The Mizar article:

Some Lemmas for the Jordan Curve Theorem

Andrzej Trybulec

Received August 28, 2000

Copyright (c) 2000 Association of Mizar Users

MML identifier: JCT_MISC
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 definitions TARSKI, RCOMP_1, SEQ_4, XBOOLE_0;
 schemes FUNCT_2, PSCOMP_1;

begin :: Preliminaries

scheme NonEmpty{ A()-> non empty set, F(set)-> set}:
 { F(a) where a is Element of A(): not contradiction } is non empty
proof consider a0 being set such that
A1: a0 in A() by XBOOLE_0:def 1;
    F(a0) in { F(a) where a is Element of A(): not contradiction } by A1;
 hence thesis;

canceled 2;

theorem Th3:
 for A,B being set, f being Function st A c= dom f & f.:A c= B
  holds A c= f"B
proof let A,B be set, f being Function;
 assume A c= dom f;
  then A1: A c= f"(f.:A) by FUNCT_1:146;
 assume f.:A c= B;
  then f"(f.:A) c= f"B by RELAT_1:178;
 hence A c= f"B by A1,XBOOLE_1:1;

theorem Th4:
 for f being Function, A,B being set st A misses B
  holds f"A misses f"B
proof let f be Function, A,B be set;
 assume A misses B;
  then A /\ B = {} by XBOOLE_0:def 7;
  then {} = f"(A /\ B) by RELAT_1:171
     .= f"A /\ f"B by FUNCT_1:137;
 hence f"A misses f"B by XBOOLE_0:def 7;

theorem Th5:
 for S,X being set, f being Function of S,X, A being Subset of X
   st X = {} implies S = {}
  holds (f"A)` = f"(A`)
proof let S,X be set, f be Function of S,X, A be Subset of X such that
A1: X = {} implies S = {};
    A misses A` by SUBSET_1:26;
then A /\ A` = {} by XBOOLE_0:def 7;
  then f"A /\ f"(A`) = f"({}X) by FUNCT_1:137 .= {} by RELAT_1:171;
  then A2: f"A misses f"(A`) by XBOOLE_0:def 7;
    f"A \/ f"(A`) = f"(A \/ A`) by RELAT_1:175 .= f"[#]X by SUBSET_1:25
      .= f"X by SUBSET_1:def 4 .= S by A1,FUNCT_2:48
      .= [#]S by SUBSET_1:def 4;
  then (f"A)` /\ (f"(A`))` = ([#]S)` by SUBSET_1:29
          .= {}S by SUBSET_1:21;
  then (f"A)` misses (f"(A`))` by XBOOLE_0:def 7;
 hence (f"A)` = f"(A`) by A2,SUBSET_1:46;

theorem Th6:
 for S being 1-sorted, X being non empty set,
     f being Function of the carrier of S,X,
     A being Subset of X
  holds (f"A)` = f"(A`) by Th5;

 reserve i,j,m,n for Nat,
         r,s,r0,s0,t for real number;

   m <= n implies n-'(n-'m) = m
proof assume
A1: m <= n;
    n -' m <= n by JORDAN3:13;
  then n-'(n-'m) + (n-'m) = n by AMI_5:4
     .= m + (n-'m) by A1,AMI_5:4;
 hence thesis by XCMPLX_1:2;


theorem Th9:
 for a,b being real number st r in [.a,b.] & s in [.a,b.]
  holds (r + s)/2 in [.a,b.]
 proof let a,b be real number such that
A1: r in [.a,b.] and
A2: s in [.a,b.];
   reconsider a,b,r,s as Real by XREAL_0:def 1;
     a <= r & a <= s by A1,A2,TOPREAL5:1;
   then a+a <= r+s by REAL_1:55;
   then (a+a)/2 <= (r+s)/2 by REAL_1:73;
then A3: a <= (r + s)/2 by XCMPLX_1:65;
     r <= b & s <= b by A1,A2,TOPREAL5:1;
   then r+s <= b+b by REAL_1:55;
   then (r+s)/2 <= (b+b)/2 by REAL_1:73;
   then (r + s)/2 <= b by XCMPLX_1:65;
  hence thesis by A3,TOPREAL5:1;

theorem Th10:
 for Nseq being increasing Seq_of_Nat, i,j st i <= j
  holds Nseq.i <= Nseq.j
proof let Nseq be increasing Seq_of_Nat;
    Nseq is non-decreasing by SEQM_3:23;
 hence thesis by SEQM_3:12;

theorem Th11:
 abs(abs(r0-s0)-abs(r-s)) <= abs(r0-r) + abs(s0-s)
A1: abs(abs(r0-s0) - abs(r-s)) <= abs(r0-s0 - (r-s)) by ABSVALUE:22;
    r0-s0 - (r-s) = r0-s0 - r + s by XCMPLX_1:37
      .= r0-r - s0 + s by XCMPLX_1:21
      .= r0-r - (s0-s) by XCMPLX_1:37;
  then abs(r0-s0 - (r-s)) <= abs(r0-r) + abs(s0-s) by ABSVALUE:19;
 hence abs(abs(r0-s0)-abs(r-s)) <= abs(r0-r) + abs(s0-s) by A1,AXIOMS:22;

   t in ].r,s.[ implies abs(t) < max(abs(r),abs(s))
proof assume
A1: t in ].r,s.[;
  reconsider r,t,s as Real by XREAL_0:def 1;
   A2: r < t & t < s by A1,JORDAN6:45;
 per cases;
A3: t >= 0;
  then A4: t = abs(t) by ABSVALUE:def 1;
    s > 0 by A1,A3,JORDAN6:45;
  then abs(t) < abs(s) by A2,A4,ABSVALUE:def 1;
 hence thesis by SQUARE_1:50;
A5: t < 0;
  then A6: -t = abs(t) by ABSVALUE:def 1;
    r < 0 by A2,A5,AXIOMS:22;
  then -r =abs(r) by ABSVALUE:def 1;
  then abs(t) < abs(r) by A2,A6,REAL_1:50;
 hence thesis by SQUARE_1:50;

definition let A,B,C be non empty set;
 let f be Function of A, [:B,C:];
 redefine func pr1 f -> Function of A,B means
:Def1:  for x being Element of A holds it.x = (f.x)`1;
A1:  dom pr1 f = dom f by DTCONSTR:def 2;
    then A2:  dom pr1 f = A by FUNCT_2:def 1;
      rng pr1 f c= B
     proof let x be set;
      assume x in rng pr1 f;
       then consider y being set such that
A3:     y in dom pr1 f and
A4:     x = (pr1 f).y by FUNCT_1:def 5;
A5:     x = (f.y)`1 by A1,A3,A4,DTCONSTR:def 2;
         f.y in [:B,C:] by A1,A3,FUNCT_2:7;
      hence x in B by A5,MCART_1:10;
   hence pr1 f is Function of A,B by A2,FUNCT_2:4;
  proof let IT be Function of A,B;
A6:  dom pr1 f = dom f by DTCONSTR:def 2;
    then A7:  dom pr1 f = A by FUNCT_2:def 1;
   hence IT = pr1 f implies for x being Element of A holds IT.x = (f.x)`1
    by A6,DTCONSTR:def 2;
   assume for x being Element of A holds IT.x = (f.x)`1;
    then A8:   for x being set st x in dom f holds IT.x = (f.x)`1;
      dom IT = dom f by A6,A7,FUNCT_2:def 1;
   hence IT = pr1 f by A8,DTCONSTR:def 2;
 func pr2 f -> Function of A,C means
:Def2: for x being Element of A holds it.x = (f.x)`2;
A9:  dom pr2 f = dom f by DTCONSTR:def 3;
    then A10:  dom pr2 f = A by FUNCT_2:def 1;
      rng pr2 f c= C
     proof let x be set;
      assume x in rng pr2 f;
       then consider y being set such that
A11:     y in dom pr2 f and
A12:     x = (pr2 f).y by FUNCT_1:def 5;
A13:     x = (f.y)`2 by A9,A11,A12,DTCONSTR:def 3;
         f.y in [:B,C:] by A9,A11,FUNCT_2:7;
      hence x in C by A13,MCART_1:10;
   hence pr2 f is Function of A,C by A10,FUNCT_2:4;
  proof let IT be Function of A,C;
A14:  dom pr2 f = dom f by DTCONSTR:def 3;
    then A15:  dom pr2 f = A by FUNCT_2:def 1;
   hence IT = pr2 f implies for x being Element of A holds IT.x = (f.x)`2
     by A14,DTCONSTR:def 3;
   assume for x being Element of A holds IT.x = (f.x)`2;
    then A16:   for x being set st x in dom f holds IT.x = (f.x)`2;
      dom IT = dom f by A14,A15,FUNCT_2:def 1;
   hence IT = pr2 f by A16,DTCONSTR:def 3;

scheme DoubleChoice{ A,B,C() -> non empty set, P[set,set,set]}:
 ex a being Function of A(), B(),
    b being Function of A(), C() st
  for i being Element of A() holds P[i,a.i,b.i]
A1: for i being Element of A()
  ex ai being Element of B(),
     bi being Element of C() st P[i,ai,bi]
  defpred P1[set,set] means P[$1,($2)`1,($2)`2];
A2: for e being Element of A()
       ex u being Element of [:B(),C():] st P1[e,u]
   proof let e be Element of A();
     consider ai being Element of B(),
              bi being Element of C() such that
A3:    P[e,ai,bi] by A1;
    take [ai,bi];
    thus [ai,bi] is Element of [:B(),C():] by ZFMISC_1:106;
       [ai,bi]`1 = ai & [ai,bi]`2 = bi by MCART_1:7;
    hence P[e,[ai,bi]`1,[ai,bi]`2] by A3;
  consider f being Function of A(), [:B(),C():] such that
A4: for e being Element of A() holds P1[e,f.e] from FuncExD(A2);
 take pr1 f, pr2 f;
 let i be Element of A();
    (f.i)`1 = (pr1 f).i & (f.i)`2 = (pr2 f).i by Def1,Def2;
 hence P[i,(pr1 f).i,(pr2 f).i] by A4;

theorem Th13:
 for S,T being non empty TopSpace, G being Subset of [:S,T:]
  st for x being Point of [:S,T:] st x in G
      ex GS being Subset of S, GT being Subset of T
        st GS is open & GT is open & x in [:GS,GT:] & [:GS,GT:] c= G
  holds G is open
proof let S,T be non empty TopSpace, G being Subset of [:S,T:] such that
A1: for x being Point of [:S,T:] st x in G
      ex GS being Subset of S, GT being Subset of T
        st GS is open & GT is open & x in [:GS,GT:] & [:GS,GT:] c= G;
  set A = {[:GS,GT:] where GS is Subset of S, GT is Subset of T :
             GS is open & GT is open & [:GS,GT:] c= G };
    A c= bool the carrier of [:S,T:]
   proof let e be set;
    assume e in A;
     then consider GS being Subset of S, GT being Subset of T such that
A2:   e = [:GS,GT:] and
         GS is open & GT is open & [:GS,GT:] c= G;
    thus e in bool the carrier of [:S,T:] by A2;
   then reconsider A as Subset-Family of [:S,T:] by SETFAM_1:def
   reconsider A as Subset-Family of [:S,T:];
    for x being set holds x in G iff ex Y being set st x in Y & Y in A
   proof let x be set;
    thus x in G implies ex Y being set st x in Y & Y in A
    proof assume x in G;
      then consider GS being Subset of S, GT being Subset of T such that
A3:    GS is open & GT is open & x in [:GS,GT:] & [:GS,GT:] c= G by A1;
     take Y = [:GS,GT:];
     thus x in Y & Y in A by A3;
    given Y being set such that
A4:  x in Y and
A5:  Y in A;
       ex GS being Subset of S, GT being Subset of T st
      Y = [:GS,GT:] & GS is open & GT is open & [:GS,GT:] c= G by A5;
    hence x in G by A4;
then A6: G = union A by TARSKI:def 4;
     for e being set st e in A ex X1 being Subset of S,
                     Y1 being Subset of T st
    e = [:X1,Y1:] & X1 is open & Y1 is open
   proof let e be set;
    assume e in A;
     then ex GS being Subset of S, GT being Subset of T st
      e = [:GS,GT:] & GS is open & GT is open & [:GS,GT:] c= G;
    hence ex GS being Subset of S, GT being Subset of T st
      e = [:GS,GT:] & GS is open & GT is open;
 hence G is open by A6,BORSUK_1:45;

begin :: topological properties of sets of real numbers

theorem Th14:
 for A,B being compact Subset of REAL holds A /\ B is compact
 proof let A,B be compact Subset of REAL;
  let s1 be Real_Sequence such that
A1: rng s1 c= A /\ B;
     A /\ B c= A by XBOOLE_1:17;
   then rng s1 c= A by A1,XBOOLE_1:1;
   then consider s2 being Real_Sequence such that
A2: s2 is_subsequence_of s1 and
A3: s2 is convergent and
A4: lim s2 in A by RCOMP_1:def 3;
     rng s2 c= rng s1 by A2,RFUNCT_2:11;
   then A5: rng s2 c= A /\ B by A1,XBOOLE_1:1;
     A /\ B c= B by XBOOLE_1:17;
   then rng s2 c= B by A5,XBOOLE_1:1;
   then consider s3 being Real_Sequence such that
A6: s3 is_subsequence_of s2 and
A7: s3 is convergent and
A8: lim s3 in B by RCOMP_1:def 3;
   take s3;
   thus s3 is_subsequence_of s1 by A2,A6,SEQM_3:48;
   thus s3 is convergent by A7;
      lim s3 = lim s2 by A3,A6,SEQ_4:30;
   hence lim s3 in A /\ B by A4,A8,XBOOLE_0:def 3;

definition let A be Subset of REAL;
 attr A is connected means
:Def3: for r,s being real number st r in A & s in A holds [.r,s.] c= A;

   for T being non empty TopSpace
 for f being continuous RealMap of T
 for A being Subset of T st A is connected holds
  f.:A is connected
proof let T be non empty TopSpace;
 let f be continuous RealMap of T;
 let A be Subset of T;
A1: A is connected;
 let r,s;
A2: r in f.:A;
  then consider p being Point of T such that
A3: p in A and
A4: r = f.p by FUNCT_2:116;
A5: s in f.:A;
  then consider q being Point of T such that
A6: q in A and
A7: s = f.q by FUNCT_2:116;
 assume not [.r,s.] c= f.:A;
  then consider t being Real such that
A8: t in [.r,s.] and
A9: not t in f.:A by SUBSET_1:7;
  reconsider r,s,t as Real by XREAL_0:def 1;
  set P1 = f"left_open_halfline t, Q1 = f"right_open_halfline t,
      P = P1 /\ A, Q = Q1 /\ A,
      X = left_open_halfline t \/ right_open_halfline t;
  reconsider Y = {t} as Subset of REAL;
     Y` = REAL \ {t} by SUBSET_1:def 5
          .= REAL \ [.t,t.] by RCOMP_1:14
          .= X by LIMFUNC1:25;
   then A10: (f"Y)` = f"X by Th6
        .= P1 \/ Q1 by RELAT_1:175;
A11: A c= f"(f.:A) by FUNCT_2:50;
     {t} misses f.:A by A9,ZFMISC_1:56;
   then f"{t} misses f"(f.:A) by Th4;
   then f"{t} misses A by A11,XBOOLE_1:63;
   then A c= P1 \/ Q1 by A10,PRE_TOPC:21;
   then A12: A = A /\ (P1 \/ Q1) by XBOOLE_1:28
    .= P \/ Q by XBOOLE_1:23;
A13: left_open_halfline t = {r1 where r1 is Real: r1 < t} by PROB_1:def 15;
A14: right_open_halfline t = {r1 where r1 is Real: t < r1} by LIMFUNC1:def 3;
     r <= t & r <> t by A2,A8,A9,TOPREAL5:1;
   then r < t by AXIOMS:21;
   then r in left_open_halfline t by A13;
   then p in P1 by A4,FUNCT_2:46;
   then A15: P <> {}T by A3,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
     t <= s & s <> t by A5,A8,A9,TOPREAL5:1;
   then t < s by AXIOMS:21;
   then s in right_open_halfline t by A14;
   then q in Q1 by A7,FUNCT_2:46;
   then A16: Q <> {}T by A6,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
     left_open_halfline t is open by FCONT_3:8;
   then A17: P1 is open by PSCOMP_1:54;
     right_open_halfline t is open by FCONT_3:7;
   then A18: Q1 is open by PSCOMP_1:54;
A19: P c= P1 by XBOOLE_1:17;
A20: Q c= Q1 by XBOOLE_1:17;
     left_open_halfline t /\ right_open_halfline t = ].t,t.[ by LIMFUNC1:18
        .= {} by RCOMP_1:12;
   then left_open_halfline t misses right_open_halfline t by XBOOLE_0:def 7;
   then P1 misses Q1 by Th4;
   then P1 /\ Q1 = {} by XBOOLE_0:def 7;
   then P1 /\ Q1 misses P \/ Q by XBOOLE_1:65;
   then P,Q are_separated by A17,A18,A19,A20,TSEP_1:49;
 hence contradiction by A1,A12,A15,A16,CONNSP_1:16;

definition let A,B be Subset of REAL;
  set Y = {abs(r - s) where r is Element of REAL, s is Element of REAL :
                 r in A & s in B};
      Y c= REAL
     proof let e be set;
      assume e in Y;
       then ex r,s being Element of REAL st e = abs(r - s) & r in A & s in B;
      hence thesis;
    then reconsider Y0 = Y as Subset of REAL;
 func dist(A,B) -> real number means
:Def4: ex X being Subset of REAL st
    X = {abs(r - s) where r is Element of REAL, s is Element of REAL :
            r in A & s in B}
          & it = lower_bound X;
   take lower_bound Y0;
   thus thesis;
  proof let IT be real number, A,B be Subset of REAL;
   given X0 being Subset of REAL such that
A1: X0 = {abs(r - s) where r is Element of REAL, s is Element of REAL :
             r in A & s in B} and
A2: IT = lower_bound X0;
    set Y = {abs(r - s) where r is Element of REAL, s is Element of REAL :
          r in B & s in A};
      Y c= REAL
     proof let e be set;
      assume e in Y;
       then ex r,s being Element of REAL st e = abs(r - s) & r in B & s in A;
      hence thesis;
    then reconsider Y0 = Y as Subset of REAL;
   take Y0;
   thus Y0 = {abs(r - s) where r is Element of REAL, s is Element of REAL :
           r in B & s in A};
      X0 = Y0
      thus X0 c= Y0
       proof let x be set;
        assume x in X0;
         then consider r,s being Element of REAL such that
A3:        x = abs(r - s) & r in A & s in B by A1;
            x = abs(s - r) by A3,UNIFORM1:13;
        hence x in Y0 by A3;
      let x be set;
      assume x in Y0;
       then consider r,s being Element of REAL such that
A4:      x = abs(r - s) & r in B & s in A;
         x = abs(s - r) by A4,UNIFORM1:13;
      hence x in X0 by A1,A4;
   hence IT = lower_bound Y0 by A2;

theorem Th16:
 for A,B being Subset of REAL, r, s st r in A & s in B
  holds abs(r-s) >= dist(A,B)
proof let A,B be Subset of REAL;
  set Y = {abs(r - s) where r is Element of REAL, s is Element of REAL :
            r in A & s in B};
      Y c= REAL
     proof let e be set;
      assume e in Y;
       then ex r,s being Real st e = abs(r - s) & r in A & s in B;
      hence thesis;
    then reconsider Y0 = Y as Subset of REAL;
A1: dist(A,B) = lower_bound Y0 by Def4;
A2: Y0 is bounded_below
  proof take 0;
   let r0;
   assume r0 in Y0;
    then ex r,s being Real st r0 = abs(r - s) & r in A & s in B;
   hence 0<=r0 by ABSVALUE:5;
 let r,s;
 assume r in A & s in B;
  then abs(r-s) in Y0;
 hence abs(r-s) >= dist(A,B) by A1,A2,SEQ_4:def 5;

theorem Th17:
 for A,B being Subset of REAL,
     C,D being non empty Subset of REAL st C c= A & D c= B
  holds dist(A,B) <= dist(C,D)
proof let A,B be Subset of REAL,
          C,D be non empty Subset of REAL such that
A1: C c= A and
A2: D c= B;
  set X = {abs(r - s) where r is Element of REAL, s is Element of REAL :
         r in A & s in B};
      X c= REAL
     proof let e be set;
      assume e in X;
       then ex r,s being Real st e = abs(r - s) & r in A & s in B;
      hence thesis;
    then reconsider X as Subset of REAL;
A3: dist(A,B) = lower_bound X by Def4;
A4: X is bounded_below
  proof take 0;
   let r0;
   assume r0 in X;
    then ex r,s being Real st r0 = abs(r - s) & r in A & s in B;
   hence 0<=r0 by ABSVALUE:5;
  consider r0 being set such that
A5: r0 in C by XBOOLE_0:def 1;
  consider s0 being set such that
A6: s0 in D by XBOOLE_0:def 1;
  set Y = {abs(r - s) where r is Element of REAL, s is Element of REAL :
      r in C & s in D};
     r0 is Real & s0 is Real by A5,A6;
   then reconsider r0,s0 as real number;
A7: abs(r0 - s0) in Y by A5,A6;
      Y c= REAL
     proof let e be set;
      assume e in Y;
       then ex r,s being Real st e = abs(r - s) & r in C & s in D;
      hence thesis;
    then reconsider Y as non empty Subset of REAL by A7;
A8: dist(C,D) = lower_bound Y by Def4;
     Y c= X
   proof let x be set;
    assume x in Y;
     then ex r,s being Real st x = abs(r - s) & r in C & s in D;
    hence x in X by A1,A2;
 hence dist(A,B) <= dist(C,D) by A3,A4,A8,PSCOMP_1:12;

theorem Th18:
 for A, B being non empty compact Subset of REAL
  ex r,s being real number st r in A & s in B &
       dist(A,B) = abs(r - s)
proof let A, B be non empty compact Subset of REAL;
  reconsider At = A, Bt = B as non empty compact Subset of R^1
          by TOPMETR:24,TOPREAL6:81;
A1:   the carrier of R^1|At = At & the carrier of R^1|Bt = Bt by JORDAN1:1;
  reconsider AB = [:R^1|At, R^1|Bt:] as compact (non empty TopSpace);
  defpred P[set,set] means ex r,s being Real st $1 = [r,s] & $2 = abs(r-s);
A2: now let x be set;
    assume x in the carrier of AB;
     then x in [:A,B:] by A1,BORSUK_1:def 5;
     then consider r,s being set such that
A3:   r in REAL & s in REAL and
A4:   x = [r,s] by ZFMISC_1:103;
     reconsider r,s as Real by A3;
    take t = abs(r-s);
    thus P[x,t] by A4;
  consider f being RealMap of AB such that
A5: for x being Element of AB
    holds P[x,f.x] from NonUniqExRF(A2);
    for Y being Subset of REAL st Y is open holds f"Y is open
   proof let Y be Subset of REAL such that
A6:  Y is open;
       for x being Point of AB st x in f"Y
      ex YS being Subset of R^1|At, YT being Subset of R^1|Bt
        st YS is open & YT is open & x in [:YS,YT:] & [:YS,YT:] c= f"Y
     proof let x be Point of AB;
      assume x in f"Y;
       then f.x in Y by FUNCT_1:def 13;
       then consider N being Neighbourhood of f.x such that
A7:     N c= Y by A6,RCOMP_1:39;
       consider g being real number such that
A8:     0 < g and
A9:     N = ].f.x-g,f.x+g.[ by RCOMP_1:def 7;
       consider r,s being Real such that
A10:     x = [r,s] and
A11:     f.x = abs(r-s) by A5;
       reconsider a=r-g/2, b=r+g/2, c =s-g/2, d=s+g/2 as Real by XREAL_0:def 1;
       reconsider S = ].a,b.[, T = ].c,d.[
         as Subset of R^1 by TOPMETR:24;
         S /\ A c= A by XBOOLE_1:17;
       then reconsider YS = S /\ A as Subset of R^1|At by A1;
         T /\ B c= B by XBOOLE_1:17;
       then reconsider YT = T /\ B as Subset of R^1|Bt by A1;
      take YS, YT;
         S is open & T is open by JORDAN6:46;
      hence YS is open & YT is open by A1,TSP_1:def 1;
         0 < g/2 by A8,SEQ_2:3;
       then A12:    r in S & s in T by TOPREAL6:20;
         x in the carrier of AB;
       then x in [:A,B:] by A1,BORSUK_1:def 5;
       then r in A & s in B by A10,ZFMISC_1:106;
       then r in YS & s in YT by A12,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
      hence x in [:YS,YT:] by A10,ZFMISC_1:106;
A13:   dom f = the carrier of AB by FUNCT_2:def 1;
         f.:[:YS,YT:] c= N
        proof let e be set;
         assume e in f.:[:YS,YT:];
          then consider y being Element of AB such that
A14:        y in [:YS,YT:] and
A15:        e = f.y by FUNCT_2:116;
          consider r1,s1 being Real such that
A16:        y = [r1,s1] and
A17:        f.y = abs(r1-s1) by A5;
            r1 in YS by A14,A16,ZFMISC_1:106;
          then r1 in ].r-g/2,r+g/2.[ by XBOOLE_0:def 3;
          then A18:       abs(r1-r) < g/2 by RCOMP_1:8;
            s1 in YT by A14,A16,ZFMISC_1:106;
          then s1 in ].s-g/2,s+g/2.[ by XBOOLE_0:def 3;
          then A19:       abs(s1-s) < g/2 by RCOMP_1:8;
            g = g/2 + g/2 by XCMPLX_1:66;
          then A20:       abs(r1-r) + abs(s1-s) < g by A18,A19,REAL_1:67;
            abs(abs(r1-s1)-abs(r-s)) <= abs(r1-r) + abs(s1-s) by Th11;
          then abs(abs(r1-s1)-abs(r-s)) < g by A20,AXIOMS:22;
         hence e in N by A9,A11,A15,A17,RCOMP_1:8;
       then f.:[:YS,YT:] c= Y by A7,XBOOLE_1:1;
      hence [:YS,YT:] c= f"Y by A13,Th3;
    hence f"Y is open by Th13;
  then reconsider f as continuous RealMap of AB by PSCOMP_1:54;
    f.:the carrier of AB is with_min by PSCOMP_1:def 15;
  then inf(f.:the carrier of AB) in f.:the carrier of AB by PSCOMP_1:def 4;
  then consider x being Element of AB such that
A21: x in the carrier of AB and
A22: inf(f.:the carrier of AB) = f.x by FUNCT_2:116;
A23: x in [:A,B:] by A1,A21,BORSUK_1:def 5;
  then consider r1,s1 being set such that
A24: r1 in REAL & s1 in REAL and
A25: x = [r1,s1] by ZFMISC_1:103;
     r1 is Real & s1 is Real by A24;
   then reconsider r1,s1 as real number;
 take r1,s1;
 thus r1 in A & s1 in B by A23,A25,ZFMISC_1:106;
A26: f.:the carrier of AB =
  {abs(r - s) where r is Element of REAL, s is Element of REAL : r in A & s in
    hereby let x be set;
     assume x in f.:the carrier of AB;
      then consider y being Element of AB such that
A27:    y in the carrier of AB and
A28:    x = f.y by FUNCT_2:116;
      consider r1,s1 being Real such that
A29:    y = [r1,s1] and
A30:    f.y = abs(r1-s1) by A5;
        [r1,s1] in [:A,B:] by A1,A27,A29,BORSUK_1:def 5;
      then r1 in A & s1 in B by ZFMISC_1:106;
     hence x in {abs(r - s) where r is Element of REAL, s is Element of REAL :
             r in A & s in B} by A28,A30;
    let x be set;
    assume x in {abs(r - s) where r is Element of REAL, s is Element of REAL :
         r in A & s in B};
     then consider r,s being Real such that
A31:   x = abs(r - s) and
A32:   r in A & s in B;
       [r,s] in [:A,B:] by A32,ZFMISC_1:106;
     then reconsider y = [r,s] as Element of AB
        by A1,BORSUK_1:def 5;
     consider r1,s1 being Real such that
A33:   y = [r1,s1] and
A34:   f.y = abs(r1-s1) by A5;
       r1 = r & s1 = s by A33,ZFMISC_1:33;
    hence x in f.:the carrier of AB by A31,A34,FUNCT_2:43;
  consider r,s being Real such that
A35: x = [r,s] and
A36: f.x = abs(r-s) by A5;
    r1 = r & s1 = s by A25,A35,ZFMISC_1:33;
 hence dist(A,B) = abs(r1 - s1) by A22,A26,A36,Def4;

theorem Th19:
 for A, B being non empty compact Subset of REAL
  holds dist(A,B) >= 0
proof let A, B be non empty compact Subset of REAL;
  set X = {abs(r - s) where r is Element of REAL, s is Element of REAL :
        r in A & s in B};
  consider r0 being set such that
A1: r0 in A by XBOOLE_0:def 1;
  consider s0 being set such that
A2: s0 in B by XBOOLE_0:def 1;
     r0 is Real & s0 is Real by A1,A2;
   then reconsider r0,s0 as real number;
A3: abs(r0 - s0) in X by A1,A2;
      X c= REAL
     proof let e be set;
      assume e in X;
       then ex r,s being Real st e = abs(r - s) & r in A & s in B;
      hence thesis;
    then reconsider X as non empty Subset of REAL by A3;
A4: dist(A,B) = lower_bound X by Def4;
    for t being real number st t in X holds t >= 0
   proof let t be real number;
    assume t in X;
     then ex r,s being Real st t = abs(r - s) & r in A & s in B;
    hence t >= 0 by ABSVALUE:5;
 hence dist(A,B) >= 0 by A4,PSCOMP_1:8;

theorem Th20:
 for A,B being non empty compact Subset of REAL st A misses B
  holds dist(A,B) > 0
proof let A,B being non empty compact Subset of REAL such that
A1: A misses B;
  consider r0,s0 such that
A2: r0 in A and
A3: s0 in B and
A4: dist(A,B) = abs(r0 - s0) by Th18;
  reconsider r0,s0 as Real by XREAL_0:def 1;
 assume dist(A,B) <= 0;
  then abs(r0 - s0) = 0 by A4,Th19;
  then r0 = s0 by GOBOARD7:2;
 hence contradiction by A1,A2,A3,XBOOLE_0:3;

   for e,f being real number, A,B being compact Subset of REAL st
  A misses B & A c= [.e,f.] & B c= [.e,f.]
 for S being Function of NAT, bool REAL st
  for i being Nat holds S.i is connected &
       S.i meets A & S.i meets B
 ex r being real number st r in [.e,f.] & not r in A \/ B &
  for i being Nat ex k being Nat st i <= k & r in S.k
proof let e,f be real number, A,B be compact Subset of REAL such that
A1: A misses B and
A2: A c= [.e,f.] and
A3: B c= [.e,f.];
 let S be Function of NAT, bool REAL such that
A4:  for i being Nat holds S.i is connected &
       S.i meets A & S.i meets B;
defpred P[set,Element of bool REAL] means $2 is closed-interval &
       $2 meets A & $2 meets B & $2 c= S.$1;
A5: for i being Nat ex u being Element of bool REAL
    st P[i,u]
  proof let i be Nat;
      S.i meets A by A4;
    then consider x being set such that
A6:  x in S.i and
A7:  x in A by XBOOLE_0:3;
    reconsider x as Real by A7;
      S.i meets B by A4;
    then consider y being set such that
A8:  y in S.i and
A9:  y in B by XBOOLE_0:3;
    reconsider y as Real by A9;
A10:  S.i is connected by A4;
   per cases;
A11:   x <= y;
    take [.x,y.];
    thus [.x,y.] is closed-interval by A11,INTEGRA1:def 1;
       x in [.x,y.] by A11,RCOMP_1:15;
    hence [.x,y.] meets A by A7,XBOOLE_0:3;
       y in [.x,y.] by A11,RCOMP_1:15;
    hence [.x,y.] meets B by A9,XBOOLE_0:3;
    thus [.x,y.] c= S.i by A6,A8,A10,Def3;
A12:  y <= x;
    take [.y,x.];
    thus [.y,x.] is closed-interval by A12,INTEGRA1:def 1;
       x in [.y,x.] by A12,RCOMP_1:15;
    hence [.y,x.] meets A by A7,XBOOLE_0:3;
       y in [.y,x.] by A12,RCOMP_1:15;
    hence [.y,x.] meets B by A9,XBOOLE_0:3;
    thus [.y,x.] c= S.i by A6,A8,A10,Def3;
  consider T be Function of NAT, bool REAL such that
A13:  for i being Nat holds P[i,T.i] from FuncExD(A5);
deffunc F(Nat)=T.$1 /\ A;
  consider SA being Function of NAT, bool REAL such that
A14: for i being Nat holds SA.i = F(i) from LambdaD;
deffunc G(Nat)=T.$1 /\ B;
  consider SB being Function of NAT, bool REAL such that
A15: for i being Nat holds SB.i = G(i) from LambdaD;
defpred P[Nat,Real,Real] means
    $2 in SA.$1 & $3 in SB.$1 & dist(SA.$1,SB.$1) = abs($2 - $3);
A16: for i being Nat
    ex ai,bi being Real st P[i,ai,bi]
    proof let i be Nat;
      reconsider Si = T.i as closed-interval Subset of REAL by A13;
A17:    T.i meets A & T.i meets B by A13;
        SA.i = Si /\ A & SB.i = Si /\ B by A14,A15;
      then reconsider SAi = SA.i, SBi = SB.i
             as non empty compact Subset of REAL by A17,Th14,XBOOLE_0:def 7;
        consider ai,bi being real number such that
        A18: ai in SAi & bi in SBi &
       dist(SAi,SBi) = abs(ai - bi) by Th18;
       reconsider ai,bi as Real by XREAL_0:def 1;
       take ai,bi;
       thus P[i,ai,bi] by A18;
  consider sa,sb being Real_Sequence such that
A19: for i being Nat holds P[i,sa.i,sb.i] from DoubleChoice(A16);
    rng sa c= [.e,f.]
   proof let u be set;
    assume u in rng sa;
     then consider x being set such that
A20:   x in dom sa and
A21:   u = sa.x by FUNCT_1:def 5;
     reconsider n = x as Nat by A20;
       sa.n in SA.n by A19;
     then u in T.n /\ A by A14,A21;
     then u in A by XBOOLE_0:def 3;
    hence u in [.e,f.] by A2;
  then consider ga being Real_Sequence such that
A22: ga is_subsequence_of sa and
A23: ga is convergent and
A24: lim ga in [.e,f.] by RCOMP_1:def 3;
  consider Nseq being increasing Seq_of_Nat such that
A25:  ga = sa*Nseq by A22,SEQM_3:def 10;
  set gb = sb*Nseq;
    rng gb c= [.e,f.]
   proof let u be set;
    assume u in rng gb;
     then consider x being set such that
A26:   x in dom gb and
A27:   u = gb.x by FUNCT_1:def 5;
     reconsider n = x as Nat by A26;
       gb.n = sb.(Nseq.n) by SEQM_3:31;
     then gb.n in SB.(Nseq.n) by A19;
     then u in T.(Nseq.n) /\ B by A15,A27;
     then u in B by XBOOLE_0:def 3;
    hence u in [.e,f.] by A3;
  then consider fb being Real_Sequence such that
A28: fb is_subsequence_of gb and
A29: fb is convergent and
A30: lim fb in [.e,f.] by RCOMP_1:def 3;
  consider Nseq1 being increasing Seq_of_Nat such that
A31:  fb = gb*Nseq1 by A28,SEQM_3:def 10;
  set fa = ga*Nseq1, r = (lim fa + lim fb)/2;
    fa is_subsequence_of ga by SEQM_3:def 10;
  then A32: lim fa = lim ga by A23,SEQ_4:30;
  set d0 = dist(A,B),
      ff = (1/2)(#)(fa+fb);
    fa is_subsequence_of ga by SEQM_3:def 10;
  then A33: fa is convergent by A23,SEQ_4:29;
   then A34: fa+fb is convergent by A29,SEQ_2:19;
   then A35: ff is convergent by SEQ_2:21;
A36: r = (1/2)*(lim fa + lim fb) by XCMPLX_1:100
     .= (1/2)*lim(fa+fb) by A29,A33,SEQ_2:20
     .= lim ff by A34,SEQ_2:22;
      T.0 meets A & T.0 meets B by A13;
    then A is non empty & B is non empty by XBOOLE_1:65;
    then d0 > 0 by A1,Th20;
    then d0/2 > 0 by REAL_2:127;
   then consider k0 being Nat such that
A37: for i being Nat st k0 <= i holds abs(ff.i - r) < d0/2
         by A35,A36,SEQ_2:def 7;
A38: now assume
A39: r in A \/ B;
     ff.k0 = (1/2)*((fa+fb).k0) by SEQ_1:13
     .= ((fa+fb).k0)/2 by XCMPLX_1:100
     .= (fa.k0+fb.k0)/2 by SEQ_1:11;
   then A40: abs((fa.k0+fb.k0)/2 - r) < d0/2 by A37;
   set i = Nseq.(Nseq1.k0),
       di = dist(SA.i,SB.i);
        T.i meets A & T.i meets B by A13;
      then T.i /\ A <> {} & T.i /\ B <> {} by XBOOLE_0:def 7;
then A41: SA.i is non empty & SB.i is non empty by A14,A15;
A42: SA.i = T.i /\ A & SB.i = T.i /\ B by A14,A15;
   then SA.i c= A & SB.i c= B by XBOOLE_1:17;
   then A43:  d0 <= di by A41,Th17;
   then d0/2 <= di/2 by REAL_1:73;
   then di/2 + d0/2 <= di/2 + di/2 by AXIOMS:24;
   then A44:  di/2 + d0/2 <= di by XCMPLX_1:66;
A45: fa.k0 = ga.(Nseq1.k0) by SEQM_3:31
        .= sa.i by A25,SEQM_3:31;
A46: fb.k0 = gb.(Nseq1.k0) by A31,SEQM_3:31
        .= sb.i by SEQM_3:31;
     T.i is closed-interval by A13;
   then consider a,b being Real such that
       a <= b and
A47:  T.i = [.a,b.] by INTEGRA1:def 1;
     2*(d0/2) = d0 by XCMPLX_1:88;
   then A48: 2*abs((sa.i+sb.i)/2 - r) < d0 by A40,A45,A46,REAL_1:70;
A49: 2*abs((sa.i+sb.i)/2 - r) = abs(2)*abs((sa.i+sb.i)/2 - r) by ABSVALUE:def 1
        .= abs(2*((sa.i+sb.i)/2 - r)) by ABSVALUE:10
        .= abs(2*((sa.i+sb.i)/2) - 2*r) by XCMPLX_1:40
        .= abs(sa.i+sb.i-2*r) by XCMPLX_1:88;
A50: sa.i in SA.i & sb.i in SB.i by A19;
A51: SA.i c= T.i & SB.i c= T.i by A42,XBOOLE_1:17;
A52: di <= abs(sb.i-sa.i) by A50,Th16;
A53: now per cases;
    suppose sa.i <= sb.i;
     then sb.i - sa.i >= 0 by SQUARE_1:12;
    then di <= sb.i-sa.i by A52,ABSVALUE:def 1;
    then d0 <= sb.i-sa.i by A43,AXIOMS:22;

   then abs(sa.i+sb.i-2*r) <= sb.i-sa.i by A48,A49,AXIOMS:22;
   then A54: r in [.sa.i,sb.i.] by RCOMP_1:9;
       [.sa.i,sb.i.] c= T.i by A47,A50,A51,RCOMP_1:16;
    hence r in T.i by A54;
    suppose sb.i <= sa.i;
     then A55:   sa.i - sb.i >= 0 by SQUARE_1:12;
      abs(sb.i-sa.i) = abs(sa.i-sb.i) by UNIFORM1:13;
    then di <= sa.i-sb.i by A52,A55,ABSVALUE:def 1;
    then d0 <= sa.i-sb.i by A43,AXIOMS:22;

   then abs(sb.i+sa.i-2*r) <= sa.i-sb.i by A48,A49,AXIOMS:22;
   then A56: r in [.sb.i,sa.i.] by RCOMP_1:9;
       [.sb.i,sa.i.] c= T.i by A47,A50,A51,RCOMP_1:16;
    hence r in T.i by A56;
  per cases by A39,XBOOLE_0:def 2;
A57: r in B;
     fa.k0 - (fa.k0+fb.k0)/2 = (fa.k0 + fa.k0)/2 - (fa.k0+fb.k0)/2 by XCMPLX_1:
          .= (fa.k0 + fa.k0 - (fa.k0+fb.k0))/2 by XCMPLX_1:121
          .= (fa.k0 + fa.k0 - fa.k0 - fb.k0)/2 by XCMPLX_1:36
          .= (fa.k0 - fb.k0)/2 by XCMPLX_1:26;
   then fa.k0 - r = (fa.k0-fb.k0)/2 + (fa.k0+fb.k0)/2 - r by XCMPLX_1:27
       .= (fa.k0-fb.k0)/2 + ((fa.k0+fb.k0)/2 - r) by XCMPLX_1:29;
   then A58:  abs(fa.k0 - r) <= abs((fa.k0-fb.k0)/2) + abs((fa.k0+fb.k0)/2 - r)
               by ABSVALUE:13;
A59:  abs((fa.k0-fb.k0)/2) = abs((fa.k0-fb.k0))/abs(2) by ABSVALUE:16
      .= abs((fa.k0-fb.k0))/2 by ABSVALUE:def 1;
     abs((fa.k0-fb.k0)/2) + abs((fa.k0+fb.k0)/2 - r) <
     abs((fa.k0-fb.k0)/2) + d0/2
        by A40,REAL_1:53;
   then A60:  abs(fa.k0 - r) < abs((fa.k0-fb.k0))/2 + d0/2 by A58,A59,AXIOMS:22
A61: fa.k0 in SA.i by A19,A45;
     SB.i = T.i /\ B by A15;
   then A62: r in SB.i by A53,A57,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
     abs(fa.k0 - r) < di/2 + d0/2 by A19,A45,A46,A60;
   then abs(fa.k0 - r) < di by A44,AXIOMS:22;
  hence contradiction by A61,A62,Th16;
A63: r in A;
     fb.k0 - (fb.k0+fa.k0)/2 = (fb.k0 + fb.k0)/2 - (fb.k0+fa.k0)/2 by XCMPLX_1:
          .= (fb.k0 + fb.k0 - (fb.k0+fa.k0))/2 by XCMPLX_1:121
          .= (fb.k0 + fb.k0 - fb.k0 - fa.k0)/2 by XCMPLX_1:36
          .= (fb.k0 - fa.k0)/2 by XCMPLX_1:26;
   then fb.k0 - r = (fb.k0-fa.k0)/2 + (fb.k0+fa.k0)/2 - r by XCMPLX_1:27
       .= (fb.k0-fa.k0)/2 + ((fb.k0+fa.k0)/2 - r) by XCMPLX_1:29;
   then A64:  abs(fb.k0 - r) <= abs((fb.k0-fa.k0)/2) + abs((fb.k0+fa.k0)/2 - r)
    by ABSVALUE:13;
A65:  abs((fb.k0-fa.k0)/2) = abs((fb.k0-fa.k0))/abs(2) by ABSVALUE:16
      .= abs((fb.k0-fa.k0))/2 by ABSVALUE:def 1;
     abs((fb.k0-fa.k0)/2) + abs((fb.k0+fa.k0)/2 - r) <
     abs((fb.k0-fa.k0)/2) + d0/2
        by A40,REAL_1:53;
   then A66:  abs(fb.k0 - r) < abs((fb.k0-fa.k0))/2 + d0/2 by A64,A65,AXIOMS:22
A67: fb.k0 in SB.i by A19,A46;
     SA.i = T.i /\ A by A14;
   then A68: r in SA.i by A53,A63,XBOOLE_0:def 3;
     abs(fb.k0-fa.k0) = abs(fa.k0-fb.k0) by UNIFORM1:13
       .= di by A19,A45,A46;
   then abs(fb.k0 - r) < di by A44,A66,AXIOMS:22;
  hence contradiction by A67,A68,Th16;
 take r;
 thus r in [.e,f.] by A24,A30,A32,Th9;
 thus not r in A \/ B by A38;
 let i being Nat;
A69: i <= Nseq.i by SEQM_3:33;
      i <= Nseq1.i by SEQM_3:33;
   then Nseq.i <= Nseq.(Nseq1.i) by Th10;
   then A70: i <= Nseq.(Nseq1.i) by A69,AXIOMS:22;
  set k = max(k0,i);
A71: k0 <= k by SQUARE_1:46;
 take j = Nseq.(Nseq1.k);
    i <= k by SQUARE_1:46;
  then Nseq1.i <= Nseq1.k by Th10;
  then Nseq.(Nseq1.i) <= j by Th10;
 hence i <= j by A70,AXIOMS:22;
     ff.k = (1/2)*((fa+fb).k) by SEQ_1:13
     .= ((fa+fb).k)/2 by XCMPLX_1:100
     .= (fa.k+fb.k)/2 by SEQ_1:11;
   then A72: abs((fa.k+fb.k)/2 - r) < d0/2 by A37,A71;
   set di = dist(SA.j,SB.j);
        T.j meets A & T.j meets B by A13;
      then T.j /\ A <> {} & T.j /\ B <> {} by XBOOLE_0:def 7;
      then A73: SA.j is non empty & SB.j is non empty by A14,A15;
A74: SA.j = T.j /\ A & SB.j = T.j /\ B by A14,A15;
   then SA.j c= A & SB.j c= B by XBOOLE_1:17;
   then A75:  d0 <= di by A73,Th17;
A76: fa.k = ga.(Nseq1.k) by SEQM_3:31
        .= sa.j by A25,SEQM_3:31;
A77: fb.k = gb.(Nseq1.k) by A31,SEQM_3:31
        .= sb.j by SEQM_3:31;
     T.j is closed-interval by A13;
   then consider a,b be Real such that
       a <= b and
A78:  T.j = [.a,b.] by INTEGRA1:def 1;
     2*(d0/2) = d0 by XCMPLX_1:88;
   then A79: 2*abs((sa.j+sb.j)/2 - r) < d0 by A72,A76,A77,REAL_1:70;
A80: 2*abs((sa.j+sb.j)/2 - r) = abs(2)*abs((sa.j+sb.j)/2 - r) by ABSVALUE:def 1
        .= abs(2*((sa.j+sb.j)/2 - r)) by ABSVALUE:10
        .= abs(2*((sa.j+sb.j)/2) - 2*r) by XCMPLX_1:40
        .= abs(sa.j+sb.j-2*r) by XCMPLX_1:88;
A81: sa.j in SA.j & sb.j in SB.j by A19;
A82: SA.j c= T.j & SB.j c= T.j by A74,XBOOLE_1:17;
A83: di <= abs(sb.j-sa.j) by A81,Th16;
   now per cases;
    suppose sa.j <= sb.j;
     then sb.j - sa.j >= 0 by SQUARE_1:12;
    then di <= sb.j-sa.j by A83,ABSVALUE:def 1;
    then d0 <= sb.j-sa.j by A75,AXIOMS:22;

   then abs(sa.j+sb.j-2*r) <= sb.j-sa.j by A79,A80,AXIOMS:22;
   then A85: r in [.sa.j,sb.j.] by RCOMP_1:9;
       [.sa.j,sb.j.] c= T.j by A78,A81,A82,RCOMP_1:16;
    hence r in T.j by A85;
    suppose sb.j <= sa.j;
     then A86:   sa.j - sb.j >= 0 by SQUARE_1:12;
      abs(sb.j-sa.j) = abs(sa.j-sb.j) by UNIFORM1:13;
    then di <= sa.j-sb.j by A83,A86,ABSVALUE:def 1;
    then d0 <= sa.j-sb.j by A75,AXIOMS:22;
   then abs(sb.j+sa.j-2*r) <= sa.j-sb.j by A79,A80,AXIOMS:22;
   then A87: r in [.sb.j,sa.j.] by RCOMP_1:9;
       [.sb.j,sa.j.] c= T.j by A78,A81,A82,RCOMP_1:16;
  hence r in T.j by A87;
    T.j c= S.j by A13;
 hence r in S.j by A84;

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