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environ vocabulary COMPLEX1, FUNCT_2, FUNCT_1, FUNCOP_1, ARYTM_2, BOOLE, ARYTM_3, ORDINAL2, ARYTM, ORDINAL1, RELAT_1, RAT_1, INT_1, ORDINAL3; notation TARSKI, XBOOLE_0, ZFMISC_1, SUBSET_1, RELAT_1, FUNCT_1, FUNCT_2, FUNCT_4, ORDINAL1, ORDINAL2, ORDINAL3, ARYTM_3, ARYTM_2; constructors ARYTM_1, FRAENKEL, FUNCT_4, ORDINAL3; clusters XBOOLE_0, ARYTM_2, SUBSET_1, ORDINAL2, ARYTM_3, FRAENKEL, FUNCT_2, FUNCT_4, ORDINAL1, ZFMISC_1; requirements BOOLE, SUBSET, NUMERALS; definitions ARYTM_3, XBOOLE_0; theorems XBOOLE_1, ARYTM_2, ZFMISC_1, ARYTM_3, XBOOLE_0, TARSKI, ORDINAL2, ORDINAL3, ENUMSET1, ORDINAL1, FUNCT_2, FUNCT_4; schemes DOMAIN_1; begin Lm0: one = succ 0 by ORDINAL2:def 4 .= 1; definition func REAL equals :Def1: REAL+ \/ [:{0},REAL+:] \ {[0,0]}; coherence; redefine func omega; synonym NAT; end; Lm1: REAL+ c= REAL proof A1: REAL+ c= REAL+ \/ [:{0},REAL+:] by XBOOLE_1:7; not [0,0] in REAL+ by ARYTM_2:3; hence thesis by A1,Def1,ZFMISC_1:40; end; definition cluster REAL -> non empty; coherence by Lm1,XBOOLE_1:3; end; definition func COMPLEX equals :Def2: Funcs({0,one},REAL) \ { x where x is Element of Funcs({0,one},REAL): = 0} \/ REAL; coherence; func RAT equals :Def3: RAT+ \/ [:{0},RAT+:] \ {[0,0]}; coherence; func INT equals :Def4: NAT \/ [:{0},NAT:] \ {[0,0]}; coherence; redefine func NAT -> Subset of REAL; coherence by Lm1,ARYTM_2:2,XBOOLE_1:1; end; Lm2: RAT+ c= RAT proof A1: RAT+ c= RAT+ \/ [:{0},RAT+:] by XBOOLE_1:7; not [0,0] in RAT+ by ARYTM_3:68; hence thesis by A1,Def3,ZFMISC_1:40; end; Lm3': NAT c= INT proof A1: NAT c= NAT \/ [:{0},NAT:] by XBOOLE_1:7; not [0,0] in NAT by ARYTM_3:38; hence thesis by A1,Def4,ZFMISC_1:40; end; definition cluster COMPLEX -> non empty; coherence by Def2; cluster RAT -> non empty; coherence by Lm2,XBOOLE_1:3; cluster INT -> non empty; coherence by Lm3',XBOOLE_1:3; end; reserve i,j,k for Element of NAT; reserve a,b for Element of REAL; Lm3: for x,y,z being set st [x,y] = {z} holds z = {x} & x = y proof let x,y,z be set; assume [x,y] = {z}; then {{x,y},{x}} = {z} by TARSKI:def 5; then A1: {x,y} in {z} & {x} in {z} by TARSKI:def 2; hence A2: z = {x} by TARSKI:def 1; {x,y} = z by A1,TARSKI:def 1; hence x = y by A2,ZFMISC_1:9; end; Lm10: not (0,one)-->(a,b) in REAL proof set f = (0,one)-->(a,b); A1: f = {[0,a],[one,b]} by FUNCT_4:71; now assume f in {[i,j]: i,j are_relative_prime & j <> {}}; then consider i,j such that A2: f = [i,j] and i,j are_relative_prime and j <> {}; A3: f = {{i,j},{i}} by A2,TARSKI:def 5; then A4: {i} in f by TARSKI:def 2; A5: {i,j} in f by A3,TARSKI:def 2; A6: [0,a] = {{0,a},{0}} by TARSKI:def 5; A7: [one,b] = {{one,b},{one}} by TARSKI:def 5; A8: now assume i = j; then {i} = {i,j} by ENUMSET1:69; then [i,j] = {{i}} by A2,A3,ENUMSET1:69; then [0,a] in {{i}} & [one,b] in {{i}} by A1,A2,TARSKI:def 2; then [0,a] = {i} & [one,b] = {i} by TARSKI:def 1; hence contradiction by ZFMISC_1:33; end; per cases by A1,A4,A5,TARSKI:def 2; suppose {i,j} = [0,a] & {i} = [0,a]; hence contradiction by A8,ZFMISC_1:9; suppose that A9: {i,j} = [0,a] and A10: {i} = [one,b]; A11: i = {one} by A10,Lm3; i in [0,a] by A9,TARSKI:def 2; then i = {0,a} or i = {0} by A6,TARSKI:def 2; then 0 in i by TARSKI:def 1,def 2; hence contradiction by A11,TARSKI:def 1; suppose that A12: {i,j} = [one,b] and A13: {i} = [0,a]; A14: i = {0} by A13,Lm3; i in [one,b] by A12,TARSKI:def 2; then i = {one,b} or i = {one} by A7,TARSKI:def 2; then one in i by TARSKI:def 1,def 2; hence contradiction by A14,TARSKI:def 1; suppose {i,j} = [one,b] & {i} = [one,b]; hence contradiction by A8,ZFMISC_1:9; end; then A15: not f in {[i,j]: i,j are_relative_prime & j <> {}} \ {[k,one]: not contradiction} by XBOOLE_0:def 4; now assume f in omega; then f is ordinal by ORDINAL1:23; then {} in f by A1,ORDINAL3:10; hence contradiction by A1,TARSKI:def 2; end; then A16: not f in RAT+ by A15,ARYTM_3:def 6,XBOOLE_0:def 2; set IR = { A where A is Subset of RAT+: for r being Element of RAT+ st r in A holds (for s being Element of RAT+ st s <=' r holds s in A) & ex s being Element of RAT+ st s in A & r < s}; not ex x,y being set st {[0,x],[one,y]} in IR proof given x,y being set such that A17: {[0,x],[one,y]} in IR; consider A being Subset of RAT+ such that A18: {[0,x],[one,y]} = A and A19: for r being Element of RAT+ st r in A holds (for s being Element of RAT+ st s <=' r holds s in A) & ex s being Element of RAT+ st s in A & r < s by A17; A20: [0,x] in A by A18,TARSKI:def 2; for r,s being Element of RAT+ st r in A & s <=' r holds s in A by A19; then consider r1,r2,r3 being Element of RAT+ such that A21: r1 in A & r2 in A & r3 in A and A22: r1 <> r2 & r2 <> r3 & r3 <> r1 by A20,ARYTM_3:82; (r1 = [0,x] or r1 = [one,y]) & (r2 = [0,x] or r2 = [one,y]) & (r3 = [0,x] or r3 = [one,y]) by A18,A21,TARSKI:def 2; hence contradiction by A22; end; then not f in IR by A1; then not f in DEDEKIND_CUTS by ARYTM_2:def 1,XBOOLE_0:def 4; then not f in RAT+ \/ DEDEKIND_CUTS by A16,XBOOLE_0:def 2; then A23: not f in REAL+ by ARYTM_2:def 2,XBOOLE_0:def 4; now assume f in [:{{}},REAL+:]; then consider x,y being set such that A24: x in {{}} and y in REAL+ and A25: f = [x,y] by ZFMISC_1:103; x = 0 by A24,TARSKI:def 1; then A26: f = {{0,y},{0}} by A25,TARSKI:def 5; f = {[0,a],[one,b]} by FUNCT_4:71; then [one,b] in f by TARSKI:def 2; then A27: [one,b] = {0} or [one,b] = {0,y} by A26,TARSKI:def 2; per cases by A27,TARSKI:def 5; suppose {{one,b},{one}} = {0}; then 0 in {{one,b},{one}} by TARSKI:def 1; hence contradiction by TARSKI:def 2; suppose {{one,b},{one}} = {0,y}; then 0 in {{one,b},{one}} by TARSKI:def 2; hence contradiction by TARSKI:def 2; end; then not f in REAL+ \/ [:{{}},REAL+:] by A23,XBOOLE_0:def 2; hence thesis by Def1,XBOOLE_0:def 4; end; theorem Th1: REAL c< COMPLEX proof thus REAL c= COMPLEX by Def2,XBOOLE_1:7; B: dom (0,1) --> (0,1) = {0,1} by FUNCT_4:65; C: rng (0,1) --> (0,1) c= {0,1} by FUNCT_4:65; A1: REAL+ c= REAL+ \/ [:{{}},REAL+:] by XBOOLE_1:7; not [{},{}] in REAL+ by ARYTM_2:3; then F: REAL+ c= REAL by A1,Def1,ZFMISC_1:40; {0,1} c= REAL by ZFMISC_1:38,F,ARYTM_2:21,Lm0; then rng (0,1) --> (0,1) c= REAL by C,XBOOLE_1:1; then G: (0,1) --> (0,1) in Funcs({0,one},REAL) by B,FUNCT_2:def 2,Lm0; reconsider z = 0, j = 1 as Element of REAL by F,ARYTM_2:21,Lm0; A: not (0,1) --> (z,j) in REAL by Lm10,Lm0; set X = { x where x is Element of Funcs({0,one},REAL): = 0}; now assume (0,1) --> (0,1) in X; then ex x being Element of Funcs({0,one},REAL) st x = (0,1) --> (0,1) & = 0; hence contradiction by FUNCT_4:66,Lm0; end; then (0,1) --> (0,1) in Funcs({0,one},REAL) \ X by G,XBOOLE_0:def 4; hence REAL <> COMPLEX by A,XBOOLE_0:def 2, Def2; end; Lm5: RAT c= REAL proof [:{0},RAT+:] c= [:{0},REAL+:] by ZFMISC_1:118,ARYTM_2:1; then RAT+ \/ [:{0},RAT+:] c= REAL+ \/ [:{0},REAL+:] by ARYTM_2:1,XBOOLE_1:13; hence thesis by Def1,Def3,XBOOLE_1:33; end; reserve r,s,t for Element of RAT+; reserve i,j,k for Element of omega; LmZ: :: powinien byc w ARYTM_3 for i,j being ordinal Element of RAT+ st i in j holds i < j proof let i,j be ordinal Element of RAT+; F: i in omega & j in omega by ARYTM_3:37; then reconsider x = i, y = j as Element of REAL+ by ARYTM_2:2; assume Z: i in j; then x <=' y by F,ARYTM_2:19; then consider x',y' being Element of RAT+ such that W1: x = x' & y = y' and W2: x' <=' y' by ARYTM_2:def 5; i <> j by Z; hence i < j by W1,W2,ARYTM_3:73; end; LmU: :: powinien byc w ARYTM_3 for i,j being ordinal Element of RAT+ st i c= j holds i <='j proof let i,j be ordinal Element of RAT+; assume i c= j; then consider C being ordinal number such that W1: j = i+^C by ORDINAL3:30; C in omega by W1,ARYTM_3:1; then reconsider C as Element of RAT+ by ARYTM_3:34; j = i + C by W1,ARYTM_3:64; hence i <='j by ARYTM_3:def 12; end; TWO: 2 = succ 1 .= succ 0 \/ {1} by ORDINAL1:def 1 .= 0 \/ {0} \/ {1} by ORDINAL1:def 1 .= {0,1} by ENUMSET1:41; LmK: for i,k being natural Ordinal st i *^ i = 2 *^ k ex k being natural Ordinal st i = 2 *^ k proof let i,k be natural Ordinal; assume Z: i *^ i = 2 *^ k; {} in 2 by ORDINAL1:24; then A: i mod^ 2 in 2 by ARYTM_3:10; set id2 = i div^ 2; per cases by A,TWO,TARSKI:def 2; suppose S: i mod^ 2 = 0; take k = id2; thus i = k*^2+^0 by ORDINAL3:78,S .= 2 *^ k by ORDINAL2:44; suppose i mod^ 2 = 1; then i = id2*^2+^1 by ORDINAL3:78; then C: i *^ i = id2*^2*^ (id2*^2+^1) +^ one *^ (id2*^2+^1) by ORDINAL3:54,Lm0 .= id2*^2*^ (id2*^2+^1) +^ (one *^(id2*^2)+^one *^1) by ORDINAL3:54 .= id2*^2*^ (id2*^2+^1) +^ (one *^(id2*^2)+^ 1)by ORDINAL2:56 .= id2*^2*^ (id2*^2+^1) +^ one *^(id2*^2)+^ 1 by ORDINAL3:33 .= id2*^2*^ (id2*^2+^1 +^ one) +^ 1 by ORDINAL3:54 .= id2*^ (id2*^2+^1 +^ one)*^2 +^ 1 by ORDINAL3:58; A: 2 divides id2*^ (id2*^2+^1 +^ one)*^2 by ARYTM_3:def 2; 2 divides i *^ i by Z,ARYTM_3:def 2; then B: 2 divides 1 by A,ARYTM_3:16,C; 1 divides 2 by Lm0,ARYTM_3:14; hence thesis by B,ARYTM_3:13; end; 1 in omega; then reconsider 1' = 1 as Element of RAT+ by ARYTM_3:34; 2 in omega; then reconsider two = 2 as ordinal Element of RAT+ by ARYTM_3:34; Lm21: one + one = two proof one +^ one = succ(one +^ {}) by ORDINAL2:45, def 4 .= succ one by ORDINAL2:44 .= two by Lm0; hence one + one = two by ARYTM_3:64; end; Lm22: for i being Element of RAT+ holds i + i = two *' i proof let i be Element of RAT+; thus i + i = one *' i + i by ARYTM_3:59 .= one *' i + one *' i by ARYTM_3:59 .= two *' i by Lm21,ARYTM_3:63; end; theorem Th2: RAT c< REAL proof set DD = { A where A is Subset of RAT+: r in A implies (for s st s <=' r holds s in A) & ex s st s in A & r < s }; 0 in omega; then reconsider 0' = 0 as Element of RAT+ by ARYTM_3:34; defpred P[Element of RAT+] means $1 *' $1 < two; set X = { s : P[s] }; reconsider X as Subset of RAT+ from SubsetD; consider half being Element of RAT+ such that h: 1' = two*'half by ARYTM_3:61; 1_2: one <=' two by Lm21,ARYTM_3:def 12; then one_two: one < two by Lm0,ARYTM_3:75; L: for r,t st r in X & t <=' r holds t in X proof let r,t; assume r in X; then WW: ex s st r = s & s *' s < two; assume Z: t <=' r; then A: t *' t <=' t *' r by ARYTM_3:90; t *' r <=' r *' r by ARYTM_3:90,Z; then t *' t <=' r *' r by A,ARYTM_3:74; then t *' t < two by WW,ARYTM_3:76; hence t in X; end; x: 1' *' 1' = 1' by Lm0,ARYTM_3:59; 2 = succ 1 .= 1 \/ {1} by ORDINAL1:def 1; then 1 c= 2 by XBOOLE_1:7; then y: 1' <=' two by LmU; 1': 1' < two by y,ARYTM_3:75; then Y1: 1 in X by x; O: 0' <=' 1' by ARYTM_3:71; then Y0: 0 in X by Y1,L; u: 1' *' half = half by Lm0,ARYTM_3:59; 1' *' half <=' two*'half by ARYTM_3:90,y; then Y2: half in X by Y1,L,h,u; B: now assume X = [0,0]; then X = {{0,0}, {0}} by TARSKI:def 5 .= {{0}, {0}} by ENUMSET1:69 .= {{0}} by ENUMSET1:69; hence contradiction by Y0,TARSKI:def 1; end; X: 2 *^ 2 = two *' two by ARYTM_3:65; YL: 1*^2 = 2 by Lm0,ORDINAL2:56; 2 = succ 1; then 1 in 2 by ORDINAL1:10; then 2'2: 1 *^ 2 in 2 *^ 2 by ORDINAL3:22; C: now assume X in {{ s: s < t}: t <> 0}; then consider t0 being Element of RAT+ such that W1: X = { s: s < t0} and W1': t0 <> 0; set n = numerator t0, d = denominator t0; X: now assume pc: t0 *' t0 <> two; per cases by pc,ARYTM_3:73; suppose t0 *' t0 < two; then t0 in X; then ex s st s = t0 & s < t0 by W1; hence contradiction; suppose S: two < t0 *' t0; consider es being Element of RAT+ such that W2: two + es = t0 *' t0 or t0 *' t0 + es = two by ARYTM_3:100; b': two + es = t0 *' t0 by S,W2,ARYTM_3:def 12; a: 0' <=' es by ARYTM_3:71; now assume 0' = es; then two + es = two by ARYTM_3:56; hence contradiction by S,W2,ARYTM_3:def 12; end; then 0' < es by a,ARYTM_3:75; then consider s such that W3: 0' < s and W4: s < es by ARYTM_3:101; now per cases; suppose S1: s < one; T: s <> 0 by W3; then s *' s < s *' one by ARYTM_3:88,S1; then P: s *' s < s by ARYTM_3:59; consider t0_2_s_2 being Element of RAT+ such that W2: s *' s + t0_2_s_2 = t0 *' t0 or t0 *' t0 + t0_2_s_2 = s *' s by ARYTM_3:100; es <=' t0 *' t0 by b', ARYTM_3:def 12; then s < t0 *' t0 by W4,ARYTM_3:76; then b: s *' s < t0 *' t0 by P,ARYTM_3:77; s *' s < es by P,W4,ARYTM_3:77; then two + s *' s < two + es by ARYTM_3:83; then k: two < t0_2_s_2 by ARYTM_3:83,b,b',W2, ARYTM_3:def 12; two *' t0 <> 0 by W1',ARYTM_3:86; then consider 2t' being Element of RAT+ such that Wt': (two *' t0) *' 2t' = one by ARYTM_3:61; set x = s *' s *' 2t'; consider t0_x being Element of RAT+ such that Wt0_x: x + t0_x = t0 or t0 + t0_x = x by ARYTM_3:100; x *' (two *' t0) = s *' s *' one by Wt',ARYTM_3:58; then yy: x <=' s *' s or two *' t0 <=' one by ARYTM_3:91; 1t: now assume lz: t0 <=' one; then t0 *' t0 <=' t0 *' one by ARYTM_3:90; then t0 *' t0 <=' t0 by ARYTM_3:59; then t0 *' t0 <=' one by lz,ARYTM_3:74; hence contradiction by S,1_2,ARYTM_3:76; end; then OO: one *' one < one *' t0 by ARYTM_3:88; one *' t0 < two *' t0 by W1',ARYTM_3:88,one_two; then zz: one *' one < two *' t0 by OO,ARYTM_3:77; s < t0 by 1t,S1,ARYTM_3:77; then s *' s < t0 by P,ARYTM_3:77; then R5: x < t0 by zz,ARYTM_3:76,yy,ARYTM_3:59; T': now assume pc: x = 0; per cases by pc,ARYTM_3:86; suppose s *' s = 0; hence contradiction by T,ARYTM_3:86; suppose 2t' = 0; hence contradiction by Wt', ARYTM_3:54; end; l: x *' t0_x + x *' t0 + x *' x = x *' t0_x + x *' x + x *' t0 by ARYTM_3:57 .= x *' t0 + x *' t0 by R5,ARYTM_3:63,Wt0_x, ARYTM_3:def 12 .= x *' t0 *' one + x *' t0 by ARYTM_3:59 .= x *' t0 *' one + x *' t0 *' one by ARYTM_3:59 .= t0 *' x *' two by Lm21,ARYTM_3:63 .= x *' (t0 *' two) by ARYTM_3:58 .= s *' s *' one by Wt',ARYTM_3:58 .= s *' s by ARYTM_3:59; t0_2_s_2 + x *' x + s *' s = (t0_x + x) *' t0 + x *' x by R5,b,ARYTM_3:57,W2, Wt0_x, ARYTM_3:def 12 .= t0_x *' (t0_x + x) + x *' t0 + x *' x by ARYTM_3:63,R5,Wt0_x, ARYTM_3:def 12 .= t0_x *' t0_x + x *' t0_x + x *' t0 + x *' x by ARYTM_3:63 .= t0_x *' t0_x + x *' t0_x + (x *' t0 + x *' x) by ARYTM_3:57 .= t0_x *' t0_x + (x *' t0_x + (x *' t0 + x *' x)) by ARYTM_3:57 .= t0_x *' t0_x + s *' s by l,ARYTM_3:57; then t0_x *' t0_x = t0_2_s_2 + x *' x by ARYTM_3:69; then Q: t0_2_s_2 <=' t0_x *' t0_x by ARYTM_3:def 12; y: t0_x <=' t0 by R5,Wt0_x, ARYTM_3:def 12; t0_x <> t0 by R5,T',ARYTM_3:92,Wt0_x, ARYTM_3:def 12; then t0_x < t0 by y,ARYTM_3:75; then t0_x in X by W1; then ex s st s = t0_x & s *' s < two; hence contradiction by Q,k,ARYTM_3:76; suppose s1: one <=' s; aa: half <> one by h,ARYTM_3:59; half *' two = one *' one by h,Lm0,ARYTM_3:59; then half <=' one by ARYTM_3:91,one_two; then S1: half < one by aa,ARYTM_3:75; T: half <> 0 by h,ARYTM_3:54; then half *' half < half *' one by ARYTM_3:88,S1; then P: half *' half < half by ARYTM_3:59; half < s by S1,s1,ARYTM_3:76; then w4: half < es by W4,ARYTM_3:77; set s = half; consider t0_2_s_2 being Element of RAT+ such that W2: s *' s + t0_2_s_2 = t0 *' t0 or t0 *' t0 + t0_2_s_2 = s *' s by ARYTM_3:100; es <=' t0 *' t0 by b',ARYTM_3:def 12; then s < t0 *' t0 by w4,ARYTM_3:76; then bb: s *' s < t0 *' t0 by P,ARYTM_3:77; s *' s < es by P,w4,ARYTM_3:77; then two + s *' s < two + es by ARYTM_3:83; then k: two < t0_2_s_2 by ARYTM_3:83,bb,W2, ARYTM_3:def 12,b'; two *' t0 <> 0 by W1',ARYTM_3:86; then consider 2t' being Element of RAT+ such that Wt': (two *' t0) *' 2t' = one by ARYTM_3:61; set x = s *' s *' 2t'; consider t0_x being Element of RAT+ such that Wt0_x: x + t0_x = t0 or t0 + t0_x = x by ARYTM_3:100; x *' (two *' t0) = s *' s *' one by Wt',ARYTM_3:58; then yy: x <=' s *' s or two *' t0 <=' one by ARYTM_3:91; one <=' two by Lm21,ARYTM_3:def 12; then one_two: one < two by Lm0,ARYTM_3:75; 1t: now assume lz: t0 <=' one; then t0 *' t0 <=' t0 *' one by ARYTM_3:90; then t0 *' t0 <=' t0 by ARYTM_3:59; then t0 *' t0 <=' one by lz,ARYTM_3:74; hence contradiction by S,1_2,ARYTM_3:76; end; then OO: one *' one < one *' t0 by ARYTM_3:88; one *' t0 < two *' t0 by W1',ARYTM_3:88,one_two; then zz: one *' one < two *' t0 by OO,ARYTM_3:77; s < t0 by 1t,S1,ARYTM_3:77; then s *' s < t0 by P,ARYTM_3:77; then R5: x < t0 by zz,ARYTM_3:76,yy,ARYTM_3:59; T': now assume pc: x = 0; per cases by pc,ARYTM_3:86; suppose s *' s = 0; hence contradiction by T,ARYTM_3:86; suppose 2t' = 0; hence contradiction by Wt', ARYTM_3:54; end; l: x *' t0_x + x *' t0 + x *' x = x *' t0_x + x *' x + x *' t0 by ARYTM_3:57 .= x *' t0 + x *' t0 by R5,ARYTM_3:63,Wt0_x, ARYTM_3:def 12 .= x *' t0 *' one + x *' t0 by ARYTM_3:59 .= x *' t0 *' one + x *' t0 *' one by ARYTM_3:59 .= t0 *' x *' two by Lm21,ARYTM_3:63 .= x *' (t0 *' two) by ARYTM_3:58 .= s *' s *' one by Wt',ARYTM_3:58 .= s *' s by ARYTM_3:59; t0_2_s_2 + x *' x + s *' s = t0 *' t0 + x *' x by bb,W2, ARYTM_3:def 12,ARYTM_3:57 .= t0_x *' (t0_x + x) + x *' t0 + x *' x by R5,ARYTM_3:63,Wt0_x, ARYTM_3:def 12 .= t0_x *' t0_x + x *' t0_x + x *' t0 + x *' x by ARYTM_3:63 .= t0_x *' t0_x + x *' t0_x + (x *' t0 + x *' x) by ARYTM_3:57 .= t0_x *' t0_x + (x *' t0_x + (x *' t0 + x *' x)) by ARYTM_3:57 .= t0_x *' t0_x + s *' s by l,ARYTM_3:57; then t0_x *' t0_x = t0_2_s_2 + x *' x by ARYTM_3:69; then Q: t0_2_s_2 <=' t0_x *' t0_x by ARYTM_3:def 12; y: t0_x <=' t0 by R5,Wt0_x, ARYTM_3:def 12; t0_x <> t0 by R5,T',ARYTM_3:92,Wt0_x, ARYTM_3:def 12; then t0_x < t0 by y,ARYTM_3:75; then t0_x in X by W1; then ex s st s = t0_x & s *' s < two; hence contradiction by Q,k,ARYTM_3:76; end; hence contradiction; end; d <> 0 by ARYTM_3:41; then B: d *^ d <> {} by ORDINAL3:34; n/d = t0 by ARYTM_3:45; then two = (n *^ n)/(d *^ d) by ARYTM_3:55,X; then two/1 = (n *^ n)/(d *^ d) by Lm0,ARYTM_3:46; then C: two*^(d *^ d) = 1*^(n *^ n) by B,ARYTM_3:51 .= n *^ n by Lm0,ORDINAL2:56; then consider k being natural Ordinal such that Wx: n = 2 *^ k by LmK; two*^(d *^ d) = 2 *^ (k *^ (2 *^ k)) by C,Wx,ORDINAL3:58; then d *^ d = k *^ (2 *^ k) by ORDINAL3:36 .= 2 *^ (k *^ k)by ORDINAL3:58; then consider p being natural Ordinal such that Wy: d = 2 *^ p by LmK; n, d are_relative_prime by ARYTM_3:40; hence contradiction by ARYTM_3:def 1,Lm0,Wx,Wy; end; D: not X in {[0,0]} by B,TARSKI:def 1; E: now assume two in X; then ex s st two = s & s *' s < two; hence contradiction by 2'2,X,LmZ,YL; end; X <> RAT+ by E; then F: not X in {RAT+} by TARSKI:def 1; now let r; assume zz: r in X; then consider s such that W3: r = s and W4: s *' s < two; thus for t st t <=' r holds t in X by zz,L; per cases; suppose S: r = 0; take 1'; thus 1' in X by x,1'; thus r < 1' by S,O,ARYTM_3:75; suppose S: r <> 0; consider rr being Element of RAT+ such that w1: r *' r + rr = two or two + rr = r *' r by ARYTM_3:100; r + r + r <> 0 by S,ARYTM_3:70; then consider 3r' being Element of RAT+ such that W7: (r + r + r) *' 3r' = one by ARYTM_3:60; set eps = rr *' 3r'; ale: now assume pc: eps = 0; per cases by pc,ARYTM_3:86; suppose rr = 0'; then r *' r = two by w1,ARYTM_3:56; hence contradiction by W3,W4; suppose 3r' = 0'; hence contradiction by ARYTM_3:54,W7; end; now per cases; suppose that S1: eps < r; take t = r + eps; P: r *' eps + eps *' r + r *' eps = eps *' (r + r) + r *' eps by ARYTM_3:63 .= eps *' (r + r + r) by ARYTM_3:63 .= rr *' one by ARYTM_3:58,W7 .= rr by ARYTM_3:59; eps *' eps < r *' eps by S1,ale,ARYTM_3:88; then Q: r *' eps + eps *' r + eps *' eps < r *' eps + eps *' r + r *' eps by ARYTM_3:83; t *' t = r *' t + eps *' t by ARYTM_3:63 .= r *' r + r *' eps + eps *' t by ARYTM_3:63 .= r *' r + r *' eps + (eps *' r + eps *' eps) by ARYTM_3:63 .= r *' r + (r *' eps + (eps *' r + eps *' eps)) by ARYTM_3:57 .= r *' r + (r *' eps + eps *' r + eps *' eps) by ARYTM_3:57; then t *' t < two by w1,W3,W4,ARYTM_3:def 12,P,Q,ARYTM_3:83; hence t in X; 0' <=' eps by ARYTM_3:71; then 0' < eps by ale,ARYTM_3:75; then r + 0' < r + eps by ARYTM_3:83; hence r < t by ARYTM_3:56; suppose S1: r <=' eps; take t = (1' + half) *' r; eps *' (r + r + r) = rr *' one by W7,ARYTM_3:58 .= rr by ARYTM_3:59; then K: r *' (r + r + r) <=' rr by S1,ARYTM_3:90; r *' (r + r + r) + r *' r = r *' (r + r) + r *' r + r *' r by ARYTM_3:63 .= r *' (r + r) + (r *' r + r *' r) by ARYTM_3:57 .= r *' (two *' r) + (r *' r + r *' r) by Lm22 .= r *' (two *' r) + two *' (r *' r) by Lm22 .= two *' (r *' r) + two *' (r *' r) by ARYTM_3:58 .= two *' (two *' (r *' r)) by Lm22 .= two *' (two *' r *' r) by ARYTM_3:58 .= (two *' r) *' (two *' r) by ARYTM_3:58; then L: two *' r *' (two *' r) <=' two by K,ARYTM_3:83,w1,W3,W4,ARYTM_3:def 12; P: two *' r <> 0 by S,ARYTM_3:86; 1' + half <> 0 by ARYTM_3:70; then Q: t <> 0 by S,ARYTM_3:86; 1' < two *' one by ARYTM_3:59,1'; then half < one by ARYTM_3:90,h; then one + half < two by Lm21,ARYTM_3:83; then M: t < two *' r by ARYTM_3:88,S,Lm0; then N: t *' t < two *' r *' t by ARYTM_3:88,Q; two *' r *' t < two *' r *' (two *' r) by ARYTM_3:88,M,P; then t *' t < two *' r *' (two *' r) by N,ARYTM_3:77; then t *' t < two by L,ARYTM_3:76; hence t in X; T: 0' <> half by h,ARYTM_3:54; 0' <=' half by ARYTM_3:71; then 0' < half by T,ARYTM_3:75; then one + 0' < one + half by ARYTM_3:83; then one < one + half by ARYTM_3:56; then one *' r < t by S,ARYTM_3:88,Lm0; hence r < t by ARYTM_3:59; end; hence ex t st t in X & r < t; end; then X in DD; then X in DEDEKIND_CUTS by F,XBOOLE_0:def 4,ARYTM_2:def 1; then X in RAT+ \/ DEDEKIND_CUTS by XBOOLE_0:def 2; then X in REAL+ by C,ARYTM_2:def 2,XBOOLE_0:def 4; then X in REAL+ \/ [:{0},REAL+:] by XBOOLE_0:def 2; then A: X in REAL by Def1,D,XBOOLE_0:def 4; now assume X in RAT; then pc: X in RAT+ \/ [:{0},RAT+:] by Def3,XBOOLE_0:def 4; per cases by pc, XBOOLE_0:def 2; suppose S: X in RAT+; now per cases by S,XBOOLE_0:def 2,ARYTM_3:def 6; suppose X in {[i,j]: i,j are_relative_prime & j <> {}} \ {[k,one]: not contradiction}; then X in {[i,j]: i,j are_relative_prime & j <> {}} by XBOOLE_0:def 4; then consider i,j such that W5: X = [i,j] and i,j are_relative_prime & j <> {}; X = {{i,j}, {i}} by W5,TARSKI:def 5; hence contradiction by Y0,TARSKI:def 2; suppose X in omega; then S: X is ordinal number by ORDINAL1:23; 2 c= X by TWO,Y0,Y1,ZFMISC_1:38; then V: not X in 2 by ORDINAL1:7; now per cases by V,ORDINAL1:24,S; suppose X = two; then half = 0 or half = 1 by TARSKI:def 2,TWO,Y2; hence contradiction by h,Lm0,ARYTM_3:54,59; suppose two in X; then ex s st s = two & s *' s < two; hence contradiction by 2'2,X,LmZ,YL; end; hence contradiction; end; hence contradiction; suppose X in [:{0},RAT+:]; then consider x,y being set such that W5: X = [x,y] by ZFMISC_1:102; X = {{x,y}, {x}} by W5,TARSKI:def 5; hence contradiction by Y0,TARSKI:def 2; end; hence thesis by Lm5,XBOOLE_0:def 8,A; end; theorem Th3: RAT c< COMPLEX by Th1,Th2,XBOOLE_1:56; Lm4: INT c= RAT proof [:{0},NAT:] c= [:{0},RAT+:] by ZFMISC_1:118,ARYTM_3:34; then NAT \/ [:{0},NAT:] c= RAT+ \/ [:{0},RAT+:] by ARYTM_3:34,XBOOLE_1:13; hence thesis by Def3,Def4,XBOOLE_1:33; end; theorem Th4: INT c< RAT proof xx: 1,2 are_relative_prime proof let c,d1,d2 be Ordinal such that Z1: 1 = c *^ d1 and 2 = c *^ d2; thus c = one by Lm0,Z1,ORDINAL3:41; end; A: [1,2] in RAT+ by ARYTM_3:39,Lm0,xx; C: not [1,2] in NAT by ARYTM_3:38; not 1 in {0} by TARSKI:def 1; then not [1,2] in [:{0},NAT:] by ZFMISC_1:106; then not [1,2] in NAT \/ [:{0},NAT:] by C,XBOOLE_0:def 2; then INT <> RAT by A,Lm2,XBOOLE_0:def 4,Def4; hence thesis by Lm4,XBOOLE_0:def 8; end; theorem Th5: INT c< REAL by Th2,Th4,XBOOLE_1:56; theorem Th6: INT c< COMPLEX by Th1,Th5,XBOOLE_1:56; theorem Th7: NAT c< INT proof 0 in {0} by TARSKI:def 1; then [0,1] in [:{0},NAT:] by ZFMISC_1:106; then B: [0,1] in NAT \/ [:{0},NAT:] by XBOOLE_0:def 2; [0,1] <> [0,0] by ZFMISC_1:33; then not [0,1] in {[0,0]} by TARSKI:def 1; then A: [0,1] in INT by B,Def4,XBOOLE_0:def 4; not [0,1] in NAT by ARYTM_3:38; hence thesis by Lm3', XBOOLE_0:def 8,A; end; theorem Th8: NAT c< RAT by Th7,Th4,XBOOLE_1:56; theorem Th9: NAT c< REAL by Th8,Th2,XBOOLE_1:56; theorem Th10: NAT c< COMPLEX by Th9,Th1,XBOOLE_1:56; begin :: to be canceled theorem REAL c= COMPLEX by Th1,XBOOLE_0:def 8; theorem RAT c= REAL by Th2,XBOOLE_0:def 8; theorem RAT c= COMPLEX by Th3,XBOOLE_0:def 8; theorem INT c= RAT by Th4,XBOOLE_0:def 8; theorem INT c= REAL by Th5,XBOOLE_0:def 8; theorem INT c= COMPLEX by Th6,XBOOLE_0:def 8; theorem NAT c= INT by Th7,XBOOLE_0:def 8; theorem NAT c= RAT by Th8,XBOOLE_0:def 8; theorem NAT c= REAL; theorem NAT c= COMPLEX by Th10,XBOOLE_0:def 8; theorem REAL <> COMPLEX by Th1; theorem RAT <> REAL by Th2; theorem RAT <> COMPLEX by Th3; theorem INT <> RAT by Th4; theorem INT <> REAL by Th5; theorem INT <> COMPLEX by Th6; theorem NAT <> INT by Th7; theorem NAT <> RAT by Th8; theorem NAT <> REAL by Th9; theorem NAT <> COMPLEX by Th10;