:: Diophantine Sets -- Preliminaries :: by Karol P\kak :: :: Received May 27, 2019 :: Copyright (c) 2019-2021 Association of Mizar Users :: (Stowarzyszenie Uzytkownikow Mizara, Bialystok, Poland). :: This code can be distributed under the GNU General Public Licence :: version 3.0 or later, or the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike :: License version 3.0 or later, subject to the binding interpretation :: detailed in file COPYING.interpretation. :: See COPYING.GPL and COPYING.CC-BY-SA for the full text of these :: licenses, or see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html and :: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/. environ vocabularies NUMBERS, SUBSET_1, RELAT_1, ORDINAL4, FINSEQ_1, XBOOLE_0, FUNCT_1, XXREAL_0, TARSKI, NAT_1, INT_1, ARYTM_3, ZFMISC_1, CARD_1, ORDINAL1, ARYTM_1, QC_LANG1, VECTSP_1, POLYNOM1, POLYNOM2, AFINSQ_1, NEWTON, HILB10_2, INT_2, PARTFUN3, REAL_1, XCMPLX_0, VALUED_0, FINSEQ_2, CARD_3, REALSET1, BINOP_2, FINSOP_1, FUNCOP_1, XREAL_0, RFINSEQ, BINOP_1, FUNCT_2; notations TARSKI, XBOOLE_0, SUBSET_1, ORDINAL1, NUMBERS, RELAT_1, FUNCT_1, XCMPLX_0, PARTFUN1, FUNCT_2, BINOP_1, NAT_1, FINSEQ_1, FUNCOP_1, VECTSP_1, XXREAL_0, RECDEF_1, POLYNOM1, XREAL_0, INT_1, POLYNOM2, AFINSQ_1, AFINSQ_2, NEWTON, HILB10_2, VALUED_0, FINSEQ_2, RVSUM_1, VALUED_1, BINOP_2, PARTFUN3, CARD_1, NAT_D, RVSUM_4; constructors NAT_D, RECDEF_1, BINOP_2, RELSET_1, GROUP_4, POLYNOM2, AFINSQ_2, NEWTON, HILB10_2, WSIERP_1, INT_6, SETWISEO, RVSUM_4; registrations XBOOLE_0, RELAT_1, FUNCT_1, ORDINAL1, XREAL_0, NAT_1, CARD_1, VALUED_0, VALUED_1, RELSET_1, INT_1, STRUCT_0, VECTSP_1, MEMBERED, AFINSQ_1, HILB10_2, XXREAL_0, NUMBERS, XCMPLX_0, NEWTON, NEWTON02, NAT_6, FINSEQ_1, FINSEQ_2, RVSUM_1, NEWTON04, MOEBIUS2, EUCLID_9, AFINSQ_2, PARTFUN3, BINOP_2, FUNCT_2, RFUNCT_2, RVSUM_4; requirements NUMERALS, SUBSET, ARITHM, REAL; begin :: Product of zero based finite sequences reserve i,j,n,n1,n2,m,k,l,u for Nat, r,r1,r2 for Real, x,y for Integer, a,b for non trivial Nat, F for XFinSequence, cF,cF1,cF2 for complex-valued XFinSequence, c,c1,c2 for Complex; registration let c1,c2; cluster <%c1,c2%> -> complex-valued; end; definition let cF be XFinSequence; ::: same as XProduct from RVSUM_4 func Product cF -> Element of COMPLEX equals :: HILB10_4:def 1 multcomplex "**" cF; end; theorem :: HILB10_4:1 cF is real-valued implies Product cF = multreal "**" cF; theorem :: HILB10_4:2 cF is INT-valued implies Product cF = multint "**" cF; theorem :: HILB10_4:3 cF is natural-valued implies Product cF = multnat "**" cF; registration let F be real-valued XFinSequence; cluster Product F -> real; end; registration let F be natural-valued XFinSequence; cluster Product F -> natural; end; theorem :: HILB10_4:4 cF = {} implies Product cF = 1; theorem :: HILB10_4:5 Product <%c%> = c; theorem :: HILB10_4:6 Product <%c1,c2%> = c1 * c2; theorem :: HILB10_4:7 Product(cF1^cF2) = Product(cF1) * Product(cF2); theorem :: HILB10_4:8 c+ (cF1^cF2) = (c+cF1) ^ (c+cF2); theorem :: HILB10_4:9 c1 + <%c2%> = <%c1 + c2%>; theorem :: HILB10_4:10 for f1,f2 be XFinSequence,n st n <= len f1 holds (f1^f2)/^n = (f1/^n)^f2; registration let n; cluster n-element natural-valued for XFinSequence; end; registration cluster natural-valued positive-yielding for XFinSequence; end; registration let R be positive-yielding Relation; let X be set; cluster R|X -> positive-yielding; end; registration let X be positive-yielding real-valued XFinSequence; cluster Product X -> positive; end; theorem :: HILB10_4:11 for X being natural-valued positive-yielding XFinSequence st i in dom X holds X.i <= Product X; registration let X be natural-valued XFinSequence,n be positive Nat; cluster n + X -> positive-yielding; end; theorem :: HILB10_4:12 for X1,X2 being natural-valued XFinSequence st len X1=len X2 & for n st n in dom X1 holds X1.n <= X2.n holds Product X1 <= Product X2; begin :: Binomial is Diophantin theorem :: HILB10_4:13 k <= n implies n choose k <= n|^k; theorem :: HILB10_4:14 u > n|^k & n >= k & k > i implies (n choose i)*(u |^i) < (u|^k)/n; theorem :: HILB10_4:15 u > n|^k & n >= k implies [\ ((u+1)|^n) / (u|^k) /] mod u = n choose k; theorem :: HILB10_4:16 for x,y,z being Nat holds x >= z & y = x choose z iff ex u,v,y1,y2,y3 being Nat st y1 = x|^z & y2 = (u+1)|^x & y3 = u|^z & u > y1 & v = [\y2/y3/] & y,v are_congruent_mod u & y < u & x >=z; begin theorem :: HILB10_4:17 k >0 & n > (2*k)|^(k+1) implies k! = [\(n|^k) / (n choose k) /]; theorem :: HILB10_4:18 for x,y being Nat holds y = x! iff ex n,y1,y2,y3 being Nat st y1 = (2*x) |^(x+1) & y2 = n|^x & y3 = n choose x & n > y1 & y = [\y2/y3/]; begin :: Diophanticity of selected products reserve x,y,x1,u,w for Nat; theorem :: HILB10_4:19 for x1,w,u being Nat st x1*w,1 are_congruent_mod u for x being Nat holds Product (1+(x1 * idseq x)), x1|^x * (x!) * ((w+x) choose x) are_congruent_mod u; theorem :: HILB10_4:20 for x,y,x1 being Nat st x1 >= 1 holds y = Product (1+(x1 * idseq x)) iff ex u,w,y1,y2,y3,y4,y5 being Nat st u > y & x1*w, 1 are_congruent_mod u & y1 = x1|^x & y2 = x! & y3 = (w+x) choose x & y1*y2*y3, y are_congruent_mod u & y4 = 1+x1*x & y5 = y4|^x & u > y5; theorem :: HILB10_4:21 c1 + (n|->c2) = n|->(c1+c2); theorem :: HILB10_4:22 for x,y,x1 being Nat st x1 = 0 holds y = Product (1+(x1 * idseq x)) iff y = 1; theorem :: HILB10_4:23 n >= k implies Product ((n+1)+(-idseq k)) = k!*(n choose k); theorem :: HILB10_4:24 for y,x1,x2 being Nat holds y = Product ( (x2+1)+(-idseq x1)) & x2 > x1 iff y = x1!*(x2 choose x1) & x2 > x1; begin :: Selected subsets of zero based finite sequences of NAT :: as Diophantine sets reserve n,m,k for Nat, p,q for n-element XFinSequence of NAT, i1,i2,i3,i4,i5,i6 for Element of n, a,b,d,f for Integer; theorem :: HILB10_4:25 for a,b being Nat,i1,i2,i3 holds {p: p.i1 = (a*p.i2+b) * p.i3} is diophantine Subset of n -xtuples_of NAT; theorem :: HILB10_4:26 for a,i1,i2,i3 holds {p: p.i1 = a*p.i2*p.i3} is diophantine Subset of n -xtuples_of NAT; theorem :: HILB10_4:27 for A being diophantine Subset of n -xtuples_of NAT for k,nk being Nat st k+nk = n holds {p/^nk : p in A} is diophantine Subset of k -xtuples_of NAT; theorem :: HILB10_4:28 for a,b being Integer,c being Nat, i1,i2,i3 holds {p: a*p.i1 = [\ (b*p.i2) / (c*p.i3)/] & (c*p.i3 <> 0) } is diophantine Subset of n -xtuples_of NAT; theorem :: HILB10_4:29 for i1,i2,i3 st n <> 0 holds {p: p.i1 >= p.i3 & p.i2 = p.i1 choose p.i3} is diophantine Subset of n -xtuples_of NAT; theorem :: HILB10_4:30 for i1,i2,i3 holds {p: p.i1 >= p.i3 & p.i2 = p.i1 choose p.i3} is diophantine Subset of n -xtuples_of NAT; theorem :: HILB10_4:31 for i1,i2 st n<>0 holds {p: p.i1 = p.i2!} is diophantine Subset of n -xtuples_of NAT; theorem :: HILB10_4:32 for i1,i2 holds {p: p.i1 = p.i2!} is diophantine Subset of n -xtuples_of NAT; theorem :: HILB10_4:33 for n,i1,i2,i3 holds {p: 1+(p.i1+1)*(p.i2!) = p.i3} is diophantine Subset of n -xtuples_of NAT; theorem :: HILB10_4:34 for i1,i2,i3 st n<>0 holds {p: p.i3 = Product (1+((p.i1) * idseq (p.i2))) & p.i1 >= 1} is diophantine Subset of n -xtuples_of NAT; theorem :: HILB10_4:35 for i1,i2,i3 holds {p: p.i3 = Product (1+((p.i1) * idseq (p.i2))) & p.i1 >= 1} is diophantine Subset of n -xtuples_of NAT; theorem :: HILB10_4:36 for n,i1,i2,i3 holds {p: p.i3 = Product (1+((p.i1)! * idseq (1+p.i2)))} is diophantine Subset of n -xtuples_of NAT; theorem :: HILB10_4:37 for i1,i2,i3 st n<>0 holds {p: p.i3 = Product ( (p.i2+1)+(-idseq (p.i1))) & p.i2 > p.i1} is diophantine Subset of n -xtuples_of NAT; theorem :: HILB10_4:38 for i1,i2,i3 holds {p: p.i3 = Product ( (p.i2+1)+(-idseq (p.i1))) & p.i2 > p.i1} is diophantine Subset of n -xtuples_of NAT; theorem :: HILB10_4:39 for i,n1,n2,n,i1 holds {p: p.i1 = Product (i+((p/^n1) | n2))} is diophantine Subset of n -xtuples_of NAT;