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environ vocabulary METRIC_1, JORDAN1, ARYTM_1, FINSEQ_1, ABSVALUE, RLVECT_1, ARYTM_3, BINTREE1, TREES_2, RELAT_1, FUNCT_1, BOOLE, TREES_4, CAT_1, TREES_1, POWER, INT_1, BINTREE2, MCART_1, EUCLID, FINSEQ_2, MIDSP_3, MARGREL1, ZF_LANG, NAT_1, MATRIX_2, FUNCOP_1, RELAT_2, PRE_TOPC, FUNCT_2, SUBSET_1, BINOP_1, UNIALG_1, COMPLEX1, VECTSP_1, GROUP_1, GROUP_2, VECTMETR, FINSEQ_4, PARTFUN1; notation TARSKI, XBOOLE_0, ZFMISC_1, SUBSET_1, NUMBERS, XREAL_0, MCART_1, REAL_1, RELAT_2, NAT_1, INT_1, STRUCT_0, POWER, ABIAN, SERIES_1, RELAT_1, RELSET_1, ABSVALUE, MARGREL1, BINOP_1, DOMAIN_1, FUNCT_1, PARTFUN1, FUNCT_2, PRE_TOPC, FUNCOP_1, FINSEQ_1, FINSEQ_2, FINSEQ_4, FINSEQOP, BINARITH, TREES_1, TREES_2, TREES_4, BINTREE1, BINTREE2, RVSUM_1, RLVECT_1, VECTSP_1, GROUP_1, GROUP_2, TOPS_2, GRCAT_1, METRIC_1, EUCLID, MIDSP_3; constructors REAL_1, ABIAN, SERIES_1, DOMAIN_1, TOPS_2, TREES_9, FINSEQ_4, FINSEQOP, BINARITH, BINTREE2, GRCAT_1, EUCLID, GROUP_2, MEMBERED; clusters SUBSET_1, STRUCT_0, RELSET_1, FUNCT_1, BINTREE1, BINTREE2, GROUP_1, GROUP_2, METRIC_1, TREES_2, MARGREL1, BINARITH, NAT_1, MEMBERED, FUNCT_2; requirements REAL, NUMERALS, BOOLE, SUBSET, ARITHM; definitions STRUCT_0, TARSKI, XBOOLE_0; theorems STRUCT_0, AXIOMS, TARSKI, MCART_1, REAL_1, REAL_2, NAT_1, NAT_2, MARGREL1, ZFMISC_1, BINOP_1, RELAT_1, FUNCT_1, FUNCT_2, POWER, FINSEQ_1, FINSEQ_2, FINSEQ_4, FINSEQ_5, BINARITH, AMI_5, BINARI_2, BINARI_3, ABSVALUE, GROUP_4, GROUP_5, PRE_TOPC, TOPS_2, FUNCOP_1, BINTREE2, PRE_FF, RLVECT_1, VECTSP_1, GRCAT_1, METRIC_1, RVSUM_1, EUCLID, JORDAN2B, UNIFORM1, SCMFSA_7, GR_CY_1, GROUP_1, GROUP_2, RELAT_2, XCMPLX_1, PARTFUN1, ORDERS_1; schemes FUNCT_2, BINOP_1, NAT_1, FINSEQ_2, BINARITH, BINTREE2, RELSET_1, XBOOLE_0; begin :: Convex and Internal Metric Spaces definition let V be non empty MetrStruct; attr V is convex means :Def1: for x,y be Element of V for r be Real st 0 <= r & r <= 1 ex z be Element of V st dist(x,z) = r * dist(x,y) & dist(z,y) = (1 - r) * dist(x,y); end; definition let V be non empty MetrStruct; attr V is internal means for x,y be Element of V for p,q be Real st p > 0 & q > 0 ex f be FinSequence of the carrier of V st f/.1 = x & f/.len f = y & (for i be Nat st 1 <= i & i <= len f - 1 holds dist(f/.i,f/.(i+1)) < p) & for F be FinSequence of REAL st len F = len f - 1 & for i be Nat st 1 <= i & i <= len F holds F/.i = dist(f/.i,f/.(i+1)) holds abs(dist(x,y) - Sum F) < q; end; theorem Th1: for V be non empty MetrSpace st V is convex for x,y be Element of V for p be Real st p > 0 ex f be FinSequence of the carrier of V st f/.1 = x & f/.len f = y & (for i be Nat st 1 <= i & i <= len f - 1 holds dist(f/.i,f/.(i+1)) < p) & for F be FinSequence of REAL st len F = len f - 1 & for i be Nat st 1 <= i & i <= len F holds F/.i = dist(f/.i,f/.(i+1)) holds dist(x,y) = Sum F proof let V be non empty MetrSpace; assume A1: V is convex; let x,y be Element of V; let p be Real such that A2: p > 0; set A = the carrier of V; defpred P[set,set,set] means for a1,a2 be Element of A st $1 = [a1,a2] ex b be Element of A st $2 = [a1,b] & $3 = [b,a2] & dist(a1,a2) = 2 * dist(a1,b) & dist(a1,a2) = 2 * dist(b,a2); A3: for a be Element of [:A,A:] ex c,d be Element of [:A,A:] st P[a,c,d] proof let a be Element of [:A,A:]; consider a1',a2' be set such that A4: a1' in A and A5: a2' in A and A6: a = [a1',a2'] by ZFMISC_1:def 2; reconsider a1', a2' as Element of A by A4,A5; consider z be Element of A such that A7: dist(a1',z) = 1/2 * dist(a1',a2') and A8: dist(z,a2') = (1 - 1/2) * dist(a1',a2') by A1,Def1; take c = [a1',z]; take d = [z,a2']; let a1,a2 be Element of A; assume A9: a = [a1,a2]; then A10: a1 = a1' & a2 = a2' by A6,ZFMISC_1:33; take z; thus c = [a1,z] by A6,A9,ZFMISC_1:33; thus d = [z,a2] by A6,A9,ZFMISC_1:33; dist(a1,a2) * (1/2 * 2) = 2 * dist(a1,z) & 2 <> 0 by A7,A10,XCMPLX_1:4; hence dist(a1,a2) = 2 * dist(a1,z); dist(a1,a2) * (1/2*2) = 2 * dist(z,a2) & 2 <> 0 by A8,A10,XCMPLX_1:4; hence dist(a1,a2) = 2 * dist(z,a2); end; consider D be binary DecoratedTree of [:A,A:] such that A11: dom D = {0,1}* and A12: D.{} = [x,y] and A13: for z be Node of D holds P[D.z, D.(z ^ <* 0 *>), D.(z ^ <*1*>)] from DecoratedBinTreeEx(A3); reconsider dD = dom D as full Tree by A11,BINTREE2:def 2; per cases; suppose dist(x,y) >= p; then dist(x,y)/p >= 1 by A2,REAL_2:143; then log(2,dist(x,y)/p) >= log(2,1) by PRE_FF:12; then log(2,dist(x,y)/p) >= 0 by POWER:59; then reconsider n1 = [\ log(2,dist(x,y)/p) /] as Nat by UNIFORM1:12; reconsider n = n1 + 1 as non empty Nat; A14: 2 to_power n > 0 by POWER:39; reconsider N = 2 to_power n as non empty Nat by POWER:39; set r = dist(x,y) / N; log(2,dist(x,y)/p) < n * 1 by NAT_2:1; then log(2,dist(x,y)/p) < n * log(2,2) by POWER:60; then log(2,dist(x,y)/p) < log(2,2 to_power n) by POWER:63; then dist(x,y)/p < N by A14,PRE_FF:12; then dist(x,y)/p*p < N*p by A2,REAL_1:70; then dist(x,y) < N*p by A2,XCMPLX_1:88; then dist(x,y)/N < N*p/N by A14,REAL_1:73; then dist(x,y)/N < p/N*N by XCMPLX_1:75; then A15: r < p by XCMPLX_1:88; reconsider FSL = FinSeqLevel(n,dD) as FinSequence of dom D; deffunc G(Nat) = D.(FSL/.$1); consider g be FinSequence of [:A,A:] such that A16: len g = N and A17: for k be Nat st k in Seg N holds g.k = G(k) from SeqLambdaD; deffunc F(Nat) = (g/.$1)`1; consider h be FinSequence of the carrier of V such that A18: len h = N and A19: for k be Nat st k in Seg N holds h.k = F(k) from SeqLambdaD; take f = h^<*y*>; defpred P[Nat] means (D.(0*$1))`1 = x; (D.(0*0))`1 = (D.(0 |-> (0 qua Real)))`1 by EUCLID:def 4 .= [x,y]`1 by A12,FINSEQ_2:72; then A20: P[0] by MCART_1:7; A21: for j be Nat st P[j] holds P[j+1] proof let j be Nat; reconsider zj = 0*j as Node of D by A11,BINARI_3:5,MARGREL1:def 12; consider a,b be set such that A22: a in A and A23: b in A and A24: D.zj = [a,b] by ZFMISC_1:def 2; reconsider a1 = a, b1 = b as Element of A by A22,A23; consider z1 be Element of A such that A25: D.(zj^<* 0 *>) = [a1,z1] and D.(zj^<* 1 *>) = [z1,b1] and dist(a1,b1) = 2 * dist(a1,z1) and dist(a1,b1) = 2 * dist(z1,b1) by A13,A24; assume A26: (D.(0*j))`1 = x; thus (D.(0*(j+1)))`1 = (D.(zj^<* 0 *>))`1 by BINARI_3:4 .= a1 by A25,MCART_1:7 .= x by A24,A26,MCART_1:7; end; A27: for j be Nat holds P[j] from Ind(A20,A21); defpred Q[Nat] means for t be Tuple of $1,BOOLEAN st t = 0*$1 holds (D.'not' t)`2 = y; A28: Q[1] proof let t be Tuple of 1,BOOLEAN; reconsider pusty = <*>({0,1}) as Node of D by A11,FINSEQ_1:def 11; consider b be Element of A such that D.(pusty^<* 0 *>) = [x,b] and A29: D.(pusty^<* 1 *>) = [b,y] and dist(x,y) = 2 * dist(x,b) and dist(x,y) = 2 * dist(b,y) by A12,A13; assume t = 0*1; then t = 1 |-> (0 qua Real) by EUCLID:def 4 .= <*FALSE*> by FINSEQ_2:73,MARGREL1:36; hence (D.'not' t)`2 = (D.(pusty^<* 1 *>))`2 by BINARI_3:15,FINSEQ_1:47,MARGREL1:36 .= y by A29,MCART_1:7; end; A30: for j be non empty Nat st Q[j] holds Q[j+1] proof let j be non empty Nat; assume A31: for t be Tuple of j,BOOLEAN st t = 0*j holds (D.'not' t)`2 = y; let t be Tuple of j+1,BOOLEAN; assume A32: t = 0*(j+1); consider t1 be Tuple of j,BOOLEAN, dd be Element of BOOLEAN such that A33: t = t1^<*dd*> by FINSEQ_2:137; A34: j + 1 in Seg (j + 1) by FINSEQ_1:6; dd = t.(len t1 + 1) by A33,FINSEQ_1:59 .= (0*(j + 1)).(j + 1) by A32,FINSEQ_2:109 .= ((j + 1) |-> (0 qua Real)).(j + 1) by EUCLID:def 4 .= FALSE by A34,FINSEQ_2:70,MARGREL1:36; then 'not' dd = 1 by MARGREL1:36,41; then A35: 'not' t = 'not' t1^<* 1 *> by A33,BINARI_2:11; reconsider nt1 = 'not' t1 as Node of D by A11,FINSEQ_1:def 11,MARGREL1:def 12; consider a,b be set such that A36: a in A and A37: b in A and A38: D.nt1 = [a,b] by ZFMISC_1:def 2; reconsider a1 = a, b1 = b as Element of A by A36,A37; consider b be Element of A such that D.(nt1^<* 0 *>) = [a1,b] and A39: D.(nt1^<* 1 *>) = [b,b1] and dist(a1,b1) = 2 * dist(a1,b) and dist(a1,b1) = 2 * dist(b,b1) by A13,A38; t = 0*j ^ <* 0 *> by A32,BINARI_3:4; then t1 = 0*j by A33,FINSEQ_2:20; then A40: (D.'not' t1)`2 = y by A31; thus (D.'not' t)`2 = b1 by A35,A39,MCART_1:7 .= y by A38,A40,MCART_1:7; end; A41: for j be non empty Nat holds Q[j] from Ind_from_1(A28,A30); A42: len f = len h + len <*y*> by FINSEQ_1:35 .= len h + 1 by FINSEQ_1:56; A43: 1 <= N by RLVECT_1:99; then A44: 1 in Seg N by FINSEQ_1:3; then A45: 1 in dom h by A18,FINSEQ_1:def 3; A46: N * r = dist(x,y) by XCMPLX_1:88; 0 + 1 <= 2 to_power n by A14,NAT_1:38; then A47: 1 <= len FinSeqLevel(n,dD) by BINTREE2:19; 1 <= N + 1 by NAT_1:29; hence f/.1 = f.1 by A18,A42,FINSEQ_4:24 .= h.1 by A45,FINSEQ_1:def 7 .= (g/.1)`1 by A19,A44 .= (g.1)`1 by A16,A43,FINSEQ_4:24 .= (D.(FSL/.1))`1 by A17,A44 .= (D.(FinSeqLevel(n,dD).1))`1 by A47,FINSEQ_4:24 .= (D.(0*n))`1 by BINTREE2:15 .= x by A27; len f in Seg (len f) by A42,FINSEQ_1:6; then len f in dom f by FINSEQ_1:def 3; hence A48: f/.len f = (h^<*y*>).(len h + 1) by A42,FINSEQ_4:def 4 .= y by FINSEQ_1:59; A49: for i be Nat st 1 <= i & i <= len f - 1 holds dist(f/.i,f/.(i+1)) = r proof let i be Nat; assume that A50: 1 <= i and A51: i <= len f - 1; A52: len FSL = N by BINTREE2:19; A53: i <= len h by A42,A51,XCMPLX_1:26; then A54: i in Seg len h by A50,FINSEQ_1:3; then i in dom h by FINSEQ_1:def 3; then A55: f/.i = h/.i by GROUP_5:95 .= h.i by A50,A53,FINSEQ_4:24 .= (g/.i)`1 by A18,A19,A54 .= (g.i)`1 by A16,A18,A50,A53,FINSEQ_4:24 .= (D.(FSL/.i))`1 by A17,A18,A54 .= (D.(FinSeqLevel(n,dD).i))`1 by A18,A50,A52,A53,FINSEQ_4:24; A56: len f >= 1 by A42,NAT_1:29; 0*n in BOOLEAN* by BINARI_3:5; then A57: 0*n is FinSequence of BOOLEAN by FINSEQ_1:def 11; len (0*n) = n by JORDAN2B:8; then reconsider ze = 0*n as Tuple of n,BOOLEAN by A57,FINSEQ_2:110; A58: now per cases by A51,REAL_1:def 5; suppose i < len f - 1; then i < len f-'1 by A56,SCMFSA_7:3; then i + 1 <= len f-'1 by NAT_1:38; then i + 1 <= len f - 1 by A56,SCMFSA_7:3; then A59: i + 1 <= len h by A42,XCMPLX_1:26; then i + 1 - 1 <= (2 to_power n) - 1 by A18,REAL_1:49; then A60: i <= (2 to_power n) - 1 by XCMPLX_1:26; defpred R[non empty Nat] means for i be Nat st 1 <= i & i <= (2 to_power $1) - 1 holds (D.(FinSeqLevel($1,dD).(i+1)))`1 = (D.(FinSeqLevel($1,dD).i))`2; A61: R[1] proof let i be Nat; assume that A62: 1 <= i and A63: i <= (2 to_power 1) - 1; (2 to_power 1) - 1 = 1 + 1 - 1 by POWER:30 .= 1; then A64: i = 1 by A62,A63,AXIOMS:21; reconsider pusty = <*>({0,1}) as Node of D by A11,FINSEQ_1:def 11; consider b be Element of A such that A65: D.(pusty^<* 0 *>) = [x,b] and A66: D.(pusty^<* 1 *>) = [b,y] and dist(x,y) = 2 * dist(x,b) and dist(x,y) = 2 * dist(b,y) by A12,A13; thus (D.(FinSeqLevel(1,dD).(i+1)))`1 = (D.<* 1 *>)`1 by A64,BINTREE2:23 .= (D.(pusty^<* 1 *>))`1 by FINSEQ_1:47 .= b by A66,MCART_1:7 .= (D.(pusty^<* 0 *>))`2 by A65,MCART_1:7 .= (D.<* 0 *>)`2 by FINSEQ_1:47 .= (D.(FinSeqLevel(1,dD).i))`2 by A64,BINTREE2:22; end; A67: for n be non empty Nat st R[n] holds R[n+1] proof let n be non empty Nat; assume A68: for i be Nat st 1 <= i & i <= (2 to_power n) - 1 holds (D.(FinSeqLevel(n,dD).(i+1)))`1 = (D.(FinSeqLevel(n,dD).i))`2; let i be Nat; assume that A69: 1 <= i and A70: i <= (2 to_power (n+1)) - 1; 0 + 1 <= i by A69; then A71: 0 < i by NAT_1:38; 2 to_power (n+1) > 0 by POWER:39; then A72: 2 to_power (n+1) >= 0 + 1 by NAT_1:38; then i <= (2 to_power (n+1)) -' 1 by A70,SCMFSA_7:3; then i < (2 to_power (n+1)) -' 1 + 1 by NAT_1:38; then A73: i < (2 to_power (n+1)) - 1 + 1 by A72,SCMFSA_7:3; then A74: i < 2 to_power (n+1) by XCMPLX_1:27; A75: i <= 2 to_power (n+1) by A73,XCMPLX_1:27; A76: i + 1 <= 2 to_power (n+1) by A74,NAT_1:38; i <= (2 to_power n) * (2 to_power 1) by A75,POWER:32; then i <= (2 to_power n) * 2 by POWER:30; then A77: (i+1) div 2 <= 2 to_power n by NAT_2:27; A78: 1 + 1 <= i + 1 by A69,AXIOMS:24; then A79: (i+1) div 2 >= 1 by NAT_2:15; then (i+1) div 2 in Seg (2 to_power n) by A77,FINSEQ_1:3; then A80: (i+1) div 2 in dom FinSeqLevel(n,dD) by BINTREE2:20; reconsider zb = dD-level n as non empty set by A11,BINTREE2:10; FinSeqLevel(n,dD).((i+1) div 2) in zb by A80,FINSEQ_2:13; then reconsider F = FinSeqLevel(n,dD).((i+1) div 2) as Tuple of n,BOOLEAN by BINTREE2:5; reconsider F1 = F as Node of D by A11,FINSEQ_1:def 11,MARGREL1:def 12; i + 1 <= (2 to_power n) * (2 to_power 1) by A76,POWER:32; then i + 1 <= (2 to_power n) * 2 by POWER:30; then A81: (i+1+1) div 2 <= 2 to_power n by NAT_2:27; i + 1 <= i + 1 + 1 by NAT_1:29; then 2 <= i + 1 + 1 by A78,AXIOMS:22; then (i+1+1) div 2 >= 1 by NAT_2:15; then (i+1+1) div 2 in Seg (2 to_power n) by A81,FINSEQ_1:3; then (i+1+1) div 2 in dom FinSeqLevel(n,dD) by BINTREE2:20; then FinSeqLevel(n,dD).((i+1+1) div 2) in zb by FINSEQ_2:13; then reconsider FF = FinSeqLevel(n,dD).((i+1+1) div 2) as Tuple of n,BOOLEAN by BINTREE2:5; reconsider FF1 = FF as Node of D by A11,FINSEQ_1:def 11,MARGREL1:def 12; consider a,b be set such that A82: a in A and A83: b in A and A84: D.F1 = [a,b] by ZFMISC_1:def 2; consider a',b' be set such that A85: a' in A and A86: b' in A and A87: D.FF1 = [a',b'] by ZFMISC_1:def 2; reconsider a1 = a, b1 = b, a1' = a', b1' = b' as Element of A by A82,A83,A85,A86; consider d be Element of A such that A88: D.(F1^<* 0 *>) = [a1,d] and A89: D.(F1^<* 1 *>) = [d,b1] and dist(a1,b1) = 2 * dist(a1,d) and dist(a1,b1) = 2 * dist(d,b1) by A13,A84; consider d' be Element of A such that A90: D.(FF1^<* 0 *>) = [a1',d'] and A91: D.(FF1^<* 1 *>) = [d',b1'] and dist(a1',b1') = 2 * dist(a1',d') and dist(a1',b1') = 2 * dist(d',b1') by A13,A87; A92: i + 1 > 0 by NAT_1:19; A93: i + 1 >= 1 by NAT_1:29; A94: i = i + 1 - 1 by XCMPLX_1:26 .= i + 1 -' 1 by A93,SCMFSA_7:3; now per cases; suppose i is odd; then A95: i mod 2 = 1 by NAT_2:24; then (i + 1) mod 2 = 0 by A92,A94,NAT_2:20; then i + 1 is even by NAT_2:23; then (i+1) div 2 = (i+1+1) div 2 by NAT_2:28; then A96: d = d' by A88,A90,ZFMISC_1:33; thus (D.(FinSeqLevel(n+1,dD).(i+1)))`1 = (D.(FF^<*(i+1+1) mod 2*>))`1 by A76,BINTREE2:24 .= (D.(FF^<*(i+(1+1)) mod 2*>))`1 by XCMPLX_1:1 .= (D.(FF^<*(2*1+i) mod 2*>))`1 .= (D.(FF^<* 1 *>))`1 by A95,GR_CY_1:1 .= d by A91,A96,MCART_1:7 .= (D.(F^<* 0 *>))`2 by A88,MCART_1:7 .= (D.(F^<*(i+1) mod 2*>))`2 by A92,A94,A95,NAT_2:20 .= (D.(FinSeqLevel(n+1,dD).i))`2 by A71,A75,BINTREE2:24; suppose i is even; then A97: i mod 2 = 0 by NAT_2:23; then A98: 1 = (i -' 1) mod 2 by A71,NAT_2:20 .= (i -' 1 + 2 * 1) mod 2 by GR_CY_1:1 .= (i -' 1 + (1 + 1)) mod 2 .= (i -' 1 + 1 + 1) mod 2 by XCMPLX_1:1 .= (i + 1) mod 2 by A69,AMI_5:4; 1 + (1 + i) >= 1 by NAT_1:29; then A99: 1 + 1 + i >= 0 + 1 by XCMPLX_1:1; then A100: 1 + 1 + i > 0 by NAT_1:38; A101: 1 + 1 + (i -' 1) = 1 + 1 + (i - 1) by A69,SCMFSA_7:3 .= 1 + 1 + i - 1 by XCMPLX_1:29; 1 = (i -' 1 + 1 + 1) mod 2 by A69,A98,AMI_5:4 .= (1 + 1 + (i -' 1)) mod 2 by XCMPLX_1:1 .= (1 + 1 + i -' 1) mod 2 by A99,A101,SCMFSA_7:3; then (1 + 1 + i) mod 2 = 0 by A100,NAT_2:20; then (i + 1 + 1) mod 2 = 0 by XCMPLX_1:1; then i + 1 + 1 = 2 * ((i + 1 + 1) div 2) + 0 by NAT_1:47; then A102: 2 divides i + 1 + 1 by NAT_1:49; 1 <= i + 1 + 1 by NAT_1:29; then (i + 1 + 1 -' 1) div 2 = ((i + 1 + 1) div 2) - 1 by A102,NAT_2:17; then (i + 1) div 2 = ((i + 1 + 1) div 2) - 1 by BINARITH:39; then A103: ((i + 1) div 2) + 1 = (i + 1 + 1) div 2 by XCMPLX_1:27; then A104: (i+1) div 2 <= (2 to_power n) - 1 by A81,REAL_1:84; A105: a' = (D.(FinSeqLevel(n,dD).((i+1+1) div 2)))`1 by A87,MCART_1:7 .= (D.(FinSeqLevel(n,dD).((i+1) div 2)))`2 by A68,A79,A103,A104 .= b by A84,MCART_1:7; thus (D.(FinSeqLevel(n+1,dD).(i+1)))`1 = (D.(FF^<*(i+1+1) mod 2*>))`1 by A76,BINTREE2:24 .= (D.(FF^<*(i+(1+1)) mod 2*>))`1 by XCMPLX_1:1 .= (D.(FF^<*(2*1+i) mod 2*>))`1 .= (D.(FF^<* 0 *>))`1 by A97,GR_CY_1:1 .= a1' by A90,MCART_1:7 .= (D.(F^<* 1 *>))`2 by A89,A105,MCART_1:7 .= (D.(FinSeqLevel(n+1,dD).i))`2 by A71,A75,A98,BINTREE2:24; end; hence (D.(FinSeqLevel(n+1,dD).(i+1)))`1 = (D.(FinSeqLevel(n+1,dD).i))`2; end; A106: for n be non empty Nat holds R[n] from Ind_from_1(A61,A67); A107: 1 <= 1 + i by NAT_1:29; then A108: i + 1 in Seg len h by A59,FINSEQ_1:3; then i + 1 in dom h by FINSEQ_1:def 3; hence f/.(i+1) = h/.(i+1) by GROUP_5:95 .= h.(i+1) by A59,A107,FINSEQ_4:24 .= (g/.(i+1))`1 by A18,A19,A108 .= (g.(i+1))`1 by A16,A18,A59,A107,FINSEQ_4:24 .= (D.(FSL/.(i+1)))`1 by A17,A18,A108 .= (D.(FinSeqLevel(n,dD).(i+1)))`1 by A18,A52,A59,A107,FINSEQ_4:24 .= (D.(FinSeqLevel(n,dD).i))`2 by A50,A60,A106; suppose A109: i = len f - 1; then A110: i = 2 to_power n by A18,A42,XCMPLX_1:26; thus f/.(i+1) = y by A48,A109,XCMPLX_1:27 .= (D.'not' ze)`2 by A41 .= (D.(FinSeqLevel(n,dD).i))`2 by A110,BINTREE2:16; end; i >= 0 + 1 by A50; then A111: i > 0 by NAT_1:38; defpred S[non empty Nat] means for j be non empty Nat st j <= 2 to_power $1 for DF1,DF2 be Element of V st DF1 = (D.(FinSeqLevel($1,dD).j))`1 & DF2 = (D.(FinSeqLevel($1,dD).j))`2 holds dist(DF1,DF2) = dist(x,y) / 2 to_power $1; A112: S[1] proof let j be non empty Nat; A113: 2 to_power 1 = 2 by POWER:30; A114: j >= 1 by RLVECT_1:99; assume A115: j <= 2 to_power 1; then A116: j in Seg 2 by A113,A114,FINSEQ_1:3; let DF1,DF2 be Element of V; assume that A117: DF1 = (D.(FinSeqLevel(1,dD).j))`1 and A118: DF2 = (D.(FinSeqLevel(1,dD).j))`2; reconsider pusty = <*>({0,1}) as Node of D by A11,FINSEQ_1:def 11; j >= 1 by RLVECT_1:99; then j in Seg (2 to_power 1) by A115,FINSEQ_1:3; then j in dom FinSeqLevel(1,dD) by BINTREE2:20; then reconsider FSL1j = FinSeqLevel(1,dD).j as Element of dom D by FINSEQ_2:13; now per cases by A116,FINSEQ_1:4,TARSKI:def 2; suppose A119: j = 1; A120: D.(pusty ^ <* 0 *>) = D.(<* 0 *>) by FINSEQ_1:47 .= D.FSL1j by A119,BINTREE2:22 .= [DF1,DF2] by A117,A118,MCART_1:23; consider b be Element of A such that A121: D.(pusty^<* 0 *>) = [x,b] and D.(pusty^<* 1 *>) = [b,y] and A122: dist(x,y) = 2 * dist(x,b) and dist(x,y) = 2 * dist(b,y) by A12,A13; A123: DF1 = x & DF2 = b by A120,A121,ZFMISC_1:33; thus dist(DF1,DF2) = (2 / 1) * (dist(DF1,DF2) / 2) by XCMPLX_1:88 .= (2 * dist(DF1,DF2)) / (1 * 2) by XCMPLX_1:77 .= dist(x,y) / 2 by A122,A123; suppose A124: j = 2; A125: D.(pusty ^ <* 1 *>) = D.(<* 1 *>) by FINSEQ_1:47 .= D.FSL1j by A124,BINTREE2:23 .= [DF1,DF2] by A117,A118,MCART_1:23; consider b be Element of A such that D.(pusty^<* 0 *>) = [x,b] and A126: D.(pusty^<* 1 *>) = [b,y] and dist(x,y) = 2 * dist(x,b) and A127: dist(x,y) = 2 * dist(b,y) by A12,A13; A128: DF1 = b & DF2 = y by A125,A126,ZFMISC_1:33; thus dist(DF1,DF2) = (2 / 1) * (dist(DF1,DF2) / 2) by XCMPLX_1:88 .= (2 * dist(DF1,DF2)) / (1 * 2) by XCMPLX_1:77 .= dist(x,y) / 2 by A127,A128; end; hence dist(DF1,DF2) = dist(x,y) / 2 to_power 1 by POWER:30; end; A129: for l be non empty Nat st S[l] holds S[l+1] proof let l be non empty Nat; assume A130: for j be non empty Nat st j <= 2 to_power l for DF1,DF2 be Element of V st DF1 = (D.(FinSeqLevel(l,dD).j))`1 & DF2 = (D.(FinSeqLevel(l,dD).j))`2 holds dist(DF1,DF2) = dist(x,y) / 2 to_power l; let j be non empty Nat; assume A131: j <= 2 to_power (l+1); let DF1,DF2 be Element of V; assume that A132: DF1 = (D.(FinSeqLevel(l+1,dD).j))`1 and A133: DF2 = (D.(FinSeqLevel(l+1,dD).j))`2; (j + 1) div 2 <> 0 proof assume (j + 1) div 2 = 0; then j + 1 < 1 + 1 by NAT_2:14; then j < 1 by AXIOMS:24; hence contradiction by RLVECT_1:99; end; then reconsider j1 = (j+1) div 2 as non empty Nat; A134: j1 >= 1 by RLVECT_1:99; j <= (2 to_power l) * (2 to_power 1) by A131,POWER:32; then j <= (2 to_power l) * 2 by POWER:30; then A135: j1 <= 2 to_power l by NAT_2:27; then j1 in Seg (2 to_power l) by A134,FINSEQ_1:3; then A136: (j+1) div 2 in dom FinSeqLevel(l,dD) by BINTREE2:20; j >= 1 by RLVECT_1:99; then j in Seg (2 to_power (l+1)) by A131,FINSEQ_1:3; then A137: j in dom FinSeqLevel(l+1,dD) by BINTREE2:20; reconsider dDll1 = dD-level (l+1) as non empty set by A11,BINTREE2:10; FinSeqLevel(l+1,dD).j in dDll1 by A137,FINSEQ_2:13; then reconsider FSLl1 = FinSeqLevel(l+1,dD).j as Tuple of l+1,BOOLEAN by BINTREE2:5; reconsider Fj = (FinSeqLevel(l+1,dD).j) as Element of dom D by A137,FINSEQ_2:13; A138: D.Fj = [DF1,DF2] by A132,A133,MCART_1:23; consider FSLl be Tuple of l,BOOLEAN, d be Element of BOOLEAN such that A139: FSLl1 = FSLl^<*d*> by FINSEQ_2:137; reconsider N_FSLl = FSLl as Node of D by A11,FINSEQ_1:def 11,MARGREL1:def 12; consider x1,y1 be set such that A140: x1 in A and A141: y1 in A and A142: D.N_FSLl = [x1,y1] by ZFMISC_1:def 2; reconsider x1, y1 as Element of A by A140,A141; consider b be Element of A such that A143: D.(N_FSLl^<* 0 *>) = [x1,b] and A144: D.(N_FSLl^<* 1 *>) = [b,y1] and A145: dist(x1,y1) = 2 * dist(x1,b) and A146: dist(x1,y1) = 2 * dist(b,y1) by A13,A142; reconsider dDll = dD-level l as non empty set by A11,BINTREE2:10; FinSeqLevel(l,dD).((j+1) div 2) in dDll by A136,FINSEQ_2:13; then reconsider FSLlprim = FinSeqLevel(l,dD).((j+1) div 2) as Tuple of l,BOOLEAN by BINTREE2:5; FinSeqLevel(l+1,dD).j = FSLlprim^<*(j+1) mod 2*> by A131,BINTREE2:24; then A147: FSLl = FSLlprim & d = (j+1) mod 2 by A139,FINSEQ_2:20; then x1 = (D.(FinSeqLevel(l,dD).j1))`1 & y1 = (D.(FinSeqLevel(l,dD).j1))`2 by A142,MCART_1:7; then A148: dist(x1,y1) = dist(x,y) / 2 to_power l by A130,A135; now per cases by A147,GROUP_4:100; suppose d = 0; then DF1 = x1 & DF2 = b by A138,A139,A143,ZFMISC_1:33; then 2 * dist(DF1,DF2) = (dist(x,y) / 2 to_power l) / 2 * 2 by A145,A148,XCMPLX_1:88; hence dist(DF1,DF2) = (dist(x,y) / 2 to_power l) / 2 by XCMPLX_1:5 .= dist(x,y) / ((2 to_power l) * 2) by XCMPLX_1:79 .= dist(x,y) / ((2 to_power l) * (2 to_power 1)) by POWER:30 .= dist(x,y) / (2 to_power (l+1)) by POWER:32; suppose d = 1; then DF1 = b & DF2 = y1 by A138,A139,A144,ZFMISC_1:33; then 2 * dist(DF1,DF2) = (dist(x,y) / 2 to_power l) / 2 * 2 by A146,A148,XCMPLX_1:88; hence dist(DF1,DF2) = (dist(x,y) / 2 to_power l) / 2 by XCMPLX_1:5 .= dist(x,y) / ((2 to_power l) * 2) by XCMPLX_1:79 .= dist(x,y) / ((2 to_power l) * (2 to_power 1)) by POWER:30 .= dist(x,y) / (2 to_power (l+1)) by POWER:32; end; hence dist(DF1,DF2) = dist(x,y) / 2 to_power (l+1); end; for l be non empty Nat holds S[l] from Ind_from_1(A112,A129); hence dist(f/.i,f/.(i+1)) = r by A18,A53,A55,A58,A111; end; hence for i be Nat st 1 <= i & i <= len f - 1 holds dist(f/.i,f/.(i+1)) < p by A15; let F be FinSequence of REAL such that A149: len F = len f - 1 and A150: for i be Nat st 1 <= i & i <= len F holds F/.i = dist(f/.i,f/.(i+1)); A151: dom F = Seg len F by FINSEQ_1:def 3; rng F = {r} proof thus rng F c= {r} proof let a be set; assume a in rng F; then consider c be set such that A152: c in dom F and A153: F.c = a by FUNCT_1:def 5; c in Seg len F by A152,FINSEQ_1:def 3; then c in { t where t is Nat : 1 <= t & t <= len F } by FINSEQ_1:def 1; then consider c1 be Nat such that A154: c1 = c and A155: 1 <= c1 and A156: c1 <= len F; a = F/.c1 by A153,A154,A155,A156,FINSEQ_4:24 .= dist(f/.c1,f/.(c1+1)) by A150,A155,A156 .= r by A49,A149,A155,A156; hence a in {r} by TARSKI:def 1; end; let a be set; assume a in {r}; then A157: a = r by TARSKI:def 1; A158: 1 <= N + 1 - 1 by A43,XCMPLX_1:26; then 1 in Seg len F by A18,A42,A149,FINSEQ_1:3; then A159: 1 in dom F by FINSEQ_1:def 3; a = dist(f/.1,f/.(1+1)) by A18,A42,A49,A157,A158 .= F/.1 by A18,A42,A149,A150,A158 .= F.1 by A18,A42,A149,A158,FINSEQ_4:24; hence a in rng F by A159,FUNCT_1:def 5; end; then F = Seg len F --> r by A151,FUNCOP_1:15 .= len F |-> r by FINSEQ_2:def 2; hence Sum F = (N + 1 - 1) * r by A18,A42,A149,RVSUM_1:110 .= dist(x,y) by A46,XCMPLX_1:26; suppose A160: dist(x,y) < p; take f = <*x,y*>; thus A161: f/.1 = x by FINSEQ_4:26; len f = 2 by FINSEQ_1:61; hence f/.len f = y by FINSEQ_4:26; A162: len f - 1 = 1 + 1 - 1 by FINSEQ_1:61 .= 1; thus for i be Nat st 1 <= i & i <= len f - 1 holds dist(f/.i,f/.(i+1)) < p proof let i be Nat; assume that A163: 1 <= i and A164: i <= len f - 1; i in Seg 1 by A162,A163,A164,FINSEQ_1:3; then i = 1 by FINSEQ_1:4,TARSKI:def 1; hence dist(f/.i,f/.(i+1)) < p by A160,A161,FINSEQ_4:26; end; let F be FinSequence of REAL; assume that A165: len F = len f - 1 and A166: for i be Nat st 1 <= i & i <= len F holds F/.i = dist(f/.i,f/.(i+1)); F/.1 = dist(f/.1,f/.(1+1)) by A162,A165,A166 .= dist(x,y) by A161,FINSEQ_4:26; then F = <*dist(x,y)*> by A162,A165,FINSEQ_5:15; hence dist(x,y) = Sum F by RVSUM_1:103; end; definition cluster convex -> internal (non empty MetrSpace); coherence proof let V be non empty MetrSpace; assume A1: V is convex; let x,y be Element of V; let p,q be Real such that A2: p > 0 and A3: q > 0; consider f be FinSequence of the carrier of V such that A4: f/.1 = x and A5: f/.len f = y and A6: for i be Nat st 1 <= i & i <= len f - 1 holds dist(f/.i,f/.(i+1)) < p and A7: for F be FinSequence of REAL st len F = len f - 1 & for i be Nat st 1 <= i & i <= len F holds F/.i = dist(f/.i,f/.(i+1)) holds dist(x,y) = Sum F by A1,A2,Th1; take f; thus f/.1 = x & f/.len f = y & for i be Nat st 1 <= i & i <= len f - 1 holds dist(f/.i,f/.(i+1)) < p by A4,A5,A6; let F be FinSequence of REAL such that A8: len F = len f - 1 and A9: for i be Nat st 1 <= i & i <= len F holds F/.i = dist(f/.i,f/.(i+1)); dist(x,y) = Sum F by A7,A8,A9; then dist(x,y) - Sum F = 0 by XCMPLX_1:14; hence abs(dist(x,y) - Sum F) < q by A3,ABSVALUE:7; end; end; definition cluster convex (non empty MetrSpace); existence proof reconsider ZS = {0} as non empty set; deffunc T((Element of ZS), Element of ZS) = 0; consider F be Function of [:ZS,ZS:],REAL such that A1: for x,y be Element of ZS holds F.[x,y] = T(x,y) from Lambda2D; reconsider V = MetrStruct (# ZS,F #) as non empty MetrStruct by STRUCT_0:def 1; A2: now let a,b be Element of V; assume dist(a,b) = 0; a = 0 & b = 0 by TARSKI:def 1; hence a = b; end; A3: now let a be Element of V; thus dist(a,a) = F.(a,a) by METRIC_1:def 1 .= F.[a,a] by BINOP_1:def 1 .= 0 by A1; end; A4: now let a,b be Element of V; thus dist(a,b) = F.(a,b) by METRIC_1:def 1 .= F.[a,b] by BINOP_1:def 1 .= 0 by A1 .= F.[b,a] by A1 .= F.(b,a) by BINOP_1:def 1 .= dist(b,a) by METRIC_1:def 1; end; now let a,b,c be Element of V; a = 0 & b = 0 & c = 0 by TARSKI:def 1; then dist(a,c) = 0 & dist(a,b) = 0 & dist(b,c) = 0 by A3; hence dist(a,c) <= dist(a,b) + dist(b,c); end; then reconsider V as discerning Reflexive symmetric triangle (non empty MetrStruct) by A2,A3,A4,METRIC_1:1,2,3,4; take V; let x,y be Element of V; let r be Real such that 0 <= r and r <= 1; take z = x; A5: dist(x,z) = F.(x,z) by METRIC_1:def 1 .= F.[x,z] by BINOP_1:def 1 .= 0 by A1; dist(z,y) = F.(z,y) by METRIC_1:def 1 .= F.[z,y] by BINOP_1:def 1 .= 0 by A1; hence dist(x,z) = r * dist(x,y) & dist(z,y) = (1 - r) * dist(x,y) by A5; end; end; definition mode Geometry is Reflexive discerning symmetric triangle internal (non empty MetrStruct); end; begin :: Isometric Functions definition let V be non empty MetrStruct; let f be map of V,V; attr f is isometric means :Def3: rng f = the carrier of V & for x,y be Element of V holds dist(x,y) = dist(f.x,f.y); end; definition let V be non empty MetrStruct; func ISOM(V) -> set means :Def4: for x be set holds x in it iff ex f be map of V,V st f = x & f is isometric; existence proof defpred Sep[set] means ex f be map of V,V st f = $1 & f is isometric; consider X be set such that A1: for x be set holds x in X iff x in Funcs(the carrier of V,the carrier of V) & Sep[x] from Separation; take X; let x be set; thus x in X implies ex f be map of V,V st f = x & f is isometric by A1; thus (ex f be map of V,V st f = x & f is isometric) implies x in X proof given f be map of V,V such that A2: f = x and A3: f is isometric; f in Funcs(the carrier of V,the carrier of V) by FUNCT_2:11; hence x in X by A1,A2,A3; end; end; uniqueness proof defpred P[set] means ex f be map of V,V st f = $1 & f is isometric; thus for X1,X2 being set st (for x being set holds x in X1 iff P[x]) & (for x being set holds x in X2 iff P[x]) holds X1 = X2 from SetEq; end; end; definition let V be non empty MetrStruct; redefine func ISOM(V) -> Subset of Funcs(the carrier of V,the carrier of V); coherence proof now let x be set; assume x in ISOM(V); then consider f be map of V,V such that A1: f = x and f is isometric by Def4; thus x in Funcs(the carrier of V,the carrier of V) by A1,FUNCT_2:11; end; hence ISOM(V) is Subset of Funcs(the carrier of V,the carrier of V) by TARSKI:def 3; end; end; theorem Th2: for V be discerning Reflexive (non empty MetrStruct) for f be map of V,V st f is isometric holds f is one-to-one proof let V be discerning Reflexive (non empty MetrStruct); let f be map of V,V; assume A1: f is isometric; now let x,y be set; assume that A2: x in dom f and A3: y in dom f and A4: f.x = f.y; reconsider x1 = x, y1 = y as Element of V by A2,A3; dist(x1,y1) = dist(f.x1,f.y1) by A1,Def3 .= 0 by A4,METRIC_1:1; hence x = y by METRIC_1:2; end; hence f is one-to-one by FUNCT_1:def 8; end; definition let V be discerning Reflexive (non empty MetrStruct); cluster isometric -> one-to-one map of V,V; coherence by Th2; end; definition let V be non empty MetrStruct; cluster isometric map of V,V; existence proof reconsider f = id (the carrier of V) as map of V,V; take f; thus rng f = the carrier of V by RELAT_1:71; let x,y be Element of V; thus dist(x,y) = dist(f.x,y) by FUNCT_1:35 .= dist(f.x,f.y) by FUNCT_1:35; end; end; theorem Th3: for V be discerning Reflexive (non empty MetrStruct) for f be isometric map of V,V holds f" is isometric proof let V be discerning Reflexive (non empty MetrStruct); let f be isometric map of V,V; A1: rng f = the carrier of V by Def3; then rng f = [#]V by PRE_TOPC:12; hence rng (f") = [#]V by TOPS_2:62 .= the carrier of V by PRE_TOPC:12; let x,y be Element of V; dom f = the carrier of V by FUNCT_2:def 1; then A2: dom f = [#]V & rng f = [#]V by A1,PRE_TOPC:12; then A3: dom (f") = [#]V by TOPS_2:62; A4: x = (id rng f).x by A1,FUNCT_1:35 .= (f*f").x by A2,TOPS_2:65 .= f.(f".x) by A1,A2,A3,FUNCT_1:23; y = (id rng f).y by A1,FUNCT_1:35 .= (f*f").y by A2,TOPS_2:65 .= f.(f".y) by A1,A2,A3,FUNCT_1:23; hence dist(x,y) = dist(f".x,f".y) by A4,Def3; end; theorem Th4: for V be non empty MetrStruct for f,g be isometric map of V,V holds f*g is isometric proof let V be non empty MetrStruct; let f,g be isometric map of V,V; rng g = the carrier of V by Def3 .= dom f by FUNCT_2:def 1; hence rng (f*g) = rng f by RELAT_1:47 .= the carrier of V by Def3; let x,y be Element of V; x in the carrier of V & y in the carrier of V; then A1: x in dom g & y in dom g by FUNCT_2:def 1; thus dist(x,y) = dist(g.x,g.y) by Def3 .= dist(f.(g.x),f.(g.y)) by Def3 .= dist((f*g).x,f.(g.y)) by A1,FUNCT_1:23 .= dist((f*g).x,(f*g).y) by A1,FUNCT_1:23; end; theorem Th5: for V be non empty MetrStruct holds id(V) is isometric proof let V be non empty MetrStruct; thus rng id(V) = rng id(the carrier of V) by GRCAT_1:def 11 .= the carrier of V by RELAT_1:71; let x,y be Element of V; thus dist(x,y) = dist(id(V).x,y) by GRCAT_1:11 .= dist(id(V).x,id(V).y) by GRCAT_1:11; end; definition let V be non empty MetrStruct; cluster ISOM V -> non empty; coherence proof id(V) is isometric by Th5; hence ISOM V is non empty by Def4; end; end; begin :: Real Linear-Metric Spaces definition struct(RLSStruct,MetrStruct) RLSMetrStruct (# carrier -> set, distance -> Function of [:the carrier,the carrier:],REAL, Zero -> Element of the carrier, add -> BinOp of the carrier, Mult -> Function of [:REAL, the carrier:],the carrier #); end; definition cluster non empty strict RLSMetrStruct; existence proof consider X be non empty set, F be Function of [:X,X:],REAL, O be Element of X, B be BinOp of X, G be Function of [:REAL,X:],X; take RLSMetrStruct (# X,F,O,B,G #); thus the carrier of RLSMetrStruct (# X,F,O,B,G #) is non empty; thus RLSMetrStruct (# X,F,O,B,G #) is strict; end; end; definition let X be non empty set; let F be Function of [:X,X:],REAL; let O be Element of X; let B be BinOp of X; let G be Function of [:REAL,X:],X; cluster RLSMetrStruct (# X,F,O,B,G #) -> non empty; coherence by STRUCT_0:def 1; end; definition let V be non empty RLSMetrStruct; attr V is homogeneous means :Def5: for r be Real for v,w be Element of V holds dist(r*v,r*w) = abs(r) * dist(v,w); end; definition let V be non empty RLSMetrStruct; attr V is translatible means :Def6: for u,w,v be Element of V holds dist(v,w) = dist(v+u,w+u); end; definition let V be non empty RLSMetrStruct; let v be Element of V; func Norm(v) -> Real equals :Def7: dist(0.V,v); coherence; end; definition cluster strict Abelian add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable RealLinearSpace-like Reflexive discerning symmetric triangle homogeneous translatible (non empty RLSMetrStruct); existence proof reconsider ZS = {0} as non empty set; reconsider O = 0 as Element of ZS by TARSKI:def 1; deffunc T((Element of ZS), Element of ZS) = 0; consider FF be Function of [:ZS,ZS:],REAL such that A1: for x,y be Element of ZS holds FF.[x,y] = T(x,y) from Lambda2D; deffunc A((Element of ZS), Element of ZS) = O; consider F be BinOp of ZS such that A2: for x,y be Element of ZS holds F.(x,y) = A(x,y) from BinOpLambda; deffunc M((Element of REAL), Element of ZS) = O; consider G be Function of [:REAL,ZS:],ZS such that A3: for a be Element of REAL for x be Element of ZS holds G.[a,x qua set] = M(a,x) from Lambda2D; set W = RLSMetrStruct (# ZS,FF,O,F,G #); A4: for x,y be VECTOR of W holds x + y = y + x proof let x,y be VECTOR of W; x + y = F.[x,y] & y + x = F.[y,x] by RLVECT_1:def 3; then A5: x + y = F.(x,y) & y + x = F.(y,x) by BINOP_1:def 1; reconsider X = x, Y = y as Element of ZS; x + y = A(X,Y) & y + x = A(Y,X) by A2,A5; hence thesis; end; A6: for x,y,z be VECTOR of W holds (x + y) + z = x + (y + z) proof let x,y,z be VECTOR of W; (x + y) + z = F.[x + y,z] & x + (y + z) = F.[x,y + z] by RLVECT_1:def 3; then A7: (x + y) + z = F.(x + y,z) & x + (y + z) = F.(x,y + z) by BINOP_1:def 1; reconsider X = x, Y = y, Z = z as Element of ZS; (x + y) + z = A(A(X,Y),Z) & x + (y + z) = A(X,A(Y,Z)) by A2,A7; hence thesis; end; A8: for x be VECTOR of W holds x + 0.W = x proof let x be VECTOR of W; reconsider X = x as Element of ZS; x + 0.W = F.[x,0.W] by RLVECT_1:def 3 .= F.(x,0.W) by BINOP_1:def 1 .= A(X,O) by A2; hence thesis by TARSKI:def 1; end; A9: for x be VECTOR of W ex y be VECTOR of W st x + y = 0.W proof let x be VECTOR of W; reconsider y = O as VECTOR of W; take y; thus x + y = F.[x,y] by RLVECT_1:def 3 .= F.(x,y) by BINOP_1:def 1 .= the Zero of W by A2 .= 0.W by RLVECT_1:def 2; end; A10: for a be Element of REAL for x,y be VECTOR of W holds a * (x + y) = a * x + a * y proof let a be Element of REAL; let x,y be VECTOR of W; reconsider X = x, Y = y as Element of ZS; A11: a * (x + y) = G.[a,x + y] by RLVECT_1:def 4; a * x + a * y = F.[a * x,a * y] by RLVECT_1:def 3 .= F.(a * x,a * y) by BINOP_1:def 1 .= A(M(a,X),M(a,Y)) by A2; hence thesis by A3,A11; end; A12: for a,b be Element of REAL for x be VECTOR of W holds (a + b) * x = a * x + b * x proof let a,b be Element of REAL; let x be VECTOR of W; set c = a + b; reconsider X = x as Element of ZS; A13: c * x = G.[c,x] by RLVECT_1:def 4 .= M(c,X) by A3; a * x + b * x = F.[a * x,b * x] by RLVECT_1:def 3 .= F.(a * x,b * x) by BINOP_1:def 1 .= A(M(a,X),M(b,X)) by A2; hence thesis by A13; end; A14: for a,b be Element of REAL for x be VECTOR of W holds (a * b) * x = a * (b * x) proof let a,b be Element of REAL; let x be VECTOR of W; set c = a * b; reconsider X = x as Element of ZS; A15: c * x = G.[c,x] by RLVECT_1:def 4 .= M(c,X) by A3; a * (b * x) = G.[a,b * x] by RLVECT_1:def 4 .= M(a,M(b,X)) by A3; hence thesis by A15; end; A16: for x be VECTOR of W holds 1 * x = x proof let x be VECTOR of W; reconsider X = x as Element of ZS; reconsider A' = 1 as Element of REAL; 1 * x = G.[1,x] by RLVECT_1:def 4 .= M(A',X) by A3; hence thesis by TARSKI:def 1; end; A17: for a,b,c be Point of W holds dist (a,a) = 0 & (dist(a,b) = 0 implies a=b) & dist(a,b) = dist(b,a) & dist(a,c)<=dist(a,b)+dist(b,c) proof let a,b,c be Point of W; A18: a = 0 & b = 0 & c = 0 by TARSKI:def 1; thus A19: dist(a,a) = 0 proof thus dist(a,a) = FF.(a,a) by METRIC_1:def 1 .= FF.[a,a] by BINOP_1:def 1 .= 0 by A1; end; thus dist(a,b) = 0 implies a = b by A18; thus dist(a,b) = dist(b,a) by A18; thus dist(a,c)<=dist(a,b)+dist(b,c) by A18,A19; end; A20: for r be Element of REAL for v,w be VECTOR of W holds dist(r*v,r*w) = abs(r) * dist(v,w) proof let r be Element of REAL; let v,w be VECTOR of W; reconsider v1 = v, w1 = w as Element of ZS; thus dist(r*v,r*w) = FF.(r*v,r*w) by METRIC_1:def 1 .= FF.[r*v,r*w] by BINOP_1:def 1 .= abs(r) * 0 by A1 .= abs(r) * FF.[v1,w1] by A1 .= abs(r) * FF.(v1,w1) by BINOP_1:def 1 .= abs(r) * dist(v,w) by METRIC_1:def 1; end; A21: for u,w,v be VECTOR of W holds dist(v,w) = dist(v + u,w + u) proof let u,w,v be VECTOR of W; thus dist(v + u,w + u) = FF.(v + u,w + u) by METRIC_1:def 1 .= FF.[v + u,w + u] by BINOP_1:def 1 .= 0 by A1 .= FF.[v,w] by A1 .= FF.(v,w) by BINOP_1:def 1 .= dist(v,w) by METRIC_1:def 1; end; take W; thus W is strict; thus W is Abelian by A4,RLVECT_1:def 5; thus W is add-associative by A6,RLVECT_1:def 6; thus W is right_zeroed by A8,RLVECT_1:def 7; thus W is right_complementable by A9,RLVECT_1:def 8; thus W is RealLinearSpace-like by A10,A12,A14,A16,RLVECT_1:def 9; thus W is Reflexive by A17,METRIC_1:1; thus W is discerning by A17,METRIC_1:2; thus W is symmetric by A17,METRIC_1:3; thus W is triangle by A17,METRIC_1:4; thus W is homogeneous by A20,Def5; thus W is translatible by A21,Def6; end; end; definition mode RealLinearMetrSpace is Abelian add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable RealLinearSpace-like Reflexive discerning symmetric triangle homogeneous translatible (non empty RLSMetrStruct); end; theorem for V be homogeneous Abelian add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable RealLinearSpace-like (non empty RLSMetrStruct) for r be Real for v be Element of V holds Norm (r * v) = abs(r) * Norm v proof let V be homogeneous Abelian add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable RealLinearSpace-like (non empty RLSMetrStruct); let r be Real; let v be Element of V; thus Norm (r * v) = dist(0.V,r * v) by Def7 .= dist(r*(0.V),r * v) by RLVECT_1:23 .= abs(r) * dist(0.V,v) by Def5 .= abs(r) * Norm (v) by Def7; end; theorem for V be translatible Abelian add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable triangle (non empty RLSMetrStruct) for v,w be Element of V holds Norm (v + w) <= Norm v + Norm w proof let V be translatible Abelian add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable triangle (non empty RLSMetrStruct); let v,w be Element of V; Norm (v + w) = dist(0.V,v + w) by Def7; then Norm (v + w) <= dist(0.V,v) + dist(v,v + w) by METRIC_1:4; then Norm (v + w) <= Norm v + dist(v,v + w) by Def7; then Norm (v + w) <= Norm v + dist(v + -v,v + w + -v) by Def6; then Norm (v + w) <= Norm v + dist(0.V,v + w + -v) by RLVECT_1:16; then Norm (v + w) <= Norm v + dist(0.V,w + ((-v) + v)) by RLVECT_1:def 6; then Norm (v + w) <= Norm v + dist(0.V,w + (0.V)) by RLVECT_1:16; then Norm (v + w) <= Norm v + dist(0.V,w) by RLVECT_1:10; hence Norm (v + w) <= Norm v + Norm w by Def7; end; theorem for V be translatible add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable (non empty RLSMetrStruct) for v,w be Element of V holds dist(v,w) = Norm (w - v) proof let V be translatible add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable (non empty RLSMetrStruct); let v,w be Element of V; thus dist(v,w) = dist(v + -v,w + -v) by Def6 .= dist(0.V,w + -v) by RLVECT_1:16 .= dist(0.V,w - v) by RLVECT_1:def 11 .= Norm (w - v) by Def7; end; definition let n be Nat; func RLMSpace n -> strict RealLinearMetrSpace means :Def8: the carrier of it = REAL n & the distance of it = Pitag_dist n & the Zero of it = 0*n & (for x,y be Element of REAL n holds (the add of it).(x,y) = x + y) & for x be Element of REAL n,r be Element of REAL holds (the Mult of it).(r,x) = r * x; existence proof deffunc F(Element of REAL n, Element of REAL n) = $1+$2; consider f be BinOp of REAL n such that A1: for x,y be Element of REAL n holds f.(x,y) = F(x,y) from BinOpLambda; deffunc G(Element of REAL, Element of REAL n) = $1*$2; consider g be Function of [:REAL, REAL n:],REAL n such that A2: for r be Element of REAL, x be Element of REAL n holds g.[r,x] = G(r,x) from Lambda2D; A3: now let r be Element of REAL, x be Element of REAL n; thus g.(r,x) = g.[r,x] by BINOP_1:def 1 .= r * x by A2; end; set RLSMS = RLSMetrStruct (# REAL n, Pitag_dist n, 0*n, f, g #); A4: now let v,w be Element of RLSMS; reconsider v1 = v, w1 = w as Element of REAL n; thus v + w = f.[v,w] by RLVECT_1:def 3 .= f.(v,w) by BINOP_1:def 1 .= v1 + w1 by A1 .= f.(w,v) by A1 .= f.[w,v] by BINOP_1:def 1 .= w + v by RLVECT_1:def 3; end; A5: now let u,v,w be Element of RLSMS; reconsider u1 = u, v1 = v, w1 = w as Element of REAL n; A6: u1 is Element of n-tuples_on REAL & v1 is Element of n-tuples_on REAL & w1 is Element of n-tuples_on REAL by EUCLID:def 1; thus (u + v) + w = f.[u + v,w] by RLVECT_1:def 3 .= f.[f.[u,v],w] by RLVECT_1:def 3 .= f.(f.[u,v],w) by BINOP_1:def 1 .= f.(f.(u,v),w) by BINOP_1:def 1 .= f.(u1 + v1,w) by A1 .= (u1 + v1) + w1 by A1 .= u1 + (v1 + w1) by A6,RVSUM_1:32 .= f.(u,v1 + w1) by A1 .= f.(u,f.(v,w)) by A1 .= f.(u,f.[v,w]) by BINOP_1:def 1 .= f.[u,f.[v,w]] by BINOP_1:def 1 .= f.[u,v + w] by RLVECT_1:def 3 .= u + (v + w) by RLVECT_1:def 3; end; A7: now let v be Element of RLSMS; reconsider v1 = v as Element of n-tuples_on REAL by EUCLID:def 1; A8: the Zero of RLSMS = n |-> (0 qua Real) by EUCLID:def 4; thus v + 0.RLSMS = v + (the Zero of RLSMS) by RLVECT_1:def 2 .= f.[v,the Zero of RLSMS] by RLVECT_1:def 3 .= f.(v,the Zero of RLSMS) by BINOP_1:def 1 .= v1 + (n |-> (0 qua Real)) by A1,A8 .= v by RVSUM_1:33; end; A9: now let v be Element of RLSMS; reconsider v1 = v as Element of n-tuples_on REAL by EUCLID:def 1; reconsider w = -v1 as Element of RLSMS by EUCLID:def 1; take w; thus v + w = f.[v,w] by RLVECT_1:def 3 .= f.(v,w) by BINOP_1:def 1 .= v1 + - v1 by A1 .= v1 - v1 by RVSUM_1:52 .= n |-> 0 by RVSUM_1:58 .= 0*n by EUCLID:def 4 .= 0.RLSMS by RLVECT_1:def 2; end; A10: now hereby let a be Real, v,w be VECTOR of RLSMS; reconsider v1 = v, w1 = w as Element of REAL n; reconsider v2 = v1, w2 = w1 as Element of n-tuples_on REAL by EUCLID:def 1; thus a * (v + w) = g.[a,v + w] by RLVECT_1:def 4 .= g.[a,f.[v,w]] by RLVECT_1:def 3 .= g.[a,f.(v,w)] by BINOP_1:def 1 .= g.[a,v1 + w1] by A1 .= a * (v2 + w2) by A2 .= a * v1 + a * w1 by RVSUM_1:73 .= f.(a * v1,a * w1) by A1 .= f.[a * v1,a * w1] by BINOP_1:def 1 .= f.[g.[a,v],a * w1] by A2 .= f.[g.[a,v],g.[a,w]] by A2 .= f.[a * v,g.[a,w]] by RLVECT_1:def 4 .= f.[a * v,a * w] by RLVECT_1:def 4 .= a * v + a * w by RLVECT_1:def 3; end; hereby let a,b be Real, v be VECTOR of RLSMS; reconsider v1 = v as Element of REAL n; reconsider v2 = v1 as Element of n-tuples_on REAL by EUCLID:def 1; thus (a + b) * v = g.[a + b,v] by RLVECT_1:def 4 .= (a + b) * v2 by A2 .= a * v1 + b * v1 by RVSUM_1:72 .= f.(a * v1,b * v1) by A1 .= f.[a * v1,b * v1] by BINOP_1:def 1 .= f.[g.[a,v],b * v1] by A2 .= f.[g.[a,v],g.[b,v]] by A2 .= f.[a * v,g.[b,v]] by RLVECT_1:def 4 .= f.[a * v,b * v] by RLVECT_1:def 4 .= a * v + b * v by RLVECT_1:def 3; end; hereby let a,b be Real, v be VECTOR of RLSMS; reconsider v1 = v as Element of REAL n; reconsider v2 = v1 as Element of n-tuples_on REAL by EUCLID:def 1; thus (a * b) * v = g.[a * b,v] by RLVECT_1:def 4 .= (a * b) * v2 by A2 .= a * (b * v1) by RVSUM_1:71 .= g.[a,b * v1] by A2 .= g.[a,g.[b,v]] by A2 .= g.[a,b * v] by RLVECT_1:def 4 .= a * (b * v) by RLVECT_1:def 4; end; hereby let v be VECTOR of RLSMS; reconsider v1 = v as Element of n-tuples_on REAL by EUCLID:def 1; thus 1 * v = g.[1,v] by RLVECT_1:def 4 .= 1 * v1 by A2 .= v by RVSUM_1:74; end; end; A11: now let a,b,c be VECTOR of RLSMS; reconsider a1 = a, b1 = b, c1 = c as Element of REAL n; thus dist(a,b) = 0 implies a = b proof assume dist(a,b) = 0; then (Pitag_dist n).(a,b) = 0 by METRIC_1:def 1; then |.a1 - b1.| = 0 by EUCLID:def 6; hence a = b by EUCLID:19; end; thus dist(a,a) = 0 proof |.a1 - a1.| = 0 by EUCLID:19; then (Pitag_dist n).(a,a) = 0 by EUCLID:def 6; hence dist(a,a) = 0 by METRIC_1:def 1; end; thus dist(a,b) = (Pitag_dist n).(a,b) by METRIC_1:def 1 .= |.a1 - b1.| by EUCLID:def 6 .= |.b1 - a1.| by EUCLID:21 .= (Pitag_dist n).(b,a) by EUCLID:def 6 .= dist(b,a) by METRIC_1:def 1; A12: dist(a,b) = (Pitag_dist n).(a,b) by METRIC_1:def 1 .= |.a1 - b1.| by EUCLID:def 6; A13: dist(a,c) = (Pitag_dist n).(a,c) by METRIC_1:def 1 .= |.a1 - c1.| by EUCLID:def 6; dist(b,c) = (Pitag_dist n).(b,c) by METRIC_1:def 1 .= |.b1 - c1.| by EUCLID:def 6; hence dist(a,c) <= dist(a,b) + dist(b,c) by A12,A13,EUCLID:22; end; A14: now let r be Real, v,w be VECTOR of RLSMS; reconsider v1 = v, w1 = w as Element of REAL n; reconsider v2 = v1, w2 = w1 as Element of n-tuples_on REAL by EUCLID:def 1; A15: dist(v,w) = (Pitag_dist n).(v,w) by METRIC_1:def 1 .= |.v1 - w1.| by EUCLID:def 6; A16: r * v = g.[r,v] by RLVECT_1:def 4 .= r * v1 by A2; A17: r * w = g.[r,w] by RLVECT_1:def 4 .= r * w1 by A2; thus dist(r*v,r*w) = (Pitag_dist n).(r*v,r*w) by METRIC_1:def 1 .= |.r*v2 - r*w2.| by A16,A17,EUCLID:def 6 .= |.r*v2 + - (r*w2).| by RVSUM_1:52 .= |.r*v2 + (-1)*(r*w2).| by RVSUM_1:76 .= |.r*v2 + (-1) * r * w2.| by RVSUM_1:71 .= |.r*v2 + r*((-1) * w2).| by RVSUM_1:71 .= |.r * v2 + r * (-w2).| by RVSUM_1:76 .= |.r*(v2 + - w2).| by RVSUM_1:73 .= |.r*(v1 - w1).| by RVSUM_1:52 .= abs(r) * dist(v,w) by A15,EUCLID:14; end; A18: now let u,w,v be VECTOR of RLSMS; reconsider u1 = u, w1 = w, v1 = v as Element of REAL n; reconsider u2 = u1, w2 = w1, v2 = v1 as Element of n-tuples_on REAL by EUCLID:def 1; A19: v + u = f.[v,u] by RLVECT_1:def 3 .= f.(v,u) by BINOP_1:def 1 .= v1 + u1 by A1; A20: w + u = f.[w,u] by RLVECT_1:def 3 .= f.(w,u) by BINOP_1:def 1 .= w1 + u1 by A1; thus dist(v,w) = (Pitag_dist n).(v,w) by METRIC_1:def 1 .= |.v1 - w1.| by EUCLID:def 6 .= |.(v2 + u2 - u2) - w2.| by RVSUM_1:63 .= |.(v2 + u2) - (u2 + w2).| by RVSUM_1:60 .= (Pitag_dist n).(v1 + u1,w1 + u1) by EUCLID:def 6 .= dist(v + u,w + u) by A19,A20,METRIC_1:def 1; end; reconsider RLSMS as strict Abelian add-associative right_zeroed right_complementable RealLinearSpace-like (non empty RLSMetrStruct) by A4,A5,A7,A9,A10,RLVECT_1:def 5,def 6,def 7,def 8,def 9; reconsider RLSMS as strict RealLinearMetrSpace by A11,A14,A18,Def5,Def6, METRIC_1:1,2,3,4; take RLSMS; thus thesis by A1,A3; end; uniqueness proof let V1,V2 be strict RealLinearMetrSpace such that A21: the carrier of V1 = REAL n and A22: the distance of V1 = Pitag_dist n and A23: the Zero of V1 = 0*n and A24: for x,y be Element of REAL n holds (the add of V1).(x,y) = x + y and A25: for x be Element of REAL n,r be Element of REAL holds (the Mult of V1).(r,x) = r*x and A26: the carrier of V2 = REAL n and A27: the distance of V2 = Pitag_dist n and A28: the Zero of V2 = 0*n and A29: for x,y be Element of REAL n holds (the add of V2).(x,y) = x + y and A30: for x be Element of REAL n,r be Element of REAL holds (the Mult of V2).(r,x) = r*x; now let x,y be Element of V1; reconsider x1 = x, y1 = y as Element of REAL n by A21; thus (the add of V1).(x,y) = x1 + y1 by A24 .= (the add of V2).(x,y) by A29; end; then A31: the add of V1 = the add of V2 by A21,A26,BINOP_1:2; now let r be Element of REAL, x be Element of V1; reconsider x1 = x as Element of REAL n by A21; thus (the Mult of V1).(r,x) = r*x1 by A25 .= (the Mult of V2).(r,x) by A30; end; hence V1 = V2 by A21,A22,A23,A26,A27,A28,A31,BINOP_1:2; end; end; theorem for n be Nat for f be isometric map of RLMSpace n,RLMSpace n holds rng f = REAL n proof let n be Nat; let f be isometric map of RLMSpace n,RLMSpace n; thus rng f = the carrier of RLMSpace n by Def3 .= REAL n by Def8; end; begin :: Groups of Isometric Functions definition let n be Nat; func IsomGroup n -> strict HGrStr means :Def9: the carrier of it = ISOM RLMSpace n & (for f,g be Function st f in ISOM RLMSpace n & g in ISOM RLMSpace n holds (the mult of it).(f,g) = f*g); existence proof defpred P[set, set, set] means ex f,g be Function st f = $1 & g = $2 & $3 = f*g; A1: for x,y be Element of ISOM RLMSpace n ex z be Element of ISOM RLMSpace n st P[x,y,z] proof let x,y be Element of ISOM RLMSpace n; consider x1 be map of RLMSpace n,RLMSpace n such that A2: x1 = x and A3: x1 is isometric by Def4; consider y1 be map of RLMSpace n,RLMSpace n such that A4: y1 = y and A5: y1 is isometric by Def4; x1*y1 is isometric by A3,A5,Th4; then reconsider z = x1*y1 as Element of ISOM RLMSpace n by Def4; take z; take x1,y1; thus thesis by A2,A4; end; consider o be BinOp of ISOM RLMSpace n such that A6: for a,b be Element of ISOM RLMSpace n holds P[a,b, o.(a,b)] from BinOpEx(A1); take G = HGrStr(#ISOM RLMSpace n,o#); for f,g be Function st f in ISOM RLMSpace n & g in ISOM RLMSpace n holds (the mult of G).(f,g) = f*g proof let f,g be Function; assume that A7: f in ISOM RLMSpace n and A8: g in ISOM RLMSpace n; consider f1,g1 be Function such that A9: f1 = f and A10: g1 = g and A11: o.(f,g) = f1*g1 by A6,A7,A8; thus (the mult of G).(f,g) = f*g by A9,A10,A11; end; hence thesis; end; uniqueness proof set V = RLMSpace n; let G1,G2 be strict HGrStr such that A12: the carrier of G1 = ISOM V and A13: for f,g be Function st f in ISOM V & g in ISOM V holds (the mult of G1).(f,g) = f*g and A14: the carrier of G2 = ISOM V and A15: for f,g be Function st f in ISOM V & g in ISOM V holds (the mult of G2).(f,g) = f*g; now let f,g be Element of G1; consider f1 be map of RLMSpace n,RLMSpace n such that A16: f1 = f and f1 is isometric by A12,Def4; consider g1 be map of RLMSpace n,RLMSpace n such that A17: g1 = g and g1 is isometric by A12,Def4; thus (the mult of G1).(f,g) = f1*g1 by A12,A13,A16,A17 .= (the mult of G2).(f,g) by A12,A15,A16,A17; end; hence G1 = G2 by A12,A14,BINOP_1:2; end; end; definition let n be Nat; cluster IsomGroup n -> non empty; coherence proof the carrier of IsomGroup n = ISOM RLMSpace n by Def9; hence IsomGroup n is non empty by STRUCT_0:def 1; end; end; definition let n be Nat; cluster IsomGroup n -> associative Group-like; coherence proof now let x,y,z be Element of IsomGroup n; x in the carrier of IsomGroup n; then A1: x in ISOM RLMSpace n by Def9; then consider x1 be map of RLMSpace n,RLMSpace n such that A2: x1 = x and A3: x1 is isometric by Def4; y in the carrier of IsomGroup n; then A4: y in ISOM RLMSpace n by Def9; then consider y1 be map of RLMSpace n,RLMSpace n such that A5: y1 = y and A6: y1 is isometric by Def4; z in the carrier of IsomGroup n; then A7: z in ISOM RLMSpace n by Def9; then consider z1 be map of RLMSpace n,RLMSpace n such that A8: z1 = z and A9: z1 is isometric by Def4; x1*y1 is isometric by A3,A6,Th4; then A10: x1*y1 in ISOM RLMSpace n by Def4; y1*z1 is isometric by A6,A9,Th4; then A11: y1*z1 in ISOM RLMSpace n by Def4; thus (x*y)*z = (the mult of IsomGroup n).(x*y,z) by VECTSP_1:def 10 .= (the mult of IsomGroup n).((the mult of IsomGroup n).(x,y),z) by VECTSP_1:def 10 .= (the mult of IsomGroup n).(x1*y1,z) by A1,A2,A4,A5,Def9 .= (x1*y1)*z1 by A7,A8,A10,Def9 .= x1*(y1*z1) by RELAT_1:55 .= (the mult of IsomGroup n).(x,y1*z1) by A1,A2,A11,Def9 .= (the mult of IsomGroup n).(x,(the mult of IsomGroup n).(y,z)) by A4,A5,A7,A8,Def9 .= (the mult of IsomGroup n).(x,y*z) by VECTSP_1:def 10 .= x*(y*z) by VECTSP_1:def 10; end; hence IsomGroup n is associative by VECTSP_1:def 16; ex e be Element of IsomGroup n st for h be Element of IsomGroup n holds h * e = h & e * h = h & ex g be Element of IsomGroup n st h * g = e & g * h = e proof id(RLMSpace n) is isometric by Th5; then A12: id(RLMSpace n) in ISOM RLMSpace n by Def4; then reconsider e = id(RLMSpace n) as Element of IsomGroup n by Def9; take e; let h be Element of IsomGroup n; h in the carrier of IsomGroup n; then A13: h in ISOM RLMSpace n by Def9; then consider h1 be map of RLMSpace n,RLMSpace n such that A14: h1 = h and A15: h1 is isometric by Def4; thus h * e = (the mult of IsomGroup n).(h,e) by VECTSP_1:def 10 .= h1*id(RLMSpace n) by A12,A13,A14,Def9 .= h1*id(the carrier of RLMSpace n) by GRCAT_1:def 11 .= h by A14,FUNCT_2:74; thus e * h = (the mult of IsomGroup n).(e,h) by VECTSP_1:def 10 .= id(RLMSpace n)*h1 by A12,A13,A14,Def9 .= id(the carrier of RLMSpace n)*h1 by GRCAT_1:def 11 .= h by A14,FUNCT_2:74; h1" is isometric by A15,Th3; then A16: h1" in ISOM RLMSpace n by Def4; then reconsider g = h1" as Element of IsomGroup n by Def9; take g; A17: dom h1 = the carrier of RLMSpace n by FUNCT_2:def 1 .= [#](RLMSpace n) by PRE_TOPC:12; A18: rng h1 = the carrier of RLMSpace n by A15,Def3 .= [#](RLMSpace n) by PRE_TOPC:12; A19: h1 is one-to-one by A15,Th2; thus h * g = (the mult of IsomGroup n).(h,g) by VECTSP_1:def 10 .= h1*h1" by A13,A14,A16,Def9 .= id rng h1 by A18,A19,TOPS_2:65 .= id(the carrier of RLMSpace n) by A17,A18,FUNCT_2:def 1 .= e by GRCAT_1:def 11; thus g * h = (the mult of IsomGroup n).(g,h) by VECTSP_1:def 10 .= h1"*h1 by A13,A14,A16,Def9 .= id dom h1 by A18,A19,TOPS_2:65 .= id(the carrier of RLMSpace n) by FUNCT_2:def 1 .= e by GRCAT_1:def 11; end; hence IsomGroup n is Group-like by GROUP_1:def 3; end; end; theorem Th10: for n be Nat holds 1.(IsomGroup n) = id (RLMSpace n) proof let n be Nat; id(RLMSpace n) is isometric by Th5; then A1: id(RLMSpace n) in ISOM RLMSpace n by Def4; then reconsider e = id(RLMSpace n) as Element of IsomGroup n by Def9; now let h be Element of IsomGroup n; h in the carrier of IsomGroup n; then A2: h in ISOM RLMSpace n by Def9; then consider h1 be map of RLMSpace n,RLMSpace n such that A3: h1 = h and h1 is isometric by Def4; thus h * e = (the mult of IsomGroup n).(h,e) by VECTSP_1:def 10 .= h1*id(RLMSpace n) by A1,A2,A3,Def9 .= h1*id(the carrier of RLMSpace n) by GRCAT_1:def 11 .= h by A3,FUNCT_2:74; thus e * h = (the mult of IsomGroup n).(e,h) by VECTSP_1:def 10 .= id(RLMSpace n)*h1 by A1,A2,A3,Def9 .= id(the carrier of RLMSpace n)*h1 by GRCAT_1:def 11 .= h by A3,FUNCT_2:74; end; hence 1.(IsomGroup n) = id (RLMSpace n) by GROUP_1:10; end; theorem Th11: for n be Nat for f be Element of IsomGroup n for g be map of RLMSpace n,RLMSpace n st f = g holds f" = g" proof let n be Nat; let f be Element of IsomGroup n; let g be map of RLMSpace n,RLMSpace n; assume A1: f = g; f in the carrier of IsomGroup n; then A2: f in ISOM RLMSpace n by Def9; then consider f1 be map of RLMSpace n,RLMSpace n such that A3: f1 = f and A4: f1 is isometric by Def4; g" is isometric by A1,A3,A4,Th3; then A5: g" in ISOM RLMSpace n by Def4; then reconsider g1 = g" as Element of IsomGroup n by Def9; A6: dom f1 = the carrier of RLMSpace n by FUNCT_2:def 1 .= [#](RLMSpace n) by PRE_TOPC:12; A7: rng f1 = the carrier of RLMSpace n by A4,Def3 .= [#](RLMSpace n) by PRE_TOPC:12; A8: f1 is one-to-one by A4,Th2; A9: f * g1 = (the mult of IsomGroup n).(f,g1) by VECTSP_1:def 10 .= f1*g" by A2,A3,A5,Def9 .= id rng f1 by A1,A3,A7,A8,TOPS_2:65 .= id(the carrier of RLMSpace n) by A6,A7,FUNCT_2:def 1 .= id(RLMSpace n) by GRCAT_1:def 11 .= 1.(IsomGroup n) by Th10; g1 * f = (the mult of IsomGroup n).(g1,f) by VECTSP_1:def 10 .= g"*f1 by A2,A3,A5,Def9 .= id dom f1 by A1,A3,A7,A8,TOPS_2:65 .= id(the carrier of RLMSpace n) by FUNCT_2:def 1 .= id(RLMSpace n) by GRCAT_1:def 11 .= 1.(IsomGroup n) by Th10; hence f" = g" by A9,GROUP_1:12; end; definition let n be Nat; let G be Subgroup of IsomGroup n; func SubIsomGroupRel G -> Relation of the carrier of RLMSpace n means :Def10 : for A,B be Element of RLMSpace n holds [A,B] in it iff ex f be Function st f in the carrier of G & f.A = B; existence proof defpred P[set, set] means ex f be Function st f in the carrier of G & f.$1 = $2; consider R be Relation of the carrier of RLMSpace n,the carrier of RLMSpace n such that A1: for x,y be set holds [x,y] in R iff x in the carrier of RLMSpace n & y in the carrier of RLMSpace n & P[x,y] from Rel_On_Set_Ex; take R; let A,B be Element of RLMSpace n; thus thesis by A1; end; uniqueness proof let R1,R2 be Relation of the carrier of RLMSpace n such that A2: for A,B be Element of RLMSpace n holds [A,B] in R1 iff ex f be Function st f in the carrier of G & f.A = B and A3: for A,B be Element of RLMSpace n holds [A,B] in R2 iff ex f be Function st f in the carrier of G & f.A = B; now let a,b be set; thus [a,b] in R1 implies [a,b] in R2 proof assume A4: [a,b] in R1; then a in the carrier of RLMSpace n & b in the carrier of RLMSpace n by ZFMISC_1:106; then reconsider a1 = a, b1 = b as Element of RLMSpace n ; ex f be Function st f in the carrier of G & f.a1 = b1 by A2,A4; hence [a,b] in R2 by A3; end; assume A5: [a,b] in R2; then a in the carrier of RLMSpace n & b in the carrier of RLMSpace n by ZFMISC_1:106; then reconsider a1 = a, b1 = b as Element of RLMSpace n ; ex f be Function st f in the carrier of G & f.a1 = b1 by A3,A5; hence [a,b] in R1 by A2; end; hence R1 = R2 by RELAT_1:def 2; end; end; definition let n be Nat; let G be Subgroup of IsomGroup n; cluster SubIsomGroupRel G -> total symmetric transitive; coherence proof set X = the carrier of RLMSpace n; set S = SubIsomGroupRel G; now let x be set; assume x in X; then reconsider x1 = x as Element of RLMSpace n; 1.(IsomGroup n) = id (RLMSpace n) by Th10; then id(RLMSpace n) in G by GROUP_2:55; then A1: id(RLMSpace n) in the carrier of G by RLVECT_1:def 1; id(RLMSpace n).x1 = id(the carrier of RLMSpace n).x1 by GRCAT_1:def 11 .= x1 by FUNCT_1:35; hence [x,x] in S by A1,Def10; end; then S is_reflexive_in X by RELAT_2:def 1; then A2: dom S = X & field S = X by ORDERS_1:98; hence S is total by PARTFUN1:def 4; now let x,y be set; assume that A3: x in X and A4: y in X and A5: [x,y] in S; reconsider x1 = x, y1 = y as Element of RLMSpace n by A3,A4; consider f be Function such that A6: f in the carrier of G and A7: f.x1 = y1 by A5,Def10; A8: the carrier of G c= the carrier of IsomGroup n by GROUP_2:def 5; then f in the carrier of IsomGroup n by A6; then f in ISOM RLMSpace n by Def9; then consider f2 be map of RLMSpace n,RLMSpace n such that A9: f2 = f and A10: f2 is isometric by Def4; reconsider f1 = f as Element of G by A6; f1 in the carrier of IsomGroup n by A8,TARSKI:def 3; then reconsider f3 = f1 as Element of IsomGroup n; A11: rng f2 = the carrier of RLMSpace n by A10,Def3 .= [#](RLMSpace n) by PRE_TOPC:12; A12: f2 is one-to-one by A10,Th2; A13: f1" = f3" by GROUP_2:57 .= f2" by A9,Th11 .= f" by A9,A11,A12,TOPS_2:def 4; x1 in the carrier of RLMSpace n; then x1 in dom f by A9,FUNCT_2:def 1; then f".y1 = x1 by A7,A9,A12,FUNCT_1:56; hence [y,x] in S by A13,Def10; end; then S is_symmetric_in X by RELAT_2:def 3; hence S is symmetric by A2,RELAT_2:def 11; now let x,y,z be set; assume that A14: x in X and A15: y in X and A16: z in X and A17: [x,y] in S and A18: [y,z] in S; reconsider x1 = x, y1 = y, z1 = z as Element of RLMSpace n by A14,A15,A16; consider f be Function such that A19: f in the carrier of G and A20: f.x1 = y1 by A17,Def10; consider g be Function such that A21: g in the carrier of G and A22: g.y1 = z1 by A18,Def10; A23: the carrier of G c= the carrier of IsomGroup n by GROUP_2:def 5; then f in the carrier of IsomGroup n by A19; then A24: f in ISOM RLMSpace n by Def9; then consider f1 be map of RLMSpace n,RLMSpace n such that A25: f1 = f and f1 is isometric by Def4; reconsider f2 = f as Element of G by A19; f2 in the carrier of IsomGroup n by A23,TARSKI:def 3; then reconsider f3 = f2 as Element of IsomGroup n; g in the carrier of IsomGroup n by A21,A23; then A26: g in ISOM RLMSpace n by Def9; reconsider g2 = g as Element of G by A21; g2 in the carrier of IsomGroup n by A23,TARSKI:def 3; then reconsider g3 = g2 as Element of IsomGroup n; A27: g3*f3 = (the mult of IsomGroup n).(g,f) by VECTSP_1:def 10 .= g*f by A24,A26,Def9; f2 in G & g2 in G by RLVECT_1:def 1; then g3*f3 in G by GROUP_2:59; then A28: g*f in the carrier of G by A27,RLVECT_1:def 1; x1 in the carrier of RLMSpace n; then x1 in dom f by A25,FUNCT_2:def 1; then (g*f).x1 = z1 by A20,A22,FUNCT_1:23; hence [x,z] in S by A28,Def10; end; then S is_transitive_in X by RELAT_2:def 8; hence S is transitive by A2,RELAT_2:def 16; end; end;