The Mizar article:

Quotient Vector Spaces and Functionals

Jaroslaw Kotowicz

Received November 5, 2002

Copyright (c) 2002 Association of Mizar Users

MML identifier: VECTSP10
[ MML identifier index ]


      SETFAM_1, ARYTM_3, VECTSP10;
 constructors DOMAIN_1, REALSET1, BINOP_1, RLVECT_2, VECTSP_5, VECTSP_6,
 requirements SUBSET, BOOLE;
 schemes FUNCT_2, RLVECT_2;

::Auxiliary Facts about Double Loops and Vector Spaces

  for K be add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable
            left-distributive left_unital (non empty doubleLoopStr)
for a be Element of K holds (- 1_ K) * a = - a by MOD_1:14;

 let K be doubleLoopStr;
func StructVectSp(K) -> strict VectSpStr over K equals :Def1:
 VectSpStr (# the carrier of K, the add of K, the Zero of K, the mult of K#);

 let K be doubleLoopStr; set V = StructVectSp(K);
   V = VectSpStr (# the carrier of K, the add of K,
                  the Zero of K, the mult of K#) by Def1;
 hence the carrier of V = the carrier of K &
 the add of V = the add of K & the Zero of V = the Zero of K &
 the lmult of V = the mult of K;

 let K be non empty doubleLoopStr;
cluster StructVectSp(K) -> non empty;
     the carrier of StructVectSp(K) = the carrier of K by Lm1;
   hence thesis by STRUCT_0:def 1;

 let K be Abelian (non empty doubleLoopStr);
cluster StructVectSp(K) -> Abelian;
   set V = StructVectSp(K);
    let x,y be Vector of V;
     reconsider x'=x,y'=y as Element of K by Lm1;
  A1: the add of V = the add of K by Lm1;
     thus x+y = (the add of V).(x,y) by RLVECT_1:5
       .= y'+x' by A1,RLVECT_1:5
       .= (the add of K).(y',x') by RLVECT_1:5
       .= y+x by A1,RLVECT_1:5;
    hence thesis by RLVECT_1:def 5;

 let K be add-associative (non empty doubleLoopStr);
cluster StructVectSp(K) -> add-associative;
    set V = StructVectSp(K);
     let x,y,z be Vector of V;
      reconsider x'=x,y'=y,z'=z as Element of K by Lm1;
    A1: the add of V = the add of K by Lm1;
      thus (x+y)+z = (the add of V).(x+y,z) by RLVECT_1:5
       .= (the add of V).((the add of V).(x,y),z) by RLVECT_1:5
       .= (the add of K).((x'+y'),z') by A1,RLVECT_1:5
       .= (x'+y')+z' by RLVECT_1:5
       .= x'+(y'+z') by RLVECT_1:def 6
       .= (the add of V).(x',(y'+z')) by A1,RLVECT_1:5
       .= (the add of V).(x',(the add of V).(y',z')) by A1,RLVECT_1:5
       .= (the add of V).(x,y+z) by RLVECT_1:5
       .= x+(y+z) by RLVECT_1:5;
  hence thesis by RLVECT_1:def 6;

 let K be right_zeroed (non empty doubleLoopStr);
cluster StructVectSp(K) -> right_zeroed;
    set V = StructVectSp(K);
       now let x be Vector of V;
      reconsider x'=x as Element of K by Lm1;
    A1: the add of V = the add of K &
        the Zero of V = the Zero of K by Lm1;
    then A2: (the Zero of K) = 0.V & (the Zero of K) = 0.K by RLVECT_1:def 2;
      thus x+0.V = (the add of V).(x,0.V) by RLVECT_1:5
         .= x'+(0.K) by A1,A2,RLVECT_1:5
        .= x by RLVECT_1:def 7;
    hence thesis by RLVECT_1:def 7;

 let K be right_complementable (non empty doubleLoopStr);
cluster StructVectSp(K) -> right_complementable;
    set V = StructVectSp(K);
       now let x be Vector of V;
      reconsider x'=x as Element of K by Lm1;
   A1: the add of V = the add of K &
       the Zero of V = the Zero of K by Lm1;
   then A2: (the Zero of K) = 0.V & (the Zero of K) = 0.K by RLVECT_1:def 2;
      consider t be Element of K such that
   A3: x' + t = 0.K by RLVECT_1:def 8;
      reconsider t' = t as Vector of V by Lm1;
      take t';
      thus x + t' = (the add of V).(x,t') by RLVECT_1:5
       .= 0.V by A1,A2,A3,RLVECT_1:5;
    hence thesis by RLVECT_1:def 8;

 let K be associative left_unital distributive (non empty doubleLoopStr);
cluster StructVectSp(K) -> VectSp-like;
   set V = StructVectSp(K);
    let x,y be Element of K;
    let v,w be Vector of V;
     reconsider v' = v , w' = w as Element of K by Lm1;
   A1: (the lmult of V).(x,w) = x*w by VECTSP_1:def 24;
   A2: (the lmult of V).(y,v) = y*v by VECTSP_1:def 24;
   A3: the add of V = the add of K &
       the lmult of V = the mult of K by Lm1;
     set MLT = the mult of K;
     thus x*(v+w) = (the lmult of V).(x,(v+w)) by VECTSP_1:def 24
       .= MLT.(x,(the add of K).(v',w')) by A3,RLVECT_1:5
       .= MLT.(x,v'+w') by RLVECT_1:5
       .= x*(v'+w') by VECTSP_1:def 10
       .= x*v'+x*w' by VECTSP_1:def 18
       .= (the add of K).(x*v',x*w') by RLVECT_1:5
       .= (the add of K).(MLT.(x,v'),x*w') by VECTSP_1:def 10
       .= (the add of K).
          ((the lmult of V).(x,v),(the lmult of V).(x,w)) by A3,VECTSP_1:def 10
       .= (the add of K).(x*v,x*w) by A1,VECTSP_1:def 24
       .= x*v+x*w by A3,RLVECT_1:5;
     thus (x+y)*v = (the lmult of V).((x+y),v) by VECTSP_1:def 24
       .= (x+y)*v' by A3,VECTSP_1:def 10
       .= x*v'+y*v' by VECTSP_1:def 18
       .= (the add of K).(x*v',y*v') by RLVECT_1:5
       .= (the add of K).(MLT.(x,v'),y*v') by VECTSP_1:def 10
       .= (the add of K).
          ((the lmult of V).(x,v),(the lmult of V).(y,v)) by A3,VECTSP_1:def 10
       .= (the add of K).(x*v,y*v) by A2,VECTSP_1:def 24
       .= x*v+y*v by A3,RLVECT_1:5;
     thus (x*y)*v = (the lmult of V).((x*y),v) by VECTSP_1:def 24
       .= (x*y)*v' by A3,VECTSP_1:def 10
       .= x*(y*v') by VECTSP_1:def 16
       .= MLT.(x,y*v') by VECTSP_1:def 10
       .= (the lmult of V).(x,(the lmult of V).(y,v)) by A3,VECTSP_1:def 10
       .= (the lmult of V).(x,(y*v)) by VECTSP_1:def 24
       .= x*(y*v) by VECTSP_1:def 24;
     thus (1_ K)*v = MLT.(1_ K,v') by A3,VECTSP_1:def 24
       .= (1_ K)*v' by VECTSP_1:def 10
       .= v by VECTSP_1:def 19;
   hence thesis by VECTSP_1:def 26;

 let K be non degenerated (non empty doubleLoopStr);
cluster StructVectSp(K) -> non trivial;
   set V = StructVectSp(K);
   reconsider v = 1_ K as Vector of V by Lm1;
     the Zero of V = the Zero of K by Lm1;
   then the Zero of K = 0.V & (the Zero of K) = 0.K by RLVECT_1:def 2;
   then v <> 0.V by VECTSP_1:def 21;
   hence V is non trivial by ANPROJ_1:def 8;

 let K be non degenerated (non empty doubleLoopStr);
cluster non trivial (non empty VectSpStr over K);
  proof take StructVectSp(K); thus thesis; end;

 let K be add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable
         (non empty doubleLoopStr);
cluster add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable strict
         (non empty VectSpStr over K);
 proof take StructVectSp(K); thus thesis; end;

 let K be add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable associative
          left_unital distributive (non empty doubleLoopStr);
cluster add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable VectSp-like strict
        (non empty VectSpStr over K);
  proof take StructVectSp(K); thus thesis; end;

 let K be Abelian add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable associative
          left_unital distributive non degenerated (non empty doubleLoopStr);
cluster Abelian add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable VectSp-like
         strict non trivial (non empty VectSpStr over K);
  proof take StructVectSp(K); thus thesis; end;

theorem Th2:
for K be add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable associative
         left_unital distributive (non empty doubleLoopStr),
    a be Element of K
for V be add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable VectSp-like
        (non empty VectSpStr over K),
     v be Vector of V holds (0.K)*v = 0.V & a*(0.V) = 0.V
  let F be add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable
   associative left_unital distributive (non empty doubleLoopStr);
  let x be Element of F;
  let V be add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable VectSp-like
         (non empty VectSpStr over F),
     v be Vector of V;
     v+(0.F)*v = (1_ F)*v + (0.F)*v by VECTSP_1:def 26
     .= ((1_ F)+(0.F))*v by VECTSP_1:def 26
     .= (1_ F)*v by RLVECT_1:10
     .= v by VECTSP_1:def 26
     .= v+0.V by RLVECT_1:10;
    hence A1:(0.F)*v = 0.V by RLVECT_1:21;
    hence x*(0.V) = (x*(0.F))*v by VECTSP_1:def 26
     .= 0.V by A1,VECTSP_1:36;

  for K be add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable
      Abelian associative left_unital distributive (non empty doubleLoopStr)
for V be VectSp of K
for S, T be Subspace of V, v be Vector of V st
 S /\ T = (0).V & v in S & v in T holds v = 0.V
  let K be add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable
       Abelian associative left_unital distributive (non empty doubleLoopStr);
  let V be VectSp of K, S, T be Subspace of V, v be Vector of V;
  assume that
 A1: S /\ T = (0).V and
 A2: v in S and
 A3: v in T;
    v in the carrier of S & v in the carrier of T by A2,A3,RLVECT_1:def 1;
  then v in (the carrier of S) /\ (the carrier of T) by XBOOLE_0:def 3;
  then v in the carrier of (S /\ T) by VECTSP_5:def 2;
  then v in {0.V} by A1,VECTSP_4:def 3;
  hence thesis by TARSKI:def 1;

theorem Th4:
for K be Field, V be VectSp of K
for x be set, v be Vector of V holds
x in Lin{v} iff ex a be Element of K st x =a*v
  let K be Field, V be VectSp of K, x be set, v be Vector of V;
  thus x in Lin{v} implies ex a be Element of K st x = a * v
   proof assume x in Lin{v};
    then consider l be Linear_Combination of {v} such that
   A1: x = Sum(l) by VECTSP_7:12;
      Sum(l) = l.v * v by VECTSP_6:43;
    hence thesis by A1;
  given a be Element of K such that A2: x = a * v;
  deffunc F(set) = 0.K;
  consider f be Function of the carrier of V, the carrier of K such that
 A3: f.v = a and A4: for z be Vector of V st z <> v holds f.z = F(z)
                                                             from LambdaSep1;
  reconsider f as Element of Funcs(the carrier of V,the carrier of K)
         by FUNCT_2:11;
     now let z be Vector of V;
    assume not z in {v};
    then z <> v by TARSKI:def 1;
    hence f.z = 0.K by A4;
  then reconsider f as Linear_Combination of V by VECTSP_6:def 4;
    Carrier f c= {v}
   proof let x be set;
    assume A5: x in Carrier f;
    then f.x <> 0.K by VECTSP_6:20;
    then x = v by A4,A5;
    hence thesis by TARSKI:def 1;
  then reconsider f as Linear_Combination of {v} by VECTSP_6:def 7;
    Sum(f) = x by A2,A3,VECTSP_6:43;
  hence thesis by VECTSP_7:12;

theorem Th5:
for K be Field, V be VectSp of K, v be Vector of V, a,b be Scalar of V
 st v <> 0.V & a * v = b * v holds a = b
  let K be Field, V be VectSp of K, v be Vector of V,
  a,b be Scalar of V such that
 A1: v <> 0.V and
 A2: a * v = b * v;
    a*v - b*v = 0.V by A2,VECTSP_1:66;
  then (a-b)*v = 0.V by VECTSP_4:103;
  then a-b = 0.K by A1,VECTSP_1:60;
  hence thesis by VECTSP_1:66;

theorem Th6:
for K be add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable associative
          Abelian left_unital distributive (non empty doubleLoopStr)
for V be VectSp of K
for W1,W2 be Subspace of V st V is_the_direct_sum_of W1,W2
for v,v1,v2 be Vector of V st v1 in W1 & v2 in W2 & v = v1 + v2
  holds v |-- (W1,W2) = [v1,v2]
  let K be add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable associative
          Abelian left_unital distributive (non empty doubleLoopStr),
  V be VectSp of K;
 let W1,W2 be Subspace of V;
A1: V is_the_direct_sum_of W1,W2;
  let v,v1,v2 be Vector of V;
     [v1,v2]`1 = v1 & [v1,v2]`2 = v2 by MCART_1:7;
  hence thesis by A1,VECTSP_5:def 6;

theorem Th7:
for K be add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable associative
          Abelian left_unital distributive (non empty doubleLoopStr)
for V be VectSp of K
for W1,W2 be Subspace of V st V is_the_direct_sum_of W1,W2
for v,v1,v2 be Vector of V st v |-- (W1,W2) = [v1,v2] holds v = v1 + v2
 let K be add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable associative
          Abelian left_unital distributive (non empty doubleLoopStr),
  V be VectSp of K; let W1,W2 be Subspace of V such that
A1: V is_the_direct_sum_of W1,W2;
  let v,v1,v2 be Vector of V;
  assume v |-- (W1,W2) = [v1,v2];
   then (v |-- (W1,W2))`1 = v1 & (v |-- (W1,W2))`2 = v2 by MCART_1:7;
  hence v = v1 + v2 by A1,VECTSP_5:def 6;

theorem Th8:
for K be add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable associative
          Abelian left_unital distributive (non empty doubleLoopStr)
for V be VectSp of K
for W1,W2 be Subspace of V st V is_the_direct_sum_of W1,W2
for v,v1,v2 be Vector of V st v |-- (W1,W2) = [v1,v2]
 holds v1 in W1 & v2 in W2
 let K be add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable associative
          Abelian left_unital distributive (non empty doubleLoopStr),
  V be VectSp of K; let W1,W2 be Subspace of V such that
A1: V is_the_direct_sum_of W1,W2;
  let v,v1,v2 be Vector of V;
  assume v |-- (W1,W2) = [v1,v2];
   then (v |-- (W1,W2))`1 = v1 & (v |-- (W1,W2))`2 = v2 by MCART_1:7;
  hence thesis by A1,VECTSP_5:def 6;

theorem Th9:
for K be add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable associative
          Abelian left_unital distributive (non empty doubleLoopStr)
for V be VectSp of K
for W1,W2 be Subspace of V st V is_the_direct_sum_of W1,W2
for v,v1,v2 be Vector of V st v |-- (W1,W2) = [v1,v2]
  holds v |-- (W2,W1) = [v2,v1]
  let K be add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable associative
          Abelian left_unital distributive (non empty doubleLoopStr),
  V be VectSp of K; let W1,W2 be Subspace of V;
A1: V is_the_direct_sum_of W1,W2;
then A2: V is_the_direct_sum_of W2,W1 by VECTSP_5:51;
  let v,v1,v2 be Vector of V;
  assume v |-- (W1,W2) = [v1,v2];
    then A3:   (v |-- (W1,W2))`1 = v1 & (v |-- (W1,W2))`2 = v2 by MCART_1:7;
    then A4:   v1 in W1 & v2 in W2 by A1,VECTSP_5:def 6;
      v = v2 + v1 by A1,A3,VECTSP_5:def 6;
  hence v |-- (W2,W1) = [v2,v1] by A2,A4,Th6;

theorem Th10:
for K be add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable associative
          Abelian left_unital distributive (non empty doubleLoopStr)
for V be VectSp of K
for W1,W2 be Subspace of V st V is_the_direct_sum_of W1,W2
for v be Vector of V st v in W1 holds v |-- (W1,W2) = [v,0.V]
  let K be add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable associative
          Abelian left_unital distributive (non empty doubleLoopStr),
  V be VectSp of K; let W1,W2 be Subspace of V such that
A1: V is_the_direct_sum_of W1,W2;
   let v be Vector of V such that
A2: v in W1;
A3:  0.V in W2 by VECTSP_4:25;
      v + 0.V = v by RLVECT_1:10;
   hence v |-- (W1,W2) = [v,0.V] by A1,A2,A3,Th6;

theorem Th11:
for K be add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable associative
          Abelian left_unital distributive (non empty doubleLoopStr)
for V be VectSp of K
for W1,W2 be Subspace of V st V is_the_direct_sum_of W1,W2
 for v be Vector of V st v in W2 holds v |-- (W1,W2) = [0.V,v]
  let K be add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable associative
          Abelian left_unital distributive (non empty doubleLoopStr),
  V be VectSp of K; let W1,W2 be Subspace of V;
  assume V is_the_direct_sum_of W1,W2;
then A1:  V is_the_direct_sum_of W2,W1 by VECTSP_5:51;
  let v be Vector of V;
  assume v in W2; then v |-- (W2,W1) = [v,0.V] by A1,Th10;
  hence v |-- (W1,W2) = [0.V,v] by A1,Th9;

theorem Th12:
for K be add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable associative
          Abelian left_unital distributive (non empty doubleLoopStr)
for V be VectSp of K
for V1 be Subspace of V, W1 be Subspace of V1,
  v be Vector of V st v in W1 holds v is Vector of V1
 let K be add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable associative
          Abelian left_unital distributive (non empty doubleLoopStr),
  V be VectSp of K; let V1 be Subspace of V, W1 be Subspace of V1,
  v be Vector of V such that
A1: v in W1;
A2: the carrier of W1 c= the carrier of V1 by VECTSP_4:def 2;
     v in the carrier of W1 by A1,RLVECT_1:def 1;
  hence v is Vector of V1 by A2;

theorem Th13:
for K be add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable associative
          Abelian left_unital distributive (non empty doubleLoopStr)
for V be VectSp of K
for V1,V2,W be Subspace of V, W1,W2 be Subspace of W
  st W1 = V1 & W2 = V2 holds W1 + W2 = V1 + V2
  let K be add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable associative
          Abelian left_unital distributive (non empty doubleLoopStr),
  V be VectSp of K;
  let V1,V2,W be Subspace of V, W1,W2 be Subspace of W such that
A1: W1 = V1 & W2 = V2;
   reconsider W3 = W1 + W2 as Subspace of V by VECTSP_4:34;
     now let v be Vector of V;
    hereby assume
A2:     v in W3;
      then reconsider w = v as Vector of W by Th12;
      consider w1,w2 be Vector of W such that
A3:    w1 in W1 & w2 in W2 and
A4:    w = w1 + w2 by A2,VECTSP_5:5;
      reconsider v1 = w1, v2 = w2 as Vector of V by VECTSP_4:18;
        v = v1 + v2 by A4,VECTSP_4:21;
     hence v in V1 + V2 by A1,A3,VECTSP_5:5;
A5:  the carrier of W1 c= the carrier of W &
    the carrier of W2 c= the carrier of W by VECTSP_4:def 2;
    assume v in V1 + V2;
     then consider v1,v2 be Vector of V such that
A6:    v1 in V1 & v2 in V2 and
A7:    v = v1 + v2 by VECTSP_5:5;
        v1 in the carrier of W1 & v2 in the carrier of W2
        by A1,A6,RLVECT_1:def 1;
      then reconsider w1 = v1, w2 = v2 as Vector of W by A5;
        v = w1 + w2 by A7,VECTSP_4:21;
    hence v in W3 by A1,A6,VECTSP_5:5;
  hence W1 + W2 = V1 + V2 by VECTSP_4:38;

theorem Th14:
for K be Field, V be VectSp of K, W be Subspace of V
for v be Vector of V, w be Vector of W st v = w holds Lin{w} = Lin{v}
   let K be Field, V be VectSp of K, W be Subspace of V,
   v be Vector of V, w be Vector of W such that
A1: v = w;
   reconsider W1 = Lin{w} as Subspace of V by VECTSP_4:34;
     now let u be Vector of V;
    hereby assume u in W1;
      then consider a be Element of K such that
A2:     u = a * w by Th4;
        u = a * v by A1,A2,VECTSP_4:22;
     hence u in Lin{v} by Th4;
    assume u in Lin{v};
     then consider a be Element of K such that
A3:     u = a * v by Th4;
       u = a * w by A1,A3,VECTSP_4:22;
    hence u in W1 by Th4;
  hence Lin{w} = Lin{v} by VECTSP_4:38;

theorem Th15:
for K be Field, V be VectSp of K
for v be Vector of V, X be Subspace of V st not v in X
for y be Vector of X + Lin{v}, W be Subspace of X + Lin{v}
  st v = y & W = X
 holds X + Lin{v} is_the_direct_sum_of W,Lin{y}
  let K be Field, V be VectSp of K,
      v be Vector of V, X be Subspace of V such that
A1: not v in X;
  let y be Vector of X + Lin{v}, W be Subspace of X + Lin{v}; assume
A2: v = y & W = X;
   then Lin{v} = Lin{y} by Th14;
  hence the VectSpStr of X + Lin{v} = W + Lin{y} by A2,Th13;
  assume W /\ Lin{y} <> (0).(X + Lin{v});
   then consider z be Vector of X + Lin{v} such that
A3:  not(z in W /\ Lin{y} iff z in (0).(X + Lin{v})) by VECTSP_4:38;
  per cases by A3;
  suppose that
A4: z in W /\ Lin{y} and
A5: not z in (0).(X + Lin{v});
A6: z in W by A4,VECTSP_5:7;
     z in Lin{y} by A4,VECTSP_5:7;
   then consider a be Element of K such that
A7: z = a * y by Th4;
     now per cases;
    suppose a = 0.K;
      then z = 0.(X + Lin{v}) by A7,VECTSP_1:60;
     hence contradiction by A5,VECTSP_4:25;
A8:   a <> 0.K;
        y = (1_ K)*y by VECTSP_1:def 26
      .= a"*a*y by A8,VECTSP_1:def 22
       .= a"*(a*y) by VECTSP_1:def 26;
     hence contradiction by A1,A2,A6,A7,VECTSP_4:29;
  hence contradiction;
  suppose that
A9: not z in W /\ Lin{y} and
A10: z in (0).(X + Lin{v});
     z = 0.(X + Lin{v}) by A10,VECTSP_4:46;
  hence contradiction by A9,VECTSP_4:25;

theorem Th16:
for K be Field, V be VectSp of K, v be Vector of V, X be Subspace of V,
  y be Vector of X + Lin{v}, W be Subspace of X + Lin{v}
 st v = y & X = W & not v in X holds y |-- (W,Lin{y}) = [0.W,y]
  let K be Field, V be VectSp of K, v be Vector of V, X be Subspace of V,
   y be Vector of X + Lin{v}, W be Subspace of X + Lin{v};
     y in {y} by TARSKI:def 1;
then A1: y in Lin{y} by VECTSP_7:13;
  assume v = y & X = W & not v in X;
  then X + Lin{v} is_the_direct_sum_of W,Lin{y} by Th15;
  then y |-- (W,Lin{y}) = [0.(X + Lin{v}),y] by A1,Th11;
  hence y |-- (W,Lin{y}) = [0.W,y] by VECTSP_4:19;

theorem Th17:
for K be Field, V be VectSp of K, v be Vector of V, X be Subspace of V
for y be Vector of X + Lin{v}, W be Subspace of X + Lin{v}
 st v = y & X = W & not v in X
for w be Vector of X + Lin{v} st w in X holds w |-- (W,Lin{y}) = [w,0.V]
  let K be Field, V be VectSp of K, v be Vector of V, X be Subspace of V,
   y be Vector of X + Lin{v}, W be Subspace of X + Lin{v} such that
A1: v = y & X = W & not v in X;
  let w be Vector of X + Lin{v} such that
A2: w in X;
      X + Lin{v} is_the_direct_sum_of W,Lin{y} by A1,Th15;
  then w |-- (W,Lin{y}) = [w,0.(X + Lin{v})] by A1,A2,Th10;
  hence w |-- (W,Lin{y}) = [w,0.V] by VECTSP_4:19;

theorem Th18:
for K be add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable associative
          Abelian left_unital distributive (non empty doubleLoopStr),
  V be VectSp of K
for v be Vector of V, W1,W2 be Subspace of V
 ex v1,v2 be Vector of V st v |-- (W1,W2) = [v1,v2]
  let K be add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable associative
          Abelian left_unital distributive (non empty doubleLoopStr),
  V be VectSp of K; let v be Vector of V, W1,W2 be Subspace of V;
  take (v |-- (W1,W2))`1,(v |-- (W1,W2))`2;
  thus v |-- (W1,W2) = [(v |-- (W1,W2))`1,v |-- (W1,W2)`2] by MCART_1:23;

theorem Th19:
for K be Field, V be VectSp of K
 for v be Vector of V, X be Subspace of V,
   y be Vector of X + Lin{v}, W be Subspace of X + Lin{v}
   st v = y & X = W & not v in X
for w be Vector of X + Lin{v}
 ex x be Vector of X,
   r be Element of K st w |-- (W,Lin{y}) = [x,r*v]
 let K be Field, V be VectSp of K, v be Vector of V, X be Subspace of V,
   y be Vector of X + Lin{v}, W be Subspace of X + Lin{v} such that
A1: v = y & X = W & not v in X;
  let w be Vector of X + Lin{v};
A2:  X + Lin{v} is_the_direct_sum_of W,Lin{y} by A1,Th15;
   consider v1,v2 be Vector of X + Lin{v} such that
A3:  w |-- (W,Lin{y}) = [v1,v2] by Th18;
     v1 in W by A2,A3,Th8;
   then reconsider x = v1 as Vector of X by A1,RLVECT_1:def 1;
     v2 in Lin{y} by A2,A3,Th8;
   then consider r be Element of K such that
A4:  v2 = r * y by Th4;
  take x,r;
  thus w |-- (W,Lin{y}) = [x,r*v] by A1,A3,A4,VECTSP_4:22;

theorem Th20:
for K be Field, V be VectSp of K
for v be Vector of V, X be Subspace of V,
   y be Vector of X + Lin{v}, W be Subspace of X + Lin{v}
   st v = y & X = W & not v in X
 for w1,w2 be Vector of X + Lin{v}, x1,x2 be Vector of X,
     r1,r2 be Element of K
  st w1 |-- (W,Lin{y}) = [x1,r1*v] & w2 |-- (W,Lin{y}) = [x2,r2*v]
  holds w1 + w2 |-- (W,Lin{y}) = [x1 + x2, (r1+r2)*v]
  let K be Field, V be VectSp of K, v be Vector of V, X be Subspace of V,
   y be Vector of X + Lin{v}, W be Subspace of X + Lin{v}; assume
A1: v = y & X = W & not v in X;
then A2: X + Lin{v} is_the_direct_sum_of W,Lin{y} by Th15;
  let w1,w2 be Vector of X + Lin{v}, x1,x2 be Vector of X,
     r1,r2 be Element of K such that
A3: w1 |-- (W,Lin{y}) = [x1,r1*v] & w2 |-- (W,Lin{y}) = [x2,r2*v];
   reconsider z1 = x1, z2 = x2 as Vector of V by VECTSP_4:18;
   reconsider y1 = x1, y2 = x2 as Vector of X + Lin{v} by A1,VECTSP_4:18;
A4:  r1*v = r1*y & r2*v = r2*y by A1,VECTSP_4:22;
    then y1 in W & y2 in W by A2,A3,Th8;
then A5: y1 + y2 in W by VECTSP_4:28;
       (r1+r2)*v = (r1+r2)*y by A1,VECTSP_4:22;
then A6: (r1+r2)*v in Lin{y} by Th4;
       w1 = y1 + r1*y & w2 = y2 + r2*y by A2,A3,A4,Th7;
     then A7: w1 + w2 = y1 + r1*y + y2 + r2*y by RLVECT_1:def 6
        .= y1 + y2 + r1*y + r2*y by RLVECT_1:def 6
        .= y1 + y2 + (r1*y + r2*y) by RLVECT_1:def 6
        .= y1 + y2 + (r1+r2)*y by VECTSP_1:def 26;
A8: (r1+r2)*y = (r1+r2)*v by A1,VECTSP_4:22;
     y1 + y2 = z1 + z2 by VECTSP_4:21
    .= x1 + x2 by VECTSP_4:21;
  hence w1 + w2 |-- (W,Lin{y}) = [x1 + x2, (r1+r2)*v]
   by A2,A5,A6,A7,A8,Th6;

theorem Th21:
for K be Field, V be VectSp of K
for v be Vector of V, X be Subspace of V,
   y be Vector of X + Lin{v}, W be Subspace of X + Lin{v}
   st v = y & X = W & not v in X
 for w be Vector of X + Lin{v}, x be Vector of X,
  t,r be Element of K
  st w |-- (W,Lin{y}) = [x,r*v]
  holds t*w |-- (W,Lin{y}) = [t*x, t*r*v]
  let K be Field, V be VectSp of K, v be Vector of V, X be Subspace of V,
   y be Vector of X + Lin{v}, W be Subspace of X + Lin{v}; assume
A1: v = y & X = W & not v in X;
then A2: X + Lin{v} is_the_direct_sum_of W,Lin{y} by Th15;
  let w be Vector of X + Lin{v}, x be Vector of X,
  t,r be Element of K such that
A3: w |-- (W,Lin{y}) = [x,r*v];
   reconsider z = x as Vector of X + Lin{v} by A1,VECTSP_4:18;
   reconsider u = x as Vector of V by VECTSP_4:18;
A4: t*z = t*u by VECTSP_4:22 .= t*x by VECTSP_4:22;
A5: t*r*y = t*r*v by A1,VECTSP_4:22;
    A6: t*z in W by A1,A4,RLVECT_1:def 1;
A7: t*r*y in Lin{y} by Th4;
     r*y = r*v by A1,VECTSP_4:22;
   then t*w = t*(z + r*y) by A2,A3,Th7
     .= t*z + t*(r*y) by VECTSP_1:def 26
     .= t*z + t*r*y by VECTSP_1:def 26;
  hence t*w |-- (W,Lin{y}) = [t*x, t*r*v] by A2,A4,A5,A6,A7,Th6;

:: Quotient Vector Space for non commutative Double Loop

 let K be add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable
    Abelian associative left_unital distributive (non empty doubleLoopStr);
 let V be VectSp of K;
 let W be Subspace of V;
func CosetSet(V,W) ->non empty Subset-Family of V equals :Def2:
 {A where A is Coset of W: not contradiction};
   set C = {A where A is Coset of W: not contradiction};
   A1: C c= bool the carrier of V
     let x be set;assume x in C;
     then consider A be Coset of W such that
     A2: A = x;
     thus x in bool the carrier of V by A2;
     the carrier of W is Coset of W by VECTSP_4:89;
   then the carrier of W in C;
   hence thesis by A1,SETFAM_1:def 7;

 let K be add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable
    Abelian associative left_unital distributive (non empty doubleLoopStr);
 let V be VectSp of K;
 let W be Subspace of V;
func addCoset(V,W) -> BinOp of CosetSet(V,W) means :Def3:
 for A,B be Element of CosetSet(V,W)
  for a,b be Vector of V st A = a + W & B = b + W holds it.(A,B) = (a+b)+W;
   set C = CosetSet(V,W);
 A1: C = {A where A is Coset of W: not contradiction} by Def2;
   defpred P[set,set,set] means
    for a,b be Vector of V st $1 = a + W & $2 = b + W holds $3 = (a+b)+W;
A2: now
     let A,B be Element of C;
       A in C;
     then consider A1 be Coset of W such that
  A3: A1=A by A1;
       B in C;
     then consider B1 be Coset of W such that
  A4: B1=B by A1;
     consider a be Vector of V such that
  A5: A1 = a+W by VECTSP_4:def 6;
     consider b be Vector of V such that
  A6: B1 = b+W by VECTSP_4:def 6;
     reconsider z = (a+b) + W as Coset of W by VECTSP_4:def 6;
       z in C by A1;
     then reconsider z as Element of C;
     take z;
     thus P[A,B,z]
      proof let a1,b1 be Vector of V;
        assume A = a1 + W & B = b1 + W;
        then A7: a1 in a+W & b1 in b +W by A3,A4,A5,A6,VECTSP_4:59;
        then consider w1 be Vector of V such that
  A8:   w1 in W & a1 = a+w1 by VECTSP_4:57;
        consider w2 be Vector of V such that
  A9:   w2 in W & b1 = b+w2 by A7,VECTSP_4:57;
  A10:  a1+b1 = w1+ a + b+ w2 by A8,A9,RLVECT_1:def 6
        .= w1+ (a + b)+ w2 by RLVECT_1:def 6
        .= a + b+ (w1+ w2) by RLVECT_1:def 6;
        w1+w2 in W by A8,A9,VECTSP_4:28;
        then A11:  a1+b1 in (a+b)+W by A10,VECTSP_4:57;
        a1+b1 in (a1+b1) +W by VECTSP_4:59;
        hence z = (a1+b1)+W by A11,VECTSP_4:71;
   consider f be Function of [:C,C:],C such that
 A12:  for A,B be Element of C holds P[A,B, f.[A,B]] from FuncEx2D(A2);
   reconsider f as BinOp of C;
   take f;
   let A,B be Element of C;
   let a,b be Vector of V;
 A13: A = a + W & B = b + W;
    thus f.(A,B) = f.[A,B] by BINOP_1:def 1
     .= (a+b)+W by A12,A13;
   let f1,f2 be BinOp of CosetSet(V,W) such that
 A14: for A,B be Element of CosetSet(V,W)
   for a,b be Vector of V st A = a + W & B = b + W holds f1.(A,B) = (a+b) +W
 A15: for A,B be Element of CosetSet(V,W)
   for a,b be Vector of V st A = a + W & B = b + W holds f2.(A,B) = (a+b) +W;
   set C = CosetSet(V,W);
 A16: C = {A where A is Coset of W: not contradiction} by Def2;
     let A,B be Element of CosetSet(V,W);
       A in C;
     then consider A1 be Coset of W such that
  A17: A1=A by A16;
       B in C;
     then consider B1 be Coset of W such that
  A18: B1=B by A16;
     consider a be Vector of V such that
  A19: A1 = a+W by VECTSP_4:def 6;
     consider b be Vector of V such that
  A20: B1 = b+W by VECTSP_4:def 6;
     thus f1.(A,B) = a+b + W by A14,A17,A18,A19,A20
      .= f2.(A,B) by A15,A17,A18,A19,A20;
   hence thesis by BINOP_1:2;

 let K be add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable
    Abelian associative left_unital distributive (non empty doubleLoopStr);
 let V be VectSp of K;
 let W be Subspace of V;
func zeroCoset(V,W) -> Element of CosetSet(V,W) equals :Def4:
 the carrier of W;
 A1: {A where A is Coset of W: not contradiction} = CosetSet(V,W) by Def2;
     the carrier of W = 0.V+W by VECTSP_4:60;
   then the carrier of W is Coset of W by VECTSP_4:def 6;
   then the carrier of W in CosetSet(V,W) by A1;
   hence thesis;

 let K be add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable
    Abelian associative left_unital distributive (non empty doubleLoopStr);
 let V be VectSp of K;
 let W be Subspace of V;
func lmultCoset(V,W) -> Function of [:the carrier of K, CosetSet(V,W):],
                                    CosetSet(V,W) means :Def5:
 for z be Element of K, A be Element of CosetSet(V,W)
 for a be Vector of V st A = a+W holds it.(z,A) = z*a +W;
   set C = CosetSet(V,W);
   set cF = the carrier of K;
  A1: C = {A where A is Coset of W: not contradiction} by Def2;
   defpred P[Element of K, set, set] means
      for a be Vector of V st $2 = a + W holds $3 = $1*a+W;
  A2: now
       let z be Element of K;
       let A be Element of C;
         A in C;
       then consider A1 be Coset of W such that
    A3: A1=A by A1;
       consider a be Vector of V such that
    A4: A1 = a+W by VECTSP_4:def 6;
       reconsider c = z*a + W as Coset of W by VECTSP_4:def 6;
         c in C by A1;
       then reconsider c as Element of C;
       take c;
       thus P[z, A, c]
        proof let a1 be Vector of V;
          assume A = a1 + W;
          then a1 in a+W by A3,A4,VECTSP_4:59;
          then consider w1 be Vector of V such that
    A5:   w1 in W & a1 = a+w1 by VECTSP_4:57;
    A6:   z*a1 = z*a+z*w1 by A5,VECTSP_1:def 26;
          z*w1 in W by A5,VECTSP_4:29;
          then A7:  z*a1 in z*a+W by A6,VECTSP_4:57;
          z*a1 in z*a1 +W by VECTSP_4:59;
          hence c =z*a1 +W by A7,VECTSP_4:71;
   consider f be Function of [:cF,C:],C such that
  A8: for z be Element of K
      for A be Element of C holds P[z,A, f.[z,A]] from FuncEx2D(A2);
   take f;
   let z be Element of K, A be Element of C, a be Vector of V;
   A9: A = a + W;
   thus f.(z,A) = f.[z,A] by BINOP_1:def 1
     .= z*a+W by A8,A9;
   set C = CosetSet(V,W);
   set cF = the carrier of K;
   let f1,f2 be Function of [:cF, C:], C such that
 A10: for z be Element of K, A be Element of CosetSet(V,W)
     for a be Vector of V st A = a + W holds f1.(z,A) = z*a + W and
 A11: for z be Element of K, A be Element of CosetSet(V,W)
     for a be Vector of V st A = a + W holds f2.(z,A) = z*a + W;
   set C = CosetSet(V,W);
 A12: C = {A where A is Coset of W: not contradiction} by Def2;
     let z be Element of K;
     let A be Element of CosetSet(V,W);
       A in C;
     then consider A1 be Coset of W such that
  A13: A1=A by A12;
     consider a be Vector of V such that
  A14: A1 = a+W by VECTSP_4:def 6;
     thus f1.(z,A) = z*a + W by A10,A13,A14
      .= f2.(z,A) by A11,A13,A14;
   hence thesis by BINOP_1:2;

 let K be add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable
    Abelian associative left_unital distributive (non empty doubleLoopStr);
 let V be VectSp of K;
 let W be Subspace of V;
func VectQuot(V,W) -> strict Abelian add-associative right_zeroed
    right_complementable VectSp-like (non empty VectSpStr over K) means :Def6:
  the carrier of it = CosetSet(V,W) &
  the add of it = addCoset(V,W) &
  the Zero of it = zeroCoset(V,W) &
  the lmult of it = lmultCoset(V,W);
   set C = CosetSet(V,W), aC = addCoset(V,W), zC = zeroCoset(V,W),
      lC = lmultCoset(V,W), A = VectSpStr (# C, aC, zC, lC #);
 A1: C = {AA where AA is Coset of W: not contradiction} by Def2;
 A2:  A is Abelian
     let A1,A2 be Element of A;
       A1 in C;
     then consider aa be Coset of W such that
   A3: A1=aa by A1;
       A2 in C;
     then consider bb be Coset of W such that
   A4: A2=bb by A1;
     consider a be Vector of V such that
   A5: aa = a+W by VECTSP_4:def 6;
     consider b be Vector of V such that
   A6: bb = b+W by VECTSP_4:def 6;
    thus A1+A2 = (the add of A).(A1,A2) by RLVECT_1:5
     .= (a+b) +W by A3,A4,A5,A6,Def3
     .= aC.(A2,A1) by A3,A4,A5,A6,Def3
     .= A2+A1 by RLVECT_1:5;
 A7: A is add-associative
     let A1,A2,A3 be Element of A;
       A1 in C;
     then consider aa be Coset of W such that
   A8: A1=aa by A1;
       A2 in C;
     then consider bb be Coset of W such that
   A9: A2=bb by A1;
       A3 in C;
     then consider cc be Coset of W such that
   A10: A3=cc by A1;
     consider a be Vector of V such that
   A11: aa = a+W by VECTSP_4:def 6;
     consider b be Vector of V such that
   A12: bb = b+W by VECTSP_4:def 6;
     consider c be Vector of V such that
   A13: cc = c+W by VECTSP_4:def 6;
   A14: aC.(A1,A2) =a+b+W by A8,A9,A11,A12,Def3;
   A15: aC.(A2,A3) =b+c+W by A9,A10,A12,A13,Def3;
   then aC.(A2,A3) is Coset of W by VECTSP_4:def 6;
   then A16: aC.(A2,A3) in C by A1;
     thus A1+A2 + A3 = (the add of A).(A1+A2,A3) by RLVECT_1:5
     .= (the add of A).((the add of A).(A1,A2),A3) by RLVECT_1:5
     .= a+b+c +W by A10,A13,A14,Def3
     .= a+(b+c) +W by RLVECT_1:def 6
     .= aC.(A1,aC.(A2,A3)) by A8,A11,A15,A16,Def3
     .= (the add of A).(A1,A2+A3) by RLVECT_1:5
     .= A1+(A2+A3) by RLVECT_1:5;
A17: A is right_zeroed
     let A1 be Element of A;
       A1 in C;
     then consider aa be Coset of W such that
   A18: A1=aa by A1;
     consider a be Vector of V such that
   A19: aa = a+W by VECTSP_4:def 6;
   A20: 0.A = the Zero of A by RLVECT_1:def 2
       .= the carrier of W by Def4
       .= 0.V + W by VECTSP_4:60;
     thus A1 + 0.A = (the add of A).(A1,0.A) by RLVECT_1:5
     .= (a+0.V) +W by A18,A19,A20,Def3
     .= A1 by A18,A19,RLVECT_1:10;
 A21: A is right_complementable
     let A1 be Element of A;
       A1 in C;
     then consider aa be Coset of W such that
   A22: A1=aa by A1;
     consider a be Vector of V such that
   A23: aa = a+W by VECTSP_4:def 6;
   A24: 0.A = the Zero of A by RLVECT_1:def 2
        .= the carrier of W by Def4
        .= 0.V + W by VECTSP_4:60;
     set A2 = -a+ W;
       A2 is Coset of W by VECTSP_4:def 6;
     then A2 in C by A1;
     then reconsider A2 as Element of A;
     take A2;
     thus A1 + A2 = (the add of A).(A1,A2) by RLVECT_1:5
     .= (a+-a) +W by A22,A23,Def3
     .= 0.A by A24,RLVECT_1:16;
      let x,y be Element of K;
      let A1,A2 be Element of A;
        A1 in C;
      then consider aa be Coset of W such that
   A25: A1=aa by A1;
        A2 in C;
      then consider bb be Coset of W such that
   A26: A2=bb by A1;
      consider a be Vector of V such that
   A27: aa = a+W by VECTSP_4:def 6;
      consider b be Vector of V such that
   A28: bb = b+W by VECTSP_4:def 6;
   A29: aC.(A1,A2) =a+b+W by A25,A26,A27,A28,Def3;
   A30: lC.(x,A1) =x*a+W by A25,A27,Def5;
      then lC.(x,A1) is Coset of W by VECTSP_4:def 6;
   then A31:  lC.(x,A1) in C by A1;
   A32: lC.(x,A1) = x*A1 & lC.(x,A2) = x*A2 by VECTSP_1:def 24;
   A33: lC.(x,A2) =x*b+W by A26,A28,Def5;
      then lC.(x,A2) is Coset of W by VECTSP_4:def 6;
   then A34:  lC.(x,A2) in C by A1;
    thus x*(A1+A2) = (the lmult of A).(x,A1+A2) by VECTSP_1:def 24
        .= lC.(x,(the add of A).(A1,A2)) by RLVECT_1:5
        .= x*(a+b) +W by A29,Def5
        .= x*a+x*b +W by VECTSP_1:def 26
        .= aC.(lC.(x,A1), lC.(x,A2)) by A30,A31,A33,A34,Def3
        .= x*A1+x*A2 by A32,RLVECT_1:5;
   A35: lC.(y,A1) =y*a+W by A25,A27,Def5;
     then lC.(y,A1) is Coset of W by VECTSP_4:def 6;
   then A36: lC.(y,A1) in C by A1;
   A37: lC.(y,A1) = y*A1 by VECTSP_1:def 24;
    thus (x+y)*A1 = (the lmult of A).(x+y,A1) by VECTSP_1:def 24
      .= (x+y)*a +W by A25,A27,Def5
      .= x*a + y*a + W by VECTSP_1:def 26
      .= aC.(lC.(x,A1), lC.(y,A1)) by A30,A31,A35,A36,Def3
      .= x*A1+y*A1 by A32,A37,RLVECT_1:5;
    thus (x*y)*A1 = (the lmult of A).(x*y,A1) by VECTSP_1:def 24
      .= (x*y)*a +W by A25,A27,Def5
      .= x*(y*a) +W by VECTSP_1:def 26
      .= lC.(x,y*A1) by A35,A37,Def5
      .=x*(y*A1) by VECTSP_1:def 24;
    thus (1_ K)*A1 = (the lmult of A).(1_ K,A1) by VECTSP_1:def 24
      .= 1_ K*a +W by A25,A27,Def5
      .= A1 by A25,A27,VECTSP_1:def 26;
   then reconsider A as strict Abelian add-associative right_zeroed
     right_complementable VectSp-like (non empty VectSpStr over K)
      by A2,A7,A17,A21,VECTSP_1:def 26;
   take A;
   thus thesis;

theorem Th22:
for K be add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable
    Abelian associative left_unital distributive (non empty doubleLoopStr),
  V be VectSp of K, W be Subspace of V holds
zeroCoset(V,W) = 0.V + W & 0.(VectQuot(V,W)) = zeroCoset(V,W)
 let F be add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable
    Abelian associative left_unital distributive (non empty doubleLoopStr);
 let V be VectSp of F;
 let W be Subspace of V;
 A1: 0.V = 0.W by VECTSP_4:19;
 A2: 0.W in W by RLVECT_1:def 1;
 thus zeroCoset(V,W) = the carrier of W by Def4
 .= 0.V + W by A1,A2,VECTSP_4:64;
 thus 0.(VectQuot(V,W)) = the Zero of VectQuot(V,W) by RLVECT_1:def 2
 .= zeroCoset(V,W) by Def6;

theorem Th23:
for K be add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable
    Abelian associative left_unital distributive (non empty doubleLoopStr)
for V be VectSp of K, W be Subspace of V, w be Vector of VectQuot(V,W)
holds w is Coset of W & ex v be Vector of V st w = v + W
  let K be add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable
    Abelian associative left_unital distributive (non empty doubleLoopStr),
   V be VectSp of K, W be Subspace of V, w be Vector of VectQuot(V,W);
  set qv = VectQuot(V,W), cs = CosetSet(V,W);
 A1: cs = {A where A is Coset of W: not contradiction} by Def2;
    cs = the carrier of qv by Def6;
  then w in {A where A is Coset of W: not contradiction} by A1;
  then consider A be Coset of W such that
 A2: A= w;
  thus thesis by A2,VECTSP_4:def 6;

theorem Th24:
for K be add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable
    Abelian associative left_unital distributive (non empty doubleLoopStr)
for V be VectSp of K, W be Subspace of V, v be Vector of V
holds v+W is Coset of W & v+W is Vector of VectQuot(V,W)
  let K be add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable
    Abelian associative left_unital distributive (non empty doubleLoopStr),
   V be VectSp of K, W be Subspace of V, v be Vector of V;
  set cs = CosetSet(V,W);
  thus A1: v + W is Coset of W by VECTSP_4:def 6;
    cs = {A where A is Coset of W: not contradiction} by Def2;
  then v+W in cs by A1;
  hence thesis by Def6;

  for K be add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable
    Abelian associative left_unital distributive (non empty doubleLoopStr)
for V be VectSp of K, W be Subspace of V, A be Coset of W
holds A is Vector of VectQuot(V,W)
  let K be add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable
    Abelian associative left_unital distributive (non empty doubleLoopStr),
   V be VectSp of K, W be Subspace of V, A be Coset of W;
  set cs = CosetSet(V,W);
    cs = {B where B is Coset of W: not contradiction} by Def2;
  then A in cs;
  hence thesis by Def6;

  for K be add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable
    Abelian associative left_unital distributive (non empty doubleLoopStr),
 V be VectSp of K, W be Subspace of V
for A be Vector of VectQuot(V,W), v be Vector of V, a be Scalar of V
st A = v + W holds a*A = a*v + W
  let K be add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable
    Abelian associative left_unital distributive (non empty doubleLoopStr),
   V be VectSp of K, W be Subspace of V;
  set vw = VectQuot(V,W), lm = the lmult of vw;
  let A be Vector of vw, v be Vector of V, a be Scalar of V;
  assume A1: A = v + W;
    A is Coset of W by Th23;
  then A in {B where B is Coset of W: not contradiction};
  then reconsider w=A as Element of CosetSet(V,W) by Def2;
  thus a*A = lm.(a,A) by VECTSP_1:def 24
   .= (lmultCoset(V,W)).(a,w) by Def6
   .= a*v + W by A1,Def5;

  for K be add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable
    Abelian associative left_unital distributive (non empty doubleLoopStr),
 V be VectSp of K, W be Subspace of V
for A1,A2 be Vector of VectQuot(V,W), v1,v2 be Vector of V
st A1 = v1 + W & A2 = v2 + W holds A1 + A2 = v1 + v2 + W
 let K be add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable
    Abelian associative left_unital distributive (non empty doubleLoopStr),
   V be VectSp of K, W be Subspace of V;
  set vw = VectQuot(V,W), ad = the add of vw;
  let A1,A2 be Vector of vw, v1,v2 be Vector of V;
  assume that
 A1: A1 = v1 + W and
 A2: A2 = v2 + W;
    A1 is Coset of W & A2 is Coset of W by Th23;
  then A1 in {B where B is Coset of W: not contradiction} &
  A2 in {B where B is Coset of W: not contradiction};
  then reconsider w1=A1,w2=A2 as Element of CosetSet(V,W) by Def2;
  thus A1+A2 = ad.[A1,A2] by RLVECT_1:def 3
   .= ad.(A1,A2) by BINOP_1:def 1
   .= (addCoset(V,W)).(w1,w2) by Def6
   .= (v1 + v2) + W by A1,A2,Def3;

:: Auxiliary Facts about Functionals

theorem Th28:
for K be Field, V be VectSp of K
 for X be Subspace of V, fi be linear-Functional of X,
     v be Vector of V,
     y be Vector of X + Lin {v} st v = y & not v in X
   for r be Element of K
    ex psi be linear-Functional of X + Lin{v} st
       psi|the carrier of X=fi & psi.y = r
  let K be Field,
      V be VectSp of K,
      X be Subspace of V,
     fi be linear-Functional of X,
      v be Vector of V,
      y be Vector of X + Lin{v}; assume that
 A1: v = y and
 A2: not v in X;
   let r be Element of K;
   reconsider W1 = X as Subspace of X + Lin{v} by VECTSP_5:11;
  P[Element of (X + Lin{v}), Element of K] means
    for x be Vector of X, s be Element of K st
      ($1 |-- (W1,Lin{y}))`1 = x & ($1 |-- (W1,Lin{y}))`2 = s*v
     holds $2 = fi.x + s*r;
A3:     for e be Element of (X + Lin{v})
        ex a be Element of K st P[e,a]
  let e be Element of (X + Lin{v});
       consider x be Vector of X, s be Element of K such that
 A4:     e |-- (W1,Lin{y}) = [x,s*v]
        by A1,A2,Th19;
      take u = fi.x + s*r;
      let x' be Vector of X, t be Element of K
       such that
 A5:     (e |-- (W1,Lin{y}))`1 = x' & (e |-- (W1,Lin{y}))`2 = t*v;
 A6:    v <> 0.V by A2,VECTSP_4:25;
         s*v = t * v by A4,A5,MCART_1:7;
       then t = s by A6,Th5;
      hence u = fi.x' + t*r by A4,A5,MCART_1:7;
    consider f be Function of the carrier of X + Lin{v},the carrier of K
    such that
 A7:  for e be Element of X + Lin{v}
  holds P[e,f.e] from FuncExD(A3);
 A8: dom fi = the carrier of X by FUNCT_2:def 1;
 A9: now let a be set; assume
     a in dom fi;
      then reconsider x = a as Vector of X;
        X is Subspace of X + Lin{v} by VECTSP_5:11;
      then the carrier of X c= the carrier of X + Lin{v} by VECTSP_4:def 2;
      then reconsider v1 = x as Vector of X + Lin{v} by TARSKI:def 3;
        v1 in X by RLVECT_1:def 1;
    then (v1 |-- (W1,Lin{y})) = [v1,0.V] by A1,A2,Th17
                          .= [v1,0.K*v] by Th2;
 then A10:
 (v1 |-- (W1,Lin{y}))`1 = x & (v1 |-- (W1,Lin{y}))`2 = 0.K*v by MCART_1:7;
     thus fi.a = fi.x + 0.K by RLVECT_1:10
         .= fi.x + 0.K*r by VECTSP_1:39
         .= f.a by A7,A10;
    reconsider f as Functional of X + Lin{v};
 A11: f is additive
     proof let v1,v2 be Vector of X + Lin{v};
       consider x1 be Vector of X, s1 be Element of K
       such that
 A12:    v1 |-- (W1,Lin{y}) = [x1,s1*v] by A1,A2,Th19;
       consider x2 be Vector of X, s2 be Element of K
       such that
 A13:    v2 |-- (W1,Lin{y}) = [x2,s2*v] by A1,A2,Th19;
 A14:       (v1 |-- (W1,Lin{y}))`1 = x1 & (v1 |-- (W1,Lin{y}))`2 = s1*v
          by A12,MCART_1:7;
 A15:       (v2 |-- (W1,Lin{y}))`1 = x2 & (v2 |-- (W1,Lin{y}))`2 = s2*v
          by A13,MCART_1:7;
         v1 + v2 |-- (W1,Lin{y}) = [x1 +x2,(s1+s2)*v] by A1,A2,A12,A13,Th20;
       then (v1 + v2 |-- (W1,Lin{y}))`1 = x1 + x2 &
        (v1 + v2 |-- (W1,Lin{y}))`2 = (s1+ s2)*v by MCART_1:7;
      hence f.(v1+v2) = fi.(x1 + x2) + (s1 + s2)*r by A7
            .= fi.(x1 + x2) + (s1*r + s2*r) by VECTSP_1:def 12
            .= fi.(x1) + fi.(x2) + (s1*r + s2*r) by HAHNBAN1:def 11
            .= fi.(x1) + fi.(x2) + s1*r + s2*r by RLVECT_1:def 6
            .= fi.(x1) + s1*r + fi.(x2) + s2*r by RLVECT_1:def 6
            .= fi.(x1) + s1*r + (fi.(x2) + s2*r) by RLVECT_1:def 6
            .= f.v1 + (fi.(x2) + s2*r) by A7,A14
            .= f.v1+f.v2 by A7,A15;
      f is homogeneous
     proof let v0 be Vector of X + Lin{v}, t be Element of K;
       consider x0 be Vector of X, s0 be Element of K
       such that
 A16:    v0 |-- (W1,Lin{y}) = [x0,s0*v] by A1,A2,Th19;
 A17:       (v0 |-- (W1,Lin{y}))`1 = x0 & (v0 |-- (W1,Lin{y}))`2 = s0*v
          by A16,MCART_1:7;
         t*v0 |-- (W1,Lin{y}) = [t*x0,t*s0*v] by A1,A2,A16,Th21;
       then (t*v0 |-- (W1,Lin{y}))`1 = t*x0 &
        (t*v0 |-- (W1,Lin{y}))`2 = t*s0*v by MCART_1:7;
      hence f.(t*v0) = fi.(t*x0) + t*s0*r by A7
         .= t*(fi.x0) + t*s0*r by HAHNBAN1:def 12
         .= t*(fi.x0) + t*(s0*r) by VECTSP_1:def 16
         .= t*(fi.x0 + s0*r) by VECTSP_1:def 11
         .= t*f.v0 by A7,A17;
    then reconsider f as linear-Functional of X + Lin{v} by A11;
   take f;
  A18:  dom f = the carrier of X + Lin{v} by FUNCT_2:def 1;
    X is Subspace of X + Lin{v} by VECTSP_5:11;
   then dom fi c= dom f by A8,A18,VECTSP_4:def 2;
   then dom fi = dom f /\ the carrier of X by A8,XBOOLE_1:28;
   hence f|the carrier of X=fi by A9,FUNCT_1:68;
 A19:  y |-- (W1,Lin{y}) = [0.W1,y] by A1,A2,Th16;
 then A20: (y |-- (W1,Lin{y}))`1 = 0.X by MCART_1:7;
      (y |-- (W1,Lin{y}))`2 = y by A19,MCART_1:7
    .= (1_ K)*v by A1,VECTSP_1:def 26;
  hence f.y = fi.(0.X) + (1_ K)*r by A7,A20
   .= 0.K + (1_ K)*r by HAHNBAN1:def 13
   .= 0.K + r by VECTSP_1:def 19
   .= r by RLVECT_1:10;

 let K be right_zeroed (non empty LoopStr);
 let V be non empty VectSpStr over K;
cluster additive 0-preserving Functional of V;
  proof take 0Functional(V); thus thesis; end;

 let K be add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable
      (non empty doubleLoopStr);
 let V be right_zeroed (non empty VectSpStr over K);
cluster additive -> 0-preserving Functional of V;
  let f be Functional of V;
  A1: f is additive;
     f.(0.V) = f.(0.V+0.V) by RLVECT_1:def 7
   .= f.(0.V) + f.(0.V) by A1,HAHNBAN1:def 11;
   hence f.(0.V) = 0.K by RLVECT_1:22;

 let K be add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable associative
          left_unital distributive (non empty doubleLoopStr);
 let V be add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable VectSp-like
          (non empty VectSpStr over K);
cluster homogeneous -> 0-preserving Functional of V;
   let f be Functional of V;
   assume A1: f is homogeneous;
   thus f.(0.V) = f.(0.K * 0.V) by Th2
   .= 0.K * f.(0.V) by A1,HAHNBAN1:def 12
   .= 0.K by VECTSP_1:39;

 let K be non empty ZeroStr;
 let V be non empty VectSpStr over K;
cluster 0Functional(V) -> constant;
   set f = 0Functional(V);
   let x,y be set; assume
     x in dom f & y in dom f;
   then reconsider v=x, w=y as Vector of V;
   thus f.x = f.v
   .= 0.K by HAHNBAN1:22
   .= f.w by HAHNBAN1:22
   .= f.y;

 let K be non empty ZeroStr;
 let V be non empty VectSpStr over K;
cluster constant Functional of V;
  proof take 0Functional(V); thus thesis; end;

 let K be add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable
         (non empty doubleLoopStr);
 let V be right_zeroed (non empty VectSpStr over K);
 let f be 0-preserving Functional of V;
redefine attr f is constant means :Def7:
 f = 0Functional(V);
  A1: f.(0.V) = 0.K by HAHNBAN1:def 13;
  A2: the carrier of V = dom f by FUNCT_2:def 1;
   hereby assume
    A3: f is constant;
        now let v be Vector of V;
       thus f.v = 0.K by A1,A2,A3,SEQM_3:def 5
       .=(0Functional(V)).v by HAHNBAN1:22;
     hence f = 0Functional(V) by FUNCT_2:113;
   assume A4: f = 0Functional(V);
      now let x,y be set such that
     A5: x in dom f & y in dom f;
     reconsider v=x, w=y as Vector of V by A5;
     thus f.x = (0Functional(V)).v by A4
     .= 0.K by HAHNBAN1:22
     .= (0Functional(V)).w by HAHNBAN1:22
     .= f.y by A4;
   hence f is constant by SEQM_3:def 5;

 let K be add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable
          (non empty doubleLoopStr);
 let V be right_zeroed (non empty VectSpStr over K);
cluster constant additive 0-preserving Functional of V;
  proof take 0Functional(V); thus thesis; end;

 let K be non empty 1-sorted;
 let V be non empty VectSpStr over K;
cluster non constant -> non trivial Functional of V;
  let f be Functional of V;
  assume f is non constant;
  then consider n1,n2 be set such that
 A1:  n1 in dom f & n2 in dom f and
 A2:  f.n1 <> f.n2 by SEQM_3:def 5;
 A3:  [n1,f.n1] in f & [n2,f.n2] in f by A1,FUNCT_1:8;
 assume A4: f is trivial;
  per cases by A4,REALSET1:def 12;
   suppose f = {};
    hence contradiction by A3;
   suppose ex x be set st f = {x};
    then consider x be set such that
   A5: f={x};
      [n1,f.n1] = x & x=[n2,f.n2] by A3,A5,TARSKI:def 1;
    hence contradiction by A2,ZFMISC_1:33;

 let K be Field;
 let V be non trivial VectSp of K;
cluster additive homogeneous non constant non trivial Functional of V;
  consider v be Vector of V such that
A1: v <> 0.V by ANPROJ_1:def 8;
  consider W be Linear_Compl of Lin{v};
    V is_the_direct_sum_of W, Lin{v} by VECTSP_5:def 5;

then A2: the VectSpStr of V = W + Lin{v} & W /\ Lin{v} = (0).V
                by VECTSP_5:def 4;
  then reconsider y = v as Vector of W+Lin{v};
     now assume v in W;
     then A3: v in the carrier of W by RLVECT_1:def 1;
        v in {v} by TARSKI:def 1;
      then v in Lin{v} by VECTSP_7:13;
      then v in the carrier of Lin{v} by RLVECT_1:def 1;
      then v in (the carrier of W)/\(the carrier of Lin{v}) by A3,XBOOLE_0:def
      then v in the carrier of (W /\ Lin{v}) by VECTSP_5:def 2;
      then v in {0.V} by A2,VECTSP_4:def 3;
      hence contradiction by A1,TARSKI:def 1;
  then consider psi be linear-Functional of W + Lin{v} such that
A4:  psi|the carrier of W=0Functional(W) & psi.y = 1_ K by Th28;
  reconsider f = psi as Functional of V by A2;
  take f;
 thus f is additive
    let v1,v2 be Vector of V;
    reconsider w1=v1, w2 =v2 as Vector of W +Lin{v} by A2;
      v1+v2 = (the add of (W + Lin{v})).[w1,w2] by A2,RLVECT_1:def 3
     .= w1+w2 by RLVECT_1:def 3;
    hence thesis by HAHNBAN1:def 11;
thus f is homogeneous
    let v1 be Vector of V, a be Element of K;
    reconsider w1=v1 as Vector of W +Lin{v} by A2;
      a*v1 = (the lmult of (W+Lin{v})).(a,w1) by A2,VECTSP_1:def 24
     .= a*w1 by VECTSP_1:def 24;
    hence thesis by HAHNBAN1:def 12;
   then reconsider f1=f as homogeneous Functional of V;
 thus f is non constant
    assume A5: f is constant;
   A6:  1_ K <> 0.K by VECTSP_1:def 21;
   A7: the carrier of V = dom f by FUNCT_2:def 1;
      f1.(0.V)=0.K by HAHNBAN1:def 13;
    hence contradiction by A4,A5,A6,A7,SEQM_3:def 5;
 thus f is non trivial
    set x = [v,1_ K], y = [0.V, 0.K];
    assume A8: f is trivial;
   A9:  1_ K <> 0.K by VECTSP_1:def 21;
   A10: the carrier of V = dom f by FUNCT_2:def 1;
     f1.(0.V)=0.K by HAHNBAN1:def 13;
   then A11: x in f & y in f by A4,A10,FUNCT_1:8;
    per cases by A8,REALSET1:def 12;
    suppose f = {};
    hence contradiction by A4,A10,FUNCT_1:8;
    suppose ex z be set st f = {z};
    then consider z be set such that
  A12: f = {z};
      z = x & z = y by A11,A12,TARSKI:def 1;
    hence contradiction by A9,ZFMISC_1:33;

 let K be Field;
 let V be non trivial VectSp of K;
cluster trivial -> constant Functional of V;
  proof let f be Functional of V such that
  A1: f is trivial;
   assume f is not constant;
   then reconsider f as non constant Functional of V;
     f is not trivial;
   hence contradiction by A1;

 let K be Field;
 let V be non trivial VectSp of K;
 let v be Vector of V;
 let W be Linear_Compl of Lin{v};
 assume A1: v <> 0.V;
func coeffFunctional(v,W) -> non constant non trivial linear-Functional of V
means :Def8: it.v = 1_ K & it|the carrier of W = 0Functional(W);
    V is_the_direct_sum_of W, Lin{v} by VECTSP_5:def 5;
then A2: the VectSpStr of V = W + Lin{v} & W /\ Lin{v} = (0).V
                by VECTSP_5:def 4;
  then reconsider y = v as Vector of W+Lin{v};
     now assume v in W;
     then A3: v in the carrier of W by RLVECT_1:def 1;
        v in {v} by TARSKI:def 1;
      then v in Lin{v} by VECTSP_7:13;
      then v in the carrier of Lin{v} by RLVECT_1:def 1;
      then v in (the carrier of W)/\(the carrier of Lin{v}) by A3,XBOOLE_0:def
      then v in the carrier of (W /\ Lin{v}) by VECTSP_5:def 2;
      then v in {0.V} by A2,VECTSP_4:def 3;
      hence contradiction by A1,TARSKI:def 1;
  then consider psi be linear-Functional of W + Lin{v} such that
A4:  psi|the carrier of W=0Functional(W) & psi.y = 1_ K by Th28;
  reconsider f = psi as Functional of V by A2;
A5: f is additive
    let v1,v2 be Vector of V;
    reconsider w1=v1, w2 =v2 as Vector of W +Lin{v} by A2;
      v1+v2 = (the add of (W + Lin{v})).[w1,w2] by A2,RLVECT_1:def 3
     .= w1+w2 by RLVECT_1:def 3;
    hence thesis by HAHNBAN1:def 11;
   f is homogeneous
    let v1 be Vector of V, a be Element of K;
    reconsider w1=v1 as Vector of W +Lin{v} by A2;
      a*v1 = (the lmult of (W+Lin{v})).(a,w1) by A2,VECTSP_1:def 24
     .= a*w1 by VECTSP_1:def 24;
    hence thesis by HAHNBAN1:def 12;
  then reconsider f as linear-Functional of V by A5;
 A6: f is non constant
    assume A7: f is constant;
    A8:  1_ K <> 0.K by VECTSP_1:def 21;
    A9: the carrier of V = dom f by FUNCT_2:def 1;
      f.(0.V)=0.K by HAHNBAN1:def 13;
    hence contradiction by A4,A7,A8,A9,SEQM_3:def 5;
    f is non trivial
    set x = [v,1_ K], y = [0.V, 0.K];
    assume A10: f is trivial;
   A11:  1_ K <> 0.K by VECTSP_1:def 21;
   A12: the carrier of V = dom f by FUNCT_2:def 1;
     f.(0.V)=0.K by HAHNBAN1:def 13;
   then A13: x in f & y in f by A4,A12,FUNCT_1:8;
    per cases by A10,REALSET1:def 12;
    suppose f = {};
    hence contradiction by A4,A12,FUNCT_1:8;
    suppose ex z be set st f = {z};
    then consider z be set such that
  A14: f = {z};
      z = x & z = y by A13,A14,TARSKI:def 1;
    hence contradiction by A11,ZFMISC_1:33;
  then reconsider f as non constant non trivial linear-Functional of V by A6;
  take f;
  thus thesis by A4;
  let f1, f2 be non constant non trivial linear-Functional of V such that
A15: f1.v = 1_ K & f1|the carrier of W = 0Functional(W) and
A16: f2.v = 1_ K & f2|the carrier of W = 0Functional(W);
    V is_the_direct_sum_of W, Lin{v} by VECTSP_5:def 5;
then A17: the VectSpStr of V = W + Lin{v} & W /\ Lin{v} = (0).V by VECTSP_5:def
     now let w be Vector of V;
      w in W+Lin{v} by A17,RLVECT_1:def 1;
    then consider v1,v2 be Vector of V such that
   A18: v1 in W & v2 in Lin{v} & w = v1 +v2 by VECTSP_5:5;
    consider a be Element of K such that
   A19: v2 = a* v by A18,Th4;
   A20: v1 in the carrier of W by A18,RLVECT_1:def 1;
   then A21: f1.v1 = (f2|the carrier of W).v1 by A15,A16,FUNCT_1:72
      .= f2.v1 by A20,FUNCT_1:72;
    thus f1.w= f1.v1 + f1.(a*v) by A18,A19,HAHNBAN1:def 11
    .= f1.v1 + a* f1.v by HAHNBAN1:def 12
    .= f1.v1 + f2.(a*v) by A15,A16,HAHNBAN1:def 12
    .= f2.w by A18,A19,A21,HAHNBAN1:def 11;
  hence thesis by FUNCT_2:113;

theorem Th29:
for K be Field, V be non trivial VectSp of K
for f be non constant 0-preserving Functional of V
ex v be Vector of V st v <> 0.V & f.v <> 0.K
  let K be Field, V be non trivial VectSp of K,
    f be non constant 0-preserving Functional of V; assume
 A1: for v be Vector of V st v <> 0.V holds f.v = 0.K;
 A2: f.(0.V) =0.K by HAHNBAN1:def 13;
    let x,y be set; assume
      x in dom f & y in dom f;
    then reconsider v=x,w=y as Vector of V;
    thus f.x = f.v
     .= 0.K by A1,A2
     .= f.w by A1,A2
     .= f.y;
  hence contradiction by SEQM_3:def 5;

theorem Th30:
for K be Field, V be non trivial VectSp of K
 for v be Vector of V, a be Scalar of V
 for W be Linear_Compl of Lin{v} st v <> 0.V holds
  (coeffFunctional(v,W)).(a*v) = a
  let K be Field, V be non trivial VectSp of K,
    v be Vector of V, a be Scalar of V, W be Linear_Compl of Lin{v};
 A1: v <> 0.V;
  set cf = coeffFunctional(v,W);
  thus cf.(a*v) = a*cf.v by HAHNBAN1:def 12
  .= a*(1_ K) by A1,Def8
  .= a by VECTSP_1:def 19;

theorem Th31:
for K be Field, V be non trivial VectSp of K
 for v,w be Vector of V
 for W be Linear_Compl of Lin{v} st v <> 0.V & w in W holds
  (coeffFunctional(v,W)).w = 0.K
   let K be Field, V be non trivial VectSp of K,
      v,w be Vector of V, W be Linear_Compl of Lin{v};
   assume that
  A1: v <> 0.V and
  A2: w in W;
   reconsider s = w as Vector of W by A2,RLVECT_1:def 1;
   set cf = coeffFunctional(v,W), cw = the carrier of W;
     w in cw by A2,RLVECT_1:def 1;
   hence cf.(w) = (cf|cw).w by FUNCT_1:72
    .= (0Functional(W)).s by A1,Def8
    .= 0.K by HAHNBAN1:22;

  for K be Field, V be non trivial VectSp of K
 for v,w be Vector of V, a be Scalar of V
 for W be Linear_Compl of Lin{v} st v <> 0.V & w in W holds
  (coeffFunctional(v,W)).(a*v+w) = a
  let K be Field, V be non trivial VectSp of K,
    v,w be Vector of V, a be Scalar of V, W be Linear_Compl of Lin{v};
  assume that
 A1: v <> 0.V and
 A2: w in W;
  set cf = coeffFunctional(v,W);
  thus cf.(a*v+w) = cf.(a*v)+cf.w by HAHNBAN1:def 11
  .= cf.(a*v) + 0.K by A1,A2,Th31
  .= cf.(a*v) by RLVECT_1:def 7
  .= a by A1,Th30;

  for K be non empty LoopStr
for V be non empty VectSpStr over K
for f,g be Functional of V, v be Vector of V holds (f-g).v = f.v - g.v
  let K be non empty LoopStr;
  let V be non empty VectSpStr over K;
  let f,g be Functional of V, v be Vector of V;
  thus (f-g).v = (f+-g).v by HAHNBAN1:def 8
   .= f.v + (-g).v by HAHNBAN1:def 6
   .= f.v +- g.v by HAHNBAN1:def 7
   .= f.v - g.v by RLVECT_1:def 11;

 let K be Field;
 let V be non trivial VectSp of K;
cluster V*' -> non trivial;
   assume A1: V*' is trivial;
   consider g be non constant linear-Functional of V;
  A2: g <> 0Functional(V);
  A3: 0.(V*') = the Zero of (V*') by RLVECT_1:def 2;
   reconsider g as Element of (V*') by HAHNBAN1:def 14;
     g = 0.(V*') by A1,ANPROJ_1:def 8;
   hence contradiction by A2,A3,HAHNBAN1:def 14;

:: Kernel of Additive Functional and Subspace Generated by Kernel of
::  Linear Functional. Linear Functionals in Quotient Vector Space
::  generated by Additive Functional

 let K be non empty ZeroStr;
 let V be non empty VectSpStr over K;
 let f be Functional of V;
func ker f -> Subset of V equals :Def9:
   {v where v is Vector of V : f.v = 0.K};
    set A = {v where v is Vector of V : f.v = 0.K};
      A c= the carrier of V
      let x be set; assume x in A;
      then consider v be Vector of V such that
    A1: v=x & f.v = 0.K;
      thus thesis by A1;
    hence A is Subset of V;

 let K be right_zeroed (non empty LoopStr);
 let V be non empty VectSpStr over K;
 let f be 0-preserving Functional of V;
cluster ker f -> non empty;
       f.(0.V) = 0.K & ker f = {v where v is Vector of V : f.v = 0.K}
      by Def9,HAHNBAN1:def 13;
     then 0.V in ker f;
     hence thesis;

theorem Th34:
for K be add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable
    associative left_unital distributive (non empty doubleLoopStr)
for V be add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable
         VectSp-like (non empty VectSpStr over K)
for f be linear-Functional of V holds ker f is lineary-closed
  let F be add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable
    associative left_unital distributive (non empty doubleLoopStr);
  let V be add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable
         VectSp-like (non empty VectSpStr over F);
  let f be linear-Functional of V;
  set V1 = ker f;
 A1: V1 = {a where a is Vector of V : f.a = 0.F} by Def9;
  thus for v,u be Vector of V st v in V1 & u in V1
        holds v + u in V1
     let v,u be Vector of V;
    A2: v in V1 & u in V1;
     then consider a be Vector of V such that
    A3: a = v & f.a= 0.F by A1;
    consider b be Vector of V such that
    A4: b = u & f.b= 0.F by A1,A2;
      f.(v+u) = 0.F+0.F by A3,A4,HAHNBAN1:def 11
     .= 0.F by RLVECT_1:10;
    hence thesis by A1;
   let a be Element of F;
   let v be Vector of V;
   assume v in V1;
   then consider w be Vector of V such that
  A5: w=v & f.w=0.F by A1;
     f.(a*v) = a * 0.F by A5,HAHNBAN1:def 12
    .=0.F by VECTSP_1:36;
   hence thesis by A1;

 let K be non empty ZeroStr;
 let V be non empty VectSpStr over K;
 let f be Functional of V;
attr f is degenerated means :Def10:  ker f <> {0.V};

 let K be non degenerated (non empty doubleLoopStr);
 let V be non trivial (non empty VectSpStr over K);
cluster non degenerated 0-preserving -> non constant Functional of V;
   let f be Functional of V; assume that
  A1: f is non degenerated and
  A2: f is 0-preserving and
  A3: f is constant;
  A4: f.(0.V) =0.K by A2,HAHNBAN1:def 13;
  A5: dom f = the carrier of V by FUNCT_2:def 1;
     now assume
    A6: for v be Vector of V st v <> 0.V holds f.v = 0.K;
       the carrier of V c= ker f
       let x be set; assume x in the carrier of V;
       then reconsider v=x as Vector of V;
       per cases;
        suppose v = 0.V;
         then x in {w where w is Vector of V: f.w=0.K} by A4;
         hence thesis by Def9;
        suppose v <> 0.V;
         then f.v = 0.K by A6;
         then x in {w where w is Vector of V: f.w=0.K};
         hence thesis by Def9;
    then the carrier of V = ker f by XBOOLE_0:def 10
    .= {0.V} by A1,Def10;
    then the carrier of V is trivial by REALSET1:def 12;
    hence contradiction by REALSET1:def 13;
  then consider v be Vector of V such that
  A7: v <> 0.V & f. v <> 0.K;
  thus contradiction by A3,A4,A5,A7,SEQM_3:def 5;

 let K be add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable
       Abelian associative left_unital distributive (non empty doubleLoopStr);
 let V be VectSp of K;
 let f be linear-Functional of V;
func Ker f -> strict non empty Subspace of V means :Def11:
     the carrier of it = ker f;
     ker f is lineary-closed by Th34; hence thesis by VECTSP_4:42;
 uniqueness by VECTSP_4:37;

 let K be add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable
    Abelian associative left_unital distributive (non empty doubleLoopStr);
 let V be VectSp of K;
 let W be Subspace of V;
 let f be additive Functional of V;
 assume A1: the carrier of W c= ker f;
 QFunctional(f,W) -> additive Functional of VectQuot(V,W) means :Def12:
 for A be Vector of VectQuot(V,W), a be Vector of V
  st A = a+W holds it.A = f.a;
   set vq = VectQuot(V,W);
   set C = CosetSet(V,W);
   set aC = addCoset(V,W);
 A2: C = the carrier of vq by Def6;
   defpred P[set,set] means
     for a be Vector of V st $1 = a+W holds $2 = f.a;
 A3: now
      let A be Vector of vq;
      consider a be Vector of V such that
    A4: A = a+W by Th23;
      take y = f.a;
      thus P[A, y]
       proof let a1 be Vector of V;
         assume A = a1+W;
         then a in a1+W by A4,VECTSP_4:59;
         then consider w be Vector of V such that
    A5:  w in W & a = a1 + w by VECTSP_4:57;
    A6:  ker f = {v where v is Vector of V : f.v = 0.K} by Def9;
         w in the carrier of W by A5,RLVECT_1:def 1;
         then w in ker f by A1;
         then consider aa be Vector of V such that
    A7:  aa=w & f.aa =0.K by A6;
         thus y = f.a1+f.w by A5,HAHNBAN1:def 11
           .= f.a1 by A7,RLVECT_1:def 7;
   consider ff be Function of the carrier of vq, the carrier of K such that
 A8: for A be Vector of vq holds P[A, ff.A] from FuncExD(A3);
   reconsider ff as Functional of vq;
     let A,B be Vector of vq;
     consider a be Vector of V such that
   A9: A = a+W by Th23;
     consider b be Vector of V such that
   A10: B = b+W by Th23;
   A11: the add of vq = addCoset(V,W) by Def6;
   A12: aC.(A,B) =a+b+W by A2,A9,A10,Def3;
    thus ff.(A+B) = ff.((the add of vq).(A,B)) by RLVECT_1:5
    .= f.(a+b) by A8,A11,A12
    .= f.a + f.b by HAHNBAN1:def 11
    .= ff.A + f.b by A8,A9
    .= ff.A + ff.B by A8,A10;
   then reconsider ff as additive Functional of vq by HAHNBAN1:def 11;
   take ff;
   thus thesis by A8;
   set vq = VectQuot(V,W);
   let f1,f2 be additive Functional of vq such that
 A13: for A be Vector of VectQuot(V,W)
     for a be Vector of V st A = a+W holds f1.A = f.a and
 A14: for A be Vector of VectQuot(V,W)
     for a be Vector of V st A = a+W holds f2.A = f.a;
     let A be Vector of vq;
     consider a be Vector of V such that
   A15: A = a+W by Th23;
     thus f1.A = f.a by A13,A15
     .= f2.A by A14,A15;
   hence thesis by FUNCT_2:113;

theorem Th35:
for K be add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable
    Abelian associative left_unital distributive (non empty doubleLoopStr)
for V be VectSp of K, W be Subspace of V
for f be linear-Functional of V st the carrier of W c= ker f
 holds QFunctional(f,W) is homogeneous
  let F be add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable
    Abelian associative left_unital distributive (non empty doubleLoopStr);
  let V be VectSp of F;
  let W be Subspace of V;
  let f be linear-Functional of V;
 A1: the carrier of W c= ker f;
  set qf = QFunctional(f,W);
  set vq = VectQuot(V,W);
    let A be Vector of vq;
    let r be Scalar of vq;
    set C = CosetSet(V,W);
 A2: C = the carrier of vq by Def6;
 A3: C = {AA where AA is Coset of W: not contradiction} by Def2;
      A in C by A2;
    then consider aa be Coset of W such that
 A4: A = aa by A3;
    consider a be Vector of V such that
 A5: aa = a+W by VECTSP_4:def 6;
      r*A = (the lmult of vq).(r,A) by VECTSP_1:def 24
      .= (lmultCoset(V,W)).(r,A) by Def6
      .= r*a+ W by A2,A4,A5,Def5;
   hence qf.(r*A) = f.(r*a) by A1,Def12
      .= r*f.a by HAHNBAN1:def 12
      .= r*(qf.A) by A1,A4,A5,Def12;
 hence thesis by HAHNBAN1:def 12;

 let K be add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable
    Abelian associative left_unital distributive (non empty doubleLoopStr);
 let V be VectSp of K;
 let f be linear-Functional of V;
func CQFunctional(f) -> linear-Functional of VectQuot(V,Ker f) equals :Def13:
  QFunctional(f,Ker f);
     the carrier of (Ker f) = ker f by Def11;
   hence thesis by Th35;

theorem Th36:
for K be add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable
    Abelian associative left_unital distributive (non empty doubleLoopStr)
for V be VectSp of K, f be linear-Functional of V
for A be Vector of VectQuot(V,Ker f), v be Vector of V st A = v+Ker f holds
 (CQFunctional(f)).A = f.v
  let K be add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable
    Abelian associative left_unital distributive (non empty doubleLoopStr),
     V be VectSp of K, f be linear-Functional of V;
  let A be Vector of VectQuot(V,Ker f), v be Vector of V; assume
 A1: A = v+Ker f;
 A2: the carrier of (Ker f) = ker f by Def11;
  thus (CQFunctional(f)).A = (QFunctional(f,Ker f)).A by Def13
  .= f.v by A1,A2,Def12;

 let K be Field;
 let V be non trivial VectSp of K;
 let f be non constant linear-Functional of V;
cluster CQFunctional(f) -> non constant;
   set W = Ker f, qf = CQFunctional(f), qv = VectQuot(V,W);
   assume qf is constant;
  then A1: qf = 0Functional(qv) by Def7;
   consider v be Vector of V such that
  A2: v <> 0.V & f.v <> 0.K by Th29;
   reconsider cv = v+W as Vector of qv by Th24;
     0.K = by A1,HAHNBAN1:22
   .= f.v by Th36;
   hence contradiction by A2;

 let K be add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable
    Abelian associative left_unital distributive (non empty doubleLoopStr);
 let V be VectSp of K;
 let f be linear-Functional of V;
cluster CQFunctional(f) -> non degenerated;
  set qf = CQFunctional(f), W = Ker f, qV = VectQuot(V,W);
  A1: ker qf = {w where w is Vector of qV: qf.w=0.K} by Def9;
  A2: the carrier of qV = CosetSet(V,W) by Def6;
  A3: CosetSet(V,W) = {A where A is Coset of W: not contradiction} by Def2;
  A4: qf = QFunctional(f,W) by Def13;
  A5: the carrier of W = ker f by Def11;
  A6: ker f = {w where w is Vector of V: f.w=0.K} by Def9;
  thus ker qf c= {0.qV}
    let x be set; assume
      x in ker qf;
    then consider w be Vector of qV such that
   A7: x= w & qf.w=0.K by A1;
      w in CosetSet(V,W) by A2;
    then consider A be Coset of W such that
   A8: w = A by A3;
    consider v be Vector of V such that
   A9: A = v + W by VECTSP_4:def 6;
      f.v = 0.K by A4,A5,A7,A8,A9,Def12;
    then v in ker f by A6;
    then v in W by A5,RLVECT_1:def 1;
    then v+W = the carrier of W by VECTSP_4:64;
    then w = zeroCoset(V,W) by A8,A9,Def4
    .= 0.qV by Th22;
    hence thesis by A7,TARSKI:def 1;
  thus {0.qV} c= ker qf
    let x be set; assume
      x in {0.qV};
    then A10: x = 0.qV by TARSKI:def 1;
      qf.(0.qV) = 0.K by HAHNBAN1:def 13;
    hence thesis by A1,A10;

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