The Mizar article:

Ordered Rings - Part III

Michal Muzalewski, and
Leslaw W. Szczerba

Received October 11, 1990

Copyright (c) 1990 Association of Mizar Users

MML identifier: O_RING_3
[ MML identifier index ]


 vocabulary VECTSP_1, FINSEQ_1, RELAT_1, FUNCT_1, O_RING_1;
 notation XREAL_0, NAT_1, FUNCT_1, FINSEQ_1, STRUCT_0, RLVECT_1, VECTSP_1,
 constructors NAT_1, O_RING_1, XREAL_0, XBOOLE_0;
 clusters VECTSP_1, STRUCT_0, RELSET_1, NAT_1, ZFMISC_1, XBOOLE_0;
 definitions O_RING_1;
 theorems REAL_1, NAT_1, FINSEQ_1, O_RING_1, AXIOMS, FINSEQ_3;

reserve i,j,k,l,m,n for Nat;

  n<1 implies n=0
      assume n<1;
      then n<0+1;
      then 0<=n & n<=0 by NAT_1:18,38;
      hence thesis by AXIOMS:21;

  n<>0 implies 1<=n
      assume n<>0;
      then 0<n by NAT_1:19;
      then 0+1<=n by NAT_1:38;
      hence thesis;

  n<=1 implies n=0 or n=1
      assume n<=1;
      then n<1 or n=1 by REAL_1:def 5;
      hence thesis by Lm1;

reserve R for non empty doubleLoopStr;
reserve x,y for Scalar of R;
reserve f,g,h for FinSequence of the carrier of R;

  h=f^g iff ( dom h = Seg(len f + len g) &
     (for k st k in dom f holds h.:k=f.:k) &
     (for k st k in dom g holds h.:(len f + k)=g.:k))
      thus h=f^g implies
        (dom h = Seg(len f + len g) &
        (for k st k in dom f holds h.:k=f.:k) &
        (for k st k in dom g holds h.:(len f + k)=g.:k))
          assume A1:h=f^g;
          hence dom h = Seg(len f + len g) by FINSEQ_1:def 7;
          then A2:len h=len f+len g by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
          thus for k st k in dom f holds h.:k=f.:k
              let k such that A3:k in dom f;
              A4:len f<=len f+len g by NAT_1:29;
              A5:0<>k & k<=len f by A3,FINSEQ_3:27;
              then 0<>k & k<=len h by A2,A4,AXIOMS:22;
              then h.:k=h.k by O_RING_1:def 1
                     .=f.k by A1,A3,FINSEQ_1:def 7
                     .=f.:k by A5,O_RING_1:def 1;
              hence thesis;
          thus for k st k in dom g holds h.:(len f + k)=g.:k
              let k; assume A6:k in dom g;
              then A7:0<>k & k<=len g by FINSEQ_3:27;
              then 0<>len f+k & len f+k<=len f+len g by NAT_1:23,REAL_1:55;
              then h.:(len f + k)=h.(len f+k) by A2,O_RING_1:def 1
                          .=g.k by A1,A6,FINSEQ_1:def 7
                          .=g.:k by A7,O_RING_1:def 1;
              hence thesis;
      thus (dom h = Seg(len f + len g) &
      (for k st k in dom f holds h.:k=f.:k) &
      (for k st k in dom g holds h.:(len f + k)=g.:k)) implies
          assume that
            A8:dom h = Seg(len f + len g) and
            A9:for k st k in dom f holds h.:k=f.:k and
            A10:for k st k in dom g holds h.:(len f + k)=g.:k;
          A11:len h=len f+len g by A8,FINSEQ_1:def 3;
          A12:for k st k in dom f holds h.k=f.k
              let k such that A13:k in dom f;
              A14:len f<=len f+len g by NAT_1:29;
              A15:0<>k & k<=len f by A13,FINSEQ_3:27;
              then 0<>k & k<=len h by A11,A14,AXIOMS:22;
              then h.k=h.:k by O_RING_1:def 1
                     .=f.:k by A9,A13
                     .=f.k by A15,O_RING_1:def 1;
              hence thesis;
            for k st k in dom g holds h.(len f + k)=g.k
              let k; assume A16:k in dom g;
              then A17:0<>k & k<=len g by FINSEQ_3:27;
              then 0<>len f+k & len f+k<=len f+len g by NAT_1:23,REAL_1:55;
              then h.(len f + k)=h.:(len f+k) by A11,O_RING_1:def 1
                          .=g.:k by A10,A16
                          .=g.k by A17,O_RING_1:def 1;
              hence thesis;
          hence h=f^g by A8,A12,FINSEQ_1:def 7;

  f=<*x*> iff len f =1 & f.:1=x
      thus f=<*x*> implies len f=1 & f.:1=x
          assume A1:f=<*x*>;
          hence len f=1 by FINSEQ_1:57;
          then f.:1=f.1 by O_RING_1:def 1
                  .=x by A1,FINSEQ_1:57;
          hence thesis;
      thus len f=1 & f.:1=x implies f=<*x*>
          assume that
            A2:len f=1 and
              f.1=x by A2,A3,O_RING_1:def 1;
            hence thesis by A2,FINSEQ_1:57;

  (f^<*x*>).:(len f + 1)=x
        len f+1=len f+len<*x*> by FINSEQ_1:56
            .=len(f^<*x*>) by FINSEQ_1:35;
      then 0<>len f+1 & len f+1<=len(f^<*x*>) by NAT_1:21;
      then (f^<*x*>).:(len f+1)=(f^<*x*>).(len f+1) by O_RING_1:def 1
                             .=x by FINSEQ_1:59;
      hence thesis;

  i<>0 & i<=len f implies (f^g).:i=f.:i
      assume i<>0 & i<=len f;
      then 0<>i & 0<=i & i<=len f by NAT_1:18;
      then 0<i & i<=len f by REAL_1:def 5;
      then 0+1<=i & i<=len f by NAT_1:38;
      then i in dom f by FINSEQ_3:27;
      hence thesis by Lm4;

  i<>0 & i<=len g implies (f^g).:(len f+i)=g.:i
      assume i<>0 & i<=len g;
      then 0<>i & 0<=i & i<=len g by NAT_1:18;
      then 0<i & i<=len g by REAL_1:def 5;
      then 0+1<=i & i<=len g by NAT_1:38;
      then i in dom g by FINSEQ_3:27;
      hence thesis by Lm4;

  x is_a_square implies <*x*> is_a_Product_of_squares
      assume A1:x is_a_square;
      A2: len<*x*>=1 by Lm5;
      A3:<*x*>.:1 is_a_square by A1,Lm5;
        for n st n<>0 & n<len <*x*>
        ex y st y is_a_square & <*x*>.:(n+1)=<*x*>.:n*y
          let n; assume n<>0 & n<len <*x*>;
          then n<>0 & n<1 by Lm5;
          hence thesis by Lm1;
      hence thesis by A2,A3,O_RING_1:def 6;

  x is_a_square implies x is_a_product_of_squares
      assume x is_a_square;
      then A1:<*x*> is_a_Product_of_squares by Lm9;
        len<*x*>=1 & <*x*>.:1=x by Lm5;
      hence thesis by A1,O_RING_1:def 7;

  x is_a_square implies <*x*> is_an_Amalgam_of_squares
      assume x is_a_square;
      then A1:x is_a_product_of_squares by Lm10;
      A2: len<*x*>=1 by Lm5;
      A3:<*x*>.:1 is_a_product_of_squares by A1,Lm5;
        for n st n<>0 & n<=len <*x*> holds <*x*>.:n is_a_product_of_squares or
        ex i,j st <*x*>.:n=<*x*>.:i*<*x*>.:j & i<>0 & i<n & j<>0 & j<n
          let n; assume n<>0 & n<=len <*x*>;
          then n<>0 & n<=1 by Lm5;
          hence thesis by A3,Lm3;
      hence thesis by A2,O_RING_1:def 10;

  x is_a_square implies x is_an_amalgam_of_squares
      assume x is_a_square;
      then A1:<*x*> is_an_Amalgam_of_squares by Lm11;
        len<*x*>=1 & <*x*>.:1=x by Lm5;
      hence thesis by A1,O_RING_1:def 11;

  f is_an_Amalgam_of_squares & g is_an_Amalgam_of_squares
  implies f^g is_an_Amalgam_of_squares
      assume A1:f is_an_Amalgam_of_squares & g is_an_Amalgam_of_squares;
      then len f<>0 by O_RING_1:def 10;
      then len f+len g<>0 by NAT_1:23;
      then A2:len(f^g)<>0 by FINSEQ_1:35;
        for n st n<>0 & n<=len (f^g) holds (f^g).:n is_a_product_of_squares or
        ex i,j st (f^g).:n=(f^g).:i*(f^g).:j & i<>0 & i<n & j<>0 & j<n
            let n; assume A3:n<>0 & n<=len (f^g);
            then A4:n<=len f+len g by FINSEQ_1:35;
            A5:now assume A6:n<=len f;

              then A7: f.:n is_a_product_of_squares implies thesis by A3,Lm7;
                now given k,l such that
                  A8:f.:n=f.:k*f.:l & k<>0 & k<n & l<>0 & l<n;
A9:                k<=len f by A6,A8,AXIOMS:22;

A10:                l<=len f by A6,A8,AXIOMS:22;

                  (f^g).:n=f.:k*f.:l by A3,A6,A8,Lm7
                      .=(f^g).:k*f.:l by A8,A9,Lm7
                      .=(f^g).:k*(f^g).:l by A8,A10,Lm7;
                hence thesis by A8;
              hence thesis by A1,A3,A6,A7,O_RING_1:def 10;
              now assume A11: len f<n;
              then consider m such that A12:n=len f+m by NAT_1:28;
              A13:m<=len g by A4,A12,REAL_1:53;
                m<>0 & len f+m<=len f+len g by A3,A11,A12,FINSEQ_1:35;
              then A14:m<>0 & m<=len g by REAL_1:53;

              then A15: g.:
m is_a_product_of_squares implies thesis by A12,Lm8;
                now given k,l such that
                  A16:g.:m=g.:k*g.:l & k<>0 & k<m & l<>0 & l<m;
                A17:k<>0 & k<=len g by A13,A16,AXIOMS:22;
                A18:l<>0 & l<=len g by A13,A16,AXIOMS:22;
                A19:(f^g).:n=g.:k*g.:l by A12,A14,A16,Lm8
                            .=(f^g).:(len f+k)*g.:l by A17,Lm8
                            .=(f^g).:(len f+k)*(f^g).:(len f+l)
                              by A18,Lm8;
                A20:len f+k<>0 & len f+l<>0 by A16,NAT_1:23;
                  len f+k<n & len f+l<n by A12,A16,REAL_1:53;
                hence thesis by A19,A20;
              hence thesis
                by A1,A14,A15,O_RING_1:def 10;
            hence thesis by A5;
      hence thesis by A2,O_RING_1:def 10;

  f is_a_generation_from_squares & g is_a_generation_from_squares
    implies f^g is_a_generation_from_squares
      assume that
        A1:f is_a_generation_from_squares and
        A2:g is_a_generation_from_squares;
        len f<>0 by A1,O_RING_1:def 14;
      then len f+len g<>0 by NAT_1:23;
      then A3:len(f^g)<>0 by FINSEQ_1:35;
        for n st n<>0 & n<=len (f^g) holds (f^g).:n is_an_amalgam_of_squares or
        ex i,j st ((f^g).:n=(f^g).:i*(f^g).:j or (f^g).:n=(f^g).:i+(f^g).:j) &
          i<>0 & i<n & j<>0 & j<n
            let n; assume A4:n<>0 & n<=len (f^g);
            then A5:n<=len f+len g by FINSEQ_1:35;
            A6:now assume A7:n<=len f;
              then A8:(f^g).:n=f.:n by A4,Lm7;
              A9: f.:n is_an_amalgam_of_squares implies thesis by A4,A7,Lm7;
                now given k,l such that
                  A10:(f.:n=f.:k*f.:l or f.:n=f.:k+f.:l) &
                    k<>0 & k<n & l<>0 & l<n;
                  k<=len f by A7,A10,AXIOMS:22;
                then A11:(f^g).:k=f.:k by A10,Lm7;
                  l<=len f by A7,A10,AXIOMS:22;
                then (f^g).:l=f.:l by A10,Lm7;
                hence thesis by A8,A10,A11;
              hence thesis by A1,A4,A7,A9,O_RING_1:def 14;
              now assume A12: len f<n;
              then consider m such that A13:n=len f+m by NAT_1:28;
              A14:m<=len g by A5,A13,REAL_1:53;
                m<>0 & len f+m<=len f+len g by A4,A12,A13,FINSEQ_1:35;
              then A15:m<>0 & m<=len g by REAL_1:53;

              then A16: g.:
m is_an_amalgam_of_squares implies thesis by A13,Lm8
                now given k,l such that
                  A17:(g.:m=g.:k*g.:l or g.:m=g.:k+g.:
l) & k<>0 & k<m & l<>0 & l<m;
                A18:k<>0 & k<=len g by A14,A17,AXIOMS:22;
                A19:l<>0 & l<=len g by A14,A17,AXIOMS:22;
                A20:(f^g).:n=(f^g).:(len f+k)*(f^g).:(len f+l) or
                  (f^g).:n=(f^g).:(len f+k)+(f^g).:(len f+l)
                    A21:now assume g.:m=g.:k*g.:l;
                      then (f^g).:n=g.:k*g.:l by A13,A15,Lm8
                                 .=(f^g).:(len f+k)*g.:l by A18,Lm8
                                 .=(f^g).:(len f+k)*(f^g).:(len f+l)
                                   by A19,Lm8;
                      hence thesis;
                      now assume g.:m=g.:k+g.:l;
                      then (f^g).:n=g.:k+g.:l by A13,A15,Lm8
                                 .=(f^g).:(len f+k)+g.:l by A18,Lm8
                                 .=(f^g).:(len f+k)+(f^g).:(len f+l)
                                   by A19,Lm8;
                      hence thesis;
                    hence thesis by A17,A21;
                A22:len f+k<>0 & len f+l<>0 by A17,NAT_1:23;
                  len f+k<n & len f+l<n by A13,A17,REAL_1:53;
                hence thesis by A20,A22;
              hence thesis by A2,A15,A16,O_RING_1:def 14;
            hence thesis by A6;
      hence thesis by A3,O_RING_1:def 14;

  f is_a_generation_from_squares & x is_a_square
  implies f^<*x*> is_a_generation_from_squares
      assume A1:f is_a_generation_from_squares & x is_a_square;
      then len f<>0 by O_RING_1:def 14;
      then len f+len<*x*><>0 by NAT_1:23;
      then A2:len (f^<*x*>)<>0 by FINSEQ_1:35;
      set g=f^<*x*>;
      A3:len g=len f+len<*x*> by FINSEQ_1:35
            .=len f+1 by Lm5;
        for n st n<>0 & n<=len g holds
        g.:n is_an_amalgam_of_squares or
          ex i,j st (g.:n=g.:i*g.:j or g.:n=g.:i+g.:
j) & i<>0 & i<n & j<>0 & j<n
          let n such that A4:n<>0 & n<=len g;
          A5:now assume n<len g;
            then A6:n<=len f by A3,NAT_1:38;
            then A7:g.:n=f.:n by A4,Lm7;
            A8: f.:n is_an_amalgam_of_squares implies thesis by A4,A6,Lm7;
              now given k,m such that
                A9:(f.:n=f.:k*f.:m or f.:n=f.:k+f.:m) & k<>0 & k<n & m<>0 &
                k<=len f by A6,A9,AXIOMS:22;
              then A10:f.:k=g.:k by A9,Lm7;
                m<=len f by A6,A9,AXIOMS:22;
              then f.:m=g.:m by A9,Lm7;
              hence thesis by A7,A9,A10;
            hence thesis
              by A1,A4,A6,A8,O_RING_1:def 14;
            now assume n=len g;
            then g.:n=x by A3,Lm6;
            hence thesis by A1,Lm12;
          hence thesis by A4,A5,REAL_1:def 5;
      hence thesis by A2,O_RING_1:def 14;

  f is_a_generation_from_squares & x is_an_amalgam_of_squares
  implies f^<*x*> is_a_generation_from_squares
      assume A1:f is_a_generation_from_squares &
        x is_an_amalgam_of_squares;
      then len f<>0 by O_RING_1:def 14;
      then len f+len<*x*><>0 by NAT_1:23;
      then A2:len (f^<*x*>)<>0 by FINSEQ_1:35;
      set g=f^<*x*>;
      A3:len g=len f+len<*x*> by FINSEQ_1:35
            .=len f+1 by Lm5;
        for n st n<>0 & n<=len g holds
        g.:n is_an_amalgam_of_squares or
          ex i,j st (g.:n=g.:i*g.:j or g.:n=g.:i+g.:
j) & i<>0 & i<n & j<>0 & j<n
          let n such that A4:n<>0 & n<=len g;
          A5:now assume n<len g;
            then A6:n<=len f by A3,NAT_1:38;
            then A7:g.:n=f.:n by A4,Lm7;
            A8: f.:n is_an_amalgam_of_squares implies thesis by A4,A6,Lm7;
              now given k,m such that
                A9:(f.:n=f.:k*f.:m or f.:n=f.:k+f.:m) & k<>0 & k<n & m<>0 &
                k<=len f by A6,A9,AXIOMS:22;
              then A10:f.:k=g.:k by A9,Lm7;
                m<=len f by A6,A9,AXIOMS:22;
              then f.:m=g.:m by A9,Lm7;
              hence thesis by A7,A9,A10;
            hence thesis by A1,A4,A6,A8,O_RING_1:def 14;
             n=len g implies thesis by A1,A3,Lm6;
          hence thesis by A4,A5,REAL_1:def 5;
      hence thesis by A2,O_RING_1:def 14;

  f is_an_Amalgam_of_squares & i<>0 & i<=len f & j<>0 & j<=len f
  implies f^<*f.:i*f.:j*> is_an_Amalgam_of_squares
      assume A1:f is_an_Amalgam_of_squares & i<>0 & i<=len f & j<>0 &
        j<=len f;
      then len f<>0 by O_RING_1:def 10;
      then len f+len<*f.:i*f.:j*><>0 by NAT_1:23;
      then A2:len (f^<*f.:i*f.:j*>)<>0 by FINSEQ_1:35;
      set g=f^<*f.:i*f.:j*>;
      A3:len g=len f+len<*f.:i*f.:j*> by FINSEQ_1:35
            .=len f+1 by Lm5;
        for n st n<>0 & n<=len g holds
        g.:n is_a_product_of_squares or
          ex i,j st g.:n=g.:i*g.:j & i<>0 & i<n & j<>0 & j<n
          let n such that A4:n<>0 & n<=len g;
          A5:now assume n<len g;
            then A6:n<=len f by A3,NAT_1:38;

            then A7: f.:n is_a_product_of_squares implies thesis by A4,Lm7;
              now given k,m such that
                A8:f.:n=f.:k*f.:m & k<>0 & k<n & m<>0 & m<n;
A9:              k<=len f by A6,A8,AXIOMS:22;

A10:              m<=len f by A6,A8,AXIOMS:22;

                g.:n=f.:k*f.:m by A4,A6,A8,Lm7
                .=g.:k*f.:m by A8,A9,Lm7
                .=g.:k*g.:m by A8,A10,Lm7;
              hence thesis by A8;
            hence thesis by A1,A4,A6,A7,O_RING_1:def 10;
            now assume A11: n=len g;

            then g.:n=f.:i*f.:j by A3,Lm6
                     .=g.:i*f.:j by A1,Lm7
                     .=g.:i*g.:j by A1,Lm7;
            then g.:n=g.:i*g.:j & i<n & j<n by A1,A3,A11,NAT_1:38;
            hence thesis by A1;
          hence thesis by A4,A5,REAL_1:def 5;
      hence thesis by A2,O_RING_1:def 10;

  f is_a_generation_from_squares & i<>0 & i<=len f & j<>0 & j<=len f
    implies f^<*f.:i*f.:j*> is_a_generation_from_squares
      assume A1:f is_a_generation_from_squares &
        i<>0 & i<=len f & j<>0 & j<=len f;
      then len f<>0 by O_RING_1:def 14;
      then len f+len<*f.:i*f.:j*><>0 by NAT_1:23;
      then A2:len (f^<*f.:i*f.:j*>)<>0 by FINSEQ_1:35;
      set g=f^<*f.:i*f.:j*>;
      A3:len g=len f+len<*f.:i*f.:j*> by FINSEQ_1:35
            .=len f+1 by Lm5;
        for n st n<>0 & n<=len g holds
        g.:n is_an_amalgam_of_squares or
          ex i,j st (g.:n=g.:i*g.:j or g.:n=g.:i+g.:
j) & i<>0 & i<n & j<>0 & j<n
          let n such that A4:n<>0 & n<=len g;
          A5:now assume n<len g;
            then A6:n<=len f by A3,NAT_1:38;
            then A7:g.:n=f.:n by A4,Lm7;
            A8: f.:n is_an_amalgam_of_squares implies thesis by A4,A6,Lm7;
              now given k,m such that
                A9:(f.:n=f.:k*f.:m or f.:n=f.:k+f.:m) & k<>0 & k<n & m<>0 &
                k<=len f by A6,A9,AXIOMS:22;
              then A10:f.:k=g.:k by A9,Lm7;
                m<=len f by A6,A9,AXIOMS:22;
              then f.:m=g.:m by A9,Lm7;
              hence thesis by A7,A9,A10;
            hence thesis by A1,A4,A6,A8,O_RING_1:def 14;
            now assume A11: n=len g;

            then g.:n=f.:i*f.:j by A3,Lm6
                     .=g.:i*f.:j by A1,Lm7
                     .=g.:i*g.:j by A1,Lm7;
            then g.:n=g.:i*g.:j & i<n & j<n by A1,A3,A11,NAT_1:38;
            hence thesis by A1;
          hence thesis by A4,A5,REAL_1:def 5;
      hence thesis by A2,O_RING_1:def 14;

  f is_a_Product_of_squares & x is_a_square
    implies f^<*f.:len f*x*> is_a_Product_of_squares
      assume that
        A1:f is_a_Product_of_squares and
        A2:x is_a_square;
      set g=f^<*f.:len f*x*>;
      A3:len g=len f+len <*f.:len f*x*> by FINSEQ_1:35
          .=len f+1 by Lm5;
      then A4:len g<>0 by NAT_1:21;
      A5:for n st n<>0 & n<len g holds f.:n=g.:n
          let n; assume n<>0 & n<len g;
          then 1<=n & n<=len f by A3,Lm2,NAT_1:38;
          then n in dom f by FINSEQ_3:27;
          hence thesis by Lm4;
        len f<>0 by A1,O_RING_1:def 6;
      then 1<=len f by Lm2;
      then 1<>0 & 1<len g by A3,NAT_1:38;
      then g.:1=f.:1 by A5;
      then A6:g.:1 is_a_square by A1,O_RING_1:def 6;
        for n st n<>0 & n<len g ex y st y is_a_square & g.:(n+1)=g.:n*y
          let n; assume A7:n<>0 & n<len g;
          then A8:n<=len f by A3,NAT_1:38;
          A9:now assume A10:n<len f;
            A11:f.:n=g.:n by A5,A7;
              n+1<>0 & n+1<len g by A3,A10,NAT_1:21,REAL_1:53
            then f.:(n+1)=g.:(n+1) by A5;
            hence thesis by A1,A7,A10,A11,O_RING_1:def 6;
            now assume A12:n=len f;
            then A13:g.:(n+1)=f.:n*x by Lm6;
              1<=n & n<=len f by A7,A12,Lm2;
            then n in dom f by FINSEQ_3:27;
            then g.:(n+1)=g.:n*x by A13,Lm4;
            hence thesis by A2;
          hence thesis by A8,A9,REAL_1:def 5;
      hence thesis by A4,A6,O_RING_1:def 6;

  f is_a_generation_from_squares & x is_a_square
  implies (f^<*x*>)^<*f.:len f*x*> is_a_generation_from_squares
      assume A1:f is_a_generation_from_squares & x is_a_square;
      then A2:f^<*x*> is_a_generation_from_squares by Lm15;
      A3:len<*x*>=1 by Lm5;
      A4:len f<>0 by A1,O_RING_1:def 14;
A5:   len f<=len f+1 by NAT_1:29;
A6:   len f+1<>0 & len f+1=len(f^<*x*>) by A3,FINSEQ_1:35,NAT_1:21;
      A7:(f^<*x*>).:len f=f.:len f by A4,Lm7;
        (f^<*x*>).:(len f+1)=x by Lm6;
      hence thesis by A2,A4,A5,A6,A7,Lm18;

  f is_a_generation_from_squares & x is_an_amalgam_of_squares
  implies (f^<*x*>)^<*f.:len f*x*> is_a_generation_from_squares
      assume A1:f is_a_generation_from_squares &
        x is_an_amalgam_of_squares;
      then A2:f^<*x*> is_a_generation_from_squares by Lm16;
      A3:len<*x*>=1 by Lm5;
      A4:len f<>0 by A1,O_RING_1:def 14;
A5:      len f<=len f+1 by NAT_1:29;
A6:   len f+1<>0 & len f+1=len(f^<*x*>) by A3,FINSEQ_1:35,NAT_1:21;
      A7:(f^<*x*>).:len f=f.:len f by A4,Lm7;
        (f^<*x*>).:(len f+1)=x by Lm6;
      hence thesis by A2,A4,A5,A6,A7,Lm18;

  f is_an_Amalgam_of_squares & g is_an_Amalgam_of_squares
  implies (f^g)^<*f.:len f*g.:len g*> is_an_Amalgam_of_squares
      assume that
        A1:f is_an_Amalgam_of_squares and
        A2:g is_an_Amalgam_of_squares;
      A3:len f<>0 & len f<=len f by A1,O_RING_1:def 10;
        len f<>0 & len f<=len f+len g by A1,NAT_1:29,O_RING_1:def 10;
      then A4:len f<>0 & len f<=len(f^g) by FINSEQ_1:35;
      A5:len g<>0 & len g<=len g by A2,O_RING_1:def 10;
      then A6:len f+len g<>0 & len f+len g<=len(f^g) by FINSEQ_1:35,NAT_1:23;
      A7:(f^g).:len f=f.:len f by A3,Lm7;
      A8:(f^g).:(len f+len g)=g.:len g by A5,Lm8;
        f^g is_an_Amalgam_of_squares by A1,A2,Lm13;
      hence thesis by A4,A6,A7,A8,Lm17;

  f is_a_generation_from_squares & g is_a_generation_from_squares
  implies (f^g)^<*f.:len f*g.:len g*> is_a_generation_from_squares
      assume that
        A1:f is_a_generation_from_squares and
        A2:g is_a_generation_from_squares;
      A3:(f^g) is_a_generation_from_squares by A1,A2,Lm14;
      A4:len f<>0 by A1,O_RING_1:def 14;
        len f<=len f+len g by NAT_1:29;
      then A5:len f<>0 & len f<=len(f^g) by A1,FINSEQ_1:35,O_RING_1:def 14;
      A6:len g<>0 by A2,O_RING_1:def 14;
      then A7:len f+len g<>0 & len f+len g<=len(f^g) by FINSEQ_1:35,NAT_1:23;
        1<=len f & len f<=len f by A4,Lm2;
      then len f in dom f by FINSEQ_3:27;
      then A8:(f^g).:len f=f.:len f by Lm4;
        1<=len g & len g<=len g by A6,Lm2;
      then len g in dom g by FINSEQ_3:27;
      then (f^g).:(len f+len g)=g.:len g by Lm4;
      hence thesis by A3,A5,A7,A8,Lm18;

    x is_a_square & y is_a_square
    implies x*y is_a_product_of_squares
        assume that
          A1:x is_a_square and
          A2:y is_a_square;
          x is_a_product_of_squares by A1,O_RING_1:1;
        then consider f such that A3:f is_a_Product_of_squares & x=f.:len f
          by O_RING_1:def 7;
        take g=f^<*x*y*>;
          len g=len f+len <*x*y*> by FINSEQ_1:35
            .=len f+1 by Lm5;
        hence thesis by A2,A3,Lm6,Lm19;

    x is_a_product_of_squares & y is_a_square
    implies x*y is_a_product_of_squares
        assume that
          A1:x is_a_product_of_squares and
          A2:y is_a_square;
        consider f such that A3:f is_a_Product_of_squares & x=f.:len f
          by A1,O_RING_1:def 7;
        take g=f^<*x*y*>;
          len g=len f+len <*x*y*> by FINSEQ_1:35
            .=len f+1 by Lm5;
        hence thesis by A2,A3,Lm6,Lm19;

  x is_a_square & y is_a_product_of_squares
    implies x*y is_an_amalgam_of_squares
        assume that
          A1:x is_a_square and
          A2:y is_a_product_of_squares;
        A3:x is_an_amalgam_of_squares by A1,O_RING_1:1;
        A4:y is_an_amalgam_of_squares by A2,O_RING_1:3;
        consider f such that
          A5:f is_an_Amalgam_of_squares & x=f.:len f
            by A3,O_RING_1:def 11;
        consider g such that
          A6:g is_an_Amalgam_of_squares & y=g.:len g
            by A4,O_RING_1:def 11;
        take h=(f^g)^<*f.:len f*g.:len g*>;
          len h=len(f^g)+len<*f.:len f*g.:len g*> by FINSEQ_1:35
              .=len(f^g)+1 by Lm5;
        hence thesis by A5,A6,Lm6,Lm22;

  x is_a_square & y is_an_amalgam_of_squares
    implies x*y is_an_amalgam_of_squares
        assume that
          A1:x is_a_square and
          A2:y is_an_amalgam_of_squares;
          x is_an_amalgam_of_squares by A1,O_RING_1:1;
        then consider f such that
          A3:f is_an_Amalgam_of_squares & x=f.:len f
            by O_RING_1:def 11;
        consider g such that
          A4:g is_an_Amalgam_of_squares & y=g.:len g
            by A2,O_RING_1:def 11;
        take h=(f^g)^<*f.:len f*g.:len g*>;
          len h=len(f^g)+len<*f.:len f*g.:len g*> by FINSEQ_1:35
              .=len(f^g)+1 by Lm5;
        hence thesis by A3,A4,Lm6,Lm22;

    x is_a_square & y is_a_product_of_squares or
  x is_a_square & y is_an_amalgam_of_squares
    implies x*y is_an_amalgam_of_squares
    by Lm24,Lm25;

  x is_a_product_of_squares & y is_a_product_of_squares
    implies x*y is_an_amalgam_of_squares
        assume that
          A1:x is_a_product_of_squares and
          A2:y is_a_product_of_squares;
        A3:x is_an_amalgam_of_squares by A1,O_RING_1:3;
        A4:y is_an_amalgam_of_squares by A2,O_RING_1:3;
        consider f such that
          A5:f is_an_Amalgam_of_squares & x=f.:len f
            by A3,O_RING_1:def 11;
        consider g such that
          A6:g is_an_Amalgam_of_squares & y=g.:len g
            by A4,O_RING_1:def 11;
        take h=(f^g)^<*f.:len f*g.:len g*>;
          len h=len(f^g)+len<*f.:len f*g.:len g*> by FINSEQ_1:35
              .=len(f^g)+1 by Lm5;
        hence thesis by A5,A6,Lm6,Lm22;

  x is_a_product_of_squares & y is_an_amalgam_of_squares
    implies x*y is_an_amalgam_of_squares
        assume that
          A1:x is_a_product_of_squares and
          A2:y is_an_amalgam_of_squares;
          x is_an_amalgam_of_squares by A1,O_RING_1:3;
        then consider f such that
          A3:f is_an_Amalgam_of_squares & x=f.:len f
            by O_RING_1:def 11;
        consider g such that
          A4:g is_an_Amalgam_of_squares & y=g.:len g
            by A2,O_RING_1:def 11;
        take h=(f^g)^<*f.:len f*g.:len g*>;
          len h=len(f^g)+len<*f.:len f*g.:len g*> by FINSEQ_1:35
              .=len(f^g)+1 by Lm5;
        hence thesis by A3,A4,Lm6,Lm22;

    x is_a_product_of_squares & y is_a_product_of_squares or
  x is_a_product_of_squares & y is_an_amalgam_of_squares
    implies x*y is_an_amalgam_of_squares
    by Lm26,Lm27;

  x is_an_amalgam_of_squares & y is_a_square
    implies x*y is_an_amalgam_of_squares
        assume that
          A1:x is_an_amalgam_of_squares and
          A2:y is_a_square;
        A3:y is_an_amalgam_of_squares by A2,O_RING_1:1;
        consider f such that
          A4:f is_an_Amalgam_of_squares & x=f.:len f
            by A1,O_RING_1:def 11;
        consider g such that
          A5:g is_an_Amalgam_of_squares & y=g.:len g
            by A3,O_RING_1:def 11;
        take h=(f^g)^<*f.:len f*g.:len g*>;
          len h=len(f^g)+len<*f.:len f*g.:len g*> by FINSEQ_1:35
              .=len(f^g)+1 by Lm5;
        hence thesis by A4,A5,Lm6,Lm22;

  x is_an_amalgam_of_squares & y is_a_product_of_squares
    implies x*y is_an_amalgam_of_squares
        assume that
          A1:x is_an_amalgam_of_squares and
          A2:y is_a_product_of_squares;
        A3:y is_an_amalgam_of_squares by A2,O_RING_1:3;
        consider f such that
          A4:f is_an_Amalgam_of_squares & x=f.:len f
            by A1,O_RING_1:def 11;
        consider g such that
          A5:g is_an_Amalgam_of_squares & y=g.:len g
            by A3,O_RING_1:def 11;
        take h=(f^g)^<*f.:len f*g.:len g*>;
          len h=len(f^g)+len<*f.:len f*g.:len g*> by FINSEQ_1:35
              .=len(f^g)+1 by Lm5;
        hence thesis by A4,A5,Lm6,Lm22;

  x is_an_amalgam_of_squares & y is_an_amalgam_of_squares
    implies x*y is_an_amalgam_of_squares
        assume that
          A1:x is_an_amalgam_of_squares and
          A2:y is_an_amalgam_of_squares;
        consider f such that
          A3:f is_an_Amalgam_of_squares & x=f.:len f
            by A1,O_RING_1:def 11;
        consider g such that
          A4:g is_an_Amalgam_of_squares & y=g.:len g
            by A2,O_RING_1:def 11;
        take h=(f^g)^<*f.:len f*g.:len g*>;
          len h=len(f^g)+len<*f.:len f*g.:len g*> by FINSEQ_1:35
              .=len(f^g)+1 by Lm5;
        hence thesis by A3,A4,Lm6,Lm22;

    x is_an_amalgam_of_squares & y is_a_square or
  x is_an_amalgam_of_squares & y is_a_product_of_squares or
  x is_an_amalgam_of_squares & y is_an_amalgam_of_squares
    implies x*y is_an_amalgam_of_squares
    by Lm28,Lm29,Lm30;

  x is_a_square & y is_a_sum_of_squares
    implies x*y is_generated_from_squares
        assume that
          A1:x is_a_square and
          A2:y is_a_sum_of_squares;
        A3:x is_generated_from_squares by A1,O_RING_1:1;
        A4:y is_generated_from_squares by A2,O_RING_1:2;
        consider f such that
          A5:f is_a_generation_from_squares and
          A6:x=f.:len f
            by A3,O_RING_1:def 15;
        consider g such that
          A7:g is_a_generation_from_squares and
          A8:y=g.:len g
            by A4,O_RING_1:def 15;
        set h=(f^g)^<*f.:len f*g.:len g*>;
        A9:h is_a_generation_from_squares by A5,A7,Lm23;
          len h=len(f^g)+len<*f.:len f*g.:len g*> by FINSEQ_1:35
              .=len(f^g)+1 by Lm5;
        then h.:len h=x*g.:len g by A6,Lm6;
        hence thesis by A8,A9,O_RING_1:def 15;

  x is_a_square & y is_a_sum_of_products_of_squares
    implies x*y is_generated_from_squares
        assume that
          A1:x is_a_square and
          A2:y is_a_sum_of_products_of_squares;
        A3:x is_generated_from_squares by A1,O_RING_1:1;
        A4:y is_generated_from_squares by A2,O_RING_1:4;
        consider f such that
          A5:f is_a_generation_from_squares and
          A6:x=f.:len f
            by A3,O_RING_1:def 15;
        consider g such that
          A7:g is_a_generation_from_squares and
          A8:y=g.:len g
            by A4,O_RING_1:def 15;
        set h=(f^g)^<*f.:len f*g.:len g*>;
        A9:h is_a_generation_from_squares by A5,A7,Lm23;
          len h=len(f^g)+len<*f.:len f*g.:len g*> by FINSEQ_1:35
              .=len(f^g)+1 by Lm5;
        then h.:len h=x*g.:len g by A6,Lm6;
        hence thesis by A8,A9,O_RING_1:def 15;

  x is_a_square & y is_a_sum_of_amalgams_of_squares
    implies x*y is_generated_from_squares
        assume that
          A1:x is_a_square and
          A2:y is_a_sum_of_amalgams_of_squares;
        A3:x is_generated_from_squares by A1,O_RING_1:1;
        A4:y is_generated_from_squares by A2,O_RING_1:6;
        consider f such that
          A5:f is_a_generation_from_squares and
          A6:x=f.:len f
            by A3,O_RING_1:def 15;
        consider g such that
          A7:g is_a_generation_from_squares and
          A8:y=g.:len g
            by A4,O_RING_1:def 15;
        set h=(f^g)^<*f.:len f*g.:len g*>;
        A9:h is_a_generation_from_squares by A5,A7,Lm23;
          len h=len(f^g)+len<*f.:len f*g.:len g*> by FINSEQ_1:35
              .=len(f^g)+1 by Lm5;
        then h.:len h=x*g.:len g by A6,Lm6;
        hence thesis by A8,A9,O_RING_1:def 15;

  x is_a_square & y is_generated_from_squares
    implies x*y is_generated_from_squares
        assume that
          A1:x is_a_square and
          A2:y is_generated_from_squares;
          x is_generated_from_squares by A1,O_RING_1:1;
        then consider f such that
          A3:f is_a_generation_from_squares and
          A4:x=f.:len f
            by O_RING_1:def 15;
        consider g such that
          A5:g is_a_generation_from_squares and
          A6:y=g.:len g
            by A2,O_RING_1:def 15;
        set h=(f^g)^<*f.:len f*g.:len g*>;
        A7:h is_a_generation_from_squares by A3,A5,Lm23;
          len h=len(f^g)+len<*f.:len f*g.:len g*> by FINSEQ_1:35
              .=len(f^g)+1 by Lm5;
        then h.:len h=x*g.:len g by A4,Lm6;
        hence thesis by A6,A7,O_RING_1:def 15;

    x is_a_square & y is_a_sum_of_squares or
  x is_a_square & y is_a_sum_of_products_of_squares or
  x is_a_square & y is_a_sum_of_amalgams_of_squares or
  x is_a_square & y is_generated_from_squares
    implies x*y is_generated_from_squares
    by Lm31,Lm32,Lm33,Lm34;

  x is_a_sum_of_squares & y is_a_square
    implies x*y is_generated_from_squares
        assume that
          A1:x is_a_sum_of_squares and
          A2:y is_a_square;
        A3:x is_generated_from_squares by A1,O_RING_1:2;
        A4:y is_generated_from_squares by A2,O_RING_1:1;
        consider f such that
          A5:f is_a_generation_from_squares and
          A6:x=f.:len f
            by A3,O_RING_1:def 15;
        consider g such that
          A7:g is_a_generation_from_squares and
          A8:y=g.:len g
            by A4,O_RING_1:def 15;
        set h=(f^g)^<*f.:len f*g.:len g*>;
        A9:h is_a_generation_from_squares
         by A5,A7,Lm23;
          len h=len(f^g)+len<*f.:len f*g.:len g*> by FINSEQ_1:35
              .=len(f^g)+1 by Lm5;
        then h.:len h=x*g.:len g by A6,Lm6;
        hence thesis by A8,A9,O_RING_1:def 15;

  x is_a_sum_of_squares & y is_a_sum_of_squares
    implies x*y is_generated_from_squares
        assume that
          A1:x is_a_sum_of_squares and
          A2:y is_a_sum_of_squares;
        A3:x is_generated_from_squares by A1,O_RING_1:2;
        A4:y is_generated_from_squares by A2,O_RING_1:2;
        consider f such that
          A5:f is_a_generation_from_squares and
          A6:x=f.:len f
            by A3,O_RING_1:def 15;
        consider g such that
          A7:g is_a_generation_from_squares and
          A8:y=g.:len g
            by A4,O_RING_1:def 15;
        set h=(f^g)^<*f.:len f*g.:len g*>;
        A9:h is_a_generation_from_squares by A5,A7,Lm23;
          len h=len(f^g)+len<*f.:len f*g.:len g*> by FINSEQ_1:35
              .=len(f^g)+1 by Lm5;
        then h.:len h=x*g.:len g by A6,Lm6;
        hence thesis by A8,A9,O_RING_1:def 15;

  x is_a_sum_of_squares & y is_a_product_of_squares
    implies x*y is_generated_from_squares
        assume that
          A1:x is_a_sum_of_squares and
          A2:y is_a_product_of_squares;
        A3:x is_generated_from_squares by A1,O_RING_1:2;
        A4:y is_generated_from_squares by A2,O_RING_1:3;
        consider f such that
          A5:f is_a_generation_from_squares and
          A6:x=f.:len f
            by A3,O_RING_1:def 15;
        consider g such that
          A7:g is_a_generation_from_squares and
          A8:y=g.:len g
            by A4,O_RING_1:def 15;
        set h=(f^g)^<*f.:len f*g.:len g*>;
        A9:h is_a_generation_from_squares
         by A5,A7,Lm23;
          len h=len(f^g)+len<*f.:len f*g.:len g*> by FINSEQ_1:35
              .=len(f^g)+1 by Lm5;
        then h.:len h=x*g.:len g by A6,Lm6;
        hence thesis by A8,A9,O_RING_1:def 15;

  x is_a_sum_of_squares & y is_a_sum_of_products_of_squares
    implies x*y is_generated_from_squares
        assume that
          A1:x is_a_sum_of_squares and
          A2:y is_a_sum_of_products_of_squares;
        A3:x is_generated_from_squares by A1,O_RING_1:2;
        A4:y is_generated_from_squares by A2,O_RING_1:4;
        consider f such that
          A5:f is_a_generation_from_squares and
          A6:x=f.:len f
            by A3,O_RING_1:def 15;
        consider g such that
          A7:g is_a_generation_from_squares and
          A8:y=g.:len g
            by A4,O_RING_1:def 15;
        set h=(f^g)^<*f.:len f*g.:len g*>;
        A9:h is_a_generation_from_squares
         by A5,A7,Lm23;
          len h=len(f^g)+len<*f.:len f*g.:len g*> by FINSEQ_1:35
              .=len(f^g)+1 by Lm5;
        then h.:len h=x*g.:len g by A6,Lm6;
        hence thesis by A8,A9,O_RING_1:def 15;

  x is_a_sum_of_squares & y is_an_amalgam_of_squares
    implies x*y is_generated_from_squares
        assume that
          A1:x is_a_sum_of_squares and
          A2:y is_an_amalgam_of_squares;
        A3:x is_generated_from_squares by A1,O_RING_1:2;
        A4:y is_generated_from_squares by A2,O_RING_1:5;
        consider f such that
          A5:f is_a_generation_from_squares and
          A6:x=f.:len f
            by A3,O_RING_1:def 15;
        consider g such that
          A7:g is_a_generation_from_squares and
          A8:y=g.:len g
            by A4,O_RING_1:def 15;
        set h=(f^g)^<*f.:len f*g.:len g*>;
        A9:h is_a_generation_from_squares
         by A5,A7,Lm23;
          len h=len(f^g)+len<*f.:len f*g.:len g*> by FINSEQ_1:35
              .=len(f^g)+1 by Lm5;
        then h.:len h=x*g.:len g by A6,Lm6;
        hence thesis by A8,A9,O_RING_1:def 15;

  x is_a_sum_of_squares & y is_a_sum_of_amalgams_of_squares
    implies x*y is_generated_from_squares
        assume that
          A1:x is_a_sum_of_squares and
          A2:y is_a_sum_of_amalgams_of_squares;
        A3:x is_generated_from_squares by A1,O_RING_1:2;
        A4:y is_generated_from_squares by A2,O_RING_1:6;
        consider f such that
          A5:f is_a_generation_from_squares and
          A6:x=f.:len f
            by A3,O_RING_1:def 15;
        consider g such that
          A7:g is_a_generation_from_squares and
          A8:y=g.:len g
            by A4,O_RING_1:def 15;
        set h=(f^g)^<*f.:len f*g.:len g*>;
        A9:h is_a_generation_from_squares by A5,A7,Lm23;
          len h=len(f^g)+len<*f.:len f*g.:len g*> by FINSEQ_1:35
              .=len(f^g)+1 by Lm5;
        then h.:len h=x*g.:len g by A6,Lm6;
        hence thesis by A8,A9,O_RING_1:def 15;

  x is_a_sum_of_squares & y is_generated_from_squares
    implies x*y is_generated_from_squares
        assume that
          A1:x is_a_sum_of_squares and
          A2:y is_generated_from_squares;
          x is_generated_from_squares by A1,O_RING_1:2;
        then consider f such that
          A3:f is_a_generation_from_squares and
          A4:x=f.:len f
            by O_RING_1:def 15;
        consider g such that
          A5:g is_a_generation_from_squares and
          A6:y=g.:len g
            by A2,O_RING_1:def 15;
        set h=(f^g)^<*f.:len f*g.:len g*>;
        A7:h is_a_generation_from_squares by A3,A5,Lm23;
          len h=len(f^g)+len<*f.:len f*g.:len g*> by FINSEQ_1:35
              .=len(f^g)+1 by Lm5;
        then h.:len h=x*g.:len g by A4,Lm6;
        hence thesis by A6,A7,O_RING_1:def 15;

    x is_a_sum_of_squares & y is_a_square or
  x is_a_sum_of_squares & y is_a_sum_of_squares or
  x is_a_sum_of_squares & y is_a_product_of_squares or
  x is_a_sum_of_squares & y is_a_sum_of_products_of_squares or
  x is_a_sum_of_squares & y is_an_amalgam_of_squares or
  x is_a_sum_of_squares & y is_a_sum_of_amalgams_of_squares or
  x is_a_sum_of_squares & y is_generated_from_squares
    implies x*y is_generated_from_squares
    by Lm35,Lm36,Lm37,Lm38,Lm39,Lm40,Lm41;

  x is_a_product_of_squares & y is_a_sum_of_squares
    implies x*y is_generated_from_squares
        assume that
          A1:x is_a_product_of_squares and
          A2:y is_a_sum_of_squares;
        A3:x is_generated_from_squares by A1,O_RING_1:3;
        A4:y is_generated_from_squares by A2,O_RING_1:2;
        consider f such that
          A5:f is_a_generation_from_squares and
          A6:x=f.:len f
            by A3,O_RING_1:def 15;
        consider g such that
          A7:g is_a_generation_from_squares and
          A8:y=g.:len g
            by A4,O_RING_1:def 15;
        set h=(f^g)^<*f.:len f*g.:len g*>;
        A9:h is_a_generation_from_squares by A5,A7,Lm23;
          len h=len(f^g)+len<*f.:len f*g.:len g*> by FINSEQ_1:35
              .=len(f^g)+1 by Lm5;
        then h.:len h=x*g.:len g by A6,Lm6;
        hence thesis by A8,A9,O_RING_1:def 15;

  x is_a_product_of_squares & y is_a_sum_of_products_of_squares
    implies x*y is_generated_from_squares
        assume that
          A1:x is_a_product_of_squares and
          A2:y is_a_sum_of_products_of_squares;
        A3:x is_generated_from_squares by A1,O_RING_1:3;
        A4:y is_generated_from_squares by A2,O_RING_1:4;
        consider f such that
          A5:f is_a_generation_from_squares and
          A6:x=f.:len f
            by A3,O_RING_1:def 15;
        consider g such that
          A7:g is_a_generation_from_squares and
          A8:y=g.:len g
            by A4,O_RING_1:def 15;
        set h=(f^g)^<*f.:len f*g.:len g*>;
        A9:h is_a_generation_from_squares by A5,A7,Lm23;
          len h=len(f^g)+len<*f.:len f*g.:len g*> by FINSEQ_1:35
              .=len(f^g)+1 by Lm5;
        then h.:len h=x*g.:len g by A6,Lm6;
        hence thesis by A8,A9,O_RING_1:def 15;

  x is_a_product_of_squares & y is_a_sum_of_amalgams_of_squares
    implies x*y is_generated_from_squares
        assume that
          A1:x is_a_product_of_squares and
          A2:y is_a_sum_of_amalgams_of_squares;
        A3:x is_generated_from_squares by A1,O_RING_1:3;
        A4:y is_generated_from_squares by A2,O_RING_1:6;
        consider f such that
          A5:f is_a_generation_from_squares and
          A6:x=f.:len f
            by A3,O_RING_1:def 15;
        consider g such that
          A7:g is_a_generation_from_squares and
          A8:y=g.:len g
            by A4,O_RING_1:def 15;
        set h=(f^g)^<*f.:len f*g.:len g*>;
        A9:h is_a_generation_from_squares by A5,A7,Lm23;
          len h=len(f^g)+len<*f.:len f*g.:len g*> by FINSEQ_1:35
              .=len(f^g)+1 by Lm5;
        then h.:len h=x*g.:len g by A6,Lm6;
        hence thesis by A8,A9,O_RING_1:def 15;

  x is_a_product_of_squares & y is_generated_from_squares
    implies x*y is_generated_from_squares
        assume that
          A1:x is_a_product_of_squares and
          A2:y is_generated_from_squares;
          x is_generated_from_squares by A1,O_RING_1:3;
        then consider f such that
          A3:f is_a_generation_from_squares and
          A4:x=f.:len f
            by O_RING_1:def 15;
        consider g such that
          A5:g is_a_generation_from_squares and
          A6:y=g.:len g
            by A2,O_RING_1:def 15;
        set h=(f^g)^<*f.:len f*g.:len g*>;
        A7:h is_a_generation_from_squares by A3,A5,Lm23;
          len h=len(f^g)+len<*f.:len f*g.:len g*> by FINSEQ_1:35
              .=len(f^g)+1 by Lm5;
        then h.:len h=x*g.:len g by A4,Lm6;
        hence thesis by A6,A7,O_RING_1:def 15;

    x is_a_product_of_squares & y is_a_sum_of_squares or
  x is_a_product_of_squares & y is_a_sum_of_products_of_squares or
  x is_a_product_of_squares & y is_a_sum_of_amalgams_of_squares or
  x is_a_product_of_squares & y is_generated_from_squares
    implies x*y is_generated_from_squares
    by Lm42,Lm43,Lm44,Lm45;

  x is_a_sum_of_products_of_squares & y is_a_square
    implies x*y is_generated_from_squares
        assume that
          A1:x is_a_sum_of_products_of_squares and
          A2:y is_a_square;
        A3:x is_generated_from_squares by A1,O_RING_1:4;
        A4:y is_generated_from_squares by A2,O_RING_1:1;
        consider f such that
          A5:f is_a_generation_from_squares and
          A6:x=f.:len f
            by A3,O_RING_1:def 15;
        consider g such that
          A7:g is_a_generation_from_squares and
          A8:y=g.:len g
            by A4,O_RING_1:def 15;
        set h=(f^g)^<*f.:len f*g.:len g*>;
        A9:h is_a_generation_from_squares
         by A5,A7,Lm23;
          len h=len(f^g)+len<*f.:len f*g.:len g*> by FINSEQ_1:35
              .=len(f^g)+1 by Lm5;
        then h.:len h=x*g.:len g by A6,Lm6;
        hence thesis by A8,A9,O_RING_1:def 15;

  x is_a_sum_of_products_of_squares & y is_a_sum_of_squares
    implies x*y is_generated_from_squares
        assume that
          A1:x is_a_sum_of_products_of_squares and
          A2:y is_a_sum_of_squares;
        A3:x is_generated_from_squares by A1,O_RING_1:4;
        A4:y is_generated_from_squares by A2,O_RING_1:2;
        consider f such that
          A5:f is_a_generation_from_squares and
          A6:x=f.:len f
            by A3,O_RING_1:def 15;
        consider g such that
          A7:g is_a_generation_from_squares and
          A8:y=g.:len g
            by A4,O_RING_1:def 15;
        set h=(f^g)^<*f.:len f*g.:len g*>;
        A9:h is_a_generation_from_squares by A5,A7,Lm23;
          len h=len(f^g)+len<*f.:len f*g.:len g*> by FINSEQ_1:35
              .=len(f^g)+1 by Lm5;
        then h.:len h=x*g.:len g by A6,Lm6;
        hence thesis by A8,A9,O_RING_1:def 15;

  x is_a_sum_of_products_of_squares & y is_a_product_of_squares
    implies x*y is_generated_from_squares
        assume that
          A1:x is_a_sum_of_products_of_squares and
          A2:y is_a_product_of_squares;
        A3:x is_generated_from_squares by A1,O_RING_1:4;
        A4:y is_generated_from_squares by A2,O_RING_1:3;
        consider f such that
          A5:f is_a_generation_from_squares and
          A6:x=f.:len f
            by A3,O_RING_1:def 15;
        consider g such that
          A7:g is_a_generation_from_squares and
          A8:y=g.:len g
            by A4,O_RING_1:def 15;
        set h=(f^g)^<*f.:len f*g.:len g*>;
        A9:h is_a_generation_from_squares
         by A5,A7,Lm23;
          len h=len(f^g)+len<*f.:len f*g.:len g*> by FINSEQ_1:35
              .=len(f^g)+1 by Lm5;
        then h.:len h=x*g.:len g by A6,Lm6;
        hence thesis by A8,A9,O_RING_1:def 15;

  x is_a_sum_of_products_of_squares & y is_a_sum_of_products_of_squares
    implies x*y is_generated_from_squares
        assume that
          A1:x is_a_sum_of_products_of_squares and
          A2:y is_a_sum_of_products_of_squares;
        A3:x is_generated_from_squares by A1,O_RING_1:4;
        A4:y is_generated_from_squares by A2,O_RING_1:4;
        consider f such that
          A5:f is_a_generation_from_squares and
          A6:x=f.:len f
            by A3,O_RING_1:def 15;
        consider g such that
          A7:g is_a_generation_from_squares and
          A8:y=g.:len g
            by A4,O_RING_1:def 15;
        set h=(f^g)^<*f.:len f*g.:len g*>;
        A9:h is_a_generation_from_squares
         by A5,A7,Lm23;
          len h=len(f^g)+len<*f.:len f*g.:len g*> by FINSEQ_1:35
              .=len(f^g)+1 by Lm5;
        then h.:len h=x*g.:len g by A6,Lm6;
        hence thesis by A8,A9,O_RING_1:def 15;

  x is_a_sum_of_products_of_squares & y is_an_amalgam_of_squares
    implies x*y is_generated_from_squares
        assume that
          A1:x is_a_sum_of_products_of_squares and
          A2:y is_an_amalgam_of_squares;
        A3:x is_generated_from_squares by A1,O_RING_1:4;
        A4:y is_generated_from_squares by A2,O_RING_1:5;
        consider f such that
          A5:f is_a_generation_from_squares and
          A6:x=f.:len f
            by A3,O_RING_1:def 15;
        consider g such that
          A7:g is_a_generation_from_squares and
          A8:y=g.:len g
            by A4,O_RING_1:def 15;
        set h=(f^g)^<*f.:len f*g.:len g*>;
        A9:h is_a_generation_from_squares
         by A5,A7,Lm23;
          len h=len(f^g)+len<*f.:len f*g.:len g*> by FINSEQ_1:35
              .=len(f^g)+1 by Lm5;
        then h.:len h=x*g.:len g by A6,Lm6;
        hence thesis by A8,A9,O_RING_1:def 15;

  x is_a_sum_of_products_of_squares & y is_a_sum_of_amalgams_of_squares
    implies x*y is_generated_from_squares
        assume that
          A1:x is_a_sum_of_products_of_squares and
          A2:y is_a_sum_of_amalgams_of_squares;
        A3:x is_generated_from_squares by A1,O_RING_1:4;
        A4:y is_generated_from_squares by A2,O_RING_1:6;
        consider f such that
          A5:f is_a_generation_from_squares and
          A6:x=f.:len f
            by A3,O_RING_1:def 15;
        consider g such that
          A7:g is_a_generation_from_squares and
          A8:y=g.:len g
            by A4,O_RING_1:def 15;
        set h=(f^g)^<*f.:len f*g.:len g*>;
        A9:h is_a_generation_from_squares by A5,A7,Lm23;
          len h=len(f^g)+len<*f.:len f*g.:len g*> by FINSEQ_1:35
              .=len(f^g)+1 by Lm5;
        then h.:len h=x*g.:len g by A6,Lm6;
        hence thesis by A8,A9,O_RING_1:def 15;

  x is_a_sum_of_products_of_squares & y is_generated_from_squares
    implies x*y is_generated_from_squares
        assume that
          A1:x is_a_sum_of_products_of_squares and
          A2:y is_generated_from_squares;
          x is_generated_from_squares by A1,O_RING_1:4;
        then consider f such that
          A3:f is_a_generation_from_squares and
          A4:x=f.:len f
            by O_RING_1:def 15;
        consider g such that
          A5:g is_a_generation_from_squares and
          A6:y=g.:len g
            by A2,O_RING_1:def 15;
        set h=(f^g)^<*f.:len f*g.:len g*>;
        A7:h is_a_generation_from_squares by A3,A5,Lm23;
          len h=len(f^g)+len<*f.:len f*g.:len g*> by FINSEQ_1:35
              .=len(f^g)+1 by Lm5;
        then h.:len h=x*g.:len g by A4,Lm6;
        hence thesis by A6,A7,O_RING_1:def 15;

    x is_a_sum_of_products_of_squares & y is_a_square or
  x is_a_sum_of_products_of_squares & y is_a_sum_of_squares or
  x is_a_sum_of_products_of_squares & y is_a_product_of_squares or
  x is_a_sum_of_products_of_squares & y is_a_sum_of_products_of_squares or
  x is_a_sum_of_products_of_squares & y is_an_amalgam_of_squares or
  x is_a_sum_of_products_of_squares & y is_a_sum_of_amalgams_of_squares or
  x is_a_sum_of_products_of_squares & y is_generated_from_squares
    implies x*y is_generated_from_squares
    by Lm46,Lm47,Lm48,Lm49,Lm50,Lm51,Lm52;

  x is_an_amalgam_of_squares & y is_a_sum_of_squares
    implies x*y is_generated_from_squares
        assume that
          A1:x is_an_amalgam_of_squares and
          A2:y is_a_sum_of_squares;
        A3:x is_generated_from_squares by A1,O_RING_1:5;
        A4:y is_generated_from_squares by A2,O_RING_1:2;
        consider f such that
          A5:f is_a_generation_from_squares and
          A6:x=f.:len f
            by A3,O_RING_1:def 15;
        consider g such that
          A7:g is_a_generation_from_squares and
          A8:y=g.:len g
            by A4,O_RING_1:def 15;
        set h=(f^g)^<*f.:len f*g.:len g*>;
        A9:h is_a_generation_from_squares by A5,A7,Lm23;
          len h=len(f^g)+len<*f.:len f*g.:len g*> by FINSEQ_1:35
              .=len(f^g)+1 by Lm5;
        then h.:len h=x*g.:len g by A6,Lm6;
        hence thesis by A8,A9,O_RING_1:def 15;

  x is_an_amalgam_of_squares & y is_a_sum_of_products_of_squares
    implies x*y is_generated_from_squares
        assume that
          A1:x is_an_amalgam_of_squares and
          A2:y is_a_sum_of_products_of_squares;
        A3:x is_generated_from_squares by A1,O_RING_1:5;
        A4:y is_generated_from_squares by A2,O_RING_1:4;
        consider f such that
          A5:f is_a_generation_from_squares and
          A6:x=f.:len f
            by A3,O_RING_1:def 15;
        consider g such that
          A7:g is_a_generation_from_squares and
          A8:y=g.:len g
            by A4,O_RING_1:def 15;
        set h=(f^g)^<*f.:len f*g.:len g*>;
        A9:h is_a_generation_from_squares by A5,A7,Lm23;
          len h=len(f^g)+len<*f.:len f*g.:len g*> by FINSEQ_1:35
              .=len(f^g)+1 by Lm5;
        then h.:len h=x*g.:len g by A6,Lm6;
        hence thesis by A8,A9,O_RING_1:def 15;

  x is_an_amalgam_of_squares & y is_a_sum_of_amalgams_of_squares
    implies x*y is_generated_from_squares
        assume that
          A1:x is_an_amalgam_of_squares and
          A2:y is_a_sum_of_amalgams_of_squares;
        A3:x is_generated_from_squares by A1,O_RING_1:5;
        A4:y is_generated_from_squares by A2,O_RING_1:6;
        consider f such that
          A5:f is_a_generation_from_squares and
          A6:x=f.:len f
            by A3,O_RING_1:def 15;
        consider g such that
          A7:g is_a_generation_from_squares and
          A8:y=g.:len g
            by A4,O_RING_1:def 15;
        set h=(f^g)^<*f.:len f*g.:len g*>;
        A9:h is_a_generation_from_squares by A5,A7,Lm23;
          len h=len(f^g)+len<*f.:len f*g.:len g*> by FINSEQ_1:35
              .=len(f^g)+1 by Lm5;
        then h.:len h=x*g.:len g by A6,Lm6;
        hence thesis by A8,A9,O_RING_1:def 15;

  x is_an_amalgam_of_squares & y is_generated_from_squares
    implies x*y is_generated_from_squares
        assume that
          A1:x is_an_amalgam_of_squares and
          A2:y is_generated_from_squares;
          x is_generated_from_squares by A1,O_RING_1:5;
        then consider f such that
          A3:f is_a_generation_from_squares and
          A4:x=f.:len f
            by O_RING_1:def 15;
        consider g such that
          A5:g is_a_generation_from_squares and
          A6:y=g.:len g
            by A2,O_RING_1:def 15;
        set h=(f^g)^<*f.:len f*g.:len g*>;
        A7:h is_a_generation_from_squares by A3,A5,Lm23;
          len h=len(f^g)+len<*f.:len f*g.:len g*> by FINSEQ_1:35
              .=len(f^g)+1 by Lm5;
        then h.:len h=x*g.:len g by A4,Lm6;
        hence thesis by A6,A7,O_RING_1:def 15;

    x is_an_amalgam_of_squares & y is_a_sum_of_squares or
  x is_an_amalgam_of_squares & y is_a_sum_of_products_of_squares or
  x is_an_amalgam_of_squares & y is_a_sum_of_amalgams_of_squares or
  x is_an_amalgam_of_squares & y is_generated_from_squares
    implies x*y is_generated_from_squares
    by Lm53,Lm54,Lm55,Lm56;

  x is_a_sum_of_amalgams_of_squares & y is_a_square
    implies x*y is_generated_from_squares
        assume that
          A1:x is_a_sum_of_amalgams_of_squares and
          A2:y is_a_square;
        A3:x is_generated_from_squares by A1,O_RING_1:6;
        A4:y is_generated_from_squares by A2,O_RING_1:1;
        consider f such that
          A5:f is_a_generation_from_squares and
          A6:x=f.:len f
            by A3,O_RING_1:def 15;
        consider g such that
          A7:g is_a_generation_from_squares and
          A8:y=g.:len g
            by A4,O_RING_1:def 15;
        set h=(f^g)^<*f.:len f*g.:len g*>;
        A9:h is_a_generation_from_squares
         by A5,A7,Lm23;
          len h=len(f^g)+len<*f.:len f*g.:len g*> by FINSEQ_1:35
              .=len(f^g)+1 by Lm5;
        then h.:len h=x*g.:len g by A6,Lm6;
        hence thesis by A8,A9,O_RING_1:def 15;

  x is_a_sum_of_amalgams_of_squares & y is_a_sum_of_squares
    implies x*y is_generated_from_squares
        assume that
          A1:x is_a_sum_of_amalgams_of_squares and
          A2:y is_a_sum_of_squares;
        A3:x is_generated_from_squares by A1,O_RING_1:6;
        A4:y is_generated_from_squares by A2,O_RING_1:2;
        consider f such that
          A5:f is_a_generation_from_squares and
          A6:x=f.:len f
            by A3,O_RING_1:def 15;
        consider g such that
          A7:g is_a_generation_from_squares and
          A8:y=g.:len g
            by A4,O_RING_1:def 15;
        set h=(f^g)^<*f.:len f*g.:len g*>;
        A9:h is_a_generation_from_squares by A5,A7,Lm23;
          len h=len(f^g)+len<*f.:len f*g.:len g*> by FINSEQ_1:35
              .=len(f^g)+1 by Lm5;
        then h.:len h=x*g.:len g by A6,Lm6;
        hence thesis by A8,A9,O_RING_1:def 15;

  x is_a_sum_of_amalgams_of_squares & y is_a_product_of_squares
    implies x*y is_generated_from_squares
        assume that
          A1:x is_a_sum_of_amalgams_of_squares and
          A2:y is_a_product_of_squares;
        A3:x is_generated_from_squares by A1,O_RING_1:6;
        A4:y is_generated_from_squares by A2,O_RING_1:3;
        consider f such that
          A5:f is_a_generation_from_squares and
          A6:x=f.:len f
            by A3,O_RING_1:def 15;
        consider g such that
          A7:g is_a_generation_from_squares and
          A8:y=g.:len g
            by A4,O_RING_1:def 15;
        set h=(f^g)^<*f.:len f*g.:len g*>;
        A9:h is_a_generation_from_squares
         by A5,A7,Lm23;
          len h=len(f^g)+len<*f.:len f*g.:len g*> by FINSEQ_1:35
              .=len(f^g)+1 by Lm5;
        then h.:len h=x*g.:len g by A6,Lm6;
        hence thesis by A8,A9,O_RING_1:def 15;

  x is_a_sum_of_amalgams_of_squares & y is_a_sum_of_products_of_squares
    implies x*y is_generated_from_squares
        assume that
          A1:x is_a_sum_of_amalgams_of_squares and
          A2:y is_a_sum_of_products_of_squares;
        A3:x is_generated_from_squares by A1,O_RING_1:6;
        A4:y is_generated_from_squares by A2,O_RING_1:4;
        consider f such that
          A5:f is_a_generation_from_squares and
          A6:x=f.:len f
            by A3,O_RING_1:def 15;
        consider g such that
          A7:g is_a_generation_from_squares and
          A8:y=g.:len g
            by A4,O_RING_1:def 15;
        set h=(f^g)^<*f.:len f*g.:len g*>;
        A9:h is_a_generation_from_squares
         by A5,A7,Lm23;
          len h=len(f^g)+len<*f.:len f*g.:len g*> by FINSEQ_1:35
              .=len(f^g)+1 by Lm5;
        then h.:len h=x*g.:len g by A6,Lm6;
        hence thesis by A8,A9,O_RING_1:def 15;

  x is_a_sum_of_amalgams_of_squares & y is_an_amalgam_of_squares
    implies x*y is_generated_from_squares
        assume that
          A1:x is_a_sum_of_amalgams_of_squares and
          A2:y is_an_amalgam_of_squares;
        A3:x is_generated_from_squares by A1,O_RING_1:6;
        A4:y is_generated_from_squares by A2,O_RING_1:5;
        consider f such that
          A5:f is_a_generation_from_squares and
          A6:x=f.:len f
            by A3,O_RING_1:def 15;
        consider g such that
          A7:g is_a_generation_from_squares and
          A8:y=g.:len g
            by A4,O_RING_1:def 15;
        set h=(f^g)^<*f.:len f*g.:len g*>;
        A9:h is_a_generation_from_squares
         by A5,A7,Lm23;
          len h=len(f^g)+len<*f.:len f*g.:len g*> by FINSEQ_1:35
              .=len(f^g)+1 by Lm5;
        then h.:len h=x*g.:len g by A6,Lm6;
        hence thesis by A8,A9,O_RING_1:def 15;

  x is_a_sum_of_amalgams_of_squares & y is_a_sum_of_amalgams_of_squares
    implies x*y is_generated_from_squares
        assume that
          A1:x is_a_sum_of_amalgams_of_squares and
          A2:y is_a_sum_of_amalgams_of_squares;
        A3:x is_generated_from_squares by A1,O_RING_1:6;
        A4:y is_generated_from_squares by A2,O_RING_1:6;
        consider f such that
          A5:f is_a_generation_from_squares and
          A6:x=f.:len f
            by A3,O_RING_1:def 15;
        consider g such that
          A7:g is_a_generation_from_squares and
          A8:y=g.:len g
            by A4,O_RING_1:def 15;
        set h=(f^g)^<*f.:len f*g.:len g*>;
        A9:h is_a_generation_from_squares by A5,A7,Lm23;
          len h=len(f^g)+len<*f.:len f*g.:len g*> by FINSEQ_1:35
              .=len(f^g)+1 by Lm5;
        then h.:len h=x*g.:len g by A6,Lm6;
        hence thesis by A8,A9,O_RING_1:def 15;

  x is_a_sum_of_amalgams_of_squares & y is_generated_from_squares
    implies x*y is_generated_from_squares
        assume that
          A1:x is_a_sum_of_amalgams_of_squares and
          A2:y is_generated_from_squares;
          x is_generated_from_squares by A1,O_RING_1:6;
        then consider f such that
          A3:f is_a_generation_from_squares and
          A4:x=f.:len f
            by O_RING_1:def 15;
        consider g such that
          A5:g is_a_generation_from_squares and
          A6:y=g.:len g
            by A2,O_RING_1:def 15;
        set h=(f^g)^<*f.:len f*g.:len g*>;
        A7:h is_a_generation_from_squares by A3,A5,Lm23;
          len h=len(f^g)+len<*f.:len f*g.:len g*> by FINSEQ_1:35
              .=len(f^g)+1 by Lm5;
        then h.:len h=x*g.:len g by A4,Lm6;
        hence thesis by A6,A7,O_RING_1:def 15;

    x is_a_sum_of_amalgams_of_squares & y is_a_square or
  x is_a_sum_of_amalgams_of_squares & y is_a_sum_of_squares or
  x is_a_sum_of_amalgams_of_squares & y is_a_product_of_squares or
  x is_a_sum_of_amalgams_of_squares & y is_a_sum_of_products_of_squares or
  x is_a_sum_of_amalgams_of_squares & y is_an_amalgam_of_squares or
  x is_a_sum_of_amalgams_of_squares & y is_a_sum_of_amalgams_of_squares or
  x is_a_sum_of_amalgams_of_squares & y is_generated_from_squares
    implies x*y is_generated_from_squares
    by Lm57,Lm58,Lm59,Lm60,Lm61,Lm62,Lm63;

  x is_generated_from_squares & y is_a_square
  implies x*y is_generated_from_squares
        assume that
          A1:x is_generated_from_squares and
          A2:y is_a_square;
        consider f such that
          A3:f is_a_generation_from_squares & x=f.:len f
            by A1,O_RING_1:def 15;
        take g=(f^<*y*>)^<*f.:len f*y*>;
          len g=len(f^<*y*>)+len<*f.:len f*y*> by FINSEQ_1:35
              .=len(f^<*y*>)+1 by Lm5;
        hence thesis by A2,A3,Lm6,Lm20;

  x is_generated_from_squares & y is_an_amalgam_of_squares
  implies x*y is_generated_from_squares
        assume that
          A1:x is_generated_from_squares and
          A2:y is_an_amalgam_of_squares;
        consider f such that
          A3:f is_a_generation_from_squares & x=f.:len f
            by A1,O_RING_1:def 15;
        take g=(f^<*y*>)^<*f.:len f*y*>;
          len g=len(f^<*y*>)+len<*f.:len f*y*> by FINSEQ_1:35
              .=len(f^<*y*>)+1 by Lm5;
        hence thesis by A2,A3,Lm6,Lm21;

  x is_generated_from_squares & y is_generated_from_squares
    implies x*y is_generated_from_squares
        assume that
          A1:x is_generated_from_squares and
          A2:y is_generated_from_squares;
        consider f such that
          A3:f is_a_generation_from_squares and
          A4:x=f.:len f
            by A1,O_RING_1:def 15;
        consider g such that
          A5:g is_a_generation_from_squares and
          A6:y=g.:len g
            by A2,O_RING_1:def 15;
        set h=(f^g)^<*f.:len f*g.:len g*>;
        A7:h is_a_generation_from_squares by A3,A5,Lm23;
          len h=len(f^g)+len<*f.:len f*g.:len g*> by FINSEQ_1:35
              .=len(f^g)+1 by Lm5;
        then h.:len h=x*g.:len g by A4,Lm6;
        hence thesis by A6,A7,O_RING_1:def 15;

  x is_generated_from_squares & y is_a_sum_of_squares
    implies x*y is_generated_from_squares
        assume that
          A1:x is_generated_from_squares and
          A2:y is_a_sum_of_squares;
        A3:y is_generated_from_squares by A2,O_RING_1:2;
        consider f such that
          A4:f is_a_generation_from_squares and
          A5:x=f.:len f
            by A1,O_RING_1:def 15;
        consider g such that
          A6:g is_a_generation_from_squares and
          A7:y=g.:len g
            by A3,O_RING_1:def 15;
        set h=(f^g)^<*f.:len f*g.:len g*>;
        A8:h is_a_generation_from_squares by A4,A6,Lm23;
          len h=len(f^g)+len<*f.:len f*g.:len g*> by FINSEQ_1:35
              .=len(f^g)+1 by Lm5;
        then h.:len h=x*g.:len g by A5,Lm6;
        hence thesis by A7,A8,O_RING_1:def 15;

  x is_generated_from_squares & y is_a_product_of_squares
    implies x*y is_generated_from_squares
        assume that
          A1:x is_generated_from_squares and
          A2:y is_a_product_of_squares;
        A3:y is_generated_from_squares by A2,O_RING_1:3;
        consider f such that
          A4:f is_a_generation_from_squares and
          A5:x=f.:len f
            by A1,O_RING_1:def 15;
        consider g such that
          A6:g is_a_generation_from_squares and
          A7:y=g.:len g
            by A3,O_RING_1:def 15;
        set h=(f^g)^<*f.:len f*g.:len g*>;
        A8:h is_a_generation_from_squares by A4,A6,Lm23;
          len h=len(f^g)+len<*f.:len f*g.:len g*> by FINSEQ_1:35
              .=len(f^g)+1 by Lm5;
        then h.:len h=x*g.:len g by A5,Lm6;
        hence thesis by A7,A8,O_RING_1:def 15;

  x is_generated_from_squares & y is_a_sum_of_products_of_squares
    implies x*y is_generated_from_squares
        assume that
          A1:x is_generated_from_squares and
          A2:y is_a_sum_of_products_of_squares;
        A3:y is_generated_from_squares by A2,O_RING_1:4;
        consider f such that
          A4:f is_a_generation_from_squares and
          A5:x=f.:len f
            by A1,O_RING_1:def 15;
        consider g such that
          A6:g is_a_generation_from_squares and
          A7:y=g.:len g
            by A3,O_RING_1:def 15;
        set h=(f^g)^<*f.:len f*g.:len g*>;
        A8:h is_a_generation_from_squares by A4,A6,Lm23;
          len h=len(f^g)+len<*f.:len f*g.:len g*> by FINSEQ_1:35
              .=len(f^g)+1 by Lm5;
        then h.:len h=x*g.:len g by A5,Lm6;
        hence thesis by A7,A8,O_RING_1:def 15;

  x is_generated_from_squares & y is_a_sum_of_amalgams_of_squares
    implies x*y is_generated_from_squares
        assume that
          A1:x is_generated_from_squares and
          A2:y is_a_sum_of_amalgams_of_squares;
        A3:y is_generated_from_squares by A2,O_RING_1:6;
        consider f such that
          A4:f is_a_generation_from_squares and
          A5:x=f.:len f
            by A1,O_RING_1:def 15;
        consider g such that
          A6:g is_a_generation_from_squares and
          A7:y=g.:len g
            by A3,O_RING_1:def 15;
        set h=(f^g)^<*f.:len f*g.:len g*>;
        A8:h is_a_generation_from_squares by A4,A6,Lm23;
          len h=len(f^g)+len<*f.:len f*g.:len g*> by FINSEQ_1:35
              .=len(f^g)+1 by Lm5;
        then h.:len h=x*g.:len g by A5,Lm6;
        hence thesis by A7,A8,O_RING_1:def 15;

    x is_generated_from_squares & y is_a_square or
  x is_generated_from_squares & y is_a_sum_of_squares or
  x is_generated_from_squares & y is_a_product_of_squares or
  x is_generated_from_squares & y is_a_sum_of_products_of_squares or
  x is_generated_from_squares & y is_an_amalgam_of_squares or
  x is_generated_from_squares & y is_a_sum_of_amalgams_of_squares or
  x is_generated_from_squares & y is_generated_from_squares
    implies x*y is_generated_from_squares
    by Lm64,Lm65,Lm66,Lm67,Lm68,Lm69,Lm70;

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