A19:     R1 = (X --> Y).i &
      xi1 = f1.i & yi1 = g1.i & xi1 <= yi1 by A15;
     consider R2 being RelStr, xi2,yi2 being Element of R2 such that
A20:     R2 = (X --> Y).i & xi2 = f2.i & yi2 = g2.i & xi2 <= yi2 by A16;
      thus thesis by A15,A16,A17,A18,A19,A20,YELLOW_0:23;
      then z2 <= z3 by A12,Def4;
      then [z2,z3] in the InternalRel of product (X --> Y) by ORDERS_1:def 9;
      then [z2,z3] in the InternalRel of IT by Def5;
      hence thesis by ORDERS_1:def 9;
     hence thesis;
    hence thesis by A3,A7;

definition let X be non empty set;
 let Y be non empty with_suprema antisymmetric RelStr;
 cluster Y|^X -> with_suprema;
    set IT = Y|^X;
    let x, y be Element of IT;
    reconsider x' = x as Function of X, the carrier of Y by Lm6;
    reconsider y' = y as Function of X, the carrier of Y by Lm6;
    defpred P[set, set] means ex xa, ya be Element of Y
      st xa = x'.$1 & ya = y'.$1 & $2 = xa "\/" ya;
A1:  for x be set st x in X ex y be set st y in the carrier of Y & P[x,y]
     let a be set; assume a in X;
     then x'.a in the carrier of Y & y'.a in the carrier of Y by FUNCT_2:7;
     then reconsider xa = x'.a, ya = y'.a as Element of Y;
     take y = xa "\/" ya;
     thus y in the carrier of Y;
     take xa, ya;
     thus thesis;
    consider f be Function of X, the carrier of Y such that
A2:    for a be set st a in X holds P[a,f.a] from FuncEx1(A1);
      f in Funcs (X, the carrier of Y) by FUNCT_2:11;
    then f in the carrier of IT by Th28;
    then reconsider z = f as Element of IT;
    take z;
A3:  x <= z
     reconsider x1 = x, z1 = z as Element of
       product (X --> Y) by Lm6;
      x1 in the carrier of product (X --> Y) by Lm6;
then A4:  x1 in product Carrier (X --> Y) by Def4;
      ex f,g being Function st f = x1 & g = z1 &
      for i be set st i in X
       ex R being RelStr, xi,yi being Element of R
        st R = (X --> Y).i & xi = f.i & yi = g.i & xi <= yi
      take x',f;
      thus x' = x1 & f = z1;
      let i be set; assume i in X;
      then reconsider i as Element of X;
      reconsider R = (X --> Y).i as RelStr;
A5:    R = Y by FUNCOP_1:13;
      then reconsider yi = f.i, xi = x'.i as Element of R;
      take R, xi, yi;
      consider xa, ya be Element of Y such that
A6:     xa = x'.i & ya = y'.i & f.i = xa "\/" ya by A2;
      thus thesis by A5,A6,YELLOW_0:22;
     then x1 <= z1 by A4,Def4;
     then [x1,z1] in the InternalRel of product (X --> Y) by ORDERS_1:def 9;
     then [x1,z1] in the InternalRel of IT by Def5;
     hence thesis by ORDERS_1:def 9;
A7:  y <= z
     reconsider y1 = y, z1 = z as Element of
       product (X --> Y) by Lm6;
      y1 in the carrier of product (X --> Y) by Lm6;
then A8:  y1 in product Carrier (X --> Y) by Def4;
      ex f,g being Function st f = y1 & g = z1 &
      for i be set st i in X
       ex R being RelStr, xi,yi being Element of R
        st R = (X --> Y).i & xi = f.i & yi = g.i & xi <= yi
      take y', f;
      thus y' = y1 & f = z1;
      let i be set; assume i in X;
      then reconsider i as Element of X;
      reconsider R = (X --> Y).i as RelStr;
A9:    R = Y by FUNCOP_1:13;
      then reconsider yi = f.i, xi = y'.i as Element of R;
      take R, xi, yi;
      consider xa, ya be Element of Y such that
A10:     xa = x'.i & ya = y'.i & f.i = xa "\/" ya by A2;
      thus thesis by A9,A10,YELLOW_0:22;
     then y1 <= z1 by A8,Def4;
     then [y1,z1] in the InternalRel of product (X --> Y) by ORDERS_1:def 9;
     then [y1,z1] in the InternalRel of IT by Def5;
     hence thesis by ORDERS_1:def 9;
      for z' being Element of IT st z' >= x & z' >= y holds z' >= z
     let z' be Element of IT; assume A11: z' >= x & z' >= y;
       z' >= z
    reconsider z2 = z', z3 = z, z4 = y, z5 = x as Element of the carrier
        of product (X --> Y) by Lm6;
    reconsider K = z3, J = z2 as Function of X, the carrier of Y by Lm6;
       z5 in the carrier of product (X --> Y) &
     z3 in the carrier of product (X --> Y) &
     z4 in the carrier of product (X --> Y) by Lm6;
then A12:  z5 in product Carrier (X --> Y) &
     z3 in product Carrier (X --> Y) &
     z4 in product Carrier (X --> Y) by Def4;
      [x, z'] in the InternalRel of IT by A11,ORDERS_1:def 9;
then A13: [z5,z2] in the InternalRel of product (X --> Y) by Def5;
      [y, z'] in the InternalRel of IT by A11,ORDERS_1:def 9;
    then [z4,z2] in the InternalRel of product (X --> Y) by Def5;
then A14:  z5 <= z2 & z4 <= z2 by A13,ORDERS_1:def 9;
    then consider f1,g1 being Function such that
A15:     f1 = z5 & g1 = z2 &
    for i be set st i in X
     ex R being RelStr, xi,yi being Element of R
       st R = (X --> Y).i & xi = f1.i & yi = g1.i & xi <= yi by A12,Def4;
    consider f2,g2 being Function such that
A16:     f2 = z4 & g2 = z2 &
    for i be set st i in X
     ex R being RelStr, xi,yi being Element of R
       st R = (X --> Y).i & xi = f2.i & yi = g2.i & xi <= yi by A12,A14,Def4;
      ex f,g being Function st f = z3 & g = z2 &
    for i be set st i in X
       ex R being RelStr, xi,yi being Element of R
        st R = (X --> Y).i & xi = f.i & yi = g.i & xi <= yi
      take K, J;
      thus K = z3 & J = z2;
      let i be set; assume i in X;
      then reconsider i as Element of X;
      reconsider R = (X --> Y).i as RelStr;
A17:    R = Y by FUNCOP_1:13;
      then reconsider yi = J.i, xi = K.i as Element of R;
      take R, xi, yi;
      consider xa, ya be Element of Y such that
A18:      xa = x'.i & ya = y'.i & f.i = xa "\/" ya by A2;
     consider R1 being RelStr, xi1,yi1 being Element of R1 such that
A19:     R1 = (X --> Y).i &
      xi1 = f1.i & yi1 = g1.i & xi1 <= yi1 by A15;
     consider R2 being RelStr, xi2,yi2 being Element of R2 such that
A20:     R2 = (X --> Y).i & xi2 = f2.i & yi2 = g2.i & xi2 <= yi2 by A16;
      thus thesis by A15,A16,A17,A18,A19,A20,YELLOW_0:22;
      then z3 <= z2 by A12,Def4;
      then [z3,z2] in the InternalRel of product (X --> Y) by ORDERS_1:def 9;
      then [z3,z2] in the InternalRel of IT by Def5;
      hence thesis by ORDERS_1:def 9;
     hence thesis;
    hence thesis by A3,A7;

definition let S,T be RelStr;
 func MonMaps (S,T) -> strict full SubRelStr of T|^the carrier of S means
     for f being map of S,T holds f in the carrier of it iff
    f in Funcs (the carrier of S, the carrier of T) &
  f is monotone;
  set X = MonFuncs (S,T);
    X c= Funcs (the carrier of S, the carrier of T) by ORDERS_3:11;
  then reconsider X as Subset of T|^the carrier of S by Th28;
  take SX = subrelstr X;
  let f be map of S,T;
  hereby assume f in the carrier of SX;
   then f in X by YELLOW_0:def 15;
   then consider f' be map of S, T such that A1: f' = f &
    f' in Funcs (the carrier of S, the carrier of T) &
    f' is monotone by ORDERS_3:def 6;
   thus f in Funcs (the carrier of S, the carrier of T) &
    f is monotone by A1;
  assume f in Funcs (the carrier of S, the carrier of T) &
  f is monotone;
  then f in X by ORDERS_3:def 6;
  hence f in the carrier of SX by YELLOW_0:def 15;
  let A1, A2 be strict full SubRelStr of T|^the carrier of S;
  assume that
A2: for f being map of S,T holds f in the carrier of A1 iff
    f in Funcs (the carrier of S, the carrier of T) &
   f is monotone and
A3: for f being map of S,T holds f in the carrier of A2 iff
    f in Funcs (the carrier of S, the carrier of T) & f is monotone;
      the carrier of A1 c=
     the carrier of T|^the carrier of S by YELLOW_0:def 13;
then A4:the carrier of A1 c= Funcs (the carrier of S, the carrier of T) by Th28
   the carrier of A2 c= the carrier of T|^the carrier of S
   by YELLOW_0:def 13;
  then A5:the carrier of A2 c=
     Funcs (the carrier of S, the carrier of T) by Th28;
  set X = the carrier of S, Y = the carrier of T;
    the carrier of A1 = the carrier of A2
   thus the carrier of A1 c= the carrier of A2
    let a be set; assume A6: a in the carrier of A1;
    then a is Function of X, Y by A4,FUNCT_2:121;
    then reconsider f = a as map of S, T;
      f is monotone by A2,A6;
    hence a in the carrier of A2 by A3,A4,A6;
   thus the carrier of A2 c= the carrier of A1
    let a be set; assume A7: a in the carrier of A2;
    then a is Function of X, Y by A5,FUNCT_2:121;
    then reconsider f = a as map of S, T;
      f is monotone by A3,A7;
    hence a in the carrier of A1 by A2,A5,A7;
  hence thesis by YELLOW_0:58;

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