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environ vocabulary RLVECT_1, BINOP_1, FUNCT_1, PRE_TOPC, PROB_2, RLSUB_1, ARYTM_1, ABSVALUE, SQUARE_1, FUNCT_3, ARYTM_3, NORMSP_1, METRIC_1, RELAT_1, SEQM_3, BHSP_1, ARYTM; notation XBOOLE_0, ZFMISC_1, SUBSET_1, ORDINAL1, NUMBERS, XCMPLX_0, XREAL_0, NAT_1, REAL_1, FUNCT_1, FUNCT_2, BINOP_1, STRUCT_0, RELAT_1, DOMAIN_1, PRE_TOPC, ABSVALUE, RLVECT_1, RLSUB_1, SQUARE_1, NORMSP_1, QUIN_1; constructors REAL_1, NAT_1, DOMAIN_1, ABSVALUE, RLSUB_1, SQUARE_1, NORMSP_1, QUIN_1, MEMBERED, XBOOLE_0; clusters SUBSET_1, STRUCT_0, XREAL_0, RELSET_1, SQUARE_1, MEMBERED, ZFMISC_1, XBOOLE_0, NUMBERS, ORDINAL2; requirements REAL, NUMERALS, SUBSET, BOOLE, ARITHM; definitions RLVECT_1, NORMSP_1, STRUCT_0; theorems TARSKI, REAL_1, REAL_2, AXIOMS, SQUARE_1, ABSVALUE, RLVECT_1, RLSUB_1, QUIN_1, FUNCT_2, NORMSP_1, XREAL_0, XCMPLX_0, XCMPLX_1; schemes FUNCT_1, FUNCT_2; begin definition struct(RLSStruct) UNITSTR (# carrier -> set, Zero -> Element of the carrier, add -> BinOp of the carrier, Mult -> Function of [:REAL, the carrier:], the carrier, scalar -> Function of [: the carrier, the carrier :], REAL #); end; definition cluster non empty strict UNITSTR; existence proof consider D being non empty set, Z being Element of D, a being BinOp of D,m being Function of [:REAL, D:], D, s being Function of [: D,D:],REAL; take UNITSTR (#D,Z,a,m,s#); thus the carrier of UNITSTR (#D,Z,a,m,s#) is non empty; thus thesis; end; end; definition let D be non empty set, Z be Element of D, a be BinOp of D,m be Function of [:REAL, D:], D, s be Function of [: D,D:],REAL; cluster UNITSTR (#D,Z,a,m,s#) -> non empty; coherence proof thus the carrier of UNITSTR (#D,Z,a,m,s#) is non empty; end; end; reserve X for non empty UNITSTR; reserve a, b for Real; reserve x, y for Point of X; deffunc 0'(UNITSTR) = 0.$1; definition let X; let x, y; func x .|. y -> Real equals :Def1: (the scalar of X).[x,y]; correctness; end; consider V0 being RealLinearSpace; Lm1: the carrier of (0).V0 = {0.V0} by RLSUB_1:def 3; deffunc F(set,set) = 0; consider nil_func being Function of [: the carrier of (0).V0 , the carrier of (0).V0 :] , REAL such that Lm2: for x, y being VECTOR of (0).V0 holds nil_func.[x,y] = F(x,y) from Lambda2D; Lm3: nil_func.[0.V0,0.V0] = 0 proof 0.V0 in the carrier of (0).V0 by Lm1,TARSKI:def 1; hence thesis by Lm2; end; Lm4: for u being VECTOR of (0).V0 holds 0 <= nil_func.[u,u] proof let u be VECTOR of (0).V0; u = 0.V0 by Lm1,TARSKI:def 1; hence thesis by Lm3; end; Lm5: for u , v being VECTOR of (0).V0 holds nil_func.[u,v] = nil_func.[v,u] proof let u , v be VECTOR of (0).V0; u = 0.V0 & v = 0.V0 by Lm1,TARSKI:def 1; hence thesis; end; Lm6: for u , v , w being VECTOR of (0).V0 holds nil_func.[u+v,w] = nil_func.[u,w] + nil_func.[v,w] proof let u , v , w be VECTOR of (0).V0; u = 0.V0 & v = 0.V0 & w = 0.V0 by Lm1,TARSKI:def 1; hence thesis by Lm1,Lm3,TARSKI:def 1; end; Lm7: for u , v being VECTOR of (0).V0 , a holds nil_func.[a*u,v] = a * nil_func.[u,v] proof let u , v be VECTOR of (0).V0; let a; u = 0.V0 & v = 0.V0 by Lm1,TARSKI:def 1; hence thesis by Lm1,Lm3,TARSKI:def 1; end; set X0 = UNITSTR(# the carrier of (0).V0,the Zero of (0).V0,the add of (0).V0, the Mult of (0).V0, nil_func #); Lm8: now let x , y , z be Point of X0; let a; thus x .|. x = 0 iff x = 0'(X0) proof 0'(X0) = the Zero of X0 by RLVECT_1:def 2 .= 0.(0).V0 by RLVECT_1:def 2 .= 0.V0 by RLSUB_1:19; hence thesis by Def1,Lm1,Lm3,TARSKI:def 1; end; thus 0 <= x .|. x proof reconsider u = x as VECTOR of (0).V0; x .|. x = nil_func.[u,u] by Def1; hence thesis by Lm4; end; thus x .|. y = y .|. x proof reconsider u = x , v = y as VECTOR of (0).V0; x .|. y = nil_func.[u,v] & y .|. x = nil_func.[v,u] by Def1; hence thesis by Lm5; end; thus (x+y) .|. z = x .|. z + y .|. z proof reconsider u = x , v = y , w = z as VECTOR of (0).V0; x + y = (the add of X0).[x,y] by RLVECT_1:def 3 .= u + v by RLVECT_1:def 3; then (x+y) .|. z = nil_func.[u+v,w] & x .|. z = nil_func.[u,w] & y .|. z = nil_func.[v,w] by Def1; hence thesis by Lm6; end; thus (a*x) .|. y = a * ( x .|. y ) proof reconsider u = x , v = y as VECTOR of (0).V0; a * x = (the Mult of X0).[a,u] by RLVECT_1:def 4 .= a * u by RLVECT_1:def 4; then (a*x) .|. y = nil_func.[a*u,v] & x .|. y = nil_func.[u,v] by Def1; hence thesis by Lm7; end; end; definition let IT be non empty UNITSTR; attr IT is RealUnitarySpace-like means :Def2: for x , y , z being Point of IT , a holds ( x .|. x = 0 iff x = 0.IT ) & 0 <= x .|. x & x .|. y = y .|. x & (x+y) .|. z = x .|. z + y .|. z & (a*x) .|. y = a * ( x .|. y ); end; definition cluster RealUnitarySpace-like RealLinearSpace-like Abelian add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable strict (non empty UNITSTR); existence proof take X0; thus X0 is RealUnitarySpace-like by Def2,Lm8; A1: now let x,y be VECTOR of X0; let x',y' be VECTOR of (0).V0; assume A2: x = x' & y = y'; hence x + y= (the add of X0).[x',y'] by RLVECT_1:def 3 .= x' + y' by RLVECT_1:def 3; let a; thus a * x = (the Mult of X0).[a,x'] by A2,RLVECT_1:def 4 .= a * x' by RLVECT_1:def 4; end; A3: 0.X0 = the Zero of X0 by RLVECT_1:def 2 .= 0.(0).V0 by RLVECT_1:def 2; thus X0 is RealLinearSpace-like proof thus for a for v,w being VECTOR of X0 holds a * (v + w) = a * v + a * w proof let a; let v,w be VECTOR of X0; reconsider v'= v, w' = w as VECTOR of (0).V0; A4: a * v' = a * v by A1; A5: a * w' = a * w by A1; v + w = v'+ w' by A1; hence a * (v + w) = a *( v' + w') by A1 .= a * v' + a * w' by RLVECT_1:def 9 .= a * v + a * w by A1,A4,A5; end; thus for a,b for v being VECTOR of X0 holds (a + b) * v = a * v + b * v proof let a,b; let v be VECTOR of X0; reconsider v'= v as VECTOR of (0).V0; A6: a * v' = a * v by A1; A7: b * v' = b * v by A1; thus (a + b) * v = (a + b) * v' by A1 .= a * v' + b * v' by RLVECT_1:def 9 .= a * v + b * v by A1,A6,A7; end; thus for a,b for v being VECTOR of X0 holds (a * b) * v = a * (b * v) proof let a,b; let v be VECTOR of X0; reconsider v'= v as VECTOR of (0).V0; A8: b * v' = b * v by A1; thus (a * b) * v = (a * b) * v' by A1 .= a * (b * v') by RLVECT_1:def 9 .= a * (b * v) by A1,A8; end; let v be VECTOR of X0; reconsider v'= v as VECTOR of (0).V0; thus 1 * v = 1 * v' by A1 .= v by RLVECT_1:def 9; end; thus for v,w being VECTOR of X0 holds v + w = w + v proof let v,w be VECTOR of X0; reconsider v'= v , w'= w as VECTOR of (0).V0; thus v + w = w'+ v' by A1 .= w + v by A1; end; thus for u,v,w being VECTOR of X0 holds (u + v) + w = u + (v + w) proof let u,v,w be VECTOR of X0; reconsider u'= u, v'= v, w'= w as VECTOR of (0).V0; A9: u + v = u'+ v' by A1; A10: v + w = v' + w' by A1; thus (u + v) + w = (u' + v') + w' by A1,A9 .= u' + (v' + w') by RLVECT_1:def 6 .= u + (v + w) by A1,A10; end; thus for v being VECTOR of X0 holds v + 0.X0 = v proof let v be VECTOR of X0; reconsider v'= v as VECTOR of (0).V0; thus v + 0.X0 = v'+ 0.(0).V0 by A1,A3 .=v by RLVECT_1:10; end; thus for v being VECTOR of X0 ex w being VECTOR of X0 st v + w = 0.X0 proof let v be VECTOR of X0; reconsider v'= v as VECTOR of (0).V0; consider w' be VECTOR of (0).V0 such that A11: v' + w' = 0.(0).V0 by RLVECT_1:def 8; reconsider w = w' as VECTOR of X0; take w; thus v + w = 0.X0 by A1,A3,A11; end; thus thesis; end; end; definition mode RealUnitarySpace is RealUnitarySpace-like RealLinearSpace-like Abelian add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable (non empty UNITSTR); end; reserve X for RealUnitarySpace; reserve x , y , z , u , v for Point of X; definition let X; let x, y; redefine func x .|. y; commutativity by Def2; end; canceled 5; theorem (0.X) .|. (0.X) = 0 by Def2; theorem x .|. (y+z) = x .|. y + x .|. z by Def2; theorem x .|. (a*y) = a * x .|. y by Def2; theorem (a*x) .|. y = x .|. (a*y) proof (a*x) .|. y = a * x .|. y by Def2; hence thesis by Def2; end; theorem Th10: (a*x+b*y) .|. z = a * x .|. z + b * y .|. z proof (a*x+b*y) .|. z = (a*x) .|. z + (b*y) .|. z by Def2 .= a * x .|. z + (b*y) .|. z by Def2; hence thesis by Def2; end; theorem x .|. (a*y + b*z) = a * x .|. y + b * x .|. z by Th10; theorem (-x) .|. y = x .|. (-y) proof (-x) .|. y = ((-1)*x) .|. y by RLVECT_1:29 .= (-1) * x .|. y by Def2 .= x .|. ((-1)*y) by Def2; hence thesis by RLVECT_1:29; end; theorem Th13: (-x) .|. y = - x .|. y proof (-x) .|. y = ((-1)*x) .|. y by RLVECT_1:29 .= (-1) * x .|. y by Def2; hence thesis by XCMPLX_1:180; end; theorem x .|. (-y) = - x .|. y by Th13; theorem Th15: (-x) .|. (-y) = x .|. y proof (-x) .|. (-y) = - x .|. (-y) by Th13 .= - ( - x .|. y ) by Th13; hence thesis; end; theorem Th16: (x - y) .|. z = x .|. z - y .|. z proof (x - y) .|. z = (x + (-y)) .|. z by RLVECT_1:def 11 .= x .|. z + (-y) .|. z by Def2 .= x .|. z + ( - y .|. z ) by Th13; hence thesis by XCMPLX_0:def 8; end; theorem Th17: x .|. (y - z) = x .|. y - x .|. z proof x .|. (y - z) = x .|. (y + (-z)) by RLVECT_1:def 11 .= x .|. y + x .|. (-z) by Def2 .= x .|. y + ( - x .|. z ) by Th13; hence thesis by XCMPLX_0:def 8; end; theorem (x - y) .|. (u - v) = x .|. u - x .|. v - y .|. u + y .|. v proof (x - y) .|. (u - v) = x .|. (u - v) - y .|. (u - v) by Th16 .= ( x .|. u - x .|. v ) - y .|. (u - v) by Th17 .= ( x .|. u - x .|. v ) - ( y .|. u - y .|. v ) by Th17; hence thesis by XCMPLX_1:37; end; theorem Th19: (0.X) .|. x = 0 proof 0'(X) .|. x = (x + (-x)) .|. x by RLVECT_1:16 .= x .|. x + (-x) .|. x by Def2 .= x .|. x + ( - x .|. x ) by Th13; hence thesis by XCMPLX_0:def 6; end; theorem x .|. 0.X = 0 by Th19; theorem Th21: (x + y) .|. (x + y) = x .|. x + 2 * x .|. y + y .|. y proof (x + y) .|. (x + y) = x .|. (x + y) + y .|. (x + y) by Def2 .= (x .|. x + x .|. y) + y .|. (x + y) by Def2 .= (x .|. x + x .|. y) + (x .|. y + y .|. y) by Def2 .= ((x .|. x + x .|. y) + x .|. y) + y .|. y by XCMPLX_1:1 .= (x .|. x + (x .|. y + x .|. y)) + y .|. y by XCMPLX_1:1; hence thesis by XCMPLX_1:11; end; theorem (x + y) .|. (x - y) = x .|. x - y .|. y proof (x + y) .|. (x - y) = x .|. (x - y) + y .|. (x - y) by Def2 .= (x .|. x - x .|. y) + y .|. (x - y) by Th17 .= (x .|. x - x .|. y) + (x .|. y - y .|. y) by Th17; hence thesis by XCMPLX_1:39; end; theorem Th23: (x - y) .|. (x - y) = x .|. x - 2 * x .|. y + y .|. y proof (x - y) .|. (x - y) = x .|. (x - y) - y .|. (x - y) by Th16 .= x .|. x - x .|. y - y .|. (x - y) by Th17 .= x .|. x - x .|. y - ( x .|. y - y .|. y ) by Th17 .= x .|. x - ( x .|. y + ( x .|. y - y .|. y )) by XCMPLX_1:36 .= x .|. x - (( x .|. y + x .|. y ) - y .|. y ) by XCMPLX_1:29 .= x .|. x - ( x .|. y + x .|. y ) + y .|. y by XCMPLX_1:37; hence thesis by XCMPLX_1:11; end; theorem Th24: abs(x .|. y) <= sqrt (x .|. x) * sqrt (y .|. y) proof A1: x = 0'(X) implies abs(x .|. y) <= sqrt (x .|. x) * sqrt (y .|. y) proof assume A2: x = 0'(X); then A3: x .|. y = 0 by Th19; sqrt (x .|. x) = 0 by A2,Def2,SQUARE_1:82; hence thesis by A3,ABSVALUE:7; end; x <> 0'(X) implies abs(x .|. y) <= sqrt (x .|. x) * sqrt (y .|. y) proof assume x <> 0'(X); then A4: x .|. x <> 0 by Def2; A5: x .|. x >= 0 by Def2; A6: for t be real number holds x .|. x * t^2 + (2 * x .|. y) * t + y .|. y >= 0 proof let t be real number; reconsider t as Real by XREAL_0:def 1; (t * x + y) .|. (t * x + y) >= 0 by Def2; then (t * x) .|. (t * x) + 2 * (t * x) .|. y + y .|. y >= 0 by Th21; then t * x .|. (t * x) + 2 * (t * x) .|. y + y .|. y >= 0 by Def2; then t * ( t * x .|. x) + 2 * (t * x) .|. y + y .|. y >= 0 by Def2; then (t * t) * x .|. x + 2 * (t * x) .|. y + y .|. y >= 0 by XCMPLX_1:4; then x .|. x * t^2 + 2 * (t * x) .|. y + y .|. y >= 0 by SQUARE_1:def 3; then x .|. x * t^2 + 2 * (x .|. y * t) + y .|. y >= 0 by Def2; hence thesis by XCMPLX_1:4; end; A7: (abs(x .|. y))^2 >= 0 by SQUARE_1:72; A8: abs(x .|. y) >= 0 by ABSVALUE:5; A9: y .|. y >= 0 by Def2; delta(x .|. x,(2 * x .|. y),y.|.y) <= 0 by A4,A5,A6,QUIN_1:10; then (2 * x .|. y)^2 - 4 * x .|. x * y .|. y <= 0 by QUIN_1:def 1; then 2^2 * (x .|. y)^2 - 4 * x .|. x * y .|. y <= 0 by SQUARE_1:68; then (2 * 2) * (x .|. y)^2 - 4 * x .|. x * y .|. y <= 0 by SQUARE_1:def 3; then 4 * (x .|. y)^2 - 4 * (x .|. x * y .|. y) <= 0 by XCMPLX_1:4; then 4 * ((x .|. y)^2 - x .|. x * y .|. y) <= 0 by XCMPLX_1:40; then (x .|. y)^2 - x .|. x * y .|. y <= 0/4 by REAL_2:177; then (x .|. y)^2 <= x .|. x * y .|. y by SQUARE_1:11; then (abs(x .|. y))^2 <= x .|. x * y .|. y by SQUARE_1:62; then sqrt (abs(x .|. y))^2 <= sqrt (x .|. x * y .|. y) by A7,SQUARE_1:94; then abs(x .|. y) <= sqrt (x .|. x * y .|. y) by A8,SQUARE_1:89; hence thesis by A5,A9,SQUARE_1:97; end; hence thesis by A1; end; definition let X; let x, y; pred x, y are_orthogonal means :Def3: x .|. y = 0; symmetry; end; canceled; theorem x, y are_orthogonal implies x, - y are_orthogonal proof assume x, y are_orthogonal; then - x .|. y = - 0 by Def3; then x .|. (-y) = 0 by Th13; hence thesis by Def3; end; theorem x, y are_orthogonal implies -x, y are_orthogonal proof assume x, y are_orthogonal; then - x .|. y = - 0 by Def3; then (-x) .|. y = 0 by Th13; hence thesis by Def3; end; theorem x, y are_orthogonal implies -x, -y are_orthogonal proof assume x, y are_orthogonal; then x .|. y = 0 by Def3; then (-x) .|. (-y) = 0 by Th15; hence thesis by Def3; end; theorem x, 0.X are_orthogonal proof x .|. 0'(X) = 0 by Th19; hence thesis by Def3; end; theorem x, y are_orthogonal implies (x + y) .|. (x + y) = x .|. x + y .|. y proof assume x, y are_orthogonal; then A1:x .|. y = 0 by Def3; (x + y) .|. (x + y) = x .|. x + 2 * x .|. y + y .|. y by Th21; hence thesis by A1; end; theorem x, y are_orthogonal implies (x - y) .|. (x - y) = x .|. x + y .|. y proof assume x, y are_orthogonal; then A1:x .|. y = 0 by Def3; (x - y) .|. (x - y) = x .|. x - 2 * x .|. y + y .|. y by Th23 .= x .|. x + y .|. y - 0 by A1; hence thesis; end; definition let X, x; func ||.x.|| -> Real equals :Def4: sqrt (x .|. x); correctness; end; theorem Th32: ||.x.|| = 0 iff x = 0.X proof thus ||.x.|| = 0 implies x = 0'(X) proof assume ||.x.|| = 0; then A1: sqrt (x .|. x) = 0 by Def4; 0 <= x .|. x by Def2; then x .|. x = 0 by A1,SQUARE_1:92; hence thesis by Def2; end; assume x = 0'(X); then sqrt (x .|. x) = 0 by Def2,SQUARE_1:82; hence thesis by Def4; end; theorem Th33: ||.a * x.|| = abs(a) * ||.x.|| proof A1: 0 <= a^2 by SQUARE_1:72; A2: 0 <= x .|. x by Def2; ||.a * x.|| = sqrt ((a * x) .|. (a * x)) by Def4 .= sqrt (a * (x .|. (a * x))) by Def2 .= sqrt (a * (a * (x .|. x))) by Def2 .= sqrt ((a * a) * (x .|. x)) by XCMPLX_1:4 .= sqrt (a^2 * (x .|. x)) by SQUARE_1:def 3 .= sqrt (a^2) * sqrt (x .|. x) by A1,A2,SQUARE_1:97 .= abs(a) * sqrt (x .|. x) by SQUARE_1:91; hence thesis by Def4; end; theorem Th34: 0 <= ||.x.|| proof 0 <= x .|. x by Def2; then 0 <= sqrt (x .|. x) by SQUARE_1:def 4; hence thesis by Def4; end; theorem Th35: abs(x .|. y) <= ||.x.|| * ||.y.|| proof abs(x .|. y) <= sqrt (x .|. x) * sqrt (y .|. y) by Th24; then abs(x .|. y) <= ||.x.|| * sqrt (y .|. y) by Def4; hence thesis by Def4; end; theorem Th36: ||.x + y.|| <= ||.x.|| + ||.y.|| proof A1: ||.x + y.|| = sqrt ((x + y) .|. (x + y)) by Def4; A2: ||.x + y.|| >= 0 by Th34; A3: (x + y) .|. (x + y) >= 0 by Def2; A4: ||.x + y.||^2 >= 0 by SQUARE_1:72; A5: x .|. x >= 0 by Def2; A6: y .|. y >= 0 by Def2; sqrt ||.x + y.||^2 = sqrt ((x + y) .|. (x + y)) by A1,A2,SQUARE_1:89; then ||.x + y.||^2 = (x + y) .|. (x + y) by A3,A4,SQUARE_1:96; then ||.x + y.||^2 = x .|. x + 2 * x .|. y + y .|. y by Th21; then ||.x + y.||^2 = (sqrt (x .|. x))^2 + 2 * x .|. y + y .|. y by A5,SQUARE_1:def 4; then ||.x + y.||^2 = ||.x.||^2 + 2 * x .|. y + y .|. y by Def4; then ||.x + y.||^2 = ||.x.||^2 + 2 * x .|. y + (sqrt (y .|. y))^2 by A6,SQUARE_1:def 4; then A7: ||.x + y.||^2 = ||.x.||^2 + 2 * x .|. y + ||.y.||^2 by Def4; A8: abs(x .|. y) <= ||.x.|| * ||.y.|| by Th35; x .|. y <= abs(x .|. y) by ABSVALUE:11; then x .|. y <= ||.x.|| * ||.y.|| by A8,AXIOMS:22; then 2 * x .|. y <= 2 * (||.x.|| * ||.y.||) by AXIOMS:25; then 2 * x .|. y <= 2 * ||.x.|| * ||.y.|| by XCMPLX_1:4; then ||.x.||^2 + 2 * x .|. y <= ||.x.||^2 + 2 * ||.x.|| * ||.y.|| by REAL_1:55; then ||.x.||^2 + 2 * x .|. y + ||.y.||^2 <= ||.x.||^2 + 2 * ||.x.|| * ||.y.|| + ||.y.||^2 by AXIOMS:24; then A9: ||.x + y.||^2 <= (||.x.|| + ||.y.||)^2 by A7,SQUARE_1:63; A10: ||.x.|| >= 0 by Th34; ||.y.|| >= 0 by Th34; then ||.x.|| + ||.y.|| >= ||.x.|| + 0 by REAL_1:55; hence thesis by A9,A10,SQUARE_1:78; end; theorem Th37: ||.-x.|| = ||.x.|| proof A1: abs(-1) = -(-1) by ABSVALUE:def 1; ||.-x.|| = ||.(-1) * x.|| by RLVECT_1:29 .= 1 * ||.x.|| by A1,Th33; hence thesis; end; theorem Th38: ||.x.|| - ||.y.|| <= ||.x - y.|| proof (x - y) + y = x - (y - y) by RLVECT_1:43 .= x - 0'(X) by RLVECT_1:28 .= x by RLVECT_1:26; then ||.x.|| <= ||.x - y.|| + ||.y.|| by Th36; hence thesis by REAL_1:86; end; theorem abs(||.x.|| - ||.y.||) <= ||.x - y.|| proof A1: ||.x.|| - ||.y.|| <= ||.x - y.|| by Th38; (y - x) + x = y - (x - x) by RLVECT_1:43 .= y - 0'(X) by RLVECT_1:28 .= y by RLVECT_1:26; then ||.y.|| <= ||.y - x.|| + ||.x.|| by Th36; then ||.y.|| - ||.x.|| <= ||.y - x.|| by REAL_1:86; then ||.y.|| - ||.x.|| <= ||.(-x) + y.|| by RLVECT_1:def 11; then ||.y.|| - ||.x.|| <= ||.-(x - y).|| by RLVECT_1:47; then ||.y.|| - ||.x.|| <= ||.x - y.|| by Th37; then -(||.x.|| - ||.y.||) <= ||.x - y.|| by XCMPLX_1:143; then -||.x - y.|| <= -(-(||.x.|| - ||.y.||)) by REAL_1:50; hence thesis by A1,ABSVALUE:12; end; definition let X, x, y; func dist(x,y) -> Real equals :Def5: ||.x - y.||; correctness; end; theorem Th40: dist(x,y) = dist(y,x) proof thus dist(x,y) = ||.x-y.|| by Def5 .= ||.(-y)+x.|| by RLVECT_1:def 11 .= ||.-(y-x).|| by RLVECT_1:47 .= ||.y-x.|| by Th37 .= dist(y,x) by Def5; end; definition let X, x, y; redefine func dist(x,y); commutativity by Th40; end; theorem Th41: dist(x,x) = 0 proof thus dist(x,x) = ||.x-x.|| by Def5 .= ||.0'(X).|| by RLVECT_1:28 .= 0 by Th32; end; theorem dist(x,z) <= dist(x,y) + dist(y,z) proof dist(x,z) = ||.x-z.|| by Def5 .= ||.(x-z)+0'(X).|| by RLVECT_1:10 .= ||.(x-z)+(y-y).|| by RLVECT_1:28 .= ||.x-(z-(y-y)).|| by RLVECT_1:43 .= ||.x-(y+(z-y)).|| by RLVECT_1:43 .= ||.(x-y)-(z-y).|| by RLVECT_1:41 .= ||.(x-y)+-(z-y).|| by RLVECT_1:def 11 .= ||.(x-y)+(y+(-z)).|| by RLVECT_1:47 .= ||.(x-y)+(y-z).|| by RLVECT_1:def 11; then dist(x,z) <= ||.x-y.|| + ||.y-z.|| by Th36; then dist(x,z) <= dist(x,y) + ||.y-z.|| by Def5; hence thesis by Def5; end; theorem Th43: x <> y iff dist(x,y) <> 0 proof thus x <> y implies dist(x,y) <> 0 proof assume that A1: x <> y and A2: dist(x,y) = 0; ||.x-y.|| = 0 by A2,Def5; then x - y = 0'(X) by Th32; hence contradiction by A1,RLVECT_1:35; end; thus thesis by Th41; end; theorem Th44: dist(x,y) >= 0 proof dist(x,y) = ||.x-y.|| by Def5; hence thesis by Th34; end; theorem x <> y iff dist(x,y) > 0 proof thus x <> y implies dist(x,y) > 0 proof assume x <> y; then dist(x,y) <> 0 by Th43; hence thesis by Th44; end; thus thesis by Th41; end; theorem dist(x,y) = sqrt ((x-y) .|. (x-y)) proof dist(x,y) = ||.x-y.|| by Def5; hence thesis by Def4; end; theorem dist(x + y,u + v) <= dist(x,u) + dist(y,v) proof dist(x + y,u + v) = ||.(x + y) - (u + v).|| by Def5 .= ||.x + (y - (u + v)).|| by RLVECT_1:42 .= ||.x + (-(u + v) + y).|| by RLVECT_1:def 11 .= ||.-(u + v) + (x + y).|| by RLVECT_1:def 6 .= ||.((-u) + (-v)) + (x + y).|| by RLVECT_1:45 .= ||.x + ((-u) + (-v)) + y.|| by RLVECT_1:def 6 .= ||.(x + (-u)) + (-v) + y.|| by RLVECT_1:def 6 .= ||.x - u + (-v) + y.|| by RLVECT_1:def 11 .= ||.x - u + (y + -v).|| by RLVECT_1:def 6 .= ||.x - u + (y - v).|| by RLVECT_1:def 11; then dist(x + y,u + v) <= ||.x - u.|| + ||.y - v.|| by Th36; then dist(x + y,u + v) <= dist(x,u) + ||.y - v.|| by Def5; hence thesis by Def5; end; theorem dist(x - y,u - v) <= dist(x,u) + dist(y,v) proof dist(x - y,u - v) = ||.(x - y) - (u - v).|| by Def5 .= ||.((x - y) - u) + v.|| by RLVECT_1:43 .= ||.(x - (u + y)) + v.|| by RLVECT_1:41 .= ||.((x - u) - y) + v.|| by RLVECT_1:41 .= ||.(x - u) - (y - v).|| by RLVECT_1:43 .= ||.(x - u) + -(y - v).|| by RLVECT_1:def 11; then dist(x - y,u - v) <= ||.x - u.|| + ||.-(y - v).|| by Th36; then dist(x - y,u - v) <= ||.x - u.|| + ||.y - v.|| by Th37; then dist(x - y,u - v) <= dist(x,u) + ||.y - v.|| by Def5; hence thesis by Def5; end; theorem dist(x - z, y - z) = dist(x,y) proof thus dist(x - z,y - z) = ||.(x - z) - (y -z).|| by Def5 .= ||.((x - z) - y) + z.|| by RLVECT_1:43 .= ||.(x - (y + z)) + z.|| by RLVECT_1:41 .= ||.((x - y) - z) + z.|| by RLVECT_1:41 .= ||.(x - y) - (z - z).|| by RLVECT_1:43 .= ||.(x - y) - 0'(X).|| by RLVECT_1:28 .= ||.x - y.|| by RLVECT_1:26 .= dist(x,y) by Def5; end; theorem dist(x - z,y - z) <= dist(z,x) + dist(z,y) proof dist(x - z,y - z) = ||.(x - z) - (y - z).|| by Def5 .= ||.(x - z) + -(y - z).|| by RLVECT_1:def 11 .= ||.(x - z) + (z +(-y)).|| by RLVECT_1:47 .= ||.(x - z) + (z - y).|| by RLVECT_1:def 11 .= ||.((-z) + x) + (z - y).|| by RLVECT_1:def 11 .= ||.-(z - x) + (z - y).|| by RLVECT_1:47; then dist(x - z,y - z) <= ||.-(z - x).|| + ||.z - y.|| by Th36; then dist(x - z,y - z) <= ||.z - x.|| + ||.z - y.|| by Th37; then dist(x - z,y - z) <= dist(z,x) + ||.z - y.|| by Def5; hence thesis by Def5; end; reserve seq, seq1, seq2, seq3 for sequence of X; reserve k, n, m for Nat; reserve f for Function; reserve d, s, t for set; scheme Ex_Seq_in_RUS { X() -> non empty UNITSTR, F(Nat) -> Point of X() } : ex seq be sequence of X() st for n holds seq.n = F(n) proof defpred P[set,set] means ex n st n =$1 & $2 = F(n); A1: for d st d in NAT ex s st P[d,s] proof let d; assume d in NAT; then reconsider n = d as Nat; reconsider z = F(n) as set; take z; thus thesis; end; A2: for d , s , t st d in NAT & P[d,s] & P[d,t] holds s = t; consider f such that A3: dom f = NAT and A4: for d st d in NAT holds P[d,f.d] from FuncEx(A2,A1); for d st d in NAT holds f.d is Point of X() proof let d; assume d in NAT; then ex n st n = d & f.d = F(n) by A4; hence f.d is Point of X(); end; then reconsider f as sequence of X() by A3,NORMSP_1:17; take seq = f; let n; P[n,seq.n] by A4; hence seq.n = F(n); end; definition let X; let seq; canceled 4; func - seq -> sequence of X means :Def10: for n holds it.n = - seq.n; existence proof deffunc F(Nat) = -seq.$1; ex seq be sequence of X st for n holds seq.n = F(n) from Ex_Seq_in_RUS; hence thesis; end; uniqueness proof let seq1, seq2 such that A1: for n holds seq1.n = - seq.n and A2: for n holds seq2.n = - seq.n; now let n; seq1.n = - seq.n by A1; hence seq1.n = seq2.n by A2; end; hence seq1 = seq2 by FUNCT_2:113; end; end; definition let X; let seq; let x; canceled; func seq + x -> sequence of X means :Def12: for n holds it.n = seq.n + x; existence proof deffunc F(Nat) = seq.$1 + x; ex seq be sequence of X st for n holds seq.n = F(n) from Ex_Seq_in_RUS; hence thesis; end; uniqueness proof let seq1, seq2; assume that A1: ( for n holds seq1.n = seq.n + x ) and A2: ( for n holds seq2.n = seq.n + x ); for n holds seq1.n = seq2.n proof let n; seq1.n = seq.n + x by A1; hence thesis by A2; end; hence thesis by FUNCT_2:113; end; end; canceled 4; theorem Th55: seq1 + seq2 = seq2 + seq1 proof now let n; thus (seq1 + seq2).n = seq2.n + seq1.n by NORMSP_1:def 5 .= (seq2 + seq1).n by NORMSP_1:def 5; end; hence thesis by FUNCT_2:113; end; definition let X, seq1, seq2; redefine func seq1 + seq2; commutativity by Th55; end; theorem seq1 + (seq2 + seq3) = (seq1 + seq2) + seq3 proof now let n; thus (seq1 + (seq2 + seq3)).n = seq1.n + (seq2 + seq3).n by NORMSP_1:def 5 .= seq1.n + (seq2.n + seq3.n) by NORMSP_1:def 5 .= (seq1.n + seq2.n) + seq3.n by RLVECT_1:def 6 .= (seq1 + seq2).n + seq3.n by NORMSP_1:def 5 .= ((seq1 + seq2) + seq3).n by NORMSP_1:def 5; end; hence thesis by FUNCT_2:113; end; theorem seq1 is constant & seq2 is constant & seq = seq1 + seq2 implies seq is constant proof assume that A1: seq1 is constant and A2: seq2 is constant and A3: seq = seq1 + seq2; consider x such that A4: for n holds seq1.n = x by A1,NORMSP_1:def 4; consider y such that A5: for n holds seq2.n = y by A2,NORMSP_1:def 4; take z = x + y; now let n; thus seq.n = seq1.n + seq2.n by A3,NORMSP_1:def 5 .= x + seq2.n by A4 .= z by A5; end; hence thesis; end; theorem seq1 is constant & seq2 is constant & seq = seq1 - seq2 implies seq is constant proof assume that A1: seq1 is constant and A2: seq2 is constant and A3: seq = seq1 - seq2; consider x such that A4: for n holds seq1.n = x by A1,NORMSP_1:def 4; consider y such that A5: for n holds seq2.n = y by A2,NORMSP_1:def 4; take z = x - y; now let n; thus seq.n = seq1.n - seq2.n by A3,NORMSP_1:def 6 .= x - seq2.n by A4 .= z by A5; end; hence thesis; end; theorem seq1 is constant & seq = a * seq1 implies seq is constant proof assume that A1: seq1 is constant and A2: seq = a * seq1; consider x such that A3: for n holds seq1.n = x by A1,NORMSP_1:def 4; take z = a * x; now let n; thus seq.n = a * seq1.n by A2,NORMSP_1:def 8 .= z by A3; end; hence thesis; end; canceled 8; theorem Th68: seq is constant iff for n holds seq.n = seq.(n + 1) proof thus seq is constant implies for n holds seq.n=seq.(n + 1) proof assume seq is constant; then ex x st rng seq = {x} by NORMSP_1:27; hence thesis by NORMSP_1:21; end; assume for n holds seq.n = seq.(n + 1); then for n, k holds seq.n = seq.(n + k) by NORMSP_1:22; then for n, m holds seq.n = seq.m by NORMSP_1:23; hence ex x st for n holds seq.n = x by NORMSP_1:24; end; theorem Th69: seq is constant iff for n , k holds seq.n = seq.(n + k) proof thus seq is constant implies for n , k holds seq.n = seq.(n + k) proof assume seq is constant; then for n holds seq.n=seq.(n+1) by Th68; hence thesis by NORMSP_1:22; end; assume for n, k holds seq.n = seq.(n + k); then for n, m holds seq.n = seq.m by NORMSP_1:23; hence ex x st for n holds seq.n = x by NORMSP_1:24; end; theorem seq is constant iff for n, m holds seq.n = seq.m proof thus seq is constant implies for n, m holds seq.n = seq.m proof assume seq is constant; then for n, k holds seq.n = seq.(n + k) by Th69; hence thesis by NORMSP_1:23; end; assume for n, m holds seq.n = seq.m; hence ex x st for n holds seq.n = x by NORMSP_1:24; end; theorem seq1 - seq2 = seq1 + -seq2 proof now let n; thus (seq1 - seq2).n = seq1.n - seq2.n by NORMSP_1:def 6 .= seq1.n + -seq2.n by RLVECT_1:def 11 .= seq1.n + (-seq2).n by Def10 .= (seq1 + -seq2).n by NORMSP_1:def 5; end; hence thesis by FUNCT_2:113; end; theorem seq = seq + 0.X proof now let n; thus (seq + 0'(X)).n = seq.n + 0'(X) by Def12 .= seq.n by RLVECT_1:10; end; hence thesis by FUNCT_2:113; end; theorem a * (seq1 + seq2) = a * seq1 + a * seq2 proof now let n; thus (a * (seq1 + seq2)).n = a * (seq1 + seq2).n by NORMSP_1:def 8 .= a * (seq1.n + seq2.n) by NORMSP_1:def 5 .= a * seq1.n + a * seq2.n by RLVECT_1:def 9 .= (a * seq1).n + a * seq2.n by NORMSP_1:def 8 .= (a * seq1).n + (a * seq2).n by NORMSP_1:def 8 .= (a * seq1 + a * seq2).n by NORMSP_1:def 5; end; hence thesis by FUNCT_2:113; end; theorem (a + b) * seq = a * seq + b * seq proof now let n; thus ((a + b) * seq).n = (a + b) * seq.n by NORMSP_1:def 8 .= a * seq.n + b * seq.n by RLVECT_1:def 9 .= (a * seq).n + b * seq.n by NORMSP_1:def 8 .= (a * seq).n + (b * seq).n by NORMSP_1:def 8 .= (a * seq + b * seq).n by NORMSP_1:def 5; end; hence thesis by FUNCT_2:113; end; theorem (a * b) * seq = a * (b * seq) proof now let n; thus ((a * b) * seq).n = (a * b) * seq.n by NORMSP_1:def 8 .= a * (b * seq.n) by RLVECT_1:def 9 .= a * (b * seq).n by NORMSP_1:def 8 .= (a * (b * seq)).n by NORMSP_1:def 8; end; hence thesis by FUNCT_2:113; end; theorem 1 * seq = seq proof now let n; thus (1 * seq).n = 1 * seq.n by NORMSP_1:def 8 .= seq.n by RLVECT_1:def 9; end; hence thesis by FUNCT_2:113; end; theorem (-1) * seq = - seq proof now let n; thus ((-1) * seq).n = (-1) * seq.n by NORMSP_1:def 8 .= - seq.n by RLVECT_1:29 .= (-seq).n by Def10; end; hence thesis by FUNCT_2:113; end; theorem seq - x = seq + -x proof now let n; thus (seq - x).n = seq.n - x by NORMSP_1:def 7 .= seq.n + -x by RLVECT_1:def 11 .= (seq + -x).n by Def12; end; hence thesis by FUNCT_2:113; end; theorem seq1 - seq2 = - (seq2 - seq1) proof now let n; thus (seq1 - seq2).n = seq1.n - seq2.n by NORMSP_1:def 6 .= -seq2.n + seq1.n by RLVECT_1:def 11 .= - (seq2.n - seq1.n) by RLVECT_1:47 .= - (seq2 - seq1).n by NORMSP_1:def 6 .= (- (seq2 - seq1)).n by Def10; end; hence thesis by FUNCT_2:113; end; theorem seq = seq - 0.X proof now let n; thus (seq - 0'(X)).n = seq.n - 0'(X) by NORMSP_1:def 7 .= seq.n by RLVECT_1:26; end; hence thesis by FUNCT_2:113; end; theorem seq = - ( - seq ) proof now let n; thus (- ( - seq )).n = - (- seq).n by Def10 .= - ( - seq.n) by Def10 .= seq.n by RLVECT_1:30; end; hence thesis by FUNCT_2:113; end; theorem seq1 - (seq2 + seq3) = (seq1 - seq2) - seq3 proof now let n; thus (seq1 - (seq2 + seq3)).n = seq1.n - (seq2 + seq3).n by NORMSP_1:def 6 .= seq1.n - (seq2.n + seq3.n) by NORMSP_1:def 5 .= (seq1.n - seq2.n) - seq3.n by RLVECT_1:41 .= (seq1 - seq2).n - seq3.n by NORMSP_1:def 6 .= ((seq1 - seq2) - seq3).n by NORMSP_1:def 6; end; hence thesis by FUNCT_2:113; end; theorem (seq1 + seq2) - seq3 = seq1 + (seq2 - seq3) proof now let n; thus ((seq1 + seq2) - seq3).n = (seq1 + seq2).n - seq3.n by NORMSP_1:def 6 .= (seq1.n + seq2.n) - seq3.n by NORMSP_1:def 5 .= seq1.n + (seq2.n - seq3.n) by RLVECT_1:42 .= seq1.n + (seq2 - seq3).n by NORMSP_1:def 6 .= (seq1 + (seq2 - seq3)).n by NORMSP_1:def 5; end; hence thesis by FUNCT_2:113; end; theorem seq1 - (seq2 - seq3) = (seq1 - seq2) + seq3 proof now let n; thus (seq1 - (seq2 - seq3)).n = seq1.n - (seq2 - seq3).n by NORMSP_1:def 6 .= seq1.n - (seq2.n - seq3.n) by NORMSP_1:def 6 .= (seq1.n - seq2.n) + seq3.n by RLVECT_1:43 .= (seq1 - seq2).n + seq3.n by NORMSP_1:def 6 .= ((seq1 - seq2) + seq3).n by NORMSP_1:def 5; end; hence thesis by FUNCT_2:113; end; theorem a * (seq1 - seq2) = a * seq1 - a * seq2 proof now let n; thus (a * (seq1 - seq2)).n = a * (seq1 - seq2).n by NORMSP_1:def 8 .= a * (seq1.n - seq2.n) by NORMSP_1:def 6 .= a * seq1.n - a * seq2.n by RLVECT_1:48 .= (a * seq1).n - a * seq2.n by NORMSP_1:def 8 .= (a * seq1).n - (a * seq2).n by NORMSP_1:def 8 .= (a * seq1 - a * seq2).n by NORMSP_1:def 6; end; hence thesis by FUNCT_2:113; end;