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environ vocabulary ORDINAL1, FUNCT_1, RELAT_1, TARSKI, BOOLE, ZF_LANG, ZF_MODEL, ZF_COLLA; notation TARSKI, XBOOLE_0, SUBSET_1, XCMPLX_0, RELAT_1, FUNCT_1, ZF_LANG, FUNCT_2, ORDINAL1, ZF_MODEL; constructors NAT_1, ZF_MODEL, MEMBERED, XBOOLE_0; clusters FUNCT_1, ZF_LANG, ORDINAL1, MEMBERED, ZFMISC_1, XBOOLE_0; requirements NUMERALS, SUBSET, BOOLE, ARITHM; definitions TARSKI, ORDINAL1, XBOOLE_0; theorems TARSKI, FUNCT_1, ZF_LANG, ZF_MODEL, ORDINAL1, ZFMISC_1, RELAT_1, XBOOLE_0, XBOOLE_1; schemes TARSKI, FUNCT_1, ORDINAL1, XBOOLE_0; begin reserve X,Y,Z for set, v,x,y,z for set, E for non empty set, A,B,C for Ordinal, L,L1 for T-Sequence, f,f1,f2,h for Function, d,d1,d2,d' for Element of E; definition let E,A; deffunc H(T-Sequence) = { d : for d1 st d1 in d ex C st C in dom($1) & d1 in union { $1.C } }; func Collapse (E,A) -> set means :Def1: ex L st it = { d : for d1 st d1 in d ex B st B in dom L & d1 in union { L.B } } & dom L = A & for B st B in A holds L.B = { d1 : for d st d in d1 ex C st C in dom(L|B) & d in union { L|B.C } }; existence proof consider L such that A1: dom L = A and A2: for B,L1 st B in A & L1 = L|B holds L.B = H(L1) from TS_Exist; take x = { d : for d1 st d1 in d ex B st B in dom L & d1 in union { L.B } }, L; thus x = { d : for d1 st d1 in d ex B st B in dom L & d1 in union { L.B } }; thus dom L = A by A1; let B; assume B in A; hence thesis by A2; end; uniqueness proof let X1,X2 be set; given L such that A3: X1 = { d : for d1 st d1 in d ex B st B in dom L & d1 in union { L.B } } & dom L = A & for B st B in A holds L.B = { d1 : for d st d in d1 ex C st C in dom(L|B) & d in union { L|B.C } }; given L1 such that A4: X2 = {d: for d1 st d1 in d ex B st B in dom L1 & d1 in union { L1.B }} & dom L1 = A & for B st B in A holds L1.B = {d1: for d st d in d1 ex C st C in dom(L1|B) & d in union { L1|B.C }}; A5: dom L = A & for B,L1 st B in A & L1 = L|B holds L.B = H(L1) by A3; A6: dom L1 = A & for B,L st B in A & L = L1|B holds L1.B = H(L) by A4; L = L1 from TS_Uniq(A5,A6); hence thesis by A3,A4; end; end; theorem Th1: Collapse (E,A) = { d : for d1 st d1 in d ex B st B in A & d1 in Collapse (E,B) } proof defpred P[set,set] means ex B st B = $1 & $2 = Collapse (E,B); A1:for x st x in A ex y st P[x,y] proof let x; assume x in A; then reconsider B = x as Ordinal by ORDINAL1:23; take y = Collapse (E,B) , B; thus B = x & y = Collapse (E,B); end; A2:for x,y,z st x in A & P[x,y] & P[x,z] holds y = z; consider f such that A3: dom f = A & for x st x in A holds P[x,f.x] from FuncEx(A2,A1); reconsider L = f as T-Sequence by A3,ORDINAL1:def 7; deffunc H(T-Sequence) = { d : for d1 st d1 in d ex C st C in dom($1) & d1 in union { $1.C } }; deffunc F(Ordinal) = Collapse(E,$1); A4: now let A; assume A in dom L; then ex B st B = A & L.A = Collapse (E,B) by A3; hence L.A = F(A); end; A5: for A,x holds x = F(A) iff ex L st x = H(L) & dom L = A & for B st B in A holds L.B = H(L|B) by Def1; for B st B in dom L holds L.B = H(L|B) from Func_TS(A5,A4); then A6: Collapse (E,A) = { d : for d1 st d1 in d ex B st B in dom L & d1 in union { L.B } } by A3,Def1; now let x; assume x in { d : for d1 st d1 in d ex B st B in dom L & d1 in union { L.B } } ; then consider d such that A7: x = d & for d1 st d1 in d ex B st B in dom L & d1 in union { L.B }; for d1 st d1 in d ex B st B in A & d1 in Collapse (E,B) proof let d1; assume d1 in d; then consider B such that A8: B in dom L & d1 in union { L.B } by A7; take B; thus B in A by A3,A8; L.B = Collapse (E,B) & union { L.B } = L.B by A4,A8,ZFMISC_1:31; hence thesis by A8; end; hence x in { d1 : for d st d in d1 ex B st B in A & d in Collapse (E,B) } by A7; end; hence Collapse (E,A) c= { d : for d1 st d1 in d ex B st B in A & d1 in Collapse (E,B) } by A6,TARSKI:def 3; let x; assume x in { d1 : for d st d in d1 ex B st B in A & d in Collapse (E,B) }; then consider d1 such that A9: x = d1 & for d st d in d1 ex B st B in A & d in Collapse (E,B); for d st d in d1 ex B st B in dom L & d in union { L.B } proof let d; assume d in d1; then consider B such that A10: B in A & d in Collapse (E,B) by A9; take B; thus B in dom L by A3,A10; L.B = Collapse (E,B) & union { L.B } = L.B by A3,A4,A10,ZFMISC_1:31; hence d in union { L.B } by A10; end; hence x in Collapse (E,A) by A6,A9; end; theorem (not ex d1 st d1 in d) iff d in Collapse (E,{}) proof A1: Collapse (E,{}) = { d' : for d1 st d1 in d' ex B st B in {} & d1 in Collapse (E,B) } by Th1; thus (not ex d1 st d1 in d) implies d in Collapse (E,{}) proof assume not ex d1 st d1 in d; then for d1 st d1 in d ex B st B in {} & d1 in Collapse (E,B); hence d in Collapse (E,{}) by A1; end; assume A2: d in Collapse (E,{}); given d1 such that A3: d1 in d; ex d' st d' = d & for d1 st d1 in d' ex B st B in {} & d1 in Collapse (E,B) by A1,A2; then ex B st B in {} & d1 in Collapse (E,B) by A3; hence contradiction; end; theorem d /\ E c= Collapse (E,A) iff d in Collapse (E,succ A) proof A1: Collapse (E,A) = { d' : for d1 st d1 in d' ex B st B in A & d1 in Collapse (E,B) } by Th1; A2: Collapse (E,succ A) = { d' : for d1 st d1 in d' ex B st B in succ A & d1 in Collapse (E,B) } by Th1; thus d /\ E c= Collapse (E,A) implies d in Collapse (E,succ A) proof assume A3: for a being set st a in d /\ E holds a in Collapse (E,A); now let d1; assume d1 in d; then d1 in d /\ E by XBOOLE_0:def 3; then d1 in Collapse (E,A) & A in succ A by A3,ORDINAL1:10; hence ex B st B in succ A & d1 in Collapse (E,B); end; hence thesis by A2; end; assume d in Collapse (E,succ A); then A4: ex e1 being Element of E st e1 = d & for d1 st d1 in e1 ex B st B in succ A & d1 in Collapse (E,B) by A2; let a be set; assume A5: a in d /\ E; then A6: a in d & a in E by XBOOLE_0:def 3; reconsider e = a as Element of E by A5,XBOOLE_0:def 3; consider B such that A7: B in succ A & e in Collapse (E,B) by A4,A6; now let d1 such that A8: d1 in e; Collapse (E,B) = { d' : for d1 st d1 in d' ex C st C in B & d1 in Collapse (E,C) } by Th1; then ex d' st d' = e & for d1 st d1 in d' ex C st C in B & d1 in Collapse (E,C) by A7; then consider C such that A9: C in B & d1 in Collapse (E,C) by A8; take C; B c= A by A7,ORDINAL1:34; hence C in A & d1 in Collapse (E,C) by A9; end; hence thesis by A1; end; theorem Th4: A c= B implies Collapse (E,A) c= Collapse (E,B) proof assume A1: A c= B; let x; assume x in Collapse (E,A); then x in { d : for d1 st d1 in d ex B st B in A & d1 in Collapse (E,B) } by Th1; then consider d such that A2: d = x & for d1 st d1 in d ex B st B in A & d1 in Collapse (E,B); for d1 st d1 in d ex C st C in B & d1 in Collapse (E,C) proof let d1; assume d1 in d; then consider C such that A3: C in A & d1 in Collapse (E,C) by A2; take C; thus thesis by A1,A3; end; then x in { d' : for d1 st d1 in d' ex C st C in B & d1 in Collapse (E,C) } by A2; hence thesis by Th1; end; theorem Th5: ex A st d in Collapse (E,A) proof defpred P[set] means not ex A st $1 in Collapse (E,A); defpred R[set,set] means ex A st $2 = A & $1 in Collapse(E,A) & for B st $1 in Collapse(E,B) holds A c= B; consider X such that A1: x in X iff x in E & P[x] from Separation; assume A2: not thesis; now given x such that A3: x in X; consider m being set such that A4: m in X & not ex x st x in X & x in m by A3,TARSKI:7; reconsider m as Element of E by A1,A4; A5: now let x,y,z such that x in m /\ E; assume R[x,y]; then consider A1 being Ordinal such that A6: y = A1 & x in Collapse (E,A1) & for B st x in Collapse(E,B) holds A1 c= B; assume R[x,z]; then consider A2 being Ordinal such that A7: z = A2 & x in Collapse (E,A2) & for B st x in Collapse(E,B) holds A2 c= B; A1 c= A2 & A2 c= A1 by A6,A7; hence y = z by A6,A7,XBOOLE_0:def 10; end; A8: now let x; defpred Q[Ordinal] means x in Collapse(E,$1); assume x in m /\ E; then A9: x in m & x in E by XBOOLE_0:def 3; then not x in X by A4; then A10: ex A st Q[A] by A1,A9; ex A st Q[A] & for B st Q[B] holds A c= B from Ordinal_Min(A10); hence ex y st R[x,y]; end; consider f such that A11: dom f = m /\ E & for x st x in m /\ E holds R[x,f.x] from FuncEx(A5,A8); y in rng f implies y is Ordinal proof assume y in rng f; then consider x such that A12: x in dom f & y = f.x by FUNCT_1:def 5; ex A st f.x = A & x in Collapse (E,A) & for B st x in Collapse (E,B) holds A c= B by A11,A12; hence thesis by A12; end; then consider A such that A13: rng f c= A by ORDINAL1:36; for d st d in m ex B st B in A & d in Collapse (E,B) proof let d; assume d in m; then A14: d in m /\ E by XBOOLE_0:def 3; then consider B such that A15: f.d = B & d in Collapse (E,B) & for C st d in Collapse (E,C) holds B c= C by A11; take B; B in rng f by A11,A14,A15,FUNCT_1:def 5; hence thesis by A13,A15; end; then m in { d' : for d st d in d' ex B st B in A & d in Collapse (E,B) } ; then m in Collapse (E,A) & not ex A st m in Collapse (E,A) by A1,A4,Th1; hence contradiction; end; then not d in X; hence contradiction by A1,A2; end; theorem Th6: d' in d & d in Collapse (E,A) implies d' in Collapse (E,A) & ex B st B in A & d' in Collapse (E,B) proof assume A1: d' in d & d in Collapse (E,A); then d in { d1 : for d st d in d1 ex B st B in A & d in Collapse (E,B) } by Th1; then ex d1 st d = d1 & for d st d in d1 ex B st B in A & d in Collapse (E ,B); then consider B such that A2: B in A & d' in Collapse (E,B) by A1; B c= A by A2,ORDINAL1:def 2; then Collapse (E,B) c= Collapse (E,A) by Th4; hence d' in Collapse (E,A) by A2; thus thesis by A2; end; theorem Th7: Collapse (E,A) c= E proof let x; assume x in Collapse (E,A); then x in { d : for d1 st d1 in d ex B st B in A & d1 in Collapse (E,B) } by Th1; then ex d st x = d & for d1 st d1 in d ex B st B in A & d1 in Collapse (E ,B); hence thesis; end; theorem Th8: ex A st E = Collapse (E,A) proof defpred P[set] means not ex A st $1 in Collapse (E,A); defpred R[set,set] means ex A st $2 = A & $1 in Collapse(E,A) & for B st $1 in Collapse(E,B) holds A c= B; A1: now let x; assume x in E; then reconsider d = x as Element of E; defpred Q[Ordinal] means d in Collapse(E,$1); A2: ex A st Q[A] by Th5; ex A st Q[A] & for B st Q[B] holds A c= B from Ordinal_Min (A2); hence ex y st R[x,y]; end; A3: now let x,y,z such that x in E; assume R[x,y]; then consider A such that A4: y = A & x in Collapse (E,A) & for C st x in Collapse (E,C) holds A c= C; assume R[x,z]; then consider B such that A5: z = B & x in Collapse (E,B) & for C st x in Collapse (E,C) holds B c= C; A c= B & B c= A by A4,A5; hence y = z by A4,A5,XBOOLE_0:def 10; end; consider f such that A6: dom f = E & for x st x in E holds R[x,f.x] from FuncEx(A3,A1); :: ex A st f.x = A & x in Collapse (E,A) & :: for C st x in Collapse (E,C) holds A c= C x in rng f implies x is Ordinal proof assume x in rng f; then consider y such that A7: y in dom f & x = f.y by FUNCT_1:def 5; ex A st f.y = A & y in Collapse (E,A) & for C st y in Collapse (E,C) holds A c= C by A6,A7; hence thesis by A7; end; then consider A such that A8: rng f c= A by ORDINAL1:36; take A; thus x in E implies x in Collapse (E,A) proof assume A9: x in E; then consider B such that A10: f.x = B & x in Collapse (E,B) & for C st x in Collapse (E,C) holds B c= C by A6; B in rng f by A6,A9,A10,FUNCT_1:def 5; then B c= A by A8,ORDINAL1:def 2; then Collapse (E,B) c= Collapse (E,A) by Th4; hence thesis by A10; end; thus thesis by Th7; end; theorem Th9: ex f st dom f = E & for d holds f.d = f.:d proof defpred Q[Ordinal,Function,non empty set] means dom $2 = Collapse ($3,$1) & for d st d in Collapse ($3,$1) holds $2.d = $2.:d; A1: A c= B & Q[B,f,E] implies Q[A,f|Collapse (E,A),E] proof assume A2: A c= B & dom f = Collapse (E,B) & for d st d in Collapse (E,B) holds f.d = f.:d; then A3: Collapse (E,A) c= Collapse (E,B) by Th4; hence dom(f|Collapse (E,A)) = Collapse (E,A) by A2,RELAT_1:91; let d such that A4: d in Collapse (E,A); A5: f.:d = f|Collapse (E,A).:d proof thus x in f.:d implies x in f|Collapse (E,A).:d proof assume x in f.:d; then consider z such that A6: z in dom f & z in d & x = f.z by FUNCT_1:def 12; dom f c= E by A2,Th7; then reconsider d1 = z as Element of E by A6; A7: d1 in Collapse (E,A) by A4,A6,Th6; then f|Collapse (E,A).z = f.z & dom(f|Collapse (E,A)) = Collapse (E,A) by A2,A3,FUNCT_1:72,RELAT_1:91; hence thesis by A6,A7,FUNCT_1:def 12; end; thus f|Collapse (E,A).:d c= f.:d by RELAT_1:161; end; thus f|Collapse (E,A).d = f.d by A4,FUNCT_1:72 .= f|Collapse (E,A).:d by A2,A3,A4,A5; end; defpred TI[Ordinal] means for f1,f2 st Q[$1,f1,E] & Q[$1,f2,E] holds f1 = f2; A8: now let A such that A9: for B st B in A holds TI[B]; thus TI[A] proof let f1,f2 such that A10: Q[A,f1,E] & Q[A,f2,E]; now let x such that A11: x in Collapse (E,A); Collapse (E,A) c= E by Th7; then reconsider d = x as Element of E by A11; A12: f1.d = f1.:d & f2.d = f2.:d by A10,A11; f1.:d = f2.:d proof thus y in f1.:d implies y in f2.:d proof assume y in f1.:d; then consider z such that A13: z in dom f1 & z in d & y = f1.z by FUNCT_1:def 12; dom f1 c= E by A10,Th7; then reconsider d1 = z as Element of E by A13; consider B such that A14: B in A & d1 in Collapse (E,B) by A11,A13,Th6; A15: B c= A by A14,ORDINAL1:def 2; then Q[B,f1|Collapse (E,B),E] & Q[B,f2|Collapse (E,B),E] by A1,A10; then A16: f1|Collapse (E,B) = f2|Collapse (E,B) & Collapse (E,B) c= Collapse (E,A) by A9,A14,A15,Th4; f1.d1 = f1|Collapse (E,B).d1 by A14,FUNCT_1:72 .= f2.d1 by A14,A16,FUNCT_1:72; hence thesis by A10,A13,FUNCT_1:def 12; end; let y; assume y in f2.:d; then consider z such that A17: z in dom f2 & z in d & y = f2.z by FUNCT_1:def 12; dom f2 c= E by A10,Th7; then reconsider d1 = z as Element of E by A17; consider B such that A18: B in A & d1 in Collapse (E,B) by A11,A17,Th6; A19: B c= A by A18,ORDINAL1:def 2; then Q[B,f1|Collapse (E,B),E] & Q[B,f2|Collapse (E,B),E] by A1,A10 ; then A20: f1|Collapse (E,B) = f2|Collapse (E,B) & Collapse (E,B) c= Collapse (E,A) by A9,A18,A19,Th4; f1.d1 = f1|Collapse (E,B).d1 by A18,FUNCT_1:72 .= f2.d1 by A18,A20,FUNCT_1:72; hence thesis by A10,A17,FUNCT_1:def 12; end; hence f1.x = f2.x by A12; end; hence f1 = f2 by A10,FUNCT_1:9; end; end; A21: for A holds TI[A] from Transfinite_Ind(A8); defpred MAIN[Ordinal] means ex f st Q[$1,f,E]; A22:for A st for B st B in A holds MAIN[B] holds MAIN[A] proof let A; assume for B st B in A ex f st Q[B,f,E]; defpred P[set,set] means ex X,d st X = $2 & d = $1 & for x holds x in X iff ex d1,B,f st d1 in d & B in A & d1 in Collapse (E,B) & Q[B,f,E] & x = f.d1; A23: for x st x in Collapse (E,A) ex y st P[x,y] proof let x such that A24: x in Collapse (E,A); Collapse (E,A) c= E by Th7; then reconsider d = x as Element of E by A24; defpred R[set,set] means ex B,f st B in A & $1 in Collapse (E,B) & Q[B,f,E] & $2 = f.$1; A25: for x,y,z st R[x,y] & R[x,z] holds y = z proof let x,y,z; given B1 being Ordinal, f1 such that A26: B1 in A & x in Collapse (E,B1) & Q[B1,f1,E] & y = f1.x; given B2 being Ordinal, f2 such that A27: B2 in A & x in Collapse (E,B2) & Q[B2,f2,E] & z = f2.x; A28: now assume B1 c= B2; then Q[B1,f2|Collapse (E,B1),E] by A1,A27; then f2|Collapse (E,B1) = f1 by A21,A26; hence thesis by A26,A27,FUNCT_1:72; end; now assume B2 c= B1; then Q[B2,f1|Collapse (E,B2),E] by A1,A26; then f1|Collapse (E,B2) = f2 by A21,A27; hence thesis by A26,A27,FUNCT_1:72; end; hence thesis by A28; end; consider X such that A29: y in X iff ex x st x in d & R[x,y] ::ex B,f st B in A & x in Collapse (E,B) & Q[B,f,E] & y = f.x from Fraenkel(A25); take y = X,X,d; thus X = y & d = x; let x; thus x in X implies ex d1,B,f st d1 in d & B in A & d1 in Collapse (E,B) & Q[B,f,E] & x = f.d1 proof assume x in X; then consider y such that A30: y in d & ex B,f st B in A & y in Collapse (E,B) & Q[B,f,E] & x = f.y by A29; consider B,f such that A31: B in A & y in Collapse (E,B) & Q[B,f,E] & x = f.y by A30; Collapse (E,B) c= E by Th7; then reconsider d1 = y as Element of E by A31; take d1,B,f; thus thesis by A30,A31; end; given d1,B,f such that A32: d1 in d & B in A & d1 in Collapse (E,B) & Q[B,f,E] & x = f.d1; thus thesis by A29,A32; end; A33: for x,y,z st x in Collapse (E,A) & P[x,y] & P[x,z] holds y = z proof let x,y,z such that x in Collapse (E,A); given X1 being set,e1 being Element of E such that A34: X1 = y & e1 = x & for x holds x in X1 iff ex d1,B,f st d1 in e1 & B in A & d1 in Collapse (E,B) & Q[B,f,E] & x = f.d1; given X2 being set,e2 being Element of E such that A35: X2 = z & e2 = x & for x holds x in X2 iff ex d1,B,f st d1 in e2 & B in A & d1 in Collapse (E,B) & Q[B,f,E] & x = f.d1; X1 = X2 proof thus v in X1 implies v in X2 proof assume v in X1; then ex d1,B,f st d1 in e1 & B in A & d1 in Collapse (E,B) & Q[B,f,E] & v = f.d1 by A34; hence v in X2 by A34,A35; end; let v; assume v in X2; then ex d1,B,f st d1 in e2 & B in A & d1 in Collapse (E,B) & Q[B,f,E] & v = f.d1 by A35; hence v in X1 by A34,A35; end; hence thesis by A34,A35; end; consider f such that A36: dom f = Collapse (E,A) & for x st x in Collapse (E,A) holds P[x,f.x] from FuncEx(A33,A23); take f; defpred TI[Ordinal] means $1 c= A implies Q[$1,f|Collapse(E,$1),E]; A37: for B st for C st C in B holds TI[C] holds TI[B] proof let B such that A38: for C st C in B holds TI[C]; assume A39: B c= A; A40: Collapse (E,B) c= Collapse (E,A) by A39,Th4; hence A41: dom(f|Collapse (E,B)) = Collapse (E,B) by A36,RELAT_1:91; let d; assume A42: d in Collapse (E,B); then f|Collapse (E,B).d = f.d by FUNCT_1:72; then consider X,d' such that A43: X = f|Collapse (E,B).d & d' = d & for x holds x in X iff ex d1,B,f st d1 in d' & B in A & d1 in Collapse (E,B) & Q[B,f,E] & x = f.d1 by A36,A40,A42; A44: X c= f|Collapse (E,B).:d proof let x; assume x in X; then consider d1,C,h such that A45: d1 in d' & C in A & d1 in Collapse (E,C) & Q[C,h,E] & x = h.d1 by A43; consider C' being Ordinal such that A46: C' in B & d1 in Collapse (E,C') by A42,A43,A45,Th6; A47: for C,h st C c= C' & Q[C,h,E] & d1 in Collapse (E,C) & x = h.d1 holds thesis proof let C,h; assume A48: C c= C' & Q[C,h,E] & d1 in Collapse (E,C) & x = h.d1; then A49: C in B by A46,ORDINAL1:22; then C c= B by ORDINAL1:def 2; then A50: C c= A & Collapse (E,C) c= Collapse (E,B) by A39,Th4,XBOOLE_1:1; then Q[C,f|Collapse (E,C),E] by A38,A49; then A51: f|Collapse (E,C) = h by A21,A48; f|Collapse (E,C) = f|Collapse (E,B)|Collapse (E,C) & d1 in Collapse (E,B) by A48,A50,FUNCT_1:82; then h.d1 = f|Collapse (E,B).d1 by A48,A51,FUNCT_1:72; hence thesis by A41,A43,A45,A48,A50,FUNCT_1:def 12; end; C' c= C implies thesis proof assume C' c= C; then A52: Q[C',h|Collapse (E,C'),E] & dom h = Collapse (E,C) by A1, A45; h.d1 = h|Collapse (E,C').d1 & C' c= C' by A46,FUNCT_1:72; hence thesis by A45,A46,A47,A52; end; hence thesis by A45,A47; end; f|Collapse (E,B).:d c= X proof let x; assume x in f|Collapse (E,B).:d; then consider y such that A53: y in dom(f|Collapse (E,B)) & y in d & x = f|Collapse (E,B).y by FUNCT_1:def 12; Collapse (E,B) c= E by Th7; then reconsider d1 = y as Element of E by A41,A53; consider C such that A54: C in B & d1 in Collapse (E,C) by A42,A53,Th6; C c= A by A39,A54,ORDINAL1:def 2; then A55: Q[C,f|Collapse (E,C),E] by A38,A54; C c= B by A54,ORDINAL1:def 2; then Collapse (E,C) c= Collapse (E,B) by Th4; then f|Collapse (E,B)|Collapse (E,C) = f|Collapse (E,C) by FUNCT_1:82; then f|Collapse (E,C).y = f|Collapse (E,B).y by A54,FUNCT_1:72; hence x in X by A39,A43,A53,A54,A55; end; hence f|Collapse (E,B).d = f|Collapse (E,B).:d by A43,A44,XBOOLE_0:def 10; end; A56: for B holds TI[B] from Transfinite_Ind(A37); A c= A & f|dom f = f by RELAT_1:97; hence thesis by A36,A56; end; A57: MAIN[A] from Transfinite_Ind (A22); consider A such that A58: E = Collapse (E,A) by Th8; consider f such that A59: Q[A,f,E] by A57; take f; thus dom f = E by A58,A59; let d; thus f.d = f.:d by A58,A59; end; ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: Definition of epsilon-isomorphism of two sets :: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: definition let f,X,Y; pred f is_epsilon-isomorphism_of X,Y means dom f = X & rng f = Y & f is one-to-one & for x,y st x in X & y in X holds (ex Z st Z = y & x in Z) iff (ex Z st f.y = Z & f.x in Z); end; definition let X,Y; pred X,Y are_epsilon-isomorphic means ex f st f is_epsilon-isomorphism_of X,Y; end; canceled 2; theorem Th12: (dom f = E & for d holds f.d = f.:d) implies rng f is epsilon-transitive proof assume A1: dom f = E & for d holds f.d = f.:d; let Y such that A2: Y in rng f; let a be set such that A3: a in Y; consider b being set such that A4: b in dom f & Y = f.b by A2,FUNCT_1:def 5; reconsider d = b as Element of E by A1,A4; f.d = f.:d by A1; then ex c being set st c in dom f & c in d & a = f.c by A3,A4,FUNCT_1:def 12; hence a in rng f by FUNCT_1:def 5; end; reserve f,g,h for (Function of VAR,E), u,v,w for (Element of E), x for Variable, a,b,c for set; theorem Th13: E |= the_axiom_of_extensionality implies for u,v st for w holds w in u iff w in v holds u = v proof A1: All(x.0,All(x.1,All(x.2,x.2 'in' x.0 <=> x.2 'in' x.1) => x.0 '=' x.1)) = All(x.0,x.1,All(x.2,x.2 'in' x.0 <=> x.2 'in' x.1) => x.0 '=' x.1) by ZF_LANG:23; assume E |= the_axiom_of_extensionality; then E |= All(x.1,All(x.2,x.2 'in' x.0 <=> x.2 'in' x.1) => x.0 '=' x.1) by A1,ZF_MODEL:25,def 6; then A2: E |= All(x.2,x.2 'in' x.0 <=> x.2 'in' x.1) => x.0 '=' x.1 by ZF_MODEL:25; A3: for f st for g st for x st g.x <> f.x holds x.2 = x holds g.x.2 in g.x.0 iff g.x.2 in g.x.1 holds f.x.0 = f.x.1 proof let f such that A4: for g st for x st g.x <> f.x holds x.2 = x holds g.x.2 in g.x.0 iff g.x.2 in g.x.1; E,f |= All(x.2,x.2 'in' x.0 <=> x.2 'in' x.1) => x.0 '=' x.1 by A2, ZF_MODEL:def 5; then A5: E,f |= All(x.2,x.2 'in' x.0 <=> x.2 'in' x.1) implies E,f |= x.0 '=' x.1 by ZF_MODEL:18; now let g such that A6: for x st g.x <> f.x holds x.2 = x; (g.x.2 in g.x.0 iff E,g |= x.2 'in' x.0) & (g.x.2 in g.x.1 iff E,g |= x.2 'in' x.1) & ((E,g |= x.2 'in' x.0 iff E,g |= x.2 'in' x.1) iff E,g |= x.2 'in' x.0 <=> x.2 'in' x.1) by ZF_MODEL:13,19; hence E,g |= x.2 'in' x.0 <=> x.2 'in' x.1 by A4,A6; end; hence f.x.0 = f.x.1 by A5,ZF_MODEL:12,16; end; for X,Y being Element of E st for Z being Element of E holds Z in X iff Z in Y holds X = Y proof let X,Y be Element of E such that A7: for Z being Element of E holds Z in X iff Z in Y; consider g; consider g0 being Function of VAR,E such that A8: g0.x.0 = X & for x st x <> x.0 holds g0.x = g.x by ZF_MODEL:21; consider f such that A9: f.x.1 = Y & for x st x <> x.1 holds f.x = g0.x by ZF_MODEL:21; A10: x.0 = 5+0 & x.1 = 5+1 & x.2 = 5+2 by ZF_LANG:def 2; then A11: x.0 <> x.2 & x.1 <> x.2 & f.x.0 = g0.x.0 by A9; for h st for x st h.x <> f.x holds x.2 = x holds h.x.2 in h.x.0 iff h.x.2 in h.x.1 proof let h; assume for x st h.x <> f.x holds x.2 = x; then A12: h.x.0 = f.x.0 & h.x.1 = f.x.1 by A10; h.x.2 in X iff h.x.2 in Y by A7; hence thesis by A8,A9,A12; end; hence X = Y by A3,A8,A9,A11; end; hence thesis; end; ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: The contraction lemma :: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: theorem E |= the_axiom_of_extensionality implies ex X st X is epsilon-transitive & E,X are_epsilon-isomorphic proof assume A1: E |= the_axiom_of_extensionality; consider f being Function such that A2: dom f = E & for d holds f.d = f.:d by Th9; take X = rng f; thus X is epsilon-transitive by A2,Th12; take f; thus dom f = E & rng f = X by A2; A3: now given a,b such that A4: a in dom f & b in dom f & f.a = f.b and A5: a <> b; reconsider d1 = a , d2 = b as Element of E by A2,A4; defpred P[Ordinal] means ex d1,d2 st d1 in Collapse(E,$1) & d2 in Collapse(E,$1) & f.d1 = f.d2 & d1 <> d2; consider A1 being Ordinal such that A6: d1 in Collapse (E,A1) by Th5; consider A2 being Ordinal such that A7: d2 in Collapse (E,A2) by Th5; A1 c= A2 or A2 c= A1; then Collapse (E,A1) c= Collapse (E,A2) or Collapse (E,A2) c= Collapse (E,A1) by Th4; then A8: ex A st P[A] by A4,A5,A6,A7; consider A such that A9: P[A] & for B st P[B] holds A c= B from Ordinal_Min (A8); consider d1,d2 such that A10: d1 in Collapse (E,A) & d2 in Collapse (E,A) & f.d1 = f.d2 & d1 <> d2 by A9; A11: f.d1 = f.:d1 & f.d2 = f.:d2 by A2; consider w such that A12: not(w in d1 iff w in d2) by A1,A10,Th13; A13: now assume A14: w in d1 & not w in d2; then f.w in f.:d1 by A2,FUNCT_1:def 12; then consider a such that A15: a in dom f & a in d2 & f.w = f.a by A10,A11,FUNCT_1:def 12; reconsider v = a as Element of E by A2,A15; consider A1 being Ordinal such that A16: A1 in A & w in Collapse(E,A1) by A10,A14,Th6; consider A2 being Ordinal such that A17: A2 in A & v in Collapse(E,A2) by A10,A15,Th6; A1 c= A2 or A2 c= A1; then Collapse (E,A1) c= Collapse (E,A2) or Collapse (E,A2) c= Collapse (E,A1) by Th4; then consider B such that A18: B in A & w in Collapse (E,B) & v in Collapse (E,B) by A16,A17; not A c= B by A18,ORDINAL1:7; hence contradiction by A9,A14,A15,A18; end; now assume A19: w in d2 & not w in d1; then f.w in f.:d2 by A2,FUNCT_1:def 12; then consider a such that A20: a in dom f & a in d1 & f.w = f.a by A10,A11,FUNCT_1:def 12; reconsider v = a as Element of E by A2,A20; consider A1 being Ordinal such that A21: A1 in A & w in Collapse(E,A1) by A10,A19,Th6; consider A2 being Ordinal such that A22: A2 in A & v in Collapse(E,A2) by A10,A20,Th6; A1 c= A2 or A2 c= A1; then Collapse (E,A1) c= Collapse (E,A2) or Collapse (E,A2) c= Collapse (E,A1) by Th4; then consider B such that A23: B in A & w in Collapse (E,B) & v in Collapse (E,B) by A21,A22; not A c= B by A23,ORDINAL1:7; hence contradiction by A9,A19,A20,A23; end; hence contradiction by A12,A13; end; hence f is one-to-one by FUNCT_1:def 8; let a,b; assume A24: a in E & b in E; then reconsider d1 = a , d2 = b as Element of E; thus (ex Z st Z = b & a in Z) implies (ex Z st Z = f.b & f.a in Z) proof given Z such that A25: Z = b & a in Z; f.a in f.:d2 & f.d1 = f.:d1 & f.d2 = f.: d2 by A2,A24,A25,FUNCT_1:def 12; hence thesis; end; given Z such that A26: Z = f.b & f.a in Z; f.d2 = f.:d2 by A2; then consider c such that A27: c in dom f & c in d2 & f.a = f.c by A26,FUNCT_1:def 12; a = c by A2,A3,A24,A27; hence thesis by A27; end;