The Mizar article:

On Semilattice Structure of Mizar Types

Grzegorz Bancerek

Received August 8, 2003

Copyright (c) 2003 Association of Mizar Users

MML identifier: ABCMIZ_0
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 constructors FINSUB_1, BORSUK_1, ALG_1, FINSEQ_5, REALSET1, LATTICE3,
      ORDERS_2, COMPTS_1;

begin :: Semilattice of type widening

 cluster trivial reflexive -> complete (non empty RelStr);
   let R be non empty RelStr;
A1: for x,y being Element of R holds x = y;
A2: for x being Element of R holds x <= x;
   let X be set; consider a being Element of R;
   take a; thus X is_<=_than a
      let b be Element of R; a = b by A1;
      hence thesis by A2;
   let b be Element of R; a = b by A1;
   hence thesis by A2;

 let T be RelStr;
 mode type of T is Element of T;

 let T be RelStr;
 attr T is Noetherian means :Def1:
  the InternalRel of T is co-well_founded;

 cluster trivial -> Noetherian (non empty RelStr);
   let S be non empty RelStr;
A1: for x,y being Element of S holds x = y;
   set R = the InternalRel of S;
   let Y be set; assume
A2: Y c= field R;
   assume Y <> {}; then
   reconsider X = Y as non empty set;
   consider a being Element of X;
   take a;
A3: a in Y;
   let b be set; assume b in Y; then
    a in field R & b in field R &
    field R c= (the carrier of S) \/ the carrier of S
     by A2,A3,RELSET_1:19;
   hence thesis by A1;

 let T be non empty RelStr;
 redefine attr T is Noetherian means:Def2:
  for A being non empty Subset of T
   ex a being Element of T st a in A &
    for b being Element of T st b in A holds not a < b;
  proof set R = the InternalRel of T;
   thus T is Noetherian implies
    for A being non empty Subset of T
     ex a being Element of T st a in A &
      for b being Element of T st b in A holds not a < b
     proof assume
A1:    for Y being set st Y c= field R & Y <> {}
        ex a being set st a in Y &
         for b being set st b in Y & a <> b holds not [a,b] in R;
      let A be non empty Subset of T;
      consider a being Element of A;
      reconsider a as Element of T;
      set Y = A /\ field R;
      per cases;
A2:     A misses field R;
       take a; thus a in A;
       let b be Element of T; assume b in A & a < b; then
        a <= b by ORDERS_1:def 10; then
        [a,b] in R by ORDERS_1:def 9; then
        a in field R by RELAT_1:30;
        hence contradiction by A2,XBOOLE_0:3;
      suppose A meets field R; then
       Y c= field R & Y <> {} by XBOOLE_0:def 7,XBOOLE_1:17; then
       consider x being set such that
A3:     x in Y and
A4:     for y being set st y in Y & x <> y holds not [x,y] in R by A1;
        x in A by A3,XBOOLE_0:def 3; then
       reconsider x as Element of T;
       take x; thus x in A by A3,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
       let b be Element of T; assume
A5:     b in A & x < b; then
        x <= b & x <> b by ORDERS_1:def 10; then
A6:     [x,b] in R by ORDERS_1:def 9; then
        b in field R by RELAT_1:30; then
        b in Y by A5,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
       hence contradiction by A4,A5,A6;
A7: for A being non empty Subset of T
     ex a being Element of T st a in A &
      for b being Element of T st b in A holds not a < b;
   let Y be set;
A8:Y c= field R & Y <> {};
    field R c= (the carrier of T) \/ the carrier of T by RELSET_1:19; then
    Y c= the carrier of T by A8,XBOOLE_1:1; then
   reconsider A = Y as non empty Subset of T by A8;
   consider a being Element of T such that
A9:a in A and
A10:for b being Element of T st b in A holds not a < b by A7;
   take a; thus a in Y by A9;
   let b be set; assume
A11:b in Y & a <> b; then b in A; then
   reconsider b as Element of T;
    not a < b by A10,A11; then
    not a <= b by A11,ORDERS_1:def 10;
   hence thesis by ORDERS_1:def 9;

 let T be Poset;
 attr T is Mizar-widening-like means
  T is sup-Semilattice &
  T is Noetherian;

  cluster Mizar-widening-like -> Noetherian with_suprema upper-bounded Poset;
  proof let T be Poset; assume
A1: T is sup-Semilattice & T is Noetherian;
    hence T is Noetherian with_suprema;
    reconsider S = T as sup-Semilattice by A1;
    the carrier of S c= the carrier of S; then
    the carrier of S is non empty Subset of S; then
    consider a being Element of T such that a in the carrier of T and
A2: for b being Element of T st b in the carrier of T holds not a < b
      by A1,Def2;
    take a; let b be Element of T;
    a"\/"b in the carrier of S; then
    a"\/"b >= a & not a < a"\/"b by A2,YELLOW_0:22; then
    a"\/"b = a by ORDERS_1:def 10;
    hence thesis by A1,YELLOW_0:22;

 cluster Noetherian -> Mizar-widening-like sup-Semilattice;
  proof let T be sup-Semilattice such that
A1: T is Noetherian;
    thus T is sup-Semilattice;
    thus thesis by A1;

 cluster Mizar-widening-like (complete sup-Semilattice);
   consider T being trivial LATTICE;
   take T; thus T is sup-Semilattice;
   thus thesis;

  let T be Noetherian RelStr;
  cluster the InternalRel of T -> co-well_founded;
  coherence by Def1;

theorem Th1:
 for T being Noetherian sup-Semilattice
 for I being Ideal of T holds ex_sup_of I, T & sup I in I
   let T be Noetherian sup-Semilattice;
   let I be Ideal of T;
   consider a being Element of T such that
A1: a in I and
A2: for b being Element of T st b in I holds not a < b by Def2;
A3: I is_<=_than a
      let d be Element of T; assume
A4:    d in I;
       a"\/"d in I by A1,A4,WAYBEL_0:40; then
       a <= a"\/"d & not a < a"\/"d by A2,YELLOW_0:22; then
       a = a"\/"d by ORDERS_1:def 10;
      hence thesis by YELLOW_0:22;
    for c being Element of T st I is_<=_than c holds a <= c
      by A1,LATTICE3:def 9;
   hence thesis by A1,A3,YELLOW_0:30;

begin :: Adjectives

 struct AdjectiveStr (#
   adjectives -> set,
   non-op -> UnOp of the adjectives

 let A be AdjectiveStr;
 attr A is void means:Def4:
  the adjectives of A is empty;
 mode adjective of A is Element of the adjectives of A;

 for A1,A2 being AdjectiveStr
  st the adjectives of A1 = the adjectives of A2
  holds A1 is void implies A2 is void
  proof let A1,A2 be AdjectiveStr such that
A1: the adjectives of A1 = the adjectives of A2;
   assume the adjectives of A1 is empty;
   hence the adjectives of A2 is empty by A1;

 let A be AdjectiveStr;
 let a be Element of the adjectives of A;
 func non-a -> adjective of A equals:Def6:
   (the non-op of A).a;
   per cases;
   suppose the adjectives of A is empty; then
     a = {} & not a in the adjectives of A &
     dom the non-op of A = the adjectives of A
      by FUNCT_2:67,SUBSET_1:def 2;
    hence thesis by FUNCT_1:def 4;
   suppose the adjectives of A is non empty; then
     (the non-op of A).a in the adjectives of A by FUNCT_2:7;
    hence thesis;

theorem Th3:
 for A1,A2 being AdjectiveStr
  st the AdjectiveStr of A1 = the AdjectiveStr of A2
 for a1 being adjective of A1, a2 being adjective of A2
  st a1 = a2
  holds non-a1 = non-a2
  proof let A1,A2 be AdjectiveStr such that
A1: the AdjectiveStr of A1 = the AdjectiveStr of A2;
   let a1 be adjective of A1, a2 be adjective of A2;
   assume a1 = a2;
   hence non-a1 = (the non-op of A1).a2 by Def6 .= non-a2 by A1,Def6;

 let A be AdjectiveStr;
 attr A is involutive means:Def7:
  for a being adjective of A holds non-non-a = a;
 attr A is without_fixpoints means
  not ex a being adjective of A st non-a = a;

theorem Th4:
 for a1,a2 being set st a1 <> a2
 for A being AdjectiveStr
  st the adjectives of A = {a1,a2} &
     (the non-op of A).a1 = a2 &
     (the non-op of A).a2 = a1
  holds A is non void involutive without_fixpoints
   let a1,a2 be set such that
A1: a1 <> a2;
   let A be AdjectiveStr such that
A2: the adjectives of A = {a1,a2} and
A3: (the non-op of A).a1 = a2 and
A4: (the non-op of A).a2 = a1;
   thus the adjectives of A is non empty by A2;
     let a be adjective of A;
A5:   a = a1 or a = a2 by A2,TARSKI:def 2;
     thus non-non-a = (the non-op of A).non-a by Def6
           .= a by A3,A4,A5,Def6;
   let a be adjective of A;
A6: a = a1 or a = a2 by A2,TARSKI:def 2;
   assume non-a = a;
   hence thesis by A1,A3,A4,A6,Def6;

theorem Th5:
 for A1,A2 being AdjectiveStr
  st the AdjectiveStr of A1 = the AdjectiveStr of A2
  holds A1 is involutive implies A2 is involutive
  proof let A1,A2 be AdjectiveStr such that
A1: the AdjectiveStr of A1 = the AdjectiveStr of A2;
A2: for a being adjective of A1 holds non-non-a = a;
   let a be adjective of A2;
   reconsider b = a as adjective of A1 by A1;
    non-a = non-b by A1,Th3;
   hence non-non-a = non-non-b by A1,Th3 .= a by A2;

theorem Th6:
 for A1,A2 being AdjectiveStr
  st the AdjectiveStr of A1 = the AdjectiveStr of A2
  holds A1 is without_fixpoints implies A2 is without_fixpoints
  proof let A1,A2 be AdjectiveStr such that
A1: the AdjectiveStr of A1 = the AdjectiveStr of A2;
A2: not ex a being adjective of A1 st non-a = a;
   given a being adjective of A2 such that
A3: non-a = a;
   reconsider b = a as adjective of A1 by A1;
    non-b = b by A1,A3,Th3;
   hence contradiction by A2;

 cluster non void involutive without_fixpoints (strict AdjectiveStr);
   reconsider x = 0, y = 1 as Element of {0,1} by TARSKI:def 2;
   reconsider n = (0,1)-->(y,x) as UnOp of {0,1};
   take AdjectiveStr(#{0,1}, n#);
    0 <> 1 & n.x = y & n.y = x by FUNCT_4:66;
   hence thesis by Th4;

 let A be non void AdjectiveStr;
 cluster the adjectives of A -> non empty;
 coherence by Def4;

 struct(RelStr,AdjectiveStr) TA-structure(#
   carrier, adjectives -> set,
   InternalRel -> (Relation of the carrier),
   non-op -> UnOp of the adjectives,
   adj-map -> Function of the carrier, Fin the adjectives

 let X be non empty set;
 let A be set;
 let r be Relation of X;
 let n be UnOp of A;
 let a be Function of X, Fin A;
 cluster TA-structure(#X,A,r,n,a#) -> non empty;
 coherence by STRUCT_0:def 1;

 let X be set;
 let A be non empty set;
 let r be Relation of X;
 let n be UnOp of A;
 let a be Function of X, Fin A;
 cluster TA-structure(#X,A,r,n,a#) -> non void;
 coherence by Def4;

 cluster trivial reflexive non empty non void involutive without_fixpoints
         strict TA-structure;
   consider R being trivial reflexive non empty RelStr,
            A being non void involutive without_fixpoints AdjectiveStr,
            f being Function of the carrier of R, Fin the adjectives of A;
   take T = TA-structure(#
              the carrier of R, the adjectives of A,
              the InternalRel of R, the non-op of A,
   thus T is trivial by TEX_2:4;
    the RelStr of R = the RelStr of T;
   hence T is reflexive by WAYBEL_8:12;
   thus T is non empty non void;
    the AdjectiveStr of A = the AdjectiveStr of T;
   hence T is involutive without_fixpoints by Th5,Th6;
   thus thesis;

 let T be TA-structure;
 let t be Element of T;
 func adjs t -> Subset of the adjectives of T equals:Def9:
  (the adj-map of T).t;
   per cases;
   suppose the carrier of T is empty; then
     t = {} & not t in the carrier of T &
     dom the adj-map of T = the carrier of T
      by FUNCT_2:def 1,SUBSET_1:def 2; then
     (the adj-map of T).t = {} the adjectives of T by FUNCT_1:def 4;
    hence thesis;
   suppose the carrier of T is non empty; then
     (the adj-map of T).t in Fin the adjectives of T by FUNCT_2:7;
    hence thesis by FINSUB_1:32;

theorem Th7:
 for T1,T2 being TA-structure
  st the TA-structure of T1 = the TA-structure of T2
 for t1 being type of T1, t2 being type of T2
  st t1 = t2
  holds adjs t1 = adjs t2
    let T1,T2 be TA-structure such that
A1:  the TA-structure of T1 = the TA-structure of T2;
    let t1 be type of T1, t2 be type of T2;
     adjs t1 = (the adj-map of T1).t1 & adjs t2 = (the adj-map of T2).t2
      by Def9;
    hence thesis by A1;

 let T be TA-structure;
 attr T is consistent means:Def10:
  for t being type of T
  for a being adjective of T st a in adjs t
   holds not non-a in adjs t;

theorem Th8:
 for T1,T2 being TA-structure
  st the TA-structure of T1 = the TA-structure of T2
  holds T1 is consistent implies T2 is consistent
    let T1,T2 be TA-structure such that
A1:  the TA-structure of T1 = the TA-structure of T2 and
A2:  for t being type of T1
     for a being adjective of T1 st a in adjs t
      holds not non-a in adjs t;
    let t2 be type of T2, a2 be adjective of T2;
    reconsider t1 = t2 as type of T1 by A1;
    reconsider a1 = a2 as adjective of T1 by A1;
    assume a2 in adjs t2; then
     a1 in adjs t1 by A1,Th7; then
     not non-a1 in adjs t1 by A2; then
     the AdjectiveStr of T1 = the AdjectiveStr of T2 & not non-a1 in adjs t2
      by A1,Th7;
    hence thesis by Th3;

 let T be non empty TA-structure;
 attr T is adj-structured means
  the adj-map of T is
    join-preserving map of T, (BoolePoset the adjectives of T) opp;

theorem Th9:
 for T1,T2 being non empty TA-structure
  st the TA-structure of T1 = the TA-structure of T2
  holds T1 is adj-structured implies T2 is adj-structured
   let T1,T2 be non empty TA-structure such that
A1: the TA-structure of T1 = the TA-structure of T2;
    the adj-map of T1 is
     join-preserving map of T1, (BoolePoset the adjectives of T1) opp; then
   reconsider f = the adj-map of T1 as
     join-preserving map of T1, (BoolePoset the adjectives of T1) opp;
   reconsider g = f as map of T2, (BoolePoset the adjectives of T2) opp by A1;
A2: the RelStr of T1 = the RelStr of T2 & the RelStr of (BoolePoset the
    adjectives of T1) opp = the RelStr of (BoolePoset the adjectives of T2) opp
     by A1;
    g is join-preserving
     proof let x,y be type of T2;
      reconsider x' = x, y' = y as type of T1 by A1;
A3:    ex_sup_of {x,y}, T2; then
A4:    ex_sup_of {x',y'}, T1 & f preserves_sup_of {x',y'}
        by A2,WAYBEL_0:def 35,YELLOW_0:14; then
A5:    ex_sup_of f.:{x',y'}, (BoolePoset the adjectives of T1) opp &
       sup (f.:{x',y'}) = f.sup {x',y'} by WAYBEL_0:def 31;
      thus ex_sup_of g.:{x,y}, (BoolePoset the adjectives of T2) opp
        by A1,A4,WAYBEL_0:def 31;
      thus sup (g.:{x,y}) = g.sup {x,y} by A2,A3,A5,YELLOW_0:26;
   hence the adj-map of T2 is
     join-preserving map of T2, (BoolePoset the adjectives of T2) opp by A1;

 let T be reflexive transitive antisymmetric with_suprema TA-structure;
 redefine attr T is adj-structured means:Def12:
   for t1,t2 being type of T holds adjs(t1"\/"t2) = (adjs t1) /\ (adjs t2);
   thus T is adj-structured implies
     for t1,t2 being type of T holds adjs(t1"\/"t2) = (adjs t1) /\ (adjs t2)
     proof assume the adj-map of T is
        join-preserving map of T, (BoolePoset the adjectives of T) opp; then
      reconsider f = the adj-map of T as
        join-preserving map of T, (BoolePoset the adjectives of T) opp;
      let t1,t2 be type of T;
      thus adjs(t1"\/"t2) = f.(t1"\/"t2) by Def9
                  .= (f.t1) "\/" (f.t2) by WAYBEL_6:2
                  .= (~(f.t1)) "/\" (~(f.t2)) by YELLOW_7:22
                  .= (~(f.t1)) /\ (~(f.t2)) by YELLOW_1:17
                  .= (f.t1) /\ (~(f.t2)) by LATTICE3:def 7
                  .= (f.t1) /\ (f.t2) by LATTICE3:def 7
                  .= (adjs t1) /\ (f.t2) by Def9
                  .= (adjs t1) /\ (adjs t2) by Def9;
A1: for t1,t2 being type of T holds adjs(t1"\/"t2) = (adjs t1) /\ (adjs t2);
    BoolePoset the adjectives of T = InclPoset bool the adjectives of T
      by YELLOW_1:4
      .= RelStr(#bool the adjectives of T, RelIncl bool the adjectives of T#)
      by YELLOW_1:def 1; then
A2: (BoolePoset the adjectives of T) opp = RelStr(#bool the adjectives of T,
      (RelIncl bool the adjectives of T)~#) by LATTICE3:def 5;
    rng the adj-map of T c= Fin the adjectives of T & Fin the adjectives of T
    c= bool the adjectives of T by FINSUB_1:26,RELSET_1:12; then
    rng the adj-map of T c= the carrier of (BoolePoset the adjectives of T) opp
    & dom the adj-map of T = the carrier of T
     by A2,FUNCT_2:def 1,XBOOLE_1:1; then
    the adj-map of T is Function of the carrier of T, the carrier of
      (BoolePoset the adjectives of T) opp by FUNCT_2:4; then
   reconsider f = the adj-map of T as map of T,
     (BoolePoset the adjectives of T) opp;
    now let t1,t2 be type of T;
      thus f.(t1"\/"t2)
         = adjs(t1"\/"t2) by Def9
        .= (adjs t1)/\(adjs t2) by A1
        .= (f.t1)/\(adjs t2) by Def9
        .= (f.t1)/\(f.t2) by Def9
        .= (~(f.t1))/\(f.t2) by LATTICE3:def 7
        .= (~(f.t1))/\(~(f.t2)) by LATTICE3:def 7
        .= (~(f.t1))"/\"(~(f.t2)) by YELLOW_1:17
        .= f.t1 "\/" f.t2 by YELLOW_7:22;
   hence the adj-map of T is join-preserving
     map of T, (BoolePoset the adjectives of T) opp by WAYBEL_6:2;

theorem Th10:
 for T being reflexive transitive antisymmetric with_suprema
  st T is adj-structured
 for t1,t2 being type of T st t1 <= t2 holds adjs t2 c= adjs t1
  proof let T be reflexive transitive antisymmetric with_suprema
             TA-structure such that
A1: for t1,t2 being type of T holds adjs(t1"\/"t2) = (adjs t1) /\ (adjs t2);
   let t1,t2 be type of T; assume t1 <= t2; then
    t1"\/"t2 = t2 by YELLOW_0:24; then
    adjs t2 = (adjs t1)/\(adjs t2) by A1;
   hence adjs t2 c= adjs t1 by XBOOLE_1:17;

 let T be TA-structure;
 let a be Element of the adjectives of T;
 func types a -> Subset of T means:Def13:
   for x being set holds
     x in it iff ex t being type of T st x = t & a in adjs t;
   defpred _P[set] means ex t being type of T st $1 = t & a in adjs t;
   consider tt being set such that
A1: for x being set holds x in tt iff
      x in the carrier of T & _P[x] from Separation;
    tt c= the carrier of T proof let x be set; thus thesis by A1; end; then
   reconsider tt as Subset of T;
   take tt; let x be set;
   thus x in tt implies ex t being type of T st x = t & a in adjs t by A1;
   given t being type of T such that
A2: x = t & a in adjs t;
      assume not x in the carrier of T; then
      the carrier of T is empty & dom the adj-map of T = the carrier of T
       by A2,FUNCT_2:def 1; then
      (the adj-map of T).t = {} by FUNCT_1:def 4;
     hence contradiction by A2,Def9;
   hence thesis by A1,A2;
     defpred _P[set] means ex t being type of T st $1 = t & a in adjs t;
     let X1,X2 be Subset of T such that
A3: for x being set holds x in X1 iff _P[x] and
A4: for x being set holds x in X2 iff _P[x];
   thus thesis from Extensionality(A3,A4);

 let T be non empty TA-structure;
 let A be Subset of the adjectives of T;
 func types A -> Subset of T means:Def14:
   for t being type of T holds
     t in it iff for a being adjective of T st a in A holds t in types a;
   defpred _P[set] means
     for a being adjective of T st a in A holds $1 in types a;
   consider tt being set such that
A1: for x being set holds x in tt iff x in the carrier of T & _P[x]
     from Separation;
    tt c= the carrier of T proof let x be set; thus thesis by A1; end; then
   reconsider tt as Subset of T;
   take tt;
   thus thesis by A1;
  proof let X1,X2 be Subset of T such that
A2: for t being type of T holds
     t in X1 iff for a being adjective of T st a in A holds t in types a and
A3: for t being type of T holds
     t in X2 iff for a being adjective of T st a in A holds t in types a;
      let x be set;
      x in X1 iff x is type of T &
        for a being adjective of T st a in A holds x in types a by A2;
      hence x in X1 iff x in X2 by A3;
    hence thesis by TARSKI:2;

theorem Th11:
 for T1,T2 being TA-structure
  st the TA-structure of T1 = the TA-structure of T2
 for a1 being adjective of T1, a2 being adjective of T2 st a1 = a2
  holds types a1 = types a2
    let T1,T2 be TA-structure such that
A1: the TA-structure of T1 = the TA-structure of T2;
    let a1 be adjective of T1, a2 be adjective of T2 such that
A2: a1 = a2;
      thus types a1 is Subset of T2 by A1;
      let x be set;
      hereby assume x in types a1; then
        consider t1 being type of T1 such that
A3:     x = t1 & a1 in adjs t1 by Def13;
        reconsider t2 = t1 as type of T2 by A1;
        adjs t1 = adjs t2 by A1,Th7;
        hence ex t2 being type of T2 st x = t2 & a2 in adjs t2 by A2,A3;
      given t2 being type of T2 such that
A4:   x = t2 & a2 in adjs t2;
      reconsider t1 = t2 as type of T1 by A1;
      adjs t1 = adjs t2 by A1,Th7;
      hence x in types a1 by A2,A4,Def13;
    hence thesis by Def13;

 for T being non empty TA-structure
 for a being adjective of T
  holds types a = {t where t is type of T: a in adjs t}
   let T be non empty TA-structure;
   let a be adjective of T;
   set X = {t where t is type of T: a in adjs t};
    X c= the carrier of T
     proof let x be set; assume x in X; then
       ex t being type of T st x = t & a in adjs t;
      hence thesis;
     end; then
   reconsider X as Subset of T;
    for x being set holds
     x in X iff ex t being type of T st x = t & a in adjs t;
   hence thesis by Def13;

theorem Th13:
 for T being TA-structure
 for t being type of T, a being adjective of T
  holds a in adjs t iff t in types a
   let T be TA-structure;
   let t be type of T, a be adjective of T;
   thus a in adjs t implies t in types a by Def13;
   assume t in types a; then
    ex t' being type of T st t = t' & a in adjs t' by Def13;
   hence thesis;

theorem Th14:
 for T being non empty TA-structure
 for t being type of T, A being Subset of the adjectives of T
  holds A c= adjs t iff t in types A
    let T be non empty TA-structure;
    let t be type of T, a be Subset of the adjectives of T;
    hereby assume
      a c= adjs t; then
      for b being adjective of T st b in a holds t in types b by Th13;
      hence t in types a by Def14;
A1: t in types a;
    let x be set; assume
A2: x in a; then reconsider x as adjective of T;
    t in types x by A1,A2,Def14;
    hence thesis by Th13;

 for T being non void TA-structure
 for t being type of T
  holds adjs t = {a where a is adjective of T: t in types a}
  proof let T be non void TA-structure;
   let t be type of T;
   set X = {a where a is adjective of T: t in types a};
   thus adjs t c= X
      let x be set; assume
A1:    x in adjs t; then
      reconsider a = x as adjective of T;
       t in types a by A1,Th13;
      hence thesis;
   let x be set; assume x in X; then
    ex a being adjective of T st x = a & t in types a;
   hence thesis by Th13;

theorem Th16:
 for T being non empty TA-structure
 for t being type of T
  holds types ({} the adjectives of T) = the carrier of T
    let T be non empty TA-structure;
    let t be type of T;
    thus types ({} the adjectives of T) c= the carrier of T;
    let x be set; assume x in the carrier of T; then
    reconsider t = x as type of T;
    for a being adjective of T st a in {} the adjectives of T
      holds t in types a;
    hence thesis by Def14;

  let T be TA-structure;
  attr T is adjs-typed means
   for a being adjective of T holds types a \/ types non-a is non empty;

theorem Th17:
 for T1,T2 being TA-structure
  st the TA-structure of T1 = the TA-structure of T2
  holds T1 is adjs-typed implies T2 is adjs-typed
    let T1,T2 be TA-structure such that
A1: the TA-structure of T1 = the TA-structure of T2 and
A2: for a being adjective of T1 holds types a \/ types non-a is non empty;
    let b be adjective of T2;
    reconsider a = b as adjective of T1 by A1;
    the AdjectiveStr of T1 = the AdjectiveStr of T2 by A1; then
    non-a = non-b by Th3; then
    types a = types b & types non-a = types non-b &
    types a \/ types non-a is non empty by A1,A2,Th11;
    hence thesis;

 cluster non void Mizar-widening-like involutive without_fixpoints
   consistent adj-structured adjs-typed
   (complete upper-bounded non empty trivial
    reflexive transitive antisymmetric strict TA-structure);
    consider R being trivial reflexive non empty RelStr;
    reconsider x = 0, y = 1 as Element of {0,1} by TARSKI:def 2;
    reconsider n = (0,1)-->(y,x) as UnOp of {0,1};
    {0} c= {0,1} by ZFMISC_1:12; then
    reconsider A = {0} as Element of Fin {0,1} by FINSUB_1:def 5;
    set f = (the carrier of R) --> A;
    set T = TA-structure(#the carrier of R, {0,1},
                          the InternalRel of R, n, f#);
    the RelStr of T = the RelStr of R; then
    reconsider T as strict trivial reflexive non empty TA-structure
      by TEX_2:4,WAYBEL_8:12;
    take T;  thus T is non void;
    thus T is Mizar-widening-like;
A1: 0 <> 1 & n.x = y & n.y = x by FUNCT_4:66;
    hence T is involutive without_fixpoints by Th4;
      let t be type of T;
      let a be adjective of T;
A2:  (a = 0 or a = 1) & non-a = n.a by Def6,TARSKI:def 2;
      adjs t = f.t by Def9 .= A by FUNCOP_1:13;
      hence a in adjs t implies not non-a in adjs t by A1,A2,TARSKI:def 1;
      let t1,t2 be type of T;
      adjs(t1"\/"t2) = f.(t1"\/"t2) & adjs t1 = f.t1 & adjs t2 = f.t2
        by Def9; then
      adjs(t1"\/"t2) = A & adjs t1 = A & adjs t2 = A by FUNCOP_1:13;
      hence adjs(t1"\/"t2) = adjs t1 /\ adjs t2;
    let a be adjective of T;
A3: (a = 0 or a = 1) & non-a = n.a by Def6,TARSKI:def 2;
    consider t being type of T;
    adjs t = f.t by Def9 .= A by FUNCOP_1:13; then
    a in adjs t or non-a in adjs t by A1,A3,TARSKI:def 1; then
    t in types a or t in types non-a by Th13;
    hence thesis by XBOOLE_0:def 2;

 for T being consistent TA-structure
 for a being adjective of T
  holds types a misses types non-a
   let T be consistent TA-structure;
   let a be adjective of T;
   assume types a meets types non-a; then
   consider x being set such that
A1: x in types a and
A2: x in types non-a by XBOOLE_0:3;
   consider t1 being type of T such that
A3: x = t1 & a in adjs t1 by A1,Def13;
    ex t2 being type of T st x = t2 & non-a in adjs t2 by A2,Def13;
   hence thesis by A3,Def10;

 let T be adj-structured (reflexive transitive antisymmetric with_suprema
 let a be adjective of T;
 cluster types a -> lower directed;
   thus types a is lower
     proof let x,y be Element of T;
      assume x in types a & y <= x; then
       a in adjs x & adjs x c= adjs y by Th10,Th13;
      hence y in types a by Th13;
   let x,y be Element of T;
   assume x in types a & y in types a; then
    a in adjs x & a in adjs y by Th13; then
    a in (adjs x)/\adjs y by XBOOLE_0:def 3; then
A1: a in adjs(x"\/"y) by Def12;
   take x"\/"y;
   thus thesis by A1,Th13,YELLOW_0:22;

 let T be adj-structured (reflexive transitive antisymmetric with_suprema
 let A be Subset of the adjectives of T;
 cluster types A -> lower directed;
    thus types A is lower
    proof let x,y be Element of T;
A1:   x in types A & y <= x;
        let a be adjective of T; assume a in A; then
        x in types a by A1,Def14; then
        a in adjs x & adjs x c= adjs y by A1,Th10,Th13;
        hence y in types a by Th13;
      hence thesis by Def14;
    let x,y be Element of T; assume
A2: x in types A & y in types A;
A3: now let a be adjective of T;
      assume a in A; then
      x in types a & y in types a by A2,Def14; then
      a in adjs x & a in adjs y by Th13; then
      a in (adjs x)/\adjs y by XBOOLE_0:def 3; then
      a in adjs(x"\/"y) by Def12;
      hence x"\/"y in types a by Th13;
    take x"\/"y;
    thus thesis by A3,Def14,YELLOW_0:22;

 for T being adj-structured (with_suprema reflexive antisymmetric transitive
 for a being adjective of T holds
   types a is empty or types a is Ideal of T;

begin :: Applicability of adjectives

  let T be TA-structure;
  let t be Element of T;
  let a be adjective of T;
  pred a is_applicable_to t means:Def16:
   ex t' being type of T st t' in types a & t' <= t;

  let T be TA-structure;
  let t be type of T;
  let A be Subset of the adjectives of T;
  pred A is_applicable_to t means:Def17:
   ex t' being type of T st A c= adjs t' & t' <= t;

theorem Th20:
 for T being adj-structured (reflexive transitive antisymmetric with_suprema
 for a being adjective of T
 for t being type of T
  st a is_applicable_to t
  holds types a /\ downarrow t is Ideal of T
   let T be adj-structured (reflexive transitive antisymmetric with_suprema
   let a be adjective of T;
   let t be type of T;
   given t' being type of T such that
A1: t' in types a & t' <= t;
    t' in downarrow t by A1,WAYBEL_0:17;
   hence thesis by A1,WAYBEL_0:27,44,XBOOLE_0:def 3;

  let T be non empty reflexive transitive TA-structure;
  let t be Element of T;
  let a be adjective of T;
  func a ast t -> type of T equals:Def18:
   sup(types a /\ downarrow t);

theorem Th21:
 for T being Noetherian adj-structured (reflexive transitive antisymmetric
             with_suprema TA-structure)
 for t being type of T
 for a being adjective of T
  st a is_applicable_to t
  holds a ast t <= t
    let T be Noetherian adj-structured (reflexive transitive antisymmetric
             with_suprema TA-structure);
    let t be type of T;
    let a be adjective of T;
    assume a is_applicable_to t; then
    types a /\ downarrow t is Ideal of T by Th20; then
    sup (types a /\ downarrow t) in types a /\ downarrow t by Th1; then
    a ast t in types a /\ downarrow t by Def18; then
    a ast t in downarrow t by XBOOLE_0:def 3;
    hence thesis by WAYBEL_0:17;

theorem Th22:
 for T being Noetherian adj-structured (reflexive transitive antisymmetric
             with_suprema TA-structure)
 for t being type of T
 for a being adjective of T
  st a is_applicable_to t
  holds a in adjs(a ast t)
    let T be Noetherian adj-structured (reflexive transitive antisymmetric
             with_suprema TA-structure);
    let t be type of T;
    let a be adjective of T;
    assume a is_applicable_to t; then
    types a /\ downarrow t is Ideal of T by Th20; then
    sup (types a /\ downarrow t) in types a /\ downarrow t by Th1; then
    a ast t in types a /\ downarrow t by Def18; then
    a ast t in types a by XBOOLE_0:def 3;
    hence thesis by Th13;

theorem Th23:
 for T being Noetherian adj-structured (reflexive transitive antisymmetric
             with_suprema TA-structure)
 for t being type of T
 for a being adjective of T
  st a is_applicable_to t
  holds a ast t in types a
    let T be Noetherian adj-structured (reflexive transitive antisymmetric
             with_suprema TA-structure);
    let t be type of T;
    let a be adjective of T;
    assume a is_applicable_to t; then
    types a /\ downarrow t is Ideal of T by Th20; then
    sup (types a /\ downarrow t) in types a /\ downarrow t by Th1; then
    a ast t in types a /\ downarrow t by Def18;
    hence thesis by XBOOLE_0:def 3;

theorem Th24:
 for T being Noetherian adj-structured (reflexive transitive antisymmetric
             with_suprema TA-structure)
 for t being type of T
 for a being adjective of T
 for t' being type of T st t' <= t & a in adjs t'
  holds a is_applicable_to t & t' <= a ast t
    let T be Noetherian adj-structured (reflexive transitive antisymmetric
             with_suprema TA-structure);
    let t be type of T;
    let a be adjective of T;
    let t' be type of T; assume
A1: t' <= t & a in adjs t'; then
A2: t' in downarrow t & t' in types a by Th13,WAYBEL_0:17;
    thus a is_applicable_to t
        take t'; thus thesis by A1,Th13;
      end; then
    types a /\ downarrow t is Ideal of T by Th20; then
    ex_sup_of types a /\ downarrow t, T &
    a ast t = sup (types a /\ downarrow t) by Def18,Th1; then
    a ast t is_>=_than types a /\ downarrow t & t' in types a /\ downarrow t
     by A2,XBOOLE_0:def 3,YELLOW_0:30;
    hence t' <= a ast t by LATTICE3:def 9;

theorem Th25:
 for T being Noetherian adj-structured (reflexive transitive antisymmetric
             with_suprema TA-structure)
 for t being type of T
 for a being adjective of T
  st a in adjs t
  holds a is_applicable_to t & a ast t = t
    let T be Noetherian adj-structured (reflexive transitive antisymmetric
             with_suprema TA-structure);
    let t be type of T;
    let a be adjective of T; assume
A1: a in adjs t;
    thus a is_applicable_to t by A1,Th24; then
    t <= a ast t & a ast t <= t by A1,Th21,Th24;
    hence thesis by YELLOW_0:def 3;

 for T being Noetherian adj-structured (reflexive transitive antisymmetric
             with_suprema TA-structure)
 for t being type of T
 for a,b being adjective of T
  st a is_applicable_to t & b is_applicable_to a ast t
  holds b is_applicable_to t & a is_applicable_to b ast t &
    a ast (b ast t) = b ast (a ast t)
    let T be Noetherian adj-structured (reflexive transitive antisymmetric
             with_suprema TA-structure);
    let t be type of T;
    let a,b be adjective of T such that
A1: a is_applicable_to t and
A2: b is_applicable_to a ast t;
A3: a ast t = sup (types a /\ downarrow t) & a ast t <= t & a ast t in types a
      by A1,Def18,Th21,Th23;
A4: b ast (a ast t) = sup (types b /\ downarrow (a ast t)) by Def18;
    consider t' being type of T such that
A5: t' in types b & t' <= a ast t by A2,Def16;
A6: t' <= t & b in adjs t' by A3,A5,Th13,YELLOW_0:def 2;
    thus b is_applicable_to t
        take t'; thus thesis by A3,A5,YELLOW_0:def 2;
      end; then
A7: b ast t = sup (types b /\ downarrow t) & b ast t <= t  & b ast t in types b
      by Def18,Th21,Th23;
A8: a is_applicable_to b ast t
        take t';
        a ast t in types a by A1,Th23;
        hence t' in types a by A5,WAYBEL_0:def 19;
        thus t' <= b ast t by A6,Th24;
A9: a ast (b ast t) is_>=_than types b /\ downarrow (a ast t)
      let t' be type of T; assume t' in types b /\ downarrow (a ast t); then
      t' in types b & t' in downarrow (a ast t) by XBOOLE_0:def 3; then
A10:   b in adjs t' & t' <= a ast t by Th13,WAYBEL_0:17; then
      t' <= t & t' in types a by A3,WAYBEL_0:def 19,YELLOW_0:def 2; then
      t' <= b ast t & a in adjs t' by A10,Th13,Th24;
      hence thesis by Th24;
    a ast (b ast t) <= b ast t by A8,Th21; then
    a ast (b ast t) <= t & a in adjs (a ast (b ast t))
      by A7,A8,Th22,YELLOW_0:def 2; then
    a ast (b ast t) <= b ast t & a ast (b ast t) <= a ast t
      by A8,Th21,Th24; then
    a ast (b ast t) in types b & a ast (b ast t) in downarrow (a ast t)
      by A7,WAYBEL_0:17,def 19; then
    a ast (b ast t) in types b /\ downarrow (a ast t) by XBOOLE_0:def 3; then
    for t' being type of T
     st t' is_>=_than types b /\ downarrow (a ast t)
     holds a ast (b ast t) <= t' by LATTICE3:def 9;
    hence a ast (b ast t) = b ast (a ast t) by A4,A9,YELLOW_0:30;

theorem Th27:
 for T being adj-structured (reflexive transitive antisymmetric with_suprema
 for A being Subset of the adjectives of T
 for t being type of T
  st A is_applicable_to t
  holds types A /\ downarrow t is Ideal of T
    let T be adj-structured (reflexive transitive antisymmetric with_suprema
    let A be Subset of the adjectives of T;
    let t be type of T;
    given t' being type of T such that
A1: A c= adjs t' & t' <= t;
    t' in downarrow t & t' in types A by A1,Th14,WAYBEL_0:17;
    hence thesis by WAYBEL_0:27,44,XBOOLE_0:def 3;

  let T be non empty reflexive transitive TA-structure;
  let t be type of T;
  let A be Subset of the adjectives of T;
  func A ast t -> type of T equals:Def19:
   sup(types A /\ downarrow t);

theorem Th28:
  for T being non empty reflexive transitive antisymmetric TA-structure
  for t being type of T
   holds ({} the adjectives of T) ast t = t
     let T be non empty reflexive transitive antisymmetric TA-structure;
     let t be type of T;
     set A = {} the adjectives of T;
     types A = the carrier of T by Th16; then
     types A /\ downarrow t = downarrow t by XBOOLE_1:28;
     hence A ast t = sup downarrow t by Def19
                  .= t by WAYBEL_0:34;

  let T be non empty non void reflexive transitive TA-structure;
  let t be type of T;
  let p be FinSequence of the adjectives of T;
  func apply(p,t) -> FinSequence of the carrier of T means:Def20:
   len it = len p+1 & it.1 = t &
   for i being Nat, a being adjective of T, t being type of T
    st i in dom p & a = p.i & t = it.i
    holds it.(i+1) = a ast t;
    defpred _P[set,set,set] means
    ex a being adjective of T st
      a = p.$1 & ($2 is not type of T & $3 = 0 or
                 ex t being type of T st t = $2 & $3 = a ast t);
A1: for i being Nat st 1 <= i & i < len p+1
    for x being set
     ex y being set st _P[i,x,y]
     proof let i be Nat; assume
A2:    1 <= i;
       assume i < len p+1; then
       i <= len p by NAT_1:38; then
       i in dom p by A2,FINSEQ_3:27; then
       p.i in rng p & rng p c= the adjectives of T
         by FINSEQ_1:def 4,FUNCT_1:12; then
       reconsider a = p.i as adjective of T;
       let x be set;
       per cases; suppose
A3:    x is not type of T; take 0, a; thus thesis by A3;
       suppose x is type of T; then
       reconsider t = x as type of T;
       take a ast t, a; thus a = p.i;
       thus thesis;
A4: for n being Nat st 1 <= n & n < len p+1
     for x,y1,y2 being set st _P[n,x,y1] & _P[n,x,y2]
     holds y1 = y2;
    consider q being FinSequence such that
A5: len q = len p+1 and
A6: q.1 = t or len p+1 = 0 and
A7: for i being Nat st 1 <= i & i < len p+1 holds _P[i,q.i,q.(i+1)]
     from FinRecEx(A1,A4);
    defpred _P[Nat] means $1 in dom q implies q.$1 is type of T;
A8: _P[0] by FINSEQ_3:26;
A9: now let k be Nat such that
A10:   _P[k];
      now assume
A11:   k+1 in dom q;
      (k <> 0 implies k > 0) & k+1 <= len q by A11,FINSEQ_3:27,NAT_1:19; then
A12:   (k <> 0 implies k >= 0+1) & k < len q by NAT_1:38;
      k <> 0 implies ex a being adjective of T st a = p.k &
      (q.k is not type of T & q.(k+1) = 0
       or ex t being type of T st t = q.k & q.(k+1) = a ast t) by A5,A7,A12;
      hence q.(k+1) is type of T by A6,A10,A12,FINSEQ_3:27;
      hence _P[k+1];
A13: for k being Nat holds _P[k] from Ind(A8,A9);
    rng q c= the carrier of T
      let a be set; assume a in rng q; then
      consider x being set such that
A14:   x in dom q & a = q.x by FUNCT_1:def 5;
      a is type of T by A13,A14;
      hence a in the carrier of T;
    end; then
    reconsider q as FinSequence of the carrier of T by FINSEQ_1:def 4;
    take q; thus len q = len p+1 & q.1 = t by A5,A6;
    let i be Nat, a be adjective of T, t being type of T; assume
A15: i in dom p & a = p.i & t = q.i; then
    i >= 1 & i <= len p by FINSEQ_3:27; then
    i >= 1 & i < len p+1 by NAT_1:38; then
    ex a being adjective of T st a = p.i & (q.i is not type of T & q.(i+1)=0 or
      ex t being type of T st t = q.i & q.(i+1) = a ast t) by A7;
    hence q.(i+1) = a ast t by A15;
  proof let q1, q2 be FinSequence of the carrier of T such that
A16: len q1 = len p+1 & q1.1 = t and
A17: for i being Nat, a being adjective of T, t being type of T
     st i in dom p & a = p.i & t = q1.i
     holds q1.(i+1) = a ast t and
A18: len q2 = len p+1 & q2.1 = t and
A19: for i being Nat, a being adjective of T, t being type of T
     st i in dom p & a = p.i & t = q2.i
     holds q2.(i+1) = a ast t;
A20: dom q1 = dom q2 by A16,A18,FINSEQ_3:31;
    defpred _P[Nat] means $1 in dom q1 implies q1.$1 = q2.$1;
A21: _P[0] by FINSEQ_3:27;
A22: now let i be Nat such that
A23:   _P[i];
      now assume
A24:   i+1 in dom q1;
      i+1 <= len q1 & i <= i+1 by A24,FINSEQ_3:27,NAT_1:38; then
A25:  i <= len p & i <= len q1 by A16,AXIOMS:22,REAL_1:53;
     per cases by NAT_1:19; suppose i = 0;
      hence q1.(i+1) = q2.(i+1) by A16,A18;
     suppose i > 0; then
      i >= 0+1 by NAT_1:38; then
A26:  i in dom p & i in dom q1 by A25,FINSEQ_3:27; then
      p.i in the adjectives of T by FINSEQ_2:13; then
      reconsider a = p.i as adjective of T;
      q1.i in the carrier of T by A26,FINSEQ_2:13; then
      reconsider t = q1.i as type of T;
      thus q1.(i+1) = a ast t by A17,A26
                   .= q2.(i+1) by A19,A23,A26;
      end; hence _P[i+1];
   for i being Nat holds _P[i] from Ind(A21,A22);
   hence thesis by A20,FINSEQ_1:17;

  let T be non empty non void reflexive transitive TA-structure;
  let t be type of T;
  let p be FinSequence of the adjectives of T;
  cluster apply(p,t) -> non empty;
    len apply(p,t) = len p+1 by Def20;
    hence thesis by FINSEQ_1:25;

 for T being non empty non void reflexive transitive TA-structure
 for t being type of T
  holds apply(<*> the adjectives of T, t) = <*t*>
    let T be non empty non void reflexive transitive TA-structure;
    let t be type of T;
    len <*> the adjectives of T = 0 by FINSEQ_1:25; then
    len apply(<*> the adjectives of T, t) = 0+1 &
    apply(<*> the adjectives of T, t).1 = t by Def20;
    hence thesis by FINSEQ_1:57;

theorem Th30:
 for T being non empty non void reflexive transitive TA-structure
 for t being type of T, a be adjective of T
  holds apply(<*a*>, t) = <*t, a ast t*>
    let T be non empty non void reflexive transitive TA-structure;
    let t be type of T, a be adjective of T;
A1: len <*a*> = 1 by FINSEQ_1:57; then
A2: len apply(<*a*>, t) = 1+1 & apply(<*a*>, t).1 = t & <*a*>.1 = a &
    1 in dom <*a*> by Def20,FINSEQ_1:57,FINSEQ_3:27; then
    apply(<*a*>, t).(len <*a*>+1) = a ast t by A1,Def20;
    hence thesis by A1,A2,FINSEQ_1:61;

  let T be non empty non void reflexive transitive TA-structure;
  let t be type of T;
  let v be FinSequence of the adjectives of T;
  func v ast t -> type of T equals:Def21:
   apply(v,t).(len v+1);
    len v+1 >= 1 & len apply(v,t) = len v+1 by Def20,NAT_1:29; then
    len v+1 in dom apply(v,t) by FINSEQ_3:27; then
    apply(v,t).(len v+1) in the carrier of T by FINSEQ_2:13;
    hence thesis;

theorem Th31:
 for T being non empty non void reflexive transitive TA-structure
 for t being type of T
  holds (<*> the adjectives of T) ast t = t
    let T be non empty non void reflexive transitive TA-structure;
    let t be type of T;
    len <*> the adjectives of T = 0 by FINSEQ_1:25;
    hence (<*> the adjectives of T) ast t
        = apply(<*> the adjectives of T, t).(0+1) by Def21
       .= t by Def20;

theorem Th32:
  for T being non empty non void reflexive transitive TA-structure
  for t being type of T
  for a being adjective of T
   holds <*a*> ast t = a ast t
     let T be non empty non void reflexive transitive TA-structure;
     let t be type of T;
     let a be adjective of T;
     apply(<*a*>, t) = <*t, a ast t*> & len <*a*> = 1 by Th30,FINSEQ_1:57; then
     <*a*> ast t = <*t, a ast t*>.(1+1) by Def21;
     hence thesis by FINSEQ_1:61;

  for p,q being FinSequence
  for i being natural number st i >= 1 & i < len p holds (p$^q).i = p.i
    let p,q be FinSequence;
    let i be natural number; assume
A1: i >= 1 & i < len p; then
    len p > 0 by AXIOMS:22; then
A2: p <> {} by FINSEQ_1:25;
    per cases;
    suppose q = {}; hence thesis by REWRITE1:1;
    suppose q <> {}; then
    consider j being Nat, r being FinSequence such that
A3: len p = j+1 & r = p|Seg j & p$^q = r^q by A2,REWRITE1:def 1;
    j < len p by A3,NAT_1:38; then
    len r = j & i <= j & i is Nat
     by A1,A3,FINSEQ_1:21,NAT_1:38,ORDINAL2:def 21; then
A4: i in dom r by A1,FINSEQ_3:27; then
    (p$^q).i = r.i & p = r^<*p.len p*> by A3,FINSEQ_1:def 7,FINSEQ_3:61;
    hence (p$^q).i = p.i by A4,FINSEQ_1:def 7;

theorem Th34:
  for p being non empty FinSequence, q being FinSequence
  for i being natural number st i < len q holds (p$^q).(len p+i) = q.(i+1)
    let p be non empty FinSequence, q be FinSequence;
    let i be natural number; assume
A1: i < len q; i >= 0 by NAT_1:18; then
    q <> {} by A1,FINSEQ_1:25; then
    consider j being Nat, r being FinSequence such that
A2: len p = j+1 & r = p|Seg j & p$^q = r^q by REWRITE1:def 1;
    j < len p by A2,NAT_1:38; then
    len r = j & i+1 >= 1 & i+1 <= len q & i+1 is Nat
     by A1,A2,FINSEQ_1:21,NAT_1:29,38,ORDINAL2:def 21; then
    len p+i =len r+(i+1) & i+1 in dom q by A2,FINSEQ_3:27,XCMPLX_1:1;
    hence thesis by A2,FINSEQ_1:def 7;

theorem Th35:
  for T being non empty non void reflexive transitive TA-structure
  for t being type of T
  for v1,v2 being FinSequence of the adjectives of T
   holds apply(v1^v2, t) = apply(v1, t) $^ apply(v2, v1 ast t)
     let T be non empty non void reflexive transitive TA-structure;
     let t be type of T;
     let v1,v2 be FinSequence of the adjectives of T;
A1:  len apply(v1,t) = len v1+1 & len apply(v2, v1 ast t) = len v2+1
       by Def20;
     consider tt being FinSequence of the carrier of T,
              q being Element of T such that
A2:  apply(v1,t) = tt^<*q*> by HILBERT2:4;
A3:  apply(v1, t) $^ apply(v2, v1 ast t) = tt^apply(v2, v1 ast t)
       by A2,REWRITE1:2;
     len <*q*> = 1 by FINSEQ_1:56; then
A4:  len v1+1 = len tt+1 by A1,A2,FINSEQ_1:35; then
A5:  len tt = len v1 by XCMPLX_1:2;
     set s = apply(v1, t) $^ apply(v2, v1 ast t), p = v1^v2;
A6:  len s = len tt+(len v2+1) by A1,A3,FINSEQ_1:35
          .= len v1+len v2+1 by A5,XCMPLX_1:1
          .= len p+1 by FINSEQ_1:35;
A7:  s.1 = t
     proof per cases by NAT_1:19;
       suppose len v1 = 0; then
       v1 = <*>the adjectives of T & tt = {} by A5,FINSEQ_1:25; then
       s = apply(v2, v1 ast t) & v1 ast t = t by A3,Th31,FINSEQ_1:47;
       hence thesis by Def20;
       suppose len v1 > 0; then
       len tt >= 0+1 & 0+1 = 1 & 1 <= 1 by A5,NAT_1:38; then
       1 in dom tt by FINSEQ_3:27; then
       s.1 = tt.1 & tt.1 = apply(v1, t).1 by A2,A3,FINSEQ_1:def 7;
       hence thesis by Def20;
     now let i be Nat, a be adjective of T, t' be type of T such that
A8:    i in dom p and
A9:    a = p.i & t' = s.i;
A10:    1 <= i & i <= len p & len p = len v1+len v2
         by A8,FINSEQ_1:35,FINSEQ_3:27;
A11:    len apply(v2, v1 ast t) = len v2+1 by Def20;
       per cases by AXIOMS:21;
       suppose i < len v1; then
       i+1 <= len v1 & i <= len v1 & i+1 >= 1 by NAT_1:29,38; then
A12:    i in dom tt & i+1 in dom tt & i in dom v1 by A5,A10,FINSEQ_3:27; then
       s.i = tt.i & tt.i = apply(v1, t).i & s.(i+1) = tt.(i+1) & p.i = v1.i &
       tt.(i+1) = apply(v1, t).(i+1) by A2,A3,FINSEQ_1:def 7;
       hence s.(i+1) = a ast t' by A9,A12,Def20;
A13:    i = len v1;
       1 <= len apply(v2, v1 ast t) by A11,NAT_1:29; then
A14:    i in dom tt & i in dom v1 & 1 in dom apply(v2, v1 ast t)
         by A5,A10,A13,FINSEQ_3:27; then
A15:    s.i = tt.i & tt.i = apply(v1, t).i & s.(i+1) = apply(v2, v1 ast t).1 &
       p.i = v1.i by A2,A3,A4,A13,FINSEQ_1:def 7; then
       a ast t' = apply(v1, t).(i+1) by A9,A14,Def20 .= v1 ast t by A13,Def21;
       hence s.(i+1) = a ast t' by A15,Def20;
       suppose i > len v1; then
       i >= len v1+1 by NAT_1:38; then
       consider j being Nat such that
A16:    i = len v1+1+j by NAT_1:28;
A17:    i = j+1+len v1 & j+1+len v1+1 = j+1+1+len v1 by A16,XCMPLX_1:1; then
A18:    1+j >= 1 & 1+j <= len v2 & 0 <= 1 by A10,NAT_1:29,REAL_1:53; then
       1+j+1 <= len v2+1 & 1+j+1 >= 1 & 1+j+0 <= len v2+1
         by NAT_1:29,REAL_1:55; then
A19:    j+1 in dom v2 & j+1 in dom apply(v2, v1 ast t) &
       j+1+1 in dom apply(v2, v1 ast t) by A11,A18,FINSEQ_3:27; then
       s.i = apply(v2, v1 ast t).(j+1) & p.i = v2.(j+1) &
       s.(i+1) = apply(v2, v1 ast t).(j+1+1) by A3,A5,A17,FINSEQ_1:def 7;
       hence s.(i+1) = a ast t' by A9,A19,Def20;
     hence thesis by A3,A6,A7,Def20;

theorem Th36:
  for T being non empty non void reflexive transitive TA-structure
  for t being type of T
  for v1,v2 being FinSequence of the adjectives of T
  for i being natural number st i in dom v1
   holds apply(v1^v2, t).i = apply(v1, t).i
    let T be non empty non void reflexive transitive TA-structure;
    let t be type of T;
    let v1,v2 be FinSequence of the adjectives of T; set v = v1^v2;
A1: len apply(v1,t) = len v1+1 & len apply(v2, v1 ast t) = len v2+1
      by Def20;
    consider tt being FinSequence of the carrier of T,
             q being Element of T such that
A2: apply(v1,t) = tt^<*q*> by HILBERT2:4;
A3: apply(v,t) = apply(v1,t) $^ apply(v2, v1 ast t) by Th35
              .= tt^apply(v2, v1 ast t) by A2,REWRITE1:2;
    len <*q*> = 1 by FINSEQ_1:56; then
    len v1+1 = len tt+1 by A1,A2,FINSEQ_1:35; then
A4: len v1 = len tt by XCMPLX_1:2;
    let i be natural number; assume i in dom v1; then
    i >= 1 & i <= len tt & i is Nat by A4,FINSEQ_3:27; then
    i in dom tt by FINSEQ_3:27; then
    apply(v,t).i = tt.i & tt.i = apply(v1,t).i by A2,A3,FINSEQ_1:def 7;
    hence thesis;

theorem Th37:
  for T being non empty non void reflexive transitive TA-structure
  for t being type of T
  for v1,v2 being FinSequence of the adjectives of T
   holds apply(v1^v2, t).(len v1+1) = v1 ast t
    let T be non empty non void reflexive transitive TA-structure;
    let t be type of T;
    let v1,v2 be FinSequence of the adjectives of T; set v = v1^v2;
A1: len apply(v1,t) = len v1+1 & len apply(v2, v1 ast t) = len v2+1
      by Def20;
A2: apply(v,t) = apply(v1,t) $^ apply(v2, v1 ast t) by Th35;
    0 < len apply(v2, v1 ast t) by A1,NAT_1:19; then
    apply(v,t).(len v1+1+0) = apply(v2, v1 ast t).(0+1) by A1,A2,Th34;
    hence thesis by Def20;

theorem Th38:
 for T being non empty non void reflexive transitive TA-structure
 for t being type of T
 for v1,v2 being FinSequence of the adjectives of T
  holds v2 ast (v1 ast t) = v1^v2 ast t
    let T be non empty non void reflexive transitive TA-structure;
    let t be type of T;
    let v1,v2 be FinSequence of the adjectives of T; set v = v1^v2;
A1: len apply(v1,t) = len v1+1 & len apply(v2, v1 ast t) = len v2+1
      by Def20;
    consider tt being FinSequence of the carrier of T,
             q being Element of T such that
A2: apply(v1,t) = tt^<*q*> by HILBERT2:4;
A3: apply(v,t) = apply(v1,t) $^ apply(v2, v1 ast t) by Th35
              .= tt^apply(v2, v1 ast t) by A2,REWRITE1:2;
    len apply(v2, v1 ast t) = len v2+1 & len v2+1 >= 1 by Def20,NAT_1:29; then
A4: len v2+1 in dom apply(v2, v1 ast t) by FINSEQ_3:27;
    len <*q*> = 1 by FINSEQ_1:56; then
    len v1+1 = len tt+1 by A1,A2,FINSEQ_1:35; then
A5: len v1 = len tt by XCMPLX_1:2;
    thus v2 ast (v1 ast t) = apply(v2, v1 ast t).(len v2+1) by Def21
      .= apply(v,t).(len tt+(len v2+1)) by A3,A4,FINSEQ_1:def 7
      .= apply(v,t).(len v1+len v2+1) by A5,XCMPLX_1:1
      .= apply(v,t).(len v+1) by FINSEQ_1:35
      .= v ast t by Def21;

  let T be non empty non void reflexive transitive TA-structure;
  let t be type of T;
  let v be FinSequence of the adjectives of T;
  pred v is_applicable_to t means:Def22:
  for i being natural number, a being adjective of T, s being type of T
   st i in dom v & a = v.i & s = apply(v,t).i
   holds a is_applicable_to s;

 for T being non empty non void reflexive transitive TA-structure
 for t being type of T
  holds <*> the adjectives of T is_applicable_to t
    let T be non empty non void reflexive transitive TA-structure;
    let t be type of T;
    let i be natural number;
    thus thesis;

theorem Th40:
 for T being non empty non void reflexive transitive TA-structure
 for t being type of T, a being adjective of T
  holds a is_applicable_to t iff <*a*> is_applicable_to t
    let T be non empty non void reflexive transitive TA-structure;
    let t be type of T;
    let a be adjective of T; set v = <*a*>;
    hereby assume
A1:   a is_applicable_to t;
      thus <*a*> is_applicable_to t
        let i be natural number, b be adjective of T, s be type of T;
        assume i in dom v; then
        i in Seg 1 by FINSEQ_1:55; then
        i = 1 by FINSEQ_1:4,TARSKI:def 1; then
        v.i = a & apply(v,t).i = t by Def20,FINSEQ_1:57;
        hence thesis by A1;
A2: for i being natural number, a' being adjective of T, s being type of T
     st i in dom v & a' = v.i & s = apply(v,t).i
     holds a' is_applicable_to s;
    len v = 1 by FINSEQ_1:57; then
    1 in dom v & v.1 = a & apply(v,t).1 = t by Def20,FINSEQ_1:57,FINSEQ_3:27;
    hence a is_applicable_to t by A2;

theorem Th41:
 for T being  non empty non void reflexive transitive TA-structure
 for t being type of T
 for v1,v2 being FinSequence of the adjectives of T
  st v1^v2 is_applicable_to t
  holds v1 is_applicable_to t & v2 is_applicable_to v1 ast t
    let T be non empty non void reflexive transitive TA-structure;
    let t be type of T;
    let v1,v2 be FinSequence of the adjectives of T; set v = v1^v2;
A1: for i being natural number, a being adjective of T, s being type of T
     st i in dom v & a = v.i & s = apply(v,t).i
     holds a is_applicable_to s;
      let i be natural number, a be adjective of T, s be type of T such that
A2:   i in dom v1 & a = v1.i & s = apply(v1,t).i;
      dom v1 c= dom v by FINSEQ_1:39; then
      i in dom v & a = v.i & s = apply(v,t).i by A2,Th36,FINSEQ_1:def 7;
      hence a is_applicable_to s by A1;
    let i be natural number, a be adjective of T, s be type of T such that
A3: i in dom v2 & a = v2.i & s = apply(v2, v1 ast t).i;
A4: apply(v,t) = apply(v1,t)$^apply(v2, v1 ast t) by Th35;
    i >= 1 by A3,FINSEQ_3:27; then
    consider j being Nat such that
A5: i = 1+j by NAT_1:28;
    i <= len v2 by A3,FINSEQ_3:27; then
    len apply(v1,t) = len v1+1 & len apply(v2, v1 ast t) = len v2+1 &
    j < len v2 by A5,Def20,NAT_1:38; then
    len v1+i = len apply(v1,t)+j & j < len apply(v2, v1 ast t)
      by A5,NAT_1:38,XCMPLX_1:1; then
    len v1+i in dom v & a = v.(len v1+i) & s = apply(v,t).(len v1+i)
      by A3,A4,A5,Th34,FINSEQ_1:41,def 7;
    hence a is_applicable_to s by A1;

theorem Th42:
 for T being Noetherian adj-structured (reflexive transitive antisymmetric
             with_suprema non void TA-structure)
 for t being type of T
 for v being FinSequence of the adjectives of T
  st v is_applicable_to t
 for i1,i2 being natural number st 1 <= i1 & i1 <= i2 & i2 <= len v+1
 for t1,t2 being type of T st t1 = apply(v,t).i1 & t2 = apply(v,t).i2
  holds t2 <= t1
    let T be Noetherian adj-structured (reflexive transitive antisymmetric
             with_suprema non void TA-structure);
    let t be type of T;
    let v be FinSequence of the adjectives of T such that
A1: for i being natural number, a being adjective of T, s being type of T
     st i in dom v & a = v.i & s = apply(v,t).i
     holds a is_applicable_to s;
    let i1,i2 be natural number such that
A2: 1 <= i1 & i1 <= i2 & i2 <= len v+1;
A3: ex j being Nat st i2 = i1+j by A2,NAT_1:28;
A4: len apply(v,t) = len v+1 by Def20;
    let s1,s2 be type of T;
    defpred _P[Nat] means i1+$1 <= len apply(v,t) implies
            for s being type of T st s = apply(v,t).(i1+$1) holds s <= s1;
A5: s1 = apply(v,t).i1 & s2 = apply(v,t).i2; then
A6: _P[0];
A7: for i being Nat
     st _P[i] holds _P[i+1]
     proof let i be Nat such that
A8:    _P[i] and
A9:    i1+(i+1) <= len apply(v,t);
A10:    i1 <= i1+i & i1+(i+1) = i1+i+1 by NAT_1:29,XCMPLX_1:1; then
A11:    1 <= i1+i & i1+i <= len v & i1+i is Nat
        by A2,A4,A9,AXIOMS:22,ORDINAL2:def 21,REAL_1:53; then
A12:   i1+i in dom v by FINSEQ_3:27; then
       v.(i1+i) in rng v & rng v c= the adjectives of T
         by FINSEQ_1:def 4,FUNCT_1:12; then
       reconsider a = v.(i1+i) as adjective of T;
       i1+i < len v+1 by A4,A9,A10,NAT_1:38; then
       i1+i in dom apply(v,t) by A4,A11,FINSEQ_3:27; then
       apply(v,t).(i1+i) in rng apply(v,t) & rng apply(v,t) c= the carrier of T
         by FINSEQ_1:def 4,FUNCT_1:12; then
       reconsider s = apply(v,t).(i1+i) as type of T;
A13:   a is_applicable_to s by A1,A12;
A14:   apply(v,t).(i1+i+1) = a ast s by A12,Def20;
       s <= s1 & a ast s <= s by A8,A9,A10,A13,Th21,NAT_1:38;
       hence thesis by A10,A14,YELLOW_0:def 2;
    for i being Nat holds _P[i] from Ind(A6,A7);
    hence thesis by A2,A3,A4,A5;

theorem Th43:
 for T being Noetherian adj-structured (reflexive transitive antisymmetric
             with_suprema non void TA-structure)
 for t being type of T
 for v being FinSequence of the adjectives of T
  st v is_applicable_to t
 for s being type of T st s in rng apply(v, t)
  holds v ast t <= s & s <= t
    let T be Noetherian adj-structured (reflexive transitive antisymmetric
             with_suprema non void TA-structure);
    let t be type of T;
    let v be FinSequence of the adjectives of T such that
A1: v is_applicable_to t;
    let s be type of T; assume s in rng apply(v,t); then
    consider x being set such that
A2: x in dom apply(v,t) & s = apply(v,t).x by FUNCT_1:def 5;
    reconsider x as Nat by A2;
A3: 1 <= 1 & x >= 1 & x <= len apply(v,t) & len v+1 <= len v+1
     by A2,FINSEQ_3:27;
    len apply(v,t) = len v+1 & apply(v,t).1 = t &
    v ast t = apply(v,t).(len v+1) by Def20,Def21;
    hence thesis by A1,A2,A3,Th42;

theorem Th44:
 for T being Noetherian adj-structured (reflexive transitive antisymmetric
             with_suprema non void TA-structure)
 for t being type of T
 for v being FinSequence of the adjectives of T
  st v is_applicable_to t
  holds v ast t <= t
    let T be Noetherian adj-structured (reflexive transitive antisymmetric
             with_suprema non void TA-structure);
    let t be type of T;
    let v be FinSequence of the adjectives of T such that
A1: v is_applicable_to t;
    len apply(v,t) = len v+1 & len v+1 >= 1 by Def20,NAT_1:29; then
    len v+1 in dom apply(v, t) by FINSEQ_3:27; then
    apply(v,t).(len v+1) in rng apply(v,t) by FUNCT_1:12; then
    v ast t in rng apply(v,t) by Def21;
    hence thesis by A1,Th43;

theorem Th45:
 for T being Noetherian adj-structured (reflexive transitive antisymmetric
             with_suprema non void TA-structure)
 for t being type of T
 for v being FinSequence of the adjectives of T
  st v is_applicable_to t
  holds rng v c= adjs (v ast t)
    let T be Noetherian adj-structured (reflexive transitive antisymmetric
             with_suprema non void TA-structure);
    let t be type of T;
    let v be FinSequence of the adjectives of T such that
A1: v is_applicable_to t;
    let a be set; assume
A2: a in rng v; then
    consider x being set such that
A3: x in dom v & a = v.x by FUNCT_1:def 5;
    reconsider x as Nat by A3;
    rng v c= the adjectives of T by FINSEQ_1:def 4; then
    reconsider a as adjective of T by A2;
A4: x >= 1 & x <= len v by A3,FINSEQ_3:27;
    len apply(v,t) = len v+1 by Def20; then
    x < len apply(v,t) & x+1 <= len apply(v,t) & x+1 >= 1
      by A4,AXIOMS:24,NAT_1:38; then
    x in dom apply(v,t) & x+1 in dom apply(v,t) by A4,FINSEQ_3:27; then
A5: apply(v,t).x in rng apply(v,t) & apply(v,t).(x+1) in rng apply(v,t) &
    rng apply(v,t) c= the carrier of T
      by FINSEQ_1:def 4,FUNCT_1:12; then
    reconsider s = apply(v,t).x as type of T;
    a is_applicable_to s by A1,A3,Def22; then
A6: a in adjs (a ast s) by Th22;
    a ast s = apply(v,t).(x+1) by A3,Def20; then
    a ast s >= v ast t by A1,A5,Th43; then
    adjs (a ast s) c= adjs(v ast t) by Th10;
    hence thesis by A6;

theorem Th46:
 for T being Noetherian adj-structured (reflexive transitive antisymmetric
             with_suprema non void TA-structure)
 for t being type of T
 for v being FinSequence of the adjectives of T
  st v is_applicable_to t
 for A being Subset of the adjectives of T st A = rng v
  holds A is_applicable_to t
    let T be Noetherian adj-structured (reflexive transitive antisymmetric
             with_suprema non void TA-structure);
    let t be type of T;
    let v be FinSequence of the adjectives of T;
    assume v is_applicable_to t; then
    v ast t <= t & rng v c= adjs (v ast t) by Th44,Th45;
    hence thesis by Def17;

theorem Th47:
 for T being Noetherian adj-structured (reflexive transitive antisymmetric
             with_suprema non void TA-structure)
 for t being type of T
 for v1,v2 being FinSequence of the adjectives of T
  st v1 is_applicable_to t & rng v2 c= rng v1
 for s being type of T st s in rng apply(v2,t)
  holds v1 ast t <= s
    let T be Noetherian adj-structured (reflexive transitive antisymmetric
             with_suprema non void TA-structure);
    let t be type of T;
    let v,v' be FinSequence of the adjectives of T such that
A1: v is_applicable_to t & rng v' c= rng v;
    let s be type of T; assume
    s in rng apply(v',t); then
    consider x being set such that
A2: x in dom apply(v',t) & s = apply(v',t).x by FUNCT_1:def 5;
    x in Seg len apply(v',t) by A2,FINSEQ_1:def 3; then
    reconsider x as non empty Nat by BINARITH:5;
A3: x <= len apply(v',t) by A2,FINSEQ_3:27;
    defpred _P[Nat] means
    $1 <= len apply(v',t) implies
      for s being type of T st s = apply(v',t).$1 holds v ast t <= s;
    apply(v',t).1 = t by Def20; then
A4: _P[1] by A1,Th44;
A5: for i being non empty Nat st _P[i] holds _P[i+1]
     proof let i be non empty Nat such that
A6:    _P[i] and
A7:    i+1 <= len apply(v',t);
A8:    i > 0 & len apply(v',t) = len v'+1 by Def20,NAT_1:19; then
A9:    0+1 <= i & i <= len v' by A7,NAT_1:38,REAL_1:53; then
A10:   i in dom v' by FINSEQ_3:27; then
A11:    v'.i in rng v' & rng v' c= the adjectives of T
         by FINSEQ_1:def 4,FUNCT_1:12; then
       reconsider a = v'.i as adjective of T;
       i < len v'+1 by A7,A8,NAT_1:38; then
       i in dom apply(v',t) by A8,A9,FINSEQ_3:27; then
       apply(v',t).i in rng apply(v',t) & rng apply(v',t) c= the carrier of T
         by FINSEQ_1:def 4,FUNCT_1:12; then
       reconsider s = apply(v',t).i as type of T;
A12:   apply(v',t).(i+1) = a ast s by A10,Def20;
       a in rng v & rng v c= adjs (v ast t) by A1,A11,Th45; then
       v ast t <= s & a in adjs (v ast t) by A6,A7,NAT_1:38;
       hence thesis by A12,Th24;
    for i being non empty Nat holds _P[i] from Ind_from_1(A4,A5);
    hence thesis by A2,A3;

theorem Th48:
 for T being Noetherian adj-structured (reflexive transitive antisymmetric
             with_suprema non void TA-structure)
 for t being type of T
 for v1,v2 being FinSequence of the adjectives of T
  st v1^v2 is_applicable_to t
  holds v2^v1 is_applicable_to t
    let T be Noetherian adj-structured (reflexive transitive antisymmetric
             with_suprema non void TA-structure);
    let t be type of T;
    let v1,v2 be FinSequence of the adjectives of T;
A1: v1^v2 is_applicable_to t;
    let i be natural number, a be adjective of T, s be type of T such that
A2: i in dom (v2^v1) & a = (v2^v1).i & s = apply(v2^v1,t).i;
A3: i >= 1 & i <= len (v2^v1) & i is Nat by A2,FINSEQ_3:27;
A4: rng (v1^v2) = rng v1 \/ rng v2 & rng (v2^v1) = rng v1 \/ rng v2
      by FINSEQ_1:44;
    i < len (v2^v1)+1 & len apply(v2^v1,t) = len (v2^v1)+1
      by A3,Def20,NAT_1:38; then
    i in dom apply(v2^v1,t) by A3,FINSEQ_3:27; then
    s in rng apply(v2^v1,t) by A2,FUNCT_1:12; then
A5: (v1^v2) ast t <= s by A1,A4,Th47;
    a in rng (v2^v1) & rng (v1^v2) c= adjs ((v1^v2) ast t)
      by A1,A2,Th45,FUNCT_1:12;
    hence thesis by A4,A5,Th24;

 for T being Noetherian adj-structured (reflexive transitive antisymmetric
             with_suprema non void TA-structure)
 for t being type of T
 for v1,v2 being FinSequence of the adjectives of T
  st v1^v2 is_applicable_to t
  holds v1^v2 ast t = v2^v1 ast t
    let T be Noetherian adj-structured (reflexive transitive antisymmetric
             with_suprema non void TA-structure);
    let t be type of T;
    let v1,v2 be FinSequence of the adjectives of T;
A1: v1^v2 is_applicable_to t; then
A2: v2^v1 is_applicable_to t by Th48;
A3: v1^v2 ast t = apply(v1^v2, t).(len (v1^v2)+1) &
    v2^v1 ast t = apply(v2^v1, t).(len (v2^v1)+1) by Def21;
A4: len apply(v1^v2, t) = len (v1^v2)+1 &
    len apply(v2^v1, t) = len (v2^v1)+1 by Def20;
A5: len (v1^v2) = len v1+len v2 & len (v2^v1) = len v1+len v2 by FINSEQ_1:35;
A6: rng (v1^v2) = rng v1 \/ rng v2 & rng (v2^v1) = rng v1 \/ rng v2
      by FINSEQ_1:44;
    len (v1^v2)+1 >= 1 by NAT_1:29; then
    len (v1^v2)+1 in dom apply(v1^v2, t) & len (v1^v2)+1 in dom apply(v2^v1, t)
      by A4,A5,FINSEQ_3:27; then
    v1^v2 ast t in rng apply(v1^v2, t) & v2^v1 ast t in rng apply(v2^v1, t)
      by A3,A5,FUNCT_1:12; then
    v1^v2 ast t <= v2^v1 ast t & v2^v1 ast t <= v1^v2 ast t by A1,A2,A6,Th47;
    hence thesis by YELLOW_0:def 3;

theorem Th50:
 for T being Noetherian adj-structured (reflexive transitive antisymmetric
             with_suprema TA-structure)
 for t being type of T
 for A being Subset of the adjectives of T
  st A is_applicable_to t
  holds A ast t <= t
    let T be Noetherian adj-structured (reflexive transitive antisymmetric
             with_suprema TA-structure);
    let t be type of T;
    let a be Subset of the adjectives of T;
    assume a is_applicable_to t; then
    types a /\ downarrow t is Ideal of T by Th27; then
    sup (types a /\ downarrow t) in types a /\ downarrow t by Th1; then
    a ast t in types a /\ downarrow t by Def19; then
    a ast t in downarrow t by XBOOLE_0:def 3;
    hence thesis by WAYBEL_0:17;

theorem Th51:
 for T being Noetherian adj-structured (reflexive transitive antisymmetric
             with_suprema TA-structure)
 for t being type of T
 for A being Subset of the adjectives of T
  st A is_applicable_to t
  holds A c= adjs(A ast t)
    let T be Noetherian adj-structured (reflexive transitive antisymmetric
             with_suprema TA-structure);
    let t be type of T;
    let a be Subset of the adjectives of T;
    assume a is_applicable_to t; then
    types a /\ downarrow t is Ideal of T by Th27; then
    sup (types a /\ downarrow t) in types a /\ downarrow t by Th1; then
    a ast t in types a /\ downarrow t by Def19; then
    a ast t in types a by XBOOLE_0:def 3;
    hence thesis by Th14;

 for T being Noetherian adj-structured (reflexive transitive antisymmetric
             with_suprema TA-structure)
 for t being type of T
 for A being Subset of the adjectives of T
  st A is_applicable_to t
  holds A ast t in types A
    let T be Noetherian adj-structured (reflexive transitive antisymmetric
             with_suprema TA-structure);
    let t be type of T;
    let a be Subset of the adjectives of T;
    assume a is_applicable_to t; then
    types a /\ downarrow t is Ideal of T by Th27; then
    sup (types a /\ downarrow t) in types a /\ downarrow t by Th1; then
    a ast t in types a /\ downarrow t by Def19;
    hence thesis by XBOOLE_0:def 3;

theorem Th53:
 for T being Noetherian adj-structured (reflexive transitive antisymmetric
             with_suprema TA-structure)
 for t being type of T
 for A being Subset of the adjectives of T
 for t' being type of T st t' <= t & A c= adjs t'
  holds A is_applicable_to t & t' <= A ast t
    let T be Noetherian adj-structured (reflexive transitive antisymmetric
             with_suprema TA-structure);
    let t be type of T;
    let a be Subset of the adjectives of T;
    let t' be type of T; assume
A1: t' <= t & a c= adjs t'; then
A2: t' in downarrow t & t' in types a by Th14,WAYBEL_0:17;
    thus a is_applicable_to t
        take t'; thus thesis by A1;
      end; then
    types a /\ downarrow t is Ideal of T by Th27; then
    ex_sup_of types a /\ downarrow t, T &
    a ast t = sup (types a /\ downarrow t) by Def19,Th1; then
    a ast t is_>=_than types a /\ downarrow t & t' in types a /\ downarrow t
     by A2,XBOOLE_0:def 3,YELLOW_0:30;
    hence t' <= a ast t by LATTICE3:def 9;

 for T being Noetherian adj-structured (reflexive transitive antisymmetric
             with_suprema TA-structure)
 for t being type of T
 for A being Subset of the adjectives of T
  st A c= adjs t
  holds A is_applicable_to t & A ast t = t
    let T be Noetherian adj-structured (reflexive transitive antisymmetric
             with_suprema TA-structure);
    let t be type of T;
    let a be Subset of the adjectives of T; assume
A1: a c= adjs t;
    thus a is_applicable_to t by A1,Th53; then
    t <= a ast t & a ast t <= t by A1,Th50,Th53;
    hence thesis by YELLOW_0:def 3;

theorem Th55:
  for T being TA-structure, t being type of T
  for A,B being Subset of the adjectives of T
   st A is_applicable_to t & B c= A
   holds B is_applicable_to t
    let T be TA-structure;
    let t be type of T;
    let A,B be Subset of the adjectives of T;
    given t' being type of T such that
A1: A c= adjs t' & t' <= t;
A2: B c= A;
    take t';
    thus thesis by A1,A2,XBOOLE_1:1;

theorem Th56:
 for T being Noetherian adj-structured (reflexive transitive antisymmetric
             with_suprema non void TA-structure)
 for t being type of T, a being adjective of T
 for A,B being Subset of the adjectives of T
  st B = A \/ {a} & B is_applicable_to t
  holds a ast (A ast t) = B ast t
    let T be Noetherian adj-structured (reflexive transitive antisymmetric
             with_suprema non void TA-structure);
    let t be type of T, a be adjective of T;
    let A,B be Subset of the adjectives of T such that
A1: B = A \/ {a} & B is_applicable_to t;
A2: A c= B & {a} c= B by A1,XBOOLE_1:7;
A3:A is_applicable_to t by A1,A2,Th55;
A4: types a /\ downarrow (A ast t) = types B /\ downarrow t
      thus types a /\ downarrow (A ast t) c= types B /\ downarrow t
        let x be set; assume
A5:     x in types a /\ downarrow (A ast t); then
A6:     x in types a & x in downarrow (A ast t) by XBOOLE_0:def 3;
        reconsider t' = x as type of T by A5;
A7:     t' <= A ast t & A ast t <= t & A c= adjs (A ast t)
        by A3,A6,Th50,Th51,WAYBEL_0:17; then
        t' <= t by YELLOW_0:def 2; then
A8:     t' in downarrow t by WAYBEL_0:17;
        a in adjs t' & adjs (A ast t) c= adjs t' by A6,A7,Th10,Th13; then
        A c= adjs t' & {a} c= adjs t' by A7,XBOOLE_1:1,ZFMISC_1:37; then
        B c= adjs t' by A1,XBOOLE_1:8; then
        t' in types B by Th14;
        hence thesis by A8,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
      let x be set; assume A9: x in types B /\ downarrow t; then
A10:   x in types B & x in downarrow t by XBOOLE_0:def 3;
      reconsider t' = x as type of T by A9;
A11:   t' <= t & B c= adjs t' & a in B
        by A2,A10,Th14,WAYBEL_0:17,ZFMISC_1:37; then
      A c= adjs t' by A2,XBOOLE_1:1; then
      t' <= A ast t & a in adjs t' by A11,Th53; then
      t' in downarrow (A ast t) & t' in types a by Th13,WAYBEL_0:17;
      hence thesis by XBOOLE_0:def 3;
    thus a ast (A ast t)
       = sup(types B /\ downarrow t) by A4,Def18
      .= B ast t by Def19;

theorem Th57:
 for T being Noetherian adj-structured (reflexive transitive antisymmetric
             with_suprema non void TA-structure)
 for t being type of T
 for v being FinSequence of the adjectives of T
  st v is_applicable_to t
 for A being Subset of the adjectives of T st A = rng v
  holds v ast t = A ast t
    let T be Noetherian adj-structured (reflexive transitive antisymmetric
             with_suprema non void TA-structure);
    defpred P[Nat] means
      for t being type of T, v being FinSequence of the adjectives of T
       st $1 = len v & v is_applicable_to t
      for A being Subset of the adjectives of T st A = rng v
       holds v ast t = A ast t;
A1: P[0]
      let t be type of T;
      let v be FinSequence of the adjectives of T;
      assume 0 = len v; then
      v = <*> the adjectives of T & rng {} = {} by FINSEQ_1:25; then
      v ast t = t & rng v = {} the adjectives of T by Th31;
      hence thesis by Th28;
A2: now let n be Nat such that
A3:   P[n];
      let t be type of T, v be FinSequence of the adjectives of T such that
A4:   n+1 = len v & v is_applicable_to t;
      consider v1 being FinSequence of the adjectives of T,
                a being Element of the adjectives of T such that
A5:   v = v1^<*a*> by A4,FINSEQ_2:22;
      reconsider a as adjective of T;
      reconsider B = rng v1 as Subset of the adjectives of T
        by FINSEQ_1:def 4;
      len <*a*> = 1 by FINSEQ_1:57; then
      len v = len v1+1 by A5,FINSEQ_1:35; then
      len v1 = n & v1 is_applicable_to t & <*a*> is_applicable_to v1 ast t
        by A4,A5,Th41,XCMPLX_1:2; then
A6:   v1 ast t = B ast t & a is_applicable_to v1 ast t by A3,Th40;
      let A be Subset of the adjectives of T;
A7:   A = rng v; then
A8:   A = B \/ rng <*a*> by A5,FINSEQ_1:44 .= B \/ {a} by FINSEQ_1:55;
A9:   A is_applicable_to t by A4,A7,Th46;
      thus v ast t = <*a*> ast (v1 ast t) by A5,Th38
                  .= a ast (B ast t) by A6,Th32
                  .= A ast t by A8,A9,Th56;
      end; hence P[n+1];
A10: for n being Nat holds P[n] from Ind(A1,A2);
    let t be type of T;
    let v be FinSequence of the adjectives of T;
    P[len v] by A10;
    hence thesis;

begin :: Subject function

  let T be non empty non void TA-structure;
  func sub T -> Function of the adjectives of T, the carrier of T means:Def23:
   for a being adjective of T holds it.a = sup(types a \/ types non-a);
    deffunc F(Element of the adjectives of T) = sup(types $1 \/ types non-$1);
    consider f being Function of the adjectives of T, the carrier of T such
A1: for a being Element of the adjectives of T holds f.a = F(a) from LambdaD;
    take f;
    thus thesis by A1;
    let f1,f2 be Function of the adjectives of T, the carrier of T such that
A2: for a being adjective of T holds f1.a = sup(types a \/ types non-a) and
A3: for a being adjective of T holds f2.a = sup(types a \/ types non-a);
    now let a be Element of the adjectives of T;
      reconsider b = a as adjective of T;
      thus f1.a = sup(types b \/ types non-b) by A2 .= f2.a by A3;
    hence thesis by FUNCT_2:113;

  struct(TA-structure) TAS-structure(#
   carrier, adjectives -> set,
   InternalRel -> (Relation of the carrier),
   non-op -> UnOp of the adjectives,
   adj-map -> Function of the carrier, Fin the adjectives,
   sub-map -> Function of the adjectives, the carrier

 cluster non void reflexive trivial non empty strict TAS-structure;
    consider P being non void reflexive trivial non empty TA-structure;
    consider s being Function of the adjectives of P, the carrier of P;
    take T = TAS-structure(#the carrier of P, the adjectives of P,
        the InternalRel of P, the non-op of P, the adj-map of P, s#);
    T is non empty & the RelStr of P = the RelStr of T by STRUCT_0:def 1;
    hence thesis by Def4,TEX_2:4,WAYBEL_8:12;

  let T be non empty non void TAS-structure;
  let a be adjective of T;
  func sub a -> type of T equals:Def24:
   (the sub-map of T).a;

 let T be non empty non void TAS-structure;
 attr T is non-absorbing means
  (the sub-map of T)*(the non-op of T) = the sub-map of T;
 attr T is subjected means
  for a being adjective of T holds
    types a \/ types non-a is_<=_than sub a &
    (types a <> {} & types non-a <> {} implies
      sub a = sup (types a \/ types non-a));

  let T be non empty non void TAS-structure;
  redefine attr T is non-absorbing means
   for a being adjective of T holds sub non-a = sub a;
    thus T is non-absorbing implies
    for a being adjective of T holds sub non-a = sub a
    proof assume
A1:   (the sub-map of T)*(the non-op of T) = the sub-map of T;
      let a be adjective of T;
      thus sub non-a = (the sub-map of T).non-a by Def24
        .= (the sub-map of T).((the non-op of T).a) by Def6
        .= (the sub-map of T).a by A1,FUNCT_2:21
        .= sub a by Def24;
A2: for a being adjective of T holds sub non-a = sub a;
      let x be Element of the adjectives of T;
      reconsider a = x as adjective of T;
      thus ((the sub-map of T)*(the non-op of T)).x
         = (the sub-map of T).((the non-op of T).a) by FUNCT_2:21
        .= (the sub-map of T).non-a by Def6
        .= sub non-a by Def24
        .= sub a by A2
        .= (the sub-map of T).x by Def24;
    hence (the sub-map of T)*(the non-op of T) = the sub-map of T
      by FUNCT_2:113;

 let T be non empty non void TAS-structure;
 let t be Element of T;
 let a be adjective of T;
 pred a is_properly_applicable_to t means:Def28:
  t <= sub a & a is_applicable_to t;

 let T be non empty non void reflexive transitive TAS-structure;
 let t be type of T;
 let v be FinSequence of the adjectives of T;
 pred v is_properly_applicable_to t means:Def29:
  for i being natural number, a being adjective of T, s being type of T
   st i in dom v & a = v.i & s = apply(v,t).i
   holds a is_properly_applicable_to s;

theorem Th58:
 for T being non empty non void reflexive transitive TAS-structure
 for t being type of T, v being FinSequence of the adjectives of T
  st v is_properly_applicable_to t
  holds v is_applicable_to t
    let T be non empty non void reflexive transitive TAS-structure;
    let t be type of T;
    let v be FinSequence of the adjectives of T;
A1: for i being natural number, a being adjective of T, s being type of T
     st i in dom v & a = v.i & s = apply(v,t).i
     holds a is_properly_applicable_to s;
    let i be natural number, a be adjective of T, s be type of T such that
A2: i in dom v & a = v.i & s = apply(v, t).i;
    a is_properly_applicable_to s by A1,A2;
    hence thesis by Def28;

 for T being non empty non void reflexive transitive TAS-structure
 for t being type of T
  holds <*> the adjectives of T is_properly_applicable_to t
    let T be non empty non void reflexive transitive TAS-structure;
    let t be type of T;
    let i be natural number;
    thus thesis;

 for T being non empty non void reflexive transitive TAS-structure
 for t being type of T, a being adjective of T
  holds a is_properly_applicable_to t iff <*a*> is_properly_applicable_to t
    let T be non empty non void reflexive transitive TAS-structure;
    let t be type of T;
    let a be adjective of T; set v = <*a*>;
    hereby assume
A1:   a is_properly_applicable_to t;
      thus <*a*> is_properly_applicable_to t
        let i be natural number, b be adjective of T, s be type of T;
        assume i in dom v; then
        i in Seg 1 by FINSEQ_1:55; then
        i = 1 by FINSEQ_1:4,TARSKI:def 1; then
        v.i = a & apply(v,t).i = t by Def20,FINSEQ_1:57;
        hence thesis by A1;
A2: for i being natural number, a' being adjective of T, s being type of T
     st i in dom v & a' = v.i & s = apply(v,t).i
     holds a' is_properly_applicable_to s;
    len v = 1 by FINSEQ_1:57; then
    1 in dom v & v.1 = a & apply(v,t).1 = t by Def20,FINSEQ_1:57,FINSEQ_3:27;
    hence a is_properly_applicable_to t by A2;

theorem Th61:
 for T being non empty non void reflexive transitive TAS-structure
 for t being type of T, v1,v2 being FinSequence of the adjectives of T
  st v1^v2 is_properly_applicable_to t
  holds v1 is_properly_applicable_to t & v2 is_properly_applicable_to v1 ast t
    let T be non empty non void reflexive transitive TAS-structure;
    let t be type of T;
    let v1,v2 be FinSequence of the adjectives of T; set v = v1^v2;
A1: for i being natural number, a being adjective of T, s being type of T
     st i in dom v & a = v.i & s = apply(v,t).i
     holds a is_properly_applicable_to s;
      let i be natural number, a be adjective of T, s be type of T such that
A2:   i in dom v1 & a = v1.i & s = apply(v1,t).i;
      dom v1 c= dom v by FINSEQ_1:39; then
      i in dom v & a = v.i & s = apply(v,t).i by A2,Th36,FINSEQ_1:def 7;
      hence a is_properly_applicable_to s by A1;
    let i be natural number, a be adjective of T, s be type of T such that
A3: i in dom v2 & a = v2.i & s = apply(v2, v1 ast t).i;
A4: apply(v,t) = apply(v1,t)$^apply(v2, v1 ast t) by Th35;
    i >= 1 by A3,FINSEQ_3:27; then
    consider j being Nat such that
A5: i = 1+j by NAT_1:28;
    i <= len v2 by A3,FINSEQ_3:27; then
    len apply(v1,t) = len v1+1 & len apply(v2, v1 ast t) = len v2+1 &
    j < len v2 by A5,Def20,NAT_1:38; then
    len v1+i = len apply(v1,t)+j & j < len apply(v2, v1 ast t)
      by A5,NAT_1:38,XCMPLX_1:1; then
    len v1+i in dom v & a = v.(len v1+i) & s = apply(v,t).(len v1+i)
      by A3,A4,A5,Th34,FINSEQ_1:41,def 7;
    hence a is_properly_applicable_to s by A1;

theorem Th62:
 for T being non empty non void reflexive transitive TAS-structure
 for t being type of T, v1,v2 being FinSequence of the adjectives of T
  st v1 is_properly_applicable_to t & v2 is_properly_applicable_to v1 ast t
  holds v1^v2 is_properly_applicable_to t
    let T be non empty non void reflexive transitive TAS-structure;
    let t be type of T;
    let v1,v2 be FinSequence of the adjectives of T; set v = v1^v2;
A1: for i being natural number, a being adjective of T, s being type of T
     st i in dom v1 & a = v1.i & s = apply(v1,t).i
     holds a is_properly_applicable_to s;
A2: for i being natural number, a being adjective of T, s being type of T
     st i in dom v2 & a = v2.i & s = apply(v2, v1 ast t).i
     holds a is_properly_applicable_to s;
    let i be natural number, a be adjective of T, s be type of T such that
A3: i in dom v & a = v.i & s = apply(v, t).i;
A4: apply(v,t) = apply(v1,t)$^apply(v2, v1 ast t) by Th35;
A5: i >= 1 & i <= len v & i is Nat by A3,FINSEQ_3:27;
    per cases;
    suppose i <= len v1; then
A6:   i in dom v1 by A5,FINSEQ_3:27; then
      a = v1.i & s = apply(v1,t).i by A3,Th36,FINSEQ_1:def 7;
      hence a is_properly_applicable_to s by A1,A6;
    suppose i > len v1; then
      i >= 1+len v1 by NAT_1:38; then
      consider j being Nat such that
A7:   i = len v1+1+j by NAT_1:28;
      len v = len v1+len v2 & i = len v1+(j+1)
        by A7,FINSEQ_1:35,XCMPLX_1:1; then
      j+1 >= 1 & j+1 <= len v2 by A5,NAT_1:29,REAL_1:53; then
A8:   len apply(v1,t) = len v1+1 & len apply(v2, v1 ast t) = len v2+1 &
      j < len v2 & j+1 in dom v2 by Def20,FINSEQ_3:27,NAT_1:38; then
      len v1+(j+1) = len apply(v1,t)+j & j < len apply(v2, v1 ast t)
        by NAT_1:38,XCMPLX_1:1; then
      a = v2.(1+j) & s = apply(v2,v1 ast t).(1+j)
        by A3,A4,A7,A8,Th34,FINSEQ_1:def 7;
      hence a is_properly_applicable_to s by A2,A8;

 let T be non empty non void reflexive transitive TAS-structure;
 let t be type of T;
 let A be Subset of the adjectives of T;
 pred A is_properly_applicable_to t means:Def30:
  ex s being FinSequence of the adjectives of T st
   rng s = A & s is_properly_applicable_to t;

theorem Th63:
 for T being non empty non void reflexive transitive TAS-structure
 for t being type of T, A being Subset of the adjectives of T
  st A is_properly_applicable_to t
  holds A is finite
    let T be non empty non void reflexive transitive TAS-structure;
    let t be type of T, A be Subset of the adjectives of T;
    assume ex s being FinSequence of the adjectives of T st
     rng s = A & s is_properly_applicable_to t;
    hence thesis;

theorem Th64:
 for T being non empty non void reflexive transitive TAS-structure
 for t being type of T
  holds {} the adjectives of T is_properly_applicable_to t
    let T be non empty non void reflexive transitive TAS-structure;
    let t be type of T;
    take s = <*> the adjectives of T;
    thus rng s = {} the adjectives of T;
    let i be natural number;
    thus thesis;

scheme MinimalFiniteSet{P[set]}:
  ex A being finite set st P[A] & for B being set st B c= A & P[B] holds B = A
A1:  ex A being finite set st P[A]
    consider A being finite set such that
A2: P[A] by A1;
    defpred _P[set] means P[$1];
    consider Y being set such that
A3: for x being set holds x in Y iff x in bool A & _P[x] from Separation;
    A c= A; then
    reconsider Y as non empty set by A2,A3;
A4: bool A is finite by FINSET_1:24;
    Y c= bool A proof let x be set; thus thesis by A3; end; then
    reconsider Y as finite non empty set by A4,FINSET_1:13;
    defpred _R[set,set] means $1 c= $2;
A5: for x being Element of Y holds _R[x,x];
A6: for x,y being Element of Y st _R[x,y] & _R[y,x] holds x = y
     by XBOOLE_0:def 10;
A7: for x,y,z being Element of Y st _R[x,y] & _R[y,z] holds _R[x,z]
     by XBOOLE_1:1;
A8:  for X being set st X c= Y &
     (for x,y being Element of Y st x in X & y in X
       holds _R[x,y] or _R[y,x]) holds
     ex y being Element of Y st
      for x being Element of Y st x in X holds _R[y,x]
     proof let X be set such that
A9:   X c= Y and
A10:   for x,y being Element of Y st x in X & y in X holds _R[x,y] or _R[y,x];
      per cases;
A11:   X = {}; consider y being Element of Y;
      take y;
      thus for x being Element of Y st x in X holds y c= x by A11;
A12:   X <> {}; consider x0 being Element of X; x0 in X by A12; then
      reconsider x0 as Element of Y by A9;
      deffunc F(set) = Card {y where y is Element of Y: y in X & y c< $1};
      consider f being Function such that
A13:   dom f = X & for x being set st x in X holds f.x =  F(x) from Lambda;
      set fx0 = {y where y is Element of Y: y in X & y c< x0};
      fx0 c= Y
      proof let a be set; assume a in fx0; then
        ex y being Element of Y st a = y & y in X & y c< x0;
        hence thesis;
      end; then
      reconsider fx0 as finite set by FINSET_1:13;
      defpred _P[Nat] means
        ex x being Element of Y st x in X & $1 = f.x;
      f.x0 = card fx0 by A12,A13; then
A14:   ex n being Nat st _P[n] by A12;
A15:   for k being Nat st k<>0 & _P[k] ex n being Nat st n<k & _P[n]
      proof let k being Nat such that
A16:     k <> 0;
        given x being Element of Y such that
A17:     x in X & k = f.x;
        set A = {z where z is Element of Y: z in X & z c< x};
        reconsider A as non empty set by A13,A16,A17,CARD_1:78;
        consider z being Element of A; z in A; then
        consider y being Element of Y such that
A18:     z = y & y in X & y c< x;
        set fx0 = {a where a is Element of Y: a in X & a c< y};
        fx0 c= Y
        proof let a be set; assume a in fx0; then
          ex z being Element of Y st a = z & z in X & z c< y;
          hence thesis;
        end; then
        reconsider fx0 as finite set by FINSET_1:13;
        reconsider n = card fx0 as Nat;
        set fx = {a where a is Element of Y: a in X & a c< x};
        fx c= Y
        proof let a be set; assume a in fx; then
          ex z being Element of Y st a = z & z in X & z c< x;
          hence thesis;
        end; then
        reconsider fx as finite set by FINSET_1:13;
A19:     k = card fx by A13,A17;
        take n;
A20:     fx0 c= fx
          let a be set; assume a in fx0; then
          consider b being Element of Y such that
A21:       a = b & b in X & b c< y;
          b c< x by A18,A21,XBOOLE_1:56;
          hence thesis by A21;
        end; then
        card fx0 c= card fx by CARD_1:27; then
A22:     n <= k by A19,CARD_1:56;
        not ex a being Element of Y st y = a & a in X & a c< y; then
        y in fx & not y in fx0 by A18; then
        card fx <> card fx0 by A20,TRIANG_1:3;
        hence n < k by A19,A22,REAL_1:def 5;
        take y; thus y in X & n = f.y by A13,A18;
      _P[0] from Regr(A14,A15); then
      consider y being Element of Y such that
A23:   y in X & 0 = f.y;
A24:   f.y = Card {z where z is Element of Y: z in X & z c< y} by A13,A23;
      take y;
      let x be Element of Y; assume
A25:   x in X; then
      x c= y or y c= x by A10,A23; then
      x c< y or y c= x by XBOOLE_0:def 8; then
      x in {z where z is Element of Y: z in X & z c< y} or y c= x by A25;
      hence _R[y,x] by A23,A24,CARD_2:59;
    consider x being Element of Y such that
A26: for y being Element of Y st x <> y holds not _R[y,x]
      from Zorn_Min(A5,A6,A7,A8);
    x in bool A by A3; then
    reconsider x as finite set by FINSET_1:13;
    take x; thus P[x] by A3;
    let B be set; assume
A27: B c= x & P[B];
    x in bool A by A3; then
    B c= A by A27,XBOOLE_1:1; then
    B in Y by A3,A27;
    hence thesis by A26,A27;

theorem Th65:
 for T being non empty non void reflexive transitive TAS-structure
 for t being type of T, A being Subset of the adjectives of T
  st A is_properly_applicable_to t
 ex B being Subset of the adjectives of T st
  B c= A & B is_properly_applicable_to t & A ast t = B ast t &
  for C being Subset of the adjectives of T
   st C c= B & C is_properly_applicable_to t & A ast t = C ast t
   holds C = B
     let T be non empty non void reflexive transitive TAS-structure;
     let t be type of T, A be Subset of the adjectives of T;
   defpred _P[set] means
    ex B being Subset of the adjectives of T st
      $1 = B & $1 c= A & B is_properly_applicable_to t & A ast t = B ast t;
     assume A is_properly_applicable_to t; then
     A is finite & A c= A & A is_properly_applicable_to t & A ast t = A ast t
      by Th63; then
A1:  ex a being finite set st _P[a];
     consider B being finite set such that
A2:  _P[B] and
A3:  for C being set st C c= B & _P[C] holds C = B from MinimalFiniteSet(A1);
     reconsider B as Subset of the adjectives of T by A2;
     take B;
     thus B c= A & B is_properly_applicable_to t & A ast t = B ast t by A2;
     let C be Subset of the adjectives of T; assume
A4:  C c= B; then
     C c= A by A2,XBOOLE_1:1;
     hence thesis by A3,A4;

  let T be non empty non void reflexive transitive TAS-structure;
  attr T is commutative means :Def31:
   for t1,t2 being type of T, a being adjective of T
    st a is_properly_applicable_to t1 & a ast t1 <= t2
   ex A being finite Subset of the adjectives of T
    st A is_properly_applicable_to t1 "\/" t2 &
       A ast (t1 "\/" t2) = t2;

 cluster Mizar-widening-like involutive without_fixpoints
   consistent adj-structured adjs-typed non-absorbing subjected commutative
  (complete upper-bounded non empty non void trivial reflexive
  transitive antisymmetric strict TAS-structure);
 proof consider P being non void Mizar-widening-like involutive
   without_fixpoints consistent adj-structured adjs-typed
   (trivial non empty reflexive complete strict TA-structure);
   set T = TAS-structure(#the carrier of P, the adjectives of P,
          the InternalRel of P, the non-op of P, the adj-map of P, sub P#);
   T is non empty & the RelStr of P = the RelStr of T by STRUCT_0:def 1; then
   reconsider T as non void trivial non empty reflexive strict TAS-structure
     by Def4,TEX_2:4,WAYBEL_8:12;
   take T; thus T is Mizar-widening-like;
   the AdjectiveStr of P = the AdjectiveStr of T;
   hence T is involutive without_fixpoints by Th5,Th6;
   thus T is consistent adj-structured adjs-typed by Th8,Th9,Th17;
A1:the AdjectiveStr of P = the AdjectiveStr of T;
A2:the RelStr of P = the RelStr of T;
     let a be adjective of T;
     reconsider b = a as adjective of P;
     thus sub non-a = (sub P).non-a by Def24
       .= (sub P).non-b by A1,Th3
       .= sup (types non-b \/ types non-non-b) by Def23
       .= sup (types non-b \/ types b) by Def7
       .= (sub P).a by Def23
       .= sub a by Def24;
   thus T is subjected
     let a be adjective of T;
     reconsider b = a as adjective of P;
     non-a = non-b by A1,Th3; then
     types a = types b & types non-a = types non-b by Th11; then
     types a \/ types non-a = types b \/ types non-b &
     ex_sup_of types a \/ types non-a, T by YELLOW_0:17; then
     sup (types a \/ types non-a) = sup (types b \/ types non-b)
       by A2,YELLOW_0:26; then
     sup (types a \/ types non-a) = (sub P).b by Def23 .= sub a by Def24;
     hence thesis by YELLOW_0:32;
   let t1,t2 be type of T, a be adjective of T such that
   a is_properly_applicable_to t1 & a ast t1 <= t2;
   take A = {} the adjectives of T;
   thus A is_properly_applicable_to t1 "\/" t2 by Th64;
   thus A ast (t1 "\/" t2) = t2 by REALSET1:def 20;

theorem Th66:
 for T being Noetherian adj-structured (reflexive transitive antisymmetric
             with_suprema non void TAS-structure)
 for t being type of T, A being Subset of the adjectives of T
  st A is_properly_applicable_to t
 ex s being one-to-one FinSequence of the adjectives of T st
   rng s = A & s is_properly_applicable_to t
    let T be Noetherian adj-structured (reflexive transitive antisymmetric
             with_suprema non void TAS-structure);
    let t be type of T, A be Subset of the adjectives of T;
    given s' being FinSequence of the adjectives of T such that
A1: rng s' = A & s' is_properly_applicable_to t;
    defpred _P[Nat] means
    ex s being FinSequence of the adjectives of T st
     $1 = len s & rng s = A & s is_properly_applicable_to t;
    len s' = len s'; then
A2: ex k being Nat st _P[k] by A1;
    consider k being Nat such that
A3: _P[k] and
A4: for n being Nat st _P[n] holds k <= n from Min(A2);
    consider s being FinSequence of the adjectives of T such that
A5: k = len s & rng s = A & s is_properly_applicable_to t by A3;
    s is one-to-one
      let x,y be set; assume
A6:   x in dom s & y in dom s & s.x = s.y & x <> y; then
      reconsider x,y as Nat;
      x < y or x > y by A6,REAL_1:def 5; then
      consider x,y being Nat such that
A7:   x in dom s & y in dom s & x < y & s.x = s.y by A6;
      y >= 1 by A7,FINSEQ_3:27; then
      consider i being Nat such that
A8:   y = 1+i by NAT_1:28;
      reconsider s1 = s|Seg i as FinSequence of the adjectives of T
        by FINSEQ_1:23;
      s1 c= s by TREES_1:def 1; then
      consider s2 being FinSequence such that
A9:   s = s1^s2 by TREES_1:8;
      reconsider s2 as FinSequence of the adjectives of T by A9,FINSEQ_1:50;
      reconsider s21 = s2|Seg 1 as FinSequence of the adjectives of T
        by FINSEQ_1:23;
A10:  y <= len s & i < y by A7,A8,FINSEQ_3:27,NAT_1:38; then
      i <= len s by AXIOMS:22; then
A11:  len s = len s1+len s2 & len s1 = i by A9,FINSEQ_1:21,35; then
A12:  len s2 >= 1 by A8,A10,REAL_1:53; then
A13:  len s21 = 1 by FINSEQ_1:21; then
A14:  s21 = <*s21.1*> by FINSEQ_1:57; then
A15:   rng s21 = {s21.1} by FINSEQ_1:56; then
      {s21.1} c= the adjectives of T by FINSEQ_1:def 4; then
      s21.1 in the adjectives of T by ZFMISC_1:37; then
      reconsider a = s21.1 as adjective of T;
      s21 c= s2 by TREES_1:def 1; then
      consider s22 being FinSequence such that
A16:  s2 = s21^s22 by TREES_1:8;
      reconsider s22 as FinSequence of the adjectives of T by A16,FINSEQ_1:50;
A17:  1 in dom s2 by A12,FINSEQ_3:27;
A18:  a = s2.1 by A14,A16,FINSEQ_1:58 .= s.y by A8,A9,A11,A17,FINSEQ_1:def 7;
      x <= i & x >= 1 by A7,A8,FINSEQ_3:27,NAT_1:38; then
A19:  x in dom s1 & s1 is_properly_applicable_to t
        by A5,A9,A11,Th61,FINSEQ_3:27; then
      a = s1.x & s1 is_applicable_to t by A7,A9,A18,Th58,FINSEQ_1:def 7; then
A20:   a in rng s1 & rng s1 c= adjs (s1 ast t) by A19,Th45,FUNCT_1:12; then
A21:  s1 ast t = a ast (s1 ast t) by Th25 .= s21 ast (s1 ast t) by A14,Th32;
      s2 is_properly_applicable_to s1 ast t by A5,A9,Th61; then
      s22 is_properly_applicable_to s1 ast t by A16,A21,Th61; then
A22:   s1^s22 is_properly_applicable_to t by A19,Th62;
      rng s21 c= rng s1 by A15,A20,ZFMISC_1:37; then
      rng s1 \/ rng s21 = rng s1 by XBOOLE_1:12; then
      rng (s1^s22) = rng s1 \/ rng s21 \/ rng s22 & rng s = rng s1 \/ rng s2 &
      rng s2 = rng s21 \/ rng s22 by A9,A16,FINSEQ_1:44; then
      rng (s1^s22) = A by A5,XBOOLE_1:4; then
      k <= len (s1^s22) by A4,A22; then
      k <= len s1+len s22 & len s2 = len s21+len s22 by A16,FINSEQ_1:35; then
      len s21+len s22 <= 0+len s22 by A5,A11,REAL_1:53;
      hence thesis by A13,REAL_1:53;
    hence thesis by A5;

begin :: Reduction of adjectives

  let T be non empty non void reflexive transitive TAS-structure;
  func T @--> -> Relation of T means:Def32:
   for t1,t2 being type of T holds [t1,t2] in it iff
    ex a being adjective of T st not a in adjs t2 &
      a is_properly_applicable_to t2 & a ast t2 = t1;
    defpred _P[Element of T, Element of T] means
     ex a being adjective of T st not a in adjs $2 &
       a is_properly_applicable_to $2 & a ast $2 = $1;
    consider R being Relation of the carrier of T such that
A1: for t1,t2 being Element of T
     holds [t1,t2] in R iff _P[t1,t2] from Rel_On_Dom_Ex;
    reconsider R as Relation of T;
    take R; thus thesis by A1;
  proof let R1,R2 be Relation of T such that
A2: for t1,t2 being type of T holds [t1,t2] in R1 iff
     ex a being adjective of T st not a in adjs t2 &
      a is_properly_applicable_to t2 & a ast t2 = t1 and
A3: for t1,t2 being type of T holds [t1,t2] in R2 iff
     ex a being adjective of T st not a in adjs t2 &
      a is_properly_applicable_to t2 & a ast t2 = t1;
    now let t1,t2 be Element of T;
      [t1,t2] in R1 iff
      ex a being adjective of T st not a in adjs t2 &
       a is_properly_applicable_to t2 & a ast t2 = t1 by A2;
      hence [t1,t2] in R1 iff [t1,t2] in R2 by A3;
    hence thesis by T_0TOPSP:1;

theorem Th67:
 for T being adj-structured antisymmetric
     (non void reflexive transitive with_suprema Noetherian TAS-structure)
  holds T@--> c= the InternalRel of T
    let T be adj-structured with_suprema antisymmetric
    (non empty non void reflexive transitive Noetherian TAS-structure);
    let t1,t2 be Element of T;
    reconsider q1 = t1, q2 = t2 as type of T;
    assume [t1,t2] in T@-->; then
    consider a being adjective of T such that
    not a in adjs q2 and
A1: a is_properly_applicable_to q2 and
A2: a ast q2 = q1 by Def32;
    a is_applicable_to q2 by A1,Def28; then
    q1 <= q2 by A2,Th21;
    hence thesis by ORDERS_1:def 9;

scheme RedInd{X() -> non empty set, P[set,set], R() -> Relation of X()}:
  for x,y being Element of X() st R() reduces x,y holds P[x,y]
A1:   for x,y being Element of X() st [x,y] in R() holds P[x,y]
A2:   for x being Element of X() holds P[x,x]
A3:   for x,y,z being Element of X() st P[x,y] & P[y,z] holds P[x,z]
    let x,y be Element of X();
    given p being RedSequence of R() such that
A4: p.1 = x & p.len p = y;
    defpred _P[Nat] means 1+$1 <= len p implies P[x, p.(1+$1)];
A5: _P[0] by A2,A4;
A6: now let i be Nat such that
A7:   _P[i];
      now assume
A8:   1+(i+1) <= len p;
      i+1 < len p & i+1 >= 1 & 1+(i+1) >= 1 by A8,NAT_1:29,38; then
      P[x, p.(1+i)] & i+1 in dom p & 1+(i+1) in dom p
        by A7,A8,FINSEQ_3:27; then
A9:   [p.(i+1), p.(1+(i+1))] in R() by REWRITE1:def 2; then
A10:   p.(i+1) in X() & p.(1+(i+1)) in X() by ZFMISC_1:106; then
      P[p.(i+1), p.(1+(i+1))] by A1,A9;
      hence P[x, p.(1+(i+1))] by A3,A7,A8,A10,NAT_1:38;
     end; hence _P[i+1];
    len p > 0 by REWRITE1:def 2; then
    len p >= 0+1 by NAT_1:38; then
A11: ex n being Nat st len p = 1+n by NAT_1:28;
    for n being Nat holds _P[n] from Ind(A5,A6);
    hence thesis by A4,A11;

theorem Th68:
 for T being adj-structured antisymmetric
     (non void reflexive transitive with_suprema Noetherian TAS-structure)
 for t1,t2 being type of T st T@--> reduces t1,t2
  holds t1 <= t2
    let T be adj-structured with_suprema antisymmetric
    (non empty non void reflexive transitive Noetherian TAS-structure);
    let t1,t2 be type of T;
    set R = T@-->;
    defpred _P[Element of T, Element of T] means
     $1 <= $2;
A1: now let x,y be Element of T;
      R c= the InternalRel of T by Th67;
      hence [x,y] in R implies _P[x, y] by ORDERS_1:def 9;
A2: for x being Element of T holds _P[x, x];
A3: for x,y,z be Element of T
      holds _P[x, y] & _P[y, z] implies _P[x, z] by YELLOW_0:def 2;
    for x,y being Element of T st R reduces x,y holds _P[x,y]
      from RedInd(A1,A2,A3);
    hence thesis;

theorem Th69:
 for T being Noetherian adj-structured (reflexive transitive antisymmetric
             non void with_suprema TAS-structure)
  holds T@--> is irreflexive
    let T be Noetherian adj-structured (reflexive transitive antisymmetric
             non void with_suprema TAS-structure);
    set R = T@-->;
    let x be set; assume x in field R; assume
A1: [x,x] in R; then
    x in the carrier of T by ZFMISC_1:106; then
    reconsider x as type of T;
    consider a being adjective of T such that
A2: not a in adjs x and
A3: a is_properly_applicable_to x & a ast x = x by A1,Def32;
    a is_applicable_to x by A3,Def28;
    hence thesis by A2,A3,Th22;

theorem Th70:
 for T being adj-structured antisymmetric
     (non void reflexive transitive with_suprema Noetherian TAS-structure)
  holds T@--> is strongly-normalizing
    let T be adj-structured with_suprema antisymmetric
    (non empty non void reflexive transitive Noetherian TAS-structure);
    set R = T@-->, Q = the InternalRel of T;
A1: R c= Q by Th67; then
A2: field R c= field Q by RELAT_1:31;
    R is co-well_founded
      let Y be set; assume
A3:   Y c= field R & Y <> {}; then
      Y c= field Q by A2,XBOOLE_1:1; then
      consider a being set such that
A4:   a in Y & for b being set st b in Y & a <> b holds not [a,b] in Q
       by A3,REWRITE1:def 16;
      take a;
      thus thesis by A1,A4;
    end; then
    R is irreflexive co-well_founded Relation by Th69;
    hence thesis;

theorem Th71:
 for T being Noetherian adj-structured (reflexive transitive antisymmetric
             with_suprema non void TAS-structure)
 for t being type of T, A being finite Subset of the adjectives of T
  st for C being Subset of the adjectives of T
      st C c= A & C is_properly_applicable_to t & A ast t = C ast t
      holds C = A
 for s being one-to-one FinSequence of the adjectives of T
  st rng s = A & s is_properly_applicable_to t
 for i being natural number st 1 <= i & i <= len s
  holds [apply(s, t).(i+1), apply(s, t).i] in T@-->
    let T be Noetherian adj-structured (reflexive transitive antisymmetric
             with_suprema non void TAS-structure);
    let t be type of T, A be finite Subset of the adjectives of T such that
A1: for C being Subset of the adjectives of T
     st C c= A & C is_properly_applicable_to t & A ast t = C ast t
     holds C = A;
    let s be one-to-one FinSequence of the adjectives of T such that
A2: rng s = A & s is_properly_applicable_to t;
A3: len apply(s, t) = len s+1 by Def20;
    let j be natural number; assume
A4: 1 <= j & j <= len s; then
    j < len s+1 & j is Nat by NAT_1:38,ORDINAL2:def 21; then
A5: j in dom s & j in dom apply(s, t) by A3,A4,FINSEQ_3:27; then
    s.j in rng s & rng s c= the adjectives of T
      by FINSEQ_1:def 4,FUNCT_1:12; then
    reconsider a = s.j as adjective of T;
    apply(s, t).j in rng apply(s, t) & rng apply(s, t) c= the carrier of T
      by A5,FINSEQ_1:def 4,FUNCT_1:12; then
    reconsider tt = apply(s, t).j as type of T;
A6: apply(s, t).(j+1) = a ast tt & a is_properly_applicable_to tt
      by A2,A5,Def20,Def29;
    not a in adjs tt
    proof assume
A7:   a in adjs tt;
      consider i being Nat such that
A8:   j = 1+i by A4,NAT_1:28;
      reconsider s1 = s|Seg i as FinSequence of the adjectives of T
        by FINSEQ_1:23;
      s1 c= s by TREES_1:def 1; then
      consider s2 being FinSequence such that
A9:   s = s1^s2 by TREES_1:8;
      reconsider s2 as FinSequence of the adjectives of T by A9,FINSEQ_1:50;
      reconsider s21 = s2|Seg 1 as FinSequence of the adjectives of T
        by FINSEQ_1:23;
      i <= len s by A4,A8,NAT_1:38; then
A10:  len s = len s1+len s2 & len s1 = i by A9,FINSEQ_1:21,35; then
A11:  len s2 >= 1 by A4,A8,REAL_1:53; then
A12:  len s21 = 1 by FINSEQ_1:21; then
A13:  s21 = <*s21.1*> by FINSEQ_1:57; then
A14:   rng s21 = {s21.1} by FINSEQ_1:56; then
      {s21.1} c= the adjectives of T by FINSEQ_1:def 4; then
      s21.1 in the adjectives of T by ZFMISC_1:37; then
      reconsider b = s21.1 as adjective of T;
      s21 c= s2 by TREES_1:def 1; then
      consider s22 being FinSequence such that
A15:  s2 = s21^s22 by TREES_1:8;
      reconsider s22 as FinSequence of the adjectives of T by A15,FINSEQ_1:50;
A16:  1 in dom s2 by A11,FINSEQ_3:27;
A17:  b = s2.1 by A13,A15,FINSEQ_1:58 .= a by A8,A9,A10,A16,FINSEQ_1:def 7;
A18:  s1 is_properly_applicable_to t by A2,A9,A10,Th61;
      s1 ast t = tt by A8,A9,A10,Th37; then
A19:  s1 ast t = a ast (s1 ast t) by A7,Th25
              .= s21 ast (s1 ast t) by A13,A17,Th32;
      s2 is_properly_applicable_to s1 ast t by A2,A9,Th61; then
      s22 is_properly_applicable_to s1 ast t by A15,A19,Th61; then
A20:   s1^s22 is_properly_applicable_to t by A18,Th62; then
A21:  s1^s22 is_applicable_to t & s is_applicable_to t by A2,Th58;
      reconsider B = rng (s1^s22) as Subset of the adjectives of T
        by FINSEQ_1:def 4;
      s ast t = s2 ast (s1 ast t) by A9,Th38
             .= s22 ast (s1 ast t) by A15,A19,Th38
             .= s1^s22 ast t by Th38; then
A22:  A ast t = s1^s22 ast t by A2,A21,Th57 .= B ast t by A21,Th57;
A23:  B is_properly_applicable_to t by A20,Def30;
A24:  B = rng s1 \/ rng s22 & A = rng s1 \/ rng s2 &
      rng s2 = rng s21 \/ rng s22 by A2,A9,A15,FINSEQ_1:44; then
      rng s22 c= rng s2 by XBOOLE_1:7; then
      B c= A by A24,XBOOLE_1:9; then
A25:  B = A by A1,A22,A23;
      a in rng s21 by A14,A17,TARSKI:def 1; then
      a in rng s2 by A24,XBOOLE_0:def 2; then
A26:  a in B by A24,A25,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
      per cases by A24,A26,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
      suppose a in rng s1; then
        consider x being set such that
A27:     x in dom s1 & a = s1.x by FUNCT_1:def 5;
        reconsider x as Nat by A27;
        dom s1 c= dom s & x <= len s1 by A9,A27,FINSEQ_1:39,FINSEQ_3:27; then
        x < j & x in dom s & s.x = a by A8,A9,A10,A27,FINSEQ_1:def 7,NAT_1:38;
        hence contradiction by A5,FUNCT_1:def 8;
      suppose a in rng s22; then
        consider x being set such that
A28:     x in dom s22 & a = s22.x by FUNCT_1:def 5;
        reconsider x as Nat by A28;
        x >= 0+1 by A28,FINSEQ_3:27; then
        x > 0 by NAT_1:38; then
A29:     x+1+i = j+x & j+x > j+0 by A8,REAL_1:53,XCMPLX_1:1;
        1+x in dom s2 & s2.(1+x) = a by A12,A15,A28,FINSEQ_1:41,def 7; then
        i+(1+x) in dom s & s.(i+(1+x)) = a by A9,A10,FINSEQ_1:41,def 7;
        hence contradiction by A5,A29,FUNCT_1:def 8;
    hence [apply(s, t).(j+1), apply(s, t).j] in T@--> by A6,Def32;

theorem Th72:
 for T being Noetherian adj-structured (reflexive transitive antisymmetric
             with_suprema non void TAS-structure)
 for t being type of T, A being finite Subset of the adjectives of T
  st for C being Subset of the adjectives of T
      st C c= A & C is_properly_applicable_to t & A ast t = C ast t
      holds C = A
 for s being one-to-one FinSequence of the adjectives of T
  st rng s = A & s is_properly_applicable_to t
  holds Rev apply(s, t) is RedSequence of T@-->
    let T be Noetherian adj-structured (reflexive transitive antisymmetric
             with_suprema non void TAS-structure);
    let t be type of T, A be finite Subset of the adjectives of T such that
A1: for C being Subset of the adjectives of T
     st C c= A & C is_properly_applicable_to t & A ast t = C ast t
     holds C = A;
    let s be one-to-one FinSequence of the adjectives of T such that
A2: rng s = A & s is_properly_applicable_to t;
A3: len Rev apply(s, t) = len apply(s, t) & len apply(s, t) = len s+1 &
    dom Rev apply(s, t) = dom apply(s, t) by Def20,FINSEQ_5:60,def 3;
    hence len Rev apply(s, t) > 0 by NAT_1:19;
    let i be Nat; assume
    i in dom Rev apply(s, t) & i+1 in dom Rev apply(s, t); then
A4: i >= 1 & i+1 <= len s+1 & (Rev apply(s, t)).i = apply(s, t).(len s+1-i+1) &
    (Rev apply(s, t)).(i+1) = apply(s, t).(len s+1-(i+1)+1)
      by A3,FINSEQ_3:27,FINSEQ_5:def 3; then
    consider j being Nat such that
A5: len s+1 = i+1+j by NAT_1:28;
    i+1+j = j+1+i & i+1+j = j+i+1 by XCMPLX_1:1; then
A6: len s+1-(i+1) = j & len s+1-i = j+1 & len s = i+j by A5,XCMPLX_1:2,26;
    then j+1 >= 1 & j+1 <= len s by A4,AXIOMS:24,NAT_1:29;
    hence thesis by A1,A2,A4,A6,Th71;

theorem Th73:
 for T being Noetherian adj-structured (reflexive transitive antisymmetric
             with_suprema non void TAS-structure)
 for t being type of T, A being finite Subset of the adjectives of T
  st A is_properly_applicable_to t
  holds T@--> reduces A ast t, t
    let T be Noetherian adj-structured (reflexive transitive antisymmetric
             with_suprema non void TAS-structure);
    let t be type of T, A be finite Subset of the adjectives of T such that
A1: A is_properly_applicable_to t;
    set R = T@-->;
    consider A' being Subset of the adjectives of T such that
A2: A' c= A & A' is_properly_applicable_to t & A ast t = A' ast t and
A3: for C being Subset of the adjectives of T
     st C c= A' & C is_properly_applicable_to t & A ast t = C ast t
     holds C = A' by A1,Th65;
    consider s being one-to-one FinSequence of the adjectives of T such that
A4: rng s = A' & s is_properly_applicable_to t by A2,Th66;
A5: s is_applicable_to t by A4,Th58;
    reconsider p = Rev apply(s, t) as RedSequence of R by A2,A3,A4,Th72;
    take p;
    thus p.1 = apply(s, t).len apply(s, t) by FINSEQ_5:65
            .= apply(s, t).(len s+1) by Def20
            .= s ast t by Def21
            .= A ast t by A2,A4,A5,Th57;
    thus p.len p = p.len apply(s, t) by FINSEQ_5:def 3
                .= apply(s, t).1 by FINSEQ_5:65
                .= t by Def20;

theorem Th74:
  for X being non empty set
  for R being Relation of X
  for r being RedSequence of R
   st r.1 in X
   holds r is FinSequence of X
    let X be non empty set;
    let R be Relation of X;
    let p be RedSequence of R such that
A1:  p.1 in X;
    let x be set; assume x in rng p; then
    consider i being set such that
A2:  i in dom p & x = p.i by FUNCT_1:def 5;
    reconsider i as Nat by A2;
A3:  i >= 1 by A2,FINSEQ_3:27;
    per cases by A3,AXIOMS:21;
    suppose i = 1; hence x in X by A1,A2;
    suppose i > 1; then
      i >= 1+1 by NAT_1:38; then
      consider j being Nat such that
A4:    i = 1+1+j by NAT_1:28;
A5:    i = j+1+1 & i <= len p by A2,A4,FINSEQ_3:27,XCMPLX_1:1; then
A6:    j+1 >= 1 & j+1+1 >= 1 & j+1 < len p by NAT_1:29,38;
      j+1 in dom p by A6,FINSEQ_3:27; then
      [p.(j+1), x] in R by A2,A5,REWRITE1:def 2;
      hence x in X by ZFMISC_1:106;

theorem Th75:
  for X being non empty set
  for R being Relation of X
  for x be Element of X, y being set st R reduces x,y
   holds y in X
    let X be non empty set;
    let R be Relation of X;
    let x be Element of X, y be set;
    given p being RedSequence of R such that
A1:  p.1 = x & p.len p = y;
    len p > 0 by REWRITE1:def 2; then
    len p >= 0+1 by NAT_1:38; then
    len p in dom p & p is FinSequence of X by A1,Th74,FINSEQ_3:27; then
    y in rng p & rng p c= X by A1,FINSEQ_1:def 4,FUNCT_1:12;
    hence thesis;

theorem Th76:
  for X being non empty set
  for R being Relation of X
   st R is with_UN_property weakly-normalizing
  for x be Element of X
   holds nf(x, R) in X
    let X be non empty set;
    let R be Relation of X such that
A1:  R is with_UN_property weakly-normalizing;
    let x be Element of X;
    nf(x,R) is_a_normal_form_of x, R by A1,REWRITE1:55; then
    R reduces x, nf(x,R) by REWRITE1:def 6;
    hence thesis by Th75;

theorem Th77:
 for T being Noetherian adj-structured (reflexive transitive antisymmetric
             with_suprema non void TAS-structure)
 for t1, t2 being type of T st T@--> reduces t1, t2
 ex A being finite Subset of the adjectives of T
  st A is_properly_applicable_to t2 & t1 = A ast t2
    let T be Noetherian adj-structured (reflexive transitive antisymmetric
             with_suprema non void TAS-structure);
    let t1,t2 be type of T;
    set R = T@-->;
    given p being RedSequence of R such that
A1: p.1 = t1 & t2 = p.len p;
    len p > 0 by REWRITE1:def 2; then
A2: len p >= 0+1 by NAT_1:38; then
    consider i being Nat such that
A3: len p = 1+i by NAT_1:28;
    defpred _P[set,set] means
      ex j being Nat,
        a being adjective of T, t being type of T st
        $2 = a & $1 = j & a ast t = p.j & t = p.(j+1) &
        a is_properly_applicable_to t;
A4: now let x be set; assume
A5:   x in Seg i; then reconsider j = x as Nat;
A6:   j >= 1 & j <= i by A5,FINSEQ_1:3; then
      1 <= j+1 & j+1 <= len p & j < len p by A3,AXIOMS:24,NAT_1:38; then
      j in dom p & j+1 in dom p by A6,FINSEQ_3:27; then
A7:   [p.j, p.(j+1)] in R by REWRITE1:def 2; then
      p.j in the carrier of T & p.(j+1) in the carrier of T
        by ZFMISC_1:106; then
      reconsider q1 = p.j, q2 = p.(j+1) as type of T;
      ex a being adjective of T st not a in adjs q2 &
        a is_properly_applicable_to q2 & a ast q2 = q1 by A7,Def32;
      hence ex y being set st y in the adjectives of T & _P[x,y];
    consider f being Function such that
A8: dom f = Seg i & rng f c= the adjectives of T and
A9: for x being set st x in Seg i holds _P[x,f.x] from NonUniqBoundFuncEx(A4);
    f is FinSequence by A8,FINSEQ_1:def 2; then
    reconsider f as FinSequence of the adjectives of T by A8,FINSEQ_1:def 4;
    set r = Rev f;
    defpred _P[Nat] means
     1+$1 <= len p implies (Rev p).(1+$1) = apply(r, t2).(1+$1);
A10: len r = len f & len apply(r, t2) = len r+1 & len f = i & len Rev p = len p
      by A8,Def20,FINSEQ_1:def 3,FINSEQ_5:def 3; then
    1 in dom Rev p & len p-1+1 = len p by A2,FINSEQ_3:27,XCMPLX_1:27; then
    (Rev p).1 = t2 by A1,FINSEQ_5:def 3; then
A11: _P[0] by Def20;
A12: now let j be Nat such that
A13:   _P[j];
      now assume
A14:   1+(j+1) <= len p;
      j+1 <= i by A3,A14,REAL_1:53; then
      consider x being Nat such that
A15:   i = j+1+x by NAT_1:28;
A16:  i = x+1+j by A15,XCMPLX_1:1; then
      x+1 >= 1 & i >= x+1 by NAT_1:29; then
      x+1 in Seg i by FINSEQ_1:3; then
      consider k being Nat, a being adjective of T, t being type of T such that
A17:   f.(x+1) = a & x+1 = k & a ast t = p.k & t = p.(k+1) &
      a is_properly_applicable_to t by A9;
      i+1 = j+1+(x+1) by A15,XCMPLX_1:1; then
A18:   i+1-(j+1) = x+1 by XCMPLX_1:26;
A19:   i+1-(1+(j+1)) = x+((j+1)+1)-(1+(j+1)) by A15,XCMPLX_1:1
                   .= x by XCMPLX_1:26;
      j <= i by A16,NAT_1:29; then
      j+1 >= 1 & j+1 <= i & j+1 <= i+1 by A15,AXIOMS:24,NAT_1:29; then
A20:   j+1 in dom r & j+1 in dom apply(r, t2) by A10,FINSEQ_3:27; then
      1+(j+1) >= 1 & j+1 >= 1 & j+1 < len p by A14,NAT_1:29,38; then
      j+1 in dom Rev p & 1+(j+1) in dom Rev p &
      (Rev p).(1+j) = apply(r, t2).(1+j) by A10,A13,A14,FINSEQ_3:27; then
A21:   (Rev p).(j+1) = p.(x+1+1) & (Rev p).(1+(j+1)) = p.(x+1)
        by A3,A18,A19,FINSEQ_5:def 3;
      r.(j+1) = f.(len f-(j+1)+1) by A20,FINSEQ_5:def 3
             .= a by A10,A15,A17,XCMPLX_1:26;
      hence (Rev p).(1+(j+1)) = apply(r, t2).(1+(j+1))
        by A13,A14,A17,A20,A21,Def20,NAT_1:38;
      end; hence _P[j+1];
A22: for j being Nat holds _P[j] from Ind(A11,A12);
      let j be Nat; assume 1 <= j; then
      ex k being Nat st j = 1+k by NAT_1:28;
      hence j <= len p implies (Rev p).j = apply(r, t2).j by A22;
    end; then
A23: Rev p = apply(r, t2) by A3,A10,FINSEQ_1:18; then
A24: p = Rev apply(r, t2) by FINSEQ_6:29;
    reconsider A = rng f as finite Subset of the adjectives of T by A8;
    take A;
A25: r is_properly_applicable_to t2
      let j be natural number, a be adjective of T, s be type of T;
A26:   j in dom r & a = r.j & s = apply(r,t2).j; then
      j in dom f & j >= 1 & j <= len r by FINSEQ_3:27,FINSEQ_5:60; then
      consider k being Nat such that
A27:   len r = j+k by NAT_1:28;
      len r = len f by FINSEQ_5:def 3; then
A28:   len f-j = k & k-1+1 = k & j >= 1
        by A26,A27,FINSEQ_3:27,XCMPLX_1:26,27; then
      k+1 >= 1 & k+1 <= i by A10,A27,AXIOMS:24,NAT_1:29; then
      len f-j+1 in Seg i by A28,FINSEQ_1:3; then
      consider o being Nat, b being adjective of T, u being type of T such that
A29:   f.(len f-j+1) = b & len f-j+1 = o & b ast u = p.o & u = p.(o+1) &
      b is_properly_applicable_to u by A9;
      i+1 = k+1+j & (i+1)-(o+1) = (i+1)-o-1 by A10,A27,XCMPLX_1:1,36; then
      (i+1)-(o+1) = j-1 & o+1 >= 1 & o+1 <= len p
        by A3,A28,A29,AXIOMS:24,NAT_1:29,XCMPLX_1:26; then
A30:   len (apply(r, t2))-(o+1)+1 = j & o+1 in dom p
        by A10,FINSEQ_3:27,XCMPLX_1:27;
      a = b by A26,A29,FINSEQ_5:def 3;
      hence a is_properly_applicable_to s by A24,A26,A29,A30,FINSEQ_5:def 3;
A31: rng r = A by FINSEQ_5:60;
    thus A is_properly_applicable_to t2
      take r; thus thesis by A25,FINSEQ_5:60;
    r is_applicable_to t2 by A25,Th58; then
    A ast t2 = r ast t2 by A31,Th57 .= apply(r, t2).(len r+1) by Def21;
    hence t1 = A ast t2 by A1,A10,A23,FINSEQ_5:65;

theorem Th78:
 for T being adj-structured antisymmetric commutative
     (non void reflexive transitive with_suprema Noetherian TAS-structure)
  holds T@--> is with_Church-Rosser_property with_UN_property
    let T be adj-structured with_suprema antisymmetric commutative
    (non empty non void reflexive transitive Noetherian TAS-structure);
    set R = T@-->;
    R is locally-confluent
      let a,b,c be set;
A1:   [a,b] in R & [a,c] in R; then
      a in the carrier of T & b in the carrier of T & c in the carrier of T
        by ZFMISC_1:106; then
      reconsider t = a, t1 = b, t2 = c as type of T;
      consider a2 being adjective of T such that
A2:   not a2 in adjs t1 &
      a2 is_properly_applicable_to t1 & a2 ast t1 = t by A1,Def32;
      consider a3 being adjective of T such that
A3:   not a3 in adjs t2 &
      a3 is_properly_applicable_to t2 & a3 ast t2 = t by A1,Def32;
      a2 is_applicable_to t1 & a3 is_applicable_to t2 by A2,A3,Def28; then
A4:   t <= t1 & t <= t2 by A2,A3,Th21; then
      consider A being finite Subset of the adjectives of T such that
A5:   A is_properly_applicable_to t1 "\/" t2 &
      A ast (t1 "\/" t2) = t1 by A3,Def31;
      consider B being finite Subset of the adjectives of T such that
A6:   B is_properly_applicable_to t1 "\/" t2 &
      B ast (t1 "\/" t2) = t2 by A2,A4,Def31;
      set tt = t1 "\/" t2;
      take tt;
      thus thesis by A5,A6,Th73;
    end; then
    R is strongly-normalizing locally-confluent Relation by Th70;
    hence thesis;

begin :: Radix types

  let T be adj-structured with_suprema antisymmetric commutative
    (non empty non void reflexive transitive Noetherian TAS-structure);
  let t be type of T;
  func radix t -> type of T equals :Def33:
   nf(t, T@-->);
    T@--> is with_Church-Rosser_property with_UN_property strongly-normalizing
      Relation by Th70,Th78; then
    nf(t, T@-->) in the carrier of T by Th76;
    hence thesis;

theorem Th79:
 for T being adj-structured with_suprema antisymmetric commutative
             (non empty non void reflexive transitive Noetherian TAS-structure)
 for t being type of T
  holds T@--> reduces t, radix t
    let T be adj-structured with_suprema antisymmetric commutative
            (non empty non void reflexive transitive Noetherian TAS-structure);
    let t be type of T;
    set R = T@-->;
    R is with_Church-Rosser_property with_UN_property strongly-normalizing
      Relation by Th70,Th78; then
    nf(t, R) is_a_normal_form_of t, R by REWRITE1:55; then
    R reduces t, nf(t,R) by REWRITE1:def 6;
    hence R reduces t, radix t by Def33;

theorem Th80:
 for T being adj-structured with_suprema antisymmetric commutative
             (non empty non void reflexive transitive Noetherian TAS-structure)
 for t being type of T
  holds t <= radix t
    let T be adj-structured with_suprema antisymmetric commutative
            (non empty non void reflexive transitive Noetherian TAS-structure);
    let t be type of T;
    set R = T@-->;
    R reduces t, radix t by Th79;
    hence thesis by Th68;

theorem Th81:
 for T being adj-structured with_suprema antisymmetric commutative
             (non empty non void reflexive transitive Noetherian TAS-structure)
 for t being type of T
 for X being set st X = {t' where t' is type of T:
             ex A being finite Subset of the adjectives of T st
               A is_properly_applicable_to t' & A ast t' = t}
  holds ex_sup_of X, T & radix t = "\/"(X, T)
    let T be adj-structured with_suprema antisymmetric commutative
            (non empty non void reflexive transitive Noetherian TAS-structure);
    let t be type of T;
    set R = T@-->;
    set AA = {t' where t' is type of T:
             ex A being finite Subset of the adjectives of T st
               A is_properly_applicable_to t' & A ast t' = t};
A1: R is with_Church-Rosser_property with_UN_property strongly-normalizing
      Relation by Th70,Th78;
A2: radix t is_>=_than AA
      let tt be type of T; assume tt in AA; then
      ex t' being type of T st tt = t' &
      ex A being finite Subset of the adjectives of T st
      A is_properly_applicable_to t' & A ast t' = t; then
      R reduces t, tt by Th73; then
      t, tt are_convertible_wrt R by REWRITE1:26; then
      nf(t, R) = nf(tt, R) by A1,REWRITE1:56; then
      nf(t, R) is_a_normal_form_of tt, R by A1,REWRITE1:55; then
      R reduces tt, nf(t,R) by REWRITE1:def 6; then
      R reduces tt, radix t by Def33;
      hence thesis by Th68;
    R reduces t, radix t by Th79; then
    ex A being finite Subset of the adjectives of T
      st A is_properly_applicable_to radix t & A ast radix t = t by Th77; then
    radix t in AA; then
    for t' being type of T st t' is_>=_than AA holds radix t <= t'
      by LATTICE3:def 9;
    hence thesis by A2,YELLOW_0:30;

theorem Th82:
 for T being adj-structured with_suprema antisymmetric commutative
             (non empty non void reflexive transitive Noetherian TAS-structure)
 for t1,t2 being type of T, a being adjective of T
  st a is_properly_applicable_to t1 & a ast t1 <= radix t2
  holds t1 <= radix t2
    let T be adj-structured with_suprema antisymmetric commutative
            (non empty non void reflexive transitive Noetherian TAS-structure);
    let t1,t2 be type of T, a be adjective of T;
    set R = T@-->;
A1: R is with_Church-Rosser_property with_UN_property strongly-normalizing
      Relation by Th70,Th78;
    set AA = {t' where t' is type of T:
             ex A being finite Subset of the adjectives of T st
               A is_properly_applicable_to t' & A ast t' = t2};
A2: a is_properly_applicable_to t1 & a ast t1 <= radix t2;
    consider A being finite Subset of the adjectives of T such that
A3: A is_properly_applicable_to t1 "\/" radix t2 &
    A ast (t1 "\/" radix t2) = radix t2 by A2,Def31;
    nf(t2, R) is_a_normal_form_of t2, R by A1,REWRITE1:55; then
    R reduces t2, nf(t2,R) by REWRITE1:def 6; then
    R reduces t2, radix t2 by Def33; then
    consider B being finite Subset of the adjectives of T such that
A4: B is_properly_applicable_to radix t2 & t2 = B ast radix t2 by Th77;
    consider v1 being FinSequence of the adjectives of T such that
A5: rng v1 = A & v1 is_properly_applicable_to t1 "\/" radix t2 by A3,Def30;
    consider v2 being FinSequence of the adjectives of T such that
A6: rng v2 = B & v2 is_properly_applicable_to radix t2 by A4,Def30;
A7: rng (v1^v2) =  A \/ B by A5,A6,FINSEQ_1:44;
A8: v1 is_applicable_to t1 "\/" radix t2 & v2 is_applicable_to radix t2
     by A5,A6,Th58; then
A9: radix t2 = v1 ast (t1 "\/" radix t2) by A3,A5,Th57; then
    v1^v2 is_properly_applicable_to t1 "\/" radix t2 by A5,A6,Th62; then
A10: A \/ B is_properly_applicable_to t1 "\/" radix t2 &
    v1^v2 is_applicable_to t1 "\/" radix t2 by A7,Def30,Th58; then
    (A \/ B) ast (t1 "\/" radix t2) = v1^v2 ast (t1 "\/" radix t2) by A7,Th57
          .= v2 ast radix t2 by A9,Th38
          .= t2 by A4,A6,A8,Th57; then
    t1 "\/" radix t2 in AA & ex_sup_of AA, T by A10,Th81; then
    t1 "\/" radix t2 <= "\/"(AA, T) by YELLOW_4:1; then
    t1 "\/" radix t2 <= radix t2 & t1 "\/" radix t2 >= t1
      by Th81,YELLOW_0:22;
    hence thesis by YELLOW_0:def 2;

 for T being adj-structured with_suprema antisymmetric commutative
             (non empty non void reflexive transitive Noetherian TAS-structure)
 for t1,t2 being type of T
  st t1 <= t2
  holds radix t1 <= radix t2
    let T be adj-structured with_suprema antisymmetric commutative
            (non empty non void reflexive transitive Noetherian TAS-structure);
    set R = T@-->;
    let t1, t2 be type of T such that
A1: t1 <= t2;
    t2 <= radix t2 by Th80; then
A2: t1 <= radix t2 & R reduces t1, radix t1 by A1,Th79,YELLOW_0:def 2;
    set X = the carrier of T;
    defpred P[Element of X, Element of X] means
      $1 <= radix t2 implies $2 <= radix t2;
A3: now let x,y be Element of X;
      reconsider t1 = x, t2 = y as type of T;
      assume [x,y] in R; then
      ex a being adjective of T st
      not a in adjs t2 & a is_properly_applicable_to t2 & a ast t2 = t1 by
      hence P[x,y] by Th82;
A4: for x being Element of X holds P[x,x];
A5: for x,y,z being Element of X st P[x,y] & P[y,z] holds P[x,z];
    for x,y being Element of T st R reduces x,y holds P[x,y]
      from RedInd(A3,A4,A5);
    hence thesis by A2;

 for T being adj-structured with_suprema antisymmetric commutative
             (non empty non void reflexive transitive Noetherian TAS-structure)
 for t being type of T, a being adjective of T
  st a is_properly_applicable_to t
  holds radix (a ast t) = radix t
    let T be adj-structured with_suprema antisymmetric commutative
            (non empty non void reflexive transitive Noetherian TAS-structure);
A1: T@--> is with_Church-Rosser_property with_UN_property strongly-normalizing
      Relation by Th70,Th78;
    let t be type of T, a be adjective of T; assume
A2: a is_properly_applicable_to t;
    a in adjs t or not a in adjs t; then
    a ast t = t or [a ast t, t] in T@--> by A2,Def32,Th25; then
    T@--> reduces a ast t,t by REWRITE1:13,16; then
    a ast t, t are_convertible_wrt T@--> by REWRITE1:26; then
    nf(a ast t, T@-->) = nf(t, T@-->) by A1,REWRITE1:56;
    hence radix (a ast t) = nf(t, T@-->) by Def33 .= radix t by Def33;

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