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environ vocabulary PRE_TOPC, SGRAPH1, FUNCT_1, RELAT_1, SUBSET_1, VECTSP_1, REALSET1, GROUP_1, ORDINAL2, TOPS_2, CONNSP_2, TOPS_1, BOOLE, FUNCT_2, BINOP_1, UNIALG_1, URYSOHN1, COMPTS_1, SETFAM_1, PCOMPS_1, TARSKI, TOPGRP_1, RLVECT_3, SEQ_1; notation TARSKI, XBOOLE_0, ZFMISC_1, SUBSET_1, RELAT_1, TOPS_2, FUNCT_1, PARTFUN1, BINOP_1, SETFAM_1, GRCAT_1, REALSET1, GROUP_1, GROUP_2, STRUCT_0, VECTSP_1, PRE_TOPC, TOPS_1, COMPTS_1, PCOMPS_1, URYSOHN1, BORSUK_1, T_0TOPSP, CANTOR_1, FUNCT_2, YELLOW_8; constructors REALSET1, TOPS_1, TOPS_2, GRCAT_1, T_0TOPSP, GROUP_7, URYSOHN1, COMPTS_1, CANTOR_1, YELLOW_8, MEMBERED; clusters BORSUK_1, BORSUK_2, STRUCT_0, GROUP_1, PRE_TOPC, WAYBEL10, TEX_1, PCOMPS_1, TOPS_1, RELSET_1, SUBSET_1, FUNCT_2, PARTFUN1, XBOOLE_0; requirements SUBSET, BOOLE; definitions TARSKI, FUNCT_1, PRE_TOPC, GROUP_1, STRUCT_0, TOPS_1, TOPS_2, VECTSP_1, REALSET1, CONNSP_2, FUNCT_2, T_0TOPSP, XBOOLE_0; theorems PRE_TOPC, VECTSP_1, RELAT_1, TOPS_1, TOPS_2, TMAP_1, BINOP_1, FUNCT_2, GROUP_1, GROUP_2, TARSKI, FUNCT_1, GRCAT_1, BORSUK_1, REALSET1, TEX_2, PCOMPS_1, ZFMISC_1, CONNSP_2, URYSOHN1, WAYBEL15, T_0TOPSP, YELLOW_8, YELLOW_9, TOPS_3, RELSET_1, SETFAM_1, XBOOLE_0, XBOOLE_1; schemes BINOP_1, FUNCT_2, XBOOLE_0; begin :: Preliminaries reserve S for 1-sorted, R for non empty 1-sorted, X for Subset of R, T for non empty TopStruct, x for set; definition let X be set; cluster one-to-one onto Function of X, X; existence proof take id X; thus id X is one-to-one; thus rng id X = X by RELAT_1:71; end; end; theorem Th1: rng id S = [#]S proof thus rng id S = rng id the carrier of S by GRCAT_1:def 11 .= the carrier of S by RELAT_1:71 .= [#]S by PRE_TOPC:12; end; definition let R be non empty 1-sorted; cluster (id R)/" -> one-to-one; coherence proof dom (id R) = [#]R & rng (id R) = [#]R by Th1,TOPS_2:51; hence thesis by TOPS_2:63; end; end; theorem Th2: (id R)/" = id R proof dom (id R) = [#]R & rng (id R) = [#]R by Th1,TOPS_2:51; hence (id R)/" = (id R qua Function)" by TOPS_2:def 4 .= (id the carrier of R)" by GRCAT_1:def 11 .= id the carrier of R by FUNCT_1:67 .= id R by GRCAT_1:def 11; end; theorem (id R)"X = X proof A1: (id R)/" = id R by Th2; dom id R = [#]R & rng id R = [#]R by Th1,TOPS_2:51; then (id R).:X = ((id R)/")"X by TOPS_2:67; hence thesis by A1,WAYBEL15:3; end; definition let S be 1-sorted; cluster one-to-one onto map of S, S; existence proof take id S; thus id S is one-to-one; thus rng id S = rng id the carrier of S by GRCAT_1:def 11 .= the carrier of S by RELAT_1:71; end; end; begin :: On the groups reserve H for non empty HGrStr, P, Q, P1, Q1 for Subset of H, h for Element of H; theorem Th4: P c= P1 & Q c= Q1 implies P * Q c= P1 * Q1 proof assume A1: P c= P1 & Q c= Q1; let x be set; assume x in P * Q; then consider g, t being Element of H such that A2: x = g * t & g in P & t in Q by GROUP_2:12; thus x in P1 * Q1 by A1,A2,GROUP_2:12; end; theorem Th5: P c= Q implies P * h c= Q * h proof assume A1: P c= Q; let x be set; assume x in P * h; then consider g being Element of H such that A2: x = g * h & g in P by GROUP_2:34; thus x in Q * h by A1,A2,GROUP_2:34; end; theorem P c= Q implies h * P c= h * Q proof assume A1: P c= Q; let x be set; assume x in h * P; then consider g being Element of H such that A2: x = h * g & g in P by GROUP_2:33; thus x in h * Q by A1,A2,GROUP_2:33; end; reserve G for Group, A, B for Subset of G, a for Element of G; theorem Th7: a in A" iff a" in A proof A1: A" = {g" where g is Element of G: g in A} by GROUP_2:def 1; hereby assume a in A"; then consider g being Element of G such that A2: a = g" & g in A by A1; thus a" in A by A2,GROUP_1:19; end; assume A3: a" in A; a"" = a by GROUP_1:19; hence a in A" by A1,A3; end; theorem Th8: A"" = A proof A1: A"" = {g" where g is Element of G: g in A"} by GROUP_2:def 1; A2: A" = {g" where g is Element of G: g in A} by GROUP_2:def 1; hereby let x be set; assume x in A""; then consider g being Element of G such that A3: x = g" & g in A" by A1; consider h being Element of G such that A4: g = h" & h in A by A2,A3; thus x in A by A3,A4,GROUP_1:19; end; let x be set; assume A5: x in A; then reconsider g = x as Element of G; g" in A" by A2,A5; then g"" in A"" by A1; hence x in A"" by GROUP_1:19; end; theorem Th9: A c= B iff A" c= B" proof A1: A" = {g" where g is Element of G: g in A} by GROUP_2:def 1; A2: B" = {g" where g is Element of G: g in B} by GROUP_2:def 1; thus A c= B implies A" c= B" proof assume A3: A c= B; let a be set; assume a in A"; then consider g being Element of G such that A4: a = g" & g in A by A1; thus a in B" by A2,A3,A4; end; assume A5: A" c= B"; A6: A = A"" & B = B"" by Th8; A7: A"" = {g" where g is Element of G: g in A"} by GROUP_2:def 1; A8: B"" = {g" where g is Element of G: g in B"} by GROUP_2:def 1; let a be set; assume a in A; then consider g being Element of G such that A9: a = g" & g in A" by A6,A7; thus a in B by A5,A6,A8,A9; end; theorem Th10: (inverse_op G).:A = A" proof set f = inverse_op G; A1: A" = {g" where g is Element of G: g in A} by GROUP_2:def 1; hereby let y be set; assume y in f.:A; then consider x being set such that A2: x in the carrier of G & x in A & y = f.x by FUNCT_2:115; reconsider x as Element of G by A2; y = x" by A2,GROUP_1:def 6; hence y in A" by A1,A2; end; let y be set; assume y in A"; then consider g being Element of G such that A3: y = g" & g in A by A1; f.g = g" by GROUP_1:def 6; hence y in f.:A by A3,FUNCT_2:43; end; theorem Th11: (inverse_op G)"A = A" proof set f = inverse_op G; A1: dom f = the carrier of G by FUNCT_2:def 1; hereby let x be set; assume A2: x in f"A; then reconsider g = x as Element of G; x in dom f & f.x in A by A2,FUNCT_1:def 13; then (f.g)" in A" by GROUP_2:5; then g"" in A" by GROUP_1:def 6; hence x in A" by GROUP_1:19; end; let x be set; assume x in A"; then consider g being Element of G such that A3: x = g" & g in A by GROUP_2:5; f.(g") = g"" by GROUP_1:def 6 .= g by GROUP_1:19; hence thesis by A1,A3,FUNCT_1:def 13; end; theorem Th12: inverse_op G is one-to-one proof set f = inverse_op G; let x1, x2 be set; assume A1: x1 in dom f & x2 in dom f & f.x1 = f.x2; then reconsider a = x1, b = x2 as Element of G by FUNCT_2:def 1; f.a = a" & f.b = b" by GROUP_1:def 6; hence x1 = x2 by A1,GROUP_1:17; end; theorem Th13: rng inverse_op G = the carrier of G proof set f = inverse_op G; thus rng f c= the carrier of G by RELSET_1:12; let x be set; assume x in the carrier of G; then reconsider a = x as Element of G; A1: f.(a") = a"" by GROUP_1:def 6 .= a by GROUP_1:19; dom f = the carrier of G by FUNCT_2:def 1; hence x in rng f by A1,FUNCT_1:def 5; end; definition let G be Group; cluster inverse_op G -> one-to-one onto; coherence proof thus inverse_op G is one-to-one by Th12; thus rng inverse_op G = the carrier of G by Th13; end; end; theorem Th14: (inverse_op G)" = inverse_op G proof set f = inverse_op G; A1: dom f = the carrier of G & dom (f") = the carrier of G by FUNCT_2:def 1; now let x be set; assume x in dom f; then reconsider g = x as Element of G by FUNCT_2:def 1; A2: f.(g") = g"" by GROUP_1:def 6 .= g by GROUP_1:19; thus f.x = g" by GROUP_1:def 6 .= f".x by A1,A2,FUNCT_1:54; end; hence (inverse_op G)" = inverse_op G by A1,FUNCT_1:9; end; theorem Th15: (the mult of H).:[:P,Q:] = P*Q proof set f = the mult of H; A1: P*Q = {g * h where g, h is Element of H: g in P & h in Q} by GROUP_2:def 2; hereby let y be set; assume y in f.:[:P,Q:]; then consider x being set such that A2: x in [:the carrier of H,the carrier of H:] & x in [:P,Q:] & y = f.x by FUNCT_2:115; consider a, b being set such that A3: a in P & b in Q & x = [a,b] by A2,ZFMISC_1:def 2; reconsider a, b as Element of H by A3; y = f.(a,b) by A2,A3,BINOP_1:def 1 .= a*b by VECTSP_1:def 10; hence y in P*Q by A1,A3; end; let y be set; assume y in P*Q; then consider g, h being Element of H such that A4: y = g*h & g in P & h in Q by A1; A5: [g,h] in [:the carrier of H, the carrier of H:] & [g,h] in [:P,Q:] by A4,ZFMISC_1:106; y = f.(g,h) by A4,VECTSP_1:def 10 .= f. [g,h] by BINOP_1:def 1; hence y in f.:[:P,Q:] by A5,FUNCT_2:43; end; definition let G be non empty HGrStr, a be Element of G; func a* -> map of G, G means :Def1: for x being Element of G holds it.x = a * x; existence proof deffunc U(Element of G) = a * $1; consider f being Function of the carrier of G, the carrier of G such that A1: for x being Element of G holds f.x = U(x) from LambdaD; reconsider f as map of G, G; take f; thus thesis by A1; end; uniqueness proof let f, g be map of G, G such that A2: for x being Element of G holds f.x = a * x and A3: for x being Element of G holds g.x = a * x; now let x be set; assume x in the carrier of G; then reconsider y = x as Element of G; thus f.x = a * y by A2 .= g.x by A3; end; hence thesis by FUNCT_2:18; end; func *a -> map of G, G means :Def2: for x being Element of G holds it.x = x * a; existence proof deffunc U(Element of G) = $1 *a; consider f being Function of the carrier of G, the carrier of G such that A4: for x being Element of G holds f.x = U(x) from LambdaD; reconsider f as map of G, G; take f; thus thesis by A4; end; uniqueness proof let f, g be map of G, G such that A5: for x being Element of G holds f.x = x * a and A6: for x being Element of G holds g.x = x * a; now let x be set; assume x in the carrier of G; then reconsider y = x as Element of G; thus f.x = y * a by A5 .= g.x by A6; end; hence thesis by FUNCT_2:18; end; end; definition let G be Group, a be Element of G; cluster a* -> one-to-one onto; coherence proof set f = a*; A1: dom f = the carrier of G by FUNCT_2:def 1; hereby let x1, x2 be set; assume A2: x1 in dom f & x2 in dom f & f.x1 = f.x2; then reconsider y1 = x1, y2 = x2 as Element of G by FUNCT_2:def 1; A3: f.y1 = a * y1 & f.y2 = a * y2 by Def1; thus x1 = 1.G * y1 by GROUP_1:def 4 .= a" * a * y1 by GROUP_1:def 5 .= a" * (a * y1) by VECTSP_1:def 16 .= a" * a * y2 by A2,A3,VECTSP_1:def 16 .= 1.G * y2 by GROUP_1:def 5 .= x2 by GROUP_1:def 4; end; thus rng f c= the carrier of G by RELSET_1:12; let y be set; assume y in the carrier of G; then reconsider y1 = y as Element of G; f.(a"*y1) = a * (a" * y1) by Def1 .= a * (a") * y1 by VECTSP_1:def 16 .= 1.G * y1 by GROUP_1:def 5 .= y by GROUP_1:def 4; hence y in rng f by A1,FUNCT_1:def 5; end; cluster *a -> one-to-one onto; coherence proof set f = *a; A4: dom f = the carrier of G by FUNCT_2:def 1; hereby let x1, x2 be set; assume A5: x1 in dom f & x2 in dom f & f.x1 = f.x2; then reconsider y1 = x1, y2 = x2 as Element of G by FUNCT_2:def 1; A6: f.y1 = y1 * a & f.y2 = y2 * a by Def2; thus x1 = y1 * 1.G by GROUP_1:def 4 .= y1 * (a * a") by GROUP_1:def 5 .= y1 * a * a" by VECTSP_1:def 16 .= y2 * (a * a") by A5,A6,VECTSP_1:def 16 .= y2 * 1.G by GROUP_1:def 5 .= x2 by GROUP_1:def 4; end; thus rng f c= the carrier of G by RELSET_1:12; let y be set; assume y in the carrier of G; then reconsider y1 = y as Element of G; f.(y1*a") = y1 * a" * a by Def2 .= y1 * (a" * a) by VECTSP_1:def 16 .= y1 * 1.G by GROUP_1:def 5 .= y by GROUP_1:def 4; hence y in rng f by A4,FUNCT_1:def 5; end; end; theorem Th16: h*.:P = h * P proof set f = h*; A1: dom f = the carrier of H by FUNCT_2:def 1; hereby let y be set; assume y in f.:P; then consider x being set such that A2: x in dom f & x in P & y = f.x by FUNCT_1:def 12; reconsider x as Element of H by A2; f.x = h * x by Def1; hence y in h * P by A2,GROUP_2:33; end; let y be set; assume y in h * P; then consider s being Element of H such that A3: y = h * s & s in P by GROUP_2:33; f.s = h * s by Def1; hence y in f.:P by A1,A3,FUNCT_1:def 12; end; theorem Th17: (*h).:P = P * h proof set f = *h; A1: dom f = the carrier of H by FUNCT_2:def 1; hereby let y be set; assume y in f.:P; then consider x being set such that A2: x in dom f & x in P & y = f.x by FUNCT_1:def 12; reconsider x as Element of H by A2; f.x = x * h by Def2; hence y in P * h by A2,GROUP_2:34; end; let y be set; assume y in P * h; then consider s being Element of H such that A3: y = s * h & s in P by GROUP_2:34; f.s = s * h by Def2; hence y in f.:P by A1,A3,FUNCT_1:def 12; end; theorem Th18: a*/" = a"* proof set f = a*, g = a"*; A1: dom (f/") = the carrier of G & dom g = the carrier of G by FUNCT_2:def 1; now let y be set; assume y in the carrier of G; then reconsider y1 = y as Element of G; reconsider h = f as Function; A2: rng f = the carrier of G by FUNCT_2:def 3; then A3: y1 in rng f; dom f = the carrier of G by FUNCT_2:def 1; then A4: g.y1 in dom f & f/".y1 in dom f; A5: rng f = [#]G by A2,PRE_TOPC:12; f.(g.y) = a*(g.y1) by Def1 .= a*(a"*y1) by Def1 .= a*a"*y1 by VECTSP_1:def 16 .= 1.G*y1 by GROUP_1:def 5 .= y by GROUP_1:def 4 .= h.(h".y) by A3,FUNCT_1:57 .= f.(f/".y) by A5,TOPS_2:def 4; hence f/".y = g.y by A4,FUNCT_1:def 8; end; hence thesis by A1,FUNCT_1:9; end; theorem Th19: (*a)/" = *(a") proof set f = *a, g = *(a"); A1: dom (f/") = the carrier of G & dom g = the carrier of G by FUNCT_2:def 1; now let y be set; assume y in the carrier of G; then reconsider y1 = y as Element of G; reconsider h = f as Function; A2: rng f = the carrier of G by FUNCT_2:def 3; then A3: y1 in rng f; dom f = the carrier of G by FUNCT_2:def 1; then A4: g.y1 in dom f & f/".y1 in dom f; A5: rng f = [#]G by A2,PRE_TOPC:12; f.(g.y) = (g.y1)*a by Def2 .= y1*a"*a by Def2 .= y1*(a"*a) by VECTSP_1:def 16 .= y1*(1.G) by GROUP_1:def 5 .= y by GROUP_1:def 4 .= h.(h".y) by A3,FUNCT_1:57 .= f.(f/".y) by A5,TOPS_2:def 4; hence f/".y = g.y by A4,FUNCT_1:def 8; end; hence thesis by A1,FUNCT_1:9; end; begin :: On the topological spaces definition let T be non empty TopStruct; cluster (id T)/" -> continuous; coherence by Th2; end; theorem Th20: id T is_homeomorphism proof thus dom id T = [#]T & rng id T = [#]T by Th1,TOPS_2:51; thus thesis; end; definition let T be non empty TopSpace, p be Point of T; cluster -> non empty a_neighborhood of p; coherence proof let N be a_neighborhood of p; A1: p in Int N by CONNSP_2:def 1; Int N c= N by TOPS_1:44; hence thesis by A1; end; end; theorem Th21: for T being non empty TopSpace, p being Point of T holds [#]T is a_neighborhood of p proof let T be non empty TopSpace, p be Point of T; Int [#]T = [#]T by TOPS_1:43 .= the carrier of T by PRE_TOPC:12; hence p in Int [#]T; end; definition let T be non empty TopSpace, p be Point of T; cluster non empty open a_neighborhood of p; existence proof reconsider B = [#]T as a_neighborhood of p by Th21; take B; thus thesis; end; end; theorem for S, T being non empty TopSpace, f being map of S, T st f is open holds for p being Point of S, P being a_neighborhood of p ex R being open a_neighborhood of f.p st R c= f.:P proof let S, T be non empty TopSpace, f be map of S, T such that A1: for A being Subset of S st A is open holds f.:A is open; let p be Point of S, P be a_neighborhood of p; A2: f.:Int P is open by A1; p in Int P by CONNSP_2:def 1; then f.p in f.:Int P by FUNCT_2:43; then reconsider R = f.:Int P as open a_neighborhood of f.p by A2,CONNSP_2:5 ; take R; Int P c= P by TOPS_1:44; hence R c= f.:P by RELAT_1:156; end; theorem for S, T being non empty TopSpace, f being map of S, T st for p being Point of S, P being open a_neighborhood of p ex R being a_neighborhood of f.p st R c= f.:P holds f is open proof let S, T be non empty TopSpace, f be map of S, T such that A1: for p being Point of S, P being open a_neighborhood of p ex R being a_neighborhood of f.p st R c= f.:P; let A be Subset of S such that A2: A is open; for x being set holds x in f.:A iff ex Q being Subset of T st Q is open & Q c= f.:A & x in Q proof let x be set; hereby assume x in f.:A; then consider a being set such that A3: a in dom f & a in A & x = f.a by FUNCT_1:def 12; reconsider p = a as Point of S by A3; consider V being Subset of S such that A4: V is open & V c= A & a in V by A2,A3; V is a_neighborhood of p by A4,CONNSP_2:5; then consider R being a_neighborhood of f.p such that A5: R c= f.:V by A1,A4; take K = Int R; thus K is open; A6: f.:V c= f.:A by A4,RELAT_1:156; Int R c= R by TOPS_1:44; then K c= f.:V by A5,XBOOLE_1:1; hence K c= f.:A by A6,XBOOLE_1:1; thus x in K by A3,CONNSP_2:def 1; end; thus thesis; end; hence f.:A is open by TOPS_1:57; end; theorem for S, T being non empty TopStruct, f being map of S, T holds f is_homeomorphism iff dom f = [#]S & rng f = [#]T & f is one-to-one & for P being Subset of T holds P is closed iff f"P is closed proof let S, T be non empty TopStruct, f be map of S, T; hereby assume A1: f is_homeomorphism; hence A2: dom f = [#]S & rng f = [#]T & f is one-to-one by TOPS_2:def 5; let P be Subset of T; hereby assume A3: P is closed; f is continuous by A1,TOPS_2:def 5; hence f"P is closed by A3,PRE_TOPC:def 12; end; assume f"P is closed; then A4: f.:(f"P) is closed by A1,TOPS_2:72; [#]T = the carrier of T by PRE_TOPC:12; hence P is closed by A2,A4,FUNCT_1:147; end; assume that A5: dom f = [#]S & rng f = [#]T & f is one-to-one and A6: for P being Subset of T holds P is closed iff f"P is closed; thus dom f = [#]S & rng f = [#]T & f is one-to-one by A5; thus f is continuous proof let P be Subset of T; thus P is closed implies f"P is closed by A6; end; let R be Subset of S such that A7: R is closed; A8: (f/")"R = f.:R by A5,TOPS_2:67; for x1, x2 being Element of S st x1 in R & f.x1 = f.x2 holds x2 in R proof let x1, x2 be Element of S such that A9: x1 in R & f.x1 = f.x2; dom f = the carrier of S by A5,PRE_TOPC:12; hence x2 in R by A5,A9,FUNCT_1:def 8; end; then f"(f.:R) = R by T_0TOPSP:2; hence (f/")"R is closed by A6,A7,A8; end; theorem Th25: for S, T being non empty TopStruct, f being map of S, T holds f is_homeomorphism iff dom f = [#]S & rng f = [#]T & f is one-to-one & for P being Subset of S holds P is open iff f.:P is open proof let S, T be non empty TopStruct, f be map of S, T; hereby assume A1: f is_homeomorphism; then A2: f is continuous by TOPS_2:def 5; A3: f/" is continuous by A1,TOPS_2:def 5; thus A4: dom f = [#]S & rng f = [#]T & f is one-to-one by A1,TOPS_2:def 5; let P be Subset of S; hereby assume A5: P is open; (f/")"P = ((f qua Function)")"P by A4,TOPS_2:def 4 .= f.:P by A4,FUNCT_1:154; hence f.:P is open by A3,A5,TOPS_2:55; end; assume f.:P is open; then A6: f"(f.:P) is open by A2,TOPS_2:55; A7: f"(f.:P) c= P by A4,FUNCT_1:152; P c= dom f by A4,PRE_TOPC:14; then P c= f"(f.:P) by FUNCT_1:146; hence P is open by A6,A7,XBOOLE_0:def 10; end; assume that A8: dom f = [#]S & rng f = [#]T and A9: f is one-to-one and A10: for P being Subset of S holds P is open iff f.:P is open; now let B be Subset of T such that A11: B is open; B c= rng f by A8,PRE_TOPC:14; then B = f.:f"B by FUNCT_1:147; hence f"B is open by A10,A11; end; then A12: f is continuous by TOPS_2:55; now let B be Subset of S such that A13: B is open; (f/")"B = ((f qua Function)")"B by A8,A9,TOPS_2:def 4 .= f.:B by A9,FUNCT_1:154; hence f/""B is open by A10,A13; end; then f/" is continuous by TOPS_2:55; hence thesis by A8,A9,A12,TOPS_2:def 5; end; theorem for S, T being non empty TopStruct, f being map of S, T holds f is_homeomorphism iff dom f = [#]S & rng f = [#]T & f is one-to-one & for P being Subset of T holds P is open iff f"P is open proof let S, T be non empty TopStruct, f be map of S, T; hereby assume A1: f is_homeomorphism; hence A2: dom f = [#]S & rng f = [#]T & f is one-to-one by TOPS_2:def 5; let P be Subset of T; hereby assume A3: P is open; f is continuous by A1,TOPS_2:def 5; hence f"P is open by A3,TOPS_2:55; end; assume f"P is open; then A4: f.:(f"P) is open by A1,Th25; [#]T = the carrier of T by PRE_TOPC:12; hence P is open by A2,A4,FUNCT_1:147; end; assume that A5: dom f = [#]S & rng f = [#]T & f is one-to-one and A6: for P being Subset of T holds P is open iff f"P is open; thus dom f = [#]S & rng f = [#]T & f is one-to-one by A5; thus f is continuous by A6,TOPS_2:55; now let R be Subset of S such that A7: R is open; A8: (f/")"R = f.:R by A5,TOPS_2:67; for x1, x2 being Element of S st x1 in R & f.x1 = f.x2 holds x2 in R proof let x1, x2 be Element of S such that A9: x1 in R & f.x1 = f.x2; dom f = the carrier of S by A5,PRE_TOPC:12; hence x2 in R by A5,A9,FUNCT_1:def 8; end; then f"(f.:R) = R by T_0TOPSP:2; hence (f/")"R is open by A6,A7,A8; end; hence thesis by TOPS_2:55; end; theorem for S being TopSpace, T being non empty TopSpace, f being map of S, T holds f is continuous iff for P being Subset of T holds f"(Int P) c= Int(f"P) proof let S be TopSpace, T be non empty TopSpace, f be map of S, T; hereby assume A1: f is continuous; let P be Subset of T; Int P c= P by TOPS_1:44; then f"Int P c= f"P by RELAT_1:178; then A2: Int(f"Int P) c= Int(f"P) by TOPS_1:48; f"(Int P) is open by A1,TOPS_2:55; hence f"(Int P) c= Int(f"P) by A2,TOPS_1:55; end; assume A3: for P being Subset of T holds f"(Int P) c= Int(f"P); now let P be Subset of T such that A4: P is open; f"P = Int (f"P) proof Int P = P by A4,TOPS_1:55; hence f"P c= Int (f"P) by A3; thus thesis by TOPS_1:44; end; hence f"P is open; end; hence thesis by TOPS_2:55; end; definition let T be non empty TopSpace; cluster non empty dense Subset of T; existence proof take [#]T; thus thesis by TOPS_3:16; end; end; theorem Th28: for S, T being non empty TopSpace, f being map of S, T, A being dense Subset of S st f is_homeomorphism holds f.:A is dense proof let S, T be non empty TopSpace, f be map of S, T, A be dense Subset of S such that A1: f is_homeomorphism; A2: Cl A = [#]S by TOPS_1:def 3; A3: rng f = [#]T by A1,TOPS_2:def 5; thus Cl (f.:A) = f.:(Cl A) by A1,TOPS_2:74 .= f.:the carrier of S by A2,PRE_TOPC:12 .= [#]T by A3,FUNCT_2:45; end; theorem Th29: for S, T being non empty TopSpace, f being map of S, T, A being dense Subset of T st f is_homeomorphism holds f"A is dense proof let S, T be non empty TopSpace, f be map of S, T, A be dense Subset of T such that A1: f is_homeomorphism; A2: Cl A = [#]T by TOPS_1:def 3; thus Cl (f"A) = f"(Cl A) by A1,TOPS_2:73 .= [#]S by A2,TOPS_2:52; end; definition let S, T be non empty TopStruct; cluster being_homeomorphism -> onto one-to-one continuous open map of S, T; coherence proof let f be map of S, T; assume A1: f is_homeomorphism; then rng f = [#]T & dom f = [#]S by TOPS_2:def 5; hence rng f = the carrier of T by PRE_TOPC:12; thus f is one-to-one continuous by A1,TOPS_2:def 5; let A be Subset of S; thus thesis by A1,Th25; end; end; definition let T be non empty TopStruct; cluster being_homeomorphism map of T, T; existence proof take id T; thus thesis by Th20; end; end; definition let T be non empty TopStruct, f be being_homeomorphism map of T, T; cluster f/" -> being_homeomorphism; coherence by TOPS_2:70; end; begin :: The group of homoemorphisms definition let T be non empty TopStruct; mode Homeomorphism of T -> map of T, T means :Def3: it is_homeomorphism; existence proof take id T; thus thesis by Th20; end; end; definition let T be non empty TopStruct; redefine func id T -> Homeomorphism of T; coherence proof thus id T is_homeomorphism by Th20; end; end; definition let T be non empty TopStruct; cluster -> being_homeomorphism Homeomorphism of T; coherence by Def3; end; theorem Th30: for f being Homeomorphism of T holds f/" is Homeomorphism of T proof let f be Homeomorphism of T; thus f/" is_homeomorphism; end; theorem Th31: for f, g being Homeomorphism of T holds f * g is Homeomorphism of T proof let f, g be Homeomorphism of T; thus f * g is_homeomorphism by TOPS_2:71; end; definition let T be non empty TopStruct; func HomeoGroup T -> strict HGrStr means :Def4: (x in the carrier of it iff x is Homeomorphism of T) & for f, g being Homeomorphism of T holds (the mult of it).(f,g) = g * f; existence proof defpred X[set] means $1 is Homeomorphism of T; consider A being set such that A1: for q being set holds q in A iff q in Funcs(the carrier of T,the carrier of T) & X[q] from Separation; A2: now let f be Homeomorphism of T; f in Funcs(the carrier of T, the carrier of T) by FUNCT_2:12; hence f in A by A1; end; then reconsider A as non empty set; defpred P[Element of A, Element of A, Element of A] means ex f, g being Homeomorphism of T st $1 = f & $2 = g & $3 = g * f; A3: for x, y being Element of A ex z being Element of A st P[x,y,z] proof let x, y be Element of A; reconsider x1 = x, y1 = y as Homeomorphism of T by A1; y1 * x1 is Homeomorphism of T by Th31; then reconsider z = y1 * x1 as Element of A by A2; take z, x1, y1; thus thesis; end; consider o being BinOp of A such that A4: for a, b being Element of A holds P[a,b,o.(a,b)] from BinOpEx(A3); take G = HGrStr (#A, o#); let x; thus x in the carrier of G iff x is Homeomorphism of T by A1,A2; let f, g be Homeomorphism of T; reconsider f1 = f, g1 = g as Element of A by A2; ex m, n being Homeomorphism of T st f1 = m & g1 = n & o.(f1,g1) = n * m by A4; hence (the mult of G).(f,g) = g * f; end; uniqueness proof let A, B be strict HGrStr; assume that A5: (x in the carrier of A iff x is Homeomorphism of T) & for f, g being Homeomorphism of T holds (the mult of A).(f,g) = g * f and A6: (x in the carrier of B iff x is Homeomorphism of T) & for f, g being Homeomorphism of T holds (the mult of B).(f,g) = g * f; defpred X[set] means $1 is Homeomorphism of T; A7: for x being set holds x in the carrier of A iff X[x] by A5; A8: for x being set holds x in the carrier of B iff X[x] by A6; A9: the carrier of A = the carrier of B from Extensionality(A7,A8); for c, d being set st c in the carrier of A & d in the carrier of A holds (the mult of A). [c,d] = (the mult of B). [c,d] proof let c, d be set; assume c in the carrier of A & d in the carrier of A; then reconsider f = c, g = d as Homeomorphism of T by A5; thus (the mult of A). [c,d] = (the mult of A).(c,d) by BINOP_1:def 1 .= g * f by A5 .= (the mult of B).(c,d) by A6 .= (the mult of B). [c,d] by BINOP_1:def 1; end; hence A = B by A9,FUNCT_2:118; end; end; definition let T be non empty TopStruct; cluster HomeoGroup T -> non empty; coherence proof id T is Homeomorphism of T; hence the carrier of HomeoGroup T is non empty by Def4; end; end; theorem for f, g being Homeomorphism of T for a, b being Element of HomeoGroup T st f = a & g = b holds a * b = g * f proof let f, g be Homeomorphism of T, a, b be Element of HomeoGroup T such that A1: f = a & g = b; thus a * b = (the mult of HomeoGroup T).(a,b) by VECTSP_1:def 10 .= g * f by A1,Def4; end; definition let T be non empty TopStruct; cluster HomeoGroup T -> Group-like associative; coherence proof set G = HomeoGroup T, o = the mult of G; thus G is Group-like proof reconsider e = id T as Element of G by Def4; take e; let h be Element of G; reconsider h1 = h, e1 = e as Homeomorphism of T by Def4; thus h * e = o.(h,e) by VECTSP_1:def 10 .= e1 * h1 by Def4 .= h by TMAP_1:93; thus e * h = o.(e,h) by VECTSP_1:def 10 .= h1 * e1 by Def4 .= h by TMAP_1:93; reconsider h1 = h as Homeomorphism of T by Def4; h1/" is Homeomorphism of T by Th30; then reconsider g = h1/" as Element of G by Def4; take g; reconsider g1 = g as Homeomorphism of T by Def4; A1: dom h1 = [#]T & rng h1 = [#]T by TOPS_2:def 5; thus h * g = o.(h,g) by VECTSP_1:def 10 .= g1 * h1 by Def4 .= id [#]T by A1,TOPS_2:65 .= id the carrier of T by PRE_TOPC:12 .= e by GRCAT_1:def 11; thus g * h = o.(g,h) by VECTSP_1:def 10 .= h1 * g1 by Def4 .= id [#]T by A1,TOPS_2:65 .= id the carrier of T by PRE_TOPC:12 .= e by GRCAT_1:def 11; end; let x, y, z be Element of G; reconsider f = x, g = y as Homeomorphism of T by Def4; reconsider p = g*f, r = z as Homeomorphism of T by Def4,Th31; reconsider a = r*g as Homeomorphism of T by Th31; thus (x*y)*z = o.(x*y,z) by VECTSP_1:def 10 .= o.(o.(x,y),z) by VECTSP_1:def 10 .= o.(g*f,z) by Def4 .= r * p by Def4 .= (r * g) * f by RELAT_1:55 .= o.(f,a) by Def4 .= o.(x,o.(y,z)) by Def4 .= o.(x,y*z) by VECTSP_1:def 10 .= x*(y*z) by VECTSP_1:def 10; end; end; theorem Th33: id T = 1.HomeoGroup T proof set G = HomeoGroup T; reconsider e = id T as Element of G by Def4; now let h be Element of G; reconsider h1 = h as Homeomorphism of T by Def4; thus h * e = (the mult of G).(h,e) by VECTSP_1:def 10 .= id T * h1 by Def4 .= h by TMAP_1:93; thus e * h = (the mult of G).(e,h) by VECTSP_1:def 10 .= h1 * id T by Def4 .= h by TMAP_1:93; end; hence id T = 1.HomeoGroup T by GROUP_1:10; end; theorem for f being Homeomorphism of T for a being Element of HomeoGroup T st f = a holds a" = f/" proof let f be Homeomorphism of T, a be Element of HomeoGroup T such that A1: f = a; set G = HomeoGroup T; A2: f/" is Homeomorphism of T proof thus f/" is_homeomorphism; end; then reconsider g = f/" as Element of G by Def4; now A3: dom f = [#]T & rng f = [#]T by TOPS_2:def 5; thus a * g = (the mult of G).(a,g) by VECTSP_1:def 10 .= f/" * f by A1,A2,Def4 .= id [#]T by A3,TOPS_2:65 .= id the carrier of T by PRE_TOPC:12 .= id T by GRCAT_1:def 11 .= 1.G by Th33; thus g * a = (the mult of G).(g,a) by VECTSP_1:def 10 .= f * (f/") by A1,A2,Def4 .= id [#]T by A3,TOPS_2:65 .= id the carrier of T by PRE_TOPC:12 .= id T by GRCAT_1:def 11 .= 1.G by Th33; end; hence a" = f/" by GROUP_1:12; end; definition let T be non empty TopStruct; attr T is homogeneous means :Def5: for p, q being Point of T ex f being Homeomorphism of T st f.p = q; end; definition cluster trivial -> homogeneous (non empty TopStruct); coherence proof let T be non empty TopStruct such that A1: T is trivial; let p, q be Point of T; take id T; thus (id T).p = q by A1,REALSET1:def 20; end; end; definition cluster strict trivial non empty TopSpace; existence proof consider T being strict trivial non empty TopSpace; take T; thus thesis; end; end; theorem for T being homogeneous (non empty TopSpace) st ex p being Point of T st {p} is closed holds T is_T1 proof let T be homogeneous (non empty TopSpace); given p being Point of T such that A1: {p} is closed; now let q be Point of T; consider f being Homeomorphism of T such that A2: f.p = q by Def5; dom f = the carrier of T by FUNCT_2:def 1; then f.:{p} = {f.p} by FUNCT_1:117; hence {q} is closed by A1,A2,TOPS_2:72; end; hence T is_T1 by URYSOHN1:27; end; theorem Th36: for T being homogeneous (non empty TopSpace) st ex p being Point of T st for A being Subset of T st A is open & p in A holds ex B being Subset of T st p in B & B is open & Cl B c= A holds T is_T3 proof let T be homogeneous (non empty TopSpace); given p being Point of T such that A1: for A being Subset of T st A is open & p in A holds ex B being Subset of T st p in B & B is open & Cl B c= A; now let A be open Subset of T, q be Point of T such that A2: q in A; consider f being Homeomorphism of T such that A3: f.p = q by Def5; reconsider g = f as Function; A4: dom f = the carrier of T by FUNCT_2:def 1; rng f = [#]T by TOPS_2:def 5; then A6: rng f = the carrier of T by PRE_TOPC:12; A7: p = g".q by A3,A4,FUNCT_1:54; A8: g".q = f".q; g.(g".q) in A by A2,A6,FUNCT_1:54; then A9: g".q in g"A by A4,A8,FUNCT_1:def 13; f"A is open by TOPS_2:55; then consider B being Subset of T such that A10: p in B & B is open & Cl B c= f"A by A1,A7,A9; reconsider fB = f.:B as open Subset of T by A10,Th25; take fB; thus q in fB by A3,A4,A10,FUNCT_1:def 12; A11: f.:Cl B c= f.:(f"A) by A10,RELAT_1:156; f.:Cl B = Cl fB by TOPS_2:74; hence Cl fB c= A by A6,A11,FUNCT_1:147; end; hence T is_T3 by URYSOHN1:29; end; begin :: On the topological groups definition struct (HGrStr, TopStruct) TopGrStr (# carrier -> set, mult -> BinOp of the carrier, topology -> Subset-Family of the carrier #); end; definition let A be non empty set, R be BinOp of A, T be Subset-Family of A; cluster TopGrStr (#A, R, T#) -> non empty; coherence proof thus the carrier of TopGrStr (#A,R,T#) is non empty; end; end; definition let x be set, R be BinOp of {x}, T be Subset-Family of {x}; cluster TopGrStr (#{x}, R, T#) -> trivial; coherence proof let a, b be Element of TopGrStr (#{x},R,T#); a = x & b = x by TARSKI:def 1; hence thesis; end; end; definition cluster trivial -> Group-like associative commutative (non empty HGrStr); coherence proof let H be non empty HGrStr such that A1: H is trivial; hereby consider e being Element of H; take e; let h be Element of H; thus h * e = h & e * h = h by A1,REALSET1:def 20; take g = e; thus h * g = e & g * h = e by A1,REALSET1:def 20; end; thus for x, y, z being Element of H holds x*y*z = x*(y*z) by A1,REALSET1:def 20; let x, y be Element of H; thus thesis by A1,REALSET1:def 20; end; end; definition let a be set; cluster 1TopSp {a} -> trivial; coherence proof let x, y be Element of 1TopSp {a}; 1TopSp {a} = TopStruct (#{a},bool {a}#) by PCOMPS_1:def 1; then a = x & a = y by TARSKI:def 1; hence thesis; end; end; definition cluster strict non empty TopGrStr; existence proof consider R being BinOp of {0}, T being Subset-Family of {0}; take TopGrStr (#{0},R,T#); thus thesis; end; end; definition cluster strict TopSpace-like trivial (non empty TopGrStr); existence proof consider R being BinOp of {0}; take TopGrStr (#{0}, R, bool {0}#); 1TopSp {0} = TopStruct (#{0},bool {0}#) by PCOMPS_1:def 1; hence thesis by TEX_2:12; end; end; definition let G be Group-like associative (non empty TopGrStr); redefine func inverse_op G -> map of G, G; coherence; end; definition let G be Group-like associative (non empty TopGrStr); attr G is UnContinuous means :Def6: inverse_op G is continuous; end; definition let G be TopSpace-like TopGrStr; attr G is BinContinuous means :Def7: for f being map of [:G,G:], G st f = the mult of G holds f is continuous; end; definition cluster strict commutative trivial UnContinuous BinContinuous (TopSpace-like Group-like associative (non empty TopGrStr)); existence proof consider R being BinOp of {0}; 1TopSp {0} = TopStruct (#{0},bool {0}#) by PCOMPS_1:def 1; then reconsider T = TopGrStr (#{0}, R, bool {0}#) as strict TopSpace-like Group-like associative (non empty TopGrStr) by TEX_2:12; take T; thus T is strict commutative trivial; hereby set f = inverse_op T; thus f is continuous proof let P1 be Subset of T such that P1 is closed; per cases by ZFMISC_1:39; suppose f"P1 = {}; then f"P1 = {}T; hence f"P1 is closed; suppose f"P1 = {0}; then f"P1 = [#]T by PRE_TOPC:12; hence f"P1 is closed; end; end; let f be map of [:T,T:], T such that f = the mult of T; A1: the carrier of [:T,T:] = [:{0},{0}:] by BORSUK_1:def 5 .= {[0,0]} by ZFMISC_1:35; let P1 be Subset of T such that P1 is closed; per cases by A1,ZFMISC_1:39; suppose f"P1 = {}; then f"P1 = {}[:T,T:]; hence f"P1 is closed; suppose f"P1 = {[0,0]}; then f"P1 = [#][:T,T:] by A1,PRE_TOPC:12; hence f"P1 is closed; end; end; definition mode TopGroup is TopSpace-like Group-like associative (non empty TopGrStr); end; definition mode TopologicalGroup is UnContinuous BinContinuous TopGroup; end; theorem Th37: for T being BinContinuous non empty (TopSpace-like TopGrStr), a, b being Element of T, W being a_neighborhood of a*b ex A being open a_neighborhood of a, B being open a_neighborhood of b st A*B c= W proof let T be BinContinuous non empty (TopSpace-like TopGrStr), a, b be Element of T, W be a_neighborhood of a*b; the carrier of [:T,T:] = [:the carrier of T,the carrier of T:] by BORSUK_1:def 5; then reconsider f = the mult of T as map of [:T,T:], T; A1: f. [a,b] = f.(a,b) by BINOP_1:def 1 .= a*b by VECTSP_1:def 10; f is continuous by Def7; then consider H being a_neighborhood of [a,b] such that A2: f.:H c= W by A1,BORSUK_1:def 2; A3: [a,b] in Int H by CONNSP_2:def 1; consider F being Subset-Family of [:T,T:] such that A4: Int H = union F and A5: for e being set st e in F ex X1, Y1 being Subset of T st e = [:X1,Y1:] & X1 is open & Y1 is open by BORSUK_1:45; consider M being set such that A6: [a,b] in M & M in F by A3,A4,TARSKI:def 4; consider A, B being Subset of T such that A7: M = [:A,B:] & A is open & B is open by A5,A6; a in A & b in B by A6,A7,ZFMISC_1:106; then A8: a in Int A & b in Int B by A7,TOPS_1:55; then reconsider A as open a_neighborhood of a by A7,CONNSP_2:def 1; reconsider B as open a_neighborhood of b by A7,A8,CONNSP_2:def 1; A9: A*B = {g * h where g, h is Element of T: g in A & h in B} by GROUP_2:def 2; take A, B; let x be set; assume x in A*B; then consider g, h being Element of T such that A10: x = g*h & g in A & h in B by A9; [g,h] in M by A7,A10,ZFMISC_1:106; then A11:[g,h] in Int H by A4,A6,TARSKI:def 4; A12:Int H c= H by TOPS_1:44; f. [g,h] = f.(g,h) by BINOP_1:def 1 .= g*h by VECTSP_1:def 10; then x in f.:H by A10,A11,A12,FUNCT_2:43; hence x in W by A2; end; theorem Th38: for T being TopSpace-like non empty TopGrStr st (for a, b being Element of T, W being a_neighborhood of a*b ex A being a_neighborhood of a, B being a_neighborhood of b st A*B c= W) holds T is BinContinuous proof let T be TopSpace-like non empty TopGrStr such that A1: for a, b being Element of T, W being a_neighborhood of a*b ex A being a_neighborhood of a, B being a_neighborhood of b st A*B c= W; let f be map of [:T,T:], T such that A2: f = the mult of T; for W being Point of [:T,T:], G being a_neighborhood of f.W ex H being a_neighborhood of W st f.:H c= G proof let W be Point of [:T,T:], G be a_neighborhood of f.W; consider a, b being Point of T such that A3: W = [a,b] by BORSUK_1:50; f.W = f.(a,b) by A3,BINOP_1:def 1 .= a*b by A2,VECTSP_1:def 10; then consider A being a_neighborhood of a, B being a_neighborhood of b such that A4: A*B c= G by A1; reconsider H = [:A,B:] as a_neighborhood of W by A3; take H; thus f.:H c= G by A2,A4,Th15; end; hence f is continuous by BORSUK_1:def 2; end; theorem Th39: for T being UnContinuous TopGroup, a being Element of T, W being a_neighborhood of a" ex A being open a_neighborhood of a st A" c= W proof let T be UnContinuous TopGroup, a be Element of T, W be a_neighborhood of a"; reconsider f = inverse_op T as map of T, T; A1: f.a = a" by GROUP_1:def 6; f is continuous by Def6; then consider H being a_neighborhood of a such that A2: f.:H c= W by A1,BORSUK_1:def 2; a in Int H by CONNSP_2:def 1; then a in Int Int H by TOPS_1:45; then reconsider A = Int H as open a_neighborhood of a by CONNSP_2:def 1; take A; A3: A" = {g" where g is Element of T: g in A} by GROUP_2:def 1; let x be set; assume x in A"; then consider g being Element of T such that A4: x = g" & g in A by A3; A5: Int H c= H by TOPS_1:44; f.g = g" by GROUP_1:def 6; then g" in f.:H by A4,A5,FUNCT_2:43; hence x in W by A2,A4; end; theorem Th40: for T being TopGroup st for a being Element of T, W being a_neighborhood of a" ex A being a_neighborhood of a st A" c= W holds T is UnContinuous proof let T be TopGroup such that A1: for a being Element of T, W being a_neighborhood of a" ex A being a_neighborhood of a st A" c= W; set f = inverse_op T; for W being Point of T, G being a_neighborhood of f.W ex H being a_neighborhood of W st f.:H c= G proof let a be Point of T, G be a_neighborhood of f.a; f.a = a" by GROUP_1:def 6; then consider A being a_neighborhood of a such that A2: A" c= G by A1; take A; thus f.:A c= G by A2,Th10; end; hence f is continuous by BORSUK_1:def 2; end; theorem Th41: for T being TopologicalGroup, a, b being Element of T for W being a_neighborhood of a*(b") ex A being open a_neighborhood of a, B being open a_neighborhood of b st A*(B") c= W proof let T be TopologicalGroup, a, b be Element of T, W be a_neighborhood of a*(b"); consider A being open a_neighborhood of a, B being open a_neighborhood of b" such that A1: A*B c= W by Th37; consider C being open a_neighborhood of b such that A2: C" c= B by Th39; take A, C; A3: A*B = {g*h where g, h is Element of T: g in A & h in B} by GROUP_2:def 2; A4: A*(C") = {g*h where g, h is Element of T: g in A & h in C"} by GROUP_2:def 2; A5: C" = {g" where g is Element of T: g in C} by GROUP_2:def 1; let x be set; assume x in A*(C"); then consider g, h being Element of T such that A6: x = g*h & g in A & h in C" by A4; consider k being Element of T such that A7: h = k" & k in C by A5,A6; g*(k") in A*B by A2,A3,A6,A7; hence x in W by A1,A6,A7; end; theorem for T being TopGroup st for a, b being Element of T, W being a_neighborhood of a*(b") ex A being a_neighborhood of a, B being a_neighborhood of b st A*(B") c= W holds T is TopologicalGroup proof let T be TopGroup such that A1: for a, b being Element of T, W being a_neighborhood of a*(b") ex A being a_neighborhood of a, B being a_neighborhood of b st A*(B") c= W; A2: for a being Element of T, W being a_neighborhood of a" ex A being a_neighborhood of a st A" c= W proof let a be Element of T, W be a_neighborhood of a"; W is a_neighborhood of 1.T*(a") by GROUP_1:def 4; then consider A being a_neighborhood of 1.T, B being a_neighborhood of a such that A3: A*(B") c= W by A1; take B; let x be set; assume A4: x in B"; then consider g being Element of T such that A5: x = g" & g in B by GROUP_2:5; 1.T in A by CONNSP_2:6; then 1.T * (g") in A*(B") by A4,A5,GROUP_2:12; then g" in A*(B") by GROUP_1:def 4; hence x in W by A3,A5; end; for a, b being Element of T, W being a_neighborhood of a*b ex A being a_neighborhood of a, B being a_neighborhood of b st A*B c= W proof let a, b be Element of T, W be a_neighborhood of a*b; W is a_neighborhood of a*(b"") by GROUP_1:19; then consider A being a_neighborhood of a, B being a_neighborhood of b" such that A6: A*(B") c= W by A1; consider B1 being a_neighborhood of b such that A7: B1" c= B by A2; take A, B1; let x be set; assume x in A * B1; then consider g, h being Element of T such that A8: x = g * h & g in A & h in B1 by GROUP_2:12; h" in B1" by A8,GROUP_2:5; then h in B" by A7,Th7; then x in A*(B") by A8,GROUP_2:12; hence x in W by A6; end; hence thesis by A2,Th38,Th40; end; definition let G be BinContinuous non empty (TopSpace-like TopGrStr), a be Element of G; cluster a* -> continuous; coherence proof set f = a*; for w being Point of G, A being a_neighborhood of f.w ex W being a_neighborhood of w st f.:W c= A proof let w be Point of G, A be a_neighborhood of f.w; f.w = a * w by Def1; then consider B being open a_neighborhood of a, W being open a_neighborhood of w such that A1: B*W c= A by Th37; take W; let k be set; assume k in f.:W; then k in a * W by Th16; then consider h being Element of G such that A2: k = a * h & h in W by GROUP_2:33; a in B by CONNSP_2:6; then k in B * W by A2,GROUP_2:12; hence k in A by A1; end; hence f is continuous by BORSUK_1:def 2; end; cluster *a -> continuous; coherence proof set f = *a; for w being Point of G, A being a_neighborhood of f.w ex W being a_neighborhood of w st f.:W c= A proof let w be Point of G, A be a_neighborhood of f.w; f.w = w * a by Def2; then consider W being open a_neighborhood of w, B being open a_neighborhood of a such that A3: W*B c= A by Th37; take W; let k be set; assume k in f.:W; then k in W * a by Th17; then consider h being Element of G such that A4: k = h * a & h in W by GROUP_2:34; a in B by CONNSP_2:6; then k in W * B by A4,GROUP_2:12; hence k in A by A3; end; hence f is continuous by BORSUK_1:def 2; end; end; theorem Th43: for G being BinContinuous TopGroup, a being Element of G holds a* is Homeomorphism of G proof let G be BinContinuous TopGroup, a be Element of G; set f = a*; dom f = the carrier of G & rng f = the carrier of G by FUNCT_2:def 1,def 3 ; hence dom f = [#]G & rng f = [#]G & f is one-to-one by PRE_TOPC:12; thus f is continuous; f/" = (a"*) by Th18; hence f/" is continuous; end; theorem Th44: for G being BinContinuous TopGroup, a being Element of G holds *a is Homeomorphism of G proof let G be BinContinuous TopGroup, a be Element of G; set f = *a; dom f = the carrier of G & rng f = the carrier of G by FUNCT_2:def 1,def 3 ; hence dom f = [#]G & rng f = [#]G & f is one-to-one by PRE_TOPC:12; thus f is continuous; f/" = *(a") by Th19; hence f/" is continuous; end; definition let G be BinContinuous TopGroup, a be Element of G; redefine func a* -> Homeomorphism of G; coherence by Th43; redefine func *a -> Homeomorphism of G; coherence by Th44; end; theorem Th45: for G being UnContinuous TopGroup holds inverse_op G is Homeomorphism of G proof let G be UnContinuous TopGroup; set f = inverse_op G; dom f = the carrier of G & rng f = the carrier of G by FUNCT_2:def 1,def 3 ; hence A1: dom f = [#]G & rng f = [#]G & f is one-to-one by PRE_TOPC:12; thus f is continuous by Def6; f = (f qua Function)" by Th14 .= f/" by A1,TOPS_2:def 4; hence f/" is continuous by Def6; end; definition let G be UnContinuous TopGroup; redefine func inverse_op G -> Homeomorphism of G; coherence by Th45; end; definition cluster BinContinuous -> homogeneous TopGroup; coherence proof let T be TopGroup; assume T is BinContinuous; then reconsider G = T as BinContinuous TopGroup; G is homogeneous proof let p, q be Point of G; take *(p"*q); thus (*(p"*q)).p = p*(p"*q) by Def2 .= p*p"*q by VECTSP_1:def 16 .= 1.G*q by GROUP_1:def 5 .= q by GROUP_1:def 4; end; hence thesis; end; end; theorem Th46: for G being BinContinuous TopGroup, F being closed Subset of G, a being Element of G holds F * a is closed proof let G be BinContinuous TopGroup, F be closed Subset of G, a be Element of G; F * a = (*a).:F by Th17; hence F * a is closed by TOPS_2:72; end; theorem Th47: for G being BinContinuous TopGroup, F being closed Subset of G, a being Element of G holds a * F is closed proof let G be BinContinuous TopGroup, F be closed Subset of G, a be Element of G; a * F = (a*).:F by Th16; hence a * F is closed by TOPS_2:72; end; definition let G be BinContinuous TopGroup, F be closed Subset of G, a be Element of G; cluster F * a -> closed; coherence by Th46; cluster a * F -> closed; coherence by Th47; end; theorem Th48: for G being UnContinuous TopGroup, F being closed Subset of G holds F" is closed proof let G be UnContinuous TopGroup, F be closed Subset of G; F" = (inverse_op G).:F by Th10; hence F" is closed by TOPS_2:72; end; definition let G be UnContinuous TopGroup, F be closed Subset of G; cluster F" -> closed; coherence by Th48; end; theorem Th49: for G being BinContinuous TopGroup, O being open Subset of G, a being Element of G holds O * a is open proof let G be BinContinuous TopGroup, O be open Subset of G, a be Element of G; O * a = (*a).:O by Th17; hence O * a is open by Th25; end; theorem Th50: for G being BinContinuous TopGroup, O being open Subset of G, a being Element of G holds a * O is open proof let G be BinContinuous TopGroup, O be open Subset of G, a be Element of G; a * O = (a*).:O by Th16; hence a * O is open by Th25; end; definition let G be BinContinuous TopGroup, A be open Subset of G, a be Element of G; cluster A * a -> open; coherence by Th49; cluster a * A -> open; coherence by Th50; end; theorem Th51: for G being UnContinuous TopGroup, O being open Subset of G holds O" is open proof let G be UnContinuous TopGroup, O be open Subset of G; O" = (inverse_op G).:O by Th10; hence O" is open by Th25; end; definition let G be UnContinuous TopGroup, A be open Subset of G; cluster A" -> open; coherence by Th51; end; theorem Th52: for G being BinContinuous TopGroup, A, O being Subset of G st O is open holds O * A is open proof let G be BinContinuous TopGroup, A, O be Subset of G such that A1: O is open; Int (O * A) = O * A proof thus Int (O * A) c= O * A by TOPS_1:44; let x be set; assume x in O * A; then consider o, a being Element of G such that A2: x = o * a & o in O & a in A by GROUP_2:12; set Q = O * a; A3: Q is open by A1,Th49; A4: Q c= O * A proof let q be set; assume q in Q; then consider h being Element of G such that A5: q = h * a & h in O by GROUP_2:34; thus thesis by A2,A5,GROUP_2:12; end; x in Q by A2,GROUP_2:34; hence x in Int (O * A) by A3,A4,TOPS_1:54; end; hence O * A is open; end; theorem Th53: for G being BinContinuous TopGroup, A, O being Subset of G st O is open holds A * O is open proof let G be BinContinuous TopGroup, A, O be Subset of G such that A1: O is open; Int (A * O) = A * O proof thus Int (A * O) c= A * O by TOPS_1:44; let x be set; assume x in A * O; then consider a, o being Element of G such that A2: x = a * o & a in A & o in O by GROUP_2:12; set Q = a * O; A3: Q is open by A1,Th50; A4: Q c= A * O proof let q be set; assume q in Q; then consider h being Element of G such that A5: q = a * h & h in O by GROUP_2:33; thus thesis by A2,A5,GROUP_2:12; end; x in Q by A2,GROUP_2:33; hence x in Int (A * O) by A3,A4,TOPS_1:54; end; hence A * O is open; end; definition let G be BinContinuous TopGroup, A be open Subset of G, B be Subset of G; cluster A * B -> open; coherence by Th52; cluster B * A -> open; coherence by Th53; end; theorem Th54: for G being UnContinuous TopGroup, a being Point of G, A being a_neighborhood of a holds A" is a_neighborhood of a" proof let G be UnContinuous TopGroup, a be Point of G, A be a_neighborhood of a; a in Int A by CONNSP_2:def 1; then consider Q being Subset of G such that A1: Q is open & Q c= A & a in Q by TOPS_1:54; Q" is open & Q" c= A" & a" in Q" by A1,Th9,Th51,GROUP_2:5; hence a" in Int (A") by TOPS_1:54; end; theorem Th55: for G being TopologicalGroup, a being Point of G, A being a_neighborhood of a*a" ex B being open a_neighborhood of a st B*B" c= A proof let G be TopologicalGroup, a be Point of G, A be a_neighborhood of a*a"; consider X, Y being open a_neighborhood of a such that A1: X*Y" c= A by Th41; reconsider B = X /\ Y as open a_neighborhood of a by CONNSP_2:4,TOPS_1:38; take B; let x be set; assume x in B*B"; then consider g, h being Point of G such that A2: x = g*h & g in B & h in B" by GROUP_2:12; h" in B by A2,Th7; then h" in Y by XBOOLE_0:def 3; then g in X & h in Y" by A2,Th7,XBOOLE_0:def 3; then x in X*Y" by A2,GROUP_2:12; hence x in A by A1; end; theorem Th56: for G being UnContinuous TopGroup, A being dense Subset of G holds A" is dense proof let G be UnContinuous TopGroup, A be dense Subset of G; (inverse_op G)"A = A" by Th11; hence A" is dense by Th29; end; definition let G be UnContinuous TopGroup, A be dense Subset of G; cluster A" -> dense; coherence by Th56; end; theorem Th57: for G being BinContinuous TopGroup, A being dense Subset of G, a being Point of G holds a*A is dense proof let G be BinContinuous TopGroup, A be dense Subset of G, a be Point of G; (a*).:A = a*A by Th16; hence a*A is dense by Th28; end; theorem Th58: for G being BinContinuous TopGroup, A being dense Subset of G, a being Point of G holds A*a is dense proof let G be BinContinuous TopGroup, A be dense Subset of G, a be Point of G; (*a).:A = A*a by Th17; hence A*a is dense by Th28; end; definition let G be BinContinuous TopGroup, A be dense Subset of G, a be Point of G; cluster A * a -> dense; coherence by Th58; cluster a * A -> dense; coherence by Th57; end; theorem for G being TopologicalGroup, B being Basis of 1.G, M being dense Subset of G holds { V * x where V is Subset of G, x is Point of G: V in B & x in M } is Basis of G proof let G be TopologicalGroup, B be Basis of 1.G, M be dense Subset of G; set Z = { V * x where V is Subset of G, x is Point of G: V in B & x in M }; Z c= bool the carrier of G proof let a be set; assume a in Z; then consider V being Subset of G, x being Point of G such that A1: a = V*x and V in B & x in M; thus thesis by A1; end; then Z is Subset-Family of G by SETFAM_1:def 7; then A2: Z is Subset-Family of G; A3: Z c= the topology of G proof let a be set; assume a in Z; then consider V being Subset of G, x being Point of G such that A4: a = V*x & V in B & x in M; reconsider V as Subset of G; V is open by A4,YELLOW_8:21; then V*x is open by Th49; hence thesis by A4,PRE_TOPC:def 5; end; for W being Subset of G st W is open for a being Point of G st a in W ex V being Subset of G st V in Z & a in V & V c= W proof let W be Subset of G such that A5: W is open; let a be Point of G such that A6: a in W; A7: W*a" is open by A5,Th49; A8: 1.G*(1.G)" = 1.G*1.G by GROUP_1:16 .= 1.G by GROUP_1:def 4; 1.G = a*a" by GROUP_1:def 5; then 1.G in W*a" by A6,GROUP_2:34; then W*a" is a_neighborhood of 1.G*(1.G)" by A7,A8,CONNSP_2:5; then consider V being open a_neighborhood of 1.G such that A9: V*V" c= W*a" by Th55; 1.G in V by CONNSP_2:6; then consider E being Subset of G such that A10: E in B & E c= V by YELLOW_8:22; E is open & E <> {} by A10,YELLOW_8:21; then (a*M") meets E by TOPS_1:80; then consider d being set such that A11: d in (a*M") /\ E by XBOOLE_0:4; reconsider d as Point of G by A11; take I = E*(d"*a); A12: d in E & d in a*M" by A11,XBOOLE_0:def 3; then consider m being Point of G such that A13: d = a*m & m in M" by GROUP_2:33; d"*a = d"*a*1.G by GROUP_1:def 4 .= d"*a*(m*m") by GROUP_1:def 5 .= d"*a*m*m" by VECTSP_1:def 16 .= d"*d*m" by A13,VECTSP_1:def 16 .= 1.G*m" by GROUP_1:def 5 .= m" by GROUP_1:def 4; then d"*a in M by A13,Th7; hence I in Z by A10; d*d" = 1.G by GROUP_1:def 5; then A14: 1.G in E*d" by A12,GROUP_2:34; 1.G*a = a by GROUP_1:def 4; then a in E*d"*a by A14,GROUP_2:34; hence a in I by GROUP_2:40; E*d" c= V*V" proof let q be set; assume q in E*d"; then consider v being Point of G such that A15: q = v*d" & v in E by GROUP_2:34; d" in V" by A10,A12,GROUP_2:5; hence q in V*V" by A10,A15,GROUP_2:12; end; then E*d" c= W*a" by A9,XBOOLE_1:1; then A16: E*d"*a c= W*a"*a by Th5; W*a"*a = W*(a"*a) by GROUP_2:40 .= W*1.G by GROUP_1:def 5 .= W by GROUP_2:43; hence I c= W by A16,GROUP_2:40; end; hence thesis by A2,A3,YELLOW_9:32; end; theorem Th60: for G being TopologicalGroup holds G is_T3 proof let G be TopologicalGroup; ex p being Point of G st for A being Subset of G st A is open & p in A holds ex B being Subset of G st p in B & B is open & Cl B c= A proof set e = 1.G; take e; let A be Subset of G; assume A is open & e in A; then e in Int A by TOPS_1:55; then A1: A is a_neighborhood of e by CONNSP_2:def 1; e = e*e" by GROUP_1:def 5; then consider C being open a_neighborhood of e, B being open a_neighborhood of e" such that A2: C*B c= A by A1,Th37; e"" = e by GROUP_1:19; then B" is a_neighborhood of e by Th54; then reconsider W = C /\ (B") as a_neighborhood of e by CONNSP_2:4; take W; A3: W is open by TOPS_1:38; then Int W = W by TOPS_1:55; hence A4: e in W & W is open by CONNSP_2:def 1; let p be set; assume A5: p in Cl W; then reconsider r = p as Point of G; A6: r*W is open by A3,Th50; r = r*e by GROUP_1:def 4; then p in r*W by A4,GROUP_2:33; then (r*W) meets W by A5,A6,PRE_TOPC:def 13; then consider a being set such that A7: a in (r*W) /\ W by XBOOLE_0:4; A8: a in r*W & a in W by A7,XBOOLE_0:def 3; reconsider a as Point of G by A7; consider b being Element of G such that A9: a = r * b & b in W by A8,GROUP_2:33; W c= B" by XBOOLE_1:17; then W" c= B"" by Th9; then W" c= B by Th8; then C*W" c= C*B by Th4; then A10: C*W" c= A by A2,XBOOLE_1:1; A11: r = r * e by GROUP_1:def 4 .= r * (b * b") by GROUP_1:def 5 .= a * (b") by A9,VECTSP_1:def 16; A12: W c= C by XBOOLE_1:17; b" in W" by A9,GROUP_2:5; then p in C * W" by A8,A11,A12,GROUP_2:12; hence p in A by A10; end; hence thesis by Th36; end; definition cluster -> being_T3 TopologicalGroup; coherence by Th60; end;