The Mizar article:

Algebraic Group on Fixed-length Bit Integer and its Adaptation to IDEA Cryptography

Yasushi Fuwa, and
Yoshinori Fujisawa

Received September 7, 1998

Copyright (c) 1998 Association of Mizar Users

MML identifier: IDEA_1
[ MML identifier index ]


 vocabulary MIDSP_3, MARGREL1, FILTER_0, ARYTM_3, NAT_1, INT_1, ARYTM_1, POWER,
      TREES_1, IDEA_1, FINSEQ_4;
 definitions TARSKI;
 theorems REAL_1, NAT_1, NAT_2, NAT_LAT, INT_1, INT_2, FINSEQ_1, FINSEQ_2,
 schemes FINSEQ_1, FINSEQ_2, MATRIX_2, NAT_1, FUNCT_2;

begin ::Some selected theorems on integers

reserve i,j,k,n for Nat;
reserve x,y,z for Tuple of n, BOOLEAN;

Lm1: i<>0 & i < j & j is prime implies i,j are_relative_prime
  assume A1:i<>0 & i < j & j is prime;
      set IJ = i hcf j;
        IJ divides j by NAT_1:def 5;
      then A2:IJ = 1 or IJ = j by A1,INT_2:def 5;
        IJ <> j
        assume IJ = j;
        then j divides i & j divides j by NAT_1:def 5;
        then consider n being Nat such that
          A3:i = j*n by NAT_1:def 3;
        A4:j >= 0 by NAT_1:18;
          j <> 0 & n <> 0 by A1,A3;
        then n >= 1 by RLVECT_1:99;
        then j*n >= j*1 by A4,AXIOMS:25;
        hence contradiction by A1,A3;
    hence thesis by A2,INT_2:def 6;
  hence thesis;

  j is prime & i<j & k<j & i<>0 implies
    ex a being Nat st (a*i) mod j = k
  assume that
    A1: j is prime and
    A2: i<j and
    A3: k<j and
    A4: i<>0;
    j>1 by A1,INT_2:def 5;
  then A5:j>0 by AXIOMS:22;
    i,j are_relative_prime by A1,A2,A4,Lm1;
  then consider a,b being Integer such that
       A6:a*i + b*j = k by EULER_1:11;
    now per cases;
    suppose A7:a >= 0;
        now per cases;
        suppose b >= 0;
          then reconsider a,b as Nat by A7,INT_1:16;
          A8:(a*i + b*j) mod j = k by A3,A6,GR_CY_1:4;
          A9: (a*i + b*j) mod j = (a*i + ((b*j) mod j)) mod j by GR_CY_1:3
                                .= (a*i + 0) mod j by GROUP_4:101
                                .= (a*i) mod j;
           take a;
           thus thesis by A8,A9;
        suppose A10: b < 0;
           reconsider a as Nat by A7,INT_1:16;
           consider b' being Integer such that
             b - b < 0 - b by A10,REAL_1:54;
           then 0 < 0 - b by XCMPLX_1:14;
           then reconsider b' as Nat by A11,INT_1:16;
           take a;
             a*i + b*j + b'*j = a*i + (b*j + b'*j) by XCMPLX_1:1
                           .= a*i + (b + (0 - b))*j by A11,XCMPLX_1:8
                           .= a*i + (b + -b)*j by XCMPLX_1:150
                           .= a*i + 0*j by XCMPLX_0:def 6
                           .= a*i;
           then (a*i) mod j = k mod j by A6,GR_CY_1:1
                           .= k by A3,GR_CY_1:4;
           hence thesis;
      hence thesis;
    suppose A12: a < 0;
      consider a1 being Integer such that
        A13:a1 = 0 - a;
      A14: a1 = -a by A13,XCMPLX_1:150;
        a - a < 0 - a by A12,REAL_1:54;
      then 0 < 0 - a by XCMPLX_1:14;
      then reconsider a1 as Nat by A13,INT_1:16;
      consider a2 being Nat such that
        A15:a2=(a1 div j) + 1;
      consider a' being Integer such that
        A16:a'=a + a2 * j;
      A17:a' = a + ((a1 div j)*j + 1*j) by A15,A16,XCMPLX_1:8
            .= -a1 + (a1 div j)*j + j by A14,XCMPLX_1:1;
      consider t being Nat such that
        A18: a1 = j * (a1 div j) + t & t < j by A5,NAT_1:def 1;
      A19:a1 - (a1 + t) = a1 - a1 - t by XCMPLX_1:36
                       .= 0 - t by XCMPLX_1:14
                       .= -t by XCMPLX_1:150;
      A20: j*(a1 div j) + t - (a1 + t)
              = j*(a1 div j) + (t - (a1 + t)) by XCMPLX_1:29
             .= j*(a1 div j) + (t - t - a1) by XCMPLX_1:36
             .= j*(a1 div j) + (0 - a1) by XCMPLX_1:14
             .= (a1 div j)*j + -a1 by XCMPLX_1:150;
        -t + t < -t + j by A18,REAL_1:53;
      then 0 < a' by A17,A18,A19,A20,XCMPLX_0:def 6;
      then reconsider a' as Nat by INT_1:16;
        now per cases;
        suppose b >= 0;
          then reconsider b as Nat by INT_1:16;
          take a';
          A21:a*i + b*j + a2*j*i
                           = a*i + a2*j*i + b*j by XCMPLX_1:1
                          .= a'*i + b*j by A16,XCMPLX_1:8;
            (k + a2*j*i) mod j = (k + a2*i*j) mod j by XCMPLX_1:4
                            .= k mod j by GR_CY_1:1
                            .= k by A3,GR_CY_1:4;
          hence (a'*i) mod j = k by A6,A21,GR_CY_1:1;
        suppose A22: b < 0;
          consider b' being Integer such that
            b - b < 0 - b by A22,REAL_1:54;
          then 0 < b' by A23,XCMPLX_1:14;
          then reconsider b' as Nat by INT_1:16;
          take a';
          A24: a*i + b*j + a2*j*i + b'*j
                 = a*i + (b*j + a2*j*i) + b'*j by XCMPLX_1:1
                .= a*i + (a2*j*i + b*j + b'*j) by XCMPLX_1:1
                .= a*i + (a2*j*i + (b*j + b'*j)) by XCMPLX_1:1
                .= a*i + (a2*j*i + (b + (0 - b))*j) by A23,XCMPLX_1:8
                .= a*i + (a2*j*i + (b + -b)*j) by XCMPLX_1:150
                .= a*i + (a2*j*i + 0*j) by XCMPLX_0:def 6
                .= a'*i by A16,XCMPLX_1:8;
            k + a2*j*i + b'*j = k + a2*i*j + b'*j by XCMPLX_1:4
                           .= k + (a2*i*j + b'*j) by XCMPLX_1:1
                           .= k + (a2*i+ b')*j by XCMPLX_1:8;
          hence (a'*i) mod j = k mod j by A6,A24,GR_CY_1:1
                           .= k by A3,GR_CY_1:4;
    hence thesis;
  hence thesis;

theorem Th1:
  for i,j,k holds j is prime & i<j & k<j & i<>0 implies
    ex a being Nat st (a*i) mod j = k & a < j
    let i,j,k be Nat;
    assume A1: j is prime & i<j & k<j & i<>0;
    then j>1 by INT_2:def 5;
    then A2:j>0 by AXIOMS:22;
    consider a being Nat such that
      A3: (a*i) mod j = k by A1,Lm2;
    consider a' being Nat such that
      A4: a' = a mod j;
    take a';
    thus thesis by A2,A3,A4,EULER_2:10,NAT_1:46;

theorem Th2:
  for n,k1,k2 being Nat holds
    n <> 0 & k1 mod n = k2 mod n & k1 <= k2 implies
      ex t being Nat st k2 - k1 = n*t
    let n,k1,k2 be Nat;
    assume A1: n <> 0 & k1 mod n = k2 mod n & k1 <= k2;
    then A2: n>0 by NAT_1:19;
    then k1 = n * (k1 div n) + (k1 mod n) by NAT_1:47;
    then A3: k1 mod n = k1 - n * (k1 div n) by XCMPLX_1:26;
      k2 = n * (k2 div n) + (k2 mod n) by A2,NAT_1:47;
    then k2 - n * (k2 div n) = k1 - n * (k1 div n) by A1,A3,XCMPLX_1:26;
    then k2 - (n * (k2 div n) - n * (k2 div n))
                     = k1 - n * (k1 div n) + n * (k2 div n) by XCMPLX_1:37;
    then k2 - 0 = k1 - n * (k1 div n) + n * (k2 div n) by XCMPLX_1:14;
    then A4: k2 = k1 + - n * (k1 div n) + n * (k2 div n) by XCMPLX_0:def 8
               .= k1 + (- n * (k1 div n) + n * (k2 div n)) by XCMPLX_1:1
               .= k1 + (n * (k2 div n) - n * (k1 div n)) by XCMPLX_0:def 8
               .= k1 + (n * ((k2 div n) - (k1 div n))) by XCMPLX_1:40;
    consider t being Integer such that
      A5: t = (k2 div n) - (k1 div n);
      (k2 div n) >= (k1 div n) by A1,NAT_2:26;
    then (k2 div n) - (k1 div n) >= (k1 div n) - (k1 div n) by REAL_1:49;
    then t >= 0 by A5,XCMPLX_1:14;
    then reconsider t as Nat by INT_1:16;
    take t;
    thus k2 - k1 = n * t + (k1 - k1) by A4,A5,XCMPLX_1:29
                .= n * t + 0 by XCMPLX_1:14
                .= n * t;

theorem Th3:
  for a, b being Nat holds a - b <= a
    let a, b be Nat;
      0 <= b by NAT_1:18;
    then a - b <= a - 0 by REAL_1:92;
    hence thesis;

theorem Th4:
  for b1,b2,c being Nat holds b2 <= c implies b2 - b1 <= c
    let b1,b2,c be Nat;
    assume A1: b2 <= c;
    A2: c - b1 <= c by Th3;
      b2 - b1 <= c - b1 by A1,REAL_1:49;
    hence b2 - b1 <= c by A2,AXIOMS:22;

theorem Th5:
  for a,b,c being Nat holds 0<a & 0<b & a<c & b<c & c is prime implies
    (a * b) mod c <> 0
    let a,b,c be Nat;
    assume A1: 0<a & 0<b & a<c & b<c & c is prime;
    assume A2: (a * b) mod c = 0;
        0 < c by A1,AXIOMS:22;
      then (a * b) = c * ((a * b) div c) + 0 by A2,NAT_1:47;
      then c divides (a * b) by NAT_1:def 3;
      then c divides a or c divides b by A1,NAT_LAT:95;
      hence contradiction by A1,NAT_1:54;

    for n being non empty Nat holds 2 to_power(n) <> 1
    let n be non empty Nat;
      n > 0 by NAT_1:19;
    hence thesis by POWER:40;

begin :: Algebraic group on Fixed-length bit Integer
:: In this section,we construct an algebraic group on
:: Fixed-length bit Integer.
:: IDEA's Basic operators are 'xor', ADD_MOD and MUL_MOD.
:: 'xor' is 16-bitwise XOR. ADD_MOD is addition mod 2^{16}.
:: MUL_MOD is multiplication mod 2^(16)+1. And, we define
:: two functions NEG_MOD and INV_MOD that give inverse
:: element of ADD_MOD and MUL_MOD respectively.

  let n;
  func ZERO( n ) -> Tuple of n, BOOLEAN equals
  n |-> FALSE;
  correctness by FINSEQ_2:132;

  let n;
  let x, y be Tuple of n, BOOLEAN;
  func x 'xor' y -> Tuple of n, BOOLEAN means
  for i st i in Seg n holds it/.i = (x/.i) 'xor' (y/.i);
      deffunc F(Nat)=(x/.$1) 'xor' (y/.$1);
      consider z being FinSequence of BOOLEAN such that
        A1: len z = n and
        A2: for j st j in Seg n holds
                           z.j = F(j) from SeqLambdaD;
      reconsider z as Tuple of n, BOOLEAN by A1,FINSEQ_2:110;
      take z;
      let i;
      assume A3: i in Seg n;
      then i in dom z by A1,FINSEQ_1:def 3;
      hence z/.i = z.i by FINSEQ_4:def 4
                .= (x/.i) 'xor' (y/.i) by A2,A3;
      let z1, z2 be Tuple of n, BOOLEAN such that
        A4: for i st i in Seg n holds z1/.i = (x/.i) 'xor' (y/.i) and
        A5: for i st i in Seg n holds z2/.i = (x/.i) 'xor' (y/.i);
        A6: len z1 = n & len z2 = n by FINSEQ_2:109;
        now let j;
        assume A7: j in Seg n;
        then A8: j in dom z1 & j in dom z2 by A6,FINSEQ_1:def 3;
        hence z1.j = z1/.j by FINSEQ_4:def 4
                  .= (x/.j) 'xor' (y/.j) by A4,A7
                  .= z2/.j by A5,A7
                  .= z2.j by A8,FINSEQ_4:def 4;
      hence z1 = z2 by A6,FINSEQ_2:10;

theorem Th7:
  for n,x holds x 'xor' x = ZERO(n)
  let n;
  let x be Tuple of n, BOOLEAN;
  A1:len (x 'xor' x) = n & len (ZERO(n)) = n by FINSEQ_2:109;
    now let j;
  assume A2:j in Seg n;
    then A3:j in dom (x 'xor' x) & j in dom (ZERO(n)) by A1,FINSEQ_1:def 3;
    then j in dom (x 'xor' x) & j in dom (n |-> FALSE) by Def1;
    then A4:j in dom (x 'xor' x) & j in Seg n by FINSEQ_2:68;
    A5:ZERO(n).j = (n |-> FALSE).j by Def1
                .= FALSE by A4,FINSEQ_2:70;
    thus (x 'xor' x).j = (x 'xor' x)/.j by A3,FINSEQ_4:def 4
                      .= (x/.j) 'xor' (x/.j) by A2,Def2
                      .= ZERO(n).j by A5,BINARITH:15;
  hence thesis by A1,FINSEQ_2:10;

theorem Th8:
  for n,x,y holds x 'xor' y = y 'xor' x
  let n;
  let x,y be Tuple of n, BOOLEAN;
  A1:len (x 'xor' y) = n & len (y 'xor' x) = n by FINSEQ_2:109;
    now let j;
  assume A2:j in Seg n;
    then A3:j in dom (x 'xor' y) & j in dom (y 'xor' x) by A1,FINSEQ_1:def 3;
    hence (x 'xor' y).j = (x 'xor' y)/.j by FINSEQ_4:def 4
                       .= (y/.j) 'xor' (x/.j) by A2,Def2
                       .= (y 'xor' x)/.j by A2,Def2
                       .= (y 'xor' x).j by A3,FINSEQ_4:def 4;
  hence thesis by A1,FINSEQ_2:10;

  let n;
  let x, y be Tuple of n, BOOLEAN;
  redefine func x 'xor' y;
  commutativity by Th8;

theorem Th9:
  for n,x holds ZERO(n) 'xor' x = x
  let n;
  let x be Tuple of n, BOOLEAN;
  A1:len ((ZERO(n)) 'xor' x) = n & len x = n by FINSEQ_2:109;
    now let j;
  assume A2:j in Seg n;
    then A3:j in dom ((ZERO(n)) 'xor' x) & j in dom x by A1,FINSEQ_1:def 3;
      j in dom (ZERO(n))
        dom (ZERO(n)) = dom (n |-> FALSE) by Def1
                   .= Seg n by FINSEQ_2:68;
      hence thesis by A2;
    then A4:(ZERO(n))/.j = ZERO(n).j by FINSEQ_4:def 4
                          .= (n |-> FALSE).j by Def1
                          .= FALSE by A2,FINSEQ_2:70;
    thus ((ZERO(n)) 'xor' x).j = ((ZERO(n)) 'xor' x)/.j by A3,FINSEQ_4:def 4
                              .= FALSE 'xor' (x/.j) by A2,A4,Def2
                              .= x/.j by BINARITH:14
                              .= x.j by A3,FINSEQ_4:def 4;
  hence thesis by A1,FINSEQ_2:10;

theorem Th10:
  for n,x,y,z holds (x 'xor' y) 'xor' z = x 'xor' (y 'xor' z)
  let n;
  let x,y,z be Tuple of n, BOOLEAN;
  A1:len ((x 'xor' y) 'xor' z) = n &
     len (x 'xor' (y 'xor' z)) = n by FINSEQ_2:109;
    now let j;
  assume A2:j in Seg n;
    then A3:j in dom ((x 'xor' y) 'xor' z) &
            j in dom (x 'xor' (y 'xor' z)) by A1,FINSEQ_1:def 3;
    hence ((x 'xor' y) 'xor' z).j
                 = ((x 'xor' y) 'xor' z)/.j by FINSEQ_4:def 4
                .= ((x 'xor' y)/.j) 'xor' (z/.j) by A2,Def2
                .= ((x/.j) 'xor' (y/.j)) 'xor' (z/.j) by A2,Def2
                .= (x/.j) 'xor' ((y/.j) 'xor' (z/.j)) by BINARITH:34
                .= (x/.j) 'xor' ((y 'xor' z)/.j) by A2,Def2
                .= ((x 'xor' (y 'xor' z)))/.j by A2,Def2
                .= (x 'xor' (y 'xor' z)).j by A3,FINSEQ_4:def 4;
  hence thesis by A1,FINSEQ_2:10;

  let n;
  let i be Nat;
  pred i is_expressible_by n means
  :Def3: i < 2 to_power(n);

    for n holds n-BinarySequence 0 = ZERO(n)
    let n;
    A1:len (n-BinarySequence 0) = n & len (ZERO(n)) = n by FINSEQ_2:109;
    then A2:dom (n-BinarySequence 0) = Seg n &
            dom ZERO(n) = Seg n by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
      now let j;
      assume A3: j in Seg n;
      A4: (0 div 2 to_power(j-'1)) mod 2
              = 0 mod 2 by NAT_2:4
             .= 0 by GR_CY_1:6;
        j in dom (ZERO(n))
          dom (ZERO(n)) = dom (n |-> FALSE) by Def1
                     .= Seg n by FINSEQ_2:68;
        hence thesis by A3;
      then A5:(ZERO(n))/.j = ZERO(n).j by FINSEQ_4:def 4
                          .= (n |-> FALSE).j by Def1
                          .= FALSE by A3,FINSEQ_2:70;
      thus (n-BinarySequence 0).j
        = (n-BinarySequence 0)/.j by A2,A3,FINSEQ_4:def 4
       .= IFEQ((0 div 2 to_power(j-'1)) mod 2,0,FALSE,TRUE)
                                         by A3,BINARI_3:def 1
       .= (ZERO(n))/.j by A4,A5,CQC_LANG:def 1
       .= ZERO(n).j by A2,A3,FINSEQ_4:def 4;
    hence thesis by A1,FINSEQ_2:10;

  let n;
  let i, j be Nat;
  func ADD_MOD(i,j,n) -> Nat equals
  (i + j) mod 2 to_power(n);

  let n;
  let i be Nat;
  assume A1: i is_expressible_by n;
  func NEG_N(i,n) -> Nat equals
     2 to_power(n) - i;
       i < 2 to_power(n) by A1,Def3;
     then 2 to_power(n) - i > i - i by REAL_1:54;
     then 2 to_power(n) - i > 0 by XCMPLX_1:14;
     hence 2 to_power(n) - i is Nat by INT_1:16;

  let n;
  let i be Nat;
  func NEG_MOD(i,n) -> Nat equals
     NEG_N(i,n) mod 2 to_power(n);

theorem Th12:
  i is_expressible_by n implies ADD_MOD(i, NEG_MOD(i,n), n) = 0
    assume i is_expressible_by n;
    then A1: i + NEG_N(i,n)
               = i + (2 to_power(n) - i) by Def5
              .= i + (2 to_power(n) + -i) by XCMPLX_0:def 8
              .= i + -i + 2 to_power(n) by XCMPLX_1:1
              .= 0 + 2 to_power(n) by XCMPLX_0:def 6;
    thus ADD_MOD(i, NEG_MOD(i,n), n)
                 = (i + NEG_MOD(i,n)) mod 2 to_power(n) by Def4
                .= (i + (NEG_N(i,n) mod 2 to_power(n)))
                                      mod 2 to_power(n) by Def6
                .= 2 to_power(n) mod 2 to_power(n) by A1,GR_CY_1:3
                .= 0 by GR_CY_1:5;

theorem Th13:
  ADD_MOD(i,j,n) = ADD_MOD(j,i,n)
    thus ADD_MOD(i,j,n) = (i + j) mod 2 to_power(n) by Def4
                       .= ADD_MOD(j,i,n) by Def4;

theorem Th14:
  i is_expressible_by n implies ADD_MOD(0,i,n) = i
    assume i is_expressible_by n;
    then A1:i < 2 to_power(n) by Def3;
    thus ADD_MOD(0,i,n) = (0 + i) mod 2 to_power(n) by Def4
                       .= i by A1,GR_CY_1:4;

theorem Th15:
  ADD_MOD(ADD_MOD(i,j,n),k,n) = ADD_MOD(i,ADD_MOD(j,k,n),n)
    thus ADD_MOD(ADD_MOD(i,j,n),k,n)
          = ADD_MOD((i+j) mod 2 to_power(n),k,n) by Def4
         .= ((i+j) mod 2 to_power(n) + k) mod 2 to_power(n) by Def4
         .= (i+j+k) mod 2 to_power(n) by GR_CY_1:3
         .= (i+(j+k)) mod 2 to_power(n) by XCMPLX_1:1
         .= (i + ((j+k) mod 2 to_power(n))) mod 2 to_power(n) by GR_CY_1:2
         .= (i + ADD_MOD(j,k,n)) mod 2 to_power(n) by Def4
         .= ADD_MOD(i,ADD_MOD(j,k,n),n) by Def4;

theorem Th16:
  ADD_MOD(i,j,n) is_expressible_by n
    A1: 2 to_power(n) > 0 by POWER:39;
      ADD_MOD(i,j,n) = (i + j) mod 2 to_power(n) by Def4;
    then ADD_MOD(i,j,n) < 2 to_power(n) by A1,NAT_1:46;
    hence thesis by Def3;

    NEG_MOD(i,n) is_expressible_by n
    A1: 2 to_power(n) > 0 by POWER:39;
      NEG_MOD(i,n) = NEG_N(i,n) mod 2 to_power(n) by Def6;
    then NEG_MOD(i,n) < 2 to_power(n) by A1,NAT_1:46;
    hence thesis by Def3;

  let n, i be Nat;
  func ChangeVal_1(i,n) -> Nat equals
    2 to_power(n) if i = 0
    otherwise i;

theorem Th18:
  i is_expressible_by n implies
      ChangeVal_1(i,n) <= 2 to_power(n) & ChangeVal_1(i,n) > 0
    assume A1: i is_expressible_by n;
    A2: 2 to_power(n) > 0 by POWER:39;
    per cases;
      suppose i=0;
        hence thesis by A2,Def7;
      suppose A3: i<>0;
        then ChangeVal_1(i,n) = i by Def7;
        hence thesis by A1,A3,Def3,NAT_1:19;

theorem Th19:
  for n,a1,a2 be Nat holds a1 is_expressible_by n & a2 is_expressible_by n &
    ChangeVal_1(a1,n) = ChangeVal_1(a2,n) implies a1 = a2
    let n;
    let a1,a2 be Nat;
    assume A1:a1 is_expressible_by n & a2 is_expressible_by n &
                            ChangeVal_1(a1,n) = ChangeVal_1(a2,n);
    then A2: a1 <> 2 to_power(n) by Def3;
    A3: a2 <> 2 to_power(n) by A1,Def3;
    per cases;
      suppose A4: ChangeVal_1(a1,n) = 2 to_power(n);
        hence a2 = 0 by A1,A3,Def7
                .= a1 by A2,A4,Def7;
      suppose A5: ChangeVal_1(a1,n) <> 2 to_power(n);
        then A6: a1 <> 0 by Def7;
          a2 <> 0 by A1,A5,Def7;
        hence a2 = ChangeVal_1(a1,n) by A1,Def7
               .= a1 by A6,Def7;

  let n;
  let i be Nat;
  func ChangeVal_2(i,n) -> Nat equals
    0 if i = 2 to_power(n)
    otherwise i;

    i is_expressible_by n implies
    ChangeVal_2(i,n) is_expressible_by n
    assume i is_expressible_by n;
    then i < 2 to_power(n) by Def3;
    then ChangeVal_2(i,n) < 2 to_power(n) by Def8;
    hence thesis by Def3;

theorem Th21:
  for n,a1,a2 be Nat holds a1 <> 0 & a2 <> 0 &
    ChangeVal_2(a1,n) = ChangeVal_2(a2,n) implies a1 = a2
    let n;
    let a1,a2 be Nat;
    assume A1: a1 <> 0 & a2 <> 0 & ChangeVal_2(a1,n) = ChangeVal_2(a2,n);
    per cases;
      suppose A2: ChangeVal_2(a1,n) = 0;
        then a2 = 2 to_power(n) or a2 = 0 by A1,Def8;
        hence a2 = a1 by A1,A2,Def8;
      suppose A3: ChangeVal_2(a1,n) <> 0;
        then A4:a1 <> 2 to_power(n) by Def8;
          a2 <> 2 to_power(n) by A1,A3,Def8;
        hence a2 = ChangeVal_2(a1,n) by A1,Def8
               .= a1 by A4,Def8;

  let n;
  let i,j be Nat;
  func MUL_MOD(i,j,n) -> Nat equals
    ChangeVal_2((ChangeVal_1(i,n)*ChangeVal_1(j,n)) mod (2 to_power(n)+1),n);

  let n be non empty Nat;
  let i be Nat;
  assume A1: i is_expressible_by n & (2 to_power(n) + 1) is prime;
    func INV_MOD(i,n) -> Nat means
    MUL_MOD(i,it,n) = 1 & it is_expressible_by n;
      A2: 2 to_power(n) > 0 by POWER:39;
        2 to_power(n) + (1 - 1) > 0 by POWER:39;
      then reconsider n2=2 to_power(n) + 1 - 1 as Nat by XCMPLX_1:29;
      A3:2 to_power(n) + 1 > 0 + 1 by A2,REAL_1:53;
      reconsider nn=2 to_power(n) + 1 as Nat;
        n>0 by NAT_1:19;
      then A4: 2 to_power(n) <> 1 by POWER:40;
        2 to_power(n) + 1 >= 1 + 1 by A3,NAT_1:38;
      then 2 to_power(n) + 1 - 1 >= 1 + 1 - 1 by REAL_1:49;
      then 2 to_power(n) + 1 - 1 - 1 >= 1 + 1 - 1 - 1 by REAL_1:49;
      then reconsider n3=2 to_power(n) + 1 - 1 - 1 as Nat by INT_1:16;
      A5: n2 = 2 to_power(n) + (1 - 1) by XCMPLX_1:29
            .= 2 to_power(n) + 0;
        n2 * n2 = (2 to_power(n) + 1 - 1)*(2 to_power(n) + 1) -
                (2 to_power(n) + 1 - 1)*1 by XCMPLX_1:40
             .= (2 to_power(n) + 1)*(2 to_power(n) + 1 - 1) -
                (2 to_power(n) + 1)*1 + 1 by XCMPLX_1:37
             .= nn*n3 + 1 by XCMPLX_1:40;
     then A6:(n2*n2) mod nn
                      = 1 mod nn by GR_CY_1:1
                     .= 1 by A3,GR_CY_1:4;
        now per cases;
        suppose A7: i=0;
          consider j such that A8:j = 0;
          take j;
          A9: MUL_MOD(i,j,n)
           = ChangeVal_2((ChangeVal_1(0,n)*ChangeVal_1(0,n)) mod nn,n)
                                                                 by A7,A8,Def9
          .= ChangeVal_2((2 to_power(n)*ChangeVal_1(0,n)) mod nn,n) by Def7
          .= ChangeVal_2((n2*n2) mod nn,n) by A5,Def7
          .= 1 by A4,A6,Def8;
            j is_expressible_by n by A2,A8,Def3;
          hence thesis by A9;
        suppose A10: i<>0;
            i < 2 to_power(n) by A1,Def3;
          then i < 2 to_power(n)+1 by NAT_1:38;
          then consider a being Nat such that
            A11: (a*i) mod (2 to_power(n)+1) = 1 & a < (2 to_power(n)+1)
                                                      by A1,A3,A10,Th1;
          A12: a <> 0 by A11,GR_CY_1:4;
          take k=ChangeVal_2(a,n);
            now per cases;
            suppose A13:a <> 2 to_power(n);
              then A14: k = a by Def8;
              then k <= 2 to_power(n) by A11,NAT_1:38;
              then k < 2 to_power(n) by A13,A14,REAL_1:def 5;
              then A15: k is_expressible_by n by Def3;
                = ChangeVal_2((ChangeVal_1(i,n)*
                    ChangeVal_1(k,n)) mod (2 to_power(n)+1),n) by Def9
               .= ChangeVal_2((i*
                    ChangeVal_1(k,n)) mod (2 to_power(n)+1),n) by A10,Def7
               .= ChangeVal_2((i*a)mod (2 to_power(n)+1),n) by A12,A14,Def7
               .= 1 by A4,A11,Def8;
              hence thesis by A15;
            suppose A16:a = 2 to_power(n);
              then A17: k = 0 by Def8;
              then A18: k is_expressible_by n by A2,Def3;
                = ChangeVal_2((ChangeVal_1(i,n)*
                    ChangeVal_1(k,n)) mod (2 to_power(n)+1),n) by Def9
               .= ChangeVal_2((i*
                    ChangeVal_1(k,n)) mod (2 to_power(n)+1),n) by A10,Def7
               .= ChangeVal_2((i*a)mod (2 to_power(n)+1),n) by A16,A17,Def7
               .= 1 by A4,A11,Def8;
              hence thesis by A18;
           hence thesis;
      hence thesis;
      let a1, a2 be Nat such that
        A19: MUL_MOD(i,a1,n) = 1 & a1 is_expressible_by n and
        A20: MUL_MOD(i,a2,n) = 1 & a2 is_expressible_by n;
      consider k being Nat such that
        A21: k = ChangeVal_1(i,n);
      A22: k <= 2 to_power(n) & k > 0 by A1,A21,Th18;
      then A23: k < 2 to_power(n)+1 by NAT_1:38;
      consider b1 being Nat such that
        A24: b1 = ChangeVal_1(a1,n);
      A25: b1 <= 2 to_power(n) & b1 > 0 by A19,A24,Th18;
      then A26: b1 < 2 to_power(n)+1 by NAT_1:38;
      consider b2 being Nat such that
        A27: b2 = ChangeVal_1(a2,n);
      A28: b2 <= 2 to_power(n) & b2 > 0 by A20,A27,Th18;
      then A29: b2 < 2 to_power(n)+1 by NAT_1:38;
      A30: (k * b1) mod (2 to_power(n)+1) <> 0 by A1,A22,A23,A25,A26,Th5;
      A31:(k * b2) mod (2 to_power(n)+1) <> 0 by A1,A22,A23,A28,A29,Th5;
        ChangeVal_2((k * b1) mod (2 to_power(n)+1),n)
         = MUL_MOD(i,a2,n) by A19,A20,A21,A24,Def9
        .= ChangeVal_2((k * b2) mod (2 to_power(n)+1),n) by A21,A27,Def9;
      then A32: (k * b1) mod (2 to_power(n)+1)
              = (k * b2) mod (2 to_power(n)+1) by A30,A31,Th21;
        now per cases;
        suppose A33:b1 <= b2;
          then k*b1 <= k*b2 by NAT_1:20;
          then consider t being Nat such that
             A34: k*b2 - k*b1 = (2 to_power(n)+1)*t by A32,Th2;
          consider b being Integer such that A35: b = b2 - b1;
            b1 - b1 <= b2 - b1 by A33,REAL_1:49;
          then 0 <= b2 - b1 by XCMPLX_1:14;
          then reconsider b as Nat by A35,INT_1:16;
            k*b = (2 to_power(n)+1)*t by A34,A35,XCMPLX_1:40;
          then (2 to_power(n)+1) divides k*b by NAT_1:def 3;
          then A36: (2 to_power(n)+1) divides k or (2 to_power(n)+1)
 divides b
                                                     by A1,NAT_LAT:95;
          A37: not ((2 to_power(n)+1) <= k) by A22,NAT_1:38;

            b <= 2 to_power(n) by A28,A35,Th4;
          then not ((2 to_power(n)+1) <= b) by NAT_1:38;
          then A38:not(0 < b) by A22,A36,A37,NAT_1:54;
            0 <= b by NAT_1:18;
          then b2 - b1 + b1 = 0 + b1 by A35,A38,AXIOMS:21;
          then b2 - (b1 - b1) = b1 by XCMPLX_1:37;
          then b2 - 0 = b1 by XCMPLX_1:14;
          hence b1 = b2;
        suppose A39:b2 <= b1;
          then k*b2 <= k*b1 by NAT_1:20;
          then consider t being Nat such that
             A40: k*b1 - k*b2 = (2 to_power(n)+1)*t by A32,Th2;
          consider b being Integer such that A41: b = b1 - b2;
            b2 - b2 <= b1 - b2 by A39,REAL_1:49;
          then 0 <= b1 - b2 by XCMPLX_1:14;
          then reconsider b as Nat by A41,INT_1:16;
            k*b = (2 to_power(n)+1)*t by A40,A41,XCMPLX_1:40;
          then (2 to_power(n)+1) divides k*b by NAT_1:def 3;
          then A42: (2 to_power(n)+1) divides k or (2 to_power(n)+1)
 divides b
                                                     by A1,NAT_LAT:95;
          A43: not ((2 to_power(n)+1) <= k) by A22,NAT_1:38;
            b <= 2 to_power(n) by A25,A41,Th4;
          then not ((2 to_power(n)+1) <= b) by NAT_1:38;
          then A44:not(0 < b) by A22,A42,A43,NAT_1:54;
            0 <= b by NAT_1:18;
          then b1 - b2 + b2 = 0 + b2 by A41,A44,AXIOMS:21;
          then b1 - (b2 - b2) = b2 by XCMPLX_1:37;
          then b1 - 0 = b2 by XCMPLX_1:14;
          hence b2 = b1;
      hence thesis by A19,A20,A24,A27,Th19;

theorem Th22:
  MUL_MOD(i,j,n) = MUL_MOD(j,i,n)
    MUL_MOD(i,j,n) = ChangeVal_2((ChangeVal_1(i,n)*ChangeVal_1(j,n))
                        mod (2 to_power(n)+1),n) by Def9
                .= MUL_MOD(j,i,n) by Def9;
  hence thesis;

theorem Th23:
  i is_expressible_by n implies MUL_MOD(1,i,n) = i
  assume i is_expressible_by n;
  then A1:i < 2 to_power n by Def3;
  A2:ChangeVal_1(1,n) = 1 by Def7;
  A3:(1*ChangeVal_1(i,n)) mod ((2 to_power n)+1)
                    = (ChangeVal_1(i,n)) mod ((2 to_power n)+1);
  per cases;
    suppose A4:i = 0;
      then A5:ChangeVal_1(i,n) = 2 to_power(n) by Def7;
        2 to_power n < (2 to_power n)+1 by REAL_1:69;
      then A6:(ChangeVal_1(i,n)) mod ((2 to_power n)+1) = 2 to_power(n)
                                                    by A5,GR_CY_1:4;
        ChangeVal_2(2 to_power(n),n) = 0 by Def8;
    hence thesis by A2,A3,A4,A6,Def9;
    suppose i <> 0;
      then A7:(ChangeVal_1(i,n)) mod ((2 to_power n)+1)
                       = i mod ((2 to_power n)+1) by Def7;
        2 to_power n < (2 to_power n)+1 by REAL_1:69;
      then i < (2 to_power n)+1 by A1,AXIOMS:22;
      then A8:(ChangeVal_1(i,n)) mod ((2 to_power n)+1) = i by A7,GR_CY_1:4;
        ChangeVal_2(i,n) = i by A1,Def8;
    hence thesis by A2,A3,A8,Def9;

theorem Th24:
  (2 to_power(n)+1) is prime & i is_expressible_by n &
    j is_expressible_by n & k is_expressible_by n implies
       MUL_MOD(MUL_MOD(i,j,n),k,n) = MUL_MOD(i,MUL_MOD(j,k,n),n)
  assume A1:(2 to_power(n)+1) is prime & i is_expressible_by n &
             j is_expressible_by n & k is_expressible_by n;
  set I = ChangeVal_1(i,n);
  set J = ChangeVal_1(j,n);
  set K = ChangeVal_1(k,n);
    I <= 2 to_power(n) & I > 0 by A1,Th18;
  then A2:I < 2 to_power(n)+1 & I > 0 by NAT_1:38;
    J <= 2 to_power(n) & J > 0 by A1,Th18;
  then A3:J < 2 to_power(n)+1 & J > 0 by NAT_1:38;
    K <= 2 to_power(n) & K > 0 by A1,Th18;
  then A4:K < 2 to_power(n)+1 & K > 0 by NAT_1:38;

   = ChangeVal_2((I*J) mod (2 to_power(n)+1),n) by Def9;
   = ChangeVal_2((J*K) mod (2 to_power(n)+1),n) by Def9;
  A7:2 to_power(n) < 2 to_power(n)+1 by REAL_1:69;

        0 < 2 to_power(n) by POWER:39;
      then 0 < (2 to_power(n)+1) by A7,AXIOMS:22;
      then (I*J) mod (2 to_power(n)+1)
                     < (2 to_power(n)+1) by NAT_1:46;
      then A8:(I*J) mod (2 to_power(n)+1)
                     <= 2 to_power(n) by NAT_1:38;
      set CV = (I*J) mod (2 to_power(n)+1);
      A9:CV <> 0 by A1,A2,A3,Th5;
        now per cases by A8,AXIOMS:21;
        suppose A10:CV = 2 to_power(n);
          then MUL_MOD(i,j,n) = 0 by A5,Def8;
          then A11:MUL_MOD(MUL_MOD(i,j,n),k,n)
                 = ChangeVal_2((ChangeVal_1(0,n)*K)
                     mod (2 to_power(n)+1),n) by Def9
                .= ChangeVal_2((CV*K) mod (2 to_power(n)+1),n) by A10,Def7
                .= ChangeVal_2(((I*J)*K) mod (2 to_power(n)+1),n)
                                                    by EULER_2:10;
          set CV2 = (J*K) mod (2 to_power(n)+1);
            0 < 2 to_power(n) by POWER:39;
          then 0 < (2 to_power(n)+1) by A7,AXIOMS:22;
          then CV2 < (2 to_power(n)+1) by NAT_1:46;
          then A12:CV2 <= 2 to_power(n) by NAT_1:38;
          A13:CV2 <> 0 by A1,A3,A4,Th5;
            now per cases by A12,AXIOMS:21;
            suppose A14:CV2 = 2 to_power(n);
              then MUL_MOD(i,MUL_MOD(j,k,n),n)
                     = MUL_MOD(i,0,n) by A6,Def8
                    .= ChangeVal_2((I*ChangeVal_1(0,n))
                             mod (2 to_power(n)+1),n) by Def9
                    .= ChangeVal_2((I*CV2) mod (2 to_power(n)+1),n) by A14,Def7
                    .= ChangeVal_2((I*(J*K)) mod (2 to_power(n)+1),n)
                                                       by EULER_2:10
                    .= ChangeVal_2((I*J*K) mod (2 to_power(n)+1),n)
                                                       by XCMPLX_1:4;
            hence thesis by A11;
            suppose A15:CV2 < 2 to_power(n);
                MUL_MOD(j,k,n) = ChangeVal_2(CV2,n) by Def9
                                 .= CV2 by A15,Def8;
              then MUL_MOD(i,MUL_MOD(j,k,n),n)
                 = ChangeVal_2((I*ChangeVal_1(CV2,n))
                        mod (2 to_power(n)+1),n) by Def9
                .= ChangeVal_2((I*CV2)
                        mod (2 to_power(n)+1),n) by A13,Def7
                .= ChangeVal_2((I*(J*K)) mod (2 to_power(n)+1),n)
                                                   by EULER_2:10
                .= ChangeVal_2((I*J*K) mod (2 to_power(n)+1),n)
                                                   by XCMPLX_1:4;
            hence thesis by A11;
        hence thesis;
        suppose CV < 2 to_power(n);
          then MUL_MOD(i,j,n) = CV by A5,Def8;
          then A16:MUL_MOD(MUL_MOD(i,j,n),k,n)
                 = ChangeVal_2((ChangeVal_1(CV,n)*K)
                     mod (2 to_power(n)+1),n) by Def9
                .= ChangeVal_2((CV*K) mod (2 to_power(n)+1),n) by A9,Def7
                .= ChangeVal_2(((I*J)*K) mod (2 to_power(n)+1),n)
                                                    by EULER_2:10;
          set CV2 = (J*K) mod (2 to_power(n)+1);
            0 < 2 to_power(n) by POWER:39;
          then 0 < (2 to_power(n)+1) by A7,AXIOMS:22;
          then CV2 < (2 to_power(n)+1) by NAT_1:46;
          then A17:CV2 <= 2 to_power(n) by NAT_1:38;
          A18:CV2 <> 0 by A1,A3,A4,Th5;
            now per cases by A17,AXIOMS:21;
            suppose A19:CV2 = 2 to_power(n);
              then MUL_MOD(j,k,n) = 0 by A6,Def8;
              then MUL_MOD(i,MUL_MOD(j,k,n),n)
                     = ChangeVal_2((I*ChangeVal_1(0,n))
                             mod (2 to_power(n)+1),n) by Def9
                    .= ChangeVal_2((I*CV2) mod (2 to_power(n)+1),n) by A19,Def7
                    .= ChangeVal_2((I*(J*K)) mod (2 to_power(n)+1),n)
                                                       by EULER_2:10
                    .= ChangeVal_2((I*J*K) mod (2 to_power(n)+1),n)
                                                       by XCMPLX_1:4;
            hence thesis by A16;
            suppose A20:CV2 < 2 to_power(n);
                MUL_MOD(j,k,n) = ChangeVal_2(CV2,n) by Def9
                            .= CV2 by A20,Def8;
              then MUL_MOD(i,MUL_MOD(j,k,n),n)
                 = ChangeVal_2((I*ChangeVal_1(CV2,n))
                        mod (2 to_power(n)+1),n) by Def9
                .= ChangeVal_2((I*CV2)
                        mod (2 to_power(n)+1),n) by A18,Def7
                .= ChangeVal_2((I*(J*K)) mod (2 to_power(n)+1),n)
                                                   by EULER_2:10
                .= ChangeVal_2((I*J*K) mod (2 to_power(n)+1),n)
                                                   by XCMPLX_1:4;
            hence thesis by A16;
        hence thesis;
    hence thesis;
  hence thesis;

theorem Th25:
  MUL_MOD(i,j,n) is_expressible_by n
  A1:2 to_power n < (2 to_power n)+1 by REAL_1:69;
  A2:0 < 2 to_power(n) by POWER:39;
  then 0 < (2 to_power(n)+1) by A1,AXIOMS:22;
  then (ChangeVal_1(i,n)*ChangeVal_1(j,n)) mod (2 to_power(n)+1)
                    < (2 to_power(n)+1) by NAT_1:46;
  then A3:(ChangeVal_1(i,n)*ChangeVal_1(j,n)) mod (2 to_power(n)+1)
                    <= 2 to_power(n) by NAT_1:38;
  set CV = (ChangeVal_1(i,n)*ChangeVal_1(j,n)) mod (2 to_power(n)+1);
    now per cases by A3,AXIOMS:21;
    suppose CV = 2 to_power(n);
      then ChangeVal_2(CV,n) = 0 by Def8;
      then MUL_MOD(i,j,n) < 2 to_power(n) by A2,Def9;
    hence thesis by Def3;
    suppose A4:CV < 2 to_power(n);
      then ChangeVal_2(CV,n) = CV by Def8;
      then MUL_MOD(i,j,n) = CV by Def9;
    hence thesis by A4,Def3;
  hence thesis;

    ChangeVal_2(i,n) = 1 implies i = 1
  assume A1:ChangeVal_2(i,n) = 1;
  assume A2:i <> 1;
    now per cases;
    suppose i = 2 to_power(n);
    hence contradiction by A1,Def8;
    suppose i <> 2 to_power(n);
    hence contradiction by A1,A2,Def8;
  hence thesis;

begin :: Operations of IDEA Cryptograms
:: We define three IDEA's operations IDEAoperationA, IDEAoperationB
:: and IDEAoperationC using the basic operators. IDEA Cryptogram
:: encrypts 64-bit plain text to 64-bit ciphertext. These texts
:: are divided into 4 16-bits text blocks. Here, we use m as the
:: text block sequence. And, IDEA's operations use key sequence
:: explains k in this section. n is bit-length of text blocks.

:: Definiton of IDEA Operation A
  let n;
  let m,k be FinSequence of NAT;
  func IDEAoperationA(m, k, n) -> FinSequence of NAT means
   len(it) = len(m) &
   for i being Nat st i in dom m holds
     (i=1 implies it.i = MUL_MOD(m.1, k.1, n)) &
     (i=2 implies it.i = ADD_MOD(m.2, k.2, n)) &
     (i=3 implies it.i = ADD_MOD(m.3, k.3, n)) &
     (i=4 implies it.i = MUL_MOD(m.4, k.4, n)) &
     (i<>1 & i <> 2 & i<>3 & i<>4 implies it.i = m.i);
defpred P[set,set] means
             ($1=1 implies $2 = MUL_MOD(m.1, k.1, n)) &
             ($1=2 implies $2 = ADD_MOD(m.2, k.2, n)) &
             ($1=3 implies $2 = ADD_MOD(m.3, k.3, n)) &
             ($1=4 implies $2 = MUL_MOD(m.4, k.4, n)) &
             ($1<>1 & $1 <> 2 & $1<>3 & $1<>4 implies $2 = m.$1);
             A1: for j st j in Seg len m ex x being Element of NAT st
        let j be Nat such that j in Seg len m;
        per cases;
          suppose A2: j = 1;
              take MUL_MOD(m.1, k.1, n);
             thus thesis by A2;
          suppose A3: j = 2;
              take ADD_MOD(m.2, k.2, n);
             thus thesis by A3;
          suppose A4: j = 3;
              take ADD_MOD(m.3, k.3, n);
             thus thesis by A4;
          suppose A5: j = 4;
              take MUL_MOD(m.4, k.4, n);
             thus thesis by A5;
          suppose A6: j<>1 & j<>2 & j<>3 & j<>4;
              take m.j;
             thus thesis by A6;
     A7:dom m = Seg len m by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
     consider z being FinSequence of NAT such that
        A8: dom z = Seg len m and
        A9: for i st i in Seg len m holds P[i,z.i] from SeqDEx(A1);
      take z;
      thus thesis by A7,A8,A9,FINSEQ_1:def 3;
      let z1,z2 be FinSequence of NAT such that
       A10: len(z1) = len(m) &
            for i being Nat st i in dom m holds
                 (i=1 implies z1.i = MUL_MOD(m.1, k.1, n)) &
                 (i=2 implies z1.i = ADD_MOD(m.2, k.2, n)) &
                 (i=3 implies z1.i = ADD_MOD(m.3, k.3, n)) &
                 (i=4 implies z1.i = MUL_MOD(m.4, k.4, n)) &
                 (i<>1 & i <> 2 & i<>3 & i<>4 implies z1.i = m.i) and
       A11: len(z2) = len(m) &
            for i st i in dom m holds
                 (i=1 implies z2.i = MUL_MOD(m.1, k.1, n)) &
                 (i=2 implies z2.i = ADD_MOD(m.2, k.2, n)) &
                 (i=3 implies z2.i = ADD_MOD(m.3, k.3, n)) &
                 (i=4 implies z2.i = MUL_MOD(m.4, k.4, n)) &
                 (i<>1 & i <> 2 & i<>3 & i<>4 implies z2.i = m.i);

       A12:dom m = Seg len z1 by A10,FINSEQ_1:def 3
                .= dom z1 by FINSEQ_1:def 3;

       A13:dom m = Seg len z2 by A11,FINSEQ_1:def 3
                .= dom z2 by FINSEQ_1:def 3;

        now let j be Nat;
        assume A14: j in dom m;
          now per cases;
          suppose A15: j = 1;
            hence z1.j = MUL_MOD(m.1, k.1, n) by A10,A14
                      .= z2.j by A11,A14,A15;
          suppose A16: j = 2;
            hence z1.j = ADD_MOD(m.2, k.2, n) by A10,A14
                      .= z2.j by A11,A14,A16;
          suppose A17: j = 3;
            hence z1.j = ADD_MOD(m.3, k.3, n) by A10,A14
                      .= z2.j by A11,A14,A17;
          suppose A18: j = 4;
            hence z1.j = MUL_MOD(m.4, k.4, n) by A10,A14
                      .= z2.j by A11,A14,A18;
          suppose A19: j<>1 & j<>2 & j<>3 & j<>4;
            hence z1.j = m.j by A10,A14
                      .= z2.j by A11,A14,A19;
        hence z1.j = z2.j;
      hence z1 = z2 by A12,A13,FINSEQ_1:17;

:: Definiton of IDEA Operation B

reserve m,k,k1,k2 for FinSequence of NAT;

  let n be non empty Nat;
  let m,k be FinSequence of NAT;
  func IDEAoperationB(m, k, n) -> FinSequence of NAT means
  len(it) = len(m) & for i being Nat st i in dom m holds
  (i=1 implies it.i =
    Absval((n-BinarySequence m.1) 'xor' (n-BinarySequence
            MUL_MOD(ADD_MOD(MUL_MOD(Absval((n-BinarySequence m.1) 'xor'
             (n-BinarySequence m.3)),k.5,n),Absval((n-BinarySequence m.2) 'xor'
              (n-BinarySequence m.4)),n),k.6,n))))&
  (i=2 implies it.i =
    Absval((n-BinarySequence m.2) 'xor' (n-BinarySequence
            ADD_MOD(MUL_MOD(Absval((n-BinarySequence m.1) 'xor'
             (n-BinarySequence m.3)),k.5,n),MUL_MOD(ADD_MOD(MUL_MOD(
               Absval((n-BinarySequence m.1) 'xor' (n-BinarySequence m.3)),
                k.5,n),Absval((n-BinarySequence m.2) 'xor'
                 (n-BinarySequence m.4)),n),k.6,n),n))))&
  (i=3 implies it.i =
    Absval((n-BinarySequence m.3) 'xor' (n-BinarySequence
            MUL_MOD(ADD_MOD(MUL_MOD(Absval((n-BinarySequence m.1) 'xor'
             (n-BinarySequence m.3)),k.5,n),Absval((n-BinarySequence m.2) 'xor'
              (n-BinarySequence m.4)),n),k.6,n))))&
  (i=4 implies it.i =
    Absval((n-BinarySequence m.4) 'xor' (n-BinarySequence
            ADD_MOD(MUL_MOD(Absval((n-BinarySequence m.1) 'xor'
             (n-BinarySequence m.3)),k.5,n),MUL_MOD(ADD_MOD(MUL_MOD(
               Absval((n-BinarySequence m.1) 'xor' (n-BinarySequence m.3)),
                k.5,n),Absval((n-BinarySequence m.2) 'xor'
                 (n-BinarySequence m.4)),n),k.6,n),n))))&
  (i<>1 & i <> 2 & i<>3 & i<>4 implies it.i = m.i);

defpred P[set,set] means
   ($1=1 implies $2 =
    Absval((n-BinarySequence m.1) 'xor' (n-BinarySequence
            MUL_MOD(ADD_MOD(MUL_MOD(Absval((n-BinarySequence m.1) 'xor'
             (n-BinarySequence m.3)),k.5,n),Absval((n-BinarySequence m.2) 'xor'
              (n-BinarySequence m.4)),n),k.6,n))))&
   ($1=2 implies $2 =
    Absval((n-BinarySequence m.2) 'xor' (n-BinarySequence
            ADD_MOD(MUL_MOD(Absval((n-BinarySequence m.1) 'xor'
             (n-BinarySequence m.3)),k.5,n),MUL_MOD(ADD_MOD(MUL_MOD(
               Absval((n-BinarySequence m.1) 'xor' (n-BinarySequence m.3)),
                k.5,n),Absval((n-BinarySequence m.2) 'xor'
                 (n-BinarySequence m.4)),n),k.6,n),n))))&
   ($1=3 implies $2 =
    Absval((n-BinarySequence m.3) 'xor' (n-BinarySequence
            MUL_MOD(ADD_MOD(MUL_MOD(Absval((n-BinarySequence m.1) 'xor'
             (n-BinarySequence m.3)),k.5,n),Absval((n-BinarySequence m.2) 'xor'
              (n-BinarySequence m.4)),n),k.6,n))))&
   ($1=4 implies $2 =
    Absval((n-BinarySequence m.4) 'xor' (n-BinarySequence
            ADD_MOD(MUL_MOD(Absval((n-BinarySequence m.1) 'xor'
             (n-BinarySequence m.3)),k.5,n),MUL_MOD(ADD_MOD(MUL_MOD(
               Absval((n-BinarySequence m.1) 'xor' (n-BinarySequence m.3)),
                k.5,n),Absval((n-BinarySequence m.2) 'xor'
                 (n-BinarySequence m.4)),n),k.6,n),n))))&
   ($1<>1 & $1 <> 2 & $1<>3 & $1<>4 implies $2 = m.$1);
A1: for j st j in Seg len m ex x being Element of NAT st P[j,x]
   let j be Nat such that j in Seg len m;
   per cases;
    suppose A2: j = 1;
     take Absval((n-BinarySequence m.1) 'xor' (n-BinarySequence
            MUL_MOD(ADD_MOD(MUL_MOD(Absval((n-BinarySequence m.1) 'xor'
             (n-BinarySequence m.3)),k.5,n),Absval((n-BinarySequence m.2) 'xor'
              (n-BinarySequence m.4)),n),k.6,n)));
     thus thesis by A2;
    suppose A3: j = 2;
     take Absval((n-BinarySequence m.2) 'xor' (n-BinarySequence
            ADD_MOD(MUL_MOD(Absval((n-BinarySequence m.1) 'xor'
             (n-BinarySequence m.3)),k.5,n),MUL_MOD(ADD_MOD(MUL_MOD(
               Absval((n-BinarySequence m.1) 'xor' (n-BinarySequence m.3)),
                k.5,n),Absval((n-BinarySequence m.2) 'xor'
                 (n-BinarySequence m.4)),n),k.6,n),n)));
     thus thesis by A3;
    suppose A4: j = 3;
     take Absval((n-BinarySequence m.3) 'xor' (n-BinarySequence
            MUL_MOD(ADD_MOD(MUL_MOD(Absval((n-BinarySequence m.1) 'xor'
             (n-BinarySequence m.3)),k.5,n),Absval((n-BinarySequence m.2) 'xor'
              (n-BinarySequence m.4)),n),k.6,n)));
     thus thesis by A4;
    suppose A5: j = 4;
     take Absval((n-BinarySequence m.4) 'xor' (n-BinarySequence
            ADD_MOD(MUL_MOD(Absval((n-BinarySequence m.1) 'xor'
             (n-BinarySequence m.3)),k.5,n),MUL_MOD(ADD_MOD(MUL_MOD(
               Absval((n-BinarySequence m.1) 'xor' (n-BinarySequence m.3)),
                k.5,n),Absval((n-BinarySequence m.2) 'xor'
                 (n-BinarySequence m.4)),n),k.6,n),n)));
     thus thesis by A5;
    suppose A6: j<>1 & j<>2 & j<>3 & j<>4;
     take m.j;
     thus thesis by A6;
  consider z being FinSequence of NAT such that
   A7: dom z = Seg len m and
   A8: for i st i in Seg len m holds P[i,z.i] from SeqDEx(A1);
   A9:Seg len m = dom m by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
      take z;
      thus thesis by A7,A8,A9,FINSEQ_1:def 3;

      let z1,z2 be FinSequence of NAT such that
       A10: len(z1) = len(m) &
            for i st i in dom m holds
   (i=1 implies z1.i =
    Absval((n-BinarySequence m.1) 'xor' (n-BinarySequence
            MUL_MOD(ADD_MOD(MUL_MOD(Absval((n-BinarySequence m.1) 'xor'
             (n-BinarySequence m.3)),k.5,n),Absval((n-BinarySequence m.2) 'xor'
              (n-BinarySequence m.4)),n),k.6,n))))&
   (i=2 implies z1.i =
    Absval((n-BinarySequence m.2) 'xor' (n-BinarySequence
            ADD_MOD(MUL_MOD(Absval((n-BinarySequence m.1) 'xor'
             (n-BinarySequence m.3)),k.5,n),MUL_MOD(ADD_MOD(MUL_MOD(
               Absval((n-BinarySequence m.1) 'xor' (n-BinarySequence m.3)),
                k.5,n),Absval((n-BinarySequence m.2) 'xor'
                 (n-BinarySequence m.4)),n),k.6,n),n))))&
   (i=3 implies z1.i =
    Absval((n-BinarySequence m.3) 'xor' (n-BinarySequence
            MUL_MOD(ADD_MOD(MUL_MOD(Absval((n-BinarySequence m.1) 'xor'
             (n-BinarySequence m.3)),k.5,n),Absval((n-BinarySequence m.2) 'xor'
              (n-BinarySequence m.4)),n),k.6,n))))&
   (i=4 implies z1.i =
    Absval((n-BinarySequence m.4) 'xor' (n-BinarySequence
            ADD_MOD(MUL_MOD(Absval((n-BinarySequence m.1) 'xor'
             (n-BinarySequence m.3)),k.5,n),MUL_MOD(ADD_MOD(MUL_MOD(
               Absval((n-BinarySequence m.1) 'xor' (n-BinarySequence m.3)),
                k.5,n),Absval((n-BinarySequence m.2) 'xor'
                 (n-BinarySequence m.4)),n),k.6,n),n))))&
   (i<>1 & i <> 2 & i<>3 & i<>4 implies z1.i = m.i) and
       A11: len(z2) = len(m) &
            for i st i in dom m holds
   (i=1 implies z2.i =
    Absval((n-BinarySequence m.1) 'xor' (n-BinarySequence
            MUL_MOD(ADD_MOD(MUL_MOD(Absval((n-BinarySequence m.1) 'xor'
             (n-BinarySequence m.3)),k.5,n),Absval((n-BinarySequence m.2) 'xor'
              (n-BinarySequence m.4)),n),k.6,n))))&
   (i=2 implies z2.i =
    Absval((n-BinarySequence m.2) 'xor' (n-BinarySequence
            ADD_MOD(MUL_MOD(Absval((n-BinarySequence m.1) 'xor'
             (n-BinarySequence m.3)),k.5,n),MUL_MOD(ADD_MOD(MUL_MOD(
               Absval((n-BinarySequence m.1) 'xor' (n-BinarySequence m.3)),
                k.5,n),Absval((n-BinarySequence m.2) 'xor'
                 (n-BinarySequence m.4)),n),k.6,n),n))))&
   (i=3 implies z2.i =
    Absval((n-BinarySequence m.3) 'xor' (n-BinarySequence
            MUL_MOD(ADD_MOD(MUL_MOD(Absval((n-BinarySequence m.1) 'xor'
             (n-BinarySequence m.3)),k.5,n),Absval((n-BinarySequence m.2) 'xor'
              (n-BinarySequence m.4)),n),k.6,n))))&
   (i=4 implies z2.i =
    Absval((n-BinarySequence m.4) 'xor' (n-BinarySequence
            ADD_MOD(MUL_MOD(Absval((n-BinarySequence m.1) 'xor'
             (n-BinarySequence m.3)),k.5,n),MUL_MOD(ADD_MOD(MUL_MOD(
               Absval((n-BinarySequence m.1) 'xor' (n-BinarySequence m.3)),
                k.5,n),Absval((n-BinarySequence m.2) 'xor'
                 (n-BinarySequence m.4)),n),k.6,n),n))))&
   (i<>1 & i <> 2 & i<>3 & i<>4 implies z2.i = m.i);
       A12: dom m = Seg len(z1) by A10,FINSEQ_1:def 3
                 .= dom z1 by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
       A13: dom m = Seg len(z2) by A11,FINSEQ_1:def 3
                 .= dom z2 by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
        now let j be Nat;
        assume A14: j in dom m;
          now per cases;
          suppose A15: j = 1;
            hence z1.j =
    Absval((n-BinarySequence m.1) 'xor' (n-BinarySequence
            MUL_MOD(ADD_MOD(MUL_MOD(Absval((n-BinarySequence m.1) 'xor'
             (n-BinarySequence m.3)),k.5,n),Absval((n-BinarySequence m.2) 'xor'
              (n-BinarySequence m.4)),n),k.6,n))) by A10,A14
          .= z2.j by A11,A14,A15;
          suppose A16: j = 2;
            hence z1.j =
    Absval((n-BinarySequence m.2) 'xor' (n-BinarySequence
            ADD_MOD(MUL_MOD(Absval((n-BinarySequence m.1) 'xor'
             (n-BinarySequence m.3)),k.5,n),MUL_MOD(ADD_MOD(MUL_MOD(
               Absval((n-BinarySequence m.1) 'xor' (n-BinarySequence m.3)),
                k.5,n),Absval((n-BinarySequence m.2) 'xor'
                 (n-BinarySequence m.4)),n),k.6,n),n))) by A10,A14
          .= z2.j by A11,A14,A16;
          suppose A17: j = 3;
            hence z1.j =
    Absval((n-BinarySequence m.3) 'xor' (n-BinarySequence
            MUL_MOD(ADD_MOD(MUL_MOD(Absval((n-BinarySequence m.1) 'xor'
             (n-BinarySequence m.3)),k.5,n),Absval((n-BinarySequence m.2) 'xor'
              (n-BinarySequence m.4)),n),k.6,n))) by A10,A14
          .= z2.j by A11,A14,A17;
          suppose A18: j = 4;
            hence z1.j =
    Absval((n-BinarySequence m.4) 'xor' (n-BinarySequence
            ADD_MOD(MUL_MOD(Absval((n-BinarySequence m.1) 'xor'
             (n-BinarySequence m.3)),k.5,n),MUL_MOD(ADD_MOD(MUL_MOD(
               Absval((n-BinarySequence m.1) 'xor' (n-BinarySequence m.3)),
                k.5,n),Absval((n-BinarySequence m.2) 'xor'
                 (n-BinarySequence m.4)),n),k.6,n),n))) by A10,A14
          .= z2.j by A11,A14,A18;
          suppose A19: j<>1 & j<>2 & j<>3 & j<>4;
            hence z1.j = m.j by A10,A14
                      .= z2.j by A11,A14,A19;
        hence z1.j = z2.j;
      hence z1 = z2 by A12,A13,FINSEQ_1:17;

:: Definiton of IDEA Operation C
  let m be FinSequence of NAT;
  func IDEAoperationC(m) -> FinSequence of NAT means
   len(it) = len(m) &
   for i being Nat st i in dom m holds
     it.i = IFEQ(i,2,m.3,IFEQ(i,3,m.2,m.i));

defpred P[set,set] means
             ($1=2 implies $2 = m.3) & ($1=3 implies $2 = m.2) &
             ($1<>2 & $1<>3 implies $2 = m.$1);
      A1: for k be Nat st k in Seg len m ex x being Element of NAT st P[k,x]
        let k be Nat such that
             k in Seg len m;
        per cases;
          suppose A2: k = 2;
              take m.3;
             thus thesis by A2;
          suppose A3: k = 3;
              take m.2;
             thus thesis by A3;
          suppose A4: k<>2 & k<>3;
              take m.k;
             thus thesis by A4;
      consider z being FinSequence of NAT such that
        A5: dom z = Seg len m and
        A6: for i st i in Seg len m holds P[i,z.i] from SeqDEx(A1);
      A7:for i st i in Seg len m holds IFEQ(i,2,m.3,IFEQ(i,3,m.2,m.i)) = z.i
        let i be Nat;
        assume A8:i in Seg len m;
        A9:i = 2 implies IFEQ(i,2,m.3,IFEQ(i,3,m.2,m.i)) = m.3 by CQC_LANG:def
        A10:i = 3 implies IFEQ(i,2,m.3,IFEQ(i,3,m.2,m.i)) = m.2
          assume A11:i = 3;
          then IFEQ(i,2,m.3,IFEQ(i,3,m.2,m.i)) = IFEQ(i,3,m.2,m.i)
                                                     by CQC_LANG:def 1
                                              .= m.2 by A11,CQC_LANG:def 1;
          hence thesis;
          i<>2 & i<>3 implies IFEQ(i,2,m.3,IFEQ(i,3,m.2,m.i)) = m.i
          assume A12:i <> 2 & i <> 3;
          then IFEQ(i,2,m.3,IFEQ(i,3,m.2,m.i)) = IFEQ(i,3,m.2,m.i)
                                                     by CQC_LANG:def 1
                                              .= m.i by A12,CQC_LANG:def 1;
          hence thesis;
        then i<>2 & i<>3 implies IFEQ(i,2,m.3,IFEQ(i,3,m.2,m.i)) = z.i
                                                           by A6,A8;
        hence thesis by A6,A8,A9,A10;
      A13:Seg len m = dom m by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
      take z;
      thus thesis by A5,A7,A13,FINSEQ_1:def 3;
      let z1,z2 be FinSequence of NAT such that
       A14:len(z1) = len(m) &
            for i st i in dom m holds
             z1.i = IFEQ(i,2,m.3,IFEQ(i,3,m.2,m.i)) and
       A15:len(z2) = len(m) &
            for i st i in dom m holds
             z2.i = IFEQ(i,2,m.3,IFEQ(i,3,m.2,m.i));

       A16: dom m = Seg len(z1) by A14,FINSEQ_1:def 3
                 .= dom z1 by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
       A17: dom m = Seg len(z2) by A15,FINSEQ_1:def 3
                 .= dom z2 by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
        now let j be Nat;
        assume A18: j in dom m;
          now per cases;
          suppose j = 2;
            then A19:IFEQ(j,2,m.3,IFEQ(j,3,m.2,m.j)) = m.3 by CQC_LANG:def 1;
            then z2.j = m.3 by A15,A18;
            hence z1.j = z2.j by A14,A18,A19;
          suppose A20: j = 3;
            A21:j = 3 implies IFEQ(j,2,m.3,IFEQ(j,3,m.2,m.j)) = m.2
              assume A22:j = 3;
              then IFEQ(j,2,m.3,IFEQ(j,3,m.2,m.j)) = IFEQ(j,3,m.2,m.j)
                                                         by CQC_LANG:def 1
                                                  .= m.2 by A22,CQC_LANG:def 1;
              hence thesis;
            then z2.j = m.2 by A15,A18,A20;
            hence z1.j = z2.j by A14,A18,A20,A21;
          suppose A23: j<>2 & j<>3;
            A24:j<>2 & j<>3 implies IFEQ(j,2,m.3,IFEQ(j,3,m.2,m.j)) = m.j
              assume A25:j <> 2 & j <> 3;
              then IFEQ(j,2,m.3,IFEQ(j,3,m.2,m.j)) = IFEQ(j,3,m.2,m.j)
                                                          by CQC_LANG:def 1
                                                   .= m.j by A25,CQC_LANG:def 1
              hence thesis;
            then z2.j = m.j by A15,A18,A23;
            hence z1.j = z2.j by A14,A18,A23,A24;
        hence z1.j = z2.j;
      hence z1 = z2 by A16,A17,FINSEQ_1:17;

theorem Th27:
  len m >= 4 implies
    IDEAoperationA(m,k,n).1 is_expressible_by n &
    IDEAoperationA(m,k,n).2 is_expressible_by n &
    IDEAoperationA(m,k,n).3 is_expressible_by n &
    IDEAoperationA(m,k,n).4 is_expressible_by n
    assume A1: len m >= 4;
    then 1 <= len m by AXIOMS:22;
    then 1 in Seg len m by FINSEQ_1:3;
    then 1 in dom m by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
    then A2: IDEAoperationA(m,k,n).1 = MUL_MOD(m.1, k.1, n) by Def11;
      2 <= len m by A1,AXIOMS:22;
    then 2 in Seg len m by FINSEQ_1:3;
    then 2 in dom m by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
    then A3: IDEAoperationA(m,k,n).2 = ADD_MOD(m.2, k.2, n) by Def11;
      3 <= len m by A1,AXIOMS:22;
    then 3 in Seg len m by FINSEQ_1:3;
    then 3 in dom m by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
    then A4: IDEAoperationA(m,k,n).3 = ADD_MOD(m.3, k.3, n) by Def11;
      4 in Seg len m by A1,FINSEQ_1:3;
    then 4 in dom m by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
    then IDEAoperationA(m,k,n).4 = MUL_MOD(m.4, k.4, n) by Def11;
    hence thesis by A2,A3,A4,Th16,Th25;

theorem Th28:
  for n being non empty Nat holds
    len m >= 4 implies
    IDEAoperationB(m,k,n).1 is_expressible_by n &
    IDEAoperationB(m,k,n).2 is_expressible_by n &
    IDEAoperationB(m,k,n).3 is_expressible_by n &
    IDEAoperationB(m,k,n).4 is_expressible_by n
    let n be non empty Nat;
    assume A1: len m >= 4;
    then 1 <= len m by AXIOMS:22;
    then 1 in Seg len m by FINSEQ_1:3;
    then 1 in dom m by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
    then IDEAoperationB(m,k,n).1 =
     Absval((n-BinarySequence m.1) 'xor' (n-BinarySequence
           MUL_MOD(ADD_MOD(MUL_MOD(Absval((n-BinarySequence m.1) 'xor'
            (n-BinarySequence m.3)),k.5,n),Absval((n-BinarySequence m.2) 'xor'
             (n-BinarySequence m.4)),n),k.6,n))) by Def12;
    then A2: IDEAoperationB(m,k,n).1 < 2 to_power n by BINARI_3:1;

      2 <= len m by A1,AXIOMS:22;
    then 2 in Seg len m by FINSEQ_1:3;
    then 2 in dom m by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
    then IDEAoperationB(m,k,n).2 =
      Absval((n-BinarySequence m.2) 'xor' (n-BinarySequence
            ADD_MOD(MUL_MOD(Absval((n-BinarySequence m.1) 'xor'
             (n-BinarySequence m.3)),k.5,n),MUL_MOD(ADD_MOD(MUL_MOD(
              Absval((n-BinarySequence m.1) 'xor' (n-BinarySequence m.3)),
               k.5,n),Absval((n-BinarySequence m.2) 'xor'
                (n-BinarySequence m.4)),n),k.6,n),n))) by Def12;
    then A3: IDEAoperationB(m,k,n).2 < 2 to_power n by BINARI_3:1;

      3 <= len m by A1,AXIOMS:22;
    then 3 in Seg len m by FINSEQ_1:3;
    then 3 in dom m by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
    then IDEAoperationB(m,k,n).3 =
      Absval((n-BinarySequence m.3) 'xor' (n-BinarySequence
            MUL_MOD(ADD_MOD(MUL_MOD(Absval((n-BinarySequence m.1) 'xor'
             (n-BinarySequence m.3)),k.5,n),Absval((n-BinarySequence m.2) 'xor'
              (n-BinarySequence m.4)),n),k.6,n))) by Def12;
    then A4: IDEAoperationB(m,k,n).3 < 2 to_power n by BINARI_3:1;

      4 in Seg len m by A1,FINSEQ_1:3;
    then 4 in dom m by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
    then IDEAoperationB(m,k,n).4 =
      Absval((n-BinarySequence m.4) 'xor' (n-BinarySequence
            ADD_MOD(MUL_MOD(Absval((n-BinarySequence m.1) 'xor'
             (n-BinarySequence m.3)),k.5,n),MUL_MOD(ADD_MOD(MUL_MOD(
              Absval((n-BinarySequence m.1) 'xor' (n-BinarySequence m.3)),
               k.5,n),Absval((n-BinarySequence m.2) 'xor'
                (n-BinarySequence m.4)),n),k.6,n),n))) by Def12;
    then IDEAoperationB(m,k,n).4 < 2 to_power n by BINARI_3:1;
    hence thesis by A2,A3,A4,Def3;

for i st i = 2 & i in dom m holds IDEAoperationC(m).i = m.3
  let i be Nat;
  assume A1:i = 2 & i in dom m;
  then IDEAoperationC(m).i = IFEQ(i,2,m.3,IFEQ(i,3,m.2,m.i)) by Def13
                          .= m.3 by A1,CQC_LANG:def 1;
  hence thesis;

for i st i = 3 & i in dom m holds IDEAoperationC(m).i = m.2
  let i be Nat;
  assume A1:i = 3 & i in dom m;
  then IDEAoperationC(m).i = IFEQ(i,2,m.3,IFEQ(i,3,m.2,m.i)) by Def13
                     .= IFEQ(i,3,m.2,m.i) by A1,CQC_LANG:def 1
                     .= m.2 by A1,CQC_LANG:def 1;
  hence thesis;

for i st i <> 2 & i <> 3 & i in dom m holds IDEAoperationC(m).i = m.i
  let i be Nat;
  assume A1:i <> 2 & i <> 3 & i in dom m;
  then IDEAoperationC(m).i = IFEQ(i,2,m.3,IFEQ(i,3,m.2,m.i)) by Def13
                          .= IFEQ(i,3,m.2,m.i) by A1,CQC_LANG:def 1
                          .= m.i by A1,CQC_LANG:def 1;
  hence thesis;

    len m >= 4 &
    m.1 is_expressible_by n & m.2 is_expressible_by n &
    m.3 is_expressible_by n & m.4 is_expressible_by n implies
    IDEAoperationC(m).1 is_expressible_by n &
    IDEAoperationC(m).2 is_expressible_by n &
    IDEAoperationC(m).3 is_expressible_by n &
    IDEAoperationC(m).4 is_expressible_by n
    assume that A1: len m >= 4 and
                A2: m.1 is_expressible_by n & m.2 is_expressible_by n &
                     m.3 is_expressible_by n & m.4 is_expressible_by n;
      1 <= len m by A1,AXIOMS:22;
    then 1 in Seg len m by FINSEQ_1:3;
    then A3:1 in dom m by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
      2 <= len m by A1,AXIOMS:22;
    then 2 in Seg len m by FINSEQ_1:3;
    then A4: 2 in dom m by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
      3 <= len m by A1,AXIOMS:22;
    then 3 in Seg len m by FINSEQ_1:3;
    then A5: 3 in dom m by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
      4 in Seg len m by A1,FINSEQ_1:3;
    then 4 in dom m by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
    hence thesis by A2,A3,A4,A5,Lm3,Lm4,Lm5;

theorem Th30:
  for n being non empty Nat,m,k1,k2 holds
    2 to_power(n)+1 is prime & len m >= 4 &
    m.1 is_expressible_by n & m.2 is_expressible_by n &
    m.3 is_expressible_by n & m.4 is_expressible_by n &
    k1.1 is_expressible_by n & k1.2 is_expressible_by n &
    k1.3 is_expressible_by n & k1.4 is_expressible_by n &
    k2.1=INV_MOD(k1.1,n) & k2.2=NEG_MOD(k1.2,n) &
    k2.3=NEG_MOD(k1.3,n) & k2.4=INV_MOD(k1.4,n) implies
    IDEAoperationA( IDEAoperationA(m,k1,n), k2, n) = m
    let n be non empty Nat;
    let m,k1,k2 be FinSequence of NAT;
    assume that
           A1: 2 to_power(n)+1 is prime &
                len m >= 4 &
                m.1 is_expressible_by n & m.2 is_expressible_by n &
                m.3 is_expressible_by n & m.4 is_expressible_by n &
                k1.1 is_expressible_by n & k1.2 is_expressible_by n &
                k1.3 is_expressible_by n & k1.4 is_expressible_by n and
           A2: k2.1=INV_MOD(k1.1,n) and
           A3: k2.2=NEG_MOD(k1.2,n) and
           A4: k2.3=NEG_MOD(k1.3,n) and
           A5: k2.4=INV_MOD(k1.4,n);

    A6:k2.1 is_expressible_by n by A1,A2,Def10;
    A7:k2.4 is_expressible_by n by A1,A5,Def10;

    consider I1 being FinSequence of NAT such that
     A8: I1 = IDEAoperationA(m,k1,n);

    consider I2 being FinSequence of NAT such that
     A9: I2 = IDEAoperationA(I1,k2,n);

    A10: Seg len m = dom m by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
    A11: Seg len m = Seg len(I1) by A8,Def11
                 .= Seg len(I2) by A9,Def11
                 .= dom I2 by FINSEQ_1:def 3;

      Seg len m = dom m by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
    then A12:4 in dom m by A1,FINSEQ_1:3;
      3 <= len m by A1,AXIOMS:22;
    then 3 in Seg len m by FINSEQ_1:3;
    then A13:3 in dom m by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
      2 <= len m by A1,AXIOMS:22;
    then 2 in Seg len m by FINSEQ_1:3;
    then A14:2 in dom m by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
      1 <= len m by A1,AXIOMS:22;
    then 1 in Seg len m by FINSEQ_1:3;
    then A15:1 in dom m by FINSEQ_1:def 3;

      now let j be Nat;
      assume A16:j in Seg len m;
      then j in Seg len I1 by A8,Def11;
      then A17:j in dom I1 by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
      A18:j in dom m by A16,FINSEQ_1:def 3;
        now per cases;
        suppose A19: j = 1;
          hence I2.j = MUL_MOD(I1.1, k2.1, n) by A9,A17,Def11
                   .= MUL_MOD(MUL_MOD(m.1, k1.1, n),k2.1,n)
                                             by A8,A15,Def11
                   .= MUL_MOD(m.1, MUL_MOD(k1.1,k2.1,n), n) by A1,A6,Th24
                   .= MUL_MOD(m.1, 1, n) by A1,A2,Def10
                   .= MUL_MOD(1, m.1, n) by Th22
                   .= m.j by A1,A19,Th23;
        suppose A20: j = 2;
          hence I2.j = ADD_MOD(I1.2, k2.2, n) by A9,A17,Def11
                   .= ADD_MOD(ADD_MOD(m.2, k1.2, n), k2.2, n)
                                             by A8,A14,Def11
                   .= ADD_MOD(m.2, ADD_MOD(k1.2, k2.2, n), n) by Th15
                   .= ADD_MOD(m.2, 0, n) by A1,A3,Th12
                   .= ADD_MOD(0, m.2, n) by Th13
                   .= m.j by A1,A20,Th14;
        suppose A21: j = 3;
          hence I2.j = ADD_MOD(I1.3, k2.3, n) by A9,A17,Def11
                   .= ADD_MOD(ADD_MOD(m.3, k1.3, n), k2.3, n)
                                             by A8,A13,Def11
                   .= ADD_MOD(m.3, ADD_MOD(k1.3, k2.3, n), n) by Th15
                   .= ADD_MOD(m.3, 0, n) by A1,A4,Th12
                   .= ADD_MOD(0, m.3, n) by Th13
                   .= m.j by A1,A21,Th14;
        suppose A22: j = 4;
          hence I2.j = MUL_MOD(I1.4, k2.4, n) by A9,A17,Def11
                   .= MUL_MOD(MUL_MOD(m.4, k1.4, n),k2.4,n)
                                             by A8,A12,Def11
                   .= MUL_MOD(m.4, MUL_MOD(k1.4,k2.4,n), n) by A1,A7,Th24
                   .= MUL_MOD(m.4, 1, n) by A1,A5,Def10
                   .= MUL_MOD(1, m.4, n) by Th22
                   .= m.j by A1,A22,Th23;
        suppose A23: j<>1 & j<>2 & j<>3 & j<>4;
          hence I2.j = I1.j by A9,A17,Def11
                   .= m.j by A8,A18,A23,Def11;
      hence I2.j = m.j;
    hence thesis by A8,A9,A10,A11,FINSEQ_1:17;

theorem Th31:
  for n being non empty Nat,m,k1,k2 holds
    2 to_power(n)+1 is prime & len m >= 4 &
    m.1 is_expressible_by n & m.2 is_expressible_by n &
    m.3 is_expressible_by n & m.4 is_expressible_by n &
    k1.1 is_expressible_by n & k1.2 is_expressible_by n &
    k1.3 is_expressible_by n & k1.4 is_expressible_by n &
    k2.1=INV_MOD(k1.1,n) & k2.2=NEG_MOD(k1.3,n) &
    k2.3=NEG_MOD(k1.2,n) & k2.4=INV_MOD(k1.4,n) implies
      = m
    let n be non empty Nat;
    let m,k1,k2 be FinSequence of NAT;
    assume that
           A1: 2 to_power(n)+1 is prime &
                len m >= 4 &
                m.1 is_expressible_by n & m.2 is_expressible_by n &
                m.3 is_expressible_by n & m.4 is_expressible_by n &
                k1.1 is_expressible_by n & k1.2 is_expressible_by n &
                k1.3 is_expressible_by n & k1.4 is_expressible_by n and
           A2: k2.1=INV_MOD(k1.1,n) and
           A3: k2.2=NEG_MOD(k1.3,n) and
           A4: k2.3=NEG_MOD(k1.2,n) and
           A5: k2.4=INV_MOD(k1.4,n);

    A6:k2.1 is_expressible_by n by A1,A2,Def10;
    A7:k2.4 is_expressible_by n by A1,A5,Def10;

    consider I1 being FinSequence of NAT such that
     A8: I1 = IDEAoperationC(m);
    consider I2 being FinSequence of NAT such that
     A9: I2 = IDEAoperationA(I1,k1,n);
    A10: len(I2) = len(I1) &
        for i being Nat st i in dom I1 holds
          (i=1 implies I2.i = MUL_MOD(I1.1, k1.1, n)) &
          (i=2 implies I2.i = ADD_MOD(I1.2, k1.2, n)) &
          (i=3 implies I2.i = ADD_MOD(I1.3, k1.3, n)) &
          (i=4 implies I2.i = MUL_MOD(I1.4, k1.4, n)) &
          (i<>1 & i <> 2 & i<>3 & i<>4 implies I2.i = I1.i)by A9,Def11;

    consider I3 being FinSequence of NAT such that
     A11: I3 = IDEAoperationC(I2);
    A12: len(I3) = len(I2) &
        for i being Nat st i in dom I2 holds
          (i=2 implies I3.i = I2.3) &
          (i=3 implies I3.i = I2.2) &
          (i<>2 & i <> 3 implies I3.i = I2.i) by A11,Def13,Lm3,Lm4,Lm5;

    consider I4 being FinSequence of NAT such that
     A13: I4 = IDEAoperationA(I3,k2,n);
    A14: len(I4) = len(I3) &
        for i being Nat st i in dom I3 holds
          (i=1 implies I4.i = MUL_MOD(I3.1, k2.1, n)) &
          (i=2 implies I4.i = ADD_MOD(I3.2, k2.2, n)) &
          (i=3 implies I4.i = ADD_MOD(I3.3, k2.3, n)) &
          (i=4 implies I4.i = MUL_MOD(I3.4, k2.4, n)) &
          (i<>1 & i <> 2 & i<>3 & i<>4 implies I4.i = I3.i)by A13,Def11;

    A15: Seg len m = dom m by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
    A16: Seg len m = Seg len(I1) by A8,Def13
                 .= Seg len(I2) by A9,Def11
                 .= Seg len(I3) by A11,Def13
                 .= Seg len(I4) by A13,Def11
                 .= dom I4 by FINSEQ_1:def 3;

      1 <= len m by A1,AXIOMS:22;
    then A17: 1 in Seg len m by FINSEQ_1:3;
    then 1 in Seg len(I1) & 1 in Seg len(I2) &
               1 in Seg len(I3) & 1 in Seg len(I4)
                                   by A8,A10,A12,A14,Def13;
    then A18: 1 in dom(I1) & 1 in dom(I2) &
              1 in dom(I3) & 1 in dom(I4) by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
    A19:1 in dom m by A17,FINSEQ_1:def 3;

      2 <= len m by A1,AXIOMS:22;
    then A20: 2 in Seg len m by FINSEQ_1:3;
    then 2 in Seg len(I1) & 2 in Seg len(I2) &
                2 in Seg len(I3) & 2 in Seg len(I4)
                                    by A8,A10,A12,A14,Def13;
    then A21: 2 in dom(I1) & 2 in dom(I2) &
              2 in dom(I3) & 2 in dom(I4) by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
    A22:2 in dom m by A20,FINSEQ_1:def 3;

      3 <= len m by A1,AXIOMS:22;
    then A23: 3 in Seg len m by FINSEQ_1:3;
    then 3 in Seg len(I1) & 3 in Seg len(I2) &
                3 in Seg len(I3) & 3 in Seg len(I4)
                                    by A8,A10,A12,A14,Def13;
    then A24: 3 in dom(I1) & 3 in dom(I2) &
              3 in dom(I3) & 3 in dom(I4) by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
    A25:3 in dom m by A23,FINSEQ_1:def 3;

    A26: 4 in Seg len m by A1,FINSEQ_1:3;
    then 4 in Seg len(I1) & 4 in Seg len(I2) &
               4 in Seg len(I3) & 4 in Seg len(I4)
                                     by A8,A10,A12,A14,Def13;
    then A27: 4 in dom(I1) & 4 in dom(I2) &
              4 in dom(I3) & 4 in dom(I4) by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
    A28:4 in dom m by A26,FINSEQ_1:def 3;

      now let j be Nat;
      assume A29:j in Seg len m;
      then A30: j in Seg len I1 by A8,Def13;
      then A31: j in Seg len I2 by A9,Def11;
      then A32: j in Seg len I3 by A11,Def13;

      A33: j in dom I1 by A30,FINSEQ_1:def 3;
      A34: j in dom I2 by A31,FINSEQ_1:def 3;
      A35: j in dom I3 by A32,FINSEQ_1:def 3;

      A36:j in dom m by A29,FINSEQ_1:def 3;

        now per cases;
        suppose A37: j = 1;
          hence I4.j = MUL_MOD(I3.1, k2.1, n) by A13,A18,Def11
                   .= MUL_MOD(I2.1, k2.1, n) by A11,A18,Lm5
                   .= MUL_MOD(MUL_MOD(I1.1, k1.1, n), k2.1, n)
                                             by A9,A18,Def11
                   .= MUL_MOD(MUL_MOD(m.1, k1.1, n), k2.1, n)
                                             by A8,A19,Lm5
                   .= MUL_MOD(m.1, MUL_MOD(k1.1, k2.1, n), n) by A1,A6,Th24
                   .= MUL_MOD(m.1, 1, n) by A1,A2,Def10
                   .= MUL_MOD(1, m.1, n) by Th22
                   .= m.j by A1,A37,Th23;
        suppose A38: j = 2;
          hence I4.j = ADD_MOD(I3.2, k2.2, n) by A13,A21,Def11
                   .= ADD_MOD(I2.3, k2.2, n) by A11,A21,Lm3
                   .= ADD_MOD(ADD_MOD(I1.3, k1.3, n), k2.2, n)
                                             by A9,A24,Def11
                   .= ADD_MOD(ADD_MOD(m.2, k1.3, n), k2.2, n)
                                      by A8,A25,Lm4
                   .= ADD_MOD(m.2, ADD_MOD(k1.3, k2.2, n), n) by Th15
                   .= ADD_MOD(m.2, 0, n) by A1,A3,Th12
                   .= ADD_MOD(0, m.2, n) by Th13
                   .= m.j by A1,A38,Th14;
        suppose A39: j = 3;
          hence I4.j = ADD_MOD(I3.3, k2.3, n) by A13,A24,Def11
                   .= ADD_MOD(I2.2, k2.3, n) by A11,A24,Lm4
                   .= ADD_MOD(ADD_MOD(I1.2, k1.2, n), k2.3, n)
                                             by A9,A21,Def11
                   .= ADD_MOD(ADD_MOD(m.3, k1.2, n), k2.3, n)
                                             by A8,A22,Lm3
                   .= ADD_MOD(m.3, ADD_MOD(k1.2, k2.3, n), n) by Th15
                   .= ADD_MOD(m.3, 0, n) by A1,A4,Th12
                   .= ADD_MOD(0, m.3, n) by Th13
                   .= m.j by A1,A39,Th14;
        suppose A40: j = 4;
          hence I4.j = MUL_MOD(I3.4, k2.4, n) by A13,A27,Def11
                   .= MUL_MOD(I2.4, k2.4, n) by A11,A27,Lm5
                   .= MUL_MOD(MUL_MOD(I1.4, k1.4, n), k2.4, n)
                                             by A9,A27,Def11
                   .= MUL_MOD(MUL_MOD(m.4, k1.4, n), k2.4, n)
                                             by A8,A28,Lm5
                   .= MUL_MOD(m.4, MUL_MOD(k1.4, k2.4, n), n) by A1,A7,Th24
                   .= MUL_MOD(m.4, 1, n) by A1,A5,Def10
                   .= MUL_MOD(1, m.4, n) by Th22
                   .= m.j by A1,A40,Th23;
        suppose A41: j<>1 & j<>2 & j<>3 & j<>4;
          hence I4.j = I3.j by A13,A35,Def11
                   .= I2.j by A11,A34,A41,Lm5
                   .= I1.j by A9,A33,A41,Def11
                   .= m.j by A8,A36,A41,Lm5;
      hence I4.j = m.j;
    hence thesis by A8,A9,A11,A13,A15,A16,FINSEQ_1:17;

theorem Th32:
  for n being non empty Nat,m,k1,k2 holds
    2 to_power(n)+1 is prime & len m >= 4 &
    m.1 is_expressible_by n & m.2 is_expressible_by n &
    m.3 is_expressible_by n & m.4 is_expressible_by n &
    k1.5 is_expressible_by n & k1.6 is_expressible_by n &
    k2.5=k1.5 & k2.6=k1.6 implies
    IDEAoperationB( IDEAoperationB(m,k1,n), k2, n) = m
    let n be non empty Nat;
    let m,k1,k2 be FinSequence of NAT;
    assume that
           A1: 2 to_power(n)+1 is prime &
                len m >= 4 &
                m.1 is_expressible_by n & m.2 is_expressible_by n &
                m.3 is_expressible_by n & m.4 is_expressible_by n &
                k1.5 is_expressible_by n & k1.6 is_expressible_by n and
           A2: k2.5= k1.5 and
           A3: k2.6= k1.6;
    consider t10 being Nat such that
     A4:t10 = MUL_MOD(
       Absval((n-BinarySequence m.1) 'xor' (n-BinarySequence m.3)),k1.5,n);
    consider t11 being Nat such that
     A5:t11 = MUL_MOD(ADD_MOD(t10,
       Absval((n-BinarySequence m.2) 'xor' (n-BinarySequence m.4)),n),k1.6,n);
    consider t12 being Nat such that
     A6:t12 = ADD_MOD(t10, t11, n);

    consider I1 being FinSequence of NAT such that
     A7: I1 = IDEAoperationB(m,k1,n);

    consider t20 being Nat such that
     A8:t20 = MUL_MOD(
       Absval((n-BinarySequence I1.1) 'xor' (n-BinarySequence I1.3)),k2.5,n);
    consider t21 being Nat such that
     A9:t21 = MUL_MOD(ADD_MOD(t20,
      Absval((n-BinarySequence I1.2) 'xor' (n-BinarySequence I1.4)),n),k2.6,n);
    consider I2 being FinSequence of NAT such that
     A10: I2 = IDEAoperationB(I1,k2,n);

    A11: Seg len m = dom m by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
    A12: Seg len m = Seg len(I1) by A7,Def12
                 .= Seg len(I2) by A10,Def12
                 .= dom I2 by FINSEQ_1:def 3;

      4 in Seg len m by A1,FINSEQ_1:3;
    then 4 in dom m by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
    then A13:I1.4 =
           Absval((n-BinarySequence m.4) 'xor' (n-BinarySequence t12))
                                by A4,A5,A6,A7,Def12;

      3 <= len m by A1,AXIOMS:22;
    then 3 in Seg len m by FINSEQ_1:3;
    then 3 in dom m by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
    then A14:I1.3 =
           Absval((n-BinarySequence m.3) 'xor' (n-BinarySequence t11))
                               by A4,A5,A7,Def12;

      2 <= len m by A1,AXIOMS:22;
    then 2 in Seg len m by FINSEQ_1:3;
    then 2 in dom m by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
    then A15:I1.2 =
           Absval((n-BinarySequence m.2) 'xor' (n-BinarySequence t12))
                                by A4,A5,A6,A7,Def12;

      1 <= len m by A1,AXIOMS:22;
    then 1 in Seg len m by FINSEQ_1:3;
    then 1 in dom m by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
    then A16:I1.1 =
           Absval((n-BinarySequence m.1) 'xor' (n-BinarySequence t11))
                                by A4,A5,A7,Def12;

    then A17: t20
         = MUL_MOD(
           Absval(((n-BinarySequence m.1) 'xor'
                    (n-BinarySequence t11)) 'xor'
                  (n-BinarySequence Absval((n-BinarySequence m.3) 'xor'
                    (n-BinarySequence t11)))),k2.5,n) by A8,A14,BINARI_3:37
        .= MUL_MOD(
           Absval(((n-BinarySequence m.1) 'xor'
                    (n-BinarySequence t11)) 'xor'
                  ((n-BinarySequence m.3) 'xor'
                    (n-BinarySequence t11))),k2.5,n) by BINARI_3:37
        .= MUL_MOD(
           Absval((n-BinarySequence m.1) 'xor'
                  ((n-BinarySequence t11) 'xor'
                   ((n-BinarySequence t11) 'xor'
                    (n-BinarySequence m.3)))),k2.5,n) by Th10
        .= MUL_MOD(
           Absval((n-BinarySequence m.1) 'xor'
                  (((n-BinarySequence t11) 'xor'
                   (n-BinarySequence t11)) 'xor'
                    (n-BinarySequence m.3))),k2.5,n) by Th10
        .= MUL_MOD(
           Absval((n-BinarySequence m.1) 'xor'
                  (ZERO(n) 'xor'
                    (n-BinarySequence m.3))),k2.5,n) by Th7
        .= t10 by A2,A4,Th9;

    then A18: t21
         = MUL_MOD(ADD_MOD(t10,
           Absval(((n-BinarySequence m.2) 'xor' (n-BinarySequence t12)
                  ) 'xor'
                  (n-BinarySequence Absval(
                    (n-BinarySequence m.4) 'xor' (n-BinarySequence t12)
                 ),n),k2.6,n) by A9,A13,A15,BINARI_3:37
        .= MUL_MOD(ADD_MOD(t10,
           Absval(((n-BinarySequence m.2) 'xor' (n-BinarySequence t12)
                  ) 'xor'
                  ((n-BinarySequence m.4) 'xor' (n-BinarySequence t12)
                 ),n),k2.6,n) by BINARI_3:37
        .= MUL_MOD(ADD_MOD(t10,
           Absval( (n-BinarySequence m.2) 'xor'
                  ((n-BinarySequence t12) 'xor'
                   ((n-BinarySequence t12) 'xor' (n-BinarySequence m.4))
                 ),n),k2.6,n) by Th10
        .= MUL_MOD(ADD_MOD(t10,
           Absval( (n-BinarySequence m.2) 'xor'
                  ((n-BinarySequence t12) 'xor'
                   (n-BinarySequence t12) 'xor' (n-BinarySequence m.4)
                 ),n),k2.6,n) by Th10
        .= MUL_MOD(ADD_MOD(t10,
           Absval( (n-BinarySequence m.2) 'xor'
                  (ZERO(n) 'xor' (n-BinarySequence m.4)
                 ),n),k2.6,n) by Th7
        .= t11 by A3,A5,Th9;

      now let j be Nat;
      assume A19:j in Seg len m;
      then j in Seg len I1 by A7,Def12;
      then A20: j in dom I1 by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
      A21:j in dom m by A19,FINSEQ_1:def 3;

        now per cases;
        suppose A22: j = 1;
          A23: m.1 < 2 to_power n by A1,Def3;
          thus I2.j
    = Absval((n-BinarySequence I1.1) 'xor' (n-BinarySequence t11)) by A8,A9,A10
   .= Absval(((n-BinarySequence m.1) 'xor' (n-BinarySequence t11)) 'xor'
       (n-BinarySequence t11)) by A16,BINARI_3:37
   .= Absval((n-BinarySequence m.1) 'xor' ((n-BinarySequence t11) 'xor'
       (n-BinarySequence t11))) by Th10
   .= Absval(ZERO(n) 'xor' (n-BinarySequence m.1)) by Th7
   .= Absval(n-BinarySequence m.1) by Th9
   .= m.j by A22,A23,BINARI_3:36;
        suppose A24: j = 2;
          A25: m.2 < 2 to_power n by A1,Def3;
    = Absval((n-BinarySequence I1.2) 'xor' (n-BinarySequence t12))
                                                    by A6,A8,A9,A10,A17,A18,A20
   .= Absval(((n-BinarySequence m.2) 'xor' (n-BinarySequence t12)) 'xor'
       (n-BinarySequence t12)) by A15,BINARI_3:37
   .= Absval((n-BinarySequence m.2) 'xor' ((n-BinarySequence t12) 'xor'
       (n-BinarySequence t12)))by Th10
   .= Absval(ZERO(n) 'xor' (n-BinarySequence m.2)) by Th7
   .= Absval(n-BinarySequence m.2) by Th9
   .= m.j by A24,A25,BINARI_3:36;
        suppose A26: j = 3;
          A27: m.3 < 2 to_power n by A1,Def3;
          thus I2.j
    = Absval((n-BinarySequence I1.3) 'xor' (n-BinarySequence t11)) by A8,A9,A10
   .= Absval(((n-BinarySequence m.3) 'xor' (n-BinarySequence t11)) 'xor'
       (n-BinarySequence t11)) by A14,BINARI_3:37
   .= Absval((n-BinarySequence m.3) 'xor' ((n-BinarySequence t11) 'xor'
       (n-BinarySequence t11))) by Th10
   .= Absval(ZERO(n) 'xor' (n-BinarySequence m.3)) by Th7
   .= Absval(n-BinarySequence m.3) by Th9
   .= m.j by A26,A27,BINARI_3:36;
        suppose A28: j = 4;
          A29: m.4 < 2 to_power n by A1,Def3;
    = Absval((n-BinarySequence I1.4) 'xor' (n-BinarySequence t12))
                                                      by A6,A8,A9,A10,A17,A18,
   .= Absval(((n-BinarySequence m.4) 'xor' (n-BinarySequence t12)) 'xor'
       (n-BinarySequence t12)) by A13,BINARI_3:37
   .= Absval((n-BinarySequence m.4) 'xor' ((n-BinarySequence t12) 'xor'
       (n-BinarySequence t12))) by Th10
   .= Absval(ZERO(n) 'xor' (n-BinarySequence m.4)) by Th7
   .= Absval(n-BinarySequence m.4) by Th9
   .= m.j by A28,A29,BINARI_3:36;
        suppose A30: j<>1 & j<>2 & j<>3 & j<>4;
          hence I2.j = I1.j by A10,A20,Def12
                   .= m.j by A7,A21,A30,Def12;
      hence I2.j = m.j;
    hence thesis by A7,A10,A11,A12,FINSEQ_1:17;

    for m holds len m >= 4 implies IDEAoperationC( IDEAoperationC(m) ) = m
    let m be FinSequence of NAT;
    assume A1: len m >= 4;

    consider I1 being FinSequence of NAT such that
     A2: I1 = IDEAoperationC(m);

    consider I2 being FinSequence of NAT such that
     A3: I2 = IDEAoperationC(I1);

    A4: Seg len m = dom m by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
    A5: Seg len m = Seg len(I1) by A2,Def13
                 .= Seg len(I2) by A3,Def13
                 .= dom I2 by FINSEQ_1:def 3;

      3 <= len m by A1,AXIOMS:22;
    then 3 in Seg len m by FINSEQ_1:3;
    then 3 in dom m by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
    then A6:I1.3 = m.2 by A2,Lm4;

      2 <= len m by A1,AXIOMS:22;
    then 2 in Seg len m by FINSEQ_1:3;
    then 2 in dom m by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
    then A7:I1.2 = m.3 by A2,Lm3;

      now let j be Nat;
      assume A8:j in Seg len m;
      then j in Seg len I1 by A2,Def13;
      then A9:j in dom I1 by FINSEQ_1:def 3;

      A10:j in dom m by A8,FINSEQ_1:def 3;

        now per cases;
        suppose j = 2;
          hence I2.j = m.j by A3,A6,A9,Lm3;
        suppose j = 3;
          hence I2.j = m.j by A3,A7,A9,Lm4;
        suppose A11: j<>2 & j<>3;
          hence I2.j = I1.j by A3,A9,Lm5
                   .= m.j by A2,A10,A11,Lm5;
      hence I2.j = m.j;
    hence thesis by A2,A3,A4,A5,FINSEQ_1:17;

begin :: Sequences of IDEA Cryptogram's operations
:: For making a model of IDEA, we define sequences of IDEA's
:: operations IDEA_P, IDEA_PS, IDEA_PE, IDEA_Q, IDEA_QS and
:: IDEA_QE. And, we define MESSAGES as plain and cipher text.

  func MESSAGES -> set equals

  cluster MESSAGES -> non empty;
  coherence by Def14;

  cluster -> Function-like Relation-like Element of MESSAGES;
  coherence by Def14,FINSEQ_1:def 11;

  cluster -> FinSequence-like Element of MESSAGES;
  coherence by Def14,FINSEQ_1:def 11;

  let n be non empty Nat,k;
  func IDEA_P(k,n) -> Function of MESSAGES, MESSAGES means
  for m holds it.m = IDEAoperationA(IDEAoperationC(IDEAoperationB(m,k,n)),k,n);
      defpred P[set,set] means
        ex F be FinSequence of NAT st
             $1 = F & $2 = IDEAoperationA(IDEAoperationC(
      A1: for e being Element of MESSAGES
                ex u being Element of MESSAGES st P[e,u]
         let e be Element of MESSAGES;
         reconsider F = e as FinSequence of NAT by Def14,FINSEQ_1:def 11;
         reconsider u = IDEAoperationA(IDEAoperationC(
                           IDEAoperationB(F,k,n)),k,n) as Element of MESSAGES
                                               by Def14,FINSEQ_1:def 11;
         take u;
         thus thesis;

      consider m1 being Function of MESSAGES,MESSAGES such that
         A2: for e being Element of MESSAGES holds P[e,m1.e]
                                                       from FuncExD(A1);

      take m1;
      let m be FinSequence of NAT;
        m is Element of MESSAGES by Def14,FINSEQ_1:def 11;
      then consider F being FinSequence of NAT such that
              A3: m = F & m1.m = IDEAoperationA(IDEAoperationC(
                                        IDEAoperationB(F,k,n)),k,n) by A2;
      thus thesis by A3;
      let m1,m2 be Function of MESSAGES, MESSAGES such that
        A4: for m being FinSequence of NAT holds
              m1.m = IDEAoperationA(IDEAoperationC(
                      IDEAoperationB(m,k,n)),k,n) and
        A5: for m being FinSequence of NAT holds
              m2.m = IDEAoperationA(IDEAoperationC(
         m1 = m2
           A6: dom m1 = MESSAGES & dom m2 = MESSAGES by FUNCT_2:def 1;
             let j be set;
             assume A7: j in MESSAGES;
             consider jj being set such that A8: jj = j;
             reconsider jj as FinSequence of NAT
                                      by A7,A8,Def14,FINSEQ_1:def 11;
             thus m1.j = IDEAoperationA(IDEAoperationC(
                         IDEAoperationB(jj,k,n)),k,n) by A4,A8
                      .= m2.j by A5,A8;
           hence m1 = m2 by A6,FUNCT_1:9;
       hence thesis;

  let n be non empty Nat,k;
  func IDEA_Q(k,n) -> Function of MESSAGES, MESSAGES means
  for m holds it.m = IDEAoperationB(IDEAoperationA(IDEAoperationC(m),k,n),k,n);
      defpred P[set,set] means
        ex F be FinSequence of NAT st
             $1 = F & $2 = IDEAoperationB(IDEAoperationA(
      A1: for e being Element of MESSAGES
                ex u being Element of MESSAGES st P[e,u]
         let e be Element of MESSAGES;
         reconsider F = e as FinSequence of NAT by Def14,FINSEQ_1:def 11;
         reconsider u = IDEAoperationB(IDEAoperationA(
                           IDEAoperationC(F),k,n),k,n) as Element of MESSAGES
                                               by Def14,FINSEQ_1:def 11;
         take u;
         thus thesis;

      consider m1 being Function of MESSAGES,MESSAGES such that
         A2: for e being Element of MESSAGES holds P[e,m1.e]
                                                       from FuncExD(A1);

      take m1;
      let m be FinSequence of NAT;
        m is Element of MESSAGES by Def14,FINSEQ_1:def 11;
      then consider F being FinSequence of NAT such that
              A3: m = F & m1.m = IDEAoperationB(IDEAoperationA(
                                        IDEAoperationC(F),k,n),k,n) by A2;
      thus thesis by A3;
      let m1,m2 be Function of MESSAGES, MESSAGES such that
        A4: for m being FinSequence of NAT holds
              m1.m = IDEAoperationB(IDEAoperationA(
                      IDEAoperationC(m),k,n),k,n) and
        A5: for m being FinSequence of NAT holds
              m2.m = IDEAoperationB(IDEAoperationA(
         m1 = m2
           A6: dom m1 = MESSAGES & dom m2 = MESSAGES by FUNCT_2:def 1;
             let j be set;
             assume A7: j in MESSAGES;
             consider jj being set such that A8: jj = j;
             reconsider jj as FinSequence of NAT
                                     by A7,A8,Def14,FINSEQ_1:def 11;
             thus m1.j = IDEAoperationB(IDEAoperationA(
                         IDEAoperationC(jj),k,n),k,n) by A4,A8
                      .= m2.j by A5,A8;
           hence m1 = m2 by A6,FUNCT_1:9;
       hence thesis;

  let r,lk be Nat,n be non empty Nat,Key be Matrix of lk,6,NAT;
  func IDEA_P_F(Key,n,r) -> FinSequence means
  len it = r & for i st i in dom it holds it.i = IDEA_P(Line(Key,i),n);
      deffunc F(Nat)=IDEA_P(Line(Key,$1),n);
      consider z being FinSequence such that
         A1: len z = r and
         A2: for k being Nat st k in Seg r holds
                          z.k= F(k) from SeqLambda;
      A3:Seg r = dom z by A1,FINSEQ_1:def 3;
      take z;
      thus thesis by A1,A2,A3;
      let z1,z2 be FinSequence such that
       A4: len z1 = r &
            for i being Nat st i in dom z1 holds
                      z1.i = IDEA_P(Line(Key,i),n) and
       A5: len z2 = r &
            for i being Nat st i in dom z2 holds
                      z2.i = IDEA_P(Line(Key,i),n);

       A6: Seg r = dom z1 by A4,FINSEQ_1:def 3;
       A7: Seg r = dom z2 by A5,FINSEQ_1:def 3;
        now let j be Nat;
        assume A8: j in Seg r;
        then A9:j in dom z2 by A5,FINSEQ_1:def 3;
          j in dom z1 by A4,A8,FINSEQ_1:def 3;
        then z1.j = IDEA_P(Line(Key,j),n) by A4
                 .= z2.j by A5,A9;
        hence z1.j = z2.j;
      hence z1 = z2 by A6,A7,FINSEQ_1:17;

  let r,lk be Nat,n be non empty Nat,Key be Matrix of lk,6,NAT;
  cluster IDEA_P_F(Key,n,r) -> Function-yielding;
      for x being set st x in dom IDEA_P_F(Key,n,r) holds
      IDEA_P_F(Key,n,r).x is Function
      let x be set;
      assume A1: x in dom IDEA_P_F(Key,n,r);
      then consider xx being Nat such that A2: xx = x;
        IDEA_P_F(Key,n,r).xx = IDEA_P(Line(Key,xx),n) by A1,A2,Def17;
      hence IDEA_P_F(Key,n,r).x is Function by A2;
    hence IDEA_P_F(Key,n,r) is Function-yielding by PRALG_1:def 15;

  let r,lk be Nat,n be non empty Nat,Key be Matrix of lk,6,NAT;
  func IDEA_Q_F(Key,n,r) -> FinSequence means
  len it = r & for i st i in dom it holds it.i = IDEA_Q(Line(Key,r-'i+1),n);
      deffunc F(Nat)=IDEA_Q(Line(Key,r-'$1+1),n);
      consider z being FinSequence such that
         A1: len z = r and
         A2: for k being Nat st k in Seg r holds
                          z.k= F(k) from SeqLambda;
      A3:Seg r = dom z by A1,FINSEQ_1:def 3;
      take z;
      thus thesis by A1,A2,A3;
      let z1,z2 be FinSequence such that
       A4: len z1 = r &
            for i being Nat st i in dom z1 holds
                      z1.i = IDEA_Q(Line(Key,r-'i+1),n) and
       A5: len z2 = r &
            for i being Nat st i in dom z2 holds
                      z2.i = IDEA_Q(Line(Key,r-'i+1),n);
       A6: Seg r = dom z1 by A4,FINSEQ_1:def 3;
       A7: Seg r = dom z2 by A5,FINSEQ_1:def 3;
        now let j be Nat;
        assume A8: j in Seg r;
        then A9:j in dom z2 by A5,FINSEQ_1:def 3;
          j in dom z1 by A4,A8,FINSEQ_1:def 3;
        then z1.j = IDEA_Q(Line(Key,r-'j+1),n) by A4
                 .= z2.j by A5,A9;
        hence z1.j = z2.j;
      hence z1 = z2 by A6,A7,FINSEQ_1:17;

  let r,lk be Nat,n be non empty Nat,Key be Matrix of lk,6,NAT;
  cluster IDEA_Q_F(Key,n,r) -> Function-yielding;
      for x being set st x in dom IDEA_Q_F(Key,n,r) holds
                            IDEA_Q_F(Key,n,r).x is Function
      let x be set;
      assume A1: x in dom IDEA_Q_F(Key,n,r);
      then consider xx being Nat such that A2: xx = x;
        IDEA_Q_F(Key,n,r).xx = IDEA_Q(Line(Key,r-'xx+1),n) by A1,A2,Def18;
      hence IDEA_Q_F(Key,n,r).x is Function by A2;
    hence IDEA_Q_F(Key,n,r) is Function-yielding by PRALG_1:def 15;

  let k,n;
  func IDEA_PS(k,n) -> Function of MESSAGES, MESSAGES means
  for m holds it.m = IDEAoperationA(m,k,n);
      defpred P[set,set] means
        ex F be FinSequence of NAT st
             $1 = F & $2 = IDEAoperationA(F,k,n);
      A1: for e being Element of MESSAGES
                ex u being Element of MESSAGES st P[e,u]
         let e be Element of MESSAGES;
         reconsider F = e as FinSequence of NAT by Def14,FINSEQ_1:def 11;
         reconsider u = IDEAoperationA(F,k,n) as Element of MESSAGES
                                               by Def14,FINSEQ_1:def 11;
         take u;
         thus thesis;
      consider m1 being Function of MESSAGES,MESSAGES such that
         A2: for e being Element of MESSAGES holds P[e,m1.e]
                                                       from FuncExD(A1);
      take m1;
      let m be FinSequence of NAT;
        m is Element of MESSAGES by Def14,FINSEQ_1:def 11;
      then consider F being FinSequence of NAT such that
              A3: m = F & m1.m = IDEAoperationA(F,k,n) by A2;
      thus thesis by A3;
      let m1,m2 be Function of MESSAGES, MESSAGES such that
        A4: for m being FinSequence of NAT holds
              m1.m = IDEAoperationA(m,k,n) and
        A5: for m being FinSequence of NAT holds
              m2.m = IDEAoperationA(m,k,n);
         m1 = m2
           A6: dom m1 = MESSAGES & dom m2 = MESSAGES by FUNCT_2:def 1;
             let j be set;
             assume A7: j in MESSAGES;
             consider jj being set such that A8: jj = j;
             reconsider jj as FinSequence of NAT
                                     by A7,A8,Def14,FINSEQ_1:def 11;
             thus m1.j = IDEAoperationA(jj,k,n) by A4,A8
                      .= m2.j by A5,A8;
           hence m1 = m2 by A6,FUNCT_1:9;
       hence thesis;

  let k,n;
  func IDEA_QS(k,n) -> Function of MESSAGES, MESSAGES means
  for m holds it.m = IDEAoperationA(m,k,n);
      defpred P[set,set] means
        ex F be FinSequence of NAT st
             $1 = F & $2 = IDEAoperationA(F,k,n);
      A1: for e being Element of MESSAGES
                ex u being Element of MESSAGES st P[e,u]
         let e be Element of MESSAGES;
         reconsider F = e as FinSequence of NAT by Def14,FINSEQ_1:def 11;
         reconsider u = IDEAoperationA(F,k,n) as Element of MESSAGES
                                               by Def14,FINSEQ_1:def 11;
         take u;
         thus thesis;

      consider m1 being Function of MESSAGES,MESSAGES such that
         A2: for e being Element of MESSAGES holds P[e,m1.e]
                                                       from FuncExD(A1);
      take m1;
      let m be FinSequence of NAT;
        m is Element of MESSAGES by Def14,FINSEQ_1:def 11;
      then consider F being FinSequence of NAT such that
              A3: m = F & m1.m = IDEAoperationA(F,k,n) by A2;
      thus thesis by A3;
      let m1,m2 be Function of MESSAGES, MESSAGES such that
        A4: for m being FinSequence of NAT holds
              m1.m = IDEAoperationA(m,k,n) and
        A5: for m being FinSequence of NAT holds
              m2.m = IDEAoperationA(m,k,n);
         m1 = m2
           A6: dom m1 = MESSAGES & dom m2 = MESSAGES by FUNCT_2:def 1;
             let j be set;
             assume A7: j in MESSAGES;
             consider jj being set such that A8: jj = j;
             reconsider jj as FinSequence of NAT
                                  by A7,A8,Def14,FINSEQ_1:def 11;
             thus m1.j = IDEAoperationA(jj,k,n) by A4,A8
                       .= m2.j by A5,A8;
           hence m1 = m2 by A6,FUNCT_1:9;
       hence thesis;

  let n be non empty Nat,k;
  func IDEA_PE(k,n) -> Function of MESSAGES, MESSAGES means
  for m holds it.m = IDEAoperationA(IDEAoperationB(m,k,n),k,n);
      defpred P[set,set] means
        ex F be FinSequence of NAT st
             $1 = F & $2 = IDEAoperationA(IDEAoperationB(F,k,n),k,n);
      A1: for e being Element of MESSAGES
                ex u being Element of MESSAGES st P[e,u]
         let e be Element of MESSAGES;
         reconsider F = e as FinSequence of NAT by Def14,FINSEQ_1:def 11;
         reconsider u = IDEAoperationA(
                          IDEAoperationB(F,k,n),k,n) as Element of MESSAGES
                                               by Def14,FINSEQ_1:def 11;
         take u;
         thus thesis;

      consider m1 being Function of MESSAGES,MESSAGES such that
         A2: for e being Element of MESSAGES holds P[e,m1.e]
                                                       from FuncExD(A1);
      take m1;
      let m be FinSequence of NAT;
        m is Element of MESSAGES by Def14,FINSEQ_1:def 11;
      then consider F being FinSequence of NAT such that
              A3: m = F & m1.m = IDEAoperationA(
                                    IDEAoperationB(F,k,n),k,n) by A2;
      thus thesis by A3;
      let m1,m2 be Function of MESSAGES, MESSAGES such that
        A4: for m being FinSequence of NAT holds
              m1.m = IDEAoperationA(
                        IDEAoperationB(m,k,n),k,n) and
        A5: for m being FinSequence of NAT holds
              m2.m = IDEAoperationA(
         m1 = m2
           A6: dom m1 = MESSAGES & dom m2 = MESSAGES by FUNCT_2:def 1;
             let j be set;
             assume A7: j in MESSAGES;
             consider jj being set such that A8: jj = j;
             reconsider jj as FinSequence of NAT
                                    by A7,A8,Def14,FINSEQ_1:def 11;
             thus m1.j = IDEAoperationA(
                           IDEAoperationB(jj,k,n),k,n) by A4,A8
                      .= m2.j by A5,A8;
           hence m1 = m2 by A6,FUNCT_1:9;
       hence thesis;

  let n be non empty Nat,k;
  func IDEA_QE(k,n) -> Function of MESSAGES, MESSAGES means
  for m holds it.m = IDEAoperationB(IDEAoperationA(m,k,n),k,n);
      defpred P[set,set] means
        ex F be FinSequence of NAT st
             $1 = F & $2 = IDEAoperationB(IDEAoperationA(F,k,n),k,n);
      A1: for e being Element of MESSAGES
                ex u being Element of MESSAGES st P[e,u]
         let e be Element of MESSAGES;
         reconsider F = e as FinSequence of NAT by Def14,FINSEQ_1:def 11;
         reconsider u = IDEAoperationB(
                          IDEAoperationA(F,k,n),k,n) as Element of MESSAGES
                                               by Def14,FINSEQ_1:def 11;
         take u;
         thus thesis;

      consider m1 being Function of MESSAGES,MESSAGES such that
         A2: for e being Element of MESSAGES holds P[e,m1.e]
                                                       from FuncExD(A1);

      take m1;
      let m be FinSequence of NAT;
        m is Element of MESSAGES by Def14,FINSEQ_1:def 11;
      then consider F being FinSequence of NAT such that
              A3: m = F & m1.m = IDEAoperationB(
                                    IDEAoperationA(F,k,n),k,n) by A2;
      thus thesis by A3;
      let m1,m2 be Function of MESSAGES, MESSAGES such that
        A4: for m being FinSequence of NAT holds
              m1.m = IDEAoperationB(
                        IDEAoperationA(m,k,n),k,n) and
        A5: for m being FinSequence of NAT holds
              m2.m = IDEAoperationB(
         m1 = m2
           A6: dom m1 = MESSAGES & dom m2 = MESSAGES by FUNCT_2:def 1;
             let j be set;
             assume A7: j in MESSAGES;
             consider jj being set such that A8: jj = j;
             reconsider jj as FinSequence of NAT
                                        by A7,A8,Def14,FINSEQ_1:def 11;
             thus m1.j = IDEAoperationB(
                           IDEAoperationA(jj,k,n),k,n) by A4,A8
                      .= m2.j by A5,A8;
           hence m1 = m2 by A6,FUNCT_1:9;
       hence thesis;

theorem Th34:
  for n being non empty Nat,m,k1,k2
     holds 2 to_power(n)+1 is prime & len m >= 4 &
      m.1 is_expressible_by n & m.2 is_expressible_by n &
      m.3 is_expressible_by n & m.4 is_expressible_by n &
      k1.1 is_expressible_by n & k1.2 is_expressible_by n &
      k1.3 is_expressible_by n & k1.4 is_expressible_by n &
      k1.5 is_expressible_by n & k1.6 is_expressible_by n &
      k2.1 = INV_MOD(k1.1,n) & k2.2 = NEG_MOD(k1.3,n) &
      k2.3 = NEG_MOD(k1.2,n) & k2.4 = INV_MOD(k1.4,n) &
      k2.5 = k1.5 & k2.6 = k1.6 implies
        (IDEA_Q(k2,n)*IDEA_P(k1,n)).m = m
       let n be non empty Nat;
       let m,k1,k2;
       assume that
          A1: 2 to_power(n)+1 is prime and
          A2: len m >= 4 and
          A3: m.1 is_expressible_by n & m.2 is_expressible_by n &
               m.3 is_expressible_by n & m.4 is_expressible_by n and
          A4: k1.1 is_expressible_by n & k1.2 is_expressible_by n &
               k1.3 is_expressible_by n & k1.4 is_expressible_by n &
               k1.5 is_expressible_by n & k1.6 is_expressible_by n and
          A5: k2.1 = INV_MOD(k1.1,n) & k2.2 = NEG_MOD(k1.3,n) &
               k2.3 = NEG_MOD(k1.2,n) & k2.4 = INV_MOD(k1.4,n) and
          A6: k2.5 = k1.5 & k2.6 = k1.6;
         dom IDEA_P(k1,n) = MESSAGES & dom IDEA_Q(k2,n) = MESSAGES
                                                      by FUNCT_2:def 1;
       then A7: m in dom IDEA_P(k1,n) & m in dom IDEA_Q(k2,n)
                                       by Def14,FINSEQ_1:def 11;
       A8: len IDEAoperationB(m,k1,n) >= 4 by A2,Def12;

       A9: IDEAoperationB(m,k1,n).1 is_expressible_by n &
           IDEAoperationB(m,k1,n).2 is_expressible_by n &
           IDEAoperationB(m,k1,n).3 is_expressible_by n &
           IDEAoperationB(m,k1,n).4 is_expressible_by n by A2,Th28;

         = IDEA_Q(k2,n).(IDEA_P(k1,n).m) by A7,FUNCT_1:23
        .= IDEA_Q(k2,n).
                                                         by Def15
        .= IDEAoperationB(IDEAoperationA(IDEAoperationC(
                                                         by Def16
        .= IDEAoperationB(IDEAoperationB(m,k1,n),k2,n)
                                             by A1,A4,A5,A8,A9,Th31
        .= m by A1,A2,A3,A4,A6,Th32;

       hence (IDEA_Q(k2,n)*IDEA_P(k1,n)).m = m;

theorem Th35:
  for n being non empty Nat,m,k1,k2 holds
       2 to_power(n)+1 is prime & len m >= 4 &
       m.1 is_expressible_by n & m.2 is_expressible_by n &
       m.3 is_expressible_by n & m.4 is_expressible_by n &
       k1.1 is_expressible_by n & k1.2 is_expressible_by n &
       k1.3 is_expressible_by n & k1.4 is_expressible_by n &
       k2.1 = INV_MOD(k1.1,n) & k2.2 = NEG_MOD(k1.2,n) &
       k2.3 = NEG_MOD(k1.3,n) & k2.4 = INV_MOD(k1.4,n) implies
       (IDEA_QS(k2,n)*IDEA_PS(k1,n)).m = m
       let n be non empty Nat;
       let m,k1,k2;
       assume that
          A1: 2 to_power(n)+1 is prime and
          A2: len m >= 4 and
          A3: m.1 is_expressible_by n & m.2 is_expressible_by n &
               m.3 is_expressible_by n & m.4 is_expressible_by n and
          A4: k1.1 is_expressible_by n & k1.2 is_expressible_by n &
               k1.3 is_expressible_by n & k1.4 is_expressible_by n and
          A5: k2.1 = INV_MOD(k1.1,n) & k2.2 = NEG_MOD(k1.2,n) &
               k2.3 = NEG_MOD(k1.3,n) & k2.4 = INV_MOD(k1.4,n);

         dom IDEA_PS(k1,n) = MESSAGES & dom IDEA_QS(k2,n) = MESSAGES
                                                      by FUNCT_2:def 1;
       then m in dom IDEA_PS(k1,n) & m in dom IDEA_QS(k2,n)
                                      by Def14,FINSEQ_1:def 11;

       then (IDEA_QS(k2,n)*IDEA_PS(k1,n)).m
         = IDEA_QS(k2,n).(IDEA_PS(k1,n).m) by FUNCT_1:23
        .= IDEA_QS(k2,n).IDEAoperationA(m,k1,n) by Def19
        .= IDEAoperationA(IDEAoperationA(m,k1,n),k2,n) by Def20
        .= m by A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,Th30;
       hence (IDEA_QS(k2,n)*IDEA_PS(k1,n)).m = m;

theorem Th36:
  for n being non empty Nat,m,k1,k2 holds
    2 to_power(n)+1 is prime & len m >= 4 &
      m.1 is_expressible_by n & m.2 is_expressible_by n &
      m.3 is_expressible_by n & m.4 is_expressible_by n &
      k1.1 is_expressible_by n & k1.2 is_expressible_by n &
      k1.3 is_expressible_by n & k1.4 is_expressible_by n &
      k1.5 is_expressible_by n & k1.6 is_expressible_by n &
      k2.1 = INV_MOD(k1.1,n) & k2.2 = NEG_MOD(k1.2,n) &
      k2.3 = NEG_MOD(k1.3,n) & k2.4 = INV_MOD(k1.4,n) &
      k2.5 = k1.5 & k2.6 = k1.6 implies
      (IDEA_QE(k2,n)*IDEA_PE(k1,n)).m = m
       let n be non empty Nat;
       let m,k1,k2;
       assume that
          A1: 2 to_power(n)+1 is prime and
          A2: len m >= 4 and
          A3: m.1 is_expressible_by n & m.2 is_expressible_by n &
               m.3 is_expressible_by n & m.4 is_expressible_by n and
          A4: k1.1 is_expressible_by n & k1.2 is_expressible_by n &
               k1.3 is_expressible_by n & k1.4 is_expressible_by n &
               k1.5 is_expressible_by n & k1.6 is_expressible_by n and
          A5: k2.1 = INV_MOD(k1.1,n) & k2.2 = NEG_MOD(k1.2,n) &
               k2.3 = NEG_MOD(k1.3,n) & k2.4 = INV_MOD(k1.4,n) and
          A6: k2.5 = k1.5 & k2.6 = k1.6;
         dom IDEA_PE(k1,n) = MESSAGES & dom IDEA_QE(k2,n) = MESSAGES
                                                      by FUNCT_2:def 1;
       then A7: m in dom IDEA_PE(k1,n) & m in dom IDEA_QE(k2,n)
                                      by Def14,FINSEQ_1:def 11;
       A8: len IDEAoperationB(m,k1,n) >= 4 by A2,Def12;

       A9: IDEAoperationB(m,k1,n).1 is_expressible_by n &
            IDEAoperationB(m,k1,n).2 is_expressible_by n &
            IDEAoperationB(m,k1,n).3 is_expressible_by n &
            IDEAoperationB(m,k1,n).4 is_expressible_by n by A2,Th28;

         = IDEA_QE(k2,n).(IDEA_PE(k1,n).m) by A7,FUNCT_1:23
        .= IDEA_QE(k2,n).
             IDEAoperationA(IDEAoperationB(m,k1,n),k1,n) by Def21
        .= IDEAoperationB(IDEAoperationA(
                                                         by Def22
        .= IDEAoperationB(IDEAoperationB(m,k1,n),k2,n)
                                             by A1,A4,A5,A8,A9,Th30
        .= m by A1,A2,A3,A4,A6,Th32;

       hence (IDEA_QE(k2,n)*IDEA_PE(k1,n)).m = m;

theorem Th37:
  for n being non empty Nat,lk being Nat,Key being Matrix of lk,6,NAT,
    k being Nat holds IDEA_P_F(Key,n,(k+1)) =
      IDEA_P_F(Key,n,k)^<* IDEA_P(Line(Key,(k+1)),n) *>
     let n be non empty Nat;
     let lk be Nat;
     let Key be Matrix of lk,6,NAT;
     let k be Nat;

       len (IDEA_P_F(Key,n,k)^<* IDEA_P(Line(Key,(k+1)),n) *>)
        = len IDEA_P_F(Key,n,k) +
              len <* IDEA_P(Line(Key,(k+1)),n) *> by FINSEQ_1:35
       .= k + len <* IDEA_P(Line(Key,(k+1)),n) *> by Def17
       .= k + 1 by FINSEQ_1:56;
     then A1: len IDEA_P_F(Key,n,(k+1))
      = len (IDEA_P_F(Key,n,k)^<* IDEA_P(Line(Key,(k+1)),n) *>) by Def17;
       for i being Nat st 1 <= i & i <= len IDEA_P_F(Key,n,(k+1))
        holds IDEA_P_F(Key,n,(k+1)).i =
                (IDEA_P_F(Key,n,k)^<* IDEA_P(Line(Key,(k+1)),n) *>).i
         let i be Nat;
         assume A2: 1 <= i & i <= len IDEA_P_F(Key,n,(k+1));
                then A3: 1 <= i & i <= k+1 by Def17;
           i in Seg len IDEA_P_F(Key,n,(k+1)) by A2,FINSEQ_1:3;
         then A4:i in dom IDEA_P_F(Key,n,(k+1)) by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
           dom <* IDEA_P(Line(Key,(k+1)),n) *> = Seg 1 by FINSEQ_1:def 8;
         then A5: 1 in dom <*IDEA_P(Line(Key,(k+1)),n)*> by FINSEQ_1:3;
           now per cases;
           suppose i <> k+1;
             then 1 <= i & i <= k by A3,NAT_1:26;
             then i in Seg k by FINSEQ_1:3;
             then i in Seg len IDEA_P_F(Key,n,k) by Def17;
             then A6:i in dom IDEA_P_F(Key,n,k) by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
             hence (IDEA_P_F(Key,n,k)^<* IDEA_P(Line(Key,(k+1)),n) *>).i
                     = IDEA_P_F(Key,n,k).i by FINSEQ_1:def 7
                    .= IDEA_P(Line(Key,i),n) by A6,Def17
                    .= IDEA_P_F(Key,n,(k+1)).i by A4,Def17;
           suppose A7: i = k+1;
             hence (IDEA_P_F(Key,n,k)^<* IDEA_P(Line(Key,(k+1)),n) *>).i
                 =(IDEA_P_F(Key,n,k)^<* IDEA_P(Line(Key,(k+1)),n) *>).
                          (len IDEA_P_F(Key,n,k) + 1) by Def17
                .= <* IDEA_P(Line(Key,(k+1)),n) *>.1 by A5,FINSEQ_1:def 7
                .= IDEA_P(Line(Key,(k+1)),n) by FINSEQ_1:57
                .= IDEA_P_F(Key,n,(k+1)).i by A4,A7,Def17;
         hence thesis;
     hence thesis by A1,FINSEQ_1:18;

theorem Th38:
  for n being non empty Nat,lk being Nat,Key being Matrix of lk,6,NAT,
    k being Nat holds IDEA_Q_F(Key,n,(k+1)) =
      <* IDEA_Q(Line(Key,k+1),n) *>^IDEA_Q_F(Key,n,k)
     let n be non empty Nat;
     let lk be Nat;
     let Key be Matrix of lk,6,NAT;
     let k be Nat;

       len (<* IDEA_Q(Line(Key,k+1),n) *>^IDEA_Q_F(Key,n,k))
        = len <* IDEA_Q(Line(Key,k+1),n) *> +
                          len IDEA_Q_F(Key,n,k) by FINSEQ_1:35
       .= len <* IDEA_Q(Line(Key,k+1),n) *> + k by Def18
       .= k + 1 by FINSEQ_1:56;
     then A1: len IDEA_Q_F(Key,n,(k+1))
          = len (<* IDEA_Q(Line(Key,k+1),n) *>^IDEA_Q_F(Key,n,k))
                                             by Def18;
       for i being Nat st 1 <= i & i <= len IDEA_Q_F(Key,n,(k+1))
        holds IDEA_Q_F(Key,n,(k+1)).i =
                (<* IDEA_Q(Line(Key,k+1),n) *>^IDEA_Q_F(Key,n,k)).i
         let i be Nat;
         assume A2: 1 <= i & i <= len IDEA_Q_F(Key,n,(k+1));
         then A3: 1 <= i & i <= k+1 by Def18;
           i in Seg len IDEA_Q_F(Key,n,(k+1)) by A2,FINSEQ_1:3;
         then A4:i in dom IDEA_Q_F(Key,n,(k+1)) by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
           dom <* IDEA_Q(Line(Key,(k+1)),n) *> = Seg 1 by FINSEQ_1:def 8;
         then A5: 1 in dom <*IDEA_Q(Line(Key,(k+1)),n)*> by FINSEQ_1:3;
         A6: 1 <= k+1 by A3,AXIOMS:22;
           1 <= len IDEA_Q_F(Key,n,(k+1)) by A2,AXIOMS:22;
         then 1 in Seg len IDEA_Q_F(Key,n,(k+1)) by FINSEQ_1:3;
         then A7:1 in dom IDEA_Q_F(Key,n,(k+1)) by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
           now per cases;
           suppose A8: i <> 1;
             consider ii be Integer such that A9: ii = i - 1;
             A10: ii + 1 = i - (1 - 1) by A9,XCMPLX_1:37
                        .= i;
               1 - 1 <= i - 1 by A2,REAL_1:49;
             then reconsider ii as Nat by A9,INT_1:16;
               1 < i by A2,A8,REAL_1:def 5;
             then 1 + 1 <= i by NAT_1:38;
             then A11: 1 + 1 - 1 <= i - 1 by REAL_1:49;
               i-1 <= k+1-1 by A3,REAL_1:49;
             then A12:i-1 <= k+(1-1) by XCMPLX_1:29;
             then ii in Seg k by A9,A11,FINSEQ_1:3;
             then ii in Seg len IDEA_Q_F(Key,n,k) by Def18;
             then A13: ii in dom IDEA_Q_F(Key,n,k) by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
               ii - ii <= k - ii by A9,A12,REAL_1:49;
             then A14: 0 <= k - ii by XCMPLX_1:14;
               (k+1) - i >= i - i by A3,REAL_1:49;
             then A15: (k+1) - i >= 0 by XCMPLX_1:14;
             A16: k -' ii = k - (i - 1) by A9,A14,BINARITH:def 3
                         .= k - i + 1 by XCMPLX_1:37
                         .= k + -i + 1 by XCMPLX_0:def 8
                         .= (k+1) + -i by XCMPLX_1:1
                         .= (k+1) - i by XCMPLX_0:def 8
                         .=(k+1) -' i by A15,BINARITH:def 3;

             thus (<* IDEA_Q(Line(Key,k+1),n) *>^IDEA_Q_F(Key,n,k)).i
              =(<* IDEA_Q(Line(Key,k+1),n) *>^IDEA_Q_F(Key,n,k)).
                            (len <*IDEA_Q(Line(Key,(k+1)),n)*>+ii)
                                                            by A10,FINSEQ_1:57
             .=IDEA_Q_F(Key,n,k).ii by A13,FINSEQ_1:def 7
             .=IDEA_Q(Line(Key,(k+1)-'i+1),n) by A13,A16,Def18
             .=IDEA_Q_F(Key,n,k+1).i by A4,Def18;

           suppose A17: i = 1;
             hence (<* IDEA_Q(Line(Key,k+1),n) *>^IDEA_Q_F(Key,n,k)).i
                 = <* IDEA_Q(Line(Key,k+1),n) *>.1 by A5,FINSEQ_1:def 7
                .= IDEA_Q(Line(Key,k+1),n) by FINSEQ_1:57
                .= IDEA_Q(Line(Key,(k+1)-'1 + 1),n) by A6,AMI_5:4
                .= IDEA_Q_F(Key,n,k+1).i by A7,A17,Def18;
         hence thesis;
     hence thesis by A1,FINSEQ_1:18;

theorem Th39:
  for n being non empty Nat,lk being Nat,Key being Matrix of lk,6,NAT,
    k being Nat holds IDEA_P_F(Key,n,k) is FuncSeq-like FinSequence
    let n be non empty Nat;
    let lk be Nat;
    let Key be Matrix of lk,6,NAT;
    let k be Nat;
    deffunc F(set)=MESSAGES;
    consider p being FinSequence such that A1: len p = k+1 and
      A2: for j being Nat st j in Seg(k+1) holds p.j = F(j) from SeqLambda;
    A3: len p = len IDEA_P_F(Key,n,k)+1 by A1,Def17;
      for i being Nat st i in dom IDEA_P_F(Key,n,k)
            holds IDEA_P_F(Key,n,k).i in Funcs(p.i, p.(i+1))
        let i be Nat;
        assume A4: i in dom IDEA_P_F(Key,n,k);
        then i in Seg len IDEA_P_F(Key,n,k) by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
        then i in Seg k by Def17;
        then 1 <= i & i <= k by FINSEQ_1:3;
        then 1 <= i & i <= k+1 & 1 <= (i+1) & (i+1) <=
 k+1 by AXIOMS:24,NAT_1:37;
        then i in Seg (k+1) & (i+1) in Seg (k+1) by FINSEQ_1:3;
        then A5: p.i = MESSAGES & p.(i+1) = MESSAGES by A2;
          IDEA_P_F(Key,n,k).i = IDEA_P(Line(Key,i),n) by A4,Def17;
        hence IDEA_P_F(Key,n,k).i in Funcs(p.i,p.(i+1)) by A5,FUNCT_2:12;
    hence thesis by A3,FUNCT_7:def 8;

theorem Th40:
  for n being non empty Nat,lk being Nat,Key being Matrix of lk,6,NAT,
    k being Nat holds IDEA_Q_F(Key,n,k) is FuncSeq-like FinSequence
    let n be non empty Nat;
    let lk be Nat;
    let Key be Matrix of lk,6,NAT;
    let k be Nat;
    deffunc F(set)=MESSAGES;
    consider p being FinSequence such that A1: len p = k+1 and
      A2: for j being Nat st j in Seg(k+1) holds p.j = F(j) from SeqLambda;
    A3: len p = len IDEA_Q_F(Key,n,k)+1 by A1,Def18;
      for i being Nat st i in dom IDEA_Q_F(Key,n,k)
            holds IDEA_Q_F(Key,n,k).i in Funcs(p.i, p.(i+1))
        let i be Nat;
        assume A4: i in dom IDEA_Q_F(Key,n,k);
        then i in Seg len IDEA_Q_F(Key,n,k) by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
        then i in Seg k by Def18;
        then 1 <= i & i <= k by FINSEQ_1:3;
        then 1 <= i & i <= k+1 & 1 <= (i+1) & (i+1) <=
 k+1 by AXIOMS:24,NAT_1:37;
        then i in Seg (k+1) & (i+1) in Seg (k+1) by FINSEQ_1:3;
        then A5: p.i = MESSAGES & p.(i+1) = MESSAGES by A2;
          IDEA_Q_F(Key,n,k).i = IDEA_Q(Line(Key,k-'i+1),n) by A4,Def18;
        hence IDEA_Q_F(Key,n,k).i in Funcs(p.i,p.(i+1)) by A5,FUNCT_2:12;
    hence thesis by A3,FUNCT_7:def 8;

theorem Th41:
  for n being non empty Nat,lk being Nat,Key being Matrix of lk,6,NAT,
    k being Nat holds k <> 0 implies
      IDEA_P_F(Key,n,k) is FuncSequence of MESSAGES,MESSAGES
    let n be non empty Nat;
    let lk be Nat,
        Key be Matrix of lk,6,NAT,
        k be Nat;
    assume A1: k<>0;
    A2: IDEA_P_F(Key,n,k) is FuncSequence by Th39;
    A3: lastrng IDEA_P_F(Key,n,k) c= MESSAGES
          0 < k by A1,NAT_1:19;
        then 0+1 < k+1 by REAL_1:53;
        then A4:1 <= k & k <= k by NAT_1:38;
          k = len IDEA_P_F(Key,n,k) by Def17;
        then k in Seg len IDEA_P_F(Key,n,k) by A4,FINSEQ_1:3;
        then A5:k in dom IDEA_P_F(Key,n,k) by FINSEQ_1:def 3;

          len (IDEA_P_F(Key,n,k)) <> 0 by A1,Def17;
        then not(IDEA_P_F(Key,n,k)=<*>MESSAGES)
                                           by FINSEQ_1:32;
        then lastrng IDEA_P_F(Key,n,k)
            = proj2 (IDEA_P_F(Key,n,k).
                    len (IDEA_P_F(Key,n,k))) by FUNCT_7:def 7
           .= proj2 (IDEA_P_F(Key,n,k).k) by Def17
           .= proj2 (IDEA_P(Line(Key,k),n)) by A5,Def17
           .= rng IDEA_P(Line(Key,k),n) by FUNCT_5:21;
        hence lastrng IDEA_P_F(Key,n,k) c= MESSAGES by RELSET_1:12;
      firstdom IDEA_P_F(Key,n,k) = MESSAGES
          0 < k by A1,NAT_1:19;
        then 0+1 < k+1 by REAL_1:53;
        then A6:1 <= 1 & 1 <= k by NAT_1:38;
          k = len IDEA_P_F(Key,n,k) by Def17;
        then 1 in Seg len IDEA_P_F(Key,n,k) by A6,FINSEQ_1:3;
        then A7:1 in dom IDEA_P_F(Key,n,k) by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
          len (IDEA_P_F(Key,n,k)) = k by Def17;
        then not(IDEA_P_F(Key,n,k)=<*>MESSAGES) by A1,FINSEQ_1:32;
        hence firstdom IDEA_P_F(Key,n,k)
              = proj1 (IDEA_P_F(Key,n,k).1) by FUNCT_7:def 6
             .= proj1 (IDEA_P(Line(Key,1),n)) by A7,Def17
             .= dom IDEA_P(Line(Key,1),n) by FUNCT_5:21
             .= MESSAGES by FUNCT_2:def 1;
    hence thesis by A2,A3,FUNCT_7:def 9;

theorem Th42:
  for n being non empty Nat,lk being Nat,Key being Matrix of lk,6,NAT,
    k being Nat holds k <> 0 implies
      IDEA_Q_F(Key,n,k) is FuncSequence of MESSAGES,MESSAGES
    let n be non empty Nat,
        lk be Nat,
        Key be Matrix of lk,6,NAT,
        r be Nat;
    assume A1: r<>0;
    A2: IDEA_Q_F(Key,n,r) is FuncSequence by Th40;

    A3: lastrng IDEA_Q_F(Key,n,r) c= MESSAGES
          0 < r by A1,NAT_1:19;
        then 0+1 < r+1 by REAL_1:53;
        then A4:1 <= r & r <= r by NAT_1:38;
          r = len IDEA_Q_F(Key,n,r) by Def18;
        then r in Seg len IDEA_Q_F(Key,n,r) by A4,FINSEQ_1:3;
        then A5:r in dom IDEA_Q_F(Key,n,r) by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
          len (IDEA_Q_F(Key,n,r)) <> 0 by A1,Def18;
        then not(IDEA_Q_F(Key,n,r)=<*>MESSAGES) by FINSEQ_1:32;
        then lastrng IDEA_Q_F(Key,n,r)
            = proj2 (IDEA_Q_F(Key,n,r).
                    len (IDEA_Q_F(Key,n,r)))
                                           by FUNCT_7:def 7
           .= proj2 (IDEA_Q_F(Key,n,r).r) by Def18
           .= proj2 (IDEA_Q(Line(Key,r-'r+1),n)) by A5,Def18
           .= rng IDEA_Q(Line(Key,r-'r+1),n) by FUNCT_5:21;
        hence lastrng IDEA_Q_F(Key,n,r) c= MESSAGES by RELSET_1:12;
      firstdom IDEA_Q_F(Key,n,r) = MESSAGES
          0 < r by A1,NAT_1:19;
        then 0+1 < r+1 by REAL_1:53;
        then A6:1 <= 1 & 1 <= r by NAT_1:38;
          r = len IDEA_Q_F(Key,n,r) by Def18;
        then 1 in Seg len IDEA_Q_F(Key,n,r) by A6,FINSEQ_1:3;
        then A7:1 in dom IDEA_Q_F(Key,n,r) by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
          len (IDEA_Q_F(Key,n,r)) <> 0 by A1,Def18;
        then not(IDEA_Q_F(Key,n,r)=<*>MESSAGES) by FINSEQ_1:32;
        hence firstdom IDEA_Q_F(Key,n,r)
              = proj1 (IDEA_Q_F(Key,n,r).1) by FUNCT_7:def 6
             .= proj1 (IDEA_Q(Line(Key,r-'1+1),n)) by A7,Def18
             .= dom IDEA_Q(Line(Key,r-'1+1),n) by FUNCT_5:21
             .= MESSAGES by FUNCT_2:def 1;
    hence thesis by A2,A3,FUNCT_7:def 9;

theorem Th43:
  for n being non empty Nat,M being FinSequence of NAT,m,k st
    M = IDEA_P(k,n).m & len m >= 4 holds len M >= 4 &
     M.1 is_expressible_by n & M.2 is_expressible_by n &
     M.3 is_expressible_by n & M.4 is_expressible_by n
    let n be non empty Nat,
        M be FinSequence of NAT,m,k;
    assume that A1: M = IDEA_P(k,n).m and
                A2: len m >= 4;
    A3: M = IDEAoperationA(IDEAoperationC(IDEAoperationB(m,k,n)),k,n)
                                                        by A1,Def15;
      len m = len IDEAoperationB(m,k,n) by Def12
              .= len IDEAoperationC(IDEAoperationB(m,k,n)) by Def13;
    hence thesis by A2,A3,Def11,Th27;

theorem Th44:
  for n being non empty Nat,lk being Nat,Key being Matrix of lk,6,NAT,
    r being Nat holds rng compose(IDEA_P_F(Key,n,r),MESSAGES) c=MESSAGES &
      dom compose(IDEA_P_F(Key,n,r),MESSAGES) =MESSAGES
      let n be non empty Nat,
          lk be Nat,
          Key be Matrix of lk,6,NAT, r be Nat;
      A1: IDEA_P_F(Key,n,r) is FuncSequence by Th39;

      A2: rng compose(IDEA_P_F(Key,n,r),MESSAGES) c= MESSAGES
          per cases;
          suppose A3: r<>0;
            then 0 < r by NAT_1:19;
            then 0+1 < r+1 by REAL_1:53;
            then A4:1 <= r & r <= r by NAT_1:38;
              r = len IDEA_P_F(Key,n,r) by Def17;
            then r in Seg len IDEA_P_F(Key,n,r) by A4,FINSEQ_1:3;
            then A5:r in dom IDEA_P_F(Key,n,r) by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
              len (IDEA_P_F(Key,n,r)) <> 0 by A3,Def17;
            then A6: not(IDEA_P_F(Key,n,r)=<*>MESSAGES) by FINSEQ_1:32;
            then lastrng IDEA_P_F(Key,n,r)
                = proj2 (IDEA_P_F(Key,n,r).
                        len (IDEA_P_F(Key,n,r))) by FUNCT_7:def 7
               .= proj2 (IDEA_P_F(Key,n,r).r) by Def17
               .= proj2 (IDEA_P(Line(Key,r),n)) by A5,Def17
               .= rng IDEA_P(Line(Key,r),n) by FUNCT_5:21;
            then A7: lastrng IDEA_P_F(Key,n,r) c= MESSAGES
                                                by RELSET_1:12;
              rng compose(IDEA_P_F(Key,n,r),MESSAGES)
                 c= lastrng IDEA_P_F(Key,n,r) by A6,FUNCT_7:61;
            hence rng compose(IDEA_P_F(Key,n,r),MESSAGES) c= MESSAGES
                                              by A7,XBOOLE_1:1;
          suppose r=0;
            then len IDEA_P_F(Key,n,r) = 0 by Def17;
            then IDEA_P_F(Key,n,r) = {} by FINSEQ_1:25;
            then compose(IDEA_P_F(Key,n,r),MESSAGES) = id MESSAGES
                                              by FUNCT_7:41;
            hence thesis by FUNCT_2:67;
        dom compose(IDEA_P_F(Key,n,r),MESSAGES) = MESSAGES
          per cases;
          suppose r=0;
            then len IDEA_P_F(Key,n,r) = 0 by Def17;
            then IDEA_P_F(Key,n,r) = {} by FINSEQ_1:25;
            then compose(IDEA_P_F(Key,n,r),MESSAGES) = id MESSAGES
                                                    by FUNCT_7:41;
            hence thesis by FUNCT_2:67;
          suppose A8: r<>0;
              firstdom IDEA_P_F(Key,n,r) = MESSAGES
                  0 < r by A8,NAT_1:19;
                then 0+1 < r+1 by REAL_1:53;
                then A9:1 <= 1 & 1 <= r by NAT_1:38;
                  r = len IDEA_P_F(Key,n,r) by Def17;
                then 1 in Seg len IDEA_P_F(Key,n,r) by A9,FINSEQ_1:3;
                then A10:1 in dom IDEA_P_F(Key,n,r) by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
                  len (IDEA_P_F(Key,n,r)) <> 0 by A8,Def17;
                then not(IDEA_P_F(Key,n,r)=<*>MESSAGES) by FINSEQ_1:32;
                hence firstdom IDEA_P_F(Key,n,r)
                      = proj1 (IDEA_P_F(Key,n,r).1) by FUNCT_7:def 6
                     .= proj1 (IDEA_P(Line(Key,1),n)) by A10,Def17
                     .= dom IDEA_P(Line(Key,1),n) by FUNCT_5:21
                     .= MESSAGES by FUNCT_2:def 1;
            hence thesis by A1,FUNCT_7:64;
      hence thesis by A2;

    for n being non empty Nat,lk being Nat,Key being Matrix of lk,6,NAT,
    r being Nat holds rng compose(IDEA_Q_F(Key,n,r),MESSAGES) c=MESSAGES &
      dom compose(IDEA_Q_F(Key,n,r),MESSAGES) =MESSAGES
      let n be non empty Nat,
          lk be Nat,
          Key be Matrix of lk,6,NAT, r be Nat;
      A1: IDEA_Q_F(Key,n,r) is FuncSequence by Th40;

      A2: rng compose(IDEA_Q_F(Key,n,r),MESSAGES) c= MESSAGES
          per cases;
          suppose A3: r<>0;
            then 0 < r by NAT_1:19;
            then 0+1 < r+1 by REAL_1:53;
            then A4:1 <= r & r <= r by NAT_1:38;
              r = len IDEA_Q_F(Key,n,r) by Def18;
            then r in Seg len IDEA_Q_F(Key,n,r) by A4,FINSEQ_1:3;
            then A5:r in dom IDEA_Q_F(Key,n,r) by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
              len (IDEA_Q_F(Key,n,r)) <> 0 by A3,Def18;
            then A6: not(IDEA_Q_F(Key,n,r)=<*>MESSAGES) by FINSEQ_1:32;
            then lastrng IDEA_Q_F(Key,n,r)
                = proj2 (IDEA_Q_F(Key,n,r).
                        len (IDEA_Q_F(Key,n,r))) by FUNCT_7:def 7
               .= proj2 (IDEA_Q_F(Key,n,r).r) by Def18
               .= proj2 (IDEA_Q(Line(Key,r-'r+1),n)) by A5,Def18
               .= rng IDEA_Q(Line(Key,r-'r+1),n) by FUNCT_5:21;
            then A7: lastrng IDEA_Q_F(Key,n,r) c= MESSAGES
                                                by RELSET_1:12;
              rng compose(IDEA_Q_F(Key,n,r),MESSAGES)
                 c= lastrng IDEA_Q_F(Key,n,r) by A6,FUNCT_7:61;
            hence rng compose(IDEA_Q_F(Key,n,r),MESSAGES) c= MESSAGES
                                              by A7,XBOOLE_1:1;
          suppose r=0;
            then len IDEA_Q_F(Key,n,r) = 0 by Def18;
            then IDEA_Q_F(Key,n,r) = {} by FINSEQ_1:25;
            then compose(IDEA_Q_F(Key,n,r),MESSAGES) = id MESSAGES
                                              by FUNCT_7:41;
            hence thesis by FUNCT_2:67;
        dom compose(IDEA_Q_F(Key,n,r),MESSAGES) = MESSAGES
          per cases;
          suppose r=0;
            then len IDEA_Q_F(Key,n,r) = 0 by Def18;
            then IDEA_Q_F(Key,n,r) = {} by FINSEQ_1:25;
            then compose(IDEA_Q_F(Key,n,r),MESSAGES) = id MESSAGES
                                                    by FUNCT_7:41;
            hence thesis by FUNCT_2:67;
          suppose A8: r<>0;
              firstdom IDEA_Q_F(Key,n,r) = MESSAGES
                  0 < r by A8,NAT_1:19;
                then 0+1 < r+1 by REAL_1:53;
                then A9:1 <= 1 & 1 <= r by NAT_1:38;
                  r = len IDEA_Q_F(Key,n,r) by Def18;
                then 1 in Seg len IDEA_Q_F(Key,n,r) by A9,FINSEQ_1:3;
                then A10:1 in dom IDEA_Q_F(Key,n,r) by FINSEQ_1:def 3;
                  len (IDEA_Q_F(Key,n,r)) <> 0 by A8,Def18;
                then not(IDEA_Q_F(Key,n,r)=<*>MESSAGES) by FINSEQ_1:32;
                hence firstdom IDEA_Q_F(Key,n,r)
                      = proj1 (IDEA_Q_F(Key,n,r).1) by FUNCT_7:def 6
                     .= proj1 (IDEA_Q(Line(Key,r-'1+1),n)) by A10,Def18
                     .= dom IDEA_Q(Line(Key,r-'1+1),n) by FUNCT_5:21
                     .= MESSAGES by FUNCT_2:def 1;
            hence thesis by A1,FUNCT_7:64;
      hence thesis by A2;

theorem Th46:
  for n being non empty Nat,m being FinSequence of NAT, lk being Nat,
      Key being Matrix of lk,6,NAT, r being Nat,
      M being FinSequence of NAT st
      M = compose(IDEA_P_F(Key,n,r),MESSAGES).m & len m >= 4
      holds len M >= 4
    let n be non empty Nat,
        m be FinSequence of NAT, lk be Nat,
        Key be Matrix of lk,6,NAT;

    A1: m in MESSAGES by Def14,FINSEQ_1:def 11;
      for r being Nat,M being FinSequence of NAT st
         M = compose(IDEA_P_F(Key,n,r),MESSAGES).m & len m >= 4 holds
       len M >= 4
      defpred P[Nat] means
        for M being FinSequence of NAT st
          M = compose(IDEA_P_F(Key,n,$1),MESSAGES).m & len m >= 4 holds
          len M >= 4;

      A2: P[0]
          let M be FinSequence of NAT;
          assume that A3: M = compose(IDEA_P_F(Key,n,0),MESSAGES).m and
                      A4: len m >= 4;
            len IDEA_P_F(Key,n,0) = 0 by Def17;
          then IDEA_P_F(Key,n,0) = {} by FINSEQ_1:25;
          then M = (id MESSAGES).m by A3,FUNCT_7:41
                .= m by A1,FUNCT_1:35;
          hence thesis by A4;
      A5: for k being Nat st P[k] holds P[k + 1]
          let k be Nat;
          assume A6: P[k];
          let M be FinSequence of NAT;
          assume that A7: M = compose(IDEA_P_F(Key,n,k+1),MESSAGES).m and
                      A8: len m >= 4;
            M = compose(IDEA_P_F(Key,n,k)^<* IDEA_P(Line(Key,(k+1)),n) *>,
                          MESSAGES).m by A7,Th37;
          then A9: M = (IDEA_P(Line(Key,(k+1)),n)*
                      compose(IDEA_P_F(Key,n,k),MESSAGES)).m by FUNCT_7:43;
          A10: dom compose(IDEA_P_F(Key,n,k),MESSAGES) = MESSAGES &
               rng compose(IDEA_P_F(Key,n,k),MESSAGES) c= MESSAGES by Th44;
          then compose(IDEA_P_F(Key,n,k),MESSAGES).m
                in rng(compose(IDEA_P_F(Key,n,k),MESSAGES)) by A1,FUNCT_1:def 5
          then reconsider M1 = compose(IDEA_P_F(Key,n,k),MESSAGES).m
                      as FinSequence of NAT by A10,Def14,FINSEQ_1:def 11;
          A11:len M1 >= 4 by A6,A8;

            dom (IDEA_P(Line(Key,(k+1)),n)*
                rng compose(IDEA_P_F(Key,n,k),MESSAGES)
                  c= dom IDEA_P(Line(Key,(k+1)),n) by A10,FUNCT_2:def 1;
              hence thesis by A10,RELAT_1:46;
          then M = IDEA_P(Line(Key,(k+1)),n).
                  (compose(IDEA_P_F(Key,n,k),MESSAGES).m) by A1,A9,FUNCT_1:22;
          hence thesis by A11,Th43;
      thus for k being Nat holds P[k] from Ind(A2,A5);
    hence thesis;

theorem Th47:
  for n being non empty Nat,lk being Nat,Key being Matrix of lk,6,NAT,
    r being Nat,M being FinSequence of NAT,m st
      M = compose(IDEA_P_F(Key,n,r),MESSAGES).m & len m >= 4 &
       m.1 is_expressible_by n & m.2 is_expressible_by n &
       m.3 is_expressible_by n & m.4 is_expressible_by n
       len M >= 4 &
       M.1 is_expressible_by n &
       M.2 is_expressible_by n &
       M.3 is_expressible_by n &
       M.4 is_expressible_by n
    let n be non empty Nat,
        lk be Nat,
        Key be Matrix of lk,6,NAT, r be Nat,
        M be FinSequence of NAT,m;
    assume that A1: M = compose(IDEA_P_F(Key,n,r),MESSAGES).m and
                A2: len m >= 4 &
                    m.1 is_expressible_by n & m.2 is_expressible_by n &
                    m.3 is_expressible_by n & m.4 is_expressible_by n;
    A3: m in MESSAGES by Def14,FINSEQ_1:def 11;
    per cases;
    suppose r = 0;
      then len IDEA_P_F(Key,n,r) = 0 by Def17;
      then IDEA_P_F(Key,n,r) = {} by FINSEQ_1:25;
      then M = (id MESSAGES).m by A1,FUNCT_7:41
            .= m by A3,FUNCT_1:35;
      hence thesis by A2;
    suppose A4: r <> 0;
      consider r1 being Integer such that A5:r1=r-1;
      A6: r1 + 1 = r -(1 - 1) by A5,XCMPLX_1:37
                 .= r;

        1 <= r by A4,RLVECT_1:99;
      then 1 - 1 <= r - 1 by REAL_1:49;
      then reconsider r1 as Nat by A5,INT_1:16;
        IDEA_P_F(Key,n,(r1+1)) =
             IDEA_P_F(Key,n,r1)^<* IDEA_P(Line(Key,(r1+1)),n) *> by Th37;
      then A7:compose(IDEA_P_F(Key,n,r),MESSAGES) =
                                                   by A6,FUNCT_7:43;
      then m in dom(IDEA_P(Line(Key,r),n)*
                     compose(IDEA_P_F(Key,n,r1),MESSAGES)) by A3,Th44;
      then A8: M =
                                                   by A1,A7,FUNCT_1:22;

      A9: dom compose(IDEA_P_F(Key,n,r1),MESSAGES) = MESSAGES &
           rng compose(IDEA_P_F(Key,n,r1),MESSAGES) c= MESSAGES by Th44;
      then compose(IDEA_P_F(Key,n,r1),MESSAGES).m
            in rng(compose(IDEA_P_F(Key,n,r1),MESSAGES)) by A3,FUNCT_1:def 5;
      then reconsider M1 = compose(IDEA_P_F(Key,n,r1),MESSAGES).m
                      as FinSequence of NAT by A9,Def14,FINSEQ_1:def 11;
        len M1 >= 4 by A2,Th46;
      hence thesis by A8,Th43;

begin :: Modeling of IDEA Cryptogram
:: IDEA encryption algorithm is as follows:
::     IDEA_PS -> IDEA_P -> IDEA_P -> ... -> IDEA_P -> IDEA_PE
:: IDEA decryption algorithm is as follows:
::     IDEA_QE -> IDEA_Q -> IDEA_Q -> ... -> IDEA_Q -> IDEA_QS
:: Theorem 49 ensures that the ciphertext that is encrypted by IDEA
:: encryption algorithm can be decrypted by IDEA decryption algorithm.

theorem Th48:
  for n being non empty Nat,lk being Nat,Key1,Key2 being Matrix of lk,6,NAT,
    r being Nat,m st lk >= r &
      2 to_power(n)+1 is prime & len m >= 4 &
      m.1 is_expressible_by n & m.2 is_expressible_by n &
      m.3 is_expressible_by n & m.4 is_expressible_by n &
      (for i being Nat holds i <= r implies
        Key1*(i,1) is_expressible_by n & Key1*(i,2) is_expressible_by n &
        Key1*(i,3) is_expressible_by n & Key1*(i,4) is_expressible_by n &
        Key1*(i,5) is_expressible_by n & Key1*(i,6) is_expressible_by n &
        Key2*(i,1) is_expressible_by n & Key2*(i,2) is_expressible_by n &
        Key2*(i,3) is_expressible_by n & Key2*(i,4) is_expressible_by n &
        Key2*(i,5) is_expressible_by n & Key2*(i,6) is_expressible_by n &
        Key2*(i,1)=INV_MOD(Key1*(i,1),n) & Key2*(i,2)=NEG_MOD(Key1*
(i,3),n) &
        Key2*(i,3)=NEG_MOD(Key1*(i,2),n) & Key2*(i,4)=INV_MOD(Key1*
(i,4),n) &
        Key1*(i,5)=Key2*(i,5) & Key1*(i,6)=Key2*(i,6))
     holds compose(IDEA_P_F(Key1,n,r)^IDEA_Q_F(Key2,n,r),MESSAGES).m = m
    let n be non empty Nat,
        lk be Nat;
    let Key1,Key2 be Matrix of lk,6,NAT;
      for r being Nat st
       lk >= r &
       2 to_power(n)+1 is prime &
       len m >= 4 &
       m.1 is_expressible_by n & m.2 is_expressible_by n &
       m.3 is_expressible_by n & m.4 is_expressible_by n &
       (for i being Nat holds i <= r implies
         Key1*(i,1) is_expressible_by n & Key1*(i,2) is_expressible_by n &
         Key1*(i,3) is_expressible_by n & Key1*(i,4) is_expressible_by n &
         Key1*(i,5) is_expressible_by n & Key1*(i,6) is_expressible_by n &
         Key2*(i,1) is_expressible_by n & Key2*(i,2) is_expressible_by n &
         Key2*(i,3) is_expressible_by n & Key2*(i,4) is_expressible_by n &
         Key2*(i,5) is_expressible_by n & Key2*(i,6) is_expressible_by n &
         Key2*(i,1) = INV_MOD(Key1*(i,1),n) &
         Key2*(i,2) = NEG_MOD(Key1*(i,3),n) &
         Key2*(i,3) = NEG_MOD(Key1*(i,2),n) &
         Key2*(i,4) = INV_MOD(Key1*(i,4),n) &
         Key1*(i,5) = Key2*(i,5) &
         Key1*(i,6) = Key2*(i,6))
       compose(IDEA_P_F(Key1,n,r)^IDEA_Q_F(Key2,n,r), MESSAGES).m = m
        defpred P[Nat] means
          lk >= $1 &
          2 to_power(n)+1 is prime &
          len m >= 4 &
          m.1 is_expressible_by n & m.2 is_expressible_by n &
          m.3 is_expressible_by n & m.4 is_expressible_by n &
          (for i being Nat holds i <= $1 implies
            Key1*(i,1) is_expressible_by n & Key1*(i,2) is_expressible_by n &
            Key1*(i,3) is_expressible_by n & Key1*(i,4) is_expressible_by n &
            Key1*(i,5) is_expressible_by n & Key1*(i,6) is_expressible_by n &
            Key2*(i,1) is_expressible_by n & Key2*(i,2) is_expressible_by n &
            Key2*(i,3) is_expressible_by n & Key2*(i,4) is_expressible_by n &
            Key2*(i,5) is_expressible_by n & Key2*(i,6) is_expressible_by n &
            Key2*(i,1) = INV_MOD(Key1*(i,1),n) &
            Key2*(i,2) = NEG_MOD(Key1*(i,3),n) &
            Key2*(i,3) = NEG_MOD(Key1*(i,2),n) &
            Key2*(i,4) = INV_MOD(Key1*(i,4),n) &
            Key1*(i,5) = Key2*(i,5) &
            Key1*(i,6) = Key2*(i,6))
          compose(IDEA_P_F(Key1,n,$1)^IDEA_Q_F(Key2,n,$1),MESSAGES).m = m;

         A1: P[0]
             A2: len IDEA_P_F(Key1,n,0) = 0 by Def17;
             A3:m in MESSAGES by Def14,FINSEQ_1:def 11;
               len IDEA_Q_F(Key2,n,0) = 0 by Def18;
             then IDEA_Q_F(Key2,n,0) = {} by FINSEQ_1:25;
             then IDEA_P_F(Key1,n,0)^IDEA_Q_F(Key2,n,0)
                            = IDEA_P_F(Key1,n,0) by FINSEQ_1:47
                           .= {} by A2,FINSEQ_1:25;
             then compose(IDEA_P_F(Key1,n,0)^IDEA_Q_F(Key2,n,0),MESSAGES)
                   = id MESSAGES by FUNCT_7:41;
             hence thesis by A3,FUNCT_1:35;
         A4: for k being Nat st P[k] holds P[k + 1]
             let k be Nat;
             assume A5: P[k];
             assume that
               A6: lk >= k+1 and
               A7: 2 to_power(n)+1 is prime and
               A8: len m >= 4 and
               A9: m.1 is_expressible_by n & m.2 is_expressible_by n &
                     m.3 is_expressible_by n & m.4 is_expressible_by n and
               A10:(for i being Nat holds i <= k+1 implies
                     Key1*(i,1) is_expressible_by n &
                     Key1*(i,2) is_expressible_by n &
                     Key1*(i,3) is_expressible_by n &
                     Key1*(i,4) is_expressible_by n &
                     Key1*(i,5) is_expressible_by n &
                     Key1*(i,6) is_expressible_by n &
                     Key2*(i,1) is_expressible_by n &
                     Key2*(i,2) is_expressible_by n &
                     Key2*(i,3) is_expressible_by n &
                     Key2*(i,4) is_expressible_by n &
                     Key2*(i,5) is_expressible_by n &
                     Key2*(i,6) is_expressible_by n &
                     Key2*(i,1) = INV_MOD(Key1*(i,1),n) &
                     Key2*(i,2) = NEG_MOD(Key1*(i,3),n) &
                     Key2*(i,3) = NEG_MOD(Key1*(i,2),n) &
                     Key2*(i,4) = INV_MOD(Key1*(i,4),n) &
                     Key1*(i,5) = Key2*(i,5) &
                     Key1*(i,6) = Key2*(i,6));

             A11: k+1 >= k by NAT_1:29;
             (for i being Nat holds i <= k implies
             Key1*(i,1) is_expressible_by n & Key1*
(i,2) is_expressible_by n &
             Key1*(i,3) is_expressible_by n & Key1*
(i,4) is_expressible_by n &
             Key1*(i,5) is_expressible_by n & Key1*
(i,6) is_expressible_by n &
             Key2*(i,1) is_expressible_by n & Key2*
(i,2) is_expressible_by n &
             Key2*(i,3) is_expressible_by n & Key2*
(i,4) is_expressible_by n &
             Key2*(i,5) is_expressible_by n & Key2*
(i,6) is_expressible_by n &
             Key2*(i,1) = INV_MOD(Key1*(i,1),n) &
             Key2*(i,2) = NEG_MOD(Key1*(i,3),n) &
             Key2*(i,3) = NEG_MOD(Key1*(i,2),n) &
             Key2*(i,4) = INV_MOD(Key1*(i,4),n) &
             Key1*(i,5) = Key2*(i,5) &
             Key1*(i,6) = Key2*(i,6))
                 let i be Nat;
                 assume i <= k;
                 then i <= k+1 by A11,AXIOMS:22;
                 hence thesis by A10;

             A13:rng compose(IDEA_P_F(Key1,n,k),MESSAGES) c= MESSAGES by Th44;
             A14: rng compose(IDEA_P_F(Key1,n,k)^
                          <*IDEA_Q(Line(Key2,k+1),n)*>),MESSAGES) c= MESSAGES
                 A15:rng compose(IDEA_P_F(Key1,n,k)^
                 = rng compose(IDEA_P_F(Key1,n,k)^
                      <*IDEA_Q(Line(Key2,k+1),n)*>,MESSAGES) by FINSEQ_1:45
                .= rng (IDEA_Q(Line(Key2,k+1),n)*
                       <*IDEA_P(Line(Key1,(k+1)),n)*>,MESSAGES)) by FUNCT_7:43;
                 A16: rng (IDEA_Q(Line(Key2,k+1),n)*
                      c= rng IDEA_Q(Line(Key2,k+1),n)
                   let a be set;
                   assume a in rng (IDEA_Q(Line(Key2,k+1),n)*
                   hence a in rng IDEA_Q(Line(Key2,k+1),n) by FUNCT_1:25;
                   rng IDEA_Q(Line(Key2,k+1),n) c= MESSAGES by RELSET_1:12;
                 hence thesis by A15,A16,XBOOLE_1:1;

             A17: dom compose(IDEA_P_F(Key1,n,k),MESSAGES) = MESSAGES by Th44;
             A18: dom ((IDEA_Q(Line(Key2,(k+1)),n) *
                   dom (IDEA_Q(Line(Key2,(k+1)),n) *
                              IDEA_P(Line(Key1,(k+1)),n)) = MESSAGES
                                     by FUNCT_2:def 1;
                 hence thesis by A13,A17,RELAT_1:46;

             A19: m in MESSAGES by Def14,FINSEQ_1:def 11;
             then compose(IDEA_P_F(Key1,n,k),MESSAGES).m
                in rng(compose(IDEA_P_F(Key1,n,k),MESSAGES))
                                           by A17,FUNCT_1:def 5;
             then reconsider M = compose(IDEA_P_F(Key1,n,k),MESSAGES).m
                      as FinSequence of NAT by A13,Def14,FINSEQ_1:def 11;
             A20: len M >= 4 &
                    M.1 is_expressible_by n &
                    M.2 is_expressible_by n &
                    M.3 is_expressible_by n &
                    M.4 is_expressible_by n by A8,A9,Th47;
              lk > 0 by A6,NAT_1:19;
             then width Key1 = 6 & width Key2 = 6 by MATRIX_1:24;
             then A21: 1 in Seg(width Key1) & 2 in Seg(width Key1) &
                          3 in Seg(width Key1) & 4 in Seg(width Key1) &
                          5 in Seg(width Key1) & 6 in Seg(width Key1) &
                          1 in Seg(width Key2) & 2 in Seg(width Key2) &
                          3 in Seg(width Key2) & 4 in Seg(width Key2) &
                          5 in Seg(width Key2) & 6 in Seg(width Key2)
                                                   by FINSEQ_1:3;
             consider k1 being Nat such that A22: k1 = k+1;
               Line(Key1,(k+1)).1 = Key1*(k1,1) &
             Line(Key1,(k+1)).2 = Key1*(k1,2) &
             Line(Key1,(k+1)).3 = Key1*(k1,3) &
             Line(Key1,(k+1)).4 = Key1*(k1,4) &
             Line(Key1,(k+1)).5 = Key1*(k1,5) &
             Line(Key1,(k+1)).6 = Key1*(k1,6) &
             Line(Key2,(k+1)).1 = Key2*(k1,1) &
             Line(Key2,(k+1)).2 = Key2*(k1,2) &
             Line(Key2,(k+1)).3 = Key2*(k1,3) &
             Line(Key2,(k+1)).4 = Key2*(k1,4) &
             Line(Key2,(k+1)).5 = Key2*(k1,5) &
             Line(Key2,(k+1)).6 = Key2*(k1,6) by A21,A22,MATRIX_1:def 8;
             then A23:
               Line(Key1,(k+1)).1 is_expressible_by n &
               Line(Key1,(k+1)).2 is_expressible_by n &
               Line(Key1,(k+1)).3 is_expressible_by n &
               Line(Key1,(k+1)).4 is_expressible_by n &
               Line(Key1,(k+1)).5 is_expressible_by n &
               Line(Key1,(k+1)).6 is_expressible_by n &
               Line(Key2,(k+1)).1 = INV_MOD(Line(Key1,(k+1)).1,n) &
               Line(Key2,(k+1)).2 = NEG_MOD(Line(Key1,(k+1)).3,n) &
               Line(Key2,(k+1)).3 = NEG_MOD(Line(Key1,(k+1)).2,n) &
               Line(Key2,(k+1)).4 = INV_MOD(Line(Key1,(k+1)).4,n) &
               Line(Key2,(k+1)).5 = Line(Key1,(k+1)).5 &
               Line(Key2,(k+1)).6 = Line(Key1,(k+1)).6 by A10,A22;

             = compose((IDEA_P_F(Key1,n,k)^<* IDEA_P(Line(Key1,(k+1)),n) *>)
                        ^IDEA_Q_F(Key2,n,(k+1)),MESSAGES).m by Th37
            .= compose((IDEA_P_F(Key1,n,k)^<*IDEA_P(Line(Key1,(k+1)),n)*>)^
                                                             by Th38
             .= compose(IDEA_P_F(Key1,n,k)^<*IDEA_P(Line(Key1,(k+1)),n)*>^
                                                             by FINSEQ_1:45
             .= compose(IDEA_P_F(Key1,n,k)^
                        IDEA_Q_F(Key2,n,k),MESSAGES).m by FINSEQ_1:45
             .=(compose(IDEA_Q_F(Key2,n,k),MESSAGES) *
                                          ,MESSAGES)).m by A14,FUNCT_7:50
             .=(compose(IDEA_Q_F(Key2,n,k),MESSAGES) *
                         <*IDEA_Q(Line(Key2,(k+1)),n)*>,MESSAGES) *
                 compose(IDEA_P_F(Key1,n,k),MESSAGES))).m by A13,FUNCT_7:50
             .=(compose(IDEA_Q_F(Key2,n,k),MESSAGES) *
                           IDEA_Q(Line(Key2,(k+1)),n)*>,MESSAGES) *
                 compose(IDEA_P_F(Key1,n,k),MESSAGES))).m by FINSEQ_1:def 9
             .=(compose(IDEA_Q_F(Key2,n,k),MESSAGES) *
                ((IDEA_Q(Line(Key2,(k+1)),n) * IDEA_P(Line(Key1,(k+1)),n)
                       * id MESSAGES) *
                 compose(IDEA_P_F(Key1,n,k),MESSAGES))).m by FUNCT_7:53
             .=(compose(IDEA_Q_F(Key2,n,k),MESSAGES) *
                ((IDEA_Q(Line(Key2,(k+1)),n) * IDEA_P(Line(Key1,(k+1)),n))*
                 compose(IDEA_P_F(Key1,n,k),MESSAGES))).m by FUNCT_2:74
             .= compose(IDEA_Q_F(Key2,n,k),MESSAGES).
                (((IDEA_Q(Line(Key2,(k+1)),n) * IDEA_P(Line(Key1,(k+1)),n))*
                                                     by A18,A19,FUNCT_1:23
             .= compose(IDEA_Q_F(Key2,n,k),MESSAGES).
                ((IDEA_Q(Line(Key2,(k+1)),n) * IDEA_P(Line(Key1,(k+1)),n)).
                                                        by A17,A19,FUNCT_1:23
             .= compose(IDEA_Q_F(Key2,n,k),MESSAGES).
                                            by A7,A20,A23,Th34
             .=(compose(IDEA_Q_F(Key2,n,k),MESSAGES) *
                                                        by A17,A19,FUNCT_1:23
             .= m by A5,A6,A7,A8,A9,A11,A12,A13,AXIOMS:22,FUNCT_7:50;
             hence thesis;
         thus for k being Nat holds P[k] from Ind(A1,A4);
     hence thesis;

    for n being non empty Nat,lk being Nat,Key1,Key2 being Matrix of lk,6,NAT,
    r being Nat,ks1,ks2,ke1,ke2 being FinSequence of NAT,m st lk >= r &
        2 to_power(n)+1 is prime & len m >= 4 &
        m.1 is_expressible_by n & m.2 is_expressible_by n &
        m.3 is_expressible_by n & m.4 is_expressible_by n &
        (for i being Nat holds i <= r implies
         Key1*(i,1) is_expressible_by n & Key1*(i,2) is_expressible_by n &
         Key1*(i,3) is_expressible_by n & Key1*(i,4) is_expressible_by n &
         Key1*(i,5) is_expressible_by n & Key1*(i,6) is_expressible_by n &
         Key2*(i,1) is_expressible_by n & Key2*(i,2) is_expressible_by n &
         Key2*(i,3) is_expressible_by n & Key2*(i,4) is_expressible_by n &
         Key2*(i,5) is_expressible_by n & Key2*(i,6) is_expressible_by n &
         Key2*(i,1)=INV_MOD(Key1*(i,1),n) & Key2*(i,2)=NEG_MOD(Key1*
(i,3),n) &
         Key2*(i,3)=NEG_MOD(Key1*(i,2),n) & Key2*(i,4)=INV_MOD(Key1*
(i,4),n) &
         Key1*(i,5)=Key2*(i,5) & Key1*(i,6)=Key2*(i,6))&
         ks1.1 is_expressible_by n & ks1.2 is_expressible_by n &
         ks1.3 is_expressible_by n & ks1.4 is_expressible_by n &
         ks2.1 = INV_MOD(ks1.1,n) & ks2.2 = NEG_MOD(ks1.2,n) &
         ks2.3 = NEG_MOD(ks1.3,n) & ks2.4 = INV_MOD(ks1.4,n) &
         ke1.1 is_expressible_by n & ke1.2 is_expressible_by n &
         ke1.3 is_expressible_by n & ke1.4 is_expressible_by n &
         ke1.5 is_expressible_by n & ke1.6 is_expressible_by n &
         ke2.1 = INV_MOD(ke1.1,n) & ke2.2 = NEG_MOD(ke1.2,n) &
         ke2.3 = NEG_MOD(ke1.3,n) & ke2.4 = INV_MOD(ke1.4,n) &
         ke2.5 = ke1.5 & ke2.6 = ke1.6
       holds (IDEA_QS(ks2,n)*(compose(IDEA_Q_F(Key2,n,r),MESSAGES)*
         IDEA_PS(ks1,n)))))).m = m
    let n be non empty Nat,
      lk be Nat,
      Key1,Key2 be Matrix of lk,6,NAT,
      r be Nat,
      ks1,ks2,ke1,ke2 be FinSequence of NAT,m;

    assume that
      A1: lk >= r and
      A2: 2 to_power(n)+1 is prime &
           len m >= 4 and
      A3: m.1 is_expressible_by n & m.2 is_expressible_by n &
           m.3 is_expressible_by n & m.4 is_expressible_by n and
      A4: (for i being Nat holds i <= r implies
            Key1*(i,1) is_expressible_by n & Key1*(i,2) is_expressible_by n &
            Key1*(i,3) is_expressible_by n & Key1*(i,4) is_expressible_by n &
            Key1*(i,5) is_expressible_by n & Key1*(i,6) is_expressible_by n &
            Key2*(i,1) is_expressible_by n & Key2*(i,2) is_expressible_by n &
            Key2*(i,3) is_expressible_by n & Key2*(i,4) is_expressible_by n &
            Key2*(i,5) is_expressible_by n & Key2*(i,6) is_expressible_by n &
            Key2*(i,1) = INV_MOD(Key1*(i,1),n) &
            Key2*(i,2) = NEG_MOD(Key1*(i,3),n) &
            Key2*(i,3) = NEG_MOD(Key1*(i,2),n) &
            Key2*(i,4) = INV_MOD(Key1*(i,4),n) &
            Key1*(i,5) = Key2*(i,5) &
            Key1*(i,6) = Key2*(i,6)) and
      A5:  ks1.1 is_expressible_by n & ks1.2 is_expressible_by n &
            ks1.3 is_expressible_by n & ks1.4 is_expressible_by n &
            ks2.1 = INV_MOD(ks1.1,n) & ks2.2 = NEG_MOD(ks1.2,n) &
            ks2.3 = NEG_MOD(ks1.3,n) & ks2.4 = INV_MOD(ks1.4,n) and
      A6:  ke1.1 is_expressible_by n & ke1.2 is_expressible_by n &
            ke1.3 is_expressible_by n & ke1.4 is_expressible_by n &
            ke1.5 is_expressible_by n & ke1.6 is_expressible_by n &
            ke2.1 = INV_MOD(ke1.1,n) & ke2.2 = NEG_MOD(ke1.2,n) &
            ke2.3 = NEG_MOD(ke1.3,n) & ke2.4 = INV_MOD(ke1.4,n) &
            ke2.5 = ke1.5 & ke2.6 = ke1.6;
    A7: m in MESSAGES by Def14,FINSEQ_1:def 11;

    then IDEA_PS(ks1,n).m in MESSAGES by FUNCT_2:7;
    then reconsider m1 = IDEA_PS(ks1,n).m as FinSequence of NAT
                                              by Def14,FINSEQ_1:def 11;
    A8: len m1 = len IDEAoperationA(m,ks1,n) by Def19
          .= len m by Def11;
      m1.1 = IDEAoperationA(m,ks1,n).1 & m1.2 = IDEAoperationA(m,ks1,n).2 &
    m1.3 = IDEAoperationA(m,ks1,n).3 & m1.4 = IDEAoperationA(m,ks1,n).4
                                                            by Def19;
    then A9:
         m1.1 is_expressible_by n &
         m1.2 is_expressible_by n &
         m1.3 is_expressible_by n &
         m1.4 is_expressible_by n by A2,Th27;
    A10: m1 in MESSAGES by Def14,FINSEQ_1:def 11;

    per cases;
    suppose A11: r = 0;
      then len IDEA_P_F(Key1,n,r) = 0 by Def17;
      then A12: IDEA_P_F(Key1,n,r) = {} by FINSEQ_1:25;
        len IDEA_Q_F(Key2,n,r) = 0 by A11,Def18;
         IDEA_PS(ks1,n)))))).m by A12,FINSEQ_1:25
     .=(IDEA_QS(ks2,n)*((id MESSAGES)*
         IDEA_PS(ks1,n)))))).m by FUNCT_7:41
     .=(IDEA_QS(ks2,n)*((id MESSAGES)*
        (IDEA_QE(ke2,n)*(IDEA_PE(ke1,n)*((id MESSAGES)*
         IDEA_PS(ks1,n)))))).m by FUNCT_7:41
     .=(IDEA_QS(ks2,n)*((IDEA_QE(ke2,n)*(IDEA_PE(ke1,n)*((id MESSAGES)*
         IDEA_PS(ks1,n)))))).m by FUNCT_2:74
        (IDEA_PE(ke1,n)*IDEA_PS(ks1,n)))).m by FUNCT_2:74
             IDEA_PS(ks1,n))).m) by A7,FUNCT_2:70
             IDEA_PS(ks1,n)).m)) by A7,FUNCT_2:70
     .=IDEA_QS(ks2,n).(IDEA_QE(ke2,n).(IDEA_PE(ke1,n).m1)) by A7,FUNCT_2:70
                                  by A10,FUNCT_2:70
     .=IDEA_QS(ks2,n).(IDEA_PS(ks1,n).m) by A2,A6,A8,A9,Th36
     .=(IDEA_QS(ks2,n)*IDEA_PS(ks1,n)).m by A7,FUNCT_2:70
     .= m by A2,A3,A5,Th35;

    suppose r <> 0;
      then A13: IDEA_P_F(Key1,n,r) is FuncSequence of MESSAGES,MESSAGES &
           IDEA_Q_F(Key2,n,r) is FuncSequence of MESSAGES,MESSAGES
                                                  by Th41,Th42;
        compose(IDEA_P_F(Key1,n,r),MESSAGES) is Function of MESSAGES,MESSAGES
        A14:  firstdom IDEA_P_F(Key1,n,r) = MESSAGES &
             lastrng IDEA_P_F(Key1,n,r) c= MESSAGES by A13,FUNCT_7:def 9;
        then IDEA_P_F(Key1,n,r) = {} implies
                rng compose(IDEA_P_F(Key1,n,r),MESSAGES) = {} by FUNCT_7:def 6;
        then rng compose(IDEA_P_F(Key1,n,r),MESSAGES)
                 c= lastrng IDEA_P_F(Key1,n,r) by FUNCT_7:61,XBOOLE_1:2;
        then A15:
          rng compose(IDEA_P_F(Key1,n,r),MESSAGES) c= MESSAGES
                                                     by A14,XBOOLE_1:1;
          dom compose(IDEA_P_F(Key1,n,r),MESSAGES)
         = MESSAGES by A13,A14,FUNCT_7:64;
        hence thesis by A15,FUNCT_2:def 1,RELSET_1:11;
      then reconsider PF=compose(IDEA_P_F(Key1,n,r),MESSAGES)
                                   as Function of MESSAGES,MESSAGES;

        compose(IDEA_Q_F(Key2,n,r),MESSAGES) is Function of MESSAGES,MESSAGES
        A16:  firstdom IDEA_Q_F(Key2,n,r) = MESSAGES &
             lastrng IDEA_Q_F(Key2,n,r) c= MESSAGES by A13,FUNCT_7:def 9;
        then IDEA_Q_F(Key2,n,r) = {} implies
              rng compose(IDEA_Q_F(Key2,n,r),MESSAGES) = {} by FUNCT_7:def 6;
        then rng compose(IDEA_Q_F(Key2,n,r),MESSAGES)
                 c= lastrng IDEA_Q_F(Key2,n,r) by FUNCT_7:61,XBOOLE_1:2;
        then A17:
          rng compose(IDEA_Q_F(Key2,n,r),MESSAGES) c= MESSAGES
                                                     by A16,XBOOLE_1:1;
          dom compose(IDEA_Q_F(Key2,n,r),MESSAGES)
         = MESSAGES by A13,A16,FUNCT_7:64;
        hence thesis by A17,FUNCT_2:def 1,RELSET_1:11;
      then reconsider QF=compose(IDEA_Q_F(Key2,n,r),MESSAGES)
                                   as Function of MESSAGES,MESSAGES;

      A18: rng PF c= MESSAGES & rng QF c= MESSAGES by RELSET_1:12;

        PF.m1 in MESSAGES by A10,FUNCT_2:7;
      then reconsider m2 = PF.m1 as FinSequence of NAT
                                              by Def14,FINSEQ_1:def 11;
      A19: len m2 >= 4 &
          m2.1 is_expressible_by n &
          m2.2 is_expressible_by n &
          m2.3 is_expressible_by n &
          m2.4 is_expressible_by n by A2,A8,A9,Th47;
      A20: m2 in MESSAGES by Def14,FINSEQ_1:def 11;

      A21:QF.(PF.m1) = m1
          = (QF*PF).m1 by A10,FUNCT_2:70
         .= compose(IDEA_P_F(Key1,n,r)^IDEA_Q_F(Key2,n,r),MESSAGES).m1
                                             by A18,FUNCT_7:50
         .= m1 by A1,A2,A4,A8,A9,Th48;

         (IDEA_PS(ks1,n)))))).m) by A7,FUNCT_2:70
         (IDEA_PS(ks1,n))))).m)) by A7,FUNCT_2:70
         (IDEA_PS(ks1,n)))).m))) by A7,FUNCT_2:70
         (IDEA_PS(ks1,n))).m)))) by A7,FUNCT_2:70
         (IDEA_PS(ks1,n).m))))) by A7,FUNCT_2:70
                                                       by A20,FUNCT_2:70
      .=IDEA_QS(ks2,n).(m1) by A2,A6,A19,A21,Th36
      .=(IDEA_QS(ks2,n)*IDEA_PS(ks1,n)).m by A7,FUNCT_2:70
      .= m by A2,A3,A5,Th35;

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